Table of Contents
General terminology.
In this document, an ontology is a set of partial or
complete machine-readable definitions for "formal terms" referring to objects
("resources" in OWL/RDF/XML terminology). Objects are either represented as
classes (i.e., types: concept types or relation types) or
individuals (types can have instances, individuals cannot).
The definitions associated to a formal term can be used as semantic
constraints for checking its use in other knowledge representation statements.
Statements are either definitions (partial or complete definitions)
or assertions (e.g., facts, data, beliefs or hypothesis).
Like assertions, definitions can be used for knowledge inferencing.
UML data models can be viewed as ontologies but their roles is (also) to prescribe
how and which individuals should be entered by users rather than simply
describing some relationships between some objects of a world. Hence,
compared to ontologies, data models require additional kinds of constraints.
However, apart from highlighting this rarely noted distinction between
"knowledge description constraints" and "knowledge entering constraints", this
document does not propose special (ad-hoc?) representations for the
latter constraints since they are not dealt with in the "knowledge representation"
Goal. This document was originally intended to extend UML in order to cover common knowledge representation features useful to write definitions or assertions, and for each feature the mapping with other models and notations is illustrated: notations using the OWL model, KIF-based notations, and high-level notations from WebKB-2. However, the mapping with UML proved difficult: in the various cases below, UML examples are given instead of the exact translations of what is expressed in the other languages (i.e, notations + models). The OMG's ODM (Ontology Definition Metamodel) proposes partial (and sometimes total) structural mappings between UML, OWL, ER, CL and Topic Maps. This document is essentially a case-by-case comparison of OWL, KIF, their usual notations, and higher-level notations. If you wish one more language to be compared here, send me the translations in this language of the examples given below and I'll include them (citing you as author of these translations).
KIF, OWL, and their notations.
KIF refers to
a Fist-Order Predicate Calculus (FOPC)
based model and its LISP-based notation. KIF has been designed and used to specify
the logical denotation of many other knowledge representation languages (KRLs). KIF
is the current de-facto standard for knowledge interchange, and is the notation and
basis used by the main knowledge sharing international projects of the knowledge
representation community: Common Logic,
SUO and IFF.
OWL is a model that
follows the principles of terminological logics languages and hence frame-based languages.
OWL includes the RDF and RDFS model. OWL can be represented in KIF (the reverse is false).
OWL and its RDF/XML notation are
W3C recommendations (from now on and except when the expression "OWL model" is used,
references to OWL also refer to RDF/XML, the RDF model and its extension named
RDFS). Notation 3 (or N3)
is a syntax sometimes used as a more readable alternative to RDF/XML; it is more
expressive than RDF/XML but less than KIF.
The RDF model and the OWL model are language ontologies: like
metamodels, they propose formal terms for concepts and relations (e.g., subtypeOf)
that are necessary to express statements regardless of what the statements
express. KRLs such as KIF make their language ontologies implicit.
Content ontologies are like models, i.e., they contain formal terms
referring to objects in the modeled real/imaginary world.
RDF/XML is an XML textual notation for statements using the RDF metamodel.
Statements using the OWL metamodel are usually written using RDF/XML but they
can also be written in KIF: these two notations are used below and respectively
named XOWL and KOWL. More precisely, since the OWL model can be divided into
three increasingly expressive metamodels - OWL lite, OWL DL and OWL full - the
least expressive part of OWL involved will be specified by using the terms XOWLL,
Higher-level languages.
Knowledge entering and sharing requires higher-level languages
(models+notations) than OWL and KIF. Here, "higher-level" means more user-friendly
and more "normalizing", i.e., restricting the number of ways something can be
This is achieved by providing (linear or graphic) graph-based expressive languages
with high-level constructs such as extended quantifiers (e.g., "at least 65%",
"most" and "2 to 4"). Below, the high-level notations used below are
used in the WebKB knowledge server:
Formalized English (FE),
Frame-CG (FCG) and
For-Links (FL) (since FL is more
adequate for taxonomies, FL and FCG/FE will rarely be presented as alternatives
for translations).
These notations [Martin 2002] were mainly derived
from the original linear form of the
Conceptual Graph model
[Sowa 1992] and to a less extent, Frame-Logics and KIF.
The WebKB model [Martin 2001] is an extension and
normalization of the CG model. I have converted this model into a
MOF2 metamodel and named it "KRM".
Its MOF HUTN format, which I named "KRF", is one of the formats used below
when UML needs to be extended.
A "conjunctive existentially quantified statement" is a set of existentially quantified objects (named or anonymous objects) possibly connected by relations. Such statements are very common and nearly all KRLs permit to represent them. They also have a nice property: the generalization of such a statement (a simple and common graph operation consisting of replacing an individual in the statement by a class or a class by one of its superclass, or by removing a relation) is a logical deduction [Sowa, 1984]. Hence conversely, looking for such specializations of such a statement/query retrieve "logical" answers. This property can be extended to such statements with positive contexts (see next section) [Chein and Mugnier, 1997] or distributive sets but not to statements including some universal quantification, negation, modality, OR relation, OR-set, etc. Looking for specializations of the last cases is still a simple way to retrieve "interesting" answers (e.g., "john thinks there is no employee under 25" in answer to "is there an employee under 30?") but these are not "logical" answers.
Here is an example. From now on and until the "Definition" Section, for readability reasons, object names are most often used instead of identifiers. Furthermore, the creator of each statement is not represented since an additional context would be required for that. "FE" is for Formalized English.
E: Tom owns a dog that is not Snoopy.
FE: Tom is owner of a dog different_from Snoopy.
FCG: [Tom, owner of: (a dog != Snoopy)]
KIF: (exists ((?x dog)) (and (owner ?x Tom) (/= ?x Snoopy)))
XOWLL: <Dog><owner><owl:Thing rdf:about="#Tom"/></owner> <owl:differentFrom rdf:resource="#Snoopy"/></Dog>
N3: [a :Dog; :owner :Tom; owl:differentFrom :Snoopy].
KRF: TNode{term:Tom sourceOf: Relation{rType:owner dest: QNode{cType:dog sourceOf: Relation {rType: different_from dest: TNode{term:Snoopy} }}}}.
Related simple example in UML:
![]() |
Contexts permit to represent statements over statements, and hence, for example,
situation duration and statement negation, modalities, creator and argumentation
relations. Contextualised statements are represented via delimitors such
as '(...) and ^(...) in KIF or keywords (e.g., aboutEach
and hence OWL. In FCG and FE, statements always have delimitors (`...' in FE,
[...] in FCG) and the context of a statement may be specified by adding a list of
relations (delimited by a pair of parenthesis). These relations are about the statement,
or in other words, about each relation of the statement.
Given the ill-designed RDF model and syntax (ill-designed mostly because of the difficulties
created by the choice of a triple-based model and an XML syntax), the meaning
and use of aboutEach
is often problematic; the
W3C Working Draft
of 23/01/2003 revising the
W3C Recommendation of 22/02/1999
about RDF/XML removed aboutEach
from the grammar. However,
since it has not (yet) been replaced, any practical way to represent relations
from statements or collections with RDF/XML has also been removed.
Given these are basic and unavoidable features of knowledge/ontology
representation, this removal is one more evidence that RDF/XML (and indirectly
OWL) is totally unfit for such purpose. In order to present translations in OWL,
this removal of aboutEach
is ignored below (thus, the assumption
is that a similar construct will one day be introduced as a replacement).
In the following example, to represent the negation of a statement in OWL, an intermediary class is created for this statement and then an instance of the complement of this intermediary class is refered to. Although syntactically correct, it is doubtful that an inference engine will be able to exploit such an indirection any time soon.
E: Tom believes Mary likes him (now) in 2003, and that before she did not.
FE: Tom is believer of ` *p `Mary is liking Tom' at time 2003' and is believer of `!*p is before 2003'.
FCG: [Tom, believer of: [*p [Mary, agent of:(a liking,object:Tom)], time:2003], believer of: [!*p, before: 2003] ]
KIF: (exists (?p) (and (= ?p '(exists ((?x liking)) (and (agent *l Mary) (object ?l Tom)))) (believer ^(time ,?p 2003) Tom) (believer ^(before (not ,?p) 2003) Tom)))
XOWLD: <rdf:Description rdf:bagID="p"> <Liking><agent><rdf:Description rdf:about="#Mary"/></agent> <object rdf:resource="#Tom"/></Liking></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:bagID="now" rdf:aboutEach="#p" time ="2003"/> <owl:Class rdf:bagID="class_of_not_p"> <owl:complementOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Class><owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#p"/></owl:oneOf> </owl:Class></owl:complementOf></owl:Class> <class_of_not_p rdf:bagID="not_p"/> <rdf:Description rdf:bagID="past" rdf:aboutEach="#not_p" before="2003"/> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#now"><believer rdf:resource="#Tom"/> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#past"><believer rdf:resource="#Tom"/> </rdf:Description>
N3: {{[a :Liking; :agent :Mary; :object :Tom]} rdf:ID :p; :time "2003"} believer :Tom. :not_p negation :p. {:not_p :before "2003"} believer :Tom.
KRF: TNode {term:Tom sourceOf:isReversed Relation{rType:believer dest: ENode {embeddedNode1: ENode part: {embeddedNode1: TNode{term:Mary sourceOf:isReversed Relation{rType:agent dest: QNode{cType:liking sourceOf: Relation{rType:object dest: TNode{Term:Tom} }}}}} sourceOf:Relation{rType:time dest: QNode{cType:"year" quantifier:Quantifier{num:"2003"}}}}} sourceOf:isReversed Relation{rType:believer dest: ENode {embeddedNode1: isNegated ENode {embeddedNode1Ref: p} sourceOf: Relation{rType:before dest: QNode{cType:year quantifier:Quantifier{num:"2003"}}}}}}
An identity relation may be seen as specifying that two classes are identical, or from another viewpoint, as a way to associate various identifiers to a same object.
is used in the same way xml:lang
is used in XML,
that is, as if it was a special XML attribute of another property. Using a metastatement
(as in the previous section) would be more correct but would reduce too much the readability
(and hence understandability) of the given examples.
is a constant in KIF; in the other notations, the
identifier kif#bottom
is used.
E: According to pm, pm#nothing is identical to owl#nothing, and according to Joe, owl#nothing identical to kif#bottom.
FL: pm#nothing = owl#nothing (pm) kif#bottom (Joe);
FCG: [pm#nothing, = owl#nothing](pm); [pm#nothing, = kif#bottom](Joe);
KIF: (dc#Creator '(= pm#nothing owl#nothing) pm) (dc#Creator '(= pm#nothing bottom) Joe)
KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(owl#equivalentClass pm#nothing owl#nothing ) pm) (dc#Creator '(owl#equivalentClass pm#nothing bottom) Joe)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:about="±Nothing"> <owl:equivalentClass rdf:resource="&kif;Bottom" dc:creator="Joe"/> <owl:equivalentClass rdf:resource="&owl;Nothing" dc:creator=""/> </owl:Class>
N3: {pm:Nothing owl:equivalentClass kif:Bottom} dc:creator "Joe". {pm:Nothing owl:equivalentClass owl:Nothing} dc:creator "".
For relations between relation types (i.e., between "properties" in
OWL terminology), OWL Lite requires the use of
instead of owl#equivalent_class
Similarly, for relations between individuals, OWL Lite requires the use of
. In all cases, owl#same_as
be used instead in OWL Full, and there is no change in the other notations;
may only be used in OWL Full because it asserts
equality (identity) not simply equivalence.
Although names are not definitions, identifiers are also names and
hence, it is suitable to detail now how names can be associated to objects.
E: There is a class named "dog" and "domestic_dog" by wn, and "doggy" and "chien" by pm; "dog" is a key name for wn; "chien" is a French name.
FL: wn#dog__domestic_dog name: "doggy" (pm) "chien" (pm, language: wn#French);
KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(rdfs#label wn#dog "dog") pm) ;;"class" not represented (dc#Creator '(rdfs#label wn#dog "dogmestic_dog") wm) (dc#Creator '(rdfs#label wn#dog "doggy") pm) (dc#Creator '(xml#lang '(rdfs#label wn#dog "chien") fr) pm)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:about="&wn;dog"> <rdfs:label dc:Creator="">dog</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label dc:Creator="">domestic_dog</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label dc:Creator="">doggy</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label xml:lang="fr" dc:Creator="">chien</rdfs:label> </owl:Class>
N3: {wn:dog rdfs:label "dog", "domestic_dog"} dc:creator "". {wn:Dog rdfs:label "doggy"} dc:creator "". { {wn:Dog rdfs:label "chien"} xml:lang "fr"} dc:creator "".
Distinctions between assertions and definitions.
Definitions differ from assertions-using-a-universal-quantifier in the sense
that definitions cannot be false. For example, defining a class with name
"rectangle" as a kind of car is not false, even if "rectangle" is not an
intuitive name for a class of car. However, like an assertion, a new definition
may happen to be inconsistent with already entered definitions or assertions.
In such a case, various strategies can be used. In a multi-user Knowledge Base
Management System (shared KBMS), the new definition may be denied (i.e.,
the user has to associate its definition to a more appropriate class) or
accepted (then, in order to keep the knowledge base consistent and according to
the new definition, a more appropriate class must be automatically created,
given an identifier and inserted into the class generalization hierarchy).
For the management of shared knowledge (in a cooperatively built KB or in
a KB automatically built by collecting knowledge from various private KBs),
it is important that the creator of each object, relation or statement can be
formally associated to them, either manually by the knowledge provider or
automatically (then, knowledge filtering can be done on the creators, using their
identifiers, superclasses or statements about them). Since this is one of
the (many) things RDF/XML is not tailored for, comments will simply be used in the
OWL-related translations (the "Context" section will also show how creators
can be associated in more formal but ad-hoc ways to RDF/XML representations).
A class definition is complete if it specifies necessary and sufficient
conditions for objects to be instance of the class, or partial if it specifies
either necessary or sufficient conditions. Setting a relation subtypeOf from a
class to another is a simple way to define one necessary condition for the source
class, and one sufficient condition for the destination class. (However, if this
relation is set by someone who has not created the source/destination class,
the relation may be treated as an assertion rather than a definition for
knowledge inferencing/checking and inconsistency handling purposes).
This document first lists simple definitions/assertions via such
"relations-from/to-a-class", then presents various features for
expressing statements (definitions or assertions), and concludes with a section
on definitions using such features. In the first and last sections,
only identifiers will be used for objects. In the other sections, for maximum
readability, object names will often be used instead of object identifiers, but
statements will still be asumed unambiguous (either because each name happens
to refer to only one object or the ambiguity can be automatically resolved by
exploiting semantic constraints, e.g., relation signatures). In a KBMS,
ambiguous statements should not be accepted.
Universal quantification does not exist in OWL but using class definitions is close enough. The difference is that a universal statement can be false whereas definitions cannot (a definition does not assert a fact but only lists conditions for membership to a class and thus is neither true nor false but some people say that a definition is "always true, by definition"). Furthermore, when two users give conflicting definitions about a same class, this can be adequately resolved by creating two different classes (since the conflict reveals that the authors of the definitions do not think about the same concept/object), whereas resolving conflicting assertions (or beliefs when each assertion has a creator) implies selecting between them (or none of them) and this is a matter of trust or strategy (e.g., the simple strategy of always selecting the most specialized assertion).
The following example requires OWL Full because part
is a
transitive relation. Otherwise, OWL Lite would have been sufficient (the used
cardinality is not more than 1).
E: Animals have exactly one head.
FE: Any animal has for part 1 head.
FCG: [any animal, part: 1 head]
KIF: (forall ((?a animal)) (exists1 '?h (and (head ?h) (part ?a '?h))))
XOWLF: <rdf:Property rdf:ID="headPart"> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#part"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Head"/> </rdf:Property> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Animal"> <rdfs:subClassOf><owl:Restriction> <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1 </owl:cardinality> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#headPart"/> </owl:Restriction></rdfs:subClassOf></owl:Class>
N3: :headPart a rdf:Property; rdfs:subPropertyOf :part; rdfs:range :Head. :Animal rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :headPart; owl:cardinality 1].
KRF: QNode {cType:animal quantifier:Quantifier{kind:any} sourceOf: Relation {rType:part dest: QNode {cType:head quantifier:Quantifier{num:"1"}}}}
Here is a KIF definition of exists1
(defrelation exists1 (?var ?predicate) :=
(truth ^(exists (,?var)
(and (,?predicate ,?var)
(forall(?y) (=> (,?predicate ?y) (= ,?var ?y)))))))
A class (concept type or relation type) definition states necessary and/or sufficient conditions for objects to be instance of this class. Some KRLs (but not OWL nor KIF) also accept "prototypes" (as in "a prototypical bird is able to fly"). Since I advocate the use of extended quantifiers, I think that statements using the "most" quantifier (or a more precise one, e.g., "78%") and contexts (e.g., to specify the location and time, as in "'78% of birds are able to fly' in australia, in 2003") should be used instead of prototypes.
Any statement (using any of the above presented features) can be used in a definition. However, inference engines can only use simple definitions to categorize classes into a generalization hierarchy, or find the most specialized class (or classes) for an object according to the statements using it (or in frame-based terminology, according to the properties associated to it).
Setting a subtypeOf relation from a class to another is a way to give
necessary conditions for the source class and sufficient conditions for the
destination class. In OWL, this is the only way in OWL, and the use of
temporary classes called "restrictions" (some restricted forms of
lambda-abstractions) plus relations such as owl#intersection_of
and owl#complement_of
permit to create
complex definitions. The direct use of these three relations,
, owl#equivalent_property
actually define necessary and sufficient
conditions. Thus, the following example of a partial definition can be
changed into a complete definition by replacing "rdfs:subClassOf" by
"owl:equivalentClass" in the OWL translations (and ":=>" by ":=" in FCG and
KIF). As announced in the first section, class identifiers are now used instead
of class names in the examples.
E: According to "pm", a person necessarily has for parent a person.
FCG: [type wn#person (*x) :=> [*x, pm#parent: a wn#person] ](pm)
KIF: (dc#Creator '(defrelation wn#person (?p) :=> (exists ((?p2 #person)) (pm#parent ?p ?p2))) pm)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:about="&wn;Person"> <rdfs:subClassOf><owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="±parent"/> <owl:toClass rdf:resource="&wn;Person"/> </owl:Restriction></rdfs:subClassOf> <rdfs:comment>According to</rdfs:comment> </owl:Class>
N3: {wn:Person rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty pm:parent; owl:toClass wn:Person] } dc:Creator "".
KRF: Definition { creator: User pm dType:CType person kind:NC parameter:("x") embeddedNode1: QNode {var:"x" sourceOf:Relation{rType:"pm#parent" dest: QNode {cType:person} }}}
Related simple example in UML:
![]() |
In FCG and KIF, the definition of relation types is identical to the definition of other classes except for the number of parameters (variables). In OWL, there is no variable, and hence no syntactic means to give a definition to a relation type (apart from indicating its superclass, domain and range).
In addition to definitions by intension, OWL permits definitions by extention. I have not encountered such definitions in ontologies. If I do, I will extend the FL grammar to represent them as indicated below, i.e., by accepting "closed instance partitions".
E: The class pm#Da_Ponte_opera_of_Mozart has only three instances: pm#Le_Nozze_di_Figaro, pm#Don_Giovanni and pm#Cosi_fan_tutte.
FL: pm#Da_Ponte_opera_of_Mozart instance: {(pm#Le_Nozze_di_Figaro,pm#Don_Giovanni,pm#Cosi_fan_tutte)}(exclusive); //"{(...)}" refer to a complete AND-SET, hence here a complete "instance partition".
FCG: [a pm#Da_Ponte_opera_of_Mozart, = OR{pm#Le_Nozze_di_Figaro,pm#Don_Giovanni,pm#Cosi_fan_tutte}]
KIF: (<=> (pm#Da_Ponte_opera_of_Mozart ?x) (or (= ?x pm#Le_Nozze_di_Figaro) (?x pm#Don_Giovanni) (= ?x pm#Cosi_fan_tutte)))
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:ID="±Da_Ponte_opera_of_Mozart"> <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Thing rdf:ID="±Nozze_di_Figaro"/> <owl:Thing rdf:ID="±Don_Giovanni"/> <owl:Thing rdf:ID="±Cosi_fan_tutte"/> </owl:oneOf></owl:Class> <!-- the intercap style cannot be used for identifiers here because then they could not be translated back to other notations -->
N3: pm:Da_Ponte_opera_of_Mozart owl:oneOf (pm:Nozze_di_Figaro, pm:Don_Giovanni, pm:Cosi_fan_tutte).
KRF: QNode{cType:"pm#Da_Ponte_opera_of_Mozart" sourceOf: Relation{rType:equal dest: NodeCollection{aggregation:or collElt: TNode{term:"pm#Le_Nozze_di_Figaro"} collElt: TNode{term:"pm#Don_Giovanni"} collElt: TNode{term:"pm#Cosi_fan_tutte"} }}}
![]() |
An object identifier may be a URL (as in RDF/XML, e.g.,
an e-mail address or, within a shared KBMS for example, the composition of a
source/user identifier and a "key name" within that namespace, as in
and pm#electric_vehicle
referring to WordNet 1.7 and pm
to the person
identified by
). This last notation is used in
WebKB-2 and will be use in the following examples. All the used identifiers
exist in the KB of WebKB-2, and their related classes (e.g., subclasses) and
statements are accessible via WebKB-2 interfaces or URLs (e.g.,
Note that a key name is also a name, and hence when an object identifier is
created with an English word/expression as key name, its orthograph or case
should not be altered and hence, in WebKB-2, the character '_' is used as a
connector (e.g., pm#electric_vehicle
, not
). This is important for the presentation of
statements in natural language or restricted languages. Without this convention,
the correct orthograph cannot be retrieved with certainty (at least in English)
and the knowledge providers are expected to specify the correct orthograph using
an additional name ("label" in RDF/XML) which is cumbersome and, in practice,
rarely done. As shown below in the RDF/XML translations, when converting statements
to languages where other conventions have been adopted, the identifiers are
converted too. When referring to object identifiers which do not follow the
expected conventions (e.g., the "elements" of the Dublin Core are relations
but their identifiers beging by an uppercase), no orthographic change is made
(e.g., dc#Creator
is used in all notations).
In FCG, a statement of the form "[x, r: y]" means "x has for r y". In the KIF-based notations below, a statement of the form "(r x y)" also means "x has for r y" (this convention is unfortunately not in the KIF documentation and hence the opposite convention is used by some other people).
In predicate logic and semantic networks, a relation is a first-order entity, that is, it is not "local" to an object but can be applied to any object provided that the class of this object complies with the relevant class specified in the signature of the relation, i.e., is identical to it, more specialized, or to ease query formulation, more general. Identifiers of relation types also have no separate namespace. For clarity purposes, the expression "relation types" is often used as a synonym to "relation classes".
Binary relations ("properties" in OWL terminology) map directly to UML
associations. In OWL, the relations rdfs#domain
permit to specify the signature of a relation, while
, while owl#min_cardinality
and owl#cardinality
permit to
specify its range cardinality. Stating that a relation type is instance of the
the metaclass owl#functional_property
respectively permits to specify a
range cardinality (0..1)
and a domain cardinality (0..1)
To specify other domain cardinalities in OWL, inverse relations must unfortunately
be introduced.
OWL Lite consider datatypes (e.g.,, numbers and strings) and objects having a class as exclusive kinds of objects. This exclusion is fortunately removed in OWL DL and OWL Full but OWL distinguishes between "object properties" and "datatype properties". Using attributes seem to be a natural way to represent "datatype properties" in UML but this implies that an attribute is just a shortcut for an association (which must be automatically derivable from the attribute by an UML system).
Below are two examples of relation definitions.
is a constant that refers to the person that has for identifier
"E" is for "English". "//" introduces a line comment for people only (i.e.,
discarded by parsers). The OWL notations below use the XML comment marks
"<!-- ... -->" for such comments. They also use RDF/XML namespace shortcuts,
e.g., they do not refer to owl#nothing
but either to
or to &owl;Nothing
, depending on where
the identifier is used.
E: Relations of type pm#husband are defined as both functional and inverse functional relations, from an object of class pm#woman to an object of class pm#man.
FL: pm#husband (0..1 pm#woman -> pm#man); //default representation; FL: pm#husband (0..1 pm#woman, 0..1 pm#man); //a more extended form; FL: pm#woman pm#husband: pm#man (pm, any->0..1, 0..1<-any); //another one;
KOWLL: (owl#functional_property pm#husband) (owl#inverse_functional_property pm#husband) (rdfs#domain pm#husband pm#woman) (rdfs#range pm#husband pm#man)
XOWLL: <owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID="±husband"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;InverseFunctionalProperty" /> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="±Woman"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="±Man"/> </owl:FunctionalProperty>
N3: @prefix pm: <"pm#">. //such namespace declarations will not be repeated in the next N3 examples @prefix dolce: <"dolce#">. @prefix kif: <"">. @prefix rdf: <"">. @prefix rdfs: <"">. @prefix dc: <"">. @prefix daml: <"">. @prefix pm: <"">. @prefix wn: <"">. @prefix owl: <"">. @prefix : <#>. pm:husband a owl:FunctionalProperty, owl:InverseFunctionalProperty; rdfs:domain pm:Woman; rdfs:range pm:Man.
KRF: not needed here since UML not extended here
E: Relations of type pm#parent are from pm#animal to pm#animal. The domain cardinality is 0..* and the range cardinality 2..2 (in our real world).
FL: pm#parent (0..* pm#animal, 2 pm#animal); //0..* is optional here FL: pm#animal pm#parent: pm#animal (any->2, 0..*<-any); //"0..*<-any" is optional
KIF: (defrelation pm#parent (?x ?y) :=> (and (pm#animal ?x) (pm#animal ?y))) (forall ((a pm#animal)) (existsN ('?p pm#animal (pm#parent '?a ?p))))
XOWLD: <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="±parent"> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="±Animal"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="±Animal"/> </owl:ObjectProperty> <owl:Class rdf:about="±Animal"/> <rdfs:subClassOf><owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="±parent"/> <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">2 </owl:cardinality> </owl:Restriction> </rdfs:subClassOf> </owl:Class>
N3: pm:parent a owl:ObjectProperty; rdfs:domain pm:Animal; rdfs:range pm:Animal. pm:Animal rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty pm:Parent; owl:cardinality 2].
Related simple examples in UML:
![]() |
![]() |
Instance relations can be used between an individual and a class, or
between classes as in the next example.
E: According to OWL, owl#annotation_property has for instance rdfs#label.
FL: owl#annotation_property instance: rdfs#label; //':' can be used instead of "instance:"
FCG: [owl#annotation_property, rdf#type of: rdfs#label](owl);
KIF: (dc#Creator '(owl#annotation_property rdfs#label) owl) KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(rdf#type rdfs#label owl#annotation_property) owl)
XOWLL: <rdf:Property rdf:about="&rdfs;label"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty" dc:Creator="owl"/> </rdf:Property>
N3: {rdfs:label rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty} dc:Creator "owl".
Related simple example in UML:
![]() |
Here is an example for subtype relations.
E: According to OWL, owl#datatype_property is a subclass of rdf#property.
FL: owl#datatype_property supertype: rdf#property; //"subtype of" could also be used FL: owl#datatype_property < rdf#property; //'<' is a shortcut for "supertype:"
FCG: [owl#datatype_property, rdfs#sub_class_of: rdf#property](owl);
KIF: (dc#Creator '(forall ((?i owl#datatype_property)) (rdf#property ?i)) owl) KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(rdfs#sub_class_of owl#datatype_property rdf#property) owl)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:about="&owl;DatatypeProperty"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&rdf;Property" dc:Creator="owl"/></owl:Class>
N3: {owl:DatatypeProperty rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Property} dc:Creator "owl".
OWL requires the use of rdfs#sub_property_of
instead of
for subtype relations between class of relations.
![]() |
Here is an example of open subclass partition, that is, a set of
exclusive subclasses. For each notation except FL and UML, the statement of the
previous example is taken into account, that is, not repeated.
E: According to OWL Lite, owl#datatype_property and owl#object_property are exclusive subclasses of rdf#property.
FL: rdf#property > { owl#datatype_property (owl) owl#object_property (owl) } (owl_lite, exclusive); //"{...}" refer to an AND-SET, hence here a list of exclusive subtypes //since '>' is a shortcut for "subtype:" and the fact that the members //of this set are exclusive is indicated in the context of this set
FCG: [owl#object_property, rdfs#sub_class_of: rdf#property](owl); [owl#object_property, owl#disjoint_with: owl#datatype_property](owl_lite);
KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(rdfs#sub_class_of owl#object_property rdf#property) owl_lite) (dc#Creator '(owl#disjoint_with owl#object_property owl#datatype_property) owl_lite)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:about="&owl;ObjectProperty"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&rdf;Property" dc:Creator="owl_lite"/> <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="&rdf;DatatypeProperty" dc:Creator="owl_lite"/> </owl:Class>
N3: {owl:ObjectProperty rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Property} dc:Creator "owl_lite". {owl:ObjectProperty owl:disjointWith rdf:DatatypeProperty} dc:Creator "owl_lite".
Here is the same example but with a closed (i.e., complete) subclass
partition, i.e., a set of exclusive subclasses that covers all the possible
instances of the source class. (Note: the exclusion between
and owl#object_property
exists in
OWL Lite but not anymore in OWL DL/Full). For each notation except FL and UML,
the statements of the two previous examples are taken into account.
E: According to OWL Lite, owl#datatype_property and owl#object_property form a complete subclass partition of rdf#property.
FL: rdf#property > {( owl#datatype_property (owl_lite) owl#object_property (owl_lite) )} (owl_lite, exclusive); //"{(...)}" refer to a complete AND-SET, hence here a complete "subtype partition"
FCG: [rdf#property, owl#union_of: {owl#datatype_property,owl#object_property}(exclusive) ](owl_lite);
KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(owl#union_of rdf#property (listof owl#datatype_property owl#object_property) ) owl_lite)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:about="&owl;Property"> <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection" dc:Creator="owl_lite" > <owl:Class rdf:about="&owl;ObjectProperty"/> <owl:Class rdf:about="&owl;DatatypeProperty"/> </owl:unionOf> </owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:about="&owl;ObjectProperty"> <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="&owl;DatatypeProperty" dc:Creator="owl_lite"/> </owl:Class>
N3: {owl:Property owl:unionOf owl:ObjectProperty,owl:DatatypeProperty} dc:Creator "owl_lite". {owl:ObjectProperty owl:disjointWith owl:DatatypeProperty} dc:Creator "owl_lite".
FL, FCG and KIF accept N-ary relations. One way to translate a non-binary relation type into OWL is to convert it into a regular class and introduce a relation for each argument.
FL: pm#ternary_relation (owl#thing,owl#thing,owl#thing);
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:ID="±TernaryRelation"> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="±ternaryRelationArg1"> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&owl;thing"/> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="±ternaryRelationArg2"> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&owl;thing"/> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="±ternaryRelationArg3"> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&owl;thing"/> </rdf:Property> </owl:Class>
N3: pm:TernaryRelation a owl:Class; pm:ternaryRelationArg1 owl:thing; pm:ternaryRelationArg2 owl:thing; pm:ternaryRelationArg3 owl:thing.
FL: pm#thing__something (^any object is instance of this class^) 29/11/1999 name: "chose" (kr, language: wn#French), instance of: owl#class, > {(pm#situation pm#entity)}(exclusive) pm#thing_playing_some_role, = owl#thing suo#entity;
KOWLL: (owl#class pm#thing) (rdfs#label pm#thing "something") //the binary relation rdfs#label (dc#Creator '(xml#lang '(rdfs#label pm#thing "chose") fr) kr) (dc#Creator pm#thing (dc#Date pm#thing "29/11/1999") (rdfs#comment pm#thing "any object is instance of this class") (owl#union_of pm#thing (listof pm#situation pm#entity)) (owl#disjointWith pm#entity pm#situation) (rdfs#subClassOf pm#entity pm#thing) (rdfs#subClassOf pm#situation pm#thing) (rdfs#subClassOf pm#thing_playing_some_role pm#thing) (owl#sameClassAs pm#thing owl#thing) (owl#sameClassAs pm#thing suo#entity)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:ID="±Thing"> <rdfs:label>thing</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label>something</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label xml:lang="fr" dc:Creator="">chose</rdfs:label> <dc:Creator></dc:Creator> <dc:Date>29/11/1999</dc:Date> <rdfs:comment>any object is instance of this class</rdfs:comment> <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Class rdf:ID="±Entity"/> <owl:Class rdf:ID="±Situation"/> </owl:unionOf> <owl#sameClassAs rdf:resource="&owl;Thing"/> <owl#sameClassAs rdf:resource="&suo;Entity"/> </owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:about="±Entity"> <owl:disjointWith rdf:about="±Situation"/> </owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:about="±ThingPlayingSomeRole"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:about="±Thing"/> </owl:Class>
N3: pm:Thing a owl:Class; rdfs:label "thing", "something"; dc:Creator; dc:Date "29/11/1999"; rdfs:comment "any object is instance of this class"; owl:unionOf (pm:Entity pm:Situation); owl:sameClass owl:Thing, suo:Entity. {{pm:Thing rdfs:label "chose"} xml:lang "fr"} dc:Creator "". pm:Entity a owl:Class; owl:disjointWith pm:Situation. pm:ThingPlayingSomeRole a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf pm:Thing.
Lexical ontologies such as WordNet often have additional
relations-from/to-a-class that are of a different nature than the above cited
ones: they are simply shortcuts for universally quantified assertions.
Examples of such relations are memberOf
, substanceOf
, locationOf
and urlOf
In FL, the relation "partOf" refers to the spatial/physical "partOf"
(i.e., "portionOf" or "componentOf") when spatial entities are connected,
and "subprocessOf" when processes are connected. The relation "part" refers to
"part", the inverse of "partOf".
The example also shows how cardinality and complete/open partitions for
transitive relations may be specified. The relation type
is defined in the KIF version and re-used in the
OWL version.
E: Any human body has at most 2 arms. Any arm belongs to at most 1 body.
FL: pm#human_body part: wn#arm (any->0..2, 0..1<-any);
KIF: (forall ((?b pm#human_body)) (atMostN 2 '?a wn#arm (pm#part ?b '?a))) (forall ((?a wn#arm)) (atMostN 1 '?b pm#human_body (pm#part '?b ?a)))
XOWLD: <rdf:Property rdf:ID="ArmPart"><rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="±part"/> <owl:inverseOf rdf:ID="ArmPartOf"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&wn;Arm"/> </rdf:Property> <owl:Class rdf:about="±HumanBody"><rdfs:subClassOf> <owl:Restriction><owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#ArmPart"/> <owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">2 </owl:maxCardinality></owl:Restriction> </rdfs:subClassOf></owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:about="&wn;Arm"><rdfs:subClassOf> <owl:Restriction><owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#ArmPartOf"/> <owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1 </owl:maxCardinality></owl:Restriction> </rdfs:subClassOf></owl:Class>
N3: :ArmPart a rdf:Property; rdfs:subPropertyOf pm:part; owl:inverseOf :ArmPartOf; rdfs:range wn:Arm. pm:HumanBody rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty ArmPart; owl:cardinality 2]. wn:Arm rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty ArmPartOf; owl:cardinality 1].
Here is a KIF definition of atMostN
(defrelation atMostN (?num ?var ?type ?predicate) := (exists ((?s set)(?n)) (and (size ?s ?n) (=< ?n ?num) (truth ^(forall (,?var) (=> (member ,?var ,?s) (and (,?type ,?var) ,?predicate)))))))
A lambda abstraction is an on-the-fly (i.e., in the middle of a statement,
instead of using a class name) complete definition of an anonymous class (i.e.,
unnamed and therefore not stored in the ontology). Its use is very handy with
universal quantifiers (or similar extended quantifiers) as the following example
shows. The example also shows that in KIF and OWL, a class named "healthy_bird"
had to be explicitely introduced instead of being kept anonymous.
(However, OWL permits some restricted kinds of lambda-abstractions via the use of
The example also illustrates another kind of shortcut in FE and FCG: the use of the keyword "good" (which is one of the few predefined keywords for qualitative valuation in FE and FCG) instead of the use of a "measure" relation.
E: At least 93% of healthy birds fly.
FE: At least 93% of [bird experiencer of a good health] are agent of a flight.
FCG: [at least 93% of (bird,experiencer of:a good health), agent of: a flight]
KIF: (defobject healthy_bird (?b) := (exists ((?h health)) (and (bird ?b) (experiencer ?h ?b) (measure ?h good)))) (forAtLeastNpercent 93 '?x healthy_bird (exists ((?f flight)) (agent ?f '?x)))
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:ID="GoodHealth"> <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Health"/> <owl:Restriction><owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#measure"/> <owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#Good"/></owl:Restriction> </owl:intersectionOf></owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:ID="HealthyBird"> <owl:equivalentClass><owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#experiencerOf"/> <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#GoodHealth"/></owl:Restriction> </owl:equivalentClass></owl:Class> <owl:Class rdf:about="#HealthyBird" quantifier="at least 93%"> <agentOf><Flight/></agentOf></owl:Class>
N3: :GoodHealth owl:intersectionf :Health, [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :measure; owl:hasValue :Good]. :HealthyBird owl:equivalentClass [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :exprerienceOf; owl:allValuesFrom :GoodHealth]. {:HealthyBird :agentOf :Flight} :quantifier "at least 93%".
KRF: LNode { embeddedNode1: QNode {cType:bird quantifier: Quantifier{kind:percentage num:"93"} sourceOf: isReversed Relation {rType:experiencer dest: QNode {cType: health qualifier:good}}} sourceOf: Relation {rType:agent dest: QNode {cType: flight}} }
Besides the classic quantifiers "there exists" and "for any", extended
quantifiers such as "at least 2", "60%" or "most" are also very useful.
As shown below, there is no problem to define them in KIF.
In OWL, as shown in the previous example, cardinalities may sometimes be used
to represent simple numerical quantifiers (this only works within class
definitions; it would not work for example to represent "Tom has only
3 legs"). For other cases, there are two solutions:
(i) using an approach similar to the one used for the KIF statements,
which would involve the use of owl#one_of
relations (to define/get
a list for the instances of a class), kif#length
relations (to
define/get the number of elements in a list), and mutiplication and comparison
relations, or
(ii) define a class attribute "quantifier
Both approaches are ad-hoc, may be difficult to use for specifying the scope of
quantifiers in complex statements, and no OWL inference engine will be able to
use them since they involve elements outside OWL. Here, the latter approach is
adopted because it is much simpler to use by people and (adapted) inference
In FCG and FE, the quantifier "most" means "at least 60%". A similar equivalence
for OWL statements could be adopted by the W3C.
The following example also shows how "physical possibility" may be represented using the keyword "can" in FE and FCG, or contexts in KIF and OWL. However, (i) unless identifiers for "modality" and "physical_possibility" are standardized, no inference engine will use them, (ii) specifying a context over a class definition may not be accepted or understood by OWL inference engines, (iii) specifying the scope of contexts in OWL may be problematic for complex statements.
E: At least 85% of birds are able to fly.
FE: At least 85% of bird can be agent of a flight.
FCG: [at least 85% of bird, can be agent of: a flight]
KIF: (forAtLeastNpercent 85 '?x bird (exists ((?f flight)) (modality '(agent ?f ,?x) physical_possibility)))
XOWLL: <rdf:Property rdf:ID="quantifier"> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&owl;Class"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal"/> </rdf:Property> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Bird" rdf:bagID="b" quantifier="at least 85%"> <agentOf><Flight/></agentOf></owl:Class> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#b"> <modality rdf#resource="#PhysicalPossibility"/> </rdf:Description>
N3: :quantifier a rdf:Property; rdfs:domain owl:Class; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal. :Bird rdf:bagID :b; quantifier "at least 85%". @forAll :b . { {:b :agentOf :Flight} :modality :PhysicalPossibility }.
KRF: QNode {cType:bird quantifier:Quantifier{kind:percentage num:"85"} sourceOf: Relation {rType:agent modality:"can" dest: QNode {cType: flight} }}
Introduced constructs:
<rdf:Property rdf:ID="quantifier"> <!-- domain: either a class or a description that uses aboutEach --> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal"/> </rdf:Property> (defrelation forAtLeastNpercent (?n ?var ?type ?predicate) := (exists ((?s set)) (and (truth ^(forall (,?var) (=> (member ,?var ,?s) (,?type ,?var))) (>= (numMembersSuchThat ,?s ,?predicate) (/ (* (size ,?s) ?n) 100))))) (define-function numMembersSuchThat (?set ?p) :-> ?num := (if (and (set ?set) (predicate ?p)) (numElemsSuchThat (listOf ?set) ?p))) (define-function numElemsSuchThat (?list ?p) :-> ?num := (cond ((null ?list) 0) ((list ?list) (if ?p (1+ (numElemsSuchThat (rest ?list) ?p))))))
The above OWL representation uses agentOf
, the relation type
inverse of agent
. The RDF/XML syntax is so poor that it
requires the definition of a new type instead of permitting the use of some
syntactic sugar such as a keyword of
. It is un-natural
and time-consuming for the user, and also imposes additional work to the
OWL parser or inference engine.
Td be written.
Two forms of negation have been presented above: one involving a
relation (differentFrom
OWL, /=
in KIF), and one involving the negation of a sentence
("not" in KIF). This last form is more difficult to exploit
by inference engines and leaves room for ambiguity. For example, "Tom does not
own a blue car" may mean that "Tom has a car but not blue" or that "Tom does not
have a car". Thus, it is better to use the first form, or break sentences into
smaller blocks connected by coreference variables in order to reduce or avoid
Here is a variant of the first form: negation on types. In the OWL translation,
it is unclear if a owl#different_from
relation is sufficient or
if a owl#complement_of
relation is required (in which case
OWL DL would be necessary).
E: Tom owns something that is not a car.
FE: Tom is owner of a !car.
FCG: [Tom, owner of: a !car]
KIF: (exists (?type ?x) (and (owner ?x Tom) (holds ?type ?x) (/= ?type car)))
XOWLL: <owl:Thing><owner><owl:Thing rdf:about="#Tom"/></owner> <rdf:type><owl:Class><owl:differentFrom rdf:resource="#car"/> </owl:Class> </rdf:type> </owl:Thing>
N3: [a [a owl:Class; owl:differentFrom :Car]; :owner :Tom].
KRF: TNode {term:Tom sourceOf: isReversed Relation{rType:owner dest: isNegatedType QNode{cType:car}}}
Exclusion between objects (and hence, some forms of negation between classes,
instances or statements) may also be represented via XOR-collections or
RDF (and hence OWL) proposes an alt
collection to store alternatives
but unfortunately does not specify if this "or" is inclusive or exclusive.
Although specializing alt
by or_bag
seems a good idea (even if RDF engines are unlikely to take
advantage of this distinction), the current RDF/XML grammar only permits to define
members (using rdf#li
relations) to collections of type Bag,
and Seq
and not specializations of these types!
Furthermore, it is unclear how collections on types are interpreted in RDF
(distributive, collective or cumulative interpretation).
Hence, it is better to use relations such as owl#union_of
, owl#disjoint_with
or owl#differentFrom
Here is an example of OR-collection between instances. (Note: red
and orange
are not instance but subtype of
, and have many subtypes, e.g., crimson, dark_red
. The instances of these colors are the actual occurrences
of colors that physical objects have.)
E: Tom's car is red, yellow or orange.
FE: Tom is owner of a car that has for color OR{a red, a yellow, an orange}.
FCG: [Tom, owner of: (a car, color: OR{a red, a yellow, an orange})]
KIF: (exists ((?x car) ?c) (and (owner ?x Tom) (color ?x ?c) (or (red ?c)(yellow ?c)(orange ?c))))
XOWLD: <Car><owner><owl:Thing rdf:about="#Tom"/></owner> <color><owl:Thing> <rdf:type><owl:Class><owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <Red/><Yellow/><Orange/></owl:unionOf> </rdf:type></owl:Thing></color></Car>
N3: [a :Car; :owner :Tom; :color [a [owl:unionOf (:Red :Yellow :Orange)] ].
KRF: TNode {term:Tom sourceOf:isReversed Relation{rType:owner dest: QNode{cType:car sourceOf: Relation{rType:color dest: NodeCollection{aggregation:or collElt:QNode{cType:red} collElt:QNode{cType:yellow} collElt:QNode{cType:orange}}}}}}
It should be noted that for this example, using a type such as
would have been better than using an OR-collection of
, yellow
and orange
(and this would
have eased inferencing). More generally, negation can be represented in numerous
ways and these representations are often difficult for an inference engine to
compare and hence fully exploit. Both for knowledge exchange with frame-based
systems and for knowledge inferencing, different_from
between instances or types should be prefered to other forms of negations.
In the WebKB-2 model and KRM, objects are assumed to be different when they
are not connected by identity relations. This convention eases both knowledge
entering, storage and inferencing. Because of it, no notation has been given
for different-from relations in FL and KRF. In OWL, the
"unique name" assumption is left as an inference engine choice (which in our
opinion is not a good decision for knowledge representation and sharing purposes)
and hence owl#differentFrom
is provided by OWL Lite.
E: According to pm, pm#state is different from dolce#state.
FCG: [pm#state, != dolce#state](pm);
KIF: (dc#Creator '(/= pm#state dolce#state) pm) KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(owl#differentFrom pm#state dolce#state) pm)
XOWLL: <owl:Class rdf:about="±State"> <owl:differentFrom rdf:resource="&dolce;State" dc:Creator=""/> </owl:Class>
N3: {pm:State owl:differentFrom dolce:State} dc:creator "".
Exclusion relations are the "relations-from/to-a-class" most
commonly used in ontologies after subtypeOf and instanceOf relations. They are
often given via the subtype partitions (presented with subtypeOf). An exclusion
relation states that its source and destination cannot have common subtypes nor
E: According to dolce, dolce#state and dolce#process are exclusive.
FL: dolce#state exclusion: dolce#process; //the creator of the relation does not need to //be specified because it is identical to the creator of the source object; //this convention will also be used for OWL translations FL: dolce#state ! dolce#process; //'!' is an abbreviation for "exclusion:"
FCG: [dolce#state, owl#disjoint_with: dolce#process](dolce);
KOWLD: (dc#Creator '(owl#disjoint_with dolce#state dolce#process) dolce)
XOWLD: <owl:Class rdf:about="&dolce;State"> <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="&dolce;Process" dc:Creator="dolce"/></owl:Class>
N3: {dolce:State owl:disjointWith dolce:Process} dc:creator "dolce".
Related simple example in UML:
![]() |
The destination class of a complementOf relation covers all the
instances that are not covered by the source class (and conversely). Given this
meaning, apart from connecting the classes owl#thing
, one may wonder which other named classes this relation
can connect. However, in OWL, this relation is useful within definitions to refer
to the complement of a class and then specialize it or intersect it with another
Inverse relations can only be set between relation typees.
E: According to pm, pm#subtype is inverse of pm#supertype.
FL: pm#subtype inverse: pm#supertype; //'-' can be used instead of "inverse:"
FCG: [pm#subtype, owl#inverse_of: pm#supertype](pm);
KIF: (dc#Creator '(<=> (pm#subtype ?x ?y) (pm#supertype ?y ?x)) owl) KOWLL: (dc#Creator '(owl#inverse_of pm#subtype pm#supertype) pm)
XOWLL: <rdf:Property rdf:ID="±subtype"> <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="±supertype" dc:Creator=""/> </rdf:Property>
N3: pm:subtype a rdf:Property. {pm:subtype owl:inverseOf pm:supertype} dc:Creator "".
OWL Lite also proposes the meta-classes owl#symmetric_property
and owl#transitive_property
, to type classes of relations
that are symmetric or transitive.
However, only in OWL Full can these meta-classes be used to type classes of
relations that can have data types (integer, string, ...) as destinations.
The meta-classes owl#symmetric_property
could be re-used in UML (see next example).
Collections have already been introduced in the previous section and via examples using numerical quantifiers. This section uses "AND collections" and shows how various interpretations of the English sentence "9 judges have approved 50 laws" (and some variations of it) can be interpreted. This study of how relations between members of two simple collections can be represented illustrates the importance of specifying how a collection must be interpreted, and shows how to handle complex cases of quantifier precedence (between numerical, existential and universal quantifiers).
The sentence "9 judges have approved 50 laws" is ambiguous. The 9 judges may have individually or collectively approved 50 laws (the same 50 or not), and "collectively" may have two meanings: a participation to a "unique" approval act or the approval of "most" of the laws (or a combination of both as ilustrated in the last example of this section). This study shows that this leads to at least 32 different logical interpretations. In this document, "judges approving together/collectively" means that "there exists a (unique) approval and each of the judges is agent of that approval". Similarly, "laws collectively approved" means that "there exists an approval and each of the laws are object of that approval". This interpretation of "collectiveness" was used in [Sowa, 1992] and, in Conceptual Graph terminology, it implies that the approval must be represented by a "concept node", not by a "relation node" (this result was however not explicited by Sowa). In [Sowa, 1992], any collection in a concept node of a conceptual graph can be specified as having a distributive interpretation (each member of the collection individually participates to the relations associated to the node), a collective interpretation (the members collectively participate to the relations associated to the node), a defaut interpretation (an unspecified mix of collective and distributive interpretation) or a cumulative interpretation (the relations are about the collection itself).
OWL (or more exactly RDF) introduces some notion of distributive interpretation
via the keyword aboutEach
but it is not clear if this is the
default interpretation, the direct distributive interpretation or the general
distributive interpretation (the distinction between the last two will be explained
below). Without aboutEach
, the relations are about the collection
itself (cumulative interpretation). However, in their examples, the RDF authors
also represent the collective interpretation via direct relations to the bag (e.g.,
see Section 3.5 of RDFMS).
For the OWL translations, a relation type interpretation
, a class
and a relation type size
have been introduced.
The type set
is declared as a subtype of rdf#bag
; this
permits the use of rdf#about_each
The first example keeps the ambiguity of the above cited
sentence (both collections have the default interpretation).
The `s' at the end of judges
and laws
in the FE and FCG representations are supposed to be automatically removed
(WebKB-2 does this when a numerical or universal quantifier is involved).
In this section, FE and KRF translations are only given in this first example,
but a Predicate Logic (PL) translation is added using the symbols
"∀" for the universal quantifier, "∃" for the existential quantifier,
"∈" for membership to a set, and "^" for "and".
E: 9 judges have (each/together) approved 50 laws.
FE: 9 judges are agent of an approval with object 50 laws.
FCG: [9 judges, agent of: (an approval, object: 50 laws)]
KIF: (forAllN 9 '?j judge (forAllN 50 '?l law (exists ((?a approval)) (and (agent ?a '?j) (object ?a '?l))))) PL: ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∀j∈js ∃ls set(ls)^size(ls,50) ^ ∀l∈ls ∃a approval(a) ^ agent(a,j) ^ object(a,l)
XOWLD: <!-- 1st version --> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="objectLaw"> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#object"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Law"/> </rdf:Property> <owl:Class rdf:ID="ApprovalOf50laws"> <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <Approval/> <owl:Restriction> <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">50 </owl:cardinality> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#objectLaw"/></owl:Restriction> </owl:intersectionOf></owl:Class> <Set rdf:ID="Judges"><size>9</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="default"> <agentOf><ApprovalOf50laws/></agentOf></rdf:Description> <!-- The next version is shorter but highly tentative. It mostly relies on the special meaning of the relation "interpretation". RDF does not specify what embedded uses of aboutEach mean. More generally and mainly because it is based on triples, RDF has no clear notion of quantifier/statement scopes and insufficient means to specify them. --> <Set rdf:ID="Laws"/> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Law"/></rdf:Description> <Set rdf:ID="Judges"><size>9</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="default"> <agentOf><Approval><object> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="default"> <size>50</size> </rdf:Description></object></Approval></agentOf></rdf:Description> --> <!-- OWL may permit to define Judges as a set without introducing the class Set, in the following way: <owl:AllDifferent><owl:distinctMembers><rdf:Bag rdf:ID="Judges"/> </owl:distinctMembers></owl:AllDifferent> -->
N3: :objectLaw a rdf:Property; rdfs:subPropertyOf :object; rdfs:range :Law. :ApprovalOf50laws a owl:Class; owl:intersectionOf :Approval, [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :objectLaw; owl:cardinality 50]. :Judges a Set; size 9. @forAll :j . { :j a :Judge; is pm:member of :Judges } => { [a :ApprovalOf50laws] :agent :j }.
KRF: QNode{cType:judge quantifier:Quantifier{num:"9"} sourceOf:isReversed Relation{rType:agent dest: QNode{cType:approval sourceOf: Relation{rType:object dest: QNode{cType:judge quantifier:Quantifier{num:"50"}}}}}}
Introduced constructs:
<rdf:Property rdf:ID="interpretation"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal"/> </rdf:Property> (defrelation forAllN (?num ?var ?type ?predicate) := (exists ((?s set)) (and (size ?s ?num) (truth ^(forall (,?var) (=> (member ,?var ,?s) (and (,?type ,?var) ,?predicate))))))) //forAllN is nearly identical to the above defined atMostN: only the //constraint on the size of the set differs
In FE and FCG, the order and scope of quantifiers is specified by
their order and the structure of the graphs.
The next example shows a simple inversion of the quantifier order.
E: 50 laws have been approved by 9 judges (each/together).
FCG: [50 laws, object of: (an approval, agent: 9 judges)]
KIF: (forAllN 50 '?l law (forAllN 9 '?j judge (exists ((?a approval)) (and (agent ?a '?j) (object ?a '?l))))) PL: ∃ls set(ls) ^ size(ls,50) ^ ∀l∈ls ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∀j∈js ∃a approval(a) ^ agent(a,j) ^ object(a,l)
XOWLD: <!-- 1st version --> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="agentJudge"> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#agent"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Judge"/> </rdf:Property> <owl:Class rdf:ID="ApprovalBy9Judges"> <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <Approval/> <owl:Restriction> <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">9 </owl:cardinality> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#agentJudge"/></owl:Restriction> </owl:intersectionOf></owl:Class> <Set rdf:ID="Laws"><size>50</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Law"/></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="default"> <objectOf><ApprovalBy9Judges/></objectOf></rdf:Description>
N3: :agentJudge a rdf:Property; rdfs:subPropertyOf :object; rdfs:range :Judge. :ApprovalBy9Judges a owl:Class; owl:intersectionOf :Approval, [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :agentJudge; owl:cardinality 9]. :Laws a Set; size 50. @forAll :l . { :l a :Law; is pm:member of :Laws } => {[a :ApprovalBy9judges] :object :l}.
In FE and FCG, the collective interpretation is specified
via the keywords together, group of, set of, bag of, list of, sequence
or alternatives
(the first three are synonyms; in this
document, set
is most often used).
If we take the two previous examples and gradually introduce the collective interpretation for the collections (i.e., the sharing of the approvals by the judges/laws, e.g., in the KIF translations, by gradually moving "(exists ((?a approval)" to the left), we obtain five different logical interpretations (instead of six because when both collections are collectively interpreted, the inversion of quantifier order does not change the meaning). Below are three of these combinations (the other two are: "A group of 50 laws has been approved by 9 judges" and "A group of 9 judges has approved 50 laws").
E: 9 judges have (each/together) approved a group of 50 laws.
FCG: [9 judges, agent of: (an approval, object: 50 laws together)]
KIF: (forAllN 9 '?j judge (exists ((?a approval) (?ls set)) (forAllIn ?ls 50 '?l law (and (agent ?a '?j) (object ?a '?l))))) PL: ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∀j ∈js ∃a approval(a) ^ ∃ls set(ls)^size(ls,50) ^ ∀l∈ls agent(a,j) ^ object(a,l)
XOWLD: <owl:Class rdf:ID="ApprovalOf50laws"> <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection" interpretation="collective"> <Approval/> <owl:Restriction> <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">50 </owl:cardinality> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#objectLaw"/></owl:Restriction> </owl:intersectionOf></owl:Class> <Set rdf:ID="Judges"><size>9</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="default"> <agentOf><ApprovalOf50laws/></agentOf></rdf:Description>
N3: :Judges a Set; size 9. @forAll :j. { :j a :Judge; is pm:member of :Judges } => { @exist :a. {:a a :approval. :Laws at set; size 50} => { @forAll :l. { :l a :Law; is pm:member of :Laws} => {:a :agent :j; :object :l} } }
E: 50 laws have been approved by a group of 9 judges.
FCG: [50 laws, object of: (an approval, agent: 9 judges together)]
KIF: (forAllN 50 '?l law (exists ((?a approval) (?js set)) (forAllIn ?js 9 '?j judge (and (agent ?a '?j) (object ?a '?l))))) PL: ∃ls set(ls)^size(ls,50) ^ ∀l ∈ls ∃a approval(a) ^ ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∀j∈js agent(a,j) ^ object(a,l)
XOWLD: <Set rdf:ID="Judges"/> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/></rdf:Description> <Set rdf:ID="Laws"><size>50</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Law"/></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="default"> <objectOf><Approval><agent> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="collective"> <size>9</size> </rdf:Description></agent></Approval></objectOf></rdf:Description>
N3: :Laws a Set; size 50. @forAll :l. { :l a :Law; is pm:member of :Laws } => { @exist :a. @exist :Judges. {:a a :approval} => { @forAll :j. { :j a :Judge; is pm:member of :Judges. :Judges a Set; size 9. } => {:a :agent :j; :object :l} } }
E: A group of 9 judges has approved a group of 50 laws.
FCG: [9 judges together, agent of:(an approval,object: 50 laws together)] or: [a set of 50 laws, object of:(an approval,agent:a set of 9 judges)] or: [an approval, agent: a set of 9 judges, object: a set of 50 laws]
KIF: (exists ((?a approval) (?js set) (?ls set)) (forAllIn ?js 9 '?j judge (forAllIn ?ls 50 '?l law (and (agent ?a '?j) (object ?a '?l))))) PL: ∃a approval(a) ^ ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∃ls set(ls)^size(ls,50) ^ ∀j∈js ∀l∈ls agent(a,j) ^ object(a,l)
XOWLD: <Set rdf:ID="Judges"><size>9</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/></rdf:Description> <Set rdf:ID="Laws"><size>50</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Law"/></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="collective"> <agentOf><Approval><object> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="collective"/> </object></Approval></agentOf></rdf:Description>
N3: :Judges a Set; size 9. :Laws a Set; size 50. @exist :a. {:a a :approval} => { @forAll :j. @forAll :l. { :j a :Judge; is pm:member of :Judges} => {:a :agent :j; :object :l. :l a :Law; is pm:member of :Laws} }
Here is a definition for the "quantifier" forAllIn
(defrelation forAllIn (?s ?num ?var ?type ?predicate) :=
(and (size ?s ?num)
(truth ^(forall (,?var) (=> (member ,?var ,?s)
(and (,?type ,?var) ,?predicate))))))
In [Sowa, 1992], the distributive
interpretation (i.e., where each member of the collection individually
participates to the relations associated to the collection) specifies that each
member is connected to different objects, directly (i.e., via 1 relation) or
indirectly (i.e., 2 or more relations within the statement), unless otherwise
specified. For better precision, FE and FCG distinguishes the directly
distributive interpretation (which can be specified via the keyword "each") from
Sowa's general distributive interpretation (which can be specified via the
keyword "separately"). If the directly distributive interpretation is introduced
into the previous seven combinations, nine different logical interpretations are
obtained. A few more are obtained when the general distributive interpretation is
introduced; below are are two of them (in the KIF (resp. PL) translations,
replacing the first exists1For
(resp. ∃!!) by exists
(resp. ∃) leads to the direct distributive interpretation).
E: 9 judges have separately approved 50 laws (that's 450 approvals of law)
FCG: [separately 9 judges, agent of: (an approval, object: 50 laws)]
KIF: (forAllN 9 '?j judge (exists1For '?j '?ls set (forAllIn '?ls 50 '?l law (exists1For '?j '?a approval (and (agent '?a '?j) (object '?a '?l)))))) PL: ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∀j∈js ∃!!ls set(ls)^size(ls,50) ^ ∀l∈ls ∃!!a approval(a) ^ agent(a,j) ^ object(a,l)
XOWLD: <Set rdf:ID="Laws"/> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Law"/></rdf:Description> <Set rdf:ID="Judges"><size>9</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/> <agentOf><Approval><object> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="default"> <size>50</size> </rdf:Description></object></Approval></agentOf></rdf:Description>
N3: :Judges a Set; size 9. @forAll :j. { :j a :Judge; is pm:member of :Judges } => { :Laws a Set; size 50. @forAll :l. { :l a :Law; is pm:member of :Laws} => { @exist :a. {:a a :approval} => {:a :agent :j; :object :l} {:a :agent ?j; :object :l} => {?j = :j} {:a :agent :j; :object ?l} => {?l = :l} } }
E: 9 judges have separately approved a group of 50 laws (that's 450 approvals of law)
FCG: [separately 9 judges, agent of: (an approval, object: a set of 50 laws)]
KIF: (forAllN 9 '?j judge (exists1For '?j '?ls set (exists1For '?j '?a approval (forAllIn '?ls 50 '?l law (and (agent '?a '?j) (object '?a '?l)))))) PL: ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∀j∈js ∃!!ls set(ls)^size(ls,50) ^ ∃!!a approval(a) ∀l∈ls agent(a,j)^ object(a,l)
XOWLD: <Set rdf:ID="Laws"/> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Law"/></rdf:Description> <Set rdf:ID="Judges"><size>9</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/> <agentOf><Approval><object> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="collective"> <size>50</size> </rdf:Description></object></Approval></agentOf></rdf:Description>
N3: :Judges a Set; size 9. @forAll :j. { :j a :Judge; is pm:member of :Judges } => { :Laws a Set; size 50. @exist :a. @forAll :l. { :l a :Law; is pm:member of :Laws} => { {:a a :approval; :agent :j; :object :l} {:a :agent ?j; :object :l} => {?j = :j} {:a :agent :j; :object ?l} => {?l = :l} } }
Below is a KIF definition of exists1For
. This quantifier permits
us to specify that the judges are agent of different approvals of
different laws (first example) or groups of laws (second example).
(defrelation exists1For (?var1 ?var2 ?type ?predicate) :=
(truth ^(exists (,?var2)
(and (,?type ,?var2) (,?predicate ,?var1 ,?var2)
(forall (?x) (=> (,?predicate ,?var1 ?x) (= ,?var2 ?x)))
(forall (?y) (=> (,?predicate ?y ,?var2) (= ,?var1 ?y)))))))
Finally, "most" can also be introduced as an interpretation of
collectiveness in each of the previous (7+9=16) combinations (hence,
16 logical interpretations again). Here is one of them.
E: A group of 50 laws has been approved by most in a group of 9 judges.
FCG: [a group of 9 judges, agent of: (an approval, object: most in a group of 50 laws)]
FCG: [most in a group of 50 laws, object of: (an approval, agent: a group of 9 judges)]
KIF: (exists ((?a approval) (?js set) (?ls set)) (forAllIn ?js 9 '?j judge (forMostIn ?ls 50 '?l law (and (agent ?a '?j) (object ?a '?l))))) PL: ∃a approval(a) ^ ∃js set(js)^size(js,9) ^ ∃ls set(ls)^size(ls,50) ^ ∀j∈js agent(a,j) ^ ∃mostOfls set(mostOfls) (∀l∈ls (object(a,l) => l∈mostOfls)) ^ size(mostOfls) >= 2 // >=2 since size(ls)/2=1.5
XOWLD: <Set rdf:ID="Judges"/> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Judge"/></rdf:Description> <Set rdf:ID="Laws"><size>50</size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="separately"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Law"/></rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Laws" interpretation="collective"> <objectOf><Approval><agent> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Judges" interpretation="collective" quantifier="most"> <size>9</size> </rdf:Description></agent></Approval></objectOf></rdf:Description>
N3: @exist :a. {:a a :approval} :Judges a Set; size 9. :Laws a Set; size 50. @forAll :j. { :j a :Judge; is pm:member of :Judges } => { {:a :agent :j;}. @forSome :mostOfls. :mostOfls a :Set; >= 2. @forAll :l. { :l a :Law; is pm:member of :Laws} =>{ {:a :object :l} => {:l is pm:member of :mostOfls} } }
Here is a KIF definition of forMostIn
(the definition of numMembersSuchThat
was given earlier).
(defrelation forMostIn (?set ?num ?var ?type ?predicate) :=
(and (size ?set ?num)
(truth ^(forall (,?var) (=> (member ,?var ,?set) (,?type ,?var))))
(>= (numMembersSuchThat ,?set ,?predicate) (* (size ,?set) 0.6))))
First-order statements only permit to use universal quantification
over individuals. Higher-order statements also permit to universal quantification
over types. OWL does not permit genuine universal quantification (it only
accepts certain forms of class definition) or rules.
The definition of transitive_binary_relation
requires such features
and is a classic example of second-order statement. (A first-order statement is
sufficient to describe the transitivity of a particular relation, e.g.,
"the part of a part is also a part", but would also be difficult to express in
OWL without using the type owl#transitive_property
Hence, as opposed to the previous examples, a "slight" extension to OWL would be
insufficient for the example below. Instead, the proposed translation uses
"big" extensions to RDF
imagined by Berners-Lee in 1999: a forall
construct and new
attributes such as pname
to quantify over classes. However, in 2001,
DAML+OIL, the precursor of the OWL, was adopted by the W3C as an extension to RDF,
and hence it is unlikely that Tim Berners Lee's extensions for genuine universal
quantification will be adopted in the future.
E: A transitive_binary_relation_type rt is such that if x is connected to y by a relation of type rt, and y is connected to z by a relation of type rt, then x is connected to z by a relation of type rt.
FCG: [type transitive_binary_relation_type (*rt) := [ [^x, *rt: (^y, *rt: ^z)] => [^x, *rt: ^z] ]] //^x and ^y are "free variables", i.e., variables that are //implicitely universally quantified (KIF also accepts them)
KIF: (defrelation transitive_binary_relation_type (?rt) := (and (binrel ?rt ?s) //?s is a free variable (forall (?x ?y ?z) (=> (and (?rt ?x ?y) (?rt ?y ?z)) (?rt ?x ?z))))) //to be accepted in all the versions of KIF, it would be better to write // (=> (and (holds ?rt ?x ?y)(holds ?rt ?y ?z))(holds ?rt ?x ?z))))) //but since variables for predicates have already been used in definitions //above, that facility is re-used here
RDF+: <forall var="r" v2="x" v3="y" v4="z"> <!--var,v2,v3,v4: new attributes--> <if><TransitiveBinaryRelationType rdf:about="#rt"> <then><if><rdf:Description about="#x"> <rdf:property pname="#rt"><!-- pname: new attribute --> <rdf:Description about="#y"> <rdf:property pname="#rt"><rdf:Description about="#z"/> </rdf:property></rdf:Description> </rdf:property></rdf:Description> <then><rdf:Description about="#x"> <rdf:property pname="#rt"><rdf:Description about="#z"/> </rdf:property></rdf:Description> </then></if></then></if></forall>
N3: @forAll :rt .{ :rt a owl:TransitiveProperty. } log:implies { @forAll :x , :y , :z. { :x :rt :y. :y :rt :z. } log:implies { :x :rt :z. }. }. <!-- assuming that :rt is a variable for a type, not a type -->
KRF: Definition {dType:MetaType transitive_binary_relation_type kind:NSC parameter:("rt") embeddedNode1:ENode { embeddedNode1: QNode {var:"x" sourceOf:Relation{var:"rt" dest: QNode{var:"y" sourceOf:Relation{var:"rt" dest:QNode{var:"z"}}}}} sourceOf: ENode {embeddedNode1: QNode {var:"x" sourceOf:Relation{var:"rt" dest:QNode{var:"z"}}}}}}
Although measure representation is a "content ontology" issue (such as how to represent relations from states, processes or statements) rather than a "language ontology" issue (such as quantification and contextualization), it has to be treated now because FE and FCG provide shortcuts which are discussed after this example.
E: There is a car that weights 923.5 kg.
FE: There is a car that has for weight 923.5 kg.
FCG: [a car, weight: 923.5 kg] or: [a car, weight: a weight *w] [measure(*w,923.5,kg)]
KIF: (exists ((?c car) (?w weight)) (and (weight2 ?c ?w) (measure ?w 923.5 kg)))
XOWLL: <Car><weight><Weight><measure><Measure><unit rdf:resource="#kg"/> <number>923.5</number></Measure> </measure></Weight></weight></Car>
N3: [a :Car; :weight2 [a :Weight; :measure; [a :Measure; :unit :kg; :number "923.5"] ] ].
KRF: QNode{cType:car sourceOf:Relation{rType:weight dest: QNode{cType:kg quantifier:Quantifier{num:"923.5"}}}}
As illustrated above, in FE and FCG, instead of using the relation
, a real number can be put in front of a "unit" class as if it
was a collection-related numerical quantifier (a difference is that this numerical
quantifier can only be a positive integer since it represents the number of objects
in a collection). FE and FCG also permit a "dimension" class (or more generally any
subclass of pm#thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation
) to be used
as if it was a relation type (which implicitely has for range an object of
the class). This eases the entering, reading and matching of statements,
and avoids duplicating the hierarchy of classes for dimensions into a
hierarchy of relation types for these dimensions (as must be done with the
other notations). This approach is also consistent with the way qualitative
values are represented (e.g., a certain red
a certain number of hertz, and a red car can be represented as
[a car, color: a red]
). However, this approach
implies that red
is a subclass of color
is a subclass of weight
. This is a rather natural
categorization and is the case in WordNet, but some ontologies (e.g., DOLCE)
categorize red
and kg
as dimension values (or
"quales") which are exclusive with dimensions/attributes (or "qualities").
Since this alternative approach does not permit to exploit
generalization links, it either requires the introduction of relations and
definitions to connect each dimension and its related values, or inferencing
possibilities are lost, and hence this not a scalable approach.
However, if this is done, such ontologies can be used with the above approach.
For example, assuming that red
now denotes a dimension value, and
that value
is a generic relation between dimensions and dimension
values, the following FCG can be written:
[a car, color: (a color, value: a red)].
An interval of numerical quantifiers has different representations depending on their meaning: number of objects or measure. Below is an example. Alternatively, if the interval is simply a collection of 2 numbers, the usual representation for a collection is sufficient.
E: 2 to 3 persons are running for 45.5 minutes to an hour.
FE: 2 to 3 persons is agent of a run with duration 45.5 to 60 minutes.
FCG: [2 to 3 persons, agent of: (a run, duration: 45 to 60 minute)]
KIF: (forAllInBetween 2 3 '?p person (exists ((?r run) (?d duration) (?n number)) (and (duration2 ?r ?d) (measure ?d ?n minute) (>= ?n 45.5) (=< ?n60))))
XOWLD: <Set rdf:ID="persons"/> <Set rdf:ID="Persons"><size><Number><atLeast>2</atLeast> <atMost>3</atMost><Number></size></Set> <rdf:Description rdf:aboutEach="#Persons" interpretation="default"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#Person"/> <agentof><Run><duration><Duration><measure> <Measure><unit rdf:resource="#minutes"/> <number>45.5</number></Measure> </Measure></measure></duration></Duration> </Run></agentof></rdf:Description>
N3: :Persons a Set; :size [a :Number; atLeast 2; atMost 3]. @forAll :p. {:p a :Person; is :member of :Persons} => { [a :Run; agent :p; :duration [a Duration; measure [a :Measure; :unit :minute; :atLeast "45.5"; :atMost "60"] ] ] }
KRF: QNode{cType:person quantifier:Quantifier{num:"2" toNumber:"3"} sourceOf:isReversed Relation{rType:agent dest: QNode{cType:run sourceOf:Relation{rType:duration dest: QNode{ cType:"minute" quantifier:Quantifier{num:"45.5" toNumber:"60"}}}}}}
Here is a KIF definition of forAllInBetween
(defrelation forAllInBetween (?s ?n1 ?n2 ?var ?type ?predicate) :=
(exists (?n) (and (size ?s ?n) (>= ?n ?n1) (=< ?n ?n2)
(truth ^(forall (,?var) (=> (member ,?var ,?s)
(and (,?type ,?var) ,?predicate))))))
Martin Ph. & Eklund P. (2001). Large-scale cooperatively-built heterogeneous KBs. Proceedings of ICCS'01, 9th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (Springer Verlag, LNAI 2120, pp. 231-244), Stanford University, California, USA, July 30 to August 3, 2001.
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M. Chein and M.L. Mugnier, Positive Nested Conceptual Graphs, Proceedings of ICCS'97, 5th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (Springer Verlag, LNAI 1257, pp. 95-109), Seattle, USA, August 4-8, 1997.
J.F. Sowa (1992). Conceptual Graphs Summary. In: Conceptual Structures: Current Research and Practice (Eds: T.E. Nagle, J.A. Nagle, L.L. Gerholz and P.W. Eklund), Ellis Horwood (1992), pp. 3-51.