#clomipramine a tricyclic antidepressant drug supertype: tricyclic_antidepressant_drug__tricyclic__tricyclic_antidepressant__tricyclicantidepressant an antidepressant drug that acts by blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin and thus making more of those substances available to act on receptors in the brain supertype: antidepressant_drug__antidepressant any of a class of drugs used to treat depression; often have undesirable side effects supertype: medicament__medicine__medication__medicinal_drug__medicinaldrug something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease supertype: drug a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic supertype: agent.causal_agent a substance that exerts some force or effect supertype: causal_agent__cause__causal_agency any entity that causes events to happen supertype: thing_playing_some_role category to classify things according to roles/viewpoints; classification under this category is application-dependant supertype: thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
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