#acceleration.rate an increase in speed; "modern science caused an acceleration of cultural change" exclusion: #deceleration supertype: #swiftness__swiftnes__fastness a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens; "the project advanced with gratifying speed" subtype: #getaway__pickup the attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration; "his car has a lot of pickup" subtype: #precipitation.acceleration an unexpected acceleration or hastening: "he is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise" subtype: #acceleration (physics) a rate of change of velocity subtype: #centripetal_acceleration__centripetalacceleration the acceleration toward the center that holds a satellite in elliptical orbit subtype: #acceleration_unit a unit for measuring acceleration subtype: #gal.acceleration_unit a unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimeter per second per second (named after Galileo)
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