#Protestant an adherent of Protestantism supertype: Christian a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and is a member of a Christian denomination member of: Protestant_Church subtype: WASP__white_Anglo-Saxon_Protestant a White Protestant of Anglo-Saxon ancestry subtype: Anabaptist adherent of Anabaptism subtype: Mennonite a member of an Anabaptist movement in Holland noted for its simplicity of life subtype: Amish an American follower of the Mennonite Bishop Amman subtype: Plain_People people noted for their plain dress and simple life style subtype: Christian_Scientist a member of the Protestant church founded in the United States by Mary Baker Eddy subtype: Baptist follower of Baptistic doctrines subtype: Dunker__Dunkard__Tunker (dialectal) an adherent of Baptistic doctrines (who practice baptism by immersion) subtype: Congregationalist a member of the Congregational Church subtype: Nonconformist__chapelgoer a Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England subtype: Anglican a Protestant who is a follower of Anglicanism subtype: Episcopalian a member of the Episcopal church subtype: fundamentalist a supporter of fundamentalism subtype: Jehovah's_Witness believer in imminent approach of the millennium; practitioner of active evangelism subtype: Latter-day_Saint__Mormon a member of the Mormon Church instance: Joseph_Smith__Smith subtype: Methodist a follower of Wesleyanism as practiced by the Methodist Church subtype: Wesleyan a follower of Wesleyanism subtype: Pentecostal__Pentecostalist any member of a Pentecostal religious body subtype: Presbyterian a follower of Calvinism as taught in the Presbyterian Church
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