#bar.artifact a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction of weapon; "there were bars in the windows to prevent escape" supertype: implement instrumentation (a piece of equipment or tool) used to effect an end subtype: belaying_pin a wood or metal bar to which a rope can be secured (as on a ship or in mountain climbing) subtype: deadbolt__bolt the part of a lock that is engaged or withdrawn with a key subtype: safety_bolt__safety_lock a bolt that cannot be moved from outside the door or gate subtype: bolt.bar a sliding bar in a breech-loading firearm that ejects an empty cartridge and replaces it and closes the breech subtype: carpenter's_level__carpenter'slevel a straight bar of light metal with a spirit level in it subtype: plumb_level__plumblevel a carpenter's level with a plumb line at right angles to it subtype: chinning_bar a horizontal bar on which you can chin yourself subtype: core.bar a bar of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil subtype: crossbar.bar a horizontal bar that goes across something subtype: whiffletree__whippletree__swingletree a crossbar that is attached to the traces of a draft horse and to the vehicle or implement that the horse is pulling subtype: drawbar a strong metal bar bearing a hook to attach something to be pulled subtype: fret a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument; when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch subtype: grab_bar a bar attached parallel to a wall to provide a handgrip for steadying yourself subtype: handlebar the shaped bar used to steer a bicycle subtype: handspike a metal bar (or length of pipe) used as a lever subtype: heaver a bar used as a lever (as in twisting rope) subtype: lever a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum subtype: compound_lever a pair of levers hinged at the fulcrum subtype: nutcrackers__nutcracker a compound lever used to crack nuts open subtype: pair_of_pliers__pliers__plyers a gripping hand tool with two hinged arms and (usually) serrated jaws subtype: locking_pliers pliers that can be locked in place subtype: needlenose_pliers small pliers with long thin jaws for fine work subtype: pump-type_pliers a type of pliers subtype: rib_joint_pliers a type of pliers subtype: slip-joint_pliers pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws subtype: pair_of_scissors__scissors and edge tool having two crossed pivoting blades subtype: clipper__clippers scissors for cutting hair or finger nails subtype: shears large scissors with strong blades subtype: clippers__clipper shears for cutting grass or shrubbery subtype: pruning_shears shears with strong blades used for light pruning of woody plants subtype: secateurs__secateur (British) small pruning shears with a spring that holds the handles open and a single blade that closes against a flat surface subtype: snips__tinsnips hand shears for cutting sheet metal subtype: thinning_shears shears with one serrate blade; used for thinning hair subtype: snuffers scissors for cropping and holding the snuff of a candlewick subtype: crowbar__wrecking_bar__pry__prybar a heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge subtype: jim_crow__jimcrow a crowbar fitted with a claw for pulling nails subtype: jimmy__jemmy a short crowbar; "in England they call a jimmy and jemmy" subtype: gun_trigger__guntrigger__trigger lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun subtype: hair_trigger a gun trigger that responds with little pressure subtype: hand_throttle a hand-operated lever that controls the throttle valve subtype: key.lever a lever that actuates a mechanism when depressed subtype: backspace_key__backspacekey__backspacer the typewriter key used for back spacing subtype: control_key__controlkey__command_key__commandkey (computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters subtype: return_key__return the key on electric typewriters or computer keyboards that causes a carriage return and a line feed subtype: space_bar__spacebar the bar-shaped typewriter key that introduces spaces when used subtype: tab_key__tabkey the key on an electric typewriter that causes a tabulation subtype: telegraph_key__telegraphkey key consisting of a lever that sends a telegraph signal when it is depressed and the circuit is closed subtype: peavey__peavy__cant_dog a stout lever with a sharp spike; used for handling logs subtype: cant_hook a peavey having a hook instead of a spike; used for handling logs subtype: foot_pedal__pedal__treadle__foot_lever a lever that is operated with the foot subtype: accelerator_pedal__accelerator__gas_pedal__gaspedal__gas__throttle__gun a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas" subtype: brake_pedal__brakepedal foot pedal that moves a piston in the master brake cylinder subtype: clutch_pedal__clutch a pedal that operates a clutch subtype: soft_pedal a pedal on a piano that moves the action closer to the strings and so soften the sound subtype: sustaining_pedal__loud_pedal a pedal on a piano that lifts the dampers from the strings and so allows them to continue vibrating subtype: pinch_bar__pinchbar a lever with a pointed projection that serves as a fulcrum; used to roll heavy wheels subtype: ripping_bar a steel lever with one end formed into a ripping chisel and the other a gooseneck with a claw for pulling nails subtype: rocker_arm__valve_rocker__valverocker a lever pivoted at the center; used especially to push a valve down in an internal-combustion engine subtype: spark_lever__sparklever (on early automobiles) a lever mounted on the steering column and used to adjust the timing of the ignition subtype: control_stick__controlstick__stick__joystick a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane subtype: tappet a lever that is moved in order to tap something else subtype: tiller lever used to turn the rudder on a boat subtype: tire_iron__tire_tool hand tool consisting of a lever that is used to force the casing of a pneumatic tire onto a steel wheel subtype: rail.bar a horizontal bar (usually of wood) subtype: hitchrack__hitching_bar a fixed horizontal rail to which a horse can be hitched to prevent it from straying subtype: ledger_board top rail of a fence or balustrade subtype: picture_rail__picturerail rail fixed to a wall for hanging pictures subtype: plate_rail__platerail rail or narrow shelf fixed to a wall to display plates subtype: split_rail__splitrail__fence_rail__fencerail a rail that is split from a log subtype: rotor.bar the revolving bar of a distributor subtype: shackle a U-shaped bar; the open end can be passed through chain links and closed with a bar subtype: slice_bar__slicebar iron bar used to loosen and rake clinkers out of furnaces subtype: towel_rail__towelrail__towel_bar__towelbar a horizontal bar a few inches from a wall for holding towels subtype: rails__rail__track a bar or bars of rolled steel making a track along which vehicles can roll subtype: third_rail__thirdrail a rail through which electric current is supplied to an electric locomotive
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