Individual #Alabama__Heart_of_Dixie__Camellia_State__AL a state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War instance of: American_state part of: Gulf_States member of: Confederate_States_of_America Deep_South part: battle_of_Chickamauga__Chickamauga a Confederate victory in the American Civil War (1863); Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces part: Montgomery__capital_of_Alabama the state capital of Alabama on the Mobile River part: Pittsburgh_of_the_South__Birmingham the largest city in Alabama; located in northeastern Alabama part: Decatur.Alabama__decatur a town in northern Alabama on the Tennessee River part: Gadsden an industrial town in north central Alabama part: Huntsville a city in northern Alabama; center for space research part: Mobile a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay part: Selma a city in central Alabama on the Alabama river; in 1965 it was the center of a drive to register Black voters part: Tuscaloosa a university town in west central Alabama part: Tuskegee a town in eastern Alabama part: Alabama_River__Alabama a river in Alabama that flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River part: Mobile_River__Mobile a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay part: Mobile_Bay a bay of the Gulf of Mexico; fed by the Mobile River
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