#convex_shape__convexity a shape that curves or bulges outward supertype: #solid.shape a three-dimensional shape subtype: #umbo a slight rounded elevation where the malleus attaches to the eardrum subtype: #camber.convex_shape a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road) subtype: #node.convex_shape__knob__thickening any thickened enlargement subtype: #ridge.convex_shape any long raised strip subtype: #raphe__rhaphe a ridge that forms a seam between two parts subtype: #palatine_raphe the seam at the middle of the hard palate subtype: #corrugation a ridge on a corrugated surface subtype: #point.convex_shape__tip a V shape; "the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points" subtype: #widow's_peak__widow'speak a V-shaped point in the hairline in the middle of the forehead subtype: #cusp.point small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth subtype: #head.point the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates) subtype: #taper.convex_shape a convex shape that narrows toward a point subtype: #projection.convex_shape any solid convex shape that juts out from something subtype: #salient (military) the part of the line of battle that projects closest to the enemy subtype: #jag.projection a sharp projection on an edge or surface; "he clutched a jag of the rock" subtype: #bulge__bump__hump__gibbosity__gibbousness__gibbousnes__prominence__protuberance__protrusion__extrusion__excrescence something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from a form subtype: #frontal_eminence__frontaleminence either prominence of the frontal bone above each orbit subtype: #occipital_protuberance__occipitalprotuberance prominence on the outer surface of the occipital bone subtype: #caput a headlike protuberance on an organ or structure; "the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula" subtype: #nub a small lump or protuberance subtype: #wart any small rounded protuberance (as on certain plants or animals) subtype: #spur.projection__spine any pointed projection subtype: #tail_end__tail any projection that resembles the tail of an animal subtype: #tongue.projection__knife any long thin projection that is transient; "tongues of flame licked at the walls"; "rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark"
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