#family_Lasiocampidae__Lasiocampidae tent caterpillars; eggars; lappet moths supertype: #arthropod_family__arthropodfamily any of the arthropods member of: #order_Lepidoptera member: #lasiocampid_moth__lasiocampidmoth__lasiocampid medium-sized stout-bodied neutral-colored moths comb-like antennae member: #genus_Lasiocampa__Lasiocampa type genus of the Lasiocampidae: eggars member: #eggar__egger moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adults; larvae feed on tree foliage and spin egg-shaped cocoons member: #genus_Malacosoma__Malacosoma tent caterpillars member: #Malacosoma_americana__tent-caterpillar_moth moth whose larvae are tent caterpillars member: #tent_caterpillar the larvae of moths that build communal silken webs in orchard and shade trees member: #tent-caterpillar_moth__Malacosoma_disstria moth whose gregarious larvae spin carpets member: #lappet_caterpillar larva of a lappet moth member: #webworm several gregarious moth larvae that spin webs over foliage on which they feed member: #genus_Hyphantria__Hyphantria fall webworms member: #Hyphantria_cunea moth whose larvae are fall webworms member: #fall_webworm__Hyphantria_cunea a variety of webworm member: #genus_Loxostege__Loxostege garden webworms member: #Loxostege_similalis moth whose larvae are garden webworms member: #garden_webworm__Loxostege_similalis a variety of webworm
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