#ballplayer__baseball_player an athlete who plays baseball supertype: #athlete #player instance: #Henry_Louis_Aaron #Lawrence_Peter_Berra #Joseph_Paul_DiMaggio #Henry_Louis_Gehrig #Mickey_Charles_Mantle #Willie_Howard_Mays_Jr. #John_Joseph_McGraw #Stanley_Frank_Musial #Leroy_Robert_Paige #Jack_Roosevelt_Robinson #George_Herman_Ruth #Theodore_Samuel_Williams #Carl_Yastrzemski #Danton_True_Young subtype: #base_runner__runner a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base) subtype: #slugger__batter__hitter__batsman a ballplayer who is batting subtype: #bunter a batter who bunts subtype: #designated_hitter a ballplayer who is designated to bat in place of the pitcher subtype: #pinch_hitter__pinchhitter (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter subtype: #switch-hitter a baseball player who can bat either right or left handed subtype: #whiffer a batter who strikes out by swinging at and missing the third strike subtype: #fielder a member of the baseball team that is in the field instead of at bat subtype: #infielder (baseball or softball) a person who plays a position in the infield subtype: #catcher (baseball or softball) the person who plays the position of catcher subtype: #first_baseman__firstbaseman__first_sacker__firstsacker (baseball or softball) the person who plays first base subtype: #second_baseman__second_sacker (baseball or softball) the person who plays second base subtype: #shortstop (baseball) the person who plays the shortstop position subtype: #third_baseman__thirdbaseman__third_sacker__thirdsacker (baseball or softball) the person who plays third base subtype: #outfielder (baseball or softball) a person who plays in the outfield subtype: #right_fielder__rightfielder the person who plays right field subtype: #center_fielder the person who plays center field subtype: #left_fielder the person who plays left field subtype: #little_leaguer a player between 8 and 12 years of age who is a member of a little-league team subtype: #major_leaguer__majorleaguer__big_leaguer__bigleaguer a member of a major-league baseball team subtype: #minor_leaguer__minorleaguer a player on a minor-league baseball team subtype: #hurler__pitcher__twirler (baseball or softball) the person who does the pitching; "our pitcher has a sore arm" subtype: #left-handed_pitcher__left-hander__lefty__southpaw a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand subtype: #right-handed_pitcher__right-hander__righthander (baseball) a pitcher who throws with the left hand subtype: #relief_pitcher__reliever__fireman a pitcher who does not start the game subtype: #screwballer (baseball) a pitcher who throws screwballs subtype: #starting_pitcher the pitcher who starts in a baseball game subtype: #utility_man.ballplayer__utilityman a baseball player valued for the ability to play at several positions
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