#family_Araceae__Araceae__arum_family anthurium; calla lily; jack-in-the-pulpit; philodendron supertype: #monocot_family__monocotfamily__liliopsid_family__liliopsidfamily family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed member: #aroid #genus_Arum #genus_Acorus #subfamily_Acoraceae #genus_Aglaonema #genus_Alocasia #genus_Amorphophallus #genus_Anthurium #genus_Arisaema #genus_Arisarum #genus_Caladium #genus_Calla #genus_Colocasia #genus_Cryptocoryne #genus_Dieffenbachia #genus_Dracontium #Dracunculus #genus_Epipremnum #genus_Lysichiton #genus_Monstera #genus_Nephthytis #genus_Orontium #genus_Peltandra #genus_Philodendron #genus_Pistia #genus_Scindapsus #genus_Spathiphyllum #genus_Symplocarpus #genus_Syngonium #genus_Xanthosoma #genus_Zantedeschia member of: #order_Arales__Arales Araceae; Lemnaceae member of: #subclass_Arecidae__Arecidae one of four subclasses or superorder of Monocotyledones; comprises about 6400 species in 5 families of trees and shrubs and terrestrial herbs and a few free-floating aquatics including: Palmae; Araceae; Pandanaceae: and Lemnaceae member of: #class_Monocotyledones__Monocotyledones__Monocotyledonae__class_Monocotyledonae__Liliopsida__class_Liliopsida comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves: includes grasses and lilies and palms and orchids; divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidae member of: #class_Angiospermae__Angiospermae__Magnoliophyta__division_Magnoliophyta__Anthophyta__division_Anthophyta comprising flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Angiospermae) and in others a division (Magnoliophyta or Anthophyta) member of: #division_Spermatophyta__Spermatophyta seed plants; comprises the Angiospermae (or Magnoliophyta) and Gymnospermae (or Gymnospermophyta); in some classification systems Spermatophyta is coordinate with Pteridophyta (spore producing plants having vascular tissue and roots) and Bryophyta (spore producing plants lacking vascular tissue and roots) member of: #kingdom_Plantae__Plantae__plant_kingdom__plantkingdom taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
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