#customer__client someone who pays for goods or services supertype: #consumer a person who uses goods or services member of: #business_relation subtype: #buyer__purchaser__emptor__vendee a person who buys subtype: #customer_agent a foreign purchaser who buys goods outright for resale subtype: #home_buyer someone buying a house subtype: #orderer someone who places an order to buy subtype: #guest a customer of a hotel or restaurant etc. subtype: #no-show a guest who fails to notify a hotel or restaurant when canceling a reservation subtype: #overnighter a guest who stays overnight subtype: #frequenter__patron a regular customer subtype: #operagoer a patron of the opera subtype: #habitue__regular a regular patron: "an habitue of the racetrack" subtype: #policyholder an insured person; the client in whose name an insurance policy is written subtype: #shopper someone who visits stores in search of articles to buy subtype: #bargain_hunter__bargainhunter a shopper who hunts for bargains subtype: #spender__disburser__expender someone who spends money to purchase goods or services subtype: #subscriber.customer__reader someone who contracts to receive and pay for a certain number of issues of a publication subtype: #taker.customer one who accepts an offer subtype: #warrantee one to whom a warrant or guarantee is given subtype: #john__whoremaster__whoremonger a prostitute's customer
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