#European a person of European nationality supertype: person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul a human being; "there was too much for one person to do" subtype: Eurafrican a person of mixed European and African descent subtype: Eurasian a person of mixed European and Asian descent subtype: sahib formerly a term of respect for important white Europeans in colonial India; used after the name subtype: memsahib a woman sahib subtype: Celt__Kelt a member of a European people who occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul in pre-Roman times subtype: Gael a Gaelic-speaking Celt in Ireland or Scotland or the Isle of Man subtype: Briton an inhabitant of southern Britain prior to the Anglo-saxon invasions subtype: Gaul a Celt of ancient Gaul subtype: Frank a member of the ancient Germanic peoples who spread from the Rhine into the Roman Empire in the 4th century subtype: Salian_Frank__Salian a member of the tribe of Franks who settled in the Netherlands in the 4th century AD instance: Clovis_I__Clovis subtype: Teuton a member of the ancient Germanic people who migrated from Jutland to southern Gaul and were annihilated by the Romans subtype: Goth one of the Teutonic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the 3rd to 5th centuries subtype: Ostrogoth a member of the eastern group of Goths who created a kingdom in northern Italy around 500 AD subtype: Visigoth a member of the western group of Goths who sacked Rome and created a kingdom in present-day Spain and southern France subtype: Albanian.European__albanian a native or inhabitant of Albania subtype: Andorran a native or inhabitant of Andorra subtype: Austrian a native or inhabitant of Austria subtype: Basque.European__basque a member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain subtype: Belgian a native or inhabitant of Belgium subtype: Fleming a native of Flanders or a Flemish-speaking Belgian subtype: Walloon.Belgian__walloon a member of the French-speaking people living in Belgium subtype: Bulgarian.European__bulgarian a native or inhabitant of Bulgaria subtype: Byelorussian__Belorussian__White_Russian a native or inhabitant of Byelorussia subtype: Cypriot__Cypriote__Cyprian a native or inhabitant of Cyprus subtype: Czechoslovakian__Czechoslovak__Czech a native or inhabitant of the former republic of Czechoslovakia subtype: Czech.European__czech a native of inhabitant of the Czech Republic subtype: Slovak.European__slovak a native or inhabitant of Slovakia subtype: Dane a native or inhabitant of Denmark subtype: Zealander a native or inhabitant of Zealand subtype: Britisher__Briton__Brit a native or inhabitant of Great Britain subtype: English_person a native or inhabitant of England subtype: Englishman a man who is a native or inhabitant of England subtype: limey__John_Bull a man of English descent subtype: Cornishman a man who is a native or inhabitant of Cornwall subtype: burgess__burges a citizen of an English borough subtype: Jacobean any distinguished personage during the reign of James I of England subtype: Englishwoman a woman who is a native or inhabitant of England subtype: Cornishwoman a woman who is a native or resident of Cornwall subtype: Anglo-Saxon a native or inhabitant of England prior to the Norman conquest subtype: Anglo-Saxon.English_person__anglosaxon a person of Anglo-Saxon (especially British) descent whose native tongue is English and whose culture is strongly influenced by English culture as in "WASP for `White Anglo-Saxon Protestant'"; "this Anglo-Saxon view of things" subtype: Anglo-Indian a person of English citizenship born or living in India subtype: pommy__pom (Australian and New Zealand) a disparaging term for English immigrants to Australia or New Zealand subtype: Cantabrigian a resident of Cambridge subtype: Lancastrian a resident of Lancaster subtype: Lancastrian.English_person__lancastrian a member (or supporter) of the house of Lancaster subtype: Hanoverian.English_person__hanoverian a member (or supporter) of the house of Hanover subtype: Liverpudlian a resident of Liverpool subtype: Londoner a resident of London subtype: Cockney a native of the east end of London subtype: Mancunian a resident of Manchester subtype: Oxonian a resident of Oxford subtype: Sassenach the Scots' term for an English person subtype: patrial (British) a person who has the right to be considered legally a British citizen (by virtue of the birth of a parent or grandparent) subtype: Angle a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons subtype: Saxon a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Angles and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons; dominant in England until the Norman conquest subtype: West_Saxon.Saxon__westsaxon an inhabitant of Wessex instance: Athelstan subtype: Jute a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Angles and Saxons to become Anglo-Saxons subtype: Lombard__Langobard a member of a Germanic people who invaded northern Italy in the 6th century subtype: Finn a native or inhabitant of Finland subtype: Latvian a native or inhabitant of Latvia subtype: Livonian.Latvian__livonian a member of the Livonian-speaking people of Latvia subtype: French_person__Frenchman__Frenchwoman a person of French nationality subtype: frog__Gaul a person of French descent subtype: Parisian a resident of Paris subtype: Breton.French_person__breton a native or inhabitant of Brittany (especially one who speaks the Breton language) subtype: Savoyard a resident of Savoy subtype: Angevin__Angevine a resident of Anjou subtype: Norman an inhabitant of Normandy subtype: French_researcher instance: spamOnly@phmartin.info f.modave@gu.edu.au subtype: Balkan an inhabitant of the Balkan Peninsula subtype: Cretan a native or inhabitant of Crete subtype: Minoan a Cretan who lived in the bronze-age culture of Crete about 3000-1100 BC subtype: Greek__Hellene a native or inhabitant of Greece subtype: Achaean__Achaian a member of one of the four divisions of the prehistoric Greeks subtype: Aeolian__Eolian a member of one of the four divisions of the prehistoric Greeks subtype: Dorian a member of one of the four divisions of the prehistoric Greeks subtype: Ionian a member of one of the four divisions of the prehistoric Greeks subtype: Athenian a resident of Athens instance: Alcibiades Demosthenes Draco Socrates subtype: Corinthian a resident of Corinth subtype: Laconian a resident of Laconia subtype: Lesbian a resident of Lesbos instance: Alcaeus Sappho subtype: Spartan a resident of Sparta subtype: Arcadian an inhabitant of Arcadia subtype: Theban an inhabitant of ancient Thebes subtype: Netherlander__Dutchman__Hollander a native or inhabitant of Holland subtype: Magyar__Hungarian a native or inhabitant of Hungary subtype: Icelander a native or inhabitant of Iceland subtype: Irish_person__Irelander a native or inhabitant of Ireland subtype: Irishman a man who is a native or inhabitant of Ireland subtype: Paddy__Mick__Mickey ethnic slur; a person of Irish descent subtype: Irishwoman a woman who is a native or inhabitant of Ireland subtype: Dubliner a resident of Dublin subtype: Italian a native or inhabitant of Italy subtype: wop__dago__Guinea__greaseball ethnic slur; offensive terms for a person of Italian descent subtype: Etruscan a native or inhabitant of ancient Etruria; the Etruscans influenced the Romans (who had suppressed them by about 200 BC) subtype: Neopolitan a resident of Naples subtype: Roman a resident of modern Rome subtype: Venetian a resident of Venice subtype: Sicilian a resident of Sicily subtype: Tuscan.Italian__tuscan a resident of Tuscany subtype: Oscan.Italian__oscan an Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania subtype: Samnite an Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania who clashed repeatedly with the early Romans subtype: Sardinian a native or inhabitant of Sardinia subtype: Roman.European__roman an inhabitant of the ancient Roman Empire subtype: palatine any of various important officials in ancient Rome instance: Agrippina_the_Elder__Agrippina Agrippina_the_Younger__Agrippina subtype: Lapp__Lapplander an inhabitant of Lappland subtype: Liechtensteiner a native or inhabitant of Liechtenstein subtype: Luxemburger__Luxembourger a native or inhabitant of Luxembourg subtype: Macedonian a native or inhabitant of Macedon instance: Antigonus_Cyclops__Antigonus__Monophthalmos Demetrius_Poliorcetes__Demetrius__Demetrius_I Lysimachus Seleucus_I_Nicator__Seleucus__Seleucus_I subtype: Monegasque a native or inhabitant of Monaco subtype: Norseman__Norwegian__Norse a native or inhabitant of Norway subtype: Pole a native or inhabitant of Poland subtype: polack a person of Polish descent subtype: Portuguese.European__portuguese a native or inhabitant of Portugal subtype: Romanian__Rumanian a native or inhabitant of Romania subtype: San_Marinese a native or inhabitant of San Marino subtype: Scandinavian__Norse__Northman an inhabitant of Scandinavia subtype: Viking any of the Scandinavian people who raided the coasts of Europe from the 8th to the 11th centuries subtype: Scot__Scotsman__Scotchman a native or inhabitant of Scotland subtype: Scotswoman__Scotchwoman a woman who is a Scot subtype: Glaswegian an inhabitant of Glasgow subtype: Scottish_Highlander__Highlander a native of the Highlands of Scotland subtype: Lowlander a native of the Lowlands of Scotland subtype: Slovene.European__slovene a native of Slovenia subtype: Spaniard a native or inhabitant of Spain subtype: Catalan.Spaniard__catalan a native or inhabitant of Catalonia subtype: Swede a native or inhabitant of Sweden subtype: Ukranian a native or inhabitant of the Ukraine subtype: Welshman__Welsh__Cambrian a native or resident of Wales subtype: German_citizen__German a person of German nationality subtype: Teuton.German_citizen__teuton someone (especially a German) who speaks a Germanic language subtype: East_German a native or inhabitant of the former republic of East Germany subtype: Kraut__Krauthead__Boche__Jerry__Hun offensive terms for a person of German descent subtype: Berliner an inhabitant of Berlin subtype: West_Berliner an inhabitant of West Berlin subtype: Prussian a German inhabitant of Prussia subtype: Junker member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism instance: Arminius__Armin__Hermann b.groh@gu.edu.au (pm) subtype: Gibraltarian a native or inhabitant of Gibraltar subtype: Slovenian a native or inhabitant of Slovenia subtype: Yugoslav__Jugoslav__Yugoslavian__Jugoslavian a native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia subtype: Bohemian a native or inhabitant of Bohemia in the Czech Republic subtype: Dalmatian a native or inhabitant of Dalmatia
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