#family_Otariidae__Otariidae eared seals: sea lions and fur seals supertype: mammal_family a family of mammals member of: suborder_Pinnipedia member: eared_seal__earedseal pinniped mammal having external ear flaps and hind limbs used for locomotion on land; valued for its soft underfur member: genus_Arctocephalus__Arctocephalus fur seals member: fur_seal__furseal eared seal of the S hemisphere; the thick soft underfur is the source of sealskin member: genus_Callorhinus__Callorhinus fur seals member: fur_seal.eared_seal__furseal fur seal of the north Pacific member: genus_Otaria__Otaria type genus of the Otariidae member: South_American_sea_lion__Otaria_Byronia of the southern coast of South America member: genus_Zalophus__Zalophus sea lions member: California_sea_lion__Zalophus_californianus__Zalophus_californicus often trained as a show animal member: Australian_sea_lion__Zalophus_lobatus a variety of sea lion found in Australia member: genus_Eumetopias__Eumetopias sea lions member: Steller_sea_lion__Steller's_sea_lion__Eumetopias_jubatus largest sea lion; of the north Pacific
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