#chemical_element__element any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter supertype: #substance__matter that which has mass and occupies space; "an atom is the smallest indivisible unit of matter" subtype: #actinoid #allotrope #transuranic_element #noble_gas #rare_earth #metallic_element #nonmetal #transactinide #actinium #arsenic #astatine #boron #bromine #carbon #chlorine #fluorine #germanium #helium #hydrogen #iodine #krypton #lawrencium #mendelevium #neon #nitrogen #nobelium #oxygen #phosphorus #plutonium #radon #rutherfordium #selenium #silicon #sulfur #tellurium #unnilhexium #unnilquintium #unnilseptium #xenon #halogen #trace_element part: #atom (physics and chemistry) the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element part: #elementary_particle__fundamental_particle__fundamentalparticle__subatomicparticle a particle that is less complex than an atom; regarded as constituents of all matter part: #nucleus__nucleu the positively charged dense center of an atom part: #nucleon a constituent (proton or neutron) of an atomic nucleus
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