#family_Solanaceae__Solanaceae__potato_family large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous; includes the genera Solanum; Atropa; Brugmansia; Capsicum; Datura; Hyoscyamus; Lycopersicon; Nicotiana; Petunia; Physalis; Solandra supertype: #asterid_dicot_family__asteriddicotfamily family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs member of: #order_Polemoniales member: #genus_Solanum__Solanum type genus of the Solanaceae: nightshade; potato; eggplant; bittersweet member: #nightshade any of numerous shrubs or herbs or vines of the genus Solanum; most are poisonous though many bear edible fruit member: #potato_tree__Solanum_crispum hardy climbing shrub of Chile grown as an ornamental for its fragrant flowers; not a true potato member: #Uruguay_potato_vine__Uruguay_potato__Solanum_commersonii South American potato vine member: #bittersweet_nightshade__bittersweetnightshade__bittersweet__climbing_nightshade__deadly_nightshade__poisonous_nightshade__poisonousnightshade__woody_nightshade__woodynightshade__Solanum_dulcamara poisonous perennial Old World vine having violet flowers and oval coral-red berries; widespread weed in North America member: #wild_potato__Solanum_jamesii erect or spreading perennial of southwestern United States and Mexico bearing small pale brown to cream tubers resembling potatoes member: #Solanum_jasmoides__potato_vine copiously branched vine of Brazil having deciduous leaves and white flowers tinged with blue member: #eggplant_bush__eggplant__aubergine__brinjal__gardenegg__mad_apple__Solanum_melongena hairy upright herb native to southeastern Asia but widely cultivated for its large glossy edible fruit commonly used as a vegetable member: #naranjilla__Solanum_quitoense small perennial shrub cultivated in uplands of South America for its edible bright orange fruits resembling tomatoes or oranges member: #white_potato_vine__potato__white_potato__whitepotato__solanumtuberosum annual native to South America having underground stolons bearing edible starchy tubers; widely cultivated as a garden vegetable; vines are poisonous member: #potato_vine__giant_potato_creeper__Solanum_wendlandii vine of Costa Rica sparsely armed with hooklike spines and having large lilac-blue flowers member: #Brazilian_potato_tree__potato_tree__Solanum_wrightii__Solanum_macranthum South American shrub or small tree widely cultivated in the tropics; not a true potato member: #genus_Atropa__Atropa belladonna member: #Atropa_belladonna__belladonna__deadly_nightshade perennial Eurasian herb with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries; extensively grown in United States; roots and leaves yield atropine member: #genus_Browallia small genus of tropical South American annuals member: #bush_violet__browallia any of several herbs of the genus Browallia cultivated for their blue or violet or white flowers member: #genus_Brunfelsia__Brunfelsia genus of tropical American shrubs grown for their flowers followed by fleshy berrylike fruits member: #lady-of-the-night__Brunfelsia_americana West Indian shrub with fragrant showy yellowish-white flowers member: #genus_Brugmansia__Brugmansia includes some plants often placed in the genus Datura: angel's trumpets member: #maikoa__angel's_trumpet__angel'strumpet__Brugmansia_arborea__Datura_arborea South American plant cultivated for its large fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers member: #angel's_trumpet__angel'strumpet__Brugmansia_suaveolens__Datura_suaveolens South American plant cultivated for its very large nocturnally fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers member: #genus_Capsicum chiefly tropical perennial shrubby plants having many-seeded fruits: sweet and hot peppers member: #capsicum_pepper_plant__capsicum__pepper any of various tropical plants of the genus Capsicum bearing peppers member: #cone_pepper__Capsicum_annuum_conoides plant bearing erect pungent conical red or yellow or purple fruits; sometimes grown as an ornamental member: #chili_pepper__chilipepper__cayenne__cayenne_pepper__cayennepepper__chilli_pepper__long_pepper__jalapeno__Capsicum_annuum_longum plant bearing very hot and finely tapering long peppers; usually red member: #sweet_pepper_plant__sweet_pepper__sweetpepper__bell_pepper__pimento__pimiento__paprika__Capsicum_annuum_grossum plant bearing large mild thick-walled usually bell-shaped fruits; the principal salad peppers member: #cherry_pepper__Capsicum_annuum_cerasiforme plant bearing small rounded usually pungent fruits member: #bird_pepper__Capsicum_frutescens_baccatum__Capsicum_baccatum plant bearing very small and very hot oblong red fruits; includes wild forms native to tropical America; thought to be ancestral to the sweet pepper and many hot peppers member: #tabasco_pepper__tabascopepper__hot_pepper__hotpepper__tabasco_plant__tabascoplant__Capsicum_frutescens plant bearing very hot medium-sized oblong red peppers; grown principally in the Gulf Coast states for production of hot sauce member: #genus_Cestrum__Cestrum genus of fragrant tropical American shrubs member: #day_jessamine__dayjessamine__Cestrum_diurnum West Indian evergreen shrub having clusters of funnel-shaped white flowers that are fragrant by day member: #night_jasmine__nightjasmine__night_jessamine__nightjessamine__Cestrum_nocturnum West Indian evergreen shrub having clusters of funnel-shaped yellow-white flowers that are fragrant by night member: #genus_Cyphomandra__Cyphomandra tree tomato member: #tree_tomato__tamarillo South American arborescent shrub having pale pink blossoms followed by egg-shaped reddish-brown edible fruit somewhat resembling a tomato in flavor member: #genus_Datura__Datura thorn apple member: #thorn_apple__thornapple any of several plants of the genus Datura member: #genus_Fabiana__Fabiana genus of South and Central American heathlike evergreen shrubs member: #pichi__Fabiana_imbricata Peruvian shrub with small pink to lavender tubular flowers; leaves yield a tonic and diuretic member: #genus_Hyoscyamus__Hyoscyamus genus of poisonous herbs: henbane member: #black_henbane__blackhenbane__henbane__stinking_nightshade__Hyoscyamus_niger poisonous fetid Old World herb having sticky hairy leaves and yellow-brown flowers; yields hyoscyamine and scopolamine member: #Egyptian_henbane__Hyoscyamus_muticus poisonous herb whose leaves are a source of hyoscyamine member: #genus_Lycium__Lycium deciduous and evergreen shrubs often spiny; cosmopolitan in temperate and subtropical regions member: #matrimony_vine__matrimonyvine__boxthorn any of various shrubs or vines of the genus Lycium with showy flowers and bright berries member: #Christmasberry__Christmas_berry__Lycium_carolinianum spiny evergreen shrub of southeastern United States having spreading branches usually blue or mauve flowers and red berries member: #genus_Lycopersicon__Lycopersicon__Lycopersicum__genus_Lycopersicum tomatoes member: #Lycopersicon_esculentum_cerasiforme__cherry_tomato plant bearing small red to yellow fruit member: #genus_Mandragora__Mandragora a genus of stemless herbs of the family Solanaceae member: #mandrake__devil's_apples__Mandragora_officinarum a plant of southern Europe and North Africa having purple flowers, yellow fruits and a forked root formerly thought to have magical powers member: #genus_Nicandra__Nicandra sturdy annual of Peru member: #apple_of_Peru__shoo_fly__Nicandra_physaloides coarse South American herb grown for its blue-and-white flowers followed by a bladderlike fruit enclosing a dry berry member: #genus_Nicotiana__Nicotiana American and Asiatic aromatic herbs and shrubs with viscid foliage member: #tobacco aromatic annual or perennial herbs and shrubs member: #genus_Nierembergia genus of tropical American erect or creeping herbs with solitary flowers member: #cupflower__nierembergia any of various plants of the genus Nierembergia having upturned bell-shaped flowers member: #whitecup__Nierembergia_repens__Nierembergia_rivularis prostrate woody South American herb with white tubular flowers often tinged with blue or rose member: #tall_cupflower__Nierembergia_frutescens shrubby Chilean herb having bluish-white tubular flowers used as an ornamental member: #genus_Petunia annual or perennial herbs or shrubs of tropical South America member: #petunia any of numerous tropical herbs having fluted funnel-shaped flowers member: #genus_Physalis__Physalis ground cherries member: #ground_cherry__husk_tomato any of numerous cosmopolitan annual or perennial herbs of the genus Physalis bearing edible fleshy berries enclosed in a bladderlike husk; some cultivated for their flowers member: #cape_gooseberry__purple_ground_cherry__Physalis_peruviana annual of tropical South America having edible purple fruits member: #genus_Salpichroa__Salpichroa herbs of temperate North and South America: cock's eggs member: #cock's_eggs__Salpichroa_organifolia__Salpichroa_rhomboidea weedy vine of Argentina having solitary white flowers followed by egg-shaped white or yellow fruit member: #genus_Salpiglossis small genus of herbs of the southern Andes having large showy flowers member: #salpiglossis any plant of the genus Salpiglossis member: #genus_Schizanthus Chilean herbs with orchidlike flowers member: #butterfly_flower__butterflyflower__poor_man's_orchid__schizanthus__schizanthu any plant of the genus Schizanthus having finely divided leaves and showy variegated flowers member: #genus_Scopolia__Scopolia genus of European perennial herbs yielding medicinal alkaloids member: #Scopolia_carniolica herb that is a source of scopolamine member: #genus_Solandra__Solandra shrubby climbers of tropical America member: #chalice_vine__chalicevine__trumpet_flower__trumpetflower__cupflower__Solandra_guttata Mexican evergreen climbing plant having large solitary funnel-shaped fragrant yellow flowers with purple-brown ridges in the throat member: #genus_Streptosolen__Streptosolen 1 species: marmalade bush member: #marmalade_bush__marmaladebush__firebush__Streptosolen_jamesonii evergreen South American shrub having showy trumpet-shaped orange flowers; grown as an ornamental or houseplant
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