#calendar_year__calendaryear__civil_year__civilyear the year (reckoned from January 1 to December 31) according to Gregorian calendar supertype: #twelvemonth__yr a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days; "she is 4 years old" subtype: #date the particular "day/month/year" (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred; "he tried to memorizes all the dates for his history class" subtype: #BC__B.C.__before_Christ date used in reckoning dates before the supposed year Christ was born; "in 200 BC" subtype: #AD__A.D.__anno_Domini in the year of Our Lord; date used in reckoning dates after the supposed year Christ was born, "in AD 200" subtype: #date_of_reference__epoch (astronomy) the precise date that is the point of reference for which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is referred
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