#asymmetry__imbalance (mathematics) a lack of symmetry exclusion: #symmetricalness supertype: #spatial_property__spatialproperty__spatiality any property relating to or occupying space subtype: #geometrical_irregularity__geometricalirregularity__irregularity an irregular asymmetry in shape; an irregular spatial pattern subtype: #lopsidedness__skewness an oblique or slanting asymmetry subtype: #radial_asymmetry the absence of symmetry about an axis subtype: #directivity__directionality the property of a microphone or antenna of being more sensitive in one direction than in another subtype: #handedness__laterality the property of using one hand more than the other subtype: #ambidexterity__ambidextrousness the property of being equally skillful with each hand subtype: #left-handedness__lefthandednes__sinistrality preference for using the left hand subtype: #right-handedness__dextrality preference for using the right hand subtype: #footedness the property of favoring one foot over the other (as in kicking a ball) subtype: #eyedness the property of favoring one eye over the other (as in taking aim)
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