Relation pm#probability_relation__probabilityrelation (sumo#formula,?) supertype: pm#relation_from_description instance of: pm#probability_relation_type subtype: sumo#probability_fn__probabilityfn (sumo#formula -> sumo#real_number) one of the basic probability_relations, probability_fn is used to state the a priori probability of a state of affairs represented by the given formula subtype: sumo#conditional_probability__conditionalprobability (sumo#formula,sumo#formula,sumo#real_number) the probability of 'the 2nd formula being true given that the 1st formula is true' is the number given as 3rd parameter subtype: sumo#increases_likelihood__increaseslikelihood__increases_likelihood_of (sumo#formula,sumo#formula) the 2nd formula is more likely to be true if the 1st is true subtype: sumo#decreases_likelihood__decreaseslikelihood__decreases_likelihood_of (sumo#formula,sumo#formula) the 2nd formula is less likely to be true if the 1st is true subtype: sumo#independent_probability__independentprobability (sumo#formula,sumo#formula) the probabilities of the formulas being true are independent