#experience.happening an event as apprehended; "a surprising experience"; "that painful experience certainly got our attention" supertype: happening__occurrence__natural_event__naturalevent an event that happens part: high_point subtype: appalling an experience that appalls; "is it better to view the appalling or merely hear of it?" subtype: augury__sign an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come; "he hoped it was an augury"; "it was a sign from God" subtype: war_cloud__warcloud an ominous sign that war threatens subtype: omen__portent__presage__prognostic a sign of something about to happen; "he looked for an omen before going into battle" subtype: auspice a favorable omen subtype: foreboding an unfavorable omen subtype: death_knell__deathknell an omen of death or destruction subtype: flash.experience__flashing a short vivid experience; "a flash of emotion swept over him"; "the flashings of pain were a warning" subtype: loss.experience the experience of losing a loved one; "he sympathized on the loss of their grandfather" subtype: ordeal a severe or trying experience subtype: taste a brief experience of something; "he got a taste of life on the wild side"; "she enjoyed her brief taste of independence" subtype: time.experience a person's experience on a particular occasion; "he had a time holding back the tears" or "they had a good time together" subtype: vision.experience a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance; "he had a vision of the Virgin Mary"
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