#data_format__format__formatting__data_formatting  the organization of information according to preset specifications (usually for computer processing)
  supertype:  #info__information  a message received and understood that reduces the recipient's uncertainty
  subtype:  #high-level_formatting  (computer science) the format for the root directory and the file allocation tables and other basic configurations
  subtype:  #low-level_formatting__lowlevelformatting__initialization__initialisation  (computer science) the format of sectors on the surface of a hard disk drive so that the operating system can access them and setting a starting position
  subtype:  format#purpose_related_format__purposerelatedformat
     subtype:  format#executable_format
        subtype:  format#bin
        subtype:  format#exe
     subtype:  format#archive_format__archiveformat
        subtype:  format#tar
        subtype:  format#gtar
        subtype:  format#shar
        subtype:  format#sit
        subtype:  format#hqx
     subtype:  format#compressed_data_format
        subtype:  format#zip
        subtype:  format#gz
        subtype:  format#Z
  subtype:  format#media_dependant_format__mediadependantformat

2 statements are about direct instances of #data_format: pm#graph1_on_description, pm#graph1_on_file
No  statement uses a specialization of #data_format; click here to add a statement.

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