#disguise.attire any attire that modifies the appearance in order to conceal the wearer's identity supertype: attire__garb__dress__dres clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion subtype: fancy_dress__masquerade__masquerade_costume a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party subtype: hairpiece__false_hair__falsehair__postiche a covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used for disguise or adornment subtype: afro-wig a wig that gives the appearance of an afro hairdo subtype: switch.hairpiece hairpiece consisting of a tress of false hair; used by women to give shape to a coiffure subtype: toupee__toupe a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness subtype: wig hairpiece covering the head and made of human or synthetic hair subtype: grizzle a grey wig subtype: periwig__peruke wig for men fashionable in 17th-18th centuries subtype: mask.covering a covering to disguise or conceal the face subtype: half_mask__domino__eye_mask__eyemask a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes subtype: false_face__falseface a mask worn as part of a masquerade costume
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