#eucalyptus_tree__eucalyptus__eucalypt a tree of the genus Eucalyptus supertype: #gum_tree__gumtree any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum substance: #eucalyptus member of: #genus_Eucalyptus subtype: #flooded_gum any of several Australian gum trees growing on moist or alluvial soil subtype: #rose_gum__Eucalypt_grandis very tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales subtype: #cider_gum__cidergum__Eucalypt_gunnii small to medium-sized tree of Tasmania subtype: #forest_red_gum__Eucalypt_tereticornis tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales and Victoria subtype: #mallee any of several low-growing Australian eucalypts subtype: #white_mallee__whitemallee__congoo_mallee__Eucalyptus_dumosa small shrubby mallee subtype: #black_mallee__blackmallee__black_sally__blacksally__black_gum__blackgum__Eucalytus_stellulata small mallee with rough dark-colored bark toward the butt yielding a red eucalyptus kino subtype: #stringybark any of several Australian eucalypts having fibrous inner bark subtype: #white_stringybark__whitestringybark__thin-leaved_stringybark__Eucalyptusd_eugenioides stringybark having white wood subtype: #smoothbark any of several Australian eucalypts having the bark smooth except at or near the base of the trunk subtype: #red_gum__redgum__peppermint__peppermint_gum__Eucalyptus_amygdalina red gum tree of Tasmania subtype: #marri__red_gum__redgum__Eucalyptus_calophylla very large red gum tree subtype: #river_red_gum__riverredgum__river_gum__rivergum__Eucalyptus_camaldulensis__Eucalyptus_rostrata somewhat crooked red gum tree growing chiefly along rivers; has durable reddish lumber used in heavy construction subtype: #mountain_swamp_gum__Eucalyptus_camphora medium-sized swamp gum of New South Wales and Victoria subtype: #snow_gum__ghost_gum__ghostgum__white_ash__whiteash__Eucalyptus_coriacea__Eucalyptus_pauciflora small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips subtype: #alpine_ash__mountain_oak__Eucalyptus_delegatensis tall timber tree with hard heavy pinkish or light brown wood subtype: #white_mountain_ash__Eucalyptus_fraxinoides large tree with dark compact bark on lower trunk but smooth and white above; yields lumber similar to that of European or American ashes subtype: #blue_gum__fever_tree__fevertree__eucalyptusglobulu tall fast-growing timber tree with leaves containing a medicinal oil; young leaves are bluish subtype: #swamp_gum__swampgum__Eucalypt_ovata medium-sized tree of southern Australia subtype: #spotted_gum__spottedgum__Eucalyptus_maculata large gum tree with mottled bark subtype: #lemon-scented_gum__lemonscentedgum__Eucalyptus_citriodora__Eucalyptus_maculata_citriodora similar to but smaller than the spotted gum and having lemon-scented leaves subtype: #Eucalyptus_regnans__mountain_ash tree having wood similar to the alpine ash; tallest tree in Australia and tallest hardwood in the world subtype: #manna_gum__mannagum__Eucalyptus_viminalis tall tree yielding a false manna
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