#tort__civil_wrong__civilwrong any wrongdoing for which and action for damages may be brought supertype: #actus_reus__wrongdoing__misconduct activity that transgresses moral or civil law; "he denied any wrongdoing" object: #libel subtype: #alienation_of_affection a tort based on willful and malicious interference with the marriage relation by a third party without justification or excuse subtype: #invasion_of_privacy the wrongful intrusion by individuals or the government into private affairs with which the public has no concern subtype: #trespass a wrongful interference with the possession of property (personal property as well as realty), or the action instituted to recover damages subtype: #continuing_trespass trespass that is not transient or intermittent but continues as long as the offending object remains; "dumping his garbage on my land was a case of continuing trespass" subtype: #trespass_de_bonis_asportatis an action brought to recover damages from a person who has taken goods or property from its rightful owner subtype: #trespass_on_the_case an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss; "a person struck by a log as it was thrown onto a road could maintain trespass against the thrower but one who was hurt by stumbling over it could maintain and action on the case" subtype: #trespass_quare_clausum_fregit the defendant unlawfully enters the land of the plaintiff subtype: #trespass_viet_armis trespass with force and arms resulting in injury to another's person or property
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