#confiture preserved or candied fruit supertype: confectionery__sweet__confection a food rich in sugar subtype: candied_fruit__candiedfruit__crystallized_fruit fruit cooked in sugar syrup and encrusted with a sugar crystals subtype: crystallized_ginger strips of ginger root cooked in sugar syrup and coated with sugar subtype: candied_citrus_peel strips of citrus peel cooked in a sugar syrup subtype: grapefruit_peel strips of grapefruit peel cooked in sugar syrup and coated with sugar subtype: conserve__preserve__conserves__conserve__preserves__preserve fruit preserved by cooking with sugar subtype: apple_butter__applebutter thick dark spicy puree of apples subtype: chowchow a Chinese preserve of mixed fruits and ginger subtype: jam preserve of crushed fruit subtype: strawberry_jam__strawberry_preserves made with strawberries subtype: jelly a preserve made of the jelled juice of fruit subtype: apple_jelly__applejelly jelly made from apple juice subtype: crabapple_jelly__crabapplejelly a tart apple jelly made from crab apples subtype: grape_jelly__grapejelly jelly made from grape juice subtype: marmalade a preserve made of the pulp and rind of citrus fruits subtype: orange_marmalade marmalade made from oranges
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