#disintegration__dissolution separation into component parts supertype: natural_process__naturalproces__natural_action__naturalaction__action__activity a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity" subtype: fibrinolysis a normal ongoing process that dissolves fibrin and results in the removal of small blood clots; "drugs causing fibrinolysis have been utilized therapeutically" subtype: lysis__lysi (biochemistry) dissolution or destruction of cells such as blood cells or bacteria subtype: autolysis__autolysi lysis (self-digestion) of tissues when they are detached from the organism subtype: bacteriolysis__bacteriolysi dissolution or destruction of bacteria subtype: cytolysis__cytolysi pathological breakdown of cells by the destruction of their outer membrane subtype: electrolysis.lysis__electrolysi lysis of a bond produced by the passage of an electric current subtype: hemolysis__hemolysi__haemolysis__hematolysis__hematolysi__haematolysis lysis of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin subtype: karyolysis disintegration and dissolution of a cell nucleus when a cell dies subtype: necrolysis disintegration and dissolution of dead tissue subtype: osteolysis lysis of bone caused by disease or infection or inadequate blood supply subtype: radiolysis molecular disintegration resulting from radiation subtype: thrombolysis the process of breaking up and dissolving blood clots
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