#possibleness__possibility capability of existing or happening or being true; "there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired" exclusion: impossibility supertype: beingness__beingnes__existence the state or fact of existing: "a point of view gradually coming into being"; "laws in existence for centuries" subtype: conceivableness__conceivablenes the state of being conceivable subtype: achievability__attainability__attainablenes the state of being achievable subtype: potential__potentiality__potency the inherent capacity for coming into being subtype: latency the state of being not yet evident or active subtype: prospect the possibility of future success; "his prospects as a writer are excellent" subtype: opportunity a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances; "the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington"; "now is your chance" subtype: day.opportunity a period of opportunity; "he deserves his day in court"; "every dog has his day" subtype: fresh_start__clean_slate__cleanslate__tabula_rasa an opportunity to start over without prejudice subtype: hearing.opportunity__audience an opportunity to state your case and be heard; "they condemned him without a hearing"; "he saw that he had lost his audience" subtype: hunting_ground__huntingground a place where opportunities abound subtype: occasion.opportunity an opportunity to do something; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill" subtype: cut-rate_sale__sale__sales_event__salesevent an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices; "they held a sale to reduce their inventory"; "I got some great bargains at their annual sale" subtype: bazaar.cut-rate_sale__fair a sale of miscellany; often for charity; "the church bazaar" subtype: book_fair__bookfair bazaar at which books are sold or auctioned off in order to raise funds for a worthy cause subtype: craft_fair__craftfair fair at which objects made by craftsmen are offered for sale subtype: inventory-clearance_sale__inventoryclearancesale__clearance_sale__clearancesale a sale to reduce inventory subtype: closeout a sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock subtype: fire_sale a sale of merchandise damaged by fire subtype: garage_sale__yard_sale a sale of used personal or household items held on the seller's premises subtype: rummage_sale__rummagesale__jumble_sale a sale of donated articles subtype: white_sale__whitesale a sale of household linens subtype: opening.opportunity opportunity especially for employment or promotion; "there is an opening in the sales department" subtype: room.opportunity opportunity for; "room for improvement" subtype: say the chance to speak; "let him have his say" subtype: shot.opportunity__crack (informal) a chance to do something; "he wanted a shot at the champion" subtype: street.opportunity (informal) a situation offering opportunities; "he worked both sides of the street"; "cooperation is a two-way street" subtype: throw.opportunity (informal) a single chance or instance; "he couldn't afford $50 a throw"
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