comms#telecom_object__telecomobject supertype: comms#comms_object__commsobject top concept type in the comms ontology subtype: comms#telecom_and_traffic_object__telecomandtrafficobject subtype: #asynchronous_transfer_mode__ATM a means of digital communications that is capable of very high speeds; suitable for transmission of images or voice or video as well as data; "ATM is used for both LAN and WAN" subtype: comms#frame_relay subtype: comms#ISDN integrated services digital network subtype: comms#subscriber_line subtype: comms#ADSL asynchronous subscriber line, assymetric digital subscriber line subtype: comms#DSL digital subscriber line, HDSL, VDSL subtype: comms#telecom_network_object__telecomnetworkobject subtype: comms#VPN (virtual) private network subtype: comms#IBDN integrated building distribution network subtype: comms#CTI computer telephony integration subtype: comms#GSM group special mobile, global system mobile, cellular, mobile phone, pcs subtype: comms#SS7 signaling system, ccs7, common channel signal subtype: comms#SONET SDH
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