#bridge__span a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc. supertype: #physical_structure__structure__construction a thing constructed; a complex construction or entity; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons" part: #arch #pier #trestle part of: #transportation_system subtype: #Bailey_bridge a temporary bridge designed for rapid construction subtype: #cantilever_bridge bridge constructed of two cantilevers that meet in the middle subtype: #Baton_Rouge_Bridge a cantilever bridge across the Mississippi at Baton Rouge subtype: #Commodore_John_Barry_Bridge a cantilever bridge in Chester, Pennsylvania subtype: #Greater_New_Orleans_Bridge twin cantilever bridges across the Mississippi at New Orleans subtype: #Minato_Ohashi_Bridge cantilever bridge at Osaka, Japan subtype: #Quebec_Bridge a cantilever bridge in Quebec subtype: #Queensboro_Bridge a cantilever bridge across the East River between Manhattan and Queens subtype: #Tappan_Zee_Bridge a cantilever bridge across the Hudson River subtype: #cattle_guard__cattle_grid a bridge over a ditch consisting of parallel metal bars that allow pedestrians and vehicles to pass, but not cattle subtype: #covered_bridge__coveredbridge a bridge whose passageway is protected by a roof and enclosing sides subtype: #drawbridge__lift_bridge a bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it subtype: #footbridge__overcrossing__pedestrian_bridge a bridge designed for pedestrians subtype: #gangplank__gangboard__gangway a temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside subtype: #jetbridge an extendible bridge for loading passengers onto large commerical airplanes; provides protected access to the plane from the gate subtype: #overpass__flyover__flypast bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels; "an overpass is called a flyover or a flypast in England" subtype: #pontoon_bridge__pontoonbridge__bateau_bridge__floating_bridge a temporary bridge built over a series of pontoons subtype: #rope_bridge a bridge consisting of ropes subtype: #steel_arch_bridge a steel bridge constructed in the form of an arch subtype: #Bayonne_Bridge a steel arch bridge connecting New Jersey and Staten Island at Bayonne, New Jersey subtype: #New_River_Gorge_Bridge a steel arch bridge across New River at Fayetteville, West Virginia instance: #Sydney_Harbor_Bridge subtype: #suspension_bridge a bridge that has a roadway supported by cables that are anchored at both ends subtype: #Angostura_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Orinoco River at Cuidad Bolivar subtype: #Benjamin_Franklin_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Delaware River subtype: #Bosporus_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Bosporus at Istanbul subtype: #Bronx-Whitestone_Bridge a suspension bridge across the East River in New York City subtype: #Brooklyn_Bridge a suspension bridge across the East River in New York City; opened in 1883 subtype: #Delaware_Memorial_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Delaware River subtype: #George_Washington_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey subtype: #Golden_Gate_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Golden Gate subtype: #Humber_Bridge a suspension bridge at Hull England; 4,626 feet long subtype: #Kammon_Strait_Bridge a suspension bridge between Kyushu and Honshu subtype: #Mackinac_Bridge a suspension bridge across the channel between the lower and upper peninsulas of Michigan subtype: #Pierre_Laporte_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at Quebec subtype: #Ponte_25'_de_Abril a suspension bridge across the Tagus River at Lisbon subtype: #Tacoma_Narrows_Bridge a suspension bridge across Puget Sound at Tacoma subtype: #Verrazano-Narrows_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Verrazano Narrows between Brooklyn and Staten Island subtype: #Walt_Whitman_Bridge a suspension bridge across the Delaware River subtype: #trestle_bridge__trestlebridge a bridge supported by trestlework subtype: #truss_bridge__trussbridge a bridge supported by trusses subtype: #viaduct bridge consisting of a series of arches supported by piers used to carry a road (or railroad) over a valley
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