#order_Campanulales__Campanulales  an order or plants of the subclass Asteridae including: Campanulaceae; Lobeliaceae; Cucurbitaceae; Goodeniaceae; Compositae
  supertype:  plant_order__plantorder  the order of plants
  member of:  subclass_Asteridae
  member:  family_Compositae__Compositae__Asteraceae__family_Asteraceae__aster_family__asterfamily  plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia
     member:  composite_plant__compositeplant__composite  considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers
     member:  compass_plant__compassplant__compass_flower__compassflower  any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass
     member:  everlasting_flower__everlastingflower__everlasting  any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color
     member:  genus_Achillea  perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; milfoil
        member:  achillea  any of several plants of the genus Achillea native to Europe and having small white flowers in flat-topped flower heads
     member:  genus_Ageratina__Ageratina  annual to perennial herbs or shrubs of eastern United States and Central and South America
        member:  white_snakeroot__whitesnakeroot__white_sanicle__whitesanicle__Ageratina_altissima__Eupatorium_rugosum  American herb having flat-topped clusters of small white flower heads; reputedly a cause of trembles and milk sickness; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium
     member:  genus_Ageratum  genus of tropical American herbs grown for their flowers
        member:  ageratum  any plant of the genus Ageratum having opposite leaves and small heads of blue or white flowers
     member:  genus_Amberboa__Amberboa  herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia cultivated for their flowers
        member:  Amberboa_moschata__sweet_sultan__sweetsultan__Centaurea_moschata  Asian plant widely grown for its sweetly fragrant pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Centaurea
     member:  genus_Ambrosia  comprising the ragweeds; in some classification considered the type genus of a separate family Ambrosiaceae
        member:  ragweed__ambrosia__bitterweed  any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma
     member:  family_Ambrosiaceae__Ambrosiaceae  in some classifications considered a separate family comprising a subgroup of the Compositae including the ragweeds
     member:  genus_Ammobium  small genus of Australian herbs grown for their flowers
        member:  ammobium  any plant of the genus Ammobium having yellow flowers and silvery foliage
     member:  genus_Anacyclus__Anacyclus  Spanish pellitory
        member:  pellitory-of-Spain__pellitory__Anacyclus_pyrethrum  small Mediterranean plant containing a volatile oil once used to relieve toothache
     member:  genus_Anaphalis__Anaphalis  genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting
        member:  pearly_everlasting__cottonweed__Anaphalis_margaritacea  American everlasting having foliage with soft wooly hairs and corymbose heads with pearly white bracts
     member:  genus_Andryala  genus of hardy hairy latex-producing perennials of Mediterranean area
        member:  andryala  any plant of the genus Andryala having milky sap and heads of bright yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Antennaria__Antennaria  small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles
        member:  ladies'_tobacco__ladies'tobacco__lady's_tobacco__Antennaria_plantaginifolia  North American perennial propagated by means of runners
        member:  cat's_foot__cat'sfoot__cat's_feet__cat'sfeet__pussytoes__pussytoe__Antennaria_dioica  low-growing perennial herb having leaves with whitish down and clusters of small white flowers
     member:  genus_Anthemis__Anthemis  dog fennel
        member:  stinking_mayweed__mayweed__dog_fennel__dogfennel__stinking_chamomile__Anthemis_cotula  widespread rank-smelling weed having white-rayed flower heads with yellow discs
        member:  yellow_chamomile__golden_marguerite__dyers'_chamomile__Anthemis_tinctoria  Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in North America
        member:  corn_chamomile__field_chamomile__corn_mayweed__Anthemis_arvensis  European white-flowered weed naturalized in North America
     member:  genus_Antheropeas__Antheropeas  small genus of North American herbs often included in genus Eriophyllum
        member:  woolly_daisy__dwarf_daisy__dwarfdaisy__Antheropeas_wallacei__Eriophyllum_wallacei  tiny gray woolly tufted annual with small golden-yellow flower heads; southeastern California to northwestern Arizona and southwestern Utah; sometimes placed in genus Eriophyllum
     member:  genus_Arctium__Arctium  burdock
        member:  burdock__clotbur  any of several erect biennial herbs of temperate Eurasia having stout taproots and producing burs
     member:  genus_Arctotis__Arctotis  herbs and subshrubs: African daisy
        member:  African_daisy  any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers
        member:  blue-eyed_African_daisy__Arctotis_stoechadifolia__Arctotis_venusta  bushy perennial of South Africa with white or violet flowers; in its native region often clothes entire valley sides in a sheet of color
     member:  genus_Argyranthemum__Argyranthemum  comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  marguerite_daisy__marguerite__Paris_daisy__Chrysanthemum_frutescens__Argyranthemum_frutescens  perennial subshrub of the Canary Islands having usually pale yellow daisylike flowers; often included in genus Chrysanthemum
     member:  genus_Argyroxiphium__Argyroxiphium  small genus of Hawaiian spreading and rosette-forming shrubs
        member:  silversword__Argyroxiphium_sandwicense  low-growing plant found only in volcanic craters on Hawaii having rosettes of narrow pointed silver-green leaves and clusters of profuse red-purple flowers on a tall stem
     member:  genus_Arnica  large genus of herbs of north temperate and arctic regions
        member:  arnica.herbaceous_plant  any of various rhizomatous usually perennial plants of the genus Arnica
        member:  heartleaf_arnica__heartleafarnica__Arnica_cordifolia  wildflower with heart-shaped leaves and broad yellow flower heads; of alpine areas west of the Rockies from Alaska to southern California
        member:  Arnica_montana  herb of pasture and open woodland throughout most of Europe and western Asia having orange-yellow daisylike flower heads that when dried are used as a stimulant and to treat bruises and swellings
     member:  genus_Arnoseris__Arnoseris  lamb succory
        member:  lamb_succory__dwarf_nipplewort__dwarfnipplewort__Arnoseris_minima  small European herb with small yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Artemisia  usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon
        member:  artemisia  any of various composite shrubs or herbs of the genus Artemisia having aromatic green or grayish foliage
        member:  mugwort  any of several weedy composite plants of the genus Artemisia
        member:  southernwood__Artemisia_abrotanum  shrubby European wormwood naturalized in North America; sometimes used in brewing beer
        member:  common_wormwood__absinthe__old_man__lad's_love__lad'slove__Artemisia_absinthium  aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe
        member:  sweet_wormwood__sweetwormwood__Artemisia_annua  wormwood of southeastern Europe to Iran
        member:  California_sagebrush__California_sage__Artemisia_californica  low ashy-gray California shrub
        member:  field_wormwood__fieldwormwood__Artemisia_campestris  European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties
        member:  sand_sage__silvery_wormwood__silverywormwood__Artemisia_filifolia  silver-haired shrub of central and southern United States and Mexico; a troublesome weed on rangelands
        member:  wormwood_sage__prairie_sagewort__prairiesagewort__Artemisia_frigida  silky-leaved aromatic perennial of dry northern parts of the northern hemisphere; has tawny florets
        member:  Roman_wormwood__Artemis_pontica  European wormwood; minor source of absinthe
        member:  bud_brush__budbrush__bud_sagebrush__budsagebrush__Artemis_spinescens  half-shrubby perennial valuable as sheep forage in the United States
        member:  beach_wormwood__beachwormwood__dusty_miller__dustymiller__oldwoman__Artemisia_stelleriana  herb with grayish leaves found along the east coast of North America; used as an ornamental plant
     member:  wormwood  any of several low composite herbs of the genera Artemisia or Seriphidium
     member:  sagebrush__sage_brush  any of several North American composite subshrubs of the genera Artemis or Seriphidium
     member:  genus_Aster  large genus of herbs widely cultivated for their daisylike flowers
        member:  aster  any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisylike flowers
     member:  genus_Ayapana  genus of tropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Eupatorium
        member:  ayapana__Ayapana_triplinervis__Eupatorium_aya-pana  low spreading tropical American shrub with long slender leaves used to make a mildly stimulating drink resembling tea; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium
     member:  genus_Baccharis__Baccharis  shrubs of western hemisphere often having honey-scented flowers followed by silky thistlelike heads of tiny fruits; often used for erosion control
        member:  groundsel_tree__groundseltree__groundsel_bush__groundselbush__consumption_weed__consumptionweed__cotton-seed_tree__Baccharis_halimifolia  a shrub of salt marshes of eastern and south central North America and West Indies; fruit is surrounded with white plumelike hairy tufts
        member:  mule_fat__Baccharis_viminea  California shrub with slender leafy shoots that are important browse for mule deer
        member:  coyote_brush__coyote_bush__chaparral_broom__chaparralbroom__kidney_wort__Baccharis_pilularis  widely spreading evergreen shrub of southwestern United States with flower heads in a leafy panicle
     member:  genus_Balsamorhiza__Balsamorhiza  genus of coarse western American herbs with large roots containing an aromatic balsam
        member:  balsamroot  a plant of the genus Balsamorhiza having white-downy leaves in a basal rosette and yellow flowers and long balsam-scented taproots
     member:  genus_Bellis__Bellis  daisy
        member:  daisy  any of numerous composite plants having flower heads with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in a single whorl
     member:  genus_Bidens__Bidens  bur marigolds
        member:  bur_marigold__burmarigold__burr_marigold__beggar-ticks__beggar's-ticks__sticktight  any of several plants of the genus Bidens having yellow flowers and prickly fruits that cling to fur and clothing
     member:  genus_Boltonia__Boltonia  genus of tall leafy perennial herbs of eastern America and eastern Asia having flowers that resemble asters
        member:  false_chamomile__falsechamomile  any of various autumn-flowering perennials having white or pink to purple flowers that resemble asters; wild in moist soils from New Jersey to Florida and Texas
     member:  genus_Brachycome__Brachycome  mostly Australian herbs having basal or alternate leaves and loosely corymbose flower heads
        member:  Swan_River_daisy__Brachycome_Iberidifolia  western Australian annual much cultivated for its flower heads with white or bluish to violet or variegated rays
     member:  Brickellia__genus_Brickelia  genus of herbs of southwestern America having usually creamy florets followed by one-seeded fruits in a prominent bristly sheath
     member:  genus_Buphthalmum__Buphthalmum  oxeye
        member:  oxeye.wildflower  Eurasian perennial herbs having daisylike flowers with yellow rays and dark centers
     member:  genus_Cacalia__Cacalia  genus of tall smooth herbs of forested mountains of Europe and Asia minor; in some classifications includes many plants usually placed in genus Emilia
        member:  Indian_plantain  any of various plants of the genus Cacalia having leaves resembling those of plantain
     member:  genus_Calendula  marigold
        member:  calendula  any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers; often used for medicinal and culinary purposes
     member:  genus_Callistephus__Callistephus  1 species: erect Asiatic herb with large flowers
        member:  China_aster__Callistephus_chinensis  valued for their beautiful flowers in a wide range of clear bright colors; grown primarily for cutting
     member:  thistle  any of numerous plants of the family Compositae and especially of the genera Carduus and Cirsium and Onopordum having prickly-edged leaves
     member:  genus_Carduus__Carduus  genus of annual or perennial Old World prickly thistles
        member:  welted_thistle__Carduus_crispus  European biennial introduced in North America having flower heads in crowded clusters at ends of spiny-winged branches
        member:  musk_thistle__nodding_thistle__noddingthistle__Carduus_nutans  Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar
     member:  genus_Carlina__Carlina  genus of Mediterranean thistles
        member:  carline_thistle__carlinethistle  a thistle of the genus Carlina
     member:  genus_Carthamus__Carthamus  safflower
        member:  safflower__false_saffron__falsesaffron__Carthamus_tinctorius  thistlelike Eurasian plant widely grown for its red or orange flower heads and seeds that yield a valuable oil
     member:  genus_Catananche  genus of Mediterranean herbs: cupid's dart
        member:  catananche  any of several plants of the genus Catananche having long-stalked heads of blue or yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Centaurea__Centaurea  knapweed; star thistle
        member:  centaury  any plant of the genus Centaurea
        member:  bachelor's_button__cornflower__bluebottle__Centaurea_cyanus  an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers
        member:  sweet_sultan__sweetsultan__Centaurea_imperialis  perennial of mountains of Iran and Iraq; cultivated for its fragrant rose-pink flowers
     member:  genus_Chamaemelum__Chamaemelum  small genus of plants sometimes included in genus Anthemis: chamomile
        member:  chamomile__camomile__Chamaemelum_nobilis__Anthemis_nobilis  Eurasian plant apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally; in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemis
     member:  genus_Chaenactis  genus of flowering herbs of western United States
        member:  chaenactis  any of several United States plants having long stalks of funnel-shaped white or yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Chrysanthemum  in some classifications many plants usually assigned to the genus Chrysanthemum have been divided among other genera: e.g. Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Leucanthemum; Tanacetum
        member:  corn_marigold__field_marigold__fieldmarigold__Chrysanthemum_segetum  European herb with bright yellow flowers; a common weed in grain fields
        member:  crown_daisy__crowndaisy__Chrysanthemum_coronarium  shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers
        member:  tong_ho__chop-suey_greens__shun_giku__Chrysanthemum_coronarium_spatiosum  grown for its succulent edible leaves used in Oriental cooking
     member:  chrysanthemum  any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum; Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Tanacetum; widely cultivated
     member:  genus_Chrysopsis__Chrysopsis  golden aster
        member:  golden_aster  any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters; throughout much of United States and into Canada
     member:  genus_Chrysothamnus__Chrysothamnus  genus of low branching shrubs of western North America
        member:  goldenbush  any of various much-branched yellow-flowered shrubs of the genus Chrysothamnus; western North America
        member:  rabbit_brush__rabbit_bush__Chrysothamnus_nauseosus  pleasantly aromatic shrub having erect slender flexible hairy branches and dense clusters of small yellow flowers covering vast areas of western alkali plains and affording a retreat for jackrabbits; source of a yellow dye used by Navajo Indians
     member:  genus_Cichorium__Cichorium  chicory
        member:  chicory_plant__chicory__Cichorium_intybus  perennial Old World herb having rayed flower heads with blue florets cultivated for its root and its heads of crisp edible leaves used in salads
        member:  endive__witloof__Cichorium_endivia  widely cultivated herb with leaves valued as salad green; either curly serrated leaves or broad flat ones that are usually blanched
     member:  genus_Cirsium__Cirsium  plume thistles
        member:  plume_thistle__plumethistle__plumed_thistle  any of numerous biennial to perennial herbs with handsome purple or yellow or occasionally white flower heads
     member:  genus_Cnicus__Cnicus  1 species: blessed thistle
        member:  blessed_thistle__sweet_sultan__sweetsultan__Cnicus_benedictus  annual of Mediterranean to Portugal having hairy stems and minutely spiny-toothed leaves and large heads of yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Conoclinium__Conoclinium  mistflower
        member:  mistflower__ageratum__Conoclinium_coelestinum__Eupatorium_coelestinum  rhizomatous plant of central and southeastern United States and West Indies having large showy heads of clear blue flowers; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium
     member:  genus_Conyza__Conyza  common American weed or wildflower
        member:  horseweed__Canadian_fleabane__fleabane__Conyza_canadensis__Erigeron_canadensis  common North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus Erigeron
     member:  genus_Coreopsis  genus of American plants widely cultivated for their flowers
        member:  coreopsis__coreopsi__tickseed__tickweed  any of numerous plants of the genus Coreopsis having a profusion of showy usually yellow daisylike flowers over long periods; North and South America
        member:  subgenus_Calliopsis  used in some classification systems for some plants of genus Coreopsis
     member:  genus_Cosmos  genus of tropical American plants cultivated for their colorful flowers
        member:  cosmos  any of various mostly Mexican herbs of the genus Cosmos having radiate heads of variously colored flowers and pinnate leaves; popular fall-blooming annuals
     member:  genus_Cotula__Cotula  cosmopolitan herbs especially southern hemisphere; many used as ground covers
        member:  brass_buttons__Cotula_coronopifolia  South African herb with golden-yellow globose flower heads; naturalized in moist areas along coast of California; cultivated as an ornamental
     member:  genus_Craspedia__Craspedia  herbs of Australia and New Zealand
        member:  billy_buttons__billybutton  any of various plants of the genus Craspedia grown for their downy foliage and globose heads of golden flowers; Australia and New Zealand
     member:  genus_Crepis__Crepis  hawk's beard; cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere
        member:  hawk's-beard__hawk's-beards  any of various plants of the genus Crepis having loose heads of yellow flowers on top of a long branched leafy stem; northern hemisphere
     member:  genus_Cynara__Cynara  artichoke; cardoon
        member:  artichoke_plant__artichokeplant__artichoke__globe_artichoke__globeartichoke__Cynara_scolymus  Mediterranean thistlelike plant widely cultivated for its large edible flower head
        member:  Cynara_cardunculus__cardoon  southern European plant having spiny leaves and purple flowers cultivated for its edible leafstalks and roots
     member:  genus_Dahlia  genus of perennial tuberous-rooted plants of Mexico and Central America
        member:  dahlia__Dahlia_pinnata  any of several plants of or developed from the species Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads; native to the mountains of Mexico and Central America and Colombia
     member:  genus_Delairea__Delairea  1 species: German ivy
        member:  German_ivy__Delairea_odorata__Senecio_milkanioides  South African succulent evergreen twining climber with yellow flowers grown primarily as a houseplant for its foliage; sometimes placed in genus Senecio
     member:  genus_Dendranthema__Dendranthema  comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum
     member:  genus_Dimorphotheca__Dimorphotheca  South African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers
        member:  cape_marigold__sun_marigold__sunmarigold__star_of_the_veldt  any of several South African plants grown for the profusion of usually yellow daisylike flowers and mounds of aromatic foliage
     member:  genus_Doronicum__Doronicum  genus of Eurasian perennial tuberous or rhizomatous herbs: leopard's bane
        member:  leopard's-bane__leopard'sbane__leopardbane  any of several herbs of the genus Doronicum having alternate often clasping stem leaves cultivated for their long stalks of yellow flower heads
     member:  genus_Echinacea__Echinacea  small genus of North American coarse perennial herbs
        member:  coneflower  any of various perennials of the eastern United States having thick rough leaves and long-stalked showy flowers with drooping rays and a conelike center
     member:  genus_Echinops__Echinops  genus of Mediterranean and Eurasian herbs: globe thistles
        member:  globe_thistle__globethistle  any of various plants of the genus Echinops having prickly leaves and dense globose heads of bluish flowers
     member:  genus_Elephantopus__Elephantopus  perennial American herb
        member:  elephant's-foot  any plant of the genus Elephantopus having heads of blue or purple flowers; America
     member:  genus_Emilia__Emilia  tropical African herbs
        member:  Emilia_coccinea__tassel_flower__Emilia_javanica__Emilia_flammea__Cacalia_javanica__Cacalia_lutea  tropical African annual having scarlet tassel-shaped flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Cacalia
        member:  tassel_flower__Emilia_sagitta  tropical Asiatic annual cultivated for its small tassel-shaped heads of scarlet flowers
     member:  genus_Encelia__Encelia  genus of shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico: brittlebush
        member:  brittlebush__brittle_bush__brittlebush__incienso__Encelia_farinosa  fragrant rounded shrub of southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico having brittle stems and small crowded blue-green leaves and yellow flowers; produces a resin used in incense and varnish and in folk medicine
     member:  genus_Enceliopsis__Enceliopsis  small genus of xerophytic herbs of southwestern United States
        member:  sunray__Enceliopsis_nudicaulis  herb having a basal cluster of gray-green leaves and leafless stalks each with a solitary broad yellow flower head; desert areas Idaho to Arizona
     member:  genus_Engelmannia  one species: North American herbs that resemble sunflowers
        member:  engelmannia  common erect hairy perennial of plains and prairies of southern and central United States having flowers that resemble sunflowers
     member:  genus_Erechtites  coarse herbs with whitish discoid flower heads and silky pappus
        member:  Erechtites_hieracifolia__fireweed  an American weedy plant with small white or greenish flowers
     member:  genus_Erigeron__Erigeron  cosmopolitan genus of usually perennial herbs with flowers that resemble asters; leaves occasionally (especially formerly) used medicinally
        member:  fleabane  any of several North American plants of the genus Erigeron having daisylike flowers; formerly believed to repel fleas
     member:  genus_Eriophyllum__Eriophyllum  genus of hairy herbs and shrubs of western North America
        member:  woolly_sunflower  any plant of the genus Eriophyllum
     member:  genus_Eupatorium__Eupatorium  large genus of chiefly tropical herbs having heads of white or purplish flowers
        member:  spotted_Joe-Pye_weed__Joe-Pye_weed__Eupatorium_maculatum  North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purple flower heads
        member:  boneset__agueweed__thoroughwort__Eupatorium_perfoliatum  perennial herb of southeastern United States having white-rayed flower heads; formerly used as in folk medicine
        member:  Joe-Pye_weed__purple_boneset__trumpet_weed__trumpetweed__marsh_milkweed__marshmilkweed__Eupatorium_purpureum  North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of flowers spotted with purple
     member:  genus_Felicia__Felicia  genus of tropical African herbs or subshrubs with usually blue flowers
        member:  blue_daisy__blue_marguerite__Felicia_amelloides  hairy South African or Australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers
        member:  kingfisher_daisy__Felicia_bergeriana  softly hairy South African herb having flowers with bright blue rays
     member:  genus_Filago  genus of small woolly herbs
        member:  cotton_rose__cudweed  any plant of the genus Filago having capitate clusters of small woolly flower heads
     member:  genus_Gaillardia  genus of western American hairy herbs with showy flowers
        member:  gaillardia  any plant of western America of the genus Gaillardia having hairy leaves and long-stalked flowers in hot vibrant colors from golden yellow and copper to rich burgundy
     member:  genus_Gazania  genus of tomentose tropical African herbs with milky sap
        member:  gazania  any plant of the genus Gazania valued for their showy daisy flowers
     member:  genus_Gerbera__Gerbera  genus of South African or Asiatic herbs: African daisies
        member:  African_daisy.flower__africandaisy  African or Asiatic herbs with daisylike flowers
        member:  Barberton_daisy__Transvaal_daisy__Gerbera_jamesonii  widely cultivated South African perennial having flower heads with orange to flame-colored rays
     member:  genus_Gerea__Gerea  small genus of hairy herbs with yellow flowers
        member:  desert_sunflower__Gerea_canescens  slender hairy plant with few leaves and golden-yellow flower heads; sandy desert areas of southeastern California to southwestern Utah and western Arizona and northwestern Mexico
     member:  genus_Gnaphalium__Gnaphalium  large widely distributed genus of coarse hairy herbs with whitish involucres
        member:  cudweed  any of numerous plants of the genus Gnaphalium having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color
     member:  genus_Grindelia__Grindelia  large genus of coarse gummy herbs of western North and Central America
        member:  gumweed__gum_plant__gumplant__tarweed__rosinweed  any of various western American plants of the genus Grindelia having resinous leaves and stems formerly used medicinally; often poisonous to livestock
     member:  genus_Gutierrezia__Gutierrezia  sticky perennial herbs and subshrubs of western North America and warm South America
        member:  matchweed__matchbush  any of several plants of the genus Gutierrezia having tiny flower heads that resemble the heads of matches
        member:  rabbitweed__snakeweed__broom_snakeweed__broomsnakeweed__broom_snakeroot__broomsnakeroot__turpentine_weed__Gutierrezia_sarothrae  low-growing sticky subshrub of southwestern United States having narrow linear leaves on many slender branches and hundreds of tiny yellow flower heads
        member:  broomweed__Gutierrezia_texana  annual of southwestern United States having rigid woody branches with sticky foliage and yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Gynura__Gynura  genus of Old World tropical herbs: velvet plants
        member:  purple_velvet_plant__velvet_plant__royal_velvet_plant__Gynura_aurantiaca  Javanese foliage plant grown for their handsome velvety leaves with violet-purple hairs
     member:  genus_Haastia__Haastia  genus of New Zealand mat-forming herbs or subshrubs: vegetable sheep
        member:  Haastia_pulvinaris__vegetable_sheep__vegetablesheep__sheep_plant__sheepplant  cushion-forming New Zealand herb having leaves densely covered with tawny hairs
     member:  genus_Haplopappus__Haplopappus  genus of North and South American perennial herbs or shrubs with yellow flowers; in some classifications include species placed in other genera especially Hazardia
        member:  goldenbush.wildflower  a plant of the genus Haplopappus
        member:  camphor_daisy__camphordaisy__Haplopappus_phyllocephalus  annual of southern United States and Mexico having bristly leaves and pale yellow flowers
        member:  yellow_spiny_daisy__Haplopappus_spinulosus  slender perennial of western North America having weakly bristly leaves and yellow flower heads
     member:  genus_Hazardia__Hazardia  small genus of shrubs and subshrubs of western United States having flowers that change color as they mature
        member:  hoary_golden_bush__Hazardia_cana  western American shrubs having white felted foliage and yellow flowers that become red-purple
     member:  genus_Helenium__Helenium  genus of American herbs with yellow-rayed flowers: sneezeweeds
        member:  sneezeweed  any of various plants of the genus Helenium characteristically causing sneezing
     member:  genus_Helianthus  genus of tall erect or branched American annual or perennial herbs with showy flowers: sunflowers
        member:  sunflower__helianthus  any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays
     member:  genus_Helichrysum__Helichrysum  large genus of mostly African and Australian herbs and shrubs: everlasting flowers; in some classifications includes genus Ozothamnus
     member:  genus_Heliopsis  oxeye
        member:  heliopsis__heliopsi__oxeye  any North American shrubby perennial herb of the genus Heliopsis having large yellow daisylike flowers
     member:  genus_Helipterum__Helipterum  genus of South African and Australian herbs or shrubs grown as everlastings; the various Helipterum species are currently in process of being assigned to other genera especially Pteropogon and Hyalosperma
        member:  strawflower  any of various plants of the genus Helipterum
     member:  genus_Heterotheca__Heterotheca  genus of yellow-flowered North American herbs
        member:  hairy_golden_aster__prairie_golden_aster__Heterotheca_villosa__Chrysopsis_villosa  hairy perennial with yellow flower heads in branched clusters; found almost everywhere in dry places from Canada to west central and western United States; sometimes placed in genus Chrysopsis
     member:  genus_Hieracium__Hieracium  large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella
        member:  hawkweed  any of numerous often hairy plants of the genus Hieracium having yellow or orange flowers that resemble the dandelion
        member:  king_devil__yellow_hawkweed__Hieracium_praealtum  European hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States; locally troublesome weeds
     member:  genus_Homogyne__Homogyne  small genus of low perennial herbs of montane Europe; in some classifications included in genus Tussilago
        member:  alpine_coltsfoot__Homogyne_alpina__Tussilago_alpina  rhizomatous herb with purple-red flowers suitable for groundcover; sometimes placed in genus Tussilago
     member:  genus_Hulsea__Hulsea  small genus of erect balsam-scented herbs; United States Pacific NW
        member:  alpine_gold__alpine_hulsea__Hulsea_algida  low tufted plant having hairy stems each topped by a flower head with short narrow yellow rays; northwestern United States
        member:  dwarf_hulsea__dwarfhulsea__Hulsea_nana  similar to but smaller than alpine hulsea
     member:  genus_Hyalosperma__Hyalosperma  genus of herbs of temperate Australia including some from genus Helipterum
     member:  genus_Hypochaeris__Hypochaeris__Hypochoeris__genus_Hypochoeris  widely distributed genus of herbs with milky juice; includes some cosmopolitan weeds
        member:  California_dandelion__cat's-ear__cat'sear__capeweed__gosmore__Hypochaeris_radicata  European weed widely naturalized in North America having yellow flower heads and leaves resembling a cat's ears
     member:  genus_Inula  genus of Old World herbs or subshrubs: elecampane
        member:  inula  any plant of the genus Inula
     member:  genus_Iva  small genus of American herbs or shrubs; in some classifications placed in a separate family Ambrosiaceae
        member:  marsh_elder__marshelder__iva  any of various coarse shrubby plants of the genus Iva with small greenish flowers; common in moist areas (as coastal salt marshes) of eastern and central North America
     member:  genus_Krigia  small herbs closely related to chicory: dwarf dandelions
        member:  krigia  any small branched yellow-flowered North American herb of the genus Krigia
     member:  genus_Lactuca__Lactuca  an herb with milky juice: lettuce; prickly lettuce
        member:  lettuce.herbaceous_plant  any of various plants of the genus Lactuca
        member:  garden_lettuce__common_lettuce__Lactuca_sativa  annual or perennial garden plant having succulent leaves used in salads; widely grown
        member:  cos_lettuce__coslettuce__romaine_lettuce__romainelettuce__Lactuca_sativa_longifolia  lettuce with long dark-green spoon-shaped leaves
        member:  head_lettuce__Lactuca_sativa_capitata  distinguished by leaves arranged in a dense rosette that develop into a compact ball
     member:  genus_Lagenophera__Lagenophera  small genus of herbs of Australia and South America having small solitary white or purple flowers similar to true daisies of genus Bellis
     member:  genus_Lasthenia__Lasthenia  small genus of herbs of Pacific coast of North and South America
        member:  goldfields__Lasthenia_chrysostoma  small slender woolly annual with very narrow opposite leaves and branches bearing solitary golden-yellow flower heads; southwestern Oregon to Baja California and Arizona; often cultivated
     member:  genus_Layia__Layia  genus of western United States annuals with showy yellow or white flowers
        member:  tidytips__tidy_tips__Layia_platyglossa  California annual having flower heads with yellow rays tipped with white
     member:  genus_Leontodon__Leontodon  hawkbit
        member:  hawkbit  any of various common wildflowers of the genus Leontodon; of temperate Eurasia to Mediterranean regions
     member:  genus_Leontopodium__Leontopodium  edelweiss
        member:  edelweiss__edelweis__leontopodiumalpinum  alpine perennial plant native to Europe having leaves covered with whitish down and small flower heads held in stars of glistening whitish bracts
     member:  genus_Leucanthemum__Leucanthemum  comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  ox-eyed_daisy__oxeye_daisy__marguerite__moon_daisy__white_daisy__whitedaisy__Leucanthemum_vulgare__Chrysanthemum_leucanthemum  tall leafy-stemmed Eurasian perennial with white flowers; widely naturalized; often placed in genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  oxeye_daisy__Leucanthemum_maximum__Chrysanthemum_maximum  similar to oxeye daisy
        member:  shasta_daisy__Leucanthemum_superbum__Chrysanthemum_maximum_maximum  hybrid garden flower derived from Chrysanthemum maximum and Chrysanthemum lacustre having large white flower heads resembling oxeye daisies; often placed in the genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  Pyrenees_daisy__Leucanthemum_lacustre__Chrysanthemum_lacustre  perennial of Portugal similar to the oxeye daisy
     member:  genus_Leucogenes__Leucogenes  New Zealand edelweiss
     member:  genus_Liatris__Liatris  genus of perennial North American herbs with aromatic usually cormous roots
        member:  blazing_star__blazingstar__buttonsnakeroot__snakeroot  any of various North American plants of the genus Liatris having racemes or panicles of small discoid flower heads
     member:  genus_Ligularia__Ligularia  genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel: leopard plants
        member:  leopard_plant__leopardplant  any of various plants of temperate Eurasia; grown for their yellow flowers and handsome foliage
     member:  genus_Lindheimera__Lindheimera  1 species: Texas star
        member:  Texas_star__Lindheimera_texana  Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads
     member:  genus_Lonas__Lonas  1 species: yellow ageratum
        member:  yellow_ageratum__African_daisy__Lonas_inodora__Lonas_annua  shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers
     member:  genus_Machaeranthera__Machaeranthera  wildflowers of western North America
        member:  tahoka_daisy__tansy_leaf_aster__Machaeranthera_tanacetifolia  wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays; Alberta to Texas and Mexico
        member:  sticky_aster__Machaeranthera_bigelovii  wild aster having leafy stems and flower heads with narrow bright reddish-lavender or purple rays; western Colorado to Arizona
        member:  Mojave_aster__Machaeranthera_tortifoloia  wild aster having grayish leafy stems and flower heads with narrow pale lavender or violet rayes; of rocky desert slopes California to Arizona and Utah
     member:  genus_Madia__Madia  genus of sticky herbs with yellow flowers open in morning or evening but closed in bright light
        member:  tarweed  any of various resinous glandular plants of the genus Madia; of western North and South America
        member:  common_madia__common_tarweed__Madia_elegans  California annual having red-brown spots near the base of its yellow flower rays
     member:  genus_Matricaria__Matricaria  chiefly Old World strong-smelling weedy herbs; comprises plants sometimes included in other genera: e.g. Tanacetum; Tripleurospermum
        member:  sweet_false_chamomile__sweetfalsechamomile__wild_chamomile__German_chamomile__Matricaria_recutita__Matricaria_chamomilla  annual Eurasian herb similar in fragrance and medicinal uses to chamomile though taste is more bitter and effect is considered inferior
        member:  pineapple_weed__pineappleweed__rayless_chamomile__raylesschamomile__Matricaria_matricarioides  annual aromatic weed of Pacific coastal areas (United States; northeastern Asia) having bristle-pointed leaves and rayless yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Melampodium__Melampodium  herbs and subshrubs of warm North America
        member:  blackfoot_daisy__Melampodium_leucanthum  bushy subshrub having flower heads that resemble asters with broad white rays; found in desert areas of Arizona east to Kansas and south to Mexico
     member:  genus_Mikania__Mikania  large genus of evergreen lianas of tropical America
        member:  wild_climbing_hempweed__climbing_hempweed__climbing_boneset__climbing_hemp-vine__Mikania_scandens  herb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers; climbs up trees
     member:  genus_Mutisia  genus of South American shrubs or lianas having large flower heads with feathery pappuses
        member:  mutisia  any of various plants of the genus Mutisia
     member:  genus_Nabalus__Nabalus  genus of North American and east Asian perennial herbs; sometimes included in genus Prenanthes
        member:  rattlesnake_root__rattlesnakeroot  a plant of the genus Nabalus
        member:  white_lettuce__whitelettuce__cankerweed__Nabalus_alba__Prenanthes_alba  herb of northeastern North America having drooping clusters of yellowish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes
        member:  lion's_foot__gall_of_the_earth__Nabalus_serpentarius__Prenanthes_serpentaria  common perennial herb widely distributed in the southern and eastern United States having drooping clusters of pinkish flowers and thick basal leaves suggesting a lion's foot in shape; sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes
     member:  genus_Olearia__Olearia  large genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or small trees with large daisylike flowers
        member:  daisybush__daisy_bush__daisybush  any of various mostly Australian attractively shaped shrubs of the genus Olearia grown for their handsome and sometimes fragrant evergreen foliage and profusion of daisy flowers with white or purple or blue rays
     member:  genus_Onopordum__Onopordum__Onopordon__genus_Onopordon  a genus of Eurasian herbs of the family Compositae with prickly foliage and large purplish flowers
        member:  cotton_thistle__woolly_thistle__Scotch_thistle__Onopordum_acanthium__Onopordon_acanthium  biennial Eurasian white hairy thistle having pale purple flowers; naturalized in North America
     member:  genus_Othonna  genus of western African herbs or shrubs
        member:  othonna  a South African plant of the genus Othonna having smooth often fleshy leaves and heads of yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Ozothamnus__Ozothamnus  genus of Australian shrubs and perennial herbs; sometimes included in genus Helichrysum
        member:  cascade_everlasting__cascadeeverlasting__Ozothamnus_secundiflorus__Helichrysum_secundiflorum  shrub with white woolly branches and woolly leaves having fragrant flowers forming long sprays; flowers suitable for drying; sometimes placed in genus Helichrysum
     member:  genus_Packera__Packera  genus of American of east Asian perennial herbs with yellow to orange or red flower rays; sometimes included in genus Senecio
        member:  butterweed  any of several yellow-flowered plants of the genus Packer; often placed in genus Senecio
     member:  genus_Parthenium__Parthenium  small genus of North American herbs and shrubs with terminal panicles of small ray flowers
        member:  guayule__Parthenium_argentatum  much-branched subshrub with silvery leaves and small white flowers of Texas and northern Mexico; cultivated as a source of rubber
        member:  bastard_feverfew__bastardfeverfew__Parthenium_hysterophorus  tropical American annual weed with small radiate heads of white flowers; adventive in southern United States
        member:  American_feverfew__wild_quinine__prairie_dock__prairiedock__Parthenium_integrifolium  stout perennial herb of the eastern United States with whitish flowers; leaves traditionally used by Catawba indians to treat burns
     member:  genus_Pericallis__Pericallis  cineraria
        member:  cineraria__Pericallis_cruenta__Senecio_cruentus  herb of Canary Islands widely cultivated for its blue or purple or red or variegated daisylike flowers
        member:  florest's_cineraria__florest'scineraria__Pericallis_hybrida  herb derived from Pericallis cruenta and widely cultivated in a variety of profusely flowering forms with florets from white to pink to red or purple or violet or blue; sometimes placed in genus Cineraria
     member:  genus_Petasites__Petasites  genus of rhizomatous herbs of north temperate regions: butterbur; sweet coltsfoot
        member:  butterbur__bog_rhubarb__bogrhubarb__Petasites_hybridus__Petasites_vulgaris  small Eurasian herb having broad leaves and lilac-pink rayless flowers; found in moist areas
        member:  winter_heliotrope__sweet_coltsfoot__sweetcoltsfoot__Petasites_fragrans  European herb with vanilla-scented white-pink flowers
        member:  sweet_coltsfoot__sweetcoltsfoot__Petasites_sagitattus  American sweet-scented herb
     member:  genus_Picris__Picris  genus of weedy Old World yellow-flowered herbs usually containing a bitter-tasting substance: bitterweed
        member:  bristly_oxtongue__bristlyoxtongue__bitterweed__bugloss__Picris_echioides  widespread European weed with spiny tongue-shaped leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in United States
     member:  genus_Pilosella__Pilosella  genus of hairy perennial herbs with horizontal rhizomes and leafy or underground stolons; Eurasia and North Africa; often considered congeneric with Hieracium
        member:  hawkweed.herbaceous_plant  any of various plants of the genus Pilosella
        member:  orange_hawkweed__Pilosella_aurantiaca__Hieracium_aurantiacum  European hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium
     member:  genus_Piqueria__Piqueria  small genus of tropical American perennial herbs or subshrubs with white to pale yellow flowers; often included in genus Stevia
        member:  stevia  any plant of the genus Piqueria or the closely related genus Stevia
     member:  genus_Prenanthes__Prenanthes  genus of North American and Asiatic perennial herbs having pinnatisect leaves small heads of drooping yellowish to purple flowers; sometimes includes species often placed in genus Nabalus
        member:  Prenanthes_purpurea__rattlesnake_root__rattlesnakeroot  herb of central and southern Europe having purple florets
     member:  genus_Pteropogon  genus of Australian and South African herbs including some from genus Helipterum
        member:  pteropogon__Pteropogon_humboltianum  southern Australian plant having feathery hairs surrounding the fruit
     member:  genus_Pulicaria__Pulicaria  genus of temperate Old World herbs: fleabane
        member:  feabane_mullet__feabanemullet__fleabane__Pulicaria_dysenterica  hairy perennial Eurasian herb with yellow daisylike flowers reputed to destroy or drive away fleas
     member:  genus_Pyrethrum__Pyrethrum  used in former classifications for plants later placed in genus Chrysanthemum and now often included in genus Tanacetum
     member:  genus_Raoulia__Raoulia  genus of low-growing mat-forming New Zealand plants; in some classifications includes species placed in genus Haastia
        member:  sheep_plant__sheepplant__vegetable_sheep__vegetablesheep__Raoulia_lutescens__Raoulia_australis  perennial prostrate mat-forming herb with hoary woolly foliage
     member:  genus_Ratibida__Ratibida  genus of perennial wildflowers of North American plains and prairies; often cultivated for their showy flower heads
        member:  Mexican_hat__Ratibida_columnaris  coneflower with flower heads resembling a Mexican hat with a tall red-brown disk and drooping yellow or yellow and red-brown rays; great plains along base of Rocky Mountains
        member:  long-head_coneflower__prairie_coneflower__prairieconeflower__Ratibida_columnifera  plant similar to the Mexican hat coneflower; from British Columbia to New Mexico
        member:  prairie_coneflower__prairieconeflower__Ratibida_tagetes  coneflower of central to southwestern United States
     member:  genus_Rhodanthe  genus of xerophytic herbs and shrubs of South Africa and Australia; sometimes included in genus Helipterum
        member:  Swan_River_everlasting__rhodanthe__Rhodanthe_manglesii__Helipterum_manglesii  Australian annual everlasting having light pink nodding flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Helipterum
     member:  genus_Rudbeckia__Rudbeckia  North American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads
        member:  coneflower.flower  any of various plants of the genus Rudbeckia cultivated for their large usually yellow daisies with prominent central cones
        member:  black-eyed_Susan__Rudbeckia_hirta__Rudbeckia_serotina  the state flower of Maryland; of central and southeastern United States; having daisylike flowers with dark centers and yellow to orange rays
        member:  cutleaved_coneflower__cutleavedconeflower__Rudbeckia_laciniata  tall leafy plant with erect branches ending in large yellow flower heads with downward-arching rays; grow in Rocky Mountains south to Arizona and east to the Atlantic coast
        member:  golden_glow__double_gold__hortensia__Rudbeckia_laciniata_hortensia  very tall branching herb with showy much-doubled yellow flower heads
     member:  genus_Santolina__Santolina  genus of Mediterranean subshrubs with rayless flower heads
        member:  lavender_cotton__Santolina_chamaecyparissus  branching aromatic Mediterranean shrub with woolly stems and leaves and yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Sanvitalia__Sanvitalia  small genus of tropical American annual herbs: creeping zinnia
        member:  creeping_zinnia__Sanvitalia_procumbens  low-branching leafy annual with flower heads resembling zinnias; found in southwestern United States and Mexico to Guatemala
     member:  genus_Saussurea__Saussurea  genus of herbs of temperate and cool regions of Eurasia
        member:  costusroot__Saussurea_costus__Saussurea_lappa  annual herb of the eastern Himalayas (Kashmir) having purple florets and a fragrant root that yields a volatile oil used in perfumery and for preserving furs
     member:  genus_Scolymus__Scolymus  small genus of thistlelike herbs of the Mediterranean region
        member:  golden_thistle  any of several spiny Mediterranean herbs of the genus Scolymus having yellow flower heads
     member:  genus_Senecio__Senecio  enormous and diverse cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs and vines and herbs including many weeds
        member:  nodding_groundsel__noddinggroundsel__Senecio_bigelovii  plant with erect leafy stems bearing clusters of rayless yellow flower heads on bent individual stalks; moist regions of southwestern United States
        member:  Senecio_cineraria__dusty_miller__dustymiller__cinerariamaritima  stiff much-branched perennial of the Mediterranean region having very white woolly stems and leaves; sometimes placed in genus Cineraria
        member:  threadleaf_groundsel__Senecio_doublasii  bluish-green bushy leafy plant covered with close white wool and bearing branched clusters of yellow flower heads; southwestern United States; toxic to range livestock
        member:  ragwort__butterweed__Senecio_glabellus  American ragwort with yellow flowers
        member:  tansy_ragwort__tansyragwort__ragwort__ragweed__benweed__Senecio_jacobaea  widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers; sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity
        member:  groundsel__Senecio_vulgaris  Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Scorzonera  genus of narrow-leaved European herbs
        member:  viper's_grass__viper'sgras__black_salsify__blacksalsify__scorzonera__Scorzonera_hispanica  perennial south European herb having narrow entire leaves and solitary yellow flower heads and long black-skinned carrot-shaped edible roots
     member:  genus_Sericocarpus__Sericocarpus  small genus of herbs of the eastern United States: white-topped asters
        member:  white-topped_aster  herb having corymbose white-rayed flowers with scaly bracts and silky indehiscent fruits
     member:  genus_Seriphidium__Seriphidium  woody plants grown chiefly for their silver or gray and often aromatic foliage; formerly included in the genus Artemisia
        member:  silver_sage__silver_sagebrush__gray_sage__Seriphidium_canum__Artemisia_cana  low much-branched perennial of western United States having silvery leaves; an important browse and shelter plant
        member:  sea_wormwood__seawormwood__Seriphidium_maritimum__Artemisia_maritima  plants of western and northern European coasts
        member:  big_sagebrush__bigsagebrush__blue_sage__Seriphidium_tridentatum__Artemisia_tridentata  aromatic shrub of arid regions of western North America having hoary leaves
     member:  genus_Serratula__Serratula  genus of Old World perennial herbs with spirally arranged toothed leaves
        member:  sawwort__Serratula_tinctoria  European perennial whose serrate leaves yield a yellow dye
     member:  genus_Silphium__Silphium  tall North American perennial herbs
        member:  rosinweed__Silphium_laciniatum  North American perennial having a resinous odor and yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Silybum__Silybum  small genus of east African herbs
        member:  milk_thistle__lady's_thistle__Our_Lady's_mild_thistle__holy_thistle__blessed_thistle__Silybum_marianum  tall Old World biennial thistle with large clasping white-blotched leaves and purple flower heads; naturalized in California and South America
     member:  genus_Solidago__Solidago  goldenrod
        member:  goldenrod  any of numerous chiefly summer-blooming and fall-blooming North American plants especially of the genus Solidago
     member:  genus_Sonchus__Sonchus  sow thistles
        member:  sow_thistle__sowthistle__milk_thistle  any of several Old World coarse prickly-leaved shrubs and subshrubs having milky juice and yellow flowers; widely naturalized; often noxious weeds in cultivated soil
     member:  genus_Stenotus__Stenotus  genus of western North American low evergreen shrubs growing in dense tufts
        member:  stemless_golden_weed__Stenotus_acaulis__Haplopappus_acaulis  dark green erect herb of northwestern United States and southwestern Canada having stiff leaves in dense tufts and yellow flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Haplopappus
     member:  genus_Stevia  genus of shrubs and herbs of tropical and warm Americas
        member:  stevia.herbaceous_plant  any plant of the genus Stevia or the closely related genus Piqueria having glutinous foliage and white or purplish flowers; Central and South America
     member:  genus_Stokesia__Stokesia  1 species: stokes' aster
        member:  stokes'_aster__stokes'aster__cornflower_aster__Stokesia_laevis  erect perennial of southeastern United States having large heads of usually blue flowers
     member:  Tageteste__genus_Tagetes  marigolds
        member:  marigold  any of various tropical American plants of the genus Tagetes widely cultivated for their showy yellow or orange flowers
     member:  genus_Tanacetum__Tanacetum  a large genus of plants resembling chrysanthemums; comprises some plants often included in other genera especially genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  northern_dune_tansy__Tanacetum_douglasii  lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers; sand dunes of Pacific coast of North America
        member:  alecost__costmary__bible_leaf__bibleleaf__mint_geranium__balsam_herb__Tanacetum_balsamita__Chrysanthemum_balsamita  tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers; used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  camphor_dune_tansy__Tanacetum_camphoratum  densely hairy plant with rayless flowers; San Francisco Bay area
        member:  painted_daisy__painteddaisy__pyrethrum__Tanacetum_coccineum__Chrysanthemum_coccineum  spring-flowering garden perennial of Asiatic origin having finely divided aromatic leaves and white to pink-purple flowers; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  Dalmatian_pyrethrum__pyrethrum__Dalmatia_pyrethrum__Tanacetum_cinerariifolium__Chrysanthemum_cinerariifolium  white-flowered pyrethrum of Balkan area whose pinnate leaves are white and silky-hairy below; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  feverfew__Tanacetum_parthenium__Chrysanthemum_parthenium  bushy aromatic European perennial herb having clusters of buttonlike white-rayed flower heads; valued traditionally for medicinal uses; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  dusty_miller__dustymiller__silverlace__Tanacetum_ptarmiciflorum__Chrysanthemum_ptarmiciflorum  shrubby perennial of the Canary Islands having white flowers and leaves and hairy stems covered with dustlike down; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
        member:  tansy__golden_buttons__scented_fern__scentedfern__tanacetumvulgare  common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally
     member:  genus_Taraxacum__Taraxacum  an asterid dicot genus of the family Compositae including dandelions
        member:  dandelion__blowball  any of several herbs of the genus Taraxacum having long tap roots and deeply notched leaves and bright yellow flowers followed by fluffy seed balls
     member:  genus_Tetraneuris__Tetraneuris  genus of hairy yellow-flowered plants of the western United States
        member:  stemless_hymenoxys__Tetraneuris_acaulis__Hymenoxys_acaulis  perennial having tufted basal leaves and short leafless stalks each bearing a solitary yellow flower head; dry hillsides and plains of west central North America
        member:  old_man_of_the_mountain__alpine_sunflower__Tetraneuris_grandiflora__Hymenoxys_grandiflora  whitish hairy plant with featherlike leaves and a few stout stems each bearing an especially handsome solitary large yellow flower head; mountainous regions north central United States
     member:  genus_Tithonia  genus of robust herbs of Mexico and Central America: Mexican sunflower
        member:  Mexican_sunflower__tithonia  any plant of the genus Tithonia; tall coarse herbs or shrubs of Mexico to Panama having large flower heads resembling sunflowers with yellow disc florets and golden-yellow to orange-scarlet rays
     member:  genus_Townsendia__Townsendia  genus of western American low tufted herbs: Easter daisy
        member:  Easter_daisy__stemless_daisy__Townsendia_Exscapa  dwarf tufted nearly stemless herb having a rosette of woolly leaves and large white-rayed flower heads and bristly achenes; central Canada and United States west to Arizona
     member:  genus_Tragopogon__Tragopogon  genus of Old World herbs with linear entire leaves and yellow or purple flower heads
        member:  Tragopogon_porrifolius__salsify__oysterplant__vegetable_oyster__vegetableoyster  Mediterranean biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple ray flowers and milky sap and long edible root; naturalized throughout United States
        member:  meadow_salsify__goatsbeard__shepherd's_clock__Tragopogon_pratensis  weedy European annual with yellow flowers; naturalized in United States
     member:  genus_Trilisa__Trilisa  genus of herbs of southern United States
        member:  wild_vanilla__Trilisa_odoratissima  perennial of southeastern United States with leaves having the fragrance of vanilla
     member:  genus_Tripleurospermum__Tripleurospermum  small genus comprising plants often included in genus Matricaria
        member:  scentless_camomile__scentlesscamomile__scentless_false_camomile__scentlessfalsecamomile__scentless_mayweed__scentless_hayweed__scentlesshayweed__corn_mayweed__Tripleurospermum_inodorum__Matricaria_inodorum  ubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America; sometimes included in genus Matricaria
        member:  Tripleurospermum_oreades_tchihatchewii__turfing_daisy__turfingdaisy__Matricaria_oreades  mat-forming perennial herb of Asia Minor; sometimes included in genus Matricaria
        member:  turfing_daisy__turfingdaisy__Tripleurospermum_tchihatchewii__Matricaria_tchihatchewii  low densely tufted perennial herb of Turkey having small white flowers; used as a ground cover in dry places; sometimes included in genus Matricaria
     member:  genus_Tussilago__Tussilago  genus of low creeping yellow-flowered perennial herbs of north temperate regions: coltsfoots; in some classifications includes species often placed in other genera especially Homogyne and Petasites
        member:  coltsfoot__Tussilago_farfara  perennial herb with large rounded leaves resembling a colt's foot and yellow flowers appearing before the leaves do; native to Europe but now nearly cosmopolitan; used medicinally especially formerly
     member:  genus_Ursinia  genus of South African herbs and shrubs cultivated as ornamentals
        member:  ursinia  any of various plants of the genus Ursinia grown for their yellow- or orange- or white-rayed flowers
     member:  genus_Verbesina__Verbesina  herbs and shrubs of warm North America to Mexico; includes plants formerly placed in genus Actinomeris
        member:  crownbeard__crown_beard__crownbeard  any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads
     member:  genus_Actinomeris__Actinomeris  used in some classification systems for plants now included in genus Verbesina
     member:  genus_Vernonia  genus of New World tropical herbs or shrubs with terminal cymose heads of tubular flowers
        member:  ironweed__vernonia  any of various plants of the genus Vernonia of tropical and warm regions of especially North America that take their name from their loose heads of purple to rose flowers that quickly take on a rusty hue
     member:  genus_Wyethia  coarse leafy perennial plants resembling sunflowers found especially in the United States
        member:  mule's_ears__Wyethia_amplexicaulis  balsamic-resinous herb with clumps of lanceolate leaves and stout leafy stems ending in large deep yellow flowers on long stalks; northwestern United States
        member:  white-rayed_mule's_ears__Wyethia_helianthoides  herb with basal leaves and leafy hairy stems bearing solitary flower heads with white or pale cream rays; northwestern United States
        member:  wyethia__Wyethia_ovata  low tufted white-woolly yellow-flowered herb of California
     member:  genus_Xanthium__Xanthium  coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles
        member:  cocklebur  any coarse weed of the genus Xanthium having spiny burrs
     member:  genus_Xeranthemum  genus of annual densely hairy herbs of Mediterranean to southwestern Asia
        member:  xeranthemum  any plant of the genus Xeranthemum native to southern Europe having chaffy or silvery flower heads with purplish tubular flowers
        member:  immortelle__Xeranthemum_annuum  mostly widely cultivated species of everlasting flowers having usually purple flowers; southern Europe to Iran; naturalized elsewhere
     member:  genus_Zinnia  genus of annual or perennial plants of tropical America having solitary heads of brightly colored flowers
        member:  zinnia__old_maid__oldmaid__old_maid_flower  any of various plants of the genus Zinnia cultivated for their variously and brightly colored flower heads
  member:  family_Campanulaceae__Campanulaceae__bellflower_family  family of plants of the order Campanulales; in some classifications includes Lobeliaceae
     member:  genus_Campanula  large genus of herbs grown for their blossoms: bellflowers
        member:  campanula__bellflower  any of various plants of the genus Campanula having blue or white bell-shaped flowers
     member:  genus_Lobelia  in some classifications considered the type genus of a separate family Lobeliaceae
        member:  lobelia  any plant or flower of the genus Lobelia
  member:  family_Cucurbitaceae__Cucurbitaceae__gourd_family__gourdfamily  a family of herbaceous vines (such cucumber or melon or squash or pumpkin)
     member:  gourd_vine__gourdvine__gourd  any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears fruits with hard rinds
     member:  genus_Cucurbita__Cucurbita  type genus of the Cucurbitaceae
        member:  autumn_pumpkin__pumpkin__pumpkin_vine__pumpkinvine__Cucurbita_pepo  a coarse vine widely cultivated for its non-keeping large pulpy round orange fruit with firm orange skin and numerous seeds; subspecies of Cucurbita pepo include the summer squashes and a few autumn squashes
        member:  squash_vine__squash  any of numerous annual tendril-bearing trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible fruits
        member:  summer_squash_vine__summer_squash__Cucurbita_pepo_melopepo  any of various usually bushy plants producing fruit that is eaten while immature and before the rind or seeds harden
        member:  winter_squash_plant__winter_squash  any of various plants of the species Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata producing squashes that have hard rinds and mature in the fall
        member:  hubbard_squash.winter_squash_plant__hubbardsquash__Cucurbita_maxima  any of several winter squash plants producing large grayish-green football-shaped fruit with a rough warty rind
        member:  Cucurbita_maxima_turbaniformis__turban_squash  squash plants bearing hard-shelled fruit shaped somewhat like a turban with a rounded central portion protruding from the end opposite the stem
        member:  buttercup_squash.Cucurbita_maxima_turbaniformis__buttercupsquash  plant bearing somewhat drum-shaped fruit having dark green rind with grayish markings
        member:  prairie_gourd_vine__prairiegourdvine__prairie_gourd__prairiegourd__Missouri_gourd__wild_pumpkin__buffalo_gourd__buffalogourd__calabazilla__cucurbitafoetidissima  perennial vine of dry parts of central and southwestern United States and Mexico having small hard mottled green inedible fruit
     member:  genus_Bryonia  climbing perennial herbs: bryony
        member:  bryony__briony  a tendril-bearing vine of the genus Bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice with emetic and purgative properties
     member:  genus_Citrullus__Citrullus  a dicot genus of the family cucurbitaceae including watermelons
        member:  watermelon_vine__watermelon__Citrullus_vulgaris  an African melon
     member:  genus_Cucumis__Cucumis  cucumbers; muskmelons
        member:  sweet_melon_vine__sweetmelonvine__sweet_melon__muskmelon__cucumismelo  any of several varieties of vine whose fruit has a netted rind and edible flesh and a musky smell
        member:  cucumber_vine__cucumber__Cucumis_sativus  a melon vine of the genus Cucumis; cultivated from earliest times for its cylindrical green fruit
     member:  genus_Ecballium__Ecballium  exploding cucumber; squirting cucumber
        member:  squirting_cucumber__squirtingcucumber__exploding_cucumber__explodingcucumber__touch-me-not__Ecballium_elaterium  Mediterranean vine having oblong fruit that when ripe expels its seeds and juice violently when touched
     member:  genus_Lagenaria__Lagenaria  bottle gourds
        member:  bottle_gourd__calabash__Lagenaria_siceraria  Old World climbing plant with hard-shelled bottle-shaped gourds as fruits
     member:  genus_Luffa  dishcloth gourds
        member:  luffa__dishcloth_gourd__dishclothgourd__sponge_gourd__rag_gourd__raggourd__strainer_vine  any of several tropical annual climbers having large yellow flowers and edible young fruits; grown commercially for the mature fruit's dried fibrous interior that is used as a sponge
     member:  genus_Momordica__Momordica  Old World tropical vine
        member:  balsam_apple__Momordica_balsamina__momordicabalsamina  a tropical Old World flowering vine with red or orange warty fruit
        member:  balsam_pear__Momordica_charantia  tropical Old World vine with yellow-orange fruit
  member:  family_Goodeniaceae__Goodeniaceae__Goodenia_family  a family of sappy plants that grow in Australasia and southeast China
     member:  Goodenia  a genus of shrubs and herbs that grow in Australia and New Guinea and Malaysia and southeast Asia
  member:  family_Lobeliaceae__Lobeliaceae__lobelia_family__lobeliafamily  not recognized in all classification systems; in some classifications lobeliaceous plants are included in family Campanulaceae

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