Individual #France__French_Republic a republic in western Europe; the largest country wholly in Europe instance of: #European_country part: #Dunkerque #Paris #Bordeaux #Brest #Cannes #Chablis #Dijon #Grenoble #Le_Havre #Lille #Lyon #Marseille #Nancy #Nantes #Nice #Orleans #Toulouse #Versailles #Vichy #Riviera #French_region #Alsace #Anjou #Aquitaine #Artois #Auvergne #Bourgogne #Bretagne #Centre #Champagne-Ardenne #Corse #Franche-Comte #Gascogne #Ile-de-France #Languedoc-Roussillon #Limousin #Lorraine #Midi #Midi-Pyrenees #Nord-Pas-de-Calais #Pays_de_la_Loire #Picardie #Poitou-Charentes #Rhone-Alpes #Normandie #Orleanais #Provence #the_Alps #Garonne_River #Isere_River #Loire_River #Meuse_River #Mont_Blanc #Pyrenees #Rhine_River #Rhone_River #Sambre_River #Saone_River #Scheldt_River #Seine_River member: #Basque.European #French_person member of: #European_Union #NATO location of: pm#battle_in_France pm#INRIA part of: #Europe the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles part of: #Eurasia the land mass formed by the continents of Europe and Asia part of: #eastern_hemisphere__easternhemisphere__orient the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia part of: #northern_hemisphere the hemisphere north of the equator part of: pm#Mediterranean_region
7 statements are about #France [ [, #surname: "Martin", #first_name: "Philippe", pm#middle_name: "Andre'", pm#experiencer of: (a #birth, pm#place: #Gabon, pm#time: 21/1/1967 ), #citizen of: #France, pm#social_welfare_identifier: "123-just-a-test", pm#kind: #male_person, pm#kind: pm#single_person, pm#email_address: "pm .@. phmartin dot info", pm#main_address: (an #address, pm#street_name: "Worendo", pm#street_No: 57, pm#housing_name: "Irismay Garden", pm#floor_No: 1, pm#unit_No: 8, #district: QLD#Southport, #region: #Queensland, #country: #Australia), #height: 178 #centimeter, #body_weight: 80 #kilogram, pm#physical_part: (2 #eye, #color: {a #bottle_green,an #olive_brown,a #light_brown,a #black}), pm#physical_part: (most #hair, #color: a #black), pm#physical_part: (a #skin, #color: a #light_brown)] ](20/08/2001); [wotif#graph19_on_restaurant [a pm#restaurant, pm#cuisine_origin: #France, pm#name: "Michel's French Restaurant", pm#phone_No: "(07) 5447-3880", #address: "1 Hastings St, Noosa Heads", pm#City_Search_ID: 4.51172e+07, pm#latitude: -263867, pm#longitude: 1.53091e+06] ](06/05/2024); [wotif#graph20_on_restaurant [a pm#restaurant, pm#cuisine_origin: #France, pm#name: "Native Sun Cuisine", pm#phone_No: "(07) 5447-1931", #address: "Thomas St, Noosaville", pm#latitude: about -264022, pm#longitude: about 1.53061e+06] ](06/05/2024); [wotif#graph21_on_restaurant [a pm#restaurant, pm#cuisine_origin: #France, pm#name: "Villa Franca", pm#phone_No: "(07) 5479-5678", #address: "Trader Dukes Complex Denna St, Maroochydore", pm#latitude: about -266634, pm#longitude: about 1.53084e+06] ](06/05/2024); [wotif#graph3_on_cafe [a #cafe, pm#cuisine_origin: #France, pm#menu: mostly #seafood, pm#name: "Cafe Frontenac", pm#phone_No: "(07) 5449-7441", #address: "301 Weyba Rd, Noosaville", pm#City_Search_ID: 4.51173e+07, pm#latitude: -263963, pm#longitude: 1.53069e+06] ](06/05/2024); [wotif#graph271_on_restaurant [a pm#restaurant, pm#cuisine_origin: #France, pm#name: "Native Sun Cuisine", pm#phone_No: "(07) 5447-1931", #address: "Thomas St, Noosaville", pm#latitude: about -264022, pm#longitude: about 1.53061e+06] ](26/11/2024); [wotif#graph272_on_restaurant [a pm#restaurant, pm#cuisine_origin: #France, pm#name: "Villa Franca", pm#phone_No: "(07) 5479-5678", #address: "Trader Dukes Complex Denna St, Maroochydore", pm#latitude: about -266634, pm#longitude: about 1.53084e+06] ](26/11/2024); No statement uses a specialization of #France; click here to add a statement.