This file stores a top-level ontology of concept types and relations types (cf. the rationales for this ontology). If you have a Javascript-enabled browser, you might be able to use our hierarchy browser (which unfortunately pushes Javascript to its limits of window handling and portability) to visualize and navigate the concept types Isa hierarchy and the relation types Isa hierarchy that are in textual form below.
You may save this file on your local disk ("File - Save As" command on Netscape) and then modify this ontology for your needs. // ******************* Specialisation hierarchy of first order concept types ***************** Thing {instance of 1st order concept type} > (Entity, Situation), Thing_playing_a_role; Entity {something that can be involved in a situation (note: the existence of an entity is a situation)} > (Temporal_entity,Spatial_entity,Information_entity), Collection, Entity_playing_a_role; Temporal_entity {point or interval in time, e.g. Time_period, Point_in_time, WN_time/n} > WN_time/n, (Point_in_time, Time_period); WN_time/n {the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past}; Point_in_time {point in time of a Situation}; Time_period {duration of a Situation}; Spatial_entity {an entity which occupies a space region} > (Space_location, Physical_entity, Imaginary_spatial_entity), Spatial_entity_with_a_remarkable_property; Space_location {a point or extent in space} > WN_space/n, WN_location/n; WN_space/n {the unlimited 3 dimensional expanse in which everything is located}; WN_location/n {a point or extent in space}; Physical_entity {a spatial entity which is made of matter} > (WN_object__inanimate_object__physical_object, WN_life_form__organism__being__living_thing); WN_object__inanimate_object__physical_object {a nonliving physical entity}; WN_life_form__organism__being__living_thing {a living entity, e.g. a plant} > (WN_cell/n, Conscious_agent); WN_cell/n {the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms}; Imaginary_spatial_entity {e.g. Cartoon_Character}; Spatial_entity_with_a_remarkable_property {Smooth_entity, Lumpy_entity, ... (Sowa, 1997)} > Single_unit__Monad, (Smooth_entity, Lumpy_entity); Single_unit__Monad {something considered as a single unit}; Smooth_entity {entity perceived without discontinuities} > (Smooth_single_unit,Continuum); Smooth_single_unit {}; Continuum > (Homogeneous_entity, Variable_entity); Homogeneous_entity {}; Variable_entity {}; Lumpy_entity {entity perceived with discontinuities} > (Lumpy_single_unit,Composite_entity); Lumpy_single_unit {}; Composite_entity {} > (Organism, Assembly); Organism {its parts cannot be strictly defined/separated}; Assembly {its parts are discrete and can be separated}; Information_entity {information or representation of an information} > (Description, Description_container, Property, Property_measure); Description {description of a situation, e.g. Description_content, Description_medium} > Description_content Description_medium; Description_content {description of a situation, e.g. Narration, Argument, Hypothesis, Belief} > WN_message__content__subject_matter__substance, Proposition, Narration, Exposition, Description_with_a_KADS_inference_structure, Description_for_argumentation, Abstraction, Belief, Description_role_in_KADS, Contextualizing_description; WN_message__content__subject_matter__substance {what a communication that is about something is about}; Proposition {* Sowa's Proposition seems identical to Description but it might have a more restricted meaning *}; Narration {report, story, biography, etc.}; Exposition {operational or locational plan, etc.}; Description_with_a_KADS_inference_structure {dataflow graph of "inferences" (tasks) the inputs/outputs of which are described by "roles"}; Description_for_argumentation > Argument, Issue, Position, Fact; Argument {deduction, persuasion, etc.}; Issue {cf the argumentation relations}; Position {a claim}; Fact {}; Abstraction {a concept which abstracts some data}; Belief {}; Description_role_in_KADS > Hypothesis, Observable, Finding, Complaint, Norm, Difference, Discrepancy_class, Diagnosis_result, Parameter, System_model, Historical_data; Hypothesis {Situation imagined as a being a possible cause of something}; Observable {in the sense given by KADS} > Observable_behaviour; Observable_behaviour {in the sense given by KADS (it is a process description, not a process)}; Finding {in the sense given by KADS} > Observation; Observation {}; Complaint {in the sense given by KADS}; Norm {in the sense given by KADS}; Difference {in the sense given by KADS}; Discrepancy_class {in the sense given by KADS}; Diagnosis_result {in the sense given by KADS}; Parameter {in the sense given by KADS}; System_model {in the sense given by KADS}; Historical_data {in the sense given by KADS}; Contextualizing_description {e.g. Hypothesis, Belief, Position} > Hypothesis, Belief, Position; Description_medium {e.g. Symbol Syntax Language Abstract_data_type (Integer, CG, ...), Script} > WN_representation/n1, WN_communication/n, Abstract_data_type, Representation_of_a_process; WN_representation/n1 {a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something}; WN_communication/n {something that is communicated between people or groups}; Symbol {}; Syntax {}; Language > (Natural_language Controlled_language); Controlled_language > Procedural_language Declarative_language Markup_language; Procedural_language > (C Lisp Javascript); Declarative_language > (Prolog KIF Conceptual_Graph_language); Conceptual_Graph_language > CG_linear_notation; Markup_language > (XML HTML); Abstract_data_type {} > (Atomic_ADT, Structured_ADT); Atomic_ADT {atomic Abstract Data Types} > Numeric_ADT; Numeric_ADT {e.g. Number, Character} > Character, Number; Character {}; Number {} > Integer, Real; Integer {}; Real {}; Structured_ADT {structured Abstract Data Type, e.g. List, CG} > Record__Structure, Ordered_open_collection_ADT,Ordered_closed_collection_ADT, Graph_ADT, Model_ADT; Record__Structure {ADT of an unordered closed collection}; Ordered_open_collection_ADT > List_ADT, Stack, Keyed_collection_ADT; List_ADT {ADT of an ordered open collection}; Stack {(may be implemented with a List_ADT or an Array)}; Keyed_collection_ADT {e.g. a dictionnary ADT (may be implemented with a List_ADT or an Array)}; Ordered_closed_collection_ADT > Array, Queue; Array {ADT of an ordered closed collection}; Queue {(may be implemented with a List_ADT or an Array)}; Graph_ADT {} > CG_ADT; CG_ADT {Conceptual Graph}; Model_ADT {} > KADS_model; KADS_model {}; Representation_of_a_process {[Sowa 1998]} > Script, History; Script {information that specifies all the possible executions of some processes, e.g. a computer program, a musical score} > Kinetic_script, Procedure; Kinetic_script {script on motions}; Procedure {e.g. a computer program, a schedule, a musical score} > Protocol; Protocol {} > Network_protocol; Network_protocol {} > HTTP_protocol FTP_protocol Telnet_protocol; HTTP_protocol > CGI_protocol; History {information that describes the execution of a process}; Description_container {e.g. File, Image, Hologram, Document_element} > File Image Hologram Document_element; File > File_in_special_format Special_file Unretrievable_file; File_in_special_format > (Textual_file Binary_file); Textual_file > Plain_text_file Structured_text_file Encoded_text_file; Structured_text_file > HTML_file; Encoded_text_file > Postscript_file; Binary_file > GIF_file; Special_file > Software Documentation Repository; Software > Freeware Web_search_engine; Documentation > Tutorial Lecture Reference Model; Repository > Web_index Yellow_pages Home_page Cookie; Web_index > Web_index_and_search_engine; Property {a dimension of something, e.g. Mass, Length, Form, Color, Speedness, Intelligence} > WN_property__attribute__dimension, WN_attribute/n, (Description_property, Temporal_property, Spatial_property, Physical_property, Collection_property); WN_property__attribute__dimension {a property or an attribute or a dimension}; WN_attribute/n {an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity}; Description_property {e.g. Modality} > Modality, Truthness; Modality {ex. of values: Always, Necessary, Possible, Never}; Truthness {ex. of values: True, False, Unknown_truthness}; Temporal_property {e.g. Duration, Speedness}; Spatial_property {e.g. Length, Form}; Physical_property {e.g. Mass, Color}; Collection_property {e.g. Cardinality} > Cardinality; Cardinality {}; Property_measure {e.g. Kg, Meter, Round, Blue} > WN_measure__quantity__amount__quantum; WN_measure__quantity__amount__quantum {how much there is of something}; Collection{a group or structure of abstract/concrete entities or situations, e.g. Ordered_Collection} > WN_group__grouping, WN_set/n2; WN_group__grouping {a number of entities considered as a unit}; WN_set/n2 {an abstract collection of numbers or symbols, e.g. "the set of prime numbers is infinite"}; Entity_playing_a_role {e.g. Recipient_entity, Possessed_entity, Part_entity, Material_entity} > Causal_entity, WN_necessity__essential__requirement__requisite__need, WN_inessential/n, Recipient_entity, Possessed_entity, Material_entity, Part_entity, Whole_entity, WN_variable/n, WN_anticipation/n, WN_thing/n1; Causal_entity {} > WN_causal_agent__cause__causal_agency, Goal_directed_agent, Perhaps_goal_directed_causal_entity, Without_goal_causal_entity; WN_causal_agent__cause__causal_agency {an entity that causes events to happen}; Goal_directed_agent {goal directed causal entity (ex:a problem solver or an interactional agent)} > Cognitive_agent; Cognitive_agent {for example an animal or an AI-agent} > (Conscious_agent, Non_conscious_cognitive_agent); Conscious_agent {for example a person} > WN_person__individual__someone__mortal__human__soul; WN_person__individual__someone__mortal__human__soul {a human being} > User, WN_expert/n1, WN_engineer__applied_scientist__technologist; User {}; WN_expert/n1 {a person who performs skillfully}; WN_engineer__applied_scientist__technologist {a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems} > Knowledge_engineer; Knowledge_engineer {}; Non_conscious_cognitive_agent {e.g. AI_Agent}; Perhaps_goal_directed_causal_entity {e.g. supernatural forces}; Without_goal_causal_entity {non conscious Entity and not an AI_Agent}; WN_necessity__essential__requirement__requisite__need {a needed entity}; WN_inessential/n {something that is not essential}; Recipient_entity {} > WN_recipient__receiver; WN_recipient__receiver {a person who gets something}; Possessed_entity {} > WN_possession/n; WN_possession/n {something owned or possessed}; Material_entity {} > WN_substance__matter; WN_substance__matter {something which has mass and occupies space}; Part_entity {} > WN_part__portion, WN_part__piece, WN_unit__building_block; WN_part__portion {something determined in relation to something that includes it}; WN_part__piece {a portion of a natural object}; WN_unit__building_block {a single undivided natural entity occurring in the composition of something else}; Whole_entity {} > WN_whole__whole_thing__unit, WN_subject__content__depicted_object; WN_whole__whole_thing__unit {an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity}; WN_subject__content__depicted_object {something selected by an artist for graphic representation}; WN_variable/n {something that is likely to vary, something that is subject to variation}; WN_anticipation/n {some early entity whose type or style anticipates a later one}; WN_thing/n1 {an entity that is not named specifically}; Situation {something that occurs in a region of time and space (the region may be imagined)} > (State, Process), Phenomenon, Situation_playing_a_role; State {situation that is not changing and that does not make a change during a given period of time} > WN_state/n, WN_relation/n; WN_state/n {the way something is with respect to its main attributes}; WN_relation/n {a situation belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together}; Process {situation that makes a change during some period of time} > Event, WN_act__human_action__human_activity, Problem_solving_process, Process_playing_a_role; Event {a process that makes a change during a period of time considered as very short} > WN_event/n; WN_event/n {something that happens at a given place and time}; WN_act__human_action__human_activity {something that people do or cause to happen}; Problem_solving_process {a cognitive activity made by an agent for solving a problem} > Task; Task {a process such as the ones modelled in knowledge acquisition, e.g. a diagnostic} > Real_life_task; Real_life_task {a task composed of more basic tasks} > Knowledge_engineering; Knowledge_engineering {making a knowledge based system} > (Environment_analysis, Problem_analysis, Task_analysis, Function_analysis, Implementation_analysis), Knowledge_engineering_with_KADS; Environment_analysis {}; Problem_analysis {}; Task_analysis {}; Function_analysis {}; Implementation_analysis {}; Knowledge_engineering_with_KADS {making a knowledge based system using KADS methodology}; Process_playing_a_role {e.g. Subtask} > Process_contextualizing_its_object; Process_contextualizing_its_object {e.g. Think, Believe}; Phenomenon {a state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning}; Situation_playing_a_role {e.g. Process_playing_a_role, WN_result_outcome} > WN_consequence__effect__outcome__result__upshot, WN_result__outcome, Process_playing_a_role; WN_consequence__effect__outcome__result__upshot {a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon}; WN_result__outcome {the situation that exists when something ends}; Thing_playing_a_role {the classification of such things is context-dependent} > Thing_needed_for_a_process, Thing_being_a_mediation, (Entity_playing_a_role, Situation_playing_a_role); Thing_needed_for_a_process {entity or situation needed for a process, e.g. for knowledge engineering with KADS} > Thing_needed_for_knowledge_engineering; Thing_needed_for_knowledge_engineering {e.g. Thing_needed_for_KADS_knowledge_engineering} > Thing_needed_for_KADS_knowledge_engineering; Thing_needed_for_KADS_knowledge_engineering {} > Knowledge_engineering_with_KADS, KADS_model, Description_with_a_KADS_inference_structure, Description_role_in_KADS; Thing_being_a_mediation {something which serves as a mediating circumstance for relating other things}; // ************** Specialisation hierarchy of first order binary relation types ************* BinaryRel (Thing,Thing) > (Attributive_binaryRel, Component_binaryRel), (Spatial_binaryRel, Temporal_binaryRel, Logical_binaryRel), Ordering_binaryRel, (BinaryRel_from_a_temporal_entity, BinaryRel_from_a_spatial_entity, BinaryRel_from_a_description, BinaryRel_from_a_collection, BinaryRel_from_a_situation, Relation_to_a_situation), BinaryRel_with_mathematical_property, Contextualizing_binaryRel, Relation_refering_to_a_process; Attributive_binaryRel (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Chrc, Attr, Role, Possession} > (Chrc, Measure, Attr), (Role, Possession, Accompaniment); Chrc (Thing, Property) {Characteristic}; Measure (Property, Property_measure); Attr (Thing, Property_measure) {<a href="../../doc/recommendations.html#NoAttrRel">use "Chrc" and "Measure" instead</a>}; Role (Thing, Thing); Possession (Thing, Thing); Accompaniment (Thing, Thing) {e.g. [Leave]->(Agent)->[Man:*x]->(Accompaniment)->[Woman:*y]}; Component_binaryRel (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Set_element, Subset, PhysPart, Subtask} > (Subset, Set_element, Part), (Main_part, Parts); Subset (Collection, Collection); Set_element (Collection, Thing); Part (Thing, Thing) > (Subentity, Subsituation); Subentity (Entity, Entity) > PhysPart; PhysPart (Physical_entity, Physical_entity); Subsituation (Situation, Situation) > Subprocess; Subprocess (Process, Process) > Subtask; Subtask (Task, Task) > First_subtask, Last_subtask; First_subtask (Task, Task); Last_subtask (Task, Task); Main_part (Thing, Thing); Parts (Thing, Collection); Spatial_binaryRel (Thing, Thing) > Spatial_binaryRel_between_spatial_entities, Spatial_binaryRel_from_a_process; Temporal_binaryRel (Thing, Thing) > (Temporal_binaryRel_between_temporal_entities, Temporal_binaryRel_from_a_situation, Description_authoring_time); Logical_binaryRel (Description, Thing) {e.g. And, Or, Iff} > And, Logical_contextualizing_binaryRel; And (Description, Description); Logical_contextualizing_binaryRel (Description, Thing) > Truthness, Or, Xor, NecessaryCondition, SufficientCondition; Truthness (Description, Truthness); Or (Description, Description); Xor (Description, Description); NecessaryCondition (Description, Description) {logical implication, deduction, generalization} > Iff; Iff (Description, Description) {or LogicalEquivalence}; SufficientCondition (Description, Description) > Iff; Ordering_binaryRel (Thing, Thing) {the fuzzy ones (e.g. Close_to, Cause) generalize the mathematical ones} > Generalization, Specialization, Cause, Effect, Similar_in_a_way_to, Different_from, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual; Generalization (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Classification, Induction} > Classification, Induction, NecessaryCondition; Classification (Thing, Thing) > Kind, SuperCategory; Kind (Thing, Thing) {(instance->category) actually, the real Kind relation cannot be represented in this ontology of first order binary relation types}; SuperCategory (Thing, Thing) {(category->supercategory)}; Induction (Thing, Thing) {(instances->category) actually, the real Induction relation cannot be represented in this ontology of first order binary relation types}; Specialization (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Instance, Subcategory} > Instance, Subcategory, SufficientCondition; Instance (Thing, Thing) {(category->instance) actually, the real Instance relation cannot be represented in this ontology of first order binary relation types}; Subcategory (Thing, Thing) {(category->subcategory)}; Cause (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Causation, Initiator, Purpose} > T_pred, Purpose, Parameter, Initiator, Agent, NecessaryCondition, SufficientCondition; Effect (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Result, Consequence} > Result, T_Succ, NecessaryCondition; Similar_in_a_way_to (Thing, Thing) {or Closeness} > Close_to, Equivalent_to, Equal; Close_to (Thing, Thing) > T_Near; Equivalent_to (Thing, Thing) > Mathematically_equivalent_to; Equal (Thing, Thing); Different_from (Thing, Thing) > Opposite, Has_no_intersection_with; Opposite (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Collection_complement} > Collection_complement; GreaterThanOrEqual (Thing, Thing) {e.g. BetterThan, NumericGreaterThanOrEqual} > GreaterThan, NumericGreaterThanOrEqual; GreaterThan (Thing, Thing) {e.g. NumericGreaterThan} > NumericGreaterThan; LessThanOrEqual (Thing, Thing) {e.g. NumericLessThanOrEqual} > LessThan, NumericLessThanOrEqual; LessThan (Thing, Thing) {e.g. NumericLessThan} > NumericLessThan; BinaryRel_from_a_temporal_entity (Temporal_entity, Thing) {e.g. T_After, T_Between} > Temporal_binaryRel_between_temporal_entities; Temporal_binaryRel_between_temporal_entities (Temporal_entity, Temporal_entity) { e.g. T_After, T_Between} > T_Near, T_Before, T_After; T_Near (Temporal_entity, Temporal_entity) {between two temporal entities}; T_Before (Temporal_entity, Temporal_entity) {between two temporal entities}; T_After (Temporal_entity, Temporal_entity) {between two temporal entities}; BinaryRel_from_a_spatial_entity (Spatial_entity, Thing) {e.g. On, Above, S_In, S_After, S_Interior} > Spatial_binaryRel_between_spatial_entities; Spatial_binaryRel_between_spatial_entities (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity) {e.g. On, Above, S_In, S_After, S_Interior} > On, Above, S_In, S_Near, (S_Interior, S_Exterior), (S_Before, S_After); On (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity); Above (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity); S_In (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity); S_Near (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity); S_Interior (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity) {or Content}; S_Exterior (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity); S_Before (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity); S_After (Spatial_entity, Spatial_entity); BinaryRel_from_a_description(Description,Thing) {e.g. Information_source, Author, Argumentation_binaryRel} > Logical_binaryRel, Contextualizing_binaryRel_from_a_description, Believer, Statement, Rhetorical_binaryRel, Argumentation_binaryRel; //Logical_binaryRel; Contextualizing_binaryRel_from_a_description (Description, Thing) {e.g. Modality, Or, Iff} > Information_source, Modality, Logical_contextualizing_relation, If_Then_relation; Information_source (Description, Thing) > Author; Author (Description, Cognitive_agent); Modality (Description, Modality); //Logical_contextualizing_relation (Description, Thing); If_Then_relation (Description, Description) {for representing rules (not normal CGs), premisse -> conclusion}; Believer (Description, Cognitive_agent); Statement (Description, Description_medium) {for stating a description}; Description_authoring_time (Description, Temporal_entity) {when the description was stated (asserted)}; Rhetorical_binaryRel (Description, Description) {<a href="../../interface/hierarchyBrowser.html?ontology=../../kb/webkb1/rhetoricalRel.html&objectKind=relation+type&top=Rhetorical_binaryRel&relation=Subtype&ontologyWin=rhetoricalRelOntologyWin">Click here for details</a>}; /* <a href="../../doc/recommendations.html#NoRhetoricalRelation">do not use such fuzzy relations but represent and connect the content of the descriptions</a> */ Argumentation_binaryRel (Description, Description) {from the AAA system (Schuler&Smith, 1990)} > Serves, Replacement, Suggestion, Answer, Objection, Confirmation, Contribution, Reference, Contradiction; Serves (Issue, Issue) {source issue serves destination issue}; Replacement (Issue, Issue) {destination issue is a replacement of source issue}; Suggestion (Description, Issue) {destination issue is a suggested by the source description}; Answer (Issue, Position) {destination position is an answer to the source issue}; Objection (Position, Argument) {destination argument is an objection to the source position}; Confirmation (Position, Argument) {destination argument is a support of the source position}; Contribution (Description, Description); Reference (Description, Fact) {destination fact is a reference of the source description}; Contradiction (Description, Description); BinaryRel_from_a_collection (Collection, Thing) {e.g. Average, Count, Subset, Intersects_with} > Average, Count, Subset, Intersects_with, Has_no_intersection_with; Average (Collection, Number); Count (Collection, Integer) {or Quantity}; Subset (Collection, Collection) {or Inclusion}; Intersects_with (Collection, Collection) > Meets; Meets (Collection, Collection); Has_no_intersection_with (Collection, Collection) {or Exclusion} > Collection_complement; Collection_complement (Collection, Collection); BinaryRel_from_a_situation (Situation, Thing) {i.e. only from a state or a process} > (Descr, DescrIn, Temporal_binaryRel_from_a_situation), BinaryRel_from_a_Process; Descr (Situation, Description) {for describing a situation}; DescrIn (Situation, Description_container) {for storing a situation description}; Temporal_binaryRel_from_a_situation (Situation, Thing) {e.g. Duration, T_Succ, Termination} > (Situation_temporal_location, Temporal_binaryRel_between_situations); Situation_temporal_location (Situation, Temporal_entity) {e.g. Point_in_time, Duration, T_Since, T_Until} > (Point_in_time, Duration, T_Since, T_Until); Point_in_time (Situation, Temporal_entity) {between a situation and a time region}; Duration (Situation, Time_period) {between a situation and a time period}; T_Since (Situation, Temporal_entity) {between a situation and a time region}; T_Until (Situation, Temporal_entity) {between a situation and a time region}; Temporal_binaryRel_between_situations (Situation, Situation) {e.g. T_Succ, Task_Succ, Termination, Consequence} > (T_Pred, T_Succ); T_Pred (Situation, Situation) {between two situations} > Condition, Causation, Task_Pred; Condition (Situation, Situation); Causation (Situation, Situation) {<a href="../../doc/recommendations.html#ReverseUsage">use the reverse, Consequence</a>}; Task_Pred (Task, Task) {use the reverse, Task_Succ}; T_Succ (Situation, Situation) {between two situations} > Termination, Consequence, Task_Succ; Termination (Situation, Situation); Consequence (Situation, Situation); Task_Succ (Task, Task); BinaryRel_from_a_Process (Process, Thing) {e.g. Object, Agent, Task_succ } > (Purpose, Recipient, Experiencer, Result, Object, Initiator, Agent, Instrument, Method, Subprocess, Spatial_binaryRel_from_a_process); Purpose (Process, Situation) {a purpose of a process is (also) a reason to do this process}; Recipient (Process, Goal_directed_agent) {e.g. Beneficiary} > Beneficiary; Beneficiary (Process, Goal_directed_agent); Experiencer (Process, Goal_directed_agent); Result (Process, Thing) > O; O (Process, Thing) {output only object}; Object (Process, Thing) {this case relation is also usually called Patient or Theme} > I, IO; I (Process, Thing) {input only object (for example for evaluation or comparison processes)} > Material, Parameter, SI, DI; Material (Process, Thing); Parameter (Process, Thing); SI (Process, Thing) {static input (e.g. for KADS tasks)}; DI (Process, Thing) {dynamic input (e.g. for KADS tasks)}; IO (Process, Thing) {input-output object, e.g. Object_to_modify, Object_to_mute, State} > Object_to_modify, Object_to_mute, State; Object_to_modify (Process, Thing) {a property only is modified, e.g. the location}; Object_to_mute (Process, Thing) {the object is transformed, e.g. with [Cut], [Destroy], [Mix]}; State (Process, Thing) {e.g. [Lay]->(State)->[Cup] "the cup is laid"}; Initiator (Process, WN_causal_agent__cause__causal_agency); Agent (Process, Goal_directed_agent); Instrument (Process, Entity); //no:Manner (Process, Property_measure); Method (Process, Process); //Subprocess (Process, Process); Spatial_binaryRel_from_a_process (Process, Spatial_entity) {e.g. Source, Destination, Path} > Source, Destination, Path; Source (Process, Spatial_entity); Destination (Process, Spatial_entity); Path (Process, Spatial_entity); Relation_to_a_situation (Thing, Situation) {i.e. only to a state or a process, e.g. Relation_to_a_process} > Relation_to_a_process; Relation_to_a_process (Thing, Process) {e.g. SI-, the reverse of SI} > I-, SI-, DI-; I- (Thing, Process) {reverse of I (input)}; SI- (Thing, Process) {reverse of SI (static input)}; DI- (Thing, Process) {reverse of DI (dynamic input)}; BinaryRel_with_mathematical_property (Thing, Thing) {e.g. Symmetric_with, Transitive_with} > (Reflexive_with, Irreflexive_with), (Symmetric_with, Asymmetric_with), Antisymmetric_with, Transitive_with, Partial_ordering_with; Reflexive_with (Thing, Thing) {for all x, xRx, e.g. R="as old as"} > Similar_in_a_way_to, Different_from, Partial_ordering_with; Mathematically_equivalent_to (Thing, Thing) {reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation}; Irreflexive_with (Thing, Thing) {for all x, not(xRx), e.g. R="is the mother of"}; Symmetric_with (Thing, Thing) {xRy implies yRx, e.g. R="is the spouse of"} > Similar_in_a_way_to, Different_from, Intersects_with; Asymmetric_with (Thing, Thing) {xRy implies not(yRx), e.g. R="is the husband of" (most relations in this ontology are asymetric)}; Antisymmetric_with (Thing, Thing) {xRy and yRx implies y=x, e.g. R="was present at birth of"} > Partial_ordering_with; Transitive_with (Thing, Thing) {xRy and yRz implies yRz, e.g. R="is an ancestor of"} > Similar_in_a_way_to, Partial_ordering_with; Partial_ordering_with (Thing, Thing) {reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive relation} > Total_ordering_with, Component_binaryRel; Total_ordering_with (Thing, Thing) {partial ordering relation where x =< y or y =< x for every pair x and y} > NumericGreaterThanOrEqual, NumericLessThanOrEqual, T_Pred, T_Succ, T_Before, T_After; NumericGreaterThanOrEqual (Number, Number) > NumericGreaterThan; NumericGreaterThan (Number, Number); NumericLessThanOrEqual (Number, Number) > NumericLessThan; NumericLessThan (Number, Number); Contextualizing_binaryRel (Thing, Thing) {the relation contextualises its destination} > Contextualizing_binaryRel_from_a_description, Contextualizing_binaryRel_from_a_situation, Logical_contextualizing_binaryRel; Contextualizing_binaryRel_from_a_situation (Situation, Thing) > Temporal_binaryRel_from_a_situation, Spatial_binaryRel_from_a_process; /* For concept types: Process_contextualizing_its_object, Contextualizing_description */ Relation_refering_to_a_process (Thing, Thing) {<a href="../../doc/recommendations.html#NoRelationReferingToProcess">use concepts instead of such relations (e.g. Add)</a>};