Relation kif#member (?,set) this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB: if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, the parameters would be swapped or the type would be named member_of inverse: reverse_of_KIF_member supertype: member_of (*,collection) this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB (its inverse may be used); this type is only provided for knowledge sharing purposes supertype: relation_to_collection (*,collection) supertype: relation_from/to_thing_of_common_kind (*) this type permits to categorize relations according to their signatures and hence offers (i) a concise way to set essential exclusion relations, and (ii) a systematic and easy-to-follow categorization >part of: relation__related_thing__relatedthing___related_with type for any relation (unary, binary, ..., *-ary) and instance of pm#relation_type supertype: what_relation (*) supertype: wh-/how_relation (*) this type permits to categorize relations according to the usual who/what/why/where/when/how questions ; this is a traditional but very subjective and ineffective way of categorizing relations >part of: relation__related_thing__relatedthing___related_with type for any relation (unary, binary, ..., *-ary) and instance of pm#relation_type