#dogfish any of several small sharks supertype: #shark any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales subtype: #smooth_dogfish small bottom-dwelling shark found along both Atlantic coasts subtype: #smoothhound_shark__smoothhoundshark__smoothhound__Mustelus_mustelus smooth dogfish of European coastal waters subtype: #American_smooth_dogfish__Mustelus_canis found along the Atlantic coast of the Americas subtype: #Florida_smoothhound__Mustelus_norrisi found from the northern Gulf of Mexico to Brazil subtype: #reef_whitetip_shark__whitetip_shark__Triaenodon_obseus smooth dogfish of Pacific and Indian oceans and Red Sea having white-tipped dorsal and caudal fins subtype: #spiny_dogfish__spinydogfish small bottom-dwelling dogfishes subtype: #Atlantic_spiny_dogfish__Squalus_acanthias destructive dogfish of American and European Atlantic coastal waters; widely used in anatomy classes subtype: #Pacific_spiny_dogfish__Squalus_suckleyi dogfish of Pacific coast of North America
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