#citrus_tree__citrus any of numerous tropical usually thorny evergreen trees of the genus Citrus having leathery evergreen leaves and widely cultivated for their juicy edible fruits having leathery aromatic rinds supertype: #fruit_tree__fruittree tree bearing edible fruit part: #citrus_fruit member of: #genus_Citrus subtype: #orange_tree__orange any citrus tree bearing oranges subtype: #bitter_orange_tree__sour_orange__Seville_orange__bitter_orange__bigarade__marmalade_orange__marmaladeorange__Citrus_aurantium any of various common orange trees yielding sour or bitter fruit; used as grafting stock subtype: #bergamot_orange__bergamot__Citrus_bergamia small tree with pear-shaped fruit whose oil is used in perfumery; Italy subtype: #sweet_orange_tree__sweet_orange__sweetorange__Citrus_sinensis probably native to southern China; widely cultivated as source of table and juice oranges subtype: #temple_orange_tree__temple_orange__tangor__king_orange__Citrus_nobilis large citrus tree having large sweet deep orange fruit that is easily peeled; widely cultivated in Florida subtype: #pomelo_tree__pomelo__pummelo__Citrus_maxima__Citrus_grandis__Citrus_decumana southeastern Asian tree producing large fruits resembling grapefruits subtype: #citron_tree__citron__Citrus_medica thorny evergreen small tree or shrub of India widely cultivated for its large lemonlike fruits that have thick warty rind subtype: #Citrus_paradisi__grapefruit citrus tree bearing large round edible fruit having a thick yellow rind and juicy somewhat acid pulp subtype: #mandarin_orange_tree__mandarin__mandarin_orange__Citrus_reticulata shrub or small tree having flattened globose fruit with very sweet aromatic pulp and thin yellow-orange to flame-orange rind that is loose and easily removed; native to southeastern Asia subtype: #tangerine_tree__tangerinetree__tangerine a variety of mandarin orange subtype: #clementine_tree__clementine a variety of mandarin orange subtype: #satsuma_tree__satsumatree__satsuma a variety of mandarin orange subtype: #Citrus_tangelo__tangelo__tangelotree__ugli_fruit hybrid between grapefruit and mandarin orange; cultivated especially in Florida subtype: #rangpur_lime__rangpurlime__rangpur__lemanderin__Citrus_limonia hybrid between mandarin orange and lemon having very acid fruit with orange peel subtype: #lemon_tree__lemontree__lemon__Citrus_limon a small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit subtype: #sweet_lemon__sweet_lime__sweetlime__Citrus_limetta lemon tree having fruit with a somewhat insipid sweetish pulp subtype: #lime_tree__lime__Citrus_aurantifolia any of various related trees bearing limes subtype: #citrange_tree__citrange__Citroncirus_webberi more aromatic and acidic than oranges subtype: #kumquat_tree__kumquattree__kumquat__cumquat any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella bearing small orange-colored edible fruits with thick sweet-flavored skin and sour pulp subtype: #marumi_kumquat__marumi__round_kumquat__roundkumquat__Fortunella_japonica shrub bearing round-fruited kumquats subtype: #nagami_kumquat__nagami__oval_kumquat__Fortunella_margarita shrub bearing oval-fruited kumquats
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