#class_Anthozoa__Anthozoa__Actinozoa__class_Actinozoa no alternation of generations the medusoid phase being entirely suppressed: sea anemones; corals supertype: #class__clas (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders member of: #phylum_Cnidaria member: #anthozoan__actinozoan sessile marine coelenterates including solitary and colonial polyps; the medusoid phase is entirely suppressed member: #order_Actiniaria__Actiniaria__Actinaria__order_Actinaria sea anemones member: #sea_anemone__seaanemone marine polyps that resemble flowers but have oral rings of tentacles; differ from corals in forming no hard skeleton member: #actinia__actinian__actiniarian any sea anemone or related animal member: #genus_Actinia__Actinia a genus of sea anemone common in rock pools member: #order_Alcyonaria__Alcyonaria corals and sea anemones having eight branches member: #suborder_Alcyonacea__Alcyonacea comprising the soft corals member: #family_Pennatulidae__Pennatulidae sea pens member: #genus_Pennatula__Pennatula type genus of the family Pennatulidae: sea pens member: #sea_pen__seapen fleshy featherlike warm-water colonies member: #suborder_Gorgonacea__Gorgonacea__Gorgoniacea__suborder_Gorgoniacea red corals and sea fans member: #gorgonian_coral__gorgoniancoral__gorgonian corals having a horny of calcareous branching skeleton member: #order_Madreporaria__Madreporaria stony corals member: #stony_coral__stonycoral__madrepore__madriporian_coral__madriporiancoral corals having calcareous skeletons aggregations of which form reefs and islands member: #genus_Maeandra__Maeandra brain corals member: #brain_coral__braincoral massive reef-building coral having a convoluted and furrowed surface member: #genus_Acropora__Acropora coelenterate genus of order Madreporaria, including staghorn corals member: #staghorn_coral__stag's-horn_coral large branching coral resembling antlers member: #genus_Fungia__Fungia mushroom corals
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