#civet__civet_cat__civetcat catlike mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes supertype: viverrine_mammal__viverrinemammal__viverrine small catlike predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World member of: family_Viverridae subtype: large_civet__largecivet__Viverra_zibetha common civet of India and southeast Asia subtype: small_civet__smallcivet__Viverricula_indica__Viverricula_malaccensis common small civet of southeast Asia subtype: binturong__bearcat__Arctictis_bintourong arboreal civet of Asia having a long prehensile tail and shaggy black hair subtype: genus_Cryptoprocta__Cryptoprocta large primitive catlike carnivores inhabiting forests of Madagascar subtype: fanaloka__Fossa_fossa civet of Madagascar subtype: banded_palm_civet__Hemigalus_hardwickii E Indian civet subtype: palm_cat__palm_civet spotted or striped arboreal civet of southeast Asia and East Indies
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