#animal__animate_being__animatebeing__beast__brute__creature__fauna  a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
  supertype:  living_thing__organism__being  a living (or once living) entity that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
  substance:  animal_tissue
  part:  head  face.external_body_part
  member of:  kingdom_Animalia
  subtype:  critter  a regional term for creature (especially domestic animals)
  subtype:  darter  a person or other animal that moves abruptly and rapidly; "squirrels are darters"
  subtype:  vermin  any of various small animals or insects that are pests; e.g. cockroaches or rats
  subtype:  varment__varmint  any usually predatory wild animal considered undesirable; e.g. coyote
  subtype:  scavenger.animal  any animal that feeds on refuse and other decaying organic matter
  subtype:  work_animal  an animal trained for and used for heavy labor
     subtype:  beast_of_burden__jument  an animal such as a donkey or ox or elephant used for transporting loads or doing other heavy work
        subtype:  pack_animal__sumpter  an animal such as a mule or burro or horse used to carry loads
           subtype:  packhorse  a workhorse used as a pack animal
     subtype:  draft_animal__draftanimal  an animal used for pulling heavy loads
  subtype:  domestic_animal  any of various domesticated animals
     subtype:  feeder  an animal being fattened or suitable for fattening
     subtype:  stocker  a domestic animal (especially a young steer or heifer) kept as stock until fattened or matured and suitable for a breeding establishment
     subtype:  head.domestic_animal  a single domestic animal: "200 head of cattle"
  subtype:  migrator  an animal (especially birds and fish) that travels between different habitats at particular times of the year
  subtype:  molter__moulter  an animal (especially birds and arthropods and reptiles) that periodically shed their outer layer (feathers or cuticle or skin or hair)
  subtype:  pet  a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement
  subtype:  stayer  a person or other animal having powers of endurance or perseverance: "the horse that won the race is a good stayer"
  subtype:  stunt.animal  a creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth
  subtype:  marine_animal__sea_animal__seaanimal  any of numerous animals inhabiting the sea including e.g. fishes and molluscs and many mammals
  subtype:  female  an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)
     subtype:  hen.female  female of certain aquatic animals e.g. octopus or lobster
     subtype:  dam  female parent of an animal especially domestic livestock
     subtype:  female_person__female  a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies
        subtype:  female_child__girl__little_girl  a youthful female person; "the baby was a girl"; "the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle"
           subtype:  campfire_girl  a girl who is a member of Campfire Girls; for girls age 7-18
           subtype:  farm_girl  a girl who has grown up on a farm
           subtype:  flower_girl  a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession
           subtype:  girl_scout  a girl who is a member of the Girl Scouts of America
           subtype:  schoolgirl  a girl attending school
        subtype:  foster-sister  your foster sister is a female who is not a daughter of your parents but who is raised by your parents
        subtype:  woman__adult_female__adultfemale  an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted"
           subtype:  Black_woman  a woman who is Black
           subtype:  white_woman__whitewoman  a woman who is White
           subtype:  yellow_woman  offensive term for an Oriental woman
           subtype:  amazon.woman__virago  a large strong and aggressive woman
           subtype:  maenad  (Greek mythology) a woman participant in the orgiastic rites of Dionysus
           subtype:  baggage  a worthless or immoral woman
           subtype:  B-girl__bar_girl__bargirl  a woman employed by a bar to act as a companion to men customers
           subtype:  bluestocking__bas_bleu__basbleu  a woman having literary or intellectual interests
           subtype:  bridesmaid  a woman who attends the bride at a wedding
           subtype:  broad  slang term for a woman; "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"
           subtype:  female_gossiper__cat  a spiteful woman gossip; "what a cat she is!"
           subtype:  Cinderella.woman__cinderella  a woman whose merits were not been recognized but who then achieves sudden success and recognition
           subtype:  coquette__flirt__vamp__vamper__minx__tease__prickteaser  a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men
           subtype:  madam__dame__ma'am__lady__gentlewoman  a woman of refinement
              subtype:  grande_dame  a woman of great prestige or ability
              subtype:  madame  title used for a married Frenchwoman
           subtype:  debutante__deb  a young woman making her debut into society
           subtype:  divorcee__grass_widow__grasswidow  a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband
              instance:  Wallis_Warfield_Simpson__Simpson__Mrs._Simpson__Wallis_Warfield_Windsor__Duchess_of_Windsor
           subtype:  exwife__ex  a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife; "all his exes live in Texas"
           subtype:  dominatrix  a dominating woman (especially one who plays that role in a sadomasochistic sexual relationship)
           subtype:  donna  an Italian woman of rank
           subtype:  temptress__temptres__enchantres__Delilah__femme_fatale__femmefatale  a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
           subtype:  eyeful.woman  a strikingly beautiful woman; "she was a statuesque redheaded eyeful"
           subtype:  geisha_girl__geisha  a Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation and singing and dancing
           subtype:  missy__girl__miss__young_lady__younglady__young_woman__youngwoman__fille  a young woman; "a young lady of 18"
              subtype:  baby.missy__sister  (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women
              subtype:  bachelor_girl  an unmarried girl who lives alone
              subtype:  belle  a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals; "she was the belle of the ball"
              subtype:  bimbo  a young woman indulged by rich and powerful older men
              subtype:  colleen  an Irish girl
              subtype:  dame__doll__wench__skirt__chick__bird  informal terms for a (young) woman
              subtype:  flapper  a young woman in the 1920s who flaunted her unconventional conduct and dress
              subtype:  gal  (informal) alliterative term for girl (or woman)
              subtype:  Gibson_girl  the idealized American girl of the 1890s as pictured by C. D. Gibson
              subtype:  lass__lassie__young_girl__younggirl__jeune_fille__jeunefille  a girl or young woman who is unmarried
                 subtype:  bobbysoxer__bobbysocker  an adolescent girl wearing bobby socks (common in the 1940s)
              subtype:  maiden__maid  an unmarried girl (especially a virgin)
                 subtype:  damsel__demoiselle__damoiselle__damosel__damozel  a young unmarried woman
                 instance:  Io.maiden__io
              subtype:  May_queen__queen_of_the_May  the girl chosen queen of a May Day festival
              subtype:  mill-girl  a girl who works in a mill
              subtype:  party_girl__partygirl  an attractive young woman hired to attend parties and entertain men
              subtype:  peri.missy  a beautiful and graceful girl
              subtype:  rosebud.missy  (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl
              subtype:  shop_girl  a young female shop assistant
              subtype:  soubrette.missy  a pert or flirtatious young girl
              subtype:  sweater_girl__sweatergirl  a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters
              subtype:  tomboy__romp__hoyden  a girl who behaves in a boyish manner
              subtype:  working_girl__workinggirl  a young woman who is employed
           subtype:  girl  a friendly informal reference to a grown woman; "Mrs. Smith was just one of the girls"
           subtype:  lady_friend__girlfriend__girl  a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved; "his girlfriend kicked him out"
           subtype:  girlfriend  any female friend; "Mary and her girlfriend organized the party"
           subtype:  gold_digger  a woman who associates with or marries a rich man in order to get valuables from him through gifts or a divorce settlement
           subtype:  gravida  a pregnant woman
              subtype:  primigravida__gravida_I  (obstetrics) a woman who is pregnant for the first time
              subtype:  secundigravida__gravida_II  a woman who is pregnant for the second time
              subtype:  tertigravida__gravida_III  a woman who is pregnant for the third time
           subtype:  heroine.woman  a woman possessing heroic qualities
              subtype:  Judith  (Apocrypha) Jewish heroine in one of the books of the Apocrypha; she saved her people by decapitating the Assyrian general Holofernes
           subtype:  inamorata  a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship
           subtype:  jezebel  a shameless impudent scheming woman
           subtype:  jilt  a woman who jilts a lover
           subtype:  lady  a polite name for any woman
              subtype:  begum  a Muslim woman of high rank in India or Pakistan
           subtype:  maenad.woman  an unnaturally frenzied or distraught woman
           subtype:  head_nurse__matron  a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institution
           subtype:  mestiza  a woman of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)
           subtype:  kept_woman__mistress__fancy_woman__fancywoman  an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man
              subtype:  concubine__courtesan__doxy__odalisque__paramour  a woman who cohabits with an important man
              instance:  Eva_Braun__Braun  Delilah
           subtype:  nanny__nursemaid__nurse  a woman who is the custodian of children
              subtype:  dry_nurse__drynurse  a nurse who cares for but does not suckle an infant
              subtype:  mammy  an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern U.S.
              subtype:  wet_nurse__wetnurse__amah  a woman hired to suckle a child of someone else
           subtype:  nullipara  (obstetrics) a woman who has never give birth to a child
           subtype:  nymph.woman__houri  a voluptuously beautiful young woman
           subtype:  nymphet  a sexually attractive young woman
           subtype:  old_woman__oldwoman  a woman who is old
              subtype:  beldam__beldame  a woman of advanced age
              subtype:  granny__matriarch  an old woman
              subtype:  hag__beldame__crone  an ugly evil-looking old woman
              subtype:  mother.old_woman  a term of address for an elderly woman
           subtype:  prostitute__cocotte__whore__harlot__trollop__bawd__tart__cyprian__fancy_woman__fancywoman__working_girl__workinggirl__sporting_lady__lady_of_pleasure__woman_of_the_street  a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money
              subtype:  call_girl  a female prostitute who can be hired by telephone
              subtype:  camp_follower.prostitute__campfollower  a prostitute who provides service to military personnel
              subtype:  demimondaine  a woman whose sexual promiscuity places her outside respectable society
              subtype:  streetwalker__street_girl__hooker__hustler__floozy__floozie__slattern  a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets
              subtype:  white_slave__whiteslave  a woman sold into prostitution
           subtype:  shiksa__shikse  a derogatory term used by Jews to refer to non-Jewish women
           subtype:  knockout__smasher__stunner__ravisher__sweetheart__peach__lulu__looker__mantrap__dish  a very attractive or seductive looking woman
           subtype:  sylph.woman  a slender graceful young woman
           subtype:  unmarried_woman__unmarriedwoman  a woman who is not married
              subtype:  Senorita  a Spanish courtesy title for a girl or unmarried woman
              subtype:  signorina  an Italian courtesy title for an unmarried woman; equivalent to Miss with used before a name
              subtype:  spinster__old_maid__oldmaid  an elderly unmarried woman
           subtype:  vestal  a chaste woman
           subtype:  widow_woman__widowwoman__widow  a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried
              subtype:  dowager  a widow holding property received from her deceased husband
              subtype:  war_widow__warwidow  a woman whose husband has died in war
           subtype:  wife__married_woman__marriedwoman  a married woman; a man's partner in marriage
              subtype:  battle-axe__battle-ax  a sharp-tongued domineering wife
              subtype:  crown_princess.wife  the wife of a crown prince
              subtype:  first_lady__firstlady  the wife of a chief executive
              subtype:  Frau  a married German woman; used as a title equivalent to Mrs. in English
              subtype:  golf_widow  a wife who is left alone much of the time because her husband is playing golf
              subtype:  housewife__homemaker__lady_of_the_house__woman_of_the_house  a wife who who manages a household while her husband earns the family income
              subtype:  marchioness  the wife or widow of a marquis
              subtype:  matron  a married woman (usually middle-aged with children) who is staid and dignified
              subtype:  mayoress.wife  the wife of a mayor
              subtype:  missus__missis  informal term of address for someone's wife
              subtype:  old_lady__oldlady  your own wife; "meet my old lady"
              subtype:  Senora  a Spanish title of respect for a married woman
              subtype:  sheika__sheikha  the wife of a sheik
              subtype:  signora  an Italian title of address equivalent to Mrs. when used before a name
              subtype:  uxor__ux  (legal terminology) the Latin word for wife
              subtype:  vicereine  wife of a viceroy
              subtype:  viscountess.wife__viscountes  a wife or widow of a viscount
              subtype:  Mrs  a form of address for a married woman
              instance:  Catherine_of_Aragon__Catherine  Anne_Hathaway__Hathaway  Rachel  Rebecca__Rebekah  Ruth.wife__ruth  Sarah
           subtype:  Ms.  a form of address for a woman that does not depend on her marital status
           subtype:  wonder_woman  a woman who can be a successful wife and have a professional career at the same time
           instance:  Eve
        subtype:  man's_woman__woman  (informal) a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man; "he was faithful to his woman"
  subtype:  male  an animal that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova)
     subtype:  sire  male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse
     subtype:  male_horse  the male of species Equus caballus
        subtype:  stallion__entire  uncastrated adult male horse
           subtype:  studhorse__stud  adult male horse kept for breeding
        subtype:  gelding  castrated male horse
     subtype:  male_person__male  a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies
        subtype:  feller__chap__fellow__lad__gent__fella__blighter__cuss  a boy or man; "that chap is your host"; "there's a fellow at the door"; "he's a likable cuss"
        subtype:  foster-brother  your foster brother is a male who is not a son of your parents but who is raised by your parents
        subtype:  male_child__boy  a youthful male person; "the baby was a boy"; "she made the boy brush his teeth every night"; "most soldiers are only boys in uniform"
           subtype:  altar_boy__altarboy  a boy serving as an acolyte
           subtype:  ball_boy  a boy who retrieves balls for tennis players
           subtype:  bat_boy__batboy  (baseball) a boy who takes care of bats and other baseball equipment
           subtype:  cub__lad__laddie__sonny__sonny_boy__sonnyboy  a male child (a familiar term of address to a boy)
           subtype:  boy_scout__boyscout  a boy who is a member of the Boy Scouts
              subtype:  cub_scout__cubscout  a junior boy scout
              subtype:  eagle_scout__eaglescout  a boy scout who has earned many merit badges
              subtype:  rover__scouter  an adult member of the Boy Scouts movement
              subtype:  sea_scout__seascout  a boy scout enrolled in programs for water activities
           subtype:  farm_boy  a boy who has grown up on a farm
           subtype:  Little_Lord_Fauntleroy__Fauntleroy  an excessively polite and well-dressed boy
           subtype:  plowboy__ploughboy  a boy who leads the animals that draw a plow
           subtype:  schoolboy  a boy attending school
           subtype:  shop_boy  a young male shop assistant
        subtype:  adult_man__adultman__adult_male__adultmale__man  an adult male person (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus"
           subtype:  Black_man  a man who is Black
              subtype:  soul_brother  a fellow Black man
           subtype:  white_man__whiteman  a man who is White
              subtype:  squaw_man__squawman  a white man married to a North American Indian woman
           subtype:  yellow_man  offensive term for an Oriental man
           subtype:  babu__baboo  used as a Hindi courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'
           subtype:  bachelor__unmarried_man__unmarriedman  a man who has never been married
           subtype:  bey.adult_male  (formerly) a title of respect for a man in Turkey or Egypt; "he introduced me to Ahmet Bey"
           subtype:  boy  a friendly informal reference to a grown man; "he likes to play golf with the boys"
              subtype:  broth_of_a_boy__broth_of_a_man  an outstanding person; as if produced by boiling down a savory broth
              subtype:  one_of_the_boys  a man who has been socially accepted into a group of other men; "he quickly became one of the boys"
           subtype:  boyfriend__fellow__beau__swain__young_man__youngman  a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman; "if I'd known he was her boyfriend I wouldn't have asked"
           subtype:  exboyfriend  a man who is no longer a woman's boyfriend
           subtype:  bruiser__strapper__Samson  a large and strong and heavyset man; "he was a bull of a man"; "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got"
           subtype:  dandy__dude__fop__sheik__swell__fashion_plate__fashionplate__clotheshorse  a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
              subtype:  coxcomb  a conceited dandy who is overly impressed by his own accomplishments
              instance:  George_Bryan_Brummell__Brummell__Beau_Brummell
           subtype:  Don  a Spanish title of respect for a gentleman or nobleman
           subtype:  ejaculator.adult_male  a man who ejaculates semen
           subtype:  Esquire__Esq  (British) a title of respect for a member of the English gentry ranking just below a knight; placed after the name
           subtype:  eunuch__castrate  a man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction; "eunuchs guarded the harem"
           subtype:  father_figure__father_surrogate  a man who takes over all the functions of the real father
              subtype:  foster-father  a man who is a foster parent
              subtype:  stepfather  the husband of your mother by a subsequent marriage
           subtype:  father-figure  a man (often a powerful or influential man) who arouses emotions usually felt for your real father and with whom you identify psychologically
           subtype:  fellow__buster  an informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?"
           subtype:  galoot  a disreputable or clumsy man
           subtype:  geezer__bloke  (informal) a man who is (usually) old and/or eccentric
           subtype:  gentleman  a man of refinement
              subtype:  gent  informal abbreviation of `gentleman'
              subtype:  gentleman-at-arms  one of 40 gentlemen who attend the British sovereign on state occasions
           subtype:  grass_widower__grasswidower__divorced_man  a man who is divorced from (or separated from) his wife
           subtype:  guy__hombre__bozo  an informal term for a youth or man; "a nice guy"; "the guy's only doing it for some doll"
              subtype:  sod  (British) "the poor sod couldn't even buy a drink"
           subtype:  Herr  a German man; used before the name as a title equivalent to Mr in English
           subtype:  housefather  a man in charge of children in an institution
           subtype:  hunk  a well-built sexually attractive man
           subtype:  ex-husband__ex  a man who was formerly a certain woman's husband
           subtype:  inamorato  a man with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship
           subtype:  ironside  a man of great strength or bravery
           subtype:  junior.adult_male  the younger of two men
           subtype:  adonis  any handsome young man
           subtype:  middle-aged_man  a man who is roughly between 45 and 65 years old
              subtype:  dirty_old_man__dirtyoldman  a middle-aged man with lecherous inclinations
           subtype:  mister__Mr  a form of address for a man
           subtype:  Monsieur  used as a French courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'
           subtype:  old_boy.adult_male__oldboy__old_man  a familiar term of address for a man
           subtype:  greybeard__old_man__graybeard__Methuselah  a man who is very old
              subtype:  old_codger__oldcodger__codger  used affectionately to refer to an eccentric but amusing old man
              subtype:  patriarch.greybeard  a man who is older and higher in rank than yourself
              subtype:  mossback__old-timer__oldtimer__gaffer__old_geezer__oldgeezer__antique  an elderly man
           subtype:  Peter_Pan.adult_male__peterpan  a boyish or immature man; after the boy in Barrie's play who never grows up
           subtype:  posseman  an able-bodied man serving as a member of a posse
           subtype:  Senhor  a Portuguese title of respect; equivalent to English `Mr'
           subtype:  Senor  a Spanish title of respect for a man; equivalent to English `Mr'
           subtype:  shaver  an adult male who shaves
           subtype:  signor__signior  used as an Italian courtesy title; can be prefixed to the name or used separately
           subtype:  signore  an Italian title of respect for a man; equivalent to the English "sir"; used separately (not prefixed to his name)
           subtype:  sir  term of address for a man
           subtype:  stiff  an ordinary man; "a lucky stiff"; "a working stiff"
           subtype:  he-man__stud__macho-man__machoman  a man who is virile and sexually active
           subtype:  Tarzan  (sometimes used ironically) a man of great strength and agility (after the hero of a series of novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs)
           subtype:  widower__widowman  a man whose wife is dead especially one who has not remarried
           subtype:  womanizer__womaniser__philanderer  a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
              subtype:  Casanova  any man noted for his amorous adventures
              subtype:  Don_Juan  a successful womanizer (after the legendary profligate Spanish nobleman)
              subtype:  Lothario  a successful womanizer (after a fictional seducer)
              subtype:  woman_chaser__womanchaser__wolf__skirt_chaser__skirtchaser__masher  a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women
           subtype:  wonder_boy__golden_boy  a man who is unusually successful at an early age
           instance:  Adam  Cain  Abel  Seth
        subtype:  man.lover  (informal) a male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman; "she takes good care of her man"
        subtype:  man.male_person  an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent); "the army will make a man of you"
        subtype:  mother's_son  a male person; "every mother's son who could walk was there"
        subtype:  sirrah  formerly a contemptuous term of address to an inferior man or boy; often used in anger
        instance:  spamOnly@phmartin.info (pm)  p.eklund@gu.edu.au (pm)  peter.deer@dsto.defence.gov.au (pm)  r.cole@gu.edu.au (pm)  t.tilley@gu.edu.au (pm)  daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au (pm)
  subtype:  adult  any mature animal
  subtype:  offspring__young  any immature animal
     subtype:  hatchling  any recently hatched animal (especially birds)
     subtype:  young_mammal__youngmammal  any immature mammal
        subtype:  baby.young_mammal  a very young mammal: "baby rabbits"
        subtype:  whelp__pup  young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf
           subtype:  puppy  young dog
        subtype:  wolf_pup__wolf_cub  a young wolf
        subtype:  young_carnivore__youngcarnivore__cub  the young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion
           subtype:  lion_cub  a young lion
           subtype:  bear_cub  a young bear
           subtype:  tiger_cub__tigercub  a young tiger
        subtype:  kit.young_mammal  young of any of various fur-bearing animals: "a fox kit"
        subtype:  suckling  a young mammal that has not been weaned
        subtype:  calf  young of domestic cattle
           subtype:  dogie__leppy  motherless calf in a range herd of cattle
           subtype:  maverick  unbranded range animal especially a stray calf
        subtype:  calf.young_mammal  young of various large placental mammals e.g. whale or giraffe or elephant or buffalo
        subtype:  kitten__kitty  young domestic cat
        subtype:  foal  a young horse
           subtype:  filly  a young female horse under the age of four
           subtype:  colt  a young male horse under the age of four
              subtype:  ridgeling__ridgling__ridgel__ridgil  a colt with undescended testicles
        subtype:  piglet__piggy__shoat  a young pig
           subtype:  sucking_pig__suckingpig  an unweaned piglet
        subtype:  lamb  young sheep
           subtype:  lambkin  a very young lamb
           subtype:  baa-lamb__baalamb  child's word for a sheep or lamb
           subtype:  hogget__hog  a sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared
           subtype:  teg  two-year-old sheep
           subtype:  Persian_lamb  a karakul lamb
     subtype:  young_bird__youngbird  a bird that is still young
        subtype:  fledgling__fledgeling  young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying
        subtype:  baby_bird__nestling  young bird not yet fledged
        subtype:  eaglet  a young eagle
        subtype:  chick__biddy  young bird especially of domestic fowl
        subtype:  cygnet  a young swan
     subtype:  spat  a young oyster or other bivalve
     subtype:  young_fish__youngfish  a fish that is young
        subtype:  parr  the young of various fishes
        subtype:  whitebait  the edible young of especially herrings and sprats and smelts
        subtype:  britt__brit  the young of a herring or sprat or similar fish
        subtype:  parr.young_fish  a young salmon up to 2 years old
  subtype:  purebred__thoroughbred__pureblood  a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses
  subtype:  giant.animal  any creature of exceptional size
  subtype:  dead_animal  an animal that is no longer alive
  subtype:  survivor  an animal that survives in spite of adversity; "only the fittest animals were survivors of the cold winters"
  subtype:  mutant  an animal that has undergone mutation
  subtype:  herbivore  any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants: "horses are herbivores"; "the sauropod dinosaurs were apparently herbivores"
  subtype:  insectivore.animal  any organism that feeds mainly on insects
  subtype:  acrodont  an animal having teeth consolidated with the summit of the alveolar ridge without sockets
  subtype:  pleurodont  an animal having teeth consolidate with the inner surface of the alveolar ridge without sockets
  subtype:  zooplankton  animal constituent of plankton; mainly small crustaceans and fish larvae
  subtype:  conceptus__conceptu__embryo__fertilized_egg  an animal organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that in higher forms merge into fetal stages but in lower forms terminate in commencement of larval life
     subtype:  blastula__blastodermic_vesicle  early stage of an embryo produced by cleavage of an ovum; a liquid-filled sphere whose wall is composed of a single layer of cells; during this stage (about eight days after fertilization) implantation in the wall of the uterus occurs
        subtype:  blastosphere__blastocyst  the blastula of mammals
     subtype:  gastrula  double-walled stage of the embryo succeeding the blastula; the outer layer of cells is the ectoderm and the inner layer differentiates into the mesoderm and endoderm
     subtype:  morula  a solid mass of blastomeres that forms when the zygote splits; develops into the blastula
  subtype:  chordate  any animal of the phylum Chordata having a notochord or spinal column
     subtype:  cephalochordate  fishlike animals having a notochord rather than a true spinal column
        subtype:  lancelet__amphioxus__amphioxu  small translucent lancet-shaped burrowing marine animal; primitive forerunner of the vertebrates
     subtype:  tunicate__urochordate__urochord  primitive marine animal having a saclike unsegmented body and a urochord (a notochord) conspicuous in the larva
        subtype:  ascidian  minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves
           subtype:  sea_squirt__seasquirt  ascidian that can contract its body and eject streams of water
        subtype:  salp__salpa  minute floating marine tunicate having a transparent body with an opening at each end
        subtype:  doliolum  free-swimming oceanic tunicate with a barrel-shaped transparent body
        subtype:  larvacean  any member of the class Larvacea
        subtype:  appendicularia  free-swimming tadpole-shaped pelagic tunicate resembling larvae of other tunicates
     subtype:  vertebrate__craniate  animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium
        subtype:  fetus__fetu__foetus  an unborn or unhatched vertebrate in the later stages of development showing the main recognizable features of the mature animal
           subtype:  teras__tera__monster  (medicine) a grossly malformed and usually nonviable fetus
           subtype:  abortus__abortu  a human fetus whose weight is less than 0.5 kilogram when removed or expelled from the mother's body
        subtype:  Amniota  higher vertebrates (reptiles; birds; mammals) possessing an amnion during development
        subtype:  amniote  any member of the Amniota
        subtype:  aquatic_vertebrate__aquaticvertebrate  animal living wholly or chiefly in or on water
           subtype:  jawless_vertebrate__jawlessvertebrate__jawless_fish__jawlessfish__agnathan  eel-shaped vertebrate without jaws or paired appendages including the cyclostomes and some extinct forms
              subtype:  ostracoderm  extinct fishlike jawless vertebrate having a heavily armored body; of the Paleozoic
              subtype:  heterostracan  extinct jawless fish with the anterior part of the body covered with bony plates; of the Silurian and Devonian
              subtype:  osteostracan__cephalaspid  extinct jawless fish of the Devonian with armored head
              subtype:  anaspid  extinct small freshwater jawless fish usually having a heterocercal tail and an armored head; of the Silurian and Devonian
              subtype:  conodont  small (2 in) extinct eellike fish with a finned tail and a notochord and having cone-shaped teeth containing cellular bone; late Cambrian to late Triassic; possible predecessor of the cyclostomes
              subtype:  cyclostome  primitive aquatic vertebrate
              subtype:  lamprey_eel__lampreyeel__lamprey__lamper_eel  primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue
                 subtype:  sea_lamprey__sealamprey__Petromyzon_marinus  large anadromous lamprey sometimes used as food; destructive of native fish fauna in the Great Lakes
              subtype:  hagfish__slime_eels  eellike cyclostome having a tongue with horny teeth in a round mouth surrounded by eight tentacles; feeds on dead or trapped fishes by boring into their bodies
                 subtype:  Myxine_glutinosa  typical hagfish
                 subtype:  eptatretus  a fossil hagfish of the genus Eptatretus
                 subtype:  Myxinikela_siroka  fossil hagfish of the Pennsylvanian period (c. 300 million years ago) that resembled modern hagfishes
           subtype:  placoderm  fishlike vertebrate with bony plates on head and upper body; dominant in seas and rivers during the Devonian; considered the earliest vertebrate with jaws
           subtype:  fish  any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills
              subtype:  cartilaginous_fish__cartilaginousfish__chondrichthian  fishes in which the skeleton may be calcified but not ossified
                 subtype:  holocephalan  fish with high compressed head and a body tapering off into a long tail
                    subtype:  chimaera  smooth-skinned deep-sea fish with a tapering body and long threadlike tail
                       subtype:  rabbitfish__Chimaera_monstrosa  large European chimaera
                 subtype:  elasmobranch__selachian  any of numerous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton and placoid scales: sharks; rays; skates
                    subtype:  shark  any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales
                       subtype:  cow_shark__cowshark__six-gilled_shark__Hexanchus_griseus  large primitive shark widely distributed in warm seas
                       subtype:  mackerel_shark  fierce pelagic and oceanic sharks
                          subtype:  porbeagle__Lamna_nasus  voracious pointed-nose shark of northern Atlantic and Pacific
                          subtype:  mako_shark__mako  powerful mackerel shark of the Atlantic and Pacific
                             subtype:  shortfin_mako__Isurus_oxyrhincus  very swift active bluish shark found worldwide in warm waters; important game fish
                             subtype:  longfin_mako__longfinmako__Isurus_paucus  similar to shortfin mako but darker blue
                             subtype:  bonito_shark__blue_pointed__Isurus_glaucus  common blue-gray shark of southwest Pacific; sport and food fish
                          subtype:  great_white_shark__greatwhiteshark__white_shark__whiteshark__man-eater__maneater__man-eating_shark__Carcharodon_carcharias  large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas; known to attack humans
                          subtype:  basking_shark__baskingshark__Cetorhinus_maximus  large harmless plankton-eating northern shark; often swims slowly or floats at the sea surface
                       subtype:  thresher_shark__thresher__thrasher__fox_shark__foxshark__Alopius_vulpinus  large pelagic shark of warm seas with a whiplike tail used to round up small fish on which to feed
                       subtype:  carpet_shark__Orectolobus_barbatus  shark of the western Pacific with flattened body and mottled skin
                       subtype:  nurse_shark__Ginglymostoma_cirratum  small bottom-dwelling shark of warm shallow waters on both coasts of North and South America and from southeast Asia to Australia
                       subtype:  sand_tiger__sand_shark__Carcharias_taurus__Odontaspis_taurus  shallow-water shark with sharp jagged teeth found on both sides of Atlantic; sometimes dangerous to swimmers
                       subtype:  whale_shark__whaleshark__Rhincodon_typus  large spotted shark of warm surface waters worldwide; resembles a whale and feeds chiefly on plankton
                       subtype:  cat_shark__catshark  small bottom-dwelling sharks with catlike eyes; found along continental slopes
                       subtype:  requiem_shark__requiemshark  any of numerous sharks from small relatively harmless bottom-dwellers to large dangerous oceanic and coastal species
                          subtype:  bull_shark__cub_shark__cubshark__Carcharhinus_leucas  a most common shark in temperate and tropical coastal waters worldwide; heavy-bodied and dangerous
                          subtype:  sandbar_shark__sandbarshark__Carcharhinus_plumbeus  most common gray shark along coasts of middle Atlantic states; sluggish and occasionally caught by fishermen
                          subtype:  blacktip_shark__sandbar_shark__sandbarshark__Carcharhinus_limbatus  widely distributed shallow-water shark with fins seemingly dipped in ink
                          subtype:  oceanic_whitetip_shark__whitetip_shark__white-tipped_shark__Carcharinus_longimanus  large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin; worldwide distribution; most dangerous shark
                          subtype:  dusky_shark__duskyshark__Carcharhinus_obscurus  relatively slender blue-gray shark; nearly worldwide in tropical and temperate waters
                          subtype:  lemon_shark__Negaprion_brevirostris  common shallow-water schooling shark of the Atlantic from North Carolina to Brazil and off west Africa; dangerous
                          subtype:  great_blue_shark__blue_shark__Prionace_glauca  slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark; blue body shades to white belly; dangerous especially during maritime disasters
                          subtype:  tiger_shark__Galeocerdo_cuvieri  large dangerous warm-water shark with striped or spotted body
                          subtype:  soupfin_shark__soupfinshark__soupfin__Galeorhinus_zyopterus  Pacific shark valued for its fins (used by Chinese in soup) and liver (rich in vitamin A)
                       subtype:  dogfish  any of several small sharks
                          subtype:  smooth_dogfish  small bottom-dwelling shark found along both Atlantic coasts
                             subtype:  smoothhound_shark__smoothhoundshark__smoothhound__Mustelus_mustelus  smooth dogfish of European coastal waters
                             subtype:  American_smooth_dogfish__Mustelus_canis  found along the Atlantic coast of the Americas
                             subtype:  Florida_smoothhound__Mustelus_norrisi  found from the northern Gulf of Mexico to Brazil
                             subtype:  reef_whitetip_shark__whitetip_shark__Triaenodon_obseus  smooth dogfish of Pacific and Indian oceans and Red Sea having white-tipped dorsal and caudal fins
                          subtype:  spiny_dogfish__spinydogfish  small bottom-dwelling dogfishes
                             subtype:  Atlantic_spiny_dogfish__Squalus_acanthias  destructive dogfish of American and European Atlantic coastal waters; widely used in anatomy classes
                             subtype:  Pacific_spiny_dogfish__Squalus_suckleyi  dogfish of Pacific coast of North America
                       subtype:  hammerhead_shark__hammerhead  medium-sized live-bearing shark with eyes at either end of a flattened hammer-shaped head; worldwide in warm waters; can be dangerous
                          subtype:  smooth_hammerhead__Sphyrna_zygaena  fished for the hides and vitamin-rich liver
                          subtype:  smalleye_hammerhead__Sphyrna_tudes  fished for the hide and vitamin-rich liver
                          subtype:  shovelhead__bonnethead__bonnet_shark__Sphyrna_tiburo  small harmless hammerhead having a spade-shaped head; abundant in bays and estuaries
                       subtype:  angel_shark__angelshark__angelfish__Squatina_squatina__monkfish  sharks with broad flat bodies and winglike pectoral fins but that swim the way sharks do
                    subtype:  ray  cartilaginous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside; most swim by moving the pectoral fins
                       subtype:  electric_ray__crampfish__numbfish__torpedo  any sluggish bottom-dwelling ray of the order Torpediniformes having a rounded body and electric organs on each side of the head capable of emitting strong electric discharges
                       subtype:  sawfish  primitive ray with sharp teeth on each edge of a long flattened snout
                          subtype:  smalltooth_sawfish__Pristis_pectinatus  commonly found in tropical bays and estuaries; not aggressive
                       subtype:  guitarfish  primitive tropical bottom-dwelling ray with a guitar-shaped body
                       subtype:  stingray  large venomous ray with large barbed spines near the base of a thin whiplike tail capable of inflicting severe wounds
                          subtype:  roughtail_stingray__roughtailstingray__Dasyatis_centroura  one of the largest stingrays; found from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras
                          subtype:  butterfly_ray__butterflyray  short-tailed broad-finned stingray
                       subtype:  eagle_ray__eagleray  powerful free-swimming tropical ray noted for `soaring' by flapping winglike fins; usually harmless but has venomous tissue near base of the tail as in stingrays
                          subtype:  spotted_eagle_ray__spottedeagleray__spotted_ray__spottedray__Aetobatus_narinari  ray with back covered with white or yellow spots; widely distributed in warm seas
                          subtype:  cownose_ray__cownoseray__cow-nosed_ray__cownosedray__Rhinoptera_bonasus  large ray found along eastern coast of North America
                       subtype:  manta_ray__mantaray__manta__devilfish  extremely large pelagic tropical ray that feeds on plankton and small fishes; usually harmless but its size make it dangerous if harpooned
                          subtype:  Atlantic_manta__Manta_birostris  largest manta (to 22 feet across wings); found worldwide but common in Gulf of Mexico and along southern coasts of United States; primarily oceanic
                          subtype:  devil_ray__devilray__Mobula_hypostoma  small manta (to 4 feet) that travels in schools
                       subtype:  skate  large edible rays having a long snout and thick tail with pectoral fins continuous with the head; swim by undulating the edges of the pectoral fins
                          subtype:  gray_skate__Raja_batis  common European skate used as food
                          subtype:  little_skate__Raja_erinacea  most plentiful skate in North American inshore waters in summer; to 21 inches
                          subtype:  thorny_skate__Raja_radiata  cold-water bottom fish with spines on the back; to 40 inches
                          subtype:  barndoor_skate__Raja_laevis  one of the largest skates (to 5 feet); an active skate easy to hook
              subtype:  game_fish  any fish providing sport for the angler
              subtype:  food_fish  any fish used for food by human beings
                 subtype:  groundfish__bottom_fish  fish that live on the sea bottom especially commercially important gadoid fishes like cod and haddock or flatfish like flounder
                 subtype:  shad  herring-like food fishes that migrate from the sea to freshwater to spawn
                    subtype:  common_American_shad__Alosa_sapidissima  shad of Atlantic coast of North America; naturalized to Pacific coast
                    subtype:  river_shad__rivershad__alosachrysoclori  shad that spawns in streams of the Mississippi drainage; very similar to Alosa sapidissima
                    subtype:  allice_shad__allis_shad__allisshad__allice__allis__alli__Alosa_alosa  European shad
                 subtype:  Clupea_harangus__herring  commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific
                    subtype:  Atlantic_herring__Clupea_harengus_harengus  important food fish; found in enormous shoals in North Atlantic
                    subtype:  Pacific_herring__Clupea_harengus_pallasii  important food fish of the north Pacific
                 subtype:  sardine  any of various small edible herring or related food fishes frequently canned
                    subtype:  sild  any of various young herrings (other than brislings) canned as sardines in Norway
                    subtype:  Clupea_sprattus__brisling__sprat  small herring processed like a sardine
                 subtype:  salmon  any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters; usually migrate from salt to fresh water to spawn
                    subtype:  blackfish  female salmon that has recently spawned
                    subtype:  redfish  male salmon that has recently spawned
                    subtype:  Salmo_salar__Atlantic_salmon  found in northern coastal Atlantic waters or tributaries; adults do not die after spawning
                       subtype:  landlocked_salmon__lake_salmon  Atlantic salmon confined to lakes of New England and southeastern Canada
                    subtype:  blueback_salmon__sockeye__sockeyesalmon__redsalmon__Onchorynchus_nerka  small salmon with red flesh; found in rivers and tributaries of the north Pacific and valued as food; adults die after spawning
                    subtype:  quinnat_salmon__quinnatsalmon__chinook__chinooksalmon__king_salmon__Onchorynchus_tshawtscha  large Pacific salmon valued as food; adults die after spawning
                    subtype:  blue_jack__coho__cohoe__coho_salmon__silver_salmon__Onchorynchus_kisutch  small salmon of north Pacific coasts and the Great Lakes
                 subtype:  trout  any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salmons
                    subtype:  brown_trout__browntrout__salmon_trout__Salmo_trutta  speckled trout of European rivers; introduced in North America
                       subtype:  sea_trout__seatrout  silvery marine variety of brown trout that migrates to fresh water to spawn
                    subtype:  Salmo_gairdneri__rainbow_trout__rainbowtrout  found in Pacific coastal waters and streams from lower California to Alaska
                    subtype:  Salvelinus_namaycush__lake_trout__salmon_trout  large fork-tailed trout of lakes of Canada and the northern United States
                    subtype:  Salvelinus_fontinalis__brook_trout__speckled_trout  North American freshwater trout; introduced in Europe
                 subtype:  whitefish  silvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere
                    subtype:  lake_whitefish__Coregonus_clupeaformis  found in Great Lakes and north to Alaska
                    subtype:  Coregonus_artedi__cisco__lake_herring  important food fish of cold deep lakes of North America
                    subtype:  round_whitefish__Menominee_whitefish__Prosopium_cylindraceum  bronze-backed whitefish of northern North America and Siberia
                    subtype:  Rocky_Mountain_whitefish__Prosopium_williamsonii  whitefish of the western United States and Canada
                 subtype:  sea_bass  any of various food and sport fishes of the United States Atlantic coast having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin
                    subtype:  blackmouth_bass__Synagrops_bellus  small marine fish with black mouth and gill cavity
                    subtype:  rock_sea_bass__rock_bass__Centropristis_philadelphica  a kind of sea bass
                    subtype:  black_sea_bass__black_bass__Centropistes_striata  bluish black-striped sea bass of the Atlantic coast of the United States
                    subtype:  Roccus_saxatilis__striped_bass__striper__rockfish  marine food and game fish with dark longitudinal stripes; migrates upriver to spawn; sometimes placed in the genus Morone
                    subtype:  stone_bass__wreckfish__Polyprion_americanus  brown fish of the Atlantic and Mediterranean found around rocks and shipwrecks
                    subtype:  belted_sandfish__Serranus_subligarius  found in warm shallow waters of western Atlantic
                    subtype:  grouper  usually solitary bottom sea basses of warm seas
                       subtype:  Epinephelus_fulvus__coney  black-spotted usually dusky-colored fish with reddish fins
                       subtype:  hind.grouper  any of several mostly spotted fishes that resemble groupers
                          subtype:  rock_hind__Epinephelus_adscensionis  found around rocky coasts or on reefs
                       subtype:  creole-fish__Paranthias_furcifer  deep-sea fish of tropical Atlantic
                       subtype:  jewfish__mycteropercabonaci  large dark grouper with a thick head and rough scales
                 subtype:  snapper  any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters
                    subtype:  Lutjanus_blackfordi__red_snapper  esteemed food fish with pinkish red head and body; common in American Atlantic coastal waters and Gulf of Mexico
                    subtype:  gray_snapper__mangrove_snapper__Lutjanus_griseus  found in shallow waters off the coast of Florida
                    subtype:  mutton_snapper__muttonfish__Lutjanus_analis  similar to and often marketed as "red snapper"
                    subtype:  Lutjanus_apodus__schoolmaster  food fish of warm Caribbean and Atlantic waters
                    subtype:  yellowtail_snapper__yellowtail__Ocyurus_chrysurus  superior food fish of the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean with broad yellow stripe along the sides and on the tail
                 subtype:  tuna__tunny  any very large marine food and game fish of the genus Thunnus; related to mackerel; chiefly of warm waters
                    subtype:  long-fin_tunny__albacore__Thunnus_alalunga  large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and has long pectoral fins; found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters
                    subtype:  horse_mackerel__horsemackerel__bluefin__bluefin_tuna__bluefintuna__Thunnus_thynnus  largest tuna; to 1500 pounds; of mostly temperate seas: feed in polar regions but breed in tropics
                    subtype:  yellowfin_tuna__yellowfintuna__yellowfin__Thunnus_albacares  may reach 400 pounds; worldwide in tropics
                 subtype:  sole.flatfish  right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European
                    subtype:  European_sole__Solea_solea  highly valued as food
                    subtype:  Solea_lascaris__lemon_sole__lemonsole  small European sole
                    subtype:  Parophrys_vitulus__English_sole__lemon_sole__lemonsole  popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America
                    subtype:  sand_sole__Psettichthys_melanostichus  common flatfish of North American Pacific coast
                    subtype:  hogchoker__Trinectes_maculatus  useless as food; in coastal streams from Maine to Texas and Panama
              subtype:  rough_fish__roughfish  any fish useless for food or sport or even as bait
              subtype:  mouthbreeder  any of various fishes that carry their eggs and their young in their mouths
              subtype:  spawner  a female fish at spawning time
              subtype:  bony_fish  any fish of the class Osteichthyes
                 subtype:  crossopterygian__lobefin__lobe-finned_fish  any fish of the order Crossopterygii; most known only in fossil form
                    subtype:  coelacanth__Latimeria_chalumnae  fish thought to have been extinct since the Cretaceous Period but found in 1938 off the coast of Africa
                 subtype:  lungfish  air-breathing fish having an elongated body and fleshy paired fins; certain species construct mucus-lined mud coverings in which to survive drought
                    subtype:  ceratodus  extinct lungfish
                    subtype:  barramunda__barramundi__Neoceratodus_forsteri  large edible Australian lungfish having paddle-shaped fins
                 subtype:  teleost_fish__teleostfish__teleost__teleostan  a bony fish of the subclass Teleostei
                    subtype:  soft-finned_fish__malacopterygian  any fish of the superorder Malacopterygii
                       subtype:  order_Ostariophysi__Ostariophysi  in some classifications considered a superorder comprising the Cypriniformes and the Siluriformes
                       subtype:  cypriniform_fish__cypriniformfish  a soft-finned fish of the order Cypriniformes
                          subtype:  loach  slender freshwater fishes of Eurasia and Africa resembling catfishes
                          subtype:  cyprinid_fish__cyprinid  soft-finned mainly freshwater fishes typically having toothless jaws and cycloid scales
                             subtype:  carp  any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae
                                subtype:  domestic_carp__Cyprinus_carpio  large Old World freshwater bottom-feeding fish introduced into Europe from Asia; inhabits ponds and sluggish streams and often raised for food; introduced into United States where it has become a pest
                                   subtype:  leather_carp__leathercarp  scaleless domestic carp
                                   subtype:  mirror_carp  domestic carp with some large large shining scales
                             subtype:  tench__Tinca_tinca  freshwater dace-like game fish of Europe and western Asia noted for ability to survive outside water
                             subtype:  dace__Leuciscus_leuciscus  small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body
                             subtype:  chub__Leuciscus_cephalus  European freshwater game fish with a thick spindle-shaped body
                             subtype:  shiner  any of numerous small silvery North American cyprinid fishes especially of the genus Notropis
                                subtype:  emerald_shiner__emeraldshiner__Notropis_atherinoides  small blunt-nosed fish of Great Lakes and Mississippi valley with a greenish luster
                                subtype:  common_shiner__silversides__Notropis_cornutus  the common North American shiner
                                subtype:  golden_shiner__Notemigonus_crysoleucas  shiner of eastern North America having golden glints; sometimes also called `bream'
                             subtype:  Rutilus_rutilus__roach  European freshwater food fish having a greenish back
                             subtype:  rudd__Scardinius_erythrophthalmus  European freshwater fish resembling the roach
                             subtype:  minnow__Phoxinus_phoxinus  very small European freshwater fish common in gravelly streams
                             subtype:  gudgeon__gobiogobio  small slender European freshwater fish often used as bait by anglers
                             subtype:  goldfish__Carassius_auratus  small golden or orange-red freshwater fishes of Eurasia used as pond or aquarium fishes
                                subtype:  silverfish  a silvery variety of Carassius auratus
                             subtype:  crucian_carp__cruciancarp__Carassius_carassius__Carassius_vulgaris  European carp closely resembling wild goldfish
                          subtype:  electric_eel__Electrophorus_electric  eel-shaped freshwater fish of South America having electric organs in its body
                          subtype:  catostomid  a cypriniform fish of the family Catostomidae
                             subtype:  sucker  mostly North American freshwater fishes with a thick-lipped mouth for feeding by suction; related to carps
                                subtype:  buffalo_fish__buffalofish__buffalofish  any of several large suckers of the Mississippi valley
                                   subtype:  black_buffalo__blackbuffalo__Ictiobus_niger  fish of the lower Mississippi
                                subtype:  hog_sucker__hogsucker__hog_molly__hogmolly__Hypentelium_nigricans  widely distributed in warm clear shallow streams
                                subtype:  redhorse_sucker__redhorse  North American sucker with reddish fins
                          subtype:  cyprinodont  any member of the family Cyprinodontidae
                             subtype:  killifish  small mostly marine warm-water carp-like schooling fishes; used as bait or aquarium fishes or in mosquito control
                                subtype:  mummichog__Fundulus_heteroclitus  silver-and-black killifish of saltwater marshes along the United States Atlantic coast
                                subtype:  striped_killifish__stripedkillifish__mayfish__fundulusmajali  black-barred fish of bays and coastal marshes of United States Atlantic and Gulf coasts
                                subtype:  rivulus__rivulu  found in small streams of tropical America; often kept in aquariums; usually hermaphroditic
                                subtype:  American_flagfish__flagfish__Jordanella_floridae  flagfish with a dark-blue back and whitish sides with red stripes; found in swamps and streams of Florida
                             subtype:  swordtail__helleri__Xyphophorus_helleri  freshwater fish of Central America having a long swordlike tail; popular aquarium fish
                             subtype:  guppy__rainbow_fish__rainbowfish__Lebistes_reticulatus  small freshwater fish of South America and West Indies; often kept in aquariums
                          subtype:  topminnow__poeciliid_fish__poeciliidfish__poeciliid__live-bearer  small usually brightly-colored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters; often used in mosquito control
                             subtype:  mosquitofish__Gambusia_affinis  silvery topminnow with rows of black spots of tropical North America and West Indies; important in mosquito control
                             subtype:  platy__Platypoecilus_maculatus  small stocky Mexican fish; popular aquarium fish
                             subtype:  mollie__molly  popular aquarium fish
                          subtype:  characin_fish__characin__characid  any freshwater fish of the family Characinidae
                             subtype:  tetra  brightly colored tropical freshwater fishes
                             subtype:  cardinal_tetra__Paracheirodon_axelrodi  small bright red and blue aquarium fish from streams in Brazil and Columbia
                             subtype:  piranha__pirana__caribe  small voraciously carnivorous freshwater fishes of South America that attack and destroy living animals
                       subtype:  siluriform_fish__catfish  any of numerous mostly freshwater bottom-living fishes of Eurasia and North America with barbels like whiskers around the mouth
                          subtype:  silurid_fish__siluridfish__silurid  Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin
                             subtype:  European_catfish__sheatfish__Silurus_glanis  large elongated catfish of central and eastern Europe
                             subtype:  electric_catfish__Malopterurus_electricus  freshwater catfish of the Nile and tropical central Africa having an electric organ
                          subtype:  bullhead  any of several common freshwater catfishes of the United States
                             subtype:  horned_pout__hornpout__pout__Ameiurus_Melas  catfish common in eastern United States
                             subtype:  brown_bullhead__brownbullhead  freshwater catfish of eastern United States
                          subtype:  channel_catfish__channel_cat__Ictalurus_punctatus  freshwater food fish common throughout central United States
                             subtype:  blue_catfish__blue_cat__blue_channel_catfish__blue_channel_cat  a large catfish of the Mississippi valley
                          subtype:  flathead_catfish__mudcat__goujon__shovelnose_catfish__spoonbill_catfish__spoonbillcatfish__Pylodictus_olivaris  large catfish of central United States having a flattened head and projecting jaw
                          subtype:  armored_catfish  South American catfish having the body covered with bony plates
                          subtype:  sea_catfish  any of numerous marine fishes most of which are mouthbreeders; not used for food
                             subtype:  crucifix_fish  catfish of the Caribbean area
                       subtype:  gadoid_fish__gadoid  a soft-finned fish of the family Gadidae
                          subtype:  cod__codfish  major food fish of arctic and cold-temperate waters
                             subtype:  codling  young codfish
                             subtype:  Atlantic_cod__Gadus_morhua  one of the world's most important commercial fishes
                             subtype:  Pacific_cod__Alaska_cod__Gadus_macrocephalus  closely related to Atlantic cod
                             subtype:  burbot__eelpout__ling__cusk__Lota_lota  elongate freshwater cod of northern Europe and Asia and North America having barbels around its mouth
                             subtype:  scrod__schrod  young Atlantic cod or haddock especially one split and boned for cooking
                          subtype:  Merlangus_merlangus__whiting__Gadus_merlangus  a food fish of European Atlantic waters resembling the cod; sometimes placed in genus Gadus
                          subtype:  Melanogrammus_aeglefinus__haddock  important food fish on both sides of the Atlantic; related to cod but usually smaller
                          subtype:  Pollachius_pollachius__pollack  important food and game fish of northern seas especially North Atlantic; related to cod
                          subtype:  hake  any of several marine food fishes related to cod
                             subtype:  silver_hake__Merluccius_bilinearis__whiting  found off Atlantic coast of North America
                             subtype:  ling  American hakes
                          subtype:  Molva_molva__ling  elongated marine food fish of Greenland and northern Europe; often salted and dried
                          subtype:  torsk__Brosme_brosme  large edible marine fish of northern coastal waters; related to cod
                          subtype:  rattail__grenadier__rattail_fish__rattailfish  deep-sea fish with a large head and body and long tapering tail
                       subtype:  eel  voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins
                          subtype:  elver  young eel
                          subtype:  common_eel__freshwater_eel  eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to sea to spawn; found in Europe and America; marketed both fresh and smoked
                          subtype:  Anguilla_sucklandii__tuna  New Zealand eel
                          subtype:  moray_eel__morayeel__moray  family of brightly colored voracious eels of warm coastal waters; generally nonaggressive to humans but larger species are dangerous if provoked
                          subtype:  conger_eel__conger  large somber-colored scaleless marine eel found in temperate and tropical coastal waters; some used for food
                       subtype:  beaked_salmon__sandfish__Gonorhynchus_gonorhynchus  fish of sandy areas of western Pacific and Indian oceans having an angular snout for burrowing into sand
                       subtype:  clupeid_fish__clupeidfish__clupeid  any of numerous soft-finned schooling food fishes of shallow waters of northern seas
                          subtype:  shad  herring-like food fishes that migrate from the sea to freshwater to spawn
                          subtype:  Alosa_pseudoharengus__alewife__Pomolobus_pseudoharengus  shad-like food fish that runs rivers to spawn; often salted or smoked; sometimes placed in genus Pomolobus
                          subtype:  menhaden__Brevoortia_tyrannis  shad-like North American marine fishes used for fish meal and oil and fertilizer
                          subtype:  Clupea_harangus__herring  commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific
                          subtype:  sardine  any of various small edible herring or related food fishes frequently canned
                          subtype:  Sardina_pilchardus__pilchard__sardine  small fishes found in great schools along coasts of Europe; smaller and rounder than herring
                             subtype:  Pacific_sardine__Sardinops_caerulea  small pilchards common off the pacific coast of North America
                       subtype:  anchovy  small herring-like plankton-feeding fishes often canned whole or as paste; abundant in tropical waters worldwide
                          subtype:  mediterranean_anchovy__mediterraneananchovy__Engraulis_encrasicholus  esteemed for its flavor; usually preserved or used for sauces and relishes
                       subtype:  salmonid  soft-finned fishes of cold and temperate waters
                          subtype:  salmon  any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters; usually migrate from salt to fresh water to spawn
                          subtype:  trout  any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salmons
                          subtype:  char  any of several small-scaled trout
                             subtype:  Arctic_char__Salvelinus_alpinus  small trout of northern waters; landlocked populations in Quebec and northern New England
                       subtype:  whitefish  silvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere
                       subtype:  smelt  small trout-like silvery marine or freshwater food fishes of cold northern waters
                          subtype:  rainbow_smelt__rainbowsmelt__Osmerus_mordax  important marine and landlocked food fish of eastern North America and Alaska
                          subtype:  Osmerus_eperlanus__sparling__European_smelt  the common smelt of Europe
                          subtype:  capelin__capelan__caplin  very small northern fish; forage for sea birds and marine mammals and other fishes
                       subtype:  tarpon__Tarpon_atlanticus  large silvery game fish of warm Atlantic coastal waters especially off Florida
                          subtype:  ladyfish__tenpounder__Elops_saurus  game fish resembling the tarpon but smaller
                       subtype:  bonefish__Albula_vulpes  slender silvery marine fish found in tropical mud flats and mangrove lagoons
                       subtype:  argentine  any of various small silver-scaled salmon-like marine fishes
                       subtype:  lanternfish  small fish having rows of luminous organs along each side; some surface at night
                       subtype:  lizardfish__snakefish  tropical fishes with large mouths in lizard-like heads; found worldwide
                       subtype:  greeneye  bottom-livers having large eyes with metallic green luster
                       subtype:  lancetfish__lancet_fish__wolffish  large elongate scaleless oceanic fishes with sharp teeth and a long sail-like dorsal fin
                       subtype:  handsaw_fish__handsawfish  a soft-finned fish of the genus Alepisaurus
                       subtype:  opah__moonfish__Lampris_regius  large elliptical brightly colored deep-sea fish of Atlantic and Pacific and Mediterranean
                       subtype:  New_World_opah__Lampris_guttatus  from Nova Scotia to West Indies and Gulf of Mexico
                       subtype:  ribbonfish  marine fish having a long compressed ribbon-like body
                          subtype:  dealfish__Trachipterus_arcticus  deep-sea ribbonfish
                       subtype:  oarfish__king_of_the_herring__ribbonfish__Regalecus_glesne  thin deep-water tropical fish 20 to 30 feet long having a red dorsal fin
                    subtype:  cornetfish  slender tropical fish with a long tubular snout and bony plates instead of scales
                    subtype:  pipefish__needlefish  fish with long tubular snout and slim body covered with bony plates
                       subtype:  dwarf_pipefish__dwarfpipefish__Syngnathus_hildebrandi  small (4 inches) fish found off Florida gulf coast
                       subtype:  deepwater_pipefish__deepwaterpipefish__Cosmocampus_profundus  8 inches; from eastern Florida to western Caribbean
                       subtype:  seahorse__sea_horse__seahorse  small fish with horselike heads bent sharply downward and curled tails; swim in upright position
                    subtype:  snipefish__bellows_fish__bellowsfish  small bottom-dwelling fish of warm seas having a compressed body and a long snout with a toothless mouth
                    subtype:  shrimpfish  slender tropical shallow-water East Indian fish covered with transparent plates
                    subtype:  trumpetfish__aulostomusmaculatu  tropical Atlantic fish with a long snout; swims snout down
                    subtype:  needlefish__gar__billfish  elongate European surface-dwelling predacious fishes with long toothed jaws; abundant in coastal waters
                       subtype:  timucu  found in warm waters of western Atlantic
                    subtype:  flying_fish  tropical marine fishes having enlarged winglike fins used for brief gliding flight
                       subtype:  monoplane_flying_fish__two-wing_flying_fish  having only pectoral fins enlarged
                       subtype:  biplane_flying_fish__four-wing_flying_fish  having both pectoral and pelvic fins enlarged
                    subtype:  halfbeak  tropical and subtropical marine and freshwater fishes having an elongated body and long protruding lower jaw
                    subtype:  saury__billfish__Scomberesox_saurus  slender long-beaked fish of temperate Atlantic waters
                    subtype:  spiny-finned_fish__acanthopterygian  a teleost fish with fins that are supported by sharp inflexible rays
                       subtype:  squirrelfish  very small brightly colored (especially red) nocturnal fishes of shallow waters of tropical reefs; they make sounds like a squirrel's bark
                          subtype:  reef_squirrelfish__Holocentrus_coruscus  on reefs from Bermuda and Florida to northern South America
                          subtype:  deepwater_squirrelfish__deepwatersquirrelfish__Holocentrus_bullisi  a squirrelfish found from South Carolina to Bermuda and Gulf of Mexico
                          subtype:  Holocentrus_ascensionis  bright red fish of West Indies and Bermuda
                          subtype:  soldierfish  the larger squirrelfishes
                       subtype:  anomalops__anomalop__flashlight_fish  fish having a luminous organ beneath eye; of warm waters of the western Pacific and Puerto Rico
                       subtype:  flashlight_fish__Photoblepharon_palpebratus  fish of deep dark waters having a light organ below each eye
                       subtype:  dory  marine fishes widely distributed in mid-waters and deep slope waters
                          subtype:  John_dory__Zeus_faber  European dory
                       subtype:  Capros_aper__boarfish  fish with a projecting snout
                       subtype:  boarfish  fish with large eyes and long snouts
                       subtype:  stickleback__prickleback  small (2-4 inches) pugnacious mostly scaleless spiny-backed fishes of northern fresh and littoral waters having elaborate courtship; subjects of much research
                          subtype:  three-spined_stickleback__Gasterosteus_aculeatus  of rivers and coastal regions
                          subtype:  ten-spined_stickleback__Gasterosteus_pungitius  confined to rivers
                       subtype:  batfish  bottom-dweller of warm western Atlantic coastal waters having a flattened scaleless body that crawls about on fleshy pectoral and pelvic fins
                       subtype:  goosefish__angler__anglerfish__angler_fish__monkfish__lotte__allmouth__Lophius_Americanus  fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey
                       subtype:  toadfish__Opsanus_tau  bottom-dwelling fish having scaleless slimy skin and a broad thick head with a wide mouth
                          subtype:  oyster_fish__oysterfish  a variety of toadfish
                       subtype:  frogfish  fish having a frog-like mouth with a lure on the snout
                       subtype:  sargassum_fish__sargassumfish  small fantastically formed and colored fishes found among masses of sargassum
                       subtype:  percoid_fish__percoidfish__percoid__percoidean  any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of the order Perciformes
                          subtype:  perch.percoid_fish  any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of various families of the order Perciformes
                          subtype:  perch_flesh__perch  spiny-finned freshwater food and game fishes
                             subtype:  yellow_perch__Perca_flavescens  North American perch
                             subtype:  European_perch__Perca_fluviatilis  a perch native to Europe
                             subtype:  pikeperch__pike_perch  any of several pike-like fishes of the perch family
                                subtype:  walleyed_pike__walleye__jack_salmon__Stizostedion_vitreum  pike-like freshwater perches
                                   subtype:  blue_pike__blue_pickerel__blue_pikeperch__blue_walleye__Strizostedion_vitreum_glaucum  variety inhabiting the Great Lakes
                             subtype:  snail_darter__snaildarter__Percina_tanasi  3-inch snail-eating perch of the Tennessee River
                          subtype:  sandfish  either of two small silvery scaleless fishes of the north Pacific that burrow into sand
                          subtype:  cusk-eel  elongate compressed somewhat eel-shaped fishes
                          subtype:  brotula  deep-sea fishes
                          subtype:  pearlfish  found living within the alimentary canals of e.g. sea cucumbers or between the shells of pearl oysters in or near shallow seagrass beds
                          subtype:  robolo  a kind of percoid fish
                             subtype:  snook  large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters; resemble pike
                          subtype:  pike  any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere
                             subtype:  northern_pike__Esox_lucius  voracious piscivorous pike of waters of northern hemisphere
                             subtype:  Esox_masquinongy__muskellunge  large (60 to 80 pounds) sport fish of North America
                             subtype:  pickerel  any of several North American species of small pike
                                subtype:  chain_pickerel__chainpickerel__chain_pike__chainpike__Esox_niger  common in quiet waters of eastern United States
                                subtype:  redfin_pickerel__barred_pickerel__Esox_americanus  small but gamy pickerel of Atlantic coastal states
                          subtype:  centrarchid__sunfish  small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally compressed body and metallic luster: crappies; black bass; bluegills; pumpkinseed
                             subtype:  crappie  small sunfishes of central United States rivers
                                subtype:  black_crappie__blackcrappie__Pomoxis_nigromaculatus  a crappie that is black
                                subtype:  white_crappie__whitecrappie__Pomoxis_annularis  a crappie that is white
                             subtype:  freshwater_bream__bream  any of various usually edible freshwater percoid fishes having compressed bodies and shiny scales; especially (but not exclusively) of the genus Lepomis
                                subtype:  European_bream__Abramis_brama  European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; of little value as food
                                subtype:  bluegill__Lepomis_macrochirus  important edible sunfish of eastern and central United States
                                subtype:  spotted_sunfish__spottedsunfish__stumpknocker__Lepomis_punctatus  inhabits streams from South Carolina to Florida; esteemed panfish
                             subtype:  pumpkinseed__Lepomis_gibbosus  small brilliantly colored North American sunfish
                             subtype:  rock_bass__rock_sunfish__Ambloplites_rupestris  game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes
                             subtype:  black_bass  widely distributed and highly prized American freshwater game fishes (sunfish family)
                                subtype:  Kentucky_black_bass__spotted_black_bass__Micropterus_pseudoplites  a variety of black bass
                                subtype:  smallmouth_black_bass__smallmouth__smallmouth_bass__smallmouthed_bass__smallmouthed_black_bass__Micropterus_dolomieu  a variety of black bass; the angle of the jaw falls below the eye
                                subtype:  largemouth_black_bass__largemouth__largemouth_bass__largemouthed_bass__largemouthed_black_bass__Micropterus_salmoides  a large black bass; the angle of the jaw falls behind the eye
                          subtype:  bass.percoid_fish__bas  nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marine and freshwater spiny-finned fishes
                             subtype:  freshwater_bass  North American food and game fish
                          subtype:  serranid_fish__serranid  marine food sport fishes mainly of warm coastal waters
                             subtype:  white_perch__whiteperch__silver_perch__Morone_americana  small silvery food and game fish of eastern United States streams
                             subtype:  yellow_bass__Morone_interrupta  North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass
                             subtype:  sea_bass  any of various food and sport fishes of the United States Atlantic coast having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin
                             subtype:  soapfish  fishes with slimy mucus-covered skin; found in warm American Atlantic coastal waters
                          subtype:  surfperch__surffish__surf_fish  small to medium-sized shallow-water fishes of the North American Pacific coast
                             subtype:  rainbow_seaperch__rainbowseaperch__rainbow_perch__rainbowperch__Hipsurus_caryi  Pacific coast fish
                          subtype:  bigeye  red fishes of American coastal tropical waters having very large eyes and rough scales
                          subtype:  catalufa__Priacanthus_arenatus  brightly colored carnivorous fish of western Atlantic and West Indies waters
                          subtype:  cardinalfish  small red fishes of coral reefs and inshore tropical waters
                             subtype:  flamefish__Apogon_maculatus  found in tropical Atlantic coastal waters
                             subtype:  conchfish__astropogonstellatu  found in West Indies; lives in mantle cavity of a living conch
                          subtype:  tilefish__Lopholatilus_chamaeleonticeps  yellow-spotted violet food fish of warm deep waters
                          subtype:  Pomatomus_saltatrix__bluefish  bluish warm-water marine food and game fish that follow schools of small fishes into shallow waters
                          subtype:  cobia__Rachycentron_canadum__sergeant_fish  large dark-striped tropical food and game fish related to remoras; found worldwide in coastal to open waters
                          subtype:  carangid_fish__carangid  a percoid fish of the family Carangidae
                             subtype:  jack  any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm-temperate seas
                                subtype:  crevalle_jack__jack_crevalle__Caranx_hippos  fish of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
                                subtype:  Caranx_bartholomaei__yellow_jack  fish of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
                                subtype:  blue_runner__runner__Caranx_crysos  fish of western Atlantic: Cape Cod to Brazil
                                subtype:  rainbow_runner__rainbowrunner__Elagatis_bipinnulata  streamlined cigar-shaped jack; good game fish
                                subtype:  leatherjack__leatherjacket  any of several New World tropical fishes having tiny embedded scales
                                subtype:  threadfish__Alectis_ciliaris  fish having greatly elongated front rays on dorsal and anal fins
                                subtype:  amberjack__amberfish  any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes
                                subtype:  yellowtail__Seriola_dorsalis  game fish of S California and Mexico having a yellow tail fin
                                subtype:  banded_rudderfish__rudderfish__Seriola_zonata  fish having the habit of following ships; found in North and South American coastal waters
                                subtype:  Seriola_grandis__kingfish  large game fish of Australia and New Zealand
                             subtype:  Atlantic_moonfish__moonfish__horsefish__horsehead__dollarfish__Selene_setapinnis  any of several silvery marine fishes with very flat bodies
                                subtype:  lookdown_fish__lookdown__Selene_vomer  similar to moonfish but with eyes high on the truncated forehead
                             subtype:  pompano  any of several deep-bodied food fishes of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
                                subtype:  Florida_pompano__Trachinotus_carolinus  found in coastal waters New England to Brazil except clear waters of West Indies
                                subtype:  Trachinotus_falcatus__permit  large game fish; found in waters of the West Indies
                             subtype:  pilotfish__Naucrates_ductor  small pelagic fish often accompanying sharks or mantas
                             subtype:  scad  any of a number of fishes of the family Carangidae
                                subtype:  jack_mackerel__horse_mackerel__horsemackerel__Spanish_mackerel__saurel__Trachurus_symmetricus  a California food fish
                                subtype:  saurel__horse_mackerel__horsemackerel__Trachurus_trachurus  large elongated compressed food fish of European Atlantic waters
                                subtype:  bigeye_scad__big-eyed_scad__goggle-eye__Selar_crumenophthalmus  of Atlantic coastal waters; commonly used for bait
                                subtype:  mackerel_scad__mackerel_shad__Decapterus_macarellus  small silvery fish; Nova Scotia to Brazil
                                subtype:  round_scad__roundscad__cigarfish__quiaquia__Decapterus_punctatus  small fusiform fish of western Atlantic
                          subtype:  mahimahi__dolphinfish__dolphin  large slender food and game fish widely distributed in warm seas (especially around Hawaii)
                             subtype:  Coryphaena_hippurus  the more common dolphinfish valued as food; about six feet long
                             subtype:  Coryphaena_equisetis  a kind of dolphinfish
                          subtype:  blanquillo__tilefish  important marine food fishes
                          subtype:  cichlid_fish__cichlidfish__cichlid  freshwater fishes of tropical America and Africa and Asia similar to American sunfishes; some are food fishes; many small ones are popular in aquariums
                             subtype:  bolti__Tilapia_nilotica  important food fish of the Nile and other rivers of Africa and Asia Minor
                          subtype:  snapper  any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters
                          subtype:  grunt  medium-sized tropical marine food fishes that utter a grunting sound when caught
                             subtype:  margate__Haemulon_album  red-mouthed grunt found from Florida to Brazil
                             subtype:  Spanish_grunt__Haemulon_macrostomum  a kind of grunt
                             subtype:  tomtate__Haemulon_aurolineatum  found off the West Indies and Florida
                             subtype:  cottonwick__Haemulon_malanurum  of warm Atlantic waters
                             subtype:  sailor's-choice__sailors_choice__sailorschoice__Haemulon_parra  found from Florida to Brazil and Gulf of Mexico
                             subtype:  porkfish__Anisotremus_virginicus  black and gold grunt found from Bermuda to Caribbean to Brazil
                             subtype:  black_margate__blackmargate__pompon__Anisotremus_surinamensis  dusky gray food fish found from Louisiana and Florida southward
                             subtype:  pigfish__hogfish__Orthopristis_chrysopterus  found from Long Island southward
                          subtype:  sparid_fish__sparid  spiny-finned food fishes of warm waters having well-developed teeth
                             subtype:  sheepshead__Archosargus_probatocephalus  large (up to 20 lbs) food fish of the eastern coast of the United States and Mexico
                             subtype:  pinfish__sailor's-choice__squirrelfish__Lagodon_rhomboides  similar to sea bream; small spiny-finned fish found in bays along the southeastern coast of the United States
                             subtype:  Chrysophrys_auratus__snapper  Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots
                          subtype:  sea_bream__seabream__bream  any of numerous marine percoid fishes especially (but not exclusively) of the family Sparidae
                             subtype:  pomfret__Brama_raii  deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific; valued for food
                             subtype:  porgy  important deep-bodied food and sport fish of warm and tropical coastal waters; found worldwide
                                subtype:  red_porgy__redporgy__Pagrus_pagrus  food fish of the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Europe and America
                                subtype:  sheepshead_porgy__Calamus_penna  from Florida and Bahamas to Brazil
                                subtype:  northern_scup__scup__northern_porgy__Stenotomus_chrysops  found in Atlantic coastal waters of North America from South Carolina to Maine; esteemed as a panfish
                                subtype:  southern_scup__scup__southern_porgy__Stenotomus_aculeatus  porgy of southern Atlantic coastal waters of North America
                             subtype:  European_sea_bream__Pagellus_centrodontus  food fish of European coastal waters
                             subtype:  Atlantic_sea_bream__Archosargus_rhomboidalis  sea bream of warm Atlantic waters
                             subtype:  black_bream__blackbream__Chrysophrys_australis  important dark-colored edible food and game fish of Australia
                          subtype:  sciaenid_fish__sciaenid  widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder used to produce sound
                             subtype:  drumfish__drum  small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise
                                subtype:  striped_drum__stripeddrum__Equetus_pulcher  a kind of drumfish
                                subtype:  jackknife-fish__jackknifefish__Equetus_lanceolatus  black-and-white drumfish with an erect elongated dorsal fin
                                subtype:  silver_perch__mademoiselle__Bairdiella_chrysoura  small silvery drumfish often mistaken for white perch; found along coasts of United States from New York to Mexico
                                subtype:  red_drum__reddrum__channel_bass__redfish__Sciaenops_ocellatus  large edible fish found off coast of United States from Massachusetts to Mexico
                             subtype:  mulloway__jewfish__sciaenaantarctica  large important food fish of Australia; almost indistinguishable from the maigre
                             subtype:  maigre__maiger__Sciaena_aquila  large European marine food fish
                             subtype:  croaker  any of several fishes that make a croaking noise
                                subtype:  Atlantic_croaker__Micropogonias_undulatus  silvery-bodied with dark markings and tiny barbels
                                subtype:  yellowfin_croaker__yellowfincroaker__surffish__surf_fish__Umbrina_roncador  fish of North American Pacific coast
                                subtype:  chenfish__white_croaker__whitecroaker__kingfish__Genyonemus_lineatus  small silvery marine food fish found off California
                                subtype:  white_croaker__whitecroaker__queenfish__Seriphus_politus  silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters
                             subtype:  whiting  any of several food fishes of North American coastal waters
                                subtype:  kingfish  any of several food and game fishes of the drum family indigenous to warm Atlantic waters of the North American coast
                                subtype:  king_whiting__Menticirrhus_americanus  whiting of the southeastern coast of North America
                                subtype:  northern_whiting__Menticirrhus_saxatilis  whiting of the east coast of United States; closely resembles king whiting
                                subtype:  corbina__menticirrhusundulatu  bluish-gray whiting of California coast
                                subtype:  silver_whiting__Menticirrhus_littoralis  a dull silvery whiting of southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States
                             subtype:  sea_trout.sciaenid_fish__seatrout  any of several sciaenid fishes of North American coastal waters
                                subtype:  Cynoscion_regalis__weakfish  food and game fish of North American coastal waters with a mouth from which hooks easily tear out
                                subtype:  spotted_weakfish__spottedweakfish__spotted_sea_trout__spottedseatrout__spotted_squeateague__spottedsqueateague__Cynoscion_nebulosus  weakfish of southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States
                          subtype:  mullet  bottom-dwelling marine warm-water fishes with two barbels on the chin
                             subtype:  goatfish__red_mullet__redmullet__surmullet__Mullus_surmuletus  brightly colored tropical fishes with chin barbels
                                subtype:  red_goatfish__redgoatfish__mullusauratu  body bright scarlet with 2 yellow to reddish strips on side
                                subtype:  yellow_goatfish__Mulloidichthys_martinicus  schooling goatfish; grayish with yellow stripe
                          subtype:  gray_mullet__mullet  freshwater or coastal food fishes a spindle-shaped body; found worldwide
                             subtype:  striped_mullet__stripedmullet__Mugil_cephalus  most important commercial mullet in eastern United States
                             subtype:  white_mullet__whitemullet__mugilcurema  silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts
                             subtype:  Mugil_liza__liza  similar to the striped mullet and takes its place in the Caribbean region
                          subtype:  sea_chub__seachub  schooling fishes mostly of Indian and western Pacific oceans; two species in western Atlantic
                             subtype:  Bermuda_chub__rudderfish__Kyphosus_sectatrix  food and game fish around Bermuda and Florida; often follow ships
                          subtype:  spadefish__angelfish__Chaetodipterus_faber  deep-bodied disk-shaped food fish of warmer western Atlantic coastal waters
                          subtype:  butterfly_fish__butterflyfish  small usually brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes having narrow deep bodies with large broad fins; found worldwide
                             subtype:  chaetodon  any fish of the genus Chaetodon
                             subtype:  angelfish  a butterfly fish of the genus Pomacanthus
                             subtype:  rock_beauty__Holocanthus_tricolor  gold and black butterflyfish found from West Indies to Brazil
                          subtype:  damselfish__demoiselle  small brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes of coral reefs
                             subtype:  beaugregory__Pomacentrus_leucostictus  blue-and-yellow damselfish of Bermuda Florida and West Indies
                             subtype:  anemone_fish__anemonefish  live associated with sea anemones
                                subtype:  clown_anemone_fish__clownanemonefish__Amphiprion_percula  an anemone fish of the genus Amphiprion
                             subtype:  Abudefduf_saxatilis__sergeant_major  large blue-gray black-striped damselfish; nearly worldwide
                          subtype:  wrasse  chiefly tropical marine fishes with fleshy lips and powerful teeth; usually brightly colored
                             subtype:  giant_pigfish__giantpigfish__pigfish__Achoerodus_gouldii  found around the Great Barrier Reef
                             subtype:  hogfish__hog_snapper__hogsnapper__Lachnolaimus_maximus  large wrasse of western Atlantic; head of male resembles a pig's snout
                             subtype:  slippery_dick__Halicoeres_bivittatus  small wrasse of tropical Atlantic
                             subtype:  puddingwife__Halicoeres_radiatus  bluish and bronze wrasse; found from Florida keys to Brazil
                             subtype:  bluehead__Thalassoma_bifasciatum  small Atlantic wrasse the male of which has a brilliant blue head
                             subtype:  razorfish  any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterranean
                                subtype:  pearly_razorfish__Hemipteronatus_novacula  a kind of razorfish
                             subtype:  tautog__blackfish__Tautoga_onitis  large dark-colored food fish of the Atlantic coast of North America
                             subtype:  cunner__bergall__Tautogolabrus_adspersus  common in north Atlantic coastal waters of the United States
                          subtype:  parrotfish__pollyfish  gaudy tropical fishes with parrotlike beaks formed by fusion of teeth
                          subtype:  threadfin  mullet-like tropical marine fishes having pectoral fins with long threadlike rays
                             subtype:  barbu__polydactylusvirginicu  found along western Atlantic coast
                          subtype:  jawfish  small large-mouthed tropical marine fishes common along sandy bottoms; males brood egg balls in their mouths; popular aquarium fishes
                          subtype:  stargazer  heavy-bodied marine bottom-lurkers with eyes on flattened top of the head
                          subtype:  sand_stargazer  small pallid fishes of shoal tropical waters of North and South America having eyes on stalks atop head; they burrow in sand to await prey
                          subtype:  blennioid_fish__blennioidfish__blennioid  elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins
                             subtype:  combtooth_blenny__combtoothblenny__blenny  small usually scaleless fishes with comb-like teeth living about rocky shores; territorial and hole-dwelling
                                subtype:  shanny__Blennius_pholis  European scaleless blenny
                                subtype:  Molly_Miller__Scartella_cristata  inhabits both coasts of tropical Atlantic
                             subtype:  clinid_fish__clinid  mostly small blennioid fishes of coral reefs and seagrass beds
                             subtype:  pikeblenny  tropical American fishes; males are aggressively defensive of their territory
                                subtype:  bluethroat_pikeblenny__Chaenopsis_ocellata  found from Florida to Cuba
                             subtype:  gunnel__bracketed_blenny__bracketedblenny  small eellike fishes common in shallow waters of the North Atlantic
                                subtype:  rock_gunnel__butterfish__Pholis_gunnellus  slippery scaleless food fish of North Atlantic coastal waters
                             subtype:  prickleback  small elongate fishes of shallow northern seas; a long dorsal fin consists entirely of spines
                                subtype:  snakeblenny__Lumpenus_lumpretaeformis  found in Arctic and North Atlantic
                                subtype:  eelblenny  eellike fishes found in subarctic coastal waters
                             subtype:  wrymouth__ghostfish__Cryptacanthodes_maculatus  eellike Atlantic bottom fish with large almost vertical mouth
                             subtype:  wolffish__wolf_fish__catfish  large ferocious northern deep-sea food fishes with strong teeth and no pelvic fins
                             subtype:  eelpout__pout  marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas
                                subtype:  viviparous_eelpout__Zoarces_viviparus  an eelpout of northern Europe that is viviparous
                                subtype:  fish_doctor__Gymnelis_viridis  brightly colored scaleless Arctic eelpout
                                subtype:  ocean_pout__oceanpout__Macrozoarces_americanus  common along northeastern coast of North America
                          subtype:  goby__gudgeon  small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a sucker
                             subtype:  mudskipper__mudspringer  found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins
                          subtype:  sleeper_goby__sleepergoby__sleeper  tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water
                          subtype:  flathead  pallid bottom-dwelling flat-headed fish with large eyes and a duck-like snout
                          subtype:  archerfish__Toxotes_jaculatrix  any of several small freshwater fishes that catch insects by squirting water at them and knocking them into the water; found in Indonesia and Australia
                          subtype:  wormfish  poorly known family of small tropical shallow-water fishes related to gobies
                          subtype:  surgeonfish  brightly colored coral-reef fish with knifelike spines at the tail
                             subtype:  doctorfish__Acanthurus_chirurgus  surgeon fish of the West Indies
                          subtype:  gempylid  snake mackerels; elongated marine fishes with oily flesh; resembles mackerels; found worldwide
                             subtype:  snake_mackerel__snakemackerel__Gempylus_serpens  predatory tropical fishes with jutting jaws and strong teeth
                             subtype:  escolar__Lepidocybium_flavobrunneum  large snake mackerel with rings like spectacles around its eyes
                             subtype:  oilfish__ruvettuspretiosu  very large deep-water snake mackerel
                          subtype:  cutlassfish__frost_fish__frostfish__hairtail  long-bodied marine fishes having a long whiplike scaleless body and sharp teeth; closely related to snake mackerel
                          subtype:  scombroid_fish__scombroidfish__scombroid  important marine food and game fishes found in all tropical and temperate seas; some are at least partially endothermic and can thrive in colder waters
                             subtype:  mackerel  any of various fishes of the family Scombridae
                                subtype:  common_mackerel__shiner__Scomber_scombrus  important food fish of the North Atlantic and Mediterranean; its body is greenish-blue with dark bars and small if any scales
                                subtype:  Scomber_colias__Spanish_mackerel  medium-sized mackerel of temperate Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
                                subtype:  chub_mackerel__tinker__Scomber_japonicus  small mackerel found nearly worldwide
                                subtype:  Acanthocybium_solandri__wahoo  large fast-moving predacious food and game fish; found worldwide
                                subtype:  Spanish_mackerel  any of several large marine food fishes of the genus Scomberomorus
                                   subtype:  king_mackerel__cavalla__cero__Scomberomorus_cavalla  large mackerel with long pointed snout; important food and game fish of the eastern Atlantic coast south to Brazil
                                   subtype:  Scomberomorus_maculatus  large commercially important mackerel of American Atlantic coastal waters
                                   subtype:  cero__pintado__kingfish__Scomberomorus_regalis  large edible mackerel of temperate United States coastal Atlantic waters
                                   subtype:  Scomberomorus_sierra__sierra  a Spanish mackerel of western North America
                             subtype:  tuna__tunny  any very large marine food and game fish of the genus Thunnus; related to mackerel; chiefly of warm waters
                             subtype:  bonito  any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas
                                subtype:  skipjack__Atlantic_bonito__Sarda_sarda  medium-sized tuna-like food fish of warm Atlantic and Pacific waters; less valued than tuna
                                subtype:  Chile_bonito__Chilean_bonito__Sarda_chiliensis  common bonito of Pacific coast of the Americas; its dark oily flesh cans well
                                subtype:  Pacific_bonito__Sarda_lineolata__sardalineolata  probably a northern strain of Chile bonito
                             subtype:  skipjack_tuna__skipjack__Euthynnus_pelamis  oceanic schooling tuna of considerable value in Pacific but less in Atlantic; reaches 75 pounds; very similar to if not the same as oceanic bonito
                             subtype:  oceanic_bonito__oceanicbonito__bonito__Katsuwonus_pelamis  fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna
                             subtype:  Xiphias_gladius__swordfish  large toothless marine food fish with a long swordlike upper jaw; not completely cold-blooded i.e. they are able to warm their brains and eyes: worldwide in warm waters but feed on cold ocean floor coming to surface at night
                             subtype:  sailfish  large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long sail-like dorsal fin
                                subtype:  Atlantic_sailfish__Istiophorus_albicans  a kind of sailfish
                             subtype:  billfish  giant warm-water game fish having a prolonged and rounded toothless upper jaw
                                subtype:  marlin__spearfish  large long-jawed oceanic sport fishes; related to sailfishes and spearfishes; not completely cold-blooded i.e. able to warm their brains and eyes
                                   subtype:  blue_marlin__Makaira_nigricans  largest marlin; may reach 2000 pounds; found worldwide in warm seas
                                   subtype:  Makaira_mazara__black_marlin__blackmarlin  Pacific marlin
                                   subtype:  black_marlin__blackmarlin__Makaira_marlina  Pacific marlin
                                   subtype:  striped_marlin__stripedmarlin__Makaira_mitsukurii  Pacific food and game fish marked with dark blue vertical stripes
                                   subtype:  white_marlin__whitemarlin__Makaira_albida  small marlin (to 180 pounds) of western Atlantic
                                subtype:  spearfish  any of several large vigorous pelagic fishes resembling sailfishes but with first dorsal fin much reduced; worldwide but rare
                             subtype:  louvar__Luvarus_imperialis  large silvery fish found worldwide in warm seas but nowhere common; resembles a whale and feeds on plankton
                             subtype:  squaretail  sluggish square-tailed fish armored with tough bony scales; of deep warm waters
                          subtype:  stromateid_fish__butterfish__stromateid  small marine fish with a short smooth-scaled compressed body and feeble spines
                             subtype:  dollarfish__Poronotus_triacanthus  small food fish of Atlantic coast
                             subtype:  palometa__California_pompano__Palometa_simillima  smaller than Florida pompano; common in West Indies
                             subtype:  harvestfish__Paprilus_alepidotus  butterfish up to a foot long of Atlantic waters from Chesapeake Bay to Argentina
                             subtype:  driftfish  small (6 inches) tropical butterfishes found worldwide
                             subtype:  driftfish.stromateid_fish  larger driftfishes of eastern Atlantic from the New York area to the northern Gulf of Mexico
                             subtype:  barrelfish__black_rudderfish__blackrudderfish__Hyperglyphe_perciformis  blackish fish of New England waters
                          subtype:  clingfish  very small (to 3 inches) flattened marine fish with a sucking disc on the abdomen for clinging to rocks etc.
                             subtype:  skilletfish__gobiesoxstrumosu  clingfish with typical skillet shape
                          subtype:  tripletail  large food fish of warm waters worldwide having long anal and dorsal fins that with caudal fin suggest a three-lobed tail
                             subtype:  Atlantic_tripletail__Lobotes_surinamensis  tripletail found from Cape Cod to northern South America
                             subtype:  Pacific_tripletail__Lobotes_pacificus  tripletail found in the Pacific
                          subtype:  mojarra  small silvery schooling fishes with protrusible mouths found in warm coastal waters
                             subtype:  yellowfin_mojarra__yellowfinmojarra__Gerres_cinereus  popular panfish from Bermuda and Gulf of Mexico to Brazil
                             subtype:  silver_jenny__Eucinostomus_gula  silvery mojarra found along sandy shores of the western Atlantic
                          subtype:  whiting.percoid_fish  a small fish of the genus Sillago; excellent food fish
                       subtype:  remora__suckerfish__sucking_fish__suckingfish  marine fishes with a flattened elongated body and a sucking disk on the head for attaching to large fish or moving objects
                          subtype:  sharksucker__Echeneis_naucrates  remoras found attached to sharks
                          subtype:  whalesucker__Remilegia_australis  large blue Pacific remora that attaches to whales and dolphins
                       subtype:  silverside__silversides  small fishes having a silver stripe along each side; found along the Atlantic coast of the United States
                          subtype:  jacksmelt__Atherinopsis_californiensis  large silversides of Pacific coast of North America
                       subtype:  barracuda  any voracious marine fish of the genus Sphyraena having an elongated cylindrical body and large mouth with projecting lower jaw and long strong teeth
                          subtype:  great_barracuda__greatbarracuda__Sphyraena_barracuda  large (up to 6 ft) grayish-brown barracuda highly regarded as a food and sport fish; may be dangerous to swimmers
                       subtype:  sand_lance__sand_launce__sand_eel__launce  very small silvery eellike schooling fishes that burrow into sandy beaches
                       subtype:  dragonet  small often brightly colored scaleless marine bottom-dwellers; found in tropical and warm-temperate waters of Europe and America
                       subtype:  scorpaenoid_fish__scorpaenoidfish__scorpaenoid  fishes having the the head armored with bony plates
                          subtype:  Ophiodon_elongatus__lingcod  food fish of Northern Pacific waters related to greenlings
                          subtype:  scorpaenid_fish__scorpaenid  any of numerous carnivorous usually bottom-dwelling warm-water marine fishes found worldwide but most abundant in the Pacific
                             subtype:  scorpionfish__scorpion_fish__sea_scorpion__seascorpion  marine fishes having a tapering body with an armored head and venomous spines
                                subtype:  plumed_scorpionfish__Scorpaena_grandicornis  a kind of scorpionfish
                             subtype:  lionfish  brightly striped fish of the tropical Pacific having elongated spiny fins
                             subtype:  stonefish__Synanceja_verrucosa  venomous tropical marine fish resembling a piece of rock
                             subtype:  rockfish  marine food fish found among rocks along the northern coasts of Europe and America
                                subtype:  copper_rockfish__Sebastodes_caurinus  of North American Pacific coastal waters
                                subtype:  vermillion_rockfish__rasher__Sebastodes_miniatus  commercially important fish of the North American Pacific coast
                                subtype:  Sebastodes_ruberrimus__red_rockfish__redrockfish  large fish of North American Pacific coast
                                subtype:  Sebastodes_marinus__rosefish__ocean_perch__oceanperch  large fish of northern Atlantic coasts of America and Europe
                          subtype:  sculpin  any of numerous spiny large-headed broad-mouthed usually scaleless scorpaenoid fishes
                             subtype:  bullhead.sculpin  freshwater sculpin with a large flattened bony-plated head with hornlike spines
                             subtype:  miller's-thumb  small freshwater sculpin of Europe and North America
                             subtype:  sea_raven__searaven__Hemitripterus_americanus  large sculpin of western Atlantic; inflates itself when caught
                             subtype:  grubby__Myxocephalus_aenaeus  small sculpin of the coast of New England
                          subtype:  lumpfish__Cyclopterus_lumpus  clumsy soft thick-bodied North Atlantic fish with pelvic fins fused into a sucker; edible roe used for caviar
                             subtype:  lumpsucker  any of several very small lumpfishes
                          subtype:  snailfish__seasnail__sea_snail__seasnail__Liparis_liparis  small tadpole-shaped cold-water fishes with pelvic fins forming a sucker; related to lumpfish
                          subtype:  sea_poacher__seapoacher__poacher__sea_poker__seapoker  small slender fish (to 8 inches) with body covered by bony plates; chiefly of deeper north Pacific waters
                             subtype:  pogge__armed_bullhead__armedbullhead__Agonus_cataphractus  North Atlantic sea poacher
                             subtype:  alligatorfish__Aspidophoroides_monopterygius  small very elongate sea poachers
                          subtype:  greenling  food fish of the northern Pacific
                             subtype:  kelp_greenling__Hexagrammos_decagrammus  common food and sport fish of western coast of North America
                             subtype:  painted_greenling__paintedgreenling__convictfish__Oxylebius_pictus  greenling with whitish body marked with black bands
                          subtype:  flathead.scorpaenoid_fish  food fish of the Indonesian region of the Pacific; resembles gurnards
                          subtype:  gurnard  bottom-dwelling coastal fishes with spiny armored heads and fingerlike pectoral fins used for crawling along the sea bottom
                             subtype:  tub_gurnard__tubgurnard__yellow_gurnard__Trigla_lucerna  a kind of gurnard
                             subtype:  sea_robin__searobin__searobin  American gurnard; mostly found in bays and estuaries
                                subtype:  northern_sea_robin__Prionotus_carolinus  large searobin; found from Nova Scotia to Florida
                                subtype:  armored_searobin__armoredsearobin__armored_sea_robin__armoredsearobin__Peristedion_miniatum  sea robins having bony scutes on the body and barbels on the chin; found mostly on the continental slope
                          subtype:  flying_gurnard__flying_robin__butterflyfish  tropical fish with huge fanlike pectoral fins for underwater gliding; unrelated to searobins
                       subtype:  plectognath_fish__plectognathfish__plectognath  tropical marine fishes having the teeth fused into a beak and thick skin covered with bony plates or spines
                          subtype:  triggerfish  any of numerous compressed deep-bodied tropical fishes with sandpapery skin and erectile spines in the first dorsal fin
                             subtype:  queen_triggerfish__queentriggerfish__Bessy_cerca__oldwench__oldwife__balistesvetula  tropical Atlantic fish
                          subtype:  filefish  narrow flattened warm-water fishes with leathery skin and a long file-like dorsal spine
                             subtype:  leatherfish__leatherjacket  any of several brightly colored tropical filefishes
                          subtype:  boxfish__trunkfish  any of numerous small tropical fishes having body and head encased in bony plates
                             subtype:  cowfish__Lactophrys_quadricornis  trunkfish having hornlike spines over the eyes
                          subtype:  puffer__blowfish__globefish  any of numerous marine fishes whose elongated spiny body can inflate itself with water or air to form a globe; several species contain a potent nerve poison; closely related to spiny puffers
                          subtype:  spiny_puffer__spinypuffer  puffers having rigid or erectile spines
                             subtype:  porcupinefish__porcupine_fish__porcupinefish__Diodon_hystrix  spines become erect when the body is inflated; worldwide in warm waters
                             subtype:  balloonfish__Diodon_holocanthus  similar to but smaller than porcupinefish
                             subtype:  burrfish  any of several fishes having rigid flattened spines
                          subtype:  ocean_sunfish__oceansunfish__sunfish__headfish  among the largest bony fish; pelagic fish having an oval compressed body with high dorsal and anal fins and caudal fin reduced to a rudder-like lobe; worldwide in warm waters
                             subtype:  sharptail_mola__sharptailmola__Mola_lanceolata  caudal fin has a central projection
                       subtype:  flatfish  any of several families of fishes having flattened bodies that swim along the sea floor on one side of the body with both eyes on the upper side
                          subtype:  flounder.flatfish  any of various European and non-European marine flatfish
                          subtype:  righteye_flounder__righteyed_flounder__righteyedflounder  flounders with both eyes on the right side of the head
                             subtype:  Pleuronectes_platessa__plaice  large European food fish
                             subtype:  European_flatfish__Platichthys_flesus  important food fish of Europe
                             subtype:  Limanda_ferruginea__yellowtail_flounder  American flounder having a yellowish tail
                             subtype:  blackback_flounder__blackbackflounder__winter_flounder__lemon_sole__lemonsole__Pseudopleuronectes_americanus  important American food fish in the winter
                             subtype:  Microstomus_kitt__lemon_sole__lemonsole  European flatfish highly valued as food
                             subtype:  American_plaice__Hippoglossoides_platessoides  large American food fish
                             subtype:  Atlantic_halibut__Hippoglossus_hippoglossus  largest United States flatfish
                             subtype:  Pacific_halibut__Hippoglossus_stenolepsis  a righteye flounder found in the Pacific
                          subtype:  holibut  marine food fish of North Atlantic or North Pacific; the largest flatfish and one of the largest teleost fishes
                          subtype:  lefteye_flounder__lefteyeflounder__lefteyed_flounder  flatfishes with both eyes on the left side of the head
                             subtype:  southern_flounder__Paralichthys_lethostigmus  flounder of southern United States
                             subtype:  summer_flounder__Paralichthys_dentatus  flounder of eastern coast of North America
                             subtype:  gray_flounder__Etropus_rimosus  flounder found from North Carolina to Florida and the eastern Gulf of Mexico
                             subtype:  whiff.lefteye_flounder  a lefteye flounder found in coastal waters from New England to Brazil
                                subtype:  horned_whiff__Citharichthys_cornutus  whiff found in waters from the Bahamas and northern Gulf of Mexico to Brazil
                             subtype:  sand_dab  small food fishes of the Pacific coast of North America
                             subtype:  Scophthalmus_aquosus__windowpane  very thin translucent flounder of the Atlantic coast of North America
                             subtype:  brill__scophthalmusrhombu  European food fish
                             subtype:  Psetta_maxima__turbot  a large brownish European flatfish
                          subtype:  tonguefish  left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; of little commercial value
                          subtype:  sole.flatfish  right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European
                    subtype:  sweeper  little-known nocturnal fish of warm shallow seas with an oblong compressed body
                    subtype:  ganoid_fish__ganoid  primitive fishes having thick bony scales with a shiny covering
                       subtype:  bowfin__grindle__Amia_calva  primitive long-bodies carnivorous freshwater fish with a very long dorsal fin; found in sluggish waters of North America
                       subtype:  paddlefish__duckbill__Polyodon_spathula  primitive fish of the Mississippi valley having a long paddle-shaped snout
                       subtype:  Chinese_paddlefish__Psephurus_gladis  fish of larger rivers of China similar to the Mississippi paddlefish
                       subtype:  sturgeon  large primitive fishes valued for their flesh and roe; widely distributed in north temperate zone
                          subtype:  Pacific_sturgeon__white_sturgeon__whitesturgeon__Sacramento_sturgeon__Acipenser_transmontanus  food and game fish of marine and fresh waters of northwestern coast of North America
                          subtype:  beluga__hausen__white_sturgeon__whitesturgeon__Acipenser_huso  valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas
                       subtype:  gar__garfish__garpike__billfish__Lepisosteus_osseus  primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needle-like teeth
        subtype:  gnathostome  a vertebrate animal possessing true jaws
        subtype:  bird  warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
           subtype:  dickeybird__dickybird  (informal) small bird; adults talking to children sometimes call small birds dickeybirds
           subtype:  cock  adult male bird
              subtype:  gamecock__fighting_cock  a cock bred and trained for fighting
           subtype:  hen  adult female bird
           subtype:  night_bird__nightbird  any bird associated with night: owl; nightingale; nighthawk; etc
              subtype:  night_raven__nightraven  any bird that cries at night
           subtype:  bird_of_passage  any bird that migrates seasonally
           subtype:  protoavis__protoavi  most primitive avian type known; extinct bird of the Triassic having birdlike jaw and hollow limbs and breastbone with dinosaur-like tail and hind limbs
           subtype:  archaeopteryx__archeopteryx__Archaeopteryx_lithographica  extinct primitive toothed bird of the Upper Jurassic having a long feathered tail and hollow bones; usually considered the most primitive of all birds
           subtype:  Sinornis  sparrow-sized fossil bird of the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous having a keeled breastbone and vestigial tail; found in China; considered possibly the second most primitive of all birds
           subtype:  Ibero-mesornis  sparrow-sized fossil bird of the Lower Cretaceous having a vestigial tail; found in Spain; considered possibly the third most primitive of all birds
           subtype:  archaeornis__archaeorni  extinct primitive toothed bird with a long feathered tail and three free clawed digits on each wing
           subtype:  ratite_bird__ratite__flightless_bird  flightless birds having flat breastbones lacking a keel for attachment of flight muscles: ostriches; cassowaries; emus; moas; rheas; kiwis; elephant birds
              subtype:  ostrich__struthiocamelu  fast-running African flightless bird with two-toed feet; largest living bird
              subtype:  cassowary  large black flightless bird of Australia and New Guinea having a horny head crest
              subtype:  emu__Dromaius_novaehollandiae__Emu_novaehollandiae  large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller
              subtype:  kiwi__apteryx  nocturnal flightless bird of New Zealand having a long neck and stout legs; only surviving representative of the order Apterygiformes
              subtype:  Rhea_americana__rhea  larger of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed; found from Brazil to Patagonia
              subtype:  rhea__nandu__Pterocnemia_pennata  smaller of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed; found from Peru to Straits of Magellan
              subtype:  elephant_bird__aepyornis__aepyorni  huge (to 9 ft.) extinct flightless bird of Madagascar
              subtype:  moa  extinct flightless bird of New Zealand
                 subtype:  giant_moa__giantmoa__Dinornis_giganteus  the largest moa; about 12 feet high
                 subtype:  anomalopteryx__Anomalopteryx_oweni  the smallest moa; slender moa about the size of a large turkey
           subtype:  carinate_bird__carinate__flying_bird  birds having keeled breastbones for attachment of flight muscles
           subtype:  passerine__passeriform_bird__passeriformbird  perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged to allow for gripping the perch; most are songbirds; hatchlings are helpless
              subtype:  oscine_bird__oscine  passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus
                 subtype:  songbird__songster  any bird having a musical call
                 subtype:  honey_eater__honeyeater__honeysucker  Australasian bird with tongue and bill adapted for extracting nectar
                 subtype:  accentor  small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia
                    subtype:  hedge_sparrow__sparrow__dunnock__Prunella_modularis  small brownish European songbird
                 subtype:  lark  any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing
                    subtype:  skylark__alaudaarvensi  brown-speckled European lark noted for singing while hovering at a great height
                 subtype:  wagtail  Old World bird having a very long tail that jerks up and down as it walks
                 subtype:  pipit__titlark__lark  small songbirds resembling larks
                    subtype:  meadow_pipit__Anthus_pratensis  a common pipit that is brown above and white below; widely distributed in northern and central Europe and in Asia
                 subtype:  finch  any of numerous small songbirds with short stout bills adapted for crushing seeds
                    subtype:  chaffinch__Fringilla_coelebs  small European finch with a cheerful song
                    subtype:  brambling__Fringilla_montifringilla  Eurasian finch
                    subtype:  goldfinch__Carduelis_carduelis  small European finch having a crimson face and yellow-and-black wings
                    subtype:  linnet__Carduelis_cannabina  small Old World finch whose male has a red breast and forehead
                    subtype:  siskin__Carduelis_spinus  small sharp-billed yellow-and-black Eurasian finch
                    subtype:  red_siskin__redsiskin__Carduelis_cucullata  South American species of scarlet finch with black head and wings and tail
                    subtype:  Carduelis_flammea__redpoll  small siskin-like finch with a red crown
                    subtype:  redpoll__Carduelis_hornemanni  small siskin-like finch with a red crown
                    subtype:  New_world_goldfinch__goldfinch__yellowbird__Spinus_tristis  American finch whose male has yellow body plumage in summer
                    subtype:  pine_siskin__pine_finch__Spinus_pinus  small finch of North American coniferous forests
                    subtype:  house_finch__housefinch__linnet__Carpodacus_mexicanus  small finch originally of the western United States and Mexico
                    subtype:  purple_finch__Carpodacus_purpureus  North American finch having a raspberry-red head and breast and rump
                    subtype:  canary_bird__canary  any of several small Old World finches
                       subtype:  common_canary__Serinus_canaria  native to the Canary Islands and Azores; popular usually yellow cage bird noted for its song
                    subtype:  serin  any of various brown and yellow finches of pats of Europe
                    subtype:  crossbill__Loxia_curvirostra  finch with a bill whose tips cross when closed
                    subtype:  bullfinch__Pyrrhula_pyrrhula  common European finch mostly black and white with red throat and breast
                    subtype:  junco__snowbird  small North American finch seen chiefly in winter
                       subtype:  dark-eyed_junco__slate-colored_junco__slatecoloredjunco__Junco_hyemalis  common North American junco having gray plumage and eyes with dark brown irises
                    subtype:  New_World_sparrow  sparrow-like North American finches
                       subtype:  vesper_sparrow__grass_finch__grassfinch__Pooecetes_gramineus  common North American finch noted for its evening song
                       subtype:  white-throated_sparrow__whitethroat__Zonotrichia_albicollis  common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown
                       subtype:  white-crowned_sparrow__whitecrownedsparrow__Zonotrichia_leucophrys  finch with black-and-white striped crown
                       subtype:  chipping_sparrow__Spizella_passerina  small North American finch common in urban areas
                       subtype:  field_sparrow__fieldsparrow__Spizella_pusilla  common North American finch of brushy pasturelands
                       subtype:  Spizella_arborea__tree_sparrow  finch common in winter in the northern U.S.
                       subtype:  song_sparrow__Melospiza_melodia  small songbird common in North America
                       subtype:  swamp_sparrow__swampsparrow__Melospiza_georgiana  North American finch of marshy area
                    subtype:  bunting  any of numerous seed-eating songbirds of Europe or North America
                       subtype:  indigo_bunting__indigo_finch__indigo_bird__Passerina_cyanea  small deep blue North American bunting
                       subtype:  ortolan_bunting__ortolanbunting__ortolan__Emberiza_hortulana  brownish Old World bunting often eaten as a delicacy
                       subtype:  reed_bunting__Emberiza_schoeniclus  European bunting inhabiting marshy areas
                       subtype:  yellowhammer__yellow_bunting__Emberiza_citrinella  European bunting the male being bright yellow
                       subtype:  yellow-breasted_bunting__Emberiza_aureola  common in Russia and Siberia
                       subtype:  snow_bunting__snowbird__snowflake__Plectrophenax_nivalis  white arctic bunting
                    subtype:  grosbeak__grossbeak  any of various finches of Europe or America having a massive and powerful bill
                       subtype:  evening_grosbeak__eveninggrosbeak__Hesperiphona_vespertina  North American grosbeak
                       subtype:  hawfinch__Coccothraustes_coccothraustes  a common large finch of Eurasia
                       subtype:  pine_grosbeak__Pinicola_enucleator  large grosbeak of coniferous forests of Old and New Worlds
                    subtype:  cardinal_grosbeak__cardinal__Richmondena_Cardinalis__Cardinalis_cardinalis__redbird  crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
                    subtype:  pyrrhuloxia__Pyrrhuloxia_sinuata  crested gray-and-red bird of southwest United States and Mexico
                    subtype:  towhee  any of numerous long-tailed American finches
                       subtype:  chewink__Pipilo_erythrophthalmus  common towhee of eastern North America
                       subtype:  green-tailed_towhee__Chlorura_chlorura  towhee of the Rocky mountain region
                    subtype:  Hawaiian_honeycreeper__honeycreeper  small to medium-sized finches of the Hawaiian islands
                       subtype:  mamo  black honeycreepers with yellow feathers around the tail; now extinct
                 subtype:  honeycreeper  small bright-colored tropical American songbird with a curved bill for sucking nectar
                    subtype:  banana_quit  any of several honeycreepers
                 subtype:  weaver_finch__weaver__weaverbird  finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
                    subtype:  baya__Ploceus_philippinus  common Indian weaverbird
                    subtype:  whydah__whidah__widow_bird__widowbird  mostly black African weaverbird
                    subtype:  Java_sparrow__Java_finch__ricebird__Padda_oryzivora  small finch-like Indonesian weaverbird that frequents rice fields
                    subtype:  avadavat__amadavat  red Asian weaverbirds often kept as cage birds
                    subtype:  grassfinch__grass_finch__grassfinch  usually brightly-colored Australian weaverbirds; often kept as cage birds
                       subtype:  zebra_finch__zebrafinch__Poephila_castanotis  small Australian weaverbird with markings like a zebra's
                 subtype:  Old_World_flycatcher__true_flycatcher__flycatcher  any of a large group of small songbirds that feed on insects taken on the wing
                    subtype:  spotted_flycatcher__spottedflycatcher__Muscicapa_striata__Muscicapa_grisola  common European woodland flycatcher with grayish-brown plumage
                    subtype:  thickhead__whistler  Australian and southeastern Asian birds with a melodious whistling call
                 subtype:  thrush  songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast
                    subtype:  missel_thrush__mistle_thrush__mistletoe_thrush__mistletoethrush__Turdus_viscivorus  large European thrush that feeds on mistletoe berries
                    subtype:  song_thrush__mavis__mavi__throstle__Turdus_philomelos  common Old World thrush noted for its song
                    subtype:  fieldfare__snowbird__Turdus_pilaris  medium-sized Eurasian thrush seen chiefly in winter
                    subtype:  redwing__Turdus_iliacus  small European thrush having reddish flanks
                    subtype:  European_blackbird__blackbird__merl__merle__ouzel__ousel__Turdus_merula  common black European thrush
                    subtype:  ring_ouzel__ring_blackbird__ring_thrush__Turdus_torquatus  European thrush common in rocky areas; the male has blackish plumage with a white band around the neck
                    subtype:  American_robin__robin__Turdus_migratorius  large American thrush having a rust-red breast and abdomen
                    subtype:  clay-colored_robin__Turdus_grayi  robin of Mexico and Central America
                    subtype:  hermit_thrush__Hylocichla_guttata  North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song
                    subtype:  veery__Wilson's_thrush__Hylocichla_fuscescens  tawny brown North American thrush noted for its song
                    subtype:  wood_thrush__Hylocichla_mustelina  large thrush common in eastern American woodlands; noted for its melodious song
                    subtype:  nightingale__lusciniamegarhyncho  European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song
                       subtype:  bulbul  nightingale spoken of in Persian poetry
                    subtype:  thrush_nightingale__Luscinia_luscinia  large nightingale of eastern Europe
                    subtype:  Old_World_chat__chat  songbirds having a chattering call
                       subtype:  stonechat__Saxicola_torquata  common European chat with black plumage and a reddish-brown breast
                       subtype:  whinchat__Saxicola_rubetra  brown-and-buff European songbird of grassy meadows
                    subtype:  solitaire  dull gray North American thrushes noted for its beautiful song
                    subtype:  redstart__redtail  European songbird with a reddish breast and tail; related to Old World robins
                    subtype:  wheatear  small songbird of northern America and Eurasia having a distinctive white rump
                    subtype:  bluebird  blue North American songbird
                    subtype:  robin_redbreast__robinredbreast__robin__redbreast__Old_World_robin__Erithacus_rubecola  small Old World songbird with a reddish breast
                    subtype:  bluethroat__Erithacus_svecicus  songbird of northern Europe and Asia
                 subtype:  warbler  a small active songbird
                    subtype:  gnatcatcher  very small North and South American warblers
                    subtype:  kinglet  small birds resembling warblers but having some of the habits of titmice
                       subtype:  goldcrest__golden-crested_kinglet__Regulus_regulus  European kinglet with a black-bordered yellow crown patch
                       subtype:  gold-crowned_kinglet__Regulus_satrata  American golden-crested kinglet
                       subtype:  ruby-crowned_kinglet__ruby-crowned_wren__Regulus_calendula  American kinglet with a notable song and in the male a red crown patch
                    subtype:  Old_World_warbler__true_warbler  small active brownish or grayish Old World birds
                       subtype:  blackcap__Silvia_atricapilla  small brownish-gray warbler with a black crown
                       subtype:  wood_warbler__Phylloscopus_sibilatrix  European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage
                       subtype:  sedge_warbler__sedgewarbler__sedge_bird__sedgebird__sedge_wren__sedgewren__reedbird__Acrocephalus_schoenobaenus  small European warbler that breeds among reeds and wedges and winters in Africa
                       subtype:  wren_warbler  small Asiatic and African bird; constructs nests like those of tailorbirds
                       subtype:  tailorbird__Orthotomus_sutorius  tropical Asian warbler that stitches leaves together to form and conceal its nest
                    subtype:  greater_whitethroat__whitethroat__Sylvia_communis  grayish-brown Old World warbler with a white throat and underparts
                    subtype:  lesser_whitethroat__whitethroat__Sylvia_curruca  Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller
                    subtype:  New_World_warbler__wood_warbler  small bright-colored American songbird with a weak unmusical song
                       subtype:  parula_warbler__northern_parula__Parula_americana  small gray-blue wood warbler with yellow throat and breast; of eastern North America
                       subtype:  Wilson's_warbler__Wilson's_blackcap__Wilsonia_pusilla  yellow wood warbler with a black crown
                       subtype:  flycatching_warbler__flycatchingwarbler  any of numerous American wood warblers that feed on insects caught on the wing
                          subtype:  American_redstart__redstart__Setophaga_ruticilla  flycatching warbler of eastern North America the male having bright orange on sides and wings and tail
                       subtype:  Cape_May_warbler__Dendroica_tigrina  North American wood warbler; olive green and yellow striped with black
                       subtype:  yellow_warbler__golden_warbler__yellowbird__Dendroica_petechia  yellow-throated American wood warbler
                       subtype:  Blackburn__Blackburnian_warbler__Dendroica_fusca  black-and-white North American wood warbler having an orange-and-black head and throat
                       subtype:  Audubon's_warbler__Audubon_warbler__Dendroica_auduboni  common warbler of western North America
                       subtype:  myrtle_warbler__myrtle_bird__Dendroica_coronata  similar to Audubon's warbler
                       subtype:  blackpoll__Dendroica_striate  North American warbler having a black-and-white head
                       subtype:  New_World_chat__chat  birds having a chattering call
                          subtype:  yellow-breasted_chat__Icteria_virens  American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds
                       subtype:  Seiurus_aurocapillus__ovenbird  American warbler; builds a dome-shaped nest on the ground
                       subtype:  water_thrush__waterthrush  brownish North American warbler found near streams
                       subtype:  yellowthroat  small olive-colored American warblers with yellow breast and throat
                          subtype:  common_yellowthroat__Maryland_yellowthroat__Geothlypis_trichas  an American warbler
                 subtype:  babbler__cackler  any of various insectivorous Old World birds with a loud incessant song; in some classifications considered members of the family Muscicapidae
                 subtype:  bird_of_paradise  any of numerous brilliantly colored plumed birds of the New Guinea area
                    subtype:  riflebird__Ptloris_paradisea  velvety black Australian bird of paradise with green and purple iridescence on head and tail
                 subtype:  New_World_oriole__American_oriole__oriole  American songbird; male is black and orange or yellow
                    subtype:  northern_oriole__Icterus_galbula  a kind of New World oriole
                       subtype:  Baltimore_oriole__Baltimore_bird__hangbird__firebird__Icterus_galbula_galbula  eastern subspecies of northern oriole
                       subtype:  Bullock's_oriole__Icterus_galbula_bullockii  western subspecies of northern oriole
                    subtype:  orchard_oriole__orchardoriole__Icterus_spurius  the male is chestnut-and-black
                    subtype:  meadowlark__lark  North American yellow-breasted songbirds
                       subtype:  eastern_meadowlark__easternmeadowlark__Sturnella_magna  a meadowlark of eastern North America
                       subtype:  western_meadowlark__westernmeadowlark__Sturnella_neglecta  a meadowlark of western North America
                    subtype:  cacique__cazique  black-and-red or black-and-yellow orioles of the American tropics
                    subtype:  bobolink__ricebird__reedbird__Dolichonyx_oryzivorus  migratory American songbird
                    subtype:  New_World_blackbird__blackbird  any bird of the family Icteridae whose male is black or predominantly black
                       subtype:  grackle__crowblackbird  long-tailed American blackbird having iridescent black plumage
                          subtype:  purple_grackle__Quiscalus_quiscula  eastern United States grackle
                       subtype:  rusty_blackbird__rusty_grackle__rustygrackle__Euphagus_carilonus  North American blackbird whose bluish-black plumage is rusty-edged in the fall
                       subtype:  cowbird  North American blackbird that follows cattle and lays eggs in other birds' nests
                       subtype:  red-winged_blackbird__redwing__Agelaius_phoeniceus  North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings
                 subtype:  Old_World_oriole__oriole  mostly tropical songbird; the male is usually bright orange and black
                    subtype:  golden_oriole__Oriolus_oriolus  bright yellow songbird with black wings
                    subtype:  fig-bird__figbird  greenish-yellow Australian oriole feeding chiefly on figs and other fruits
                 subtype:  starling  gregarious birds native to the Old World
                    subtype:  common_starling__Sturnus_vulgaris  gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwide
                    subtype:  rose-colored_starling__rose-colored_pastor__Pastor_sturnus__Pastor_roseus  glossy black bird with pink back and abdomen; chiefly Asian
                    subtype:  myna_bird__myna__mynah__mina__minah__mynah_bird__mynahbird  tropical Asian starlings
                       subtype:  crested_myna__crestedmyna__Acridotheres_tristis  dark brown crested bird of southeastern Asia
                       subtype:  hill_myna__Indian_grackle__grackle__graculareligiosa  glossy black Asiatic starling often taught to mimic speech
                 subtype:  corvine_bird__corvinebird  birds of the crow family
                    subtype:  crow  black birds having a raucous call
                       subtype:  American_crow__Corvus_brachyrhyncos  common crow of N. America
                    subtype:  raven__Corvus_corax  large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail
                    subtype:  Corvus_frugilegus__rook  common gregarious Old World bird about the size and color of the American crow
                    subtype:  jackdaw__daw__Corvus_monedula  common black-and-gray Eurasian bird noted for thievery
                    subtype:  chough  a European corvine bird of small or medium size with red legs and glossy black plumage
                    subtype:  jay  crested largely blue bird
                       subtype:  Old_World_jay  a European jay
                          subtype:  common_European_jay__Garullus_garullus  fawn-colored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings
                       subtype:  New_World_jay  a North American jay
                          subtype:  blue_jay__jaybird__Cyanocitta_cristata  common jay of eastern North America; bright blue with grey breast
                       subtype:  Canada_jay__gray_jay__camp_robber__whisker_jack__whiskerjack__Perisoreus_canadensis  gray jay of northern North America with black-capped head and no crest; noted for boldness in thievery
                          subtype:  Rocky_Mountain_jay__Perisoreus_canadensis_capitalis  a Canada jay with a white head; widely distributed from Montana to Arizona
                    subtype:  nutcracker  speckled birds that feed on nuts
                       subtype:  common_nutcracker__Nucifraga_caryocatactes  Old World nutcracker
                       subtype:  Clark's_nutcracker__Nucifraga_columbiana  nutcracker of the western United States
                    subtype:  magpie  long-tailed black-and-white bird that utters a chattering call
                       subtype:  European_magpie__Pica_pica  common European magpie
                       subtype:  American_magpie__Pica_pica_hudsonia  magpie of Rocky mountain regions
                 subtype:  Australian_magpie  black-and-white oscine birds that resemble magpies
                    subtype:  butcherbird.Australian_magpie  large carnivorous Australian bird with the shrike-like habit of impaling prey on thorns
                    subtype:  currawong__bell_magpie  bluish black fruit-eating bird with a bell-like call
                    subtype:  piping_crow-shrike__piping_crow__Gymnorhina_tibicen  crow-sized black-and-white bird; a good mimic often caged
                 subtype:  mockingbird__mocker__Mimus_polyglotktos  long-tailed gray-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds
                 subtype:  blue_mockingbird__Melanotis_caerulescens  mockingbird of Mexico
                 subtype:  gray_catbird__catbird__Dumetella_carolinensis  North American songbird whose call resembles a cat's mewing
                 subtype:  thrasher__mocking_thrush__mockingthrush  thrush-like American songbird able to mimic other birdsongs
                    subtype:  brown_thrasher__brownthrasher__brown_thrush__brownthrush__Toxostoma_rufums  common large songbird of eastern United States having reddish-brown plumage
                 subtype:  New_Zealand_wren  birds of New Zealand that resemble wrens
                    subtype:  rock_wren__Xenicus_gilviventris  short-tailed bird resembling a wren
                    subtype:  rifleman_bird__Acanthisitta_chloris  small green-and-bronze bird
                 subtype:  tree_creeper__creeper  any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb about on trees
                    subtype:  brown_creeper__browncreeper__American_creeper__Certhia_americana  common American brown creeper with down-curved bill
                    subtype:  European_creeper__Certhia_familiaris  common European brown-and-buff tree creeper with down-curved bill
                    subtype:  wall_creeper__tichodrome__Tichodroma_muriaria  crimson-and-gray songbird that inhabits town walls and mountain cliffs of southern Eurasia and northern Africa
                 subtype:  nuthatch__nutcracker  any of various small short-tailed sharp-beaked birds that creep on trees and feed on small nuts and insects
                    subtype:  European_nuthatch__Sitta_europaea  a kind of nuthatch
                    subtype:  red-breasted_nuthatch__Sitta_canadensis  bluish-gray nuthatch with reddish breast; of northern coniferous forests
                    subtype:  white-breasted_nuthatch__Sitta_carolinensis  bluish-gray nuthatch with black head and white breast; of eastern North America
                 subtype:  titmouse__tit  small insectivorous birds
                    subtype:  chickadee  any of various small gray-and-black songbirds of North America
                       subtype:  black-capped_chickadee__blackcap__Parus_atricapillus  Chickadee having a dark crown
                       subtype:  Carolina_chickadee__Parus_carolinensis  southern United States chickadee similar to the blackcap but smaller
                    subtype:  tufted_titmouse__Parus_bicolor  crested titmouse of eastern and midwestern United States
                    subtype:  blue_tit__tomtit__Parus_caeruleus  widely distributed European titmouse with bright cobalt blue wings and tail and crown of the head
                    subtype:  bushtit__bush_tit  active gray titmice of western North America
                    subtype:  wren-tit__Chamaea_fasciata  small brown bird of California resembling a wren
                    subtype:  verdin__Auriparus_flaviceps  very small yellow-headed titmouse of Western North America
                 subtype:  fairy_bluebird__fairybluebird__bluebird  fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies
                 subtype:  swallow  small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations
                    subtype:  barn_swallow__chimney_swallow__chimneyswallow__Hirundo_rustica  common swallow of North America and Europe that nests in barns etc.
                    subtype:  cliff_swallow__cliffswallow__Hirundo_pyrrhonota  North American swallow that lives in colonies and builds bottle-shaped mud nests on cliffs and walls
                    subtype:  tree_swallow__tree_martin__Hirundo_nigricans  of Australia and Polynesia; nests in tree cavities
                    subtype:  white-bellied_swallow__whitebelliedswallow__tree_swallow__Iridoprocne_bicolor  bluish-green-and-white North American swallow; nests in tree cavities
                    subtype:  martin  any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas
                       subtype:  house_martin__housemartin__Delichon_urbica  common small European martin that builds nests under the eaves of houses
                       subtype:  bank_martin__bank_swallow__sand_martin__Riparia_riparia  swallow of the northern hemisphere that nests in tunnels dug in clay or sand banks
                       subtype:  purple_martin__Progne_subis  large North American martin of which the male is blue-black
                 subtype:  wood_swallow__swallow_shrike__swallowshrike  Australasian and Asiatic bird related to the shrikes and resembling a swallow
                 subtype:  tanager  any of numerous New World woodland birds having brightly colored males
                    subtype:  scarlet_tanager__scarlettanager__Piranga_olivacea__redbird__firebird  the male is bright red with black wings and tail
                    subtype:  western_tanager__westerntanager__Piranga_ludoviciana  of western North America; male is black and yellow and orange-red
                    subtype:  summer_tanager__summer_redbird__Piranga_rubra  of middle and southern United States; male is deep rose-red the female mostly yellow
                    subtype:  hepatic_tanager__hepatictanager__Piranga_flava_hepatica  common tanager of southwestern United States and Mexico
                 subtype:  shrike  any of numerous Old World birds having a strong hooked bill that feed on smaller animals
                    subtype:  butcherbird  shrikes that impale their prey on thorns
                       subtype:  European_shrike__Lanius_excubitor  common European butcherbird
                       subtype:  northern_shrike__Lanius_borealis  butcherbird of northern North American
                       subtype:  white-rumped_shrike__Lanius_ludovicianus_excubitorides  of western North America; gray with white underparts
                    subtype:  loggerhead_shrike__Lanius_lucovicianus  common shrike of southeastern United States having black eye-bands
                    subtype:  migrant_shrike__migrantshrike__Lanius_ludovicianus_migrans  of central North America; winters in Texas and the south Mississippi valley
                    subtype:  bush_shrike  African shrike
                       subtype:  black-fronted_bush_shrike__Chlorophoneus_nigrifrons  a kind of bush shrike
                 subtype:  bowerbird__catbird  any of various birds of the Australian region whose males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to attract females
                    subtype:  satin_bowerbird__satinbowerbird__satin_bird__satinbird__Ptilonorhynchus_violaceus  of southeast Australia; male is glossy violet blue; female is light gray-green
                    subtype:  great_bowerbird__greatbowerbird__Chlamydera_nuchalis  large bowerbird of northern Australia
                 subtype:  water_ouzel__waterouzel__dipper  small stocky diving bird without webbed feet; frequents fast-flowing streams and feeds along the bottom
                    subtype:  European_water_ouzel__Cinclus_aquaticus  a water ouzel of Europe
                    subtype:  American_water_ouzel__Cinclus_mexicanus  a water ouzel of western North America
                 subtype:  vireo  any of various small insectivorous American birds chiefly olive-gray in color
                    subtype:  red-eyed_vireo__Vireo_olivaceous  of northern North America having red irises and a olive-gray body with white underparts
                    subtype:  solitary_vireo__Vireo_solitarius  of eastern North America having a bluish-gray head and mostly green body
                    subtype:  blue-headed_vireo__Vireo_solitarius_solitarius  common vireo of northeastern North America with bluish slaty-gray head
                 subtype:  waxwing  brown velvety-plumaged songbirds of the northern hemisphere having crested heads and red waxy wing tips
                    subtype:  cedar_waxwing__cedarwaxwing__cedarbird__bombycillacedrorun  widely distributed over temperate North America
                    subtype:  Bohemian_waxwing__Bombycilla_garrulus  large waxwing of northern North America; similar to but larger than the cedar waxwing
              subtype:  true_sparrow__sparrow  any of several small dull-colored singing birds feeding on seeds or insects
                 subtype:  English_sparrow__house_sparrow__housesparrow__Passer_domesticus  small hardy brown-and-gray bird native to Europe
                 subtype:  tree_sparrow__Passer_montanus  Eurasian sparrow smaller than the house sparrow
              subtype:  lyrebird  Australian bird that resembles a pheasant; the courting male displays long tail feathers in a lyre shape
              subtype:  scrubbird__scrub_bird__scrubbird  small fast-running Australian bird resembling a wren and frequenting brush or scrub
              subtype:  broadbill  small birds of the Old World tropics having bright plumage and short wide bills
              subtype:  tyrannid  a passerine bird of the suborder Tyranni
                 subtype:  New_World_flycatcher__flycatcher__tyrant_flycatcher__tyrant_bird  large American birds that characteristically catch insects on the wing
                    subtype:  kingbird__Tyrannus_tyrannus  large American flycatcher
                       subtype:  Arkansas_kingbird__western_kingbird__westernkingbird  a kingbird seen in western United States; head and back are pale gray and the breast is yellowish and the tail is black
                       subtype:  Cassin's_kingbird__Tyrannus_vociferans  a kingbird seen in the southwestern United States; largely gray with a yellow abdomen
                       subtype:  eastern_kingbird__easternkingbird  a kingbird that breeds in North American and winters in tropical America; distinguished by a white band on the tip of the tail
                       subtype:  gray_kingbird__petchary__Tyrannus_domenicensis_domenicensis  a kingbird that breeds in the southeastern United States and winters in tropical America; similar to but larger than the eastern kingbird
                    subtype:  wood_pewee__pewee__peewit__pewit__Contopus_virens  small olive-colored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America
                       subtype:  western_wood_pewee__Contopus_sordidulus  small flycatcher of western North America
                    subtype:  Sayornis_phoebe__phoebe__phoebe_bird  small dun-colored North American flycatcher
                    subtype:  vermillion_flycatcher__firebird__Pyrocephalus_rubinus_mexicanus  tropical American flycatcher found as far north as southern Texas and Arizona; adult male has bright scarlet and black plumage
                    subtype:  cotinga__chatterer  passerine bird of New World tropics
                       subtype:  Rupicola_rupicola__cock_of_the_rock  tropical bird of northern South America the male having brilliant red or orange plumage and an erectile disklike crest
                       subtype:  cock_of_the_rock__Rupicola_peruviana  bird of the Andes similar to Rupicola rupicola
                       subtype:  bellbird  any of several tropical American birds of the genus Procnias having a bell-like call
                       subtype:  umbrella_bird__Cephalopterus_ornatus  black tropical American bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle
                    subtype:  scissortail__scissortailed_flycatcher__scissortailedflycatcher__Muscivora-forficata  gray flycatcher of the southwestern United States and Mexico and Central America having a long forked tail and white breast and salmon and scarlet markings
                 subtype:  manakin  any of numerous small bright-colored birds of Central and South America having short bills and elaborate courtship behavior
                 subtype:  ovenbird  small brownish South American birds that build oven-shaped clay nests
                 subtype:  antbird__ant_bird__antbird  any of various dull-colored South American birds that feeding on ants some following army ant swarms
                    subtype:  ant_thrush__antthrush  a kind of antbird
                    subtype:  ant_shrike__antshrike  antbirds superficially resembling shrikes
                    subtype:  spotted_antbird__spottedantbird__Hylophylax_naevioides  a kind of antbird
                 subtype:  woodhewer__woodcreeper__tree_creeper  any of numerous South and Central American birds with a curved bill and stiffened tail feathers that climb and feed like woodpeckers
                 subtype:  pitta  any bird of the genus Pitta; brilliantly colored chiefly terrestrial birds with short wings and tail and stout bills
              subtype:  jenny_wren__jennywren__wren  and of several small active brown birds of the northern hemisphere with short upright tails; they feed on insects
                 subtype:  winter_wren__Troglodytes_troglodytes  small wren of coniferous forests of northern hemisphere
                 subtype:  house_wren__housewren__Troglodytes_aedon  common American wren that nests around houses
                 subtype:  marsh_wren__marshwren  a wren of the genus Cistothorus that frequents marshes
                    subtype:  long-billed_marsh_wren__Cistothorus_palustris  American wren that inhabits tall reed beds
                    subtype:  sedge_wren__sedgewren__short-billed_marsh_wren__Cistothorus_platensis  small American wren inhabiting wet sedgy meadows
                 subtype:  Salpinctes_obsoletus__rock_wren  wren inhabiting badlands and mesa country of western United States and Mexico
                 subtype:  Carolina_wren__Thryothorus_ludovicianus  large United States wren with a musical call
                 subtype:  cactus_wren  large harsh-voiced American wren of arid regions of the United States southwest and Mexico
           subtype:  nonpasserine_bird  chiefly arboreal birds especially of the order Coraciiformes
           subtype:  bird_of_prey__raptor__raptorial_bird__raptorialbird  any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and kill other animals
              subtype:  order_Accipitriformes__Accipitriformes  in some classifications an alternative name for the Falconiformes
              subtype:  hawk  diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail
                 subtype:  eyas  an unfledged or nestling hawk
                 subtype:  tiercel__tercel__tercelet  male hawk especially male peregrine or gyrfalcon
                 subtype:  goshawk__Accipiter_gentilis  large hawk of Eurasia and North America used in falconry
                 subtype:  Accipiter_nisus__sparrow_hawk__sparrowhawk  small hawk of Eurasia and North Africa
                 subtype:  Cooper's_hawk__blue_darter__Accipiter_cooperii  bluish-gray North American hawk having a darting flight
                 subtype:  chicken_hawk__chickenhawk__henhawk  nontechnical term for any hawks said to prey on poultry
                 subtype:  buteonine  any hawk of the genus Buteo
                 subtype:  redtail__redtailedhawk__Buteo_jamaicensis  dark brown American hawk species having a reddish-brown tail
                 subtype:  rough-legged_hawk__roughleg__Buteo_lagopus  large hawk of the northern hemisphere that feeds chiefly on small rodents and is beneficial to farmers
                 subtype:  red-shouldered_hawk__Buteo_lineatus  North American hawk with reddish brown shoulders
                 subtype:  buzzard__Buteo_buteo  the common European short-winged hawk
                 subtype:  honey_buzzard__honeybuzzard__Pernis_apivorus  Old World hawk that feeds on bee larvae and small rodents and reptiles
                 subtype:  kite  any of several small graceful hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals
                    subtype:  black_kite__blackkite__Milvus_migrans  dark Old World kite feeding chiefly on carrion
                    subtype:  swallow-tailed_kite__swallow-tailed_hawk__Elanoides_forficatus  graceful North American black-and-white kite
                    subtype:  white-tailed_kite__Elanus_leucurus  gray-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions
                 subtype:  harrier  hawks that hunt over meadows and marshes and prey on small terrestrial animals
                    subtype:  marsh_harrier__marshharrier__Circus_Aeruginosus  Old World harrier frequenting marshy regions
                    subtype:  Montagu's_harrier__Circus_pygargus  brownish European harrier
                    subtype:  marsh_hawk__marshhawk__northern_harrier__hen_harrier__henharrier__Circus_cyaneus  common harrier of North America and Europe; nests in marshes and open land
                 subtype:  harrier_eagle__harriereagle__short-toed_eagle  any of numerous large Old Wold hawks intermediate in some respects between typical hawks and typical eagles
                 subtype:  falcon  diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight
                    subtype:  peregrine_falcon__peregrinefalcon__Falco_peregrinus  a widely distributed falcon formerly used in falconry
                       subtype:  falcon-gentle__falcon-gentil  female falcon especially a female peregrine falcon
                    subtype:  gyrfalcon__gerfalcon__Falco_rusticolus  large and rare arctic falcon having white and dark color phases
                    subtype:  Falco_tinnunculus__kestrel  small Old World falcon that hovers in the air against a wind
                    subtype:  sparrow_hawk__sparrowhawk__americankestrel__kestrel__Falco_sparverius  small North American falcon
                    subtype:  pigeon_hawk__merlin__Falco_columbarius  small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry
                    subtype:  Falco_subbuteo__hobby  small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds
                    subtype:  caracara  any of various long-legged carrion-eating hawks of South and Central America
                       subtype:  Audubon's_caracara__Polyborus_cheriway_audubonii  widespread from southern United States to Central America; rusty black with black-and-white breast and tail
                       subtype:  carancha__Polyborus_plancus  South American caracara
                 subtype:  osprey__fish_hawk__fish_eagle__sea_eagle__seaeagle__Pandion_haliaetus  large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years
              subtype:  bird_of_Jove__eagle  any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight
                 subtype:  eaglet  a young eagle
                 subtype:  harpy_eagle__harpyeagle__harpy__Harpia_harpyja  large black-and-white crested eagle of tropical America
                 subtype:  golden_eagle__Aquila_chrysaetos  large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck
                    subtype:  ringtail  an immature golden eagle
                 subtype:  tawny_eagle__tawnyeagle__Aquila_rapax  brownish eagle of Africa and parts of Asia
                 subtype:  bald_eagle__American_eagle__Haliaeetus_leucocephalus  large North American eagle having a white head and dark wings and body
                 subtype:  sea_eagle__seaeagle  any of various large eagles that usually feed on fish
                    subtype:  Kamchatkan_sea_eagle__Stellar's_sea_eagle__Haliaeetus_pelagicus  found on coasts of western north Pacific
                    subtype:  ern__erne__gray_sea_eagle__European_sea_eagle__white-tailed_sea_eagle__Haliatus_albicilla  bulky grayish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail; of Europe and Greenland
                    subtype:  fishing_eagle__fishingeagle__Haliaeetus_leucorhyphus  of southeast Europe and central Asia
              subtype:  vulture  any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion
                 subtype:  family_Aegypiidae__Aegypiidae  in some classifications considered the family comprising the Old World vultures which are more often included in the family Accipitridae
                 subtype:  Old_World_vulture  any of several large vultures of Africa and Eurasia
                    subtype:  griffon_vulture__griffonvulture__griffon__Gyps_fulvus  large vulture of southern Europe and northern Africa having pale plumage with black wings
                    subtype:  bearded_vulture__beardedvulture__lammergeier__lammergeyer__Gypaetus_barbatus  the largest Eurasian bird of prey; having black feathers hanging around the bill
                    subtype:  Egyptian_vulture__Pharaoh's_chicken__Neophron_percnopterus  small mostly white vulture of Africa and southern Eurasia
                    subtype:  Aegypius_monachus__black_vulture__blackvulture  of southern Eurasia and northern Africa
                 subtype:  New_World_vulture__cathartid  large birds of prey superficially similar to Old World vultures
                    subtype:  turkey_buzzard__buzzard__turkey_vulture__Cathartes_aura  common in South and Central America and southern United States
                    subtype:  condor  largest flying birds in the western hemisphere
                       subtype:  Andean_condor__Vultur_gryphus  large vulture of the high Andes having black plumage and white neck ruff
                       subtype:  California_condor__Gymnogyps_californianus  North American condor; chiefly dull black; almost extinct
                    subtype:  black_vulture__blackvulture__carrion_crow__carrioncrow__Coragyps_atratus  American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard
                    subtype:  king_vulture__Sarcorhamphus_papa  large black-and-white vulture of South and Central America have colorful wattles and wartlike protuberances on head and neck
              subtype:  secretary_bird__secretarybird__Sagittarius_serpentarius  large long-legged African bird of prey that feeds on reptiles
              subtype:  owl__bird_of_Minerva__bird_of_night__hooter  nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes
                 subtype:  owlet  young owl
                 subtype:  little_owl__Athene_noctua  small European owl
                 subtype:  horned_owl  large owls having prominent ear tufts
                    subtype:  great_horned_owl__Bubo_virginianus  brown North American horned owl
                 subtype:  great_gray_owl__Strix_nebulosa  large dish-faced owl of northern North America and western Eurasia
                 subtype:  tawny_owl__tawnyowl__Strix_aluco  reddish-brown European owl having a round head with black eyes
                 subtype:  barred_owl__Strix_varia  large owl of eastern North America having its breast and abdomen streaked with brown
                 subtype:  Otus_asio__screech_owl__screechowl  small North American owl having hornlike tufts of feathers
                 subtype:  screech_owl__screechowl  any owl that has a screeching cry
                 subtype:  scops_owl__scopsowl  any of several small owls having ear tufts and a whistling call
                    subtype:  Old_World_scops_owl__Otus_scops  European scops owl
                    subtype:  Oriental_scops_owl__Otus_sunia  Asian scops owl
                 subtype:  hoot_owl  any owl that hoots as distinct from screeching
                 subtype:  hawk_owl__Surnia_ulula  gray-and-white diurnal hawk-like owl of northern parts of the northern hemisphere
                 subtype:  long-eared_owl__Asio_otus  slender European owl of coniferous forests with long ear tufts
                 subtype:  laughing_owl__laughing_jackass__Sceloglaux_albifacies  almost extinct owl of New Zealand
                 subtype:  barn_owl__Tyto_alba  mottled buff and white owl often inhabiting barns and other structures; important in rodent control
           subtype:  gallinaceous_bird__gallinaceon  heavy-bodied largely ground-feeding domestic or game birds
              subtype:  domestic_fowl__fowl__poultry  a domesticated gallinaceous bird though to be descended from the red jungle fowl
                 subtype:  Dorking  an English breed of large domestic fowl having five toes (the hind toe doubled)
                 subtype:  Plymouth_Rock  an American breed of domestic fowl
                 subtype:  Cornish  English breed of compact domestic fowl; raised primarily to crossbreed to produce roasters
                 subtype:  Rock_Cornish  small plump hybrid developed by crossbreeding Plymouth Rock and Cornish fowl
                 subtype:  game_fowl  any of several breeds reared for cock-fighting
                 subtype:  cochin_china__cochin  Asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legs
                 subtype:  chicken__Gallus_gallus  a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs; believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl
                    subtype:  bantam  any of various small breeds
                    subtype:  chick__biddy  young bird especially of domestic fowl
                    subtype:  rooster__cock  adult male chicken
                       subtype:  cockerel  a young domestic cock; not older than one year
                    subtype:  capon  castrated male chicken
                    subtype:  biddy__hen  adult female chicken
                       subtype:  cackler  a hen that has just laid an egg and emits a shrill squawk
                       subtype:  brood_hen__broodhen__broody__broody_hen__setting_hen__settinghen__sitter  a domestic hen ready to brood
                       subtype:  layer.biddy  a hen that lays eggs
                       subtype:  pullet  young hen usually less than a year old
                    subtype:  spring_chicken  a young chicken having tender meat
                    subtype:  Rhode_Island_red  American breed of heavy-bodied brownish-red general-purpose chicken
                    subtype:  Dominique__Dominick  American breed of chicken having barred gray plumage raised for meat and brown eggs
                    subtype:  Orpington  English breed of large white-skinned chickens
                 subtype:  Meleagris_gallopavo__turkey  large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food
                    subtype:  turkey_cock__gobbler__tom__tomturkey  male turkey
                 subtype:  guinea_fowl__guinea__Numida_meleagris  W African bird having dark plumage mottled with white; native to Africa but raised for food in many parts of the world
                    subtype:  guinea_hen  female guinea fowl
              subtype:  jungle_fowl__gallina  small Asiatic wild bird; believed to be ancestral to domestic fowl
                 subtype:  jungle_cock  male jungle fowl
                 subtype:  jungle_hen  female jungle fowl
                 subtype:  red_jungle_fowl__Gallus_gallus  SE Asian jungle fowl considered ancestral to domestic fowl
              subtype:  ocellated_turkey__ocellatedturkey__agriocharisocellata  wild turkey of Central and northern South America
              subtype:  game_bird  any bird hunted as game
                 subtype:  grouse  popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet
                    subtype:  black_grouse__blackgrouse  grouse of which the male is bluish-black
                       subtype:  European_black_grouse__heathfowl__Lyrurus_tetrix  large north European black grouse with a lyre-shaped tail
                       subtype:  Asian_black_grouse__Lyrurus_mlokosiewiczi  of W. Asia
                       subtype:  blackcock__black_cock__blackcock  male black grouse
                       subtype:  grayhen__gray_hen__heath_hen  female black grouse
                    subtype:  ptarmigan  large arctic and subarctic grouse with feathered feet and usually white winter plumage
                       subtype:  red_grouse__redgrouse__moorfowl__moorbird__moorgame__Lagopus_scoticus  reddish-brown grouse of upland moors of Great Britain
                          subtype:  moorhen  female red grouse
                          subtype:  moorcock  male red grouse
                    subtype:  capercaillie__capercailzie__horse_of_the_wood__Tetrao_urogallus  large black Old World grouse
                    subtype:  spruce_grouse__Canachites_canadensis  North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles
                    subtype:  sage_grouse__sage_hen__Centrocercus_urophasianus  large grouse of sagebrush regions of North America
                    subtype:  ruffed_grouse__partridge__Bonasa_umbellus  valued as a game bird in eastern United States and Canada
                    subtype:  sharp-tailed_grouse__sprigtail__pedioecetesphasianellu  large grouse of prairies and open forests of western North America
                    subtype:  prairie_chicken__prairiechicken__prairie_grouse__prairiegrouse__prairie_fowl__prairiefowl  brown mottled North American grouse of western prairies
                       subtype:  greater_prairie_chicken__Tympanuchus_cupido  the most common variety of prairie chicken
                       subtype:  lesser_prairie_chicken__Tympanuchus_pallidicinctus  a smaller prairie chicken of Western Texas
                       subtype:  heath_hen__Tympanuchus_cupido_cupido  extinct prairie chicken
                 subtype:  phasianid  a kind of game bird in the family Phasianidae
                    subtype:  pheasant  large long-tailed gallinaceous bird native to the Old World but introduced elsewhere
                       subtype:  ring-necked_pheasant__Phasianus_colchicus  common pheasant having bright plumage and a white neck ring
                       subtype:  afropavo__Congo_peafowl__Afropavo_congensis  both sexes are brightly colored
                       subtype:  argus_pheasant__arguspheasant__argus__argu  large brilliantly patterned East Indian pheasant
                       subtype:  golden_pheasant__Chrysolophus_pictus  brightly colored crested pheasant of mountains of western and central Asia
                       subtype:  monal__monaul  brilliantly colored south Asian pheasant
                       subtype:  peafowl__bird_of_Juno  very large terrestrial southeast Asian pheasant often raised as an ornamental bird
                          subtype:  peachick  a young peafowl
                          subtype:  peacock  male peafowl; having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots
                          subtype:  peahen  female peafowl
                          subtype:  blue_peafowl__Pavo_cristatus  peafowl of India and Ceylon
                          subtype:  green_peafowl__greenpeafowl__Pavo_muticus  peafowl of southeast Asia
                       subtype:  tragopan  brilliantly colored Asian pheasant having wattles and two fleshy processes on the head
                    subtype:  quail  small gallinaceous game birds
                       subtype:  bobwhite_quail__bobwhite__partridge  a popular North American game bird; named for its call
                          subtype:  northern_bobwhite__Colinus_virginianus  a favorite game bird of eastern and central United States
                       subtype:  Old_World_quail  small game bird with a rounded body and small tail
                          subtype:  migratory_quail__migratoryquail__Coturnix_coturnix__Coturnix_communis  the typical Old World quail
                       subtype:  California_quail__Lofortyx_californicus  plump chunky bird of coastal California and Oregon
                    subtype:  partridge  small Old World gallinaceous game birds
                       subtype:  Hungarian_partridge__gray_partridge__Perdix_perdix  common European partridge
                       subtype:  red-legged_partridge__Alectoris_ruffa  common western European partridge with red legs
                       subtype:  Greek_partridge__rock_partridge__Alectoris_graeca  of mountainous areas of southern Europe
                       subtype:  mountain_quail__mountain_partridge__Oreortyx_picta_palmeri  California partridge; slightly larger than the California quail
                 subtype:  tinamou__partridge  heavy-bodied small-winged South American game bird resembling a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds
              subtype:  guan  any of several large turkey-like game birds of the family Cracidae; native to jungles of tropical America; resembling the curassows and valued as food
                 subtype:  piping_guan  a kind of guan
              subtype:  curassow  large crested arboreal game bird of warm parts of the Americas having long legs and tails; highly esteemed as game and food
              subtype:  chachalaca  slender arboreal guan resembling a wild turkey; native to Central America and Mexico; highly regarded as game birds
                 subtype:  Texas_chachalaca__Ortilis_vetula_macalli  of Mexico and Texas
              subtype:  megapode__moundbird__mound_builder__moundbuilder__scrub_fowl__scrubfowl  large-footed short-winged birds of Australasia; build mounds of decaying vegetation to incubate eggs
                 subtype:  mallee_fowl__leipoa__lowan__Leipoa_ocellata  Australian moundbird; incubates eggs naturally in sandy mounds
                    subtype:  mallee_hen  adult female mallee fowl
                 subtype:  brush_turkey__brushturkey__Alectura_lathami  black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea
                 subtype:  Macrocephalon_maleo__maleo  Celebes megapode that lays eggs in holes in sandy beaches
              subtype:  hoatzin__hoactzin__stinkbird__Opisthocomus_hoazin  crested ill-smelling South American bird whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings
              subtype:  columbiform_bird__columbiformbird  cosmopolitan order of land birds having small heads and short legs with four unwebbed toes
                 subtype:  Raphus_cucullatus__dodo  extinct heavy flightless bird of Mauritius related to pigeons
                 subtype:  Pezophaps_solitaria__solitaire  extinct flightless bird related to the dodo
                 subtype:  pigeon  wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs
                    subtype:  pouter_pigeon__pouter  one of a breed of pigeon that enlarge their crop until their breast is puffed out
                    subtype:  dove  any of numerous small pigeons
                       subtype:  turtledove  any of several Old World wild doves
                          subtype:  Streptopelia_turtur  the common European wild dove noted for its plaintive cooing
                          subtype:  ringdove__Streptopelia_risoria  grayish Old World turtledove with a black band around the neck; often caged
                       subtype:  Australian_turtledove__turtledove__Stictopelia_cuneata  small Australian dove
                       subtype:  mourning_dove__Zenaidura_macroura  wild dove of the United States having a mournful call
                    subtype:  rock_dove__rock_pigeon__Columba_livia  pale gray Eurasian pigeon having black-striped wings from which most domestic species are descended
                    subtype:  band-tailed_pigeon__band-tail_pigeon__bandtail__Columba_fasciata  wild pigeon of western North America; often mistaken for the now extinct passenger pigeon
                    subtype:  wood_pigeon__ringdove__cushat__Columba_palumbus  Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck
                    subtype:  domestic_pigeon  domesticated pigeon raised for sport or food
                       subtype:  fairy_swallow__fairyswallow  fancy domestic pigeon having blue-and-white plumage and heavily muffed feet
                       subtype:  tumbler_pigeon__tumblerpigeon__roller__tumbler  pigeon that executes backward somersaults in flight or on the ground
                       subtype:  homing_pigeon__homer  pigeon trained to return home
                          subtype:  carrier_pigeon__carrierpigeon  a homing pigeon used to carry messages
                    subtype:  squab  an unfledged pigeon
                    subtype:  passenger_pigeon__passengerpigeon__Ectopistes_migratorius  gregarious North American migratory pigeon now extinct
                 subtype:  sandgrouse__sand_grouse  pigeon-like bird of arid regions of the Old World having long pointed wings and tail and precocial downy young
                    subtype:  painted_sandgrouse__paintedsandgrouse__Pterocles_indicus  sandgrouse of India
                    subtype:  pin-tailed_sandgrouse__pin-tailed_grouse__Pterocles_alchata  sandgrouse of Europe and Africa having elongated middle tail feathers
                    subtype:  pallas's_sandgrouse__Syrrhaptes_paradoxus  Eurasiatic sandgrouse with a black patch on the belly
           subtype:  parrot  usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds
              subtype:  popinjay  archaic
              subtype:  poll_parrot__poll  a tame parrot
              subtype:  African_gray__Psittacus_erithacus  commonly domesticated gray parrot with red-and-black tail and white face; native to equatorial Africa
              subtype:  amazon  mainly green tropical American parrots
              subtype:  macaw  long-tailed brilliantly colored parrot of Central and South America; among the largest and showiest of parrots
              subtype:  kea__Nestor_notabilis  large brownish-green New Zealand parrot
              subtype:  cockatoo  white or light-colored crested parrot of the Australian region; often kept as cage birds
                 subtype:  sulphur-crested_cockatoo__sulphurcrestedcockatoo__Kakatoe_galerita__Cacatua_galerita  white cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest
                 subtype:  pink_cockatoo__Kakatoe_leadbeateri  white Australian cockatoo with roseate tinged plumage
              subtype:  cockateel__cockatiel__cockatooparrot__Nymphicus_hollandicus  small gray Australian parrot with a yellow crested head
              subtype:  lovebird  small African parrot noted for showing affection for their mates
              subtype:  lory  small brightly colored Australasian parrots having a brush-tipped tongue for feeding on nectar and soft fruits
                 subtype:  lorikeet  any of various small lories
                    subtype:  varied_Lorikeet__Glossopsitta_versicolor  lorikeet with a colorful coat
                    subtype:  rainbow_lorikeet__rainbowlorikeet__Trichoglossus_moluccanus  a kind of lorikeet
              subtype:  parakeet__parrakeet__parroket__paraquet__paroquet__parroquet  any of numerous small slender long-tailed parrots
                 subtype:  Carolina_parakeet__Conuropsis_carolinensis  extinct parakeet whose range extended far into the United States
                 subtype:  budgerigar__budgereegah__budgie__grass_parakeet__grassparakeet__lovebird__shell_parakeet__shellparakeet__Melopsittacus_undulatus  small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
                 subtype:  ring-necked_parakeet__Psittacula_krameri  African parakeet
           subtype:  cuculiform_bird  birds having zygodactyl feet (except for the touracos)
              subtype:  cuckoo  any of numerous European and North American birds having pointed wings and a long tail
                 subtype:  European_cuckoo__Cuculus_canorus  common European cuckoo having a distinctive two-note call; lays eggs in the nests of other birds
                 subtype:  black-billed_cuckoo__Coccyzus_erythropthalmus  North American cuckoo; builds a nest and rears its own young
                 subtype:  roadrunner__chaparral_cock__chaparralcock__Geococcyx_californianus  speedy largely terrestrial bird found from California and Mexico to Texas
                 subtype:  ani  black tropical American cuckoo
                 subtype:  coucal  Old World ground-living cuckoo having a long dagger-like hind claw
                    subtype:  crow_pheasant__Centropus_sinensis  common coucal of India and China
                    subtype:  pheasant_coucal__pheasant_cuckoo__Centropus_phasianinus  Australian bird with a tail like a pheasant
              subtype:  touraco__turaco__turacou__turakoo  large brightly crested bird of Africa
           subtype:  coraciiform_bird__coraciiformbird  chiefly short-legged arboreal nonpasserine birds that nest in holes
              subtype:  roller.coraciiform_bird  Old World bird that tumbles or rolls in flight; related to kingfishers
                 subtype:  European_roller__Coracias_garrulus  common European blue-and-green roller with a reddish-brown back
                 subtype:  ground_roller  Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e.g. insects and worms
              subtype:  kingfisher  nonpasserine large-headed bird with a short tail and long sharp bill; usually crested and bright-colored; feed mostly on fish
                 subtype:  Eurasian_kingfisher__Alcedo_atthis  small kingfisher with greenish-blue and orange plumage
                 subtype:  belted_kingfisher__Ceryle_alcyon  grayish-blue North American kingfisher with a chestnut band on its chest
                 subtype:  kookaburra__laughing_jackass__Dacelo_gigas  Australian kingfisher having a loud cackling cry
              subtype:  bee_eater__beeeater  colorful chiefly tropical Old World bird having a strong graceful flight; feeds on especially bees
              subtype:  hornbill  bird of tropical Africa and Asia having a very large bill surmounted by a bony protuberance; related to kingfishers
              subtype:  hoopoe__hoopoo  any of several crested Old World birds with a slender down-curving bill
                 subtype:  Euopean_hoopoe__Upupa_epops  pinkish-brown hoopoe with black-and-white wings
              subtype:  wood_hoopoe  tropical African bird having metallic blackish plumage but no crest
              subtype:  motmot__momot  tropical American bird resembling a blue jay and having greenish and bluish plumage
              subtype:  tody  tiny insectivorous West Indian bird having red-and-green plumage and a long straight bill
           subtype:  apodiform_bird__apodiformbird  nonpasserine bird having long wings and weak feet; spends much of its time in flight
              subtype:  swift  small plain-colored bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight
                 subtype:  European_swift__Apus_apus  common European bird with a shrieking call that nests chiefly about eaves of buildings or on cliffs
                 subtype:  chimney_swift__chimney_swallow__chimneyswallow__Chateura_pelagica  American swift that nests in e.g. unused chimneys
                 subtype:  swiftlet__Collocalia_inexpectata  swift of eastern Asia; produces the edible bird's nest
              subtype:  tree_swift__crested_swift__crestedswift  birds of southeast Asia and East Indies differing from true swifts in having upright crests and nesting in trees
              subtype:  hummingbird  tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills; wings are specialized for vibrating flight
                 subtype:  Archilochus_colubris  a kind of hummingbird
                 subtype:  thornbill  any of various South American hummingbirds with a sharp pointed bill
           subtype:  caprimulgiform_bird  long-winged nonpasserine birds
              subtype:  goatsucker__nightjar__caprimulgid  mainly crepuscular or nocturnal nonpasserine birds with mottled grayish-brown plumage and large eyes; feed on insects
                 subtype:  European_goatsucker__European_nightjar__Caprimulgus_europaeus  Old World goatsucker
                 subtype:  chuck-will's-widow__Caprimulgus_carolinensis  large whippoorwill-like bird of the southern United States
                 subtype:  whippoorwill__Caprimulgus_vociferus  American nocturnal goatsucker with gray-and-white plumage
                 subtype:  nighthawk__bullbat__mosquito_hawk  mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker
                 subtype:  poorwill__Phalaenoptilus_nuttallii  goatsucker of western North America
              subtype:  frogmouth  insectivorous bird of Australia and southeastern Asia having a wide frog-like mouth
              subtype:  oilbird__guacharo__Steatornis_caripensis  nocturnal fruit-eating bird of South America that has fatty young yielding an oil that is used instead of butter
           subtype:  piciform_bird  any of numerous nonpasserine insectivorous climbing birds usually having strong bills for boring wood
              subtype:  woodpecker__peckerwood__pecker  bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects
                 subtype:  green_woodpecker__greenwoodpecker__Picus_viridis  woodpecker of Europe and western Asia
                 subtype:  downy_woodpecked__downywoodpecked  small North American woodpecker with black and white plumage and a small bill
                 subtype:  flicker  North American woodpecker
                    subtype:  yellow-shafted_flicker__Colaptes_auratus__yellowhammer  large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail
                    subtype:  gilded_flicker__Colaptes_chrysoides  southwestern United States bird like the yellow-shafted flicker but lacking the red neck
                    subtype:  red-shafted_flicker__redshaftedflicker__Colaptes_caper_collaris  western United States bird with red undersurface to wings and tail
                 subtype:  ivorybill__ivory-billed_woodpecker__Campephilus_principalis  large black-and-white woodpecker of southern United States and Cuba having an ivory bill; nearly extinct
                 subtype:  redheaded_woodpecker__redheadedwoodpecker__redhead__melanerpeserythrocephalu  black-and-white North American woodpecker having a red head and neck
                 subtype:  sapsucker  small American woodpecker that feeds on sap from e.g. apple and maple trees
                    subtype:  yellow-bellied_sapsucker__Sphyrapicus_varius  eastern North American sapsucker having a pale yellow abdomen
                    subtype:  red-breasted_sapsucker__Sphyrapicus_varius_ruber  western North American sapsucker
                 subtype:  wryneck  Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck
                 subtype:  piculet  small woodpeckers of South America and Africa and East Indies having soft rounded tail feathers
              subtype:  barbet  small brightly colored stout-billed tropical bird having short weak wings
              subtype:  puffbird  brownish tropical American bird having a large head with fluffed out feathers
              subtype:  honey_guide__honeyguide  small bird of tropical Africa and Asia; feeds on beeswax and honey and larvae
              subtype:  jacamar  tropical American insectivorous bird having a long sharp bill and iridescent green or bronze plumage
              subtype:  toucan  brilliantly colored arboreal fruit-eating bird of tropical America having a very large thin-walled beak
                 subtype:  toucanet  small toucan
           subtype:  trogon  forest bird of warm regions of the New World having brilliant lustrous plumage and long tails
              subtype:  quetzal_bird__quetzalbird__quetzal  large trogon of Central and South America having golden-green and scarlet plumage
                 subtype:  resplendent_quetzel__resplendentquetzel__resplendent_trogon__resplendenttrogon__Pharomacrus_mocino  very rare Central American bird; the national bird of Guatemala
           subtype:  aquatic_bird__aquaticbird  wading and swimming and diving birds of either fresh or salt water
              subtype:  waterfowl__water_bird__waterbird__waterbird  freshwater aquatic bird
                 subtype:  anseriform_bird  chiefly web-footed swimming birds
                    subtype:  duck  small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs
                       subtype:  drake  adult male of a wild or domestic duck
                       subtype:  quack-quack  child's word for a duck
                       subtype:  duckling  young duck
                       subtype:  diving_duck  any of various ducks of especially bays and estuaries that dive for their food
                       subtype:  dabbling_duck__dabbler  any of numerous shallow-water ducks that feed by upending and dabbling
                       subtype:  mallard__Anas_platyrhynchos  wild dabbling duck from which domestic ducks are descended; widely distributed
                       subtype:  black_duck__blackduck__Anas_rubripes  dusky black duck of northeastern United States and Canada
                       subtype:  teal  any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America
                          subtype:  greenwing__green-winged_teal__Anas_crecca  common teal of Eurasia and North America
                          subtype:  bluewing__blue-winged_teal__Anas_discors  American teal
                          subtype:  garganey__Anas_querquedula  small Eurasian teal
                       subtype:  widgeon__wigeon__Anas_penelope  freshwater duck of Eurasia and North Africa related to mallards and teals
                          subtype:  American_widgeon__baldpate__Anas_americana  American widgeon the male of which has a white crown
                       subtype:  Anas_clypeata__shoveler__shoveller__broadbill  freshwater duck of the northern hemisphere having a broad flat bill
                       subtype:  pintail__pin-tailed_duck__Anas_acuta  long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers
                       subtype:  sheldrake  Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill
                          subtype:  shelduck  female sheldrake
                       subtype:  ruddy_duck__ruddyduck__oxyurajamaicensi  reddish-brown stiff-tailed duck of North America and and northern South America
                       subtype:  bufflehead__butterball__dipper__Bucephela_albeola  small North American diving duck; males have bushy head plumage
                       subtype:  goldeneye__whistler__Bucephela_clangula  large-headed swift-flying diving duck of arctic regions
                          subtype:  Barrow's_goldeneye__Bucephala_islandica  North American goldeneye diving duck
                       subtype:  canvasback_duck__canvasback__Aythya_valisineria  North American wild duck valued for sport and food
                       subtype:  pochard__Aythya_ferina  heavy-bodied Old World diving duck having a gray-and-black body and reddish head
                       subtype:  Aythya_americana__redhead  North American diving duck with a gray-and-black body and reddish-brown head
                       subtype:  scaup_duck__scaupduck__bluebill__broadbill  diving ducks of North America having a bluish-gray bill
                          subtype:  greater_scaup__greaterscaup__Aythya_marila  large scaup of North America having a greenish iridescence on the head of the male
                          subtype:  lesser_scaup_duck__lesser_scaup__lake_duck__Aythya_affinis  common scaup of North America; males have purplish heads
                       subtype:  wild_duck  an undomesticated duck (especially a mallard)
                       subtype:  wood_duck__summer_duck__wood_widgeon__Aix_sponsa  showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees
                          subtype:  wood_drake  male wood duck
                       subtype:  mandarin_duck__Aix_galericulata  showy crested Asiatic duck; often domesticated
                       subtype:  muscovy_duck__muscovyduck__muskduck__Cairina_moschata  large crested wild duck of Central and South America; widely domesticated
                       subtype:  sea_duck__seaduck  any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser
                          subtype:  eider_duck__eiderduck  duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of the females
                          subtype:  scoter__scooter  large black diving duck of northern parts of the northern hemisphere
                             subtype:  common_scoter__Melanitta_nigra  a variety of scoter
                          subtype:  old_squaw__oldsquaw__oldwife__clangulahyemali  a common long-tailed sea duck of the northern parts of the United States
                          subtype:  merganser__fish_duck__sawbill  large crested fish-eating diving duck having a slender hooked bill with serrated edges
                             subtype:  goosander__Mergus_merganser  common merganser of Europe and North America
                             subtype:  American_merganser__Mergus_merganser_americanus  common North American diving duck considered a variety of the European goosander
                             subtype:  red-breasted_merganser__Mergus_serrator  widely distributed merganser of America and Europe
                             subtype:  smew__Mergus_albellus  smallest merganser and most expert diver; found in northern Eurasia
                             subtype:  hooded_merganser__hooded_sheldrake__Lophodytes_cucullatus  small North American duck with a high circular crest on the male's head
                    subtype:  goose  web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks
                       subtype:  gosling  young goose
                       subtype:  gander  mature male goose
                       subtype:  Chinese_goose__Anser_cygnoides  very large wild goose of northeast Asia; interbreeds freely with the graylag
                       subtype:  graylag__greylag__greylag_goose__greylaggoose__Anser_anser  common gray wild goose of Europe; ancestor of many domestic breeds
                       subtype:  blue_goose__Chen_caerulescens  North American wild goose having dark plumage in summer but white in winter
                          subtype:  snow_goose  blue goose in the white color phase
                       subtype:  brant_goose__brantgoose__brant__brent__brent_goose__brentgoose  small dark geese that breed in the north and migrate southward
                          subtype:  common_brant_goose__Branta_bernicla  the best known variety of brant goose
                       subtype:  Canada_goose__honker__Canadian_goose__Branta_canadensis  common grayish-brown wild goose of North America
                       subtype:  barnacle_goose__barnacle__Branta_leucopsis  European goose smaller than the brant; breeds in the far north
                 subtype:  screamer  gooselike aquatic bird of South America having a harsh trumpeting call
                    subtype:  horned_screamer__Anhima_cornuta  screamer having a hornlike process projecting from the forehead
                    subtype:  crested_screamer__crestedscreamer  distinguished from the horned screamer by a feathery crest on the back of the head
                       subtype:  chaja__Chauna_torquata  largest crested screamer; naive to southern Brazil and Argentina
              subtype:  swan  stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult
                 subtype:  coscoroba  large white South American bird intermediate in some respects between ducks and swans
                 subtype:  cob  adult male swan
                 subtype:  pen.swan  female swan
                 subtype:  cygnet  a young swan
                 subtype:  mute_swan__Cygnus_olor  soundless Eurasian swan; commonly domesticated
                 subtype:  whooper_swan__whooperswan__whooper__Cygnus_cygnus  common Old World swan noted for its whooping call
                 subtype:  tundra_swan__Cygnus_columbianus  swan that nests in tundra regions of the New and Old Worlds
                    subtype:  whistling_swan__whistlingswan__cygnuscolumbianuscolumbianu  North American subspecies of tundra swan having a soft whistling note
                    subtype:  Bewick's_swan__Cygnus_columbianus_bewickii  Eurasian subspecies of tundra swan; smaller than the whooper
                 subtype:  trumpeter_swan__trumpeterswan__trumpeter__Cygnus_buccinator  large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry
                 subtype:  black_swan__blackswan__Cygnus_atratus  large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill
              subtype:  wading_bird__wader  any of many long-legged birds that wade in water in search of food
                 subtype:  stork  large mostly Old World wading birds typically having white-and-black plumage
                    subtype:  white_stork__whitestork__Ciconia_ciconia  the common stork of Europe; white with black wing feathers and a red bill
                    subtype:  black_stork__blackstork__Ciconia_nigra  Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below
                    subtype:  adjutant_bird__adjutant__adjutant_stork__Leptoptilus_dubius  large Indian stork with a military gait
                    subtype:  marabou_stork__maraboustork__marabou__marabout__Leptoptilus_crumeniferus  large African black-and-white carrion-eating stork; downy under-wing feathers are used to trim garments
                    subtype:  openbill  stork with a grooved bill whose upper and lower parts touch only at the base and tip
                    subtype:  jabiru__Jabiru_mycteria  large white stork of warm regions of the world especially America
                    subtype:  saddlebill__jabiru__Ephippiorhynchus_senegalensis  large black-and-white stork of tropical Africa; its red bill has a black band around the middle
                    subtype:  policeman_bird__policemanbird__black-necked_stork__jabiru__Xenorhyncus_asiaticus  large mostly white Australian stork
                    subtype:  Mycteria_americana__wood_ibis__wood_stork  American stork resembling the true ibises in having a downward-curved bill; inhabits wooded swamps of New World tropics
                 subtype:  shoebill__shoebird__Balaeniceps_rex  large stork-like bird of the valley of the White Nile with a broad bill suggesting a wooden shoe
                 subtype:  ibis  wading birds of warm regions having long slender down-curved bills
                    subtype:  wood_ibis__wood_stork__Ibis_ibis  Old World wood ibis
                    subtype:  sacred_ibis__Threskiornis_aethiopica  African ibis venerated by ancient Egyptians
                 subtype:  spoonbill  wading birds having a long flat bill with a tip like a spoon
                    subtype:  common_spoonbill__Platalea_leucorodia  pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa
                    subtype:  roseate_spoonbill__roseatespoonbill__Ajaia_ajaja  tropical rose-colored New World spoonbill
                 subtype:  flamingo  large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish lakes
                 subtype:  heron  gray or white wading bird with long neck and long legs and (usually) long bill
                    subtype:  great_blue_heron__Ardea_herodius  large American heron having bluish-gray plumage
                    subtype:  Ardea_occidentalis__great_white_heron__greatwhiteheron  large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys
                    subtype:  egret  any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breeding season
                       subtype:  snowy_egret__snowyegret__snowy_heron__snowyheron__Egretta_thula  small New World egret
                       subtype:  little_egret__Egretta_garzetta  Old World egret
                       subtype:  great_white_heron__greatwhiteheron__Casmerodius_albus  widely distributed Old World white egret
                       subtype:  American_egret__great_white_heron__greatwhiteheron__Egretta_albus  the common American egret; a variety of the Old World Casmerodius albus
                       subtype:  cattle_egret__Bubulcus_ibis  small white egret widely distributed in warm regions often found around grazing animals
                    subtype:  little_blue_heron__Egretta_caerulea  small bluish gray heron of the western hemisphere
                    subtype:  night_heron__nightheron__night_raven__nightraven  nocturnal or crepuscular herons
                       subtype:  black-crowned_night_heron__blackcrownednightheron__Nycticorax_nycticorax  night heron of both Old and New Worlds
                       subtype:  yellow-crowned_night_heron__Nyctanassa_violacea  North American night heron
                    subtype:  boatbill__boat-billed_heron__broadbill__Cochlearius_cochlearius  tropical American heron related to night herons
                    subtype:  bittern  relatively small compact tawny-brown heron with nocturnal habits and a booming cry; found in marshes
                       subtype:  American_bittern__stake_driver__stakedriver__Botaurus_lentiginosus  a kind of bittern
                       subtype:  European_bittern__Botaurus_stellaris  a kind of bittern
                       subtype:  least_bittern__leastbittern__Ixobrychus_exilis  small American bittern
                 subtype:  crane  large long-necked wading bird of marshes and plains in many parts of the world
                    subtype:  whooping_crane__whooper__Grus_americana  rare North American crane having black-and-white plumage and a trumpeting call
                 subtype:  courlan__Aramus_guarauna  wading bird of South and Central America
                 subtype:  limpkin__Aramus_pictus  wading bird of Florida, Cuba and Jamaica having a drooping bill and a distinctive wailing call
                 subtype:  crested_cariama__crestedcariama__seriema__Cariama_cristata  Brazilian cariama; sole representative of the genus Cariama
                 subtype:  chunga__seriema__Chunga_burmeisteri  Argentinian cariama
                 subtype:  rail.wading_bird  any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
                    subtype:  weka__maori_hen__maorihen__wood_hen  flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting
                    subtype:  crake  any of several short-billed Old World rails
                       subtype:  corncrake__land_rail__Crex_crex  common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
                       subtype:  spotted_crake__spottedcrake__Porzana_porzana  Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes
                    subtype:  notornis__takahe__Notornis_mantelli  flightless New Zealand birds similar to gallinules
                    subtype:  coot  slaty-black slow-flying birds somewhat resembling ducks
                       subtype:  American_coot__marsh_hen__marshhen__mud_hen__mudhen__water_hen__waterhen__Fulica_americana  North American coot
                       subtype:  Old_World_coot__Fulica_atra  Eurasian coot
                 subtype:  bustard  large heavy-bodied chiefly terrestrial game bird capable of powerful swift flight; classified with wading birds but frequents grassy steppes
                    subtype:  great_bustard__greatbustard__Otis_tarda  largest European land bird
                    subtype:  plain_turkey__plainturkey__Choriotis_australis  popular Australian game bird
                 subtype:  button_quail__bustard_quail__bustardquail__hemipode  small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and North Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains
                    subtype:  striped_button_quail__Turnix_sylvatica  a variety of button quail having stripes
                 subtype:  ortygan  any of several East Indian birds
                 subtype:  plain_wanderer__plainwanderer__pedionomustorquatu  small Australian bird related to the button quail; classified as wading bird but inhabits plains
                 subtype:  trumpeter  large gregarious forest-dwelling cranelike bird of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged cry; easily domesticated
                    subtype:  Brazilian_trumpeter__Psophia_crepitans  trumpeter of Brazil and Guiana; often kept to protect poultry in Brazil
                 subtype:  shorebird__shore_bird__shorebird__limicoline_bird__limicolinebird  any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries
                    subtype:  plover  any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of relatively compact build having straight bills and large pointed wings; closely related to the sandpipers
                       subtype:  piping_plover__Charadrius_melodus  small plover of eastern North America
                       subtype:  killdeer_plover__killdeer__kildeer__Charadrius_vociferus  American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry
                       subtype:  dotterel__dotrel__Charadrius_morinellus__Eudromias_morinellus  rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia
                       subtype:  golden_plover  plovers of Europe and America having the backs marked with golden-yellow spots
                       subtype:  lapwing__green_plover__greenplover__peewit__pewit  large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs
                       subtype:  turnstone  migratory shorebirds of the plover family that turn over stones in searching for food
                          subtype:  ruddy_turnstone__ruddyturnstone__Arenaria_interpres  common arctic turnstone that winters south to South America and Australia
                          subtype:  black_turnstone__blackturnstone__Arenaria-Melanocephala  common turnstone of North American Pacific coast
                    subtype:  sandpiper  any of numerous usually small wading birds having a slender bill and piping call; closely related to the plovers
                       subtype:  European_sandpiper__Actitis_hypoleucos  a variety of sandpiper
                       subtype:  spotted_sandpiper__spottedsandpiper__Actitis_macularia  common North American sandpiper
                       subtype:  least_sandpiper__leastsandpiper__stint__Erolia_minutilla  smallest American sandpiper
                       subtype:  red-backed_sandpiper__dunlin__Erolia_alpina  small common sandpiper that breeds in northern or arctic regions and winters in southern United States or Mediterranean regions
                       subtype:  greenshank__Tringa_nebularia  large European sandpiper with greenish legs
                       subtype:  redshank__Tringa_totanus  a common Old World wading bird with long red legs
                       subtype:  yellowlegs  either of two North American shorebird with yellow legs
                          subtype:  greater_yellowlegs__Tringa_melanoleuca  a variety of yellowlegs
                          subtype:  lesser_yellowlegs__Tringa_flavipes  a variety of yellowlegs
                       subtype:  pectoral_sandpiper__jacksnipe__Calidris_melanotos  American sandpiper that inflates its chest when courting
                       subtype:  grayback__knot__Calidris_canutus  sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and winters in the S hemisphere
                       subtype:  curlew_sandpiper__Calidris_Ferruginea  Old World sandpiper with a curved bill like a curlew
                       subtype:  sanderling__Crocethia_alba  small sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and migrates south along sandy coasts in most of world
                       subtype:  upland_sandpiper__upland_plover__Bartramian_sandpiper__Bartramia_longicauda  large plover-like sandpiper of North American fields and uplands
                       subtype:  Philomachus_pugnax__ruff  common Eurasian sandpiper; male has an erectile ruff in breeding season
                          subtype:  reeve  female ruff
                       subtype:  tattler  any of several long-legged shorebirds having a loud whistling cry
                          subtype:  Polynesian_tattler__Heteroscelus_incanus  tattler of Pacific coastal regions
                          subtype:  willet__Catoptrophorus_semipalmatus  large North American shorebird of eastern and Gulf coasts
                    subtype:  surfbird__Aphriza_virgata  sandpiper-like shorebird of Pacific coasts of North and South America
                    subtype:  woodcock  game bird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe
                       subtype:  Eurasian_woodcock__Scolopax_rusticola  short-legged long-billed migratory Old World woodcock
                       subtype:  American_woodcock__woodcock_snipe__Philohela_minor  small long-billed American woodcock; prized as a game bird
                    subtype:  snipe  Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks
                       subtype:  whole_snipe__wholesnipe__common_snipe__Gallinago_gallinago  common snipe of Eurasia and Africa
                       subtype:  Wilson's_snipe__Gallinago_gallinago_delicata  American snipe
                       subtype:  great_snipe__greatsnipe__woodcock_snipe__Gallinago_media  Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe
                       subtype:  jacksnipe__half_snipe__Limnocryptes_minima  a small short-billed Old World snipe
                       subtype:  dowitcher  shorebird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe
                          subtype:  Limnodromus_griseus__grayback  a dowitcher with a gray back
                          subtype:  red-breasted_snipe__Limnodromus_scolopaceus  a dowitcher with a red breast
                    subtype:  curlew  large migratory shorebirds of the sandpiper family; closely related to woodcocks but having a down-curved bill
                       subtype:  European_curlew__Numenius_arquata  common Eurasian curlew
                       subtype:  Eskimo_curlew__Numenius_borealis  New World curlew that breeds in northern North America
                    subtype:  godwit  large wading bird that resembles a curlew; has a long slightly upturned bill
                       subtype:  Hudsonian_godwit__Limosa_haemastica  New World godwit
                    subtype:  Himantopus_stilt__stilt__stiltbird__longlegs__stilt_plover__stiltplover  long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons
                       subtype:  black-necked_stilt__Himantopus_mexicanus  stilt of southwestern United States to northern South America having black plumage extending from the head down the back of the neck
                       subtype:  black-winged_stilt__Himantopus_himantopus  stilt of Europe and Africa and Asia having mostly white plumage but with black wings
                       subtype:  white-headed_stilt__Himantopus_himantopus_leucocephalus__himantopushimantopusleucocephalu  stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck
                       subtype:  kaki__Himantopus_novae-zelandiae  blackish stilt of New Zealand sometimes considered a color phase of the white-headed stilt
                    subtype:  Australian_stilt__stilt  long-legged three-toed wading bird of brackish marshes of Australia
                       subtype:  banded_stilt__Cladorhyncus_leucocephalum  web-footed Australian stilt with reddish-brown pectoral markings
                    subtype:  avocet  long-legged web-footed black-and-white shorebird with slender upward-curving bill
                    subtype:  oystercatcher__oyster_catcher  black-and-white shorebird with stout legs and bill; feed on oysters etc.
                    subtype:  phalarope  small sandpiper-like shorebird having lobate toes and being good swimmers; breed in the arctic and winter in the tropics
                       subtype:  red_phalarope__redphalarope__Phalaropus_fulicarius  phalarope of northern oceans and lakes
                       subtype:  northern_phalarope__Lobipes_lobatus  breeds in arctic regions of Old and New worlds; large flocks often seen far out at sea
                       subtype:  Wilson's_phalarope__Steganopus_tricolor  breeds on the northern great plains of Canada
                    subtype:  pratincole__glareole  Old World shorebird with long pointed wings and short legs; closely related to the coursers
                    subtype:  courser  swift-footed terrestrial plover-like bird of southern Asia and Africa
                       subtype:  cream-colored_courser__creamcoloredcourser__Cursorius_cursor  courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World
                       subtype:  crocodile_bird__crocodilebird__Pluvianus_aegyptius  African courser that feeds on insect parasites on crocodiles
                    subtype:  stone_curlew__stonecurlew__thick-knee__thickknee__Burhinus_oedicnemus  large-headed large-eyed crepuscular or nocturnal shorebird of the Old World and tropical America having a thickened knee joint
              subtype:  gallinule__marsh_hen__marshhen__water_hen__waterhen__swamphen  any of various small aquatic birds of the genus Gallinula distinguished from rails by a frontal shield and a resemblance to domestic hens
                 subtype:  Florida_gallinule__Gallinula_chloropus_cachinnans  North American dark bluish-gray gallinule
                 subtype:  Gallinula_chloropus__moorhen  black gallinule that inhabits ponds and lakes
                 subtype:  purple_gallinule  gallinules with showy purplish plumage
                    subtype:  European_gallinule__Porphyrio_porphyrio__porphyrioporphyrio  purple gallinule of southern Europe
                    subtype:  American_gallinule__Porphyrula_martinica  American purple gallinule
              subtype:  seabird__sea_bird__seabird__seafowl  a bird that frequents coastal waters and the open ocean: gulls; pelicans; gannets; cormorants; albatrosses; petrels; etc.
                 subtype:  coastal_diving_bird  gull family; skimmer family; jaeger family; auk family
                    subtype:  larid  long-winged web-footed aquatic bird of the gull family
                       subtype:  sea_gull__seagull__seagull  mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs
                          subtype:  mew_gull__mewgull__sea_mew__Larus_canus  the common gull of Eurasia and northeastern North America
                          subtype:  great_black-backed_gull__black-backed_gull__cob__larusmarinu  white gull having a black back and wings
                          subtype:  herring_gull__herringgull__Larus_argentatus  large gull of the northern hemisphere
                          subtype:  laughing_gull__blackcap__pewit__pewit_gull__pewitgull__Larus_ridibundus  small black-headed European gull
                          subtype:  ivory_gull__ivorygull__Pagophila_eburnea  white arctic gull; migrates as far south as England and New Brunswick
                          subtype:  kittiwake  small pearl-gray gull of northern regions; nests on cliffs and has a rudimentary hind toe
                       subtype:  tern  small slender gull having narrow wings and a forked tail
                          subtype:  sea_swallow__seaswallow__Sterna_hirundo  common tern of Eurasia and America having white black and gray plumage
                    subtype:  skimmer  gull-like seabird that flies along the surface of the water with an elongated lower mandible immersed to skim out food
                    subtype:  jaeger  rapacious seabird that pursues weaker birds to make them drop their prey
                       subtype:  parasitic_jaeger__parasiticjaeger__arctic_skua__Stercorarius_parasiticus  a variety of jaeger
                       subtype:  skua__bonxie  gull-like jaeger of northern seas
                          subtype:  great_skua__greatskua__catharactaskua  large brown skua of the North Atlantic
                 subtype:  auk  black-and-white short-necked web-footed diving bird of northern seas
                    subtype:  auklet  any of several small auks of north Pacific coasts
                    subtype:  razorbill__razor-billed_auk__Alca_torda  black-and-white North Atlantic auk having a compressed sharp-edged bill
                    subtype:  little_auk__dovekie__plautusalle  small short-billed auk abundant in arctic regions
                    subtype:  great_auk__greatauk__Pinguinus_impennis  large large flightless auk of rocky islands off North Atlantic coast; extinct
                    subtype:  guillemot  small black or brown speckled auks of northern seas
                       subtype:  black_guillemot__blackguillemot__Cepphus_grylle  North Atlantic guillemot
                       subtype:  pigeon_guillemot__Cepphus_columba  North Pacific guillemot
                       subtype:  murre  black-and-white diving bird of northern seas
                          subtype:  common_murre__Uria_aalge  the most frequent variety of murre
                          subtype:  thick-billed_murre__Uria_lomvia  a variety of murre
                 subtype:  puffin  any of two genera of northern seabirds having short necks and brightly colored compressed bills
                    subtype:  Atlantic_puffin__Fratercula_arctica  common puffin of the North Atlantic
                    subtype:  horned_puffin__Fratercula_corniculata  N Pacific puffin
                    subtype:  tufted_puffin__Lunda_cirrhata  N Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye
                 subtype:  gaviiform_seabird__gaviiformseabird  seabirds of the order Gaviiformes
                    subtype:  loon.gaviiform_seabird__diver  large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes
                 subtype:  podicipitiform_seabird  aquatic birds related to the loons
                    subtype:  grebe  small compact-bodied almost completely aquatic bird that builds floating nests; similar to loons but smaller and with lobate rather than webbed feet
                       subtype:  great_crested_grebe__greatcrestedgrebe__Podiceps_cristatus  large Old World grebe with black ear tufts
                       subtype:  red-necked_grebe__Podiceps_grisegena  large stocky grebe of circumpolar regions having a dark neck
                       subtype:  black-necked_grebe__eared_grebe__Podiceps_nigricollis  small grebe with yellow ear tufts and a black neck; found in Eurasia and southern Africa as well as western United States
                       subtype:  dabchick__little_grebe__Podiceps_ruficollis  small European grebe
                       subtype:  pied-billed_grebe__Podilymbus_podiceps  American grebe having a black-banded whitish bill
                 subtype:  pelecaniform_seabird  large fish-eating seabird with four-toed webbed feet
                    subtype:  pelican  large long-winged warm-water seabird having a large bill with a distensible pouch for fish
                       subtype:  white_pelican__whitepelican__Pelecanus_erythrorhynchos  large American pelican; white with black wing feathers
                       subtype:  Old_world_white_pelican__Pelecanus_onocrotalus  similar to American white pelican
                    subtype:  frigate_bird__frigatebird__manofwarbird  long-billed warm-water seabird with wide wingspan and forked tail
                    subtype:  gannet  large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish
                       subtype:  solan_goose__solangoose__solan__solant_goose__Sula_bassana  very large white gannet with black wing tips
                       subtype:  booby  small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both
                    subtype:  cormorant__phalacrocoraxcarbo  large voracious dark-colored long-necked seabird with a distensible pouch for holding fish; used in Asia to catch fish
                    subtype:  snakebird__anhinga__darter  fish-eating bird of warm inland waters having a long flexible neck and slender sharp-pointed bill
                       subtype:  water_turkey__waterturkey__Anhinga_anhinga  blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions
                    subtype:  tropic_bird__boatswain_bird__boatswainbird  mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land
                 subtype:  sphenisciform_seabird__sphenisciformseabird  flightless cold-water seabirds: penguins
                    subtype:  penguin  short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers
                       subtype:  Adelie_penguin__Adelie__Pygoscelis_adeliae  medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie coast of Antarctica
                       subtype:  king_penguin__Aptenodytes_patagonica  large penguin on islands bordering the Antarctic Circle
                       subtype:  emperor_penguin__emperorpenguin__Aptenodytes_forsteri  the largest penguin; an Antarctic penguin
                       subtype:  jackass_penguin__jackasspenguin__Spheniscus_demersus  small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call
                       subtype:  rock_hopper__crested_penguin__crestedpenguin  small penguin of the Falkland Islands and New Zealand
                 subtype:  pelagic_bird__pelagicbird__oceanic_bird__oceanicbird  bird of the open seas
                    subtype:  procellariiform_seabird__procellariiformseabird  large long-winged bird with hooked bill and tubular nostrils that wanders the open seas
                    subtype:  mollymawk__albatross__albatros  large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings; noted for powerful gliding flight
                       subtype:  wandering_albatross__wanderingalbatros__Diomedea_exulans  very large albatross; white with wide black wings
                       subtype:  black-footed_albatross__gooney__gooney_bird__goonie__goony__Diomedea_nigripes  a variety of albatross with black feet
                    subtype:  petrel  relatively small long-winged tube-nosed bird that flies far from land
                       subtype:  white-chinned_petrel__whitechinnedpetrel__Procellaria_aequinoctialis  large black petrel of southern seas having a white mark on the chin
                       subtype:  giant_petrel__giantpetrel__giantfulmar__macronectesgiganteu  large brownish petrel chiefly of Antarctic seas
                       subtype:  fulmar_petrel__fulmar__Fulmarus_glacialis  heavy short-tailed oceanic bird of polar regions
                       subtype:  shearwater  long-winged oceanic bird that in flight skims close to the waves
                          subtype:  Manx_shearwater__Puffinus_puffinus  small black-and-white shearwater common in the eastern North Atlantic
                       subtype:  storm_petrel__stormpetrel  any of various small petrels having dark plumage with paler underparts
                          subtype:  stormy_petrel__northern_storm_petrel__Hydrobates_pelagicus  sooty black petrel with white markings; of the north Atlantic and Mediterranean
                          subtype:  Mother_Carey's_chicken__Mother_Carey's_hen__Oceanites_oceanicus  medium-sized storm petrel
                    subtype:  diving_petrel  any of several small diving birds of S hemisphere seas; somewhat resemble auks
           subtype:  twitterer  a bird that twitters
        subtype:  amphibian  cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water; aquatic larvae undergo metamorphosis into adult form
           subtype:  Hynerpeton_bassetti  fossil amphibian of the Devonian having well-developed forelimbs; found in Pennsylvania
           subtype:  Ichyostega  early tetrapod amphibian found in Greenland
           subtype:  urodele  amphibians that resemble lizards
           subtype:  salamander  any of various typically terrestrial amphibians that resemble lizards and that return to water only to breed
              subtype:  European_fire_salamander__Salamandra_salamandra  a kind of European salamander
              subtype:  fire_salamander__spotted_salamander__spottedsalamander__Salamandra_maculosa  European salamander having dark skin with usually yellow spots
              subtype:  alpine_salamander__Salamandra_atra  ovoviviparous amphibian of the Alps
              subtype:  newt__triton  small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and North Asia
                 subtype:  common_newt__Triturus_vulgaris  small semiaquatic salamander
                 subtype:  red_eft__redeft__Notophthalmus_viridescens  red terrestrial form of a common North American newt
                 subtype:  Pacific_newt  any of several rough-skinned newts found in western North America
                    subtype:  rough-skinned_newt__roughskinnednewt__Taricha_granulosa  newt of humid coast from Alaska to southern California
                    subtype:  California_newt__Taricha_torosa  newt that is similar to Taricha granulosa in characteristics and habitat
                 subtype:  eft  a newt in its terrestrial stage of development
              subtype:  ambystomid_salamander__ambystomid  small to moderate-sized terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander
                 subtype:  mole_salamander__Ambystoma_talpoideum  brownish-black burrowing salamander of southeastern United States
                 subtype:  spotted_salamander__spottedsalamander__Ambystoma_maculatum  glossy black North American salamander with yellow spots
                 subtype:  tiger_salamander__tigersalamander__Ambystoma_tigrinum  widely distributed brown or black North American salamander with vertical yellowish blotches
                 subtype:  axolotl__mud_puppy__Ambystoma_mexicanum  larval salamander of mountain lakes of Mexico that usually lives without metamorphosing
                 subtype:  waterdog  any of several large aquatic salamanders
              subtype:  hellbender__mud_puppy__Cryptobranchus_alleganiensis  large salamander of North American rivers and streams
              subtype:  giant_salamander__giantsalamander__megalobatrachusmaximu  large (up to more than three feet) edible salamander of Asia
              subtype:  olm__Proteus_anguinus  European cave-dwelling aquatic salamander with permanent external gills
              subtype:  mud_puppy__Necturus_maculosus  aquatic North American salamander with red feathery external gills
              subtype:  dicamptodon__dicamptodontid  salamanders found near cold streams throughout the year
              subtype:  Pacific_giant_salamander__Dicamptodon_ensatus  large (to 7 inches) salamander of western North America
              subtype:  olympic_salamander__olympicsalamander__Rhyacotriton_olympicus  small large-eyed semiaquatic salamander of the United States northwest
              subtype:  lungless_salamander__plethodont  mostly terrestrial salamanders that breathe through their thin moist skin; lay eggs in moist places on land; rarely enter water
              subtype:  eastern_red-backed_salamander__Plethodon_cinereus  common salamander of eastern North America
              subtype:  western_red-backed_salamander__Plethodon_vehiculum  salamander of the Pacific coast of North America
              subtype:  dusky_salamander__duskysalamander  common North American salamander mottled with dull brown or grayish-black
              subtype:  climbing_salamander  any of several North American salamanders adapted for climbing with well-developed limbs and long somewhat squared-off toes
                 subtype:  arboreal_salamander__Aneides_lugubris  yellow-spotted brown salamander of California woodlands
              subtype:  slender_salamander__slendersalamander__worm_salamander  any of several small slim salamanders of the United States Pacific coast
              subtype:  web-toed_salamander  any of several salamanders with webbed toes and very long extensile tongues; excellent climbers that move with ease over smooth rock surfaces
                 subtype:  Shasta_salamander__Hydromantes_shastae  primarily a cave dweller in the Mount Shasta area
                 subtype:  limestone_salamander__limestonesalamander__hydromantesbrunu  similar to Shasta salamander; lives in cliff crevices and taluses
              subtype:  amphiuma__congo_snake__congo_eel__congoeel__blind_eel__blindeel  aquatic eel-shaped salamander having two pairs of very small feet; of still muddy waters in the southern United States
              subtype:  siren  eel-like aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills
           subtype:  toad__frog__toadfrog__anuran__batrachian__salientian  any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species
              subtype:  true_frog__ranid  insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs
                 subtype:  woodfrog__Rana_sylvatica  wide-ranging light-brown frog of moist North American woodlands especially spruce
                 subtype:  leopard_frog__leopardfrog__spring_frog__Rana_pipiens  common North American green or brownish frog having white-edged dark oval spots
                 subtype:  bullfrog__Rana_catesbeiana  largest North American frog; highly aquatic with a deep-pitched voice
                 subtype:  green_frog__greenfrog__spring_frog__Rana_clamitans  similar to bullfrog; found in or near marshes and ponds; of United States and Canada
                 subtype:  cascades_frog__Rana_cascadae  mountain frog found near water; of United States northwest to California
                 subtype:  goliath_frog__goliathfrog__Rana_goliath  largest living frog; up to a foot and weighing up to 10 lbs; Africa
                 subtype:  pickerel_frog__Rana_palustris  a meadow frog of eastern North America
                 subtype:  tarahumara_frog__Rana_tarahumarae  Mexican frog found within a jump of two or water
                 subtype:  grass_frog__grassfrog__Rana_temporaria  a common semiterrestrial European frog
              subtype:  leptodactylid_frog__leptodactylidfrog__leptodactylid  toothed frogs: terrestrial or aquatic or arboreal
              subtype:  robber_frog  small terrestrial frog of tropical America
              subtype:  barking_frog__barkingfrog__robber_frog__Hylactophryne_augusti  of southwest United States and Mexico; call is like a dog's bark
              subtype:  crapaud__South_American_bullfrog__Leptodactylus_pentadactylus  large toothed frog of South and Central America resembling the bullfrog
              subtype:  tree_frog__treefrog  any of various Old World arboreal frogs distinguished from true frogs by adhesive suckers on the toes
              subtype:  tailed_frog__bell_toad__ribbed_toad__tailed_toad__Ascaphus_trui  western North American frog with a tail-like copulatory organ
              subtype:  Liopelma_hamiltoni  primitive New Zealand frog with four unwebbed toes on forefeet and five on hind feet
              subtype:  true_toad  tailless amphibian similar to a frog but more terrestrial and having drier warty skin
                 subtype:  bufo  any toad of the genus Bufo
                 subtype:  agua_toad__agua__Bufo_marinus  largest known toad species; native to Central America; valuable destroyer of insect pests
                 subtype:  European_toad__Bufo_bufo  common toad of Europe
                 subtype:  natterjack__Bufo_calamita  common brownish-yellow short-legged toad of western Europe; runs rather than hops
                 subtype:  American_toad__Bufo_americanus  common toad of America
                 subtype:  Eurasian_green_toad__Bufo_viridis  Eurasian toad with variable chiefly green coloring
                 subtype:  American_green_toad__Bufo_debilis  small green or yellow-green toad with small black bars and stripes
                 subtype:  Yosemite_toad__Bufo_canorus  of high Sierra Nevada meadows and forest borders
                 subtype:  Texas_toad__Bufo_speciosus  nocturnal burrowing toad of mesquite woodland and prairies of the United States southwest
                 subtype:  southwestern_toad__Bufo_microscaphus  a uniformly warty stocky toad of washes and streams of semiarid southwestern United States
                 subtype:  western_toad__westerntoad__Bufo_boreas  of a great variety of habitats from southern Alaska to Baja California west of the Rockies
              subtype:  obstetrical_toad__obstetricaltoad__midwife_toad__midwifetoad__Alytes_obstetricans  European toad whose male carries the fertilized eggs wrapped around its hind legs until they hatch
              subtype:  midwife_toad__midwifetoad__Alytes_cisternasi  similar in habit to Alytes obstetricians
              subtype:  fire-bellied_toad__Bombina_bombina  toad of central and eastern Europe having red or orange patches on its underside
              subtype:  spadefoot_toad__spadefoottoad__spadefoot  burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny spade-like projection on each hind foot
                 subtype:  western_spadefoot__westernspadefoot__Scaphiopus_hammondii  of California
                 subtype:  southern_spadefoot__Scaphiopus_multiplicatus  of the United States southwest
                 subtype:  plains_spadefoot__Scaphiopus_bombifrons  of plains and hills and river bottoms in areas of low rainfall east of the Rocky Mountains
              subtype:  tree_toad__tree_frog  arboreal amphibians usually having adhesive disks at the tip of each toe; of southeast Asia and Australia and America
                 subtype:  spring_peeper__Hyla_crucifer  small brown tree toad having a shrill call heard near wetlands of eastern United States and Canada in early spring
                 subtype:  Pacific_tree_toad__Hyla_regilla  most commonly heard frog on the Pacific coast of America
                 subtype:  canyon_treefrog__Hyla_arenicolor  small chiefly ground dweller that stays within easy jumping distance of water; of United States southwest and northern Mexico
                 subtype:  chameleon_tree_frog  a form of tree toad
                 subtype:  cricket_frog__cricketfrog  either of two frogs with a clicking call
                    subtype:  northern_cricket_frog__Acris_crepitans  of eastern and central United States
                    subtype:  eastern_cricket_frog__easterncricketfrog__Acris_gryllus  cricket frog of eastern United States
                 subtype:  chorus_frog  any of several small North American frogs having a loud call
                 subtype:  lowland_burrowing_treefrog__lowlandburrowingtreefrog__northern_casque-headed_frog__Pternohyla_fodiens  terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head; of the United States southwest
              subtype:  western_narrow-mouthed_toad__Gastrophryne_olivacea  small secretive toad with smooth tough skin of central and western North America
              subtype:  eastern_narrow-mouthed_toad__Gastrophryne_carolinensis  small toad of southeastern United States
              subtype:  sheep_frog__sheepfrog  mostly of Central America
              subtype:  tongueless_frog  almost completely aquatic frog native to Africa and Panama and northern South America
                 subtype:  Surinam_toad__Pipa_pipa__Pipa_americana  South American toad; incubates its young in pits in the skin of its back
                 subtype:  African_clawed_frog__Xenopus_laevis  native to Africa; established in the United States as result of release of laboratory and aquarium animals
              subtype:  South_American_poison_toad  a South American toad
           subtype:  caecilian__blindworm  any of the small slender limbless burrowing wormlike amphibians of the order Gymnophiona; inhabit moist soil in tropical regions
           subtype:  labyrinthodont  an amphibian of the superorder Labyrinthodontia
        subtype:  reptile__reptilian  any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia including tortoises turtles snakes lizards alligators crocodiles and extinct forms
           subtype:  anapsid_reptile__anapsid  primitive reptile having no opening in the temporal region of the skull; all extinct except turtles
              subtype:  chelonian_reptile__chelonianreptile__chelonian  a reptile of the order Chelonia
                 subtype:  turtle  any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming
                    subtype:  sea_turtle__seaturtle__marine_turtle  any of various large turtles with limbs modified into flippers; widely distributed in warm seas
                       subtype:  green_turtle__greenturtle__Chelonia_mydas  large tropical turtle with greenish flesh used for turtle soup
                       subtype:  loggerhead_turtle__loggerhead__Caretta_caretta  very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas
                       subtype:  ridley  a marine turtle
                          subtype:  Atlantic_ridley__bastard_ridley__bastardridley__bastard_turtle__bastardturtle__Lepidochelys_kempii  gray sea turtle of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
                          subtype:  Pacific_ridley__olive_ridley__oliveridley__Lepidochelys_olivacea  olive-colored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and South Atlantic oceans
                       subtype:  hawksbill_turtle__hawksbillturtle__hawksbill__hawkbill__tortoiseshell_turtle__tortoiseshellturtle__Eretmochelys_imbricata  pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak; source of food and the best tortoiseshell
                       subtype:  leatherback_turtle__leatherbackturtle__leatherback__leatheryturtle__Dermochelys_coriacea  wide ranging marine turtle with flexible leathery carapace; largest living turtle
                    subtype:  snapping_turtle  large aggressive freshwater turtle with powerful jaws
                       subtype:  common_snapping_turtle__snapper__chelydraserpentina  large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water; prone to bite
                       subtype:  alligator_snapping_turtle__alligator_snapper__alligatorsnapper__Macroclemys_temmincki  large species having three ridges on its back; found in southeastern United States
                    subtype:  mud_turtle__mudturtle  bottom-dwelling freshwater turtle inhabiting muddy rivers of North and Central America
                       subtype:  musk_turtle__stinkpot  small freshwater turtle having a strong musky odor
                    subtype:  terrapin  any of various edible North American web-footed turtles living in fresh or brackish water
                       subtype:  diamondback_terrapin__diamondbackterrapin__Malaclemys_centrata  of marshes along Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States
                    subtype:  red-bellied_terrapin__redbelliedterrapin__red-bellied_turtle__redbelliedturtle__redbelly__Pseudemys_rubriventris  freshwater turtle of Chesapeake bay tributaries having red markings on the lower shell
                    subtype:  yellow-bellied_terrapin__slider__Pseudemys_scripta  freshwater turtle of United States and South America; frequently raised commercially; some young sold as pets
                    subtype:  river_cooter__rivercooter__cooter__Pseudemys_concinna  large river turtle of the southern United States and northern Mexico
                    subtype:  box_turtle__boxturtle__box_tortoise__boxtortoise  chiefly terrestrial turtle of North America; shell can be closed tightly
                       subtype:  Western_box_turtle__Terrapene_ornata  primarily a prairie turtle of western United States and northern Mexico
                    subtype:  painted_turtle__paintedturtle__painted_terrapin__paintedterrapin__painted_tortoise__paintedtortoise__chrysemyspicta  freshwater turtles having bright yellow and red markings; common in the eastern United States
                    subtype:  tortoise  usually herbivorous land turtles having clawed elephant-like limbs; worldwide in arid area except Australia and Antarctica
                       subtype:  European_tortoise__Testudo_graeca  small land tortoise of southern Europe
                       subtype:  giant_tortoise__gianttortoise  very large tortoises of the Galapagos and Seychelles islands
                       subtype:  gopher_tortoise__gopher_turtle__gopher__Gopherus_polypemus  burrowing edible land tortoise of southeastern North America
                       subtype:  desert_tortoise__Gopherus_agassizii  burrowing tortoise of the arid western United States and northern Mexico; may be reclassified as a member of genus Xerobates
                       subtype:  Texas_tortoise  close relative to the desert tortoise; may be reclassified as a member of genus Xerobates
                    subtype:  soft-shelled_turtle__pancake_turtle__pancaketurtle  voracious aquatic turtle with a flat flexible shell covered by a leathery skin; can inflict painful bites
                       subtype:  spiny_softshell__spinysoftshell__Trionyx_spiniferus  river turtle of western United States with a warty shell; prefers quiet water
                       subtype:  smooth_softshell__Trionyx_muticus  river turtle of Mississippi basin; prefers running water
           subtype:  diapsid_reptile__diapsid  reptile having a pair of openings in the skull behind each eye
              subtype:  tuatara__Sphenodon_punctatum  only extant member of the order Rhynchocephalia of large spiny lizard-like diapsid reptiles of coastal islands off New Zealand
              subtype:  saurian  any of various reptiles of the suborder Sauria which includes lizards; in former classifications included also the crocodiles and dinosaurs
                 subtype:  lizard  relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail
                    subtype:  gecko  any of various small chiefly tropical and usually nocturnal insectivorous terrestrial lizards typically with immovable eyelids; completely harmless
                       subtype:  flying_gecko__fringed_gecko__fringedgecko__Ptychozoon_homalocephalum  having membranous expansions along sides of body and limbs and tail
                       subtype:  banded_gecko  any of several geckos with dard bands across the body and differing from typical geckos in having movable eyelids; of United States southwest and gulf coast to Florida
                    subtype:  iguanid_lizard__iguanidlizard__iguanid  lizards of the New World and Madagascar and some Pacific islands; typically having a long tail and bright throat patch in males
                       subtype:  common_iguana__iguana__Iguana_iguana  large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back; used as human food in Central and South America
                       subtype:  marine_iguana__Amblyrhynchus_cristatus  shore-dwelling seaweed-eating lizard of the Galapagos Islands
                       subtype:  desert_iguana__Dipsosaurus_dorsalis  small long-tailed lizard of arid areas of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico
                       subtype:  chuckwalla__Sauromalus_obesus  rock-dwelling herbivorous lizard of arid parts of southwestern United States and Mexico
                       subtype:  zebra-tailed_lizard__gridiron-tailed_lizard__Callisaurus_draconoides  swift lizard with long black-banded tail and long legs; of deserts of United States and Mexico
                       subtype:  fringe-toed_lizard__Uma_notata  with long pointed scales around toes; of deserts of United States and Mexico
                       subtype:  earless_lizard__earlesslizard  any of several slender lizards without external ear openings: of plains of western United States and Mexico
                       subtype:  collared_lizard  any of several robust long-tailed lizards with collars of two dark bands; of central and western United States and northern Mexico
                       subtype:  leopard_lizard__leopardlizard  any of several large lizards with many dark spots; of western United States and northern Mexico
                       subtype:  spiny_lizard__spinylizard  any of numerous lizards with overlapping ridged pointed scales; of North and Central America
                          subtype:  fence_lizard__fencelizard  spiny lizard often seen basking on fences in the United States and northern Mexico
                             subtype:  western_fence_lizard__westernfencelizard__swift__blue-belly__Sceloporus_occidentalis  common western lizard; seen on logs or rocks
                             subtype:  eastern_fence_lizard__easternfencelizard__pine_lizard__Sceloporus_undulatus  small active lizard of United States and north to British Columbia
                          subtype:  sagebrush_lizard__sagebrushlizard__Sceloporus_graciosus  a ground dweller that prefers open ground and scattered low bushes; of United States west between Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains
                       subtype:  side-blotched_lizard__sand_lizard__Uta_stansburiana  one of the most abundant lizards in the arid western United States
                       subtype:  tree_lizard__Urosaurus_ornatus  a climbing lizard of western United States and northern Mexico
                       subtype:  horned_lizard__horned_toad__horny_frog__hornyfrog  insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America
                          subtype:  Texas_horned_lizard__Phrynosoma_cornutum  of arid and semiarid open country
                       subtype:  basilisk  small crested arboreal lizard able to run on its hind legs; of tropical America
                       subtype:  American_chameleon__anole__Anolis_carolinensis  small arboreal tropical American insectivorous lizards with the ability to change skin color
                    subtype:  worm_lizard  a lizard of the genus Amphisbaena; harmless wormlike limbless lizard of warm or tropical regions having concealed eyes and ears and a short blunt tail
                    subtype:  night_lizard__nightlizard  small secretive nocturnal lizard of southwestern North America and Cuba; bear live young
                    subtype:  skink__scincid__scincidlizard  alert agile lizard with reduced limbs and an elongated body covered with shiny scales; more dependent on moisture than most lizards; found in tropical regions worldwide
                       subtype:  western_skink__westernskink__Eumeces_skiltonianus  found in western North American grasslands and open woodlands
                       subtype:  mountain_skink__Eumeces_callicephalus  frequents oak and pine habitats in rocky mountainous areas of United States southwest and Mexico
                    subtype:  teiid_lizard__teiidlizard__teiid  tropical New World lizard with a long tail and large rectangular scales on the belly and a long tail
                       subtype:  whiptail_lizard__whiptail  any of numerous very agile and alert New World lizards
                          subtype:  six-lined_racerunner__sixlinedracerunner__racerunner__race_runner__Cnemidophorus_sexlineatus  very swift lizard of eastern and central United States
                          subtype:  plateau_striped_whiptail__plateaustripedwhiptail__Cnemidophorus_velox  having distinct longitudinal stripes: of Colorado Plateau from Arizona to western Colorado
                          subtype:  Chihuahuan_spotted_whiptail__Cnemidophorus_exsanguis  having longitudinal stripes overlaid with light spots; upland lizard of United States southwest and Mexico
                          subtype:  western_whiptail__westernwhiptail__Cnemidophorus_tigris  active lizard having a network of dusky dark markings; of semiarid areas from Oregon and Idaho to Baja California
                          subtype:  checkered_whiptail__checkeredwhiptail__Cnemidophorus_tesselatus  markings are darker and more marked than in western whiptail; from southeastern Colorado to eastern Chihuahua
                       subtype:  teju  large (to 3 feet) blackish yellow-banded South American lizard; raid henhouses; used as food
                       subtype:  caiman_lizard  crocodile-like lizard of South America having powerful jaws for crushing snails and mussels
                    subtype:  agamid_lizard__agamid  a lizard of the family Agamidae
                       subtype:  agama  small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World
                       subtype:  frilled_lizard__frilledlizard__Chlamydosaurus_kingi  large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck
                       subtype:  flying_dragon__dragon__flying_lizard  any of several small tropical Asian lizards capable of gliding by spreading winglike membranes on each side of the body
                       subtype:  moloch  any lizard of the genus Moloch
                          subtype:  mountain_devil__spiny_lizard__spinylizard__molochhorridu  desert lizard that feeds on ants
                    subtype:  anguid_lizard  any of a small family of lizards widely distributed in warm areas; all are harmless and useful as destroyers of e.g. slugs and insects
                       subtype:  alligator_lizard__alligatorlizard  slim short-limbed lizard having a distinctive fold on each side that permits expansion; of western North America
                       subtype:  blindworm__slowworm__Anguis_fragilis  small burrowing legless European lizard with tiny eyes; popularly believed to be blind
                       subtype:  glass_lizard__glasslizard__glass_snake__glasssnake__joint_snake__jointsnake  snakelike lizard of Europe Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail
                    subtype:  legless_lizard__leglesslizard  degenerate wormlike burrowing lizard of California closely related to alligator lizards
                    subtype:  Lanthanotus_borneensis  a stout-bodied pleurodont lizard of Borneo
                    subtype:  venomous_lizard  any of two or three large heavy-bodied lizards; only known venomous lizards
                       subtype:  Gila_monster__Heloderma_suspectum  large orange and black lizard of southwestern United States; not dangerous unless molested
                       subtype:  Mexican_beaded_lizard__beaded_lizard__Heloderma_horridum  lizard with black and yellowish beadlike scales; of western Mexico
                    subtype:  lacertid_lizard__lacertid  Old World terrestrial lizard
                       subtype:  sand_lizard__Lacerta_agilis  a common and widely distributed lizard of Europe and central Asia
                       subtype:  green_lizard__greenlizard__lacertaviridi  a common Eurasian lizard about a foot long
                    subtype:  chameleon__chamaeleon  lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color and having a projectile tongue
                       subtype:  African_chameleon__Chamaeleo_chamaeleon  a chameleon found in Africa
                       subtype:  horned_chameleon__Chamaeleo_oweni  a kind of chameleon
                    subtype:  monitor_lizard__monitorlizard__monitor__varan  any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles
                       subtype:  African_monitor__Varanus_niloticus  destroys crocodile eggs
                       subtype:  Komodo_dragon__Komodo_lizard__dragon_lizard__giant_lizard__giantlizard__Varanus_komodoensis  the largest lizard in the world (10 feet); found on Indonesian islands
              subtype:  archosaur__archosaurian__archosaurian_reptile  extinct reptiles including: dinosaurs; plesiosaurs; pterosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts
                 subtype:  dinosaur  any of numerous extinct terrestrial reptiles of the Mesozoic era
                    subtype:  ornithischian_dinosaur__ornithischiandinosaur__ornithischian  herbivorous dinosaur with a pelvis like that of a bird
                       subtype:  pisanosaur__pisanosaurus  primitive dinosaur found in Argentina
                       subtype:  staurikosaur__staurikosaurus  primitive dinosaur found in Brazil
                       subtype:  armored_dinosaur__armoreddinosaur  dinosaurs having bony armour
                          subtype:  stegosaur__stegosaurus__stegosauru__Stegosaur_stenops  herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur with a row of bony plates along its back and a spiked tail probably used as a weapon
                          subtype:  ankylosaur__ankylosaurus  having the back covered with thick bony plates; thought to have walked with a sprawling gait resembling a lizard's
                             subtype:  Edmontonia  heavily armored and highly spiked dinosaur with semi-upright posture
                       subtype:  bone-headed_dinosaur  bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns
                          subtype:  pachycephalosaur__pachycephalosaurus  bipedal herbivore having 10 inches of bone atop its head; largest bone-headed dinosaur ever found
                       subtype:  ceratopsian__horned_dinosaur  any of several four-footed herbivorous horned dinosaurs with enormous beaked skulls; of the late Cretaceous in North America and Mongolia
                          subtype:  protoceratops__protoceratop  small horned dinosaur
                          subtype:  triceratops__triceratop  huge ceratopsian dinosaur having three horns and the neck heavily armored with a very solid frill
                          subtype:  styracosaur__styracosaurus__styracosauru  an unusual ceratopsian dinosaur having many large spikes around the edge of its bony frill and a long nose horn; late Cretaceous
                          subtype:  psittacosaur__psittacosaurus  primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only the beginning of a frill; long hind and short front limbs; may have been bipedal
                       subtype:  ornithopod_dinosaur__ornithopod  bipedal herbivorous dinosaur
                       subtype:  hadrosaur__hadrosaurus__hadrosauru__duck-billed_dinosaur  any of numerous large bipedal ornithischian dinosaurs having a horny duck-like bill and webbed feet; may have been partly aquatic
                          subtype:  anatotitan  one of the largest and most famous duck-billed dinosaurs
                          subtype:  corythosaur__corythosaurus__corythosauru  duck-billed dinosaur with nasal passages that expand into a crest like a hollow helmet
                          subtype:  edmontosaurus__edmontosauru  duck-billed dinosaur from Canada found as a fossilized mummy with skin
                          subtype:  trachodon__trachodont  large duck-billed dinosaur of the Upper Cretaceous
                    subtype:  iguanodon  massive herbivorous bipedal dinosaur with a long heavy tail; common in Europe and North Africa; early Cretaceous
                    subtype:  saurischian_dinosaur__saurischiandinosaur__saurischian  herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three-pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile
                       subtype:  sauropod_dinosaur__sauropod  very large herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a small head a long neck and tail and five-toed limbs; largest known land animal
                          subtype:  apatosaur__apatosaurus__brontosaur__brontosaurus__thunder_lizard__thunderlizard__Apatosaurus_excelsus  huge quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur common in N. America in the late Jurassic
                          subtype:  barosaur__barosaurus  5-story-tall dinosaur
                       subtype:  theropod_dinosaur__theropod__bird-footed_dinosaur  any of numerous carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic to Cretaceous with short forelimbs that walked or ran on strong hind legs
                          subtype:  ceratosaur__ceratosaurus  primitive medium-sized theropod; swift-running bipedal carnivorous dinosaur having grasping hands with sharp claws and a short horn between the nostrils; Jurassic in North America
                             subtype:  coelophysis__coelophysi  one of the oldest known dinosaurs; late Triassic; cannibalistic
                          subtype:  carnosaur  large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having huge claws
                          subtype:  tyrannosaur__tyrannosauru__Tyrannosaurus_rex  large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having enormous teeth with knifelike serrations; may have been a scavenger rather than an active predator; Upper Cretaceous; North America
                          subtype:  allosaur__allosaurus  late Jurassic carnivorous dinosaur; similar to but somewhat smaller than tyrannosaurus
                          subtype:  compsognathus__compsognathu  very small bipedal carnivorous dinosaur of the late Jurassic in Bavaria
                          subtype:  herrerasaur__herrerasaurus__herrerasauru  a kind of theropod dinosaur found in Argentina
                          subtype:  eoraptor  a theropod dinosaur of the genus Eoraptor
                          subtype:  megalosaur__megalosaurus  gigantic carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous in Europe
                          subtype:  ornithomimid  lightly built medium-sized dinosaur having extremely long limbs and necks with small heads and big brains and large eyes
                             subtype:  struthiomimus__struthiomimu  small light-boned toothless dinosaur resembling an ostrich in size and proportions
                             subtype:  deinocheirus  lightly built medium-sized theropod with long limbs and neck
                          subtype:  maniraptor  advanced carnivorous theropod
                             subtype:  oviraptorid  advanced carnivorous theropod
                             subtype:  velociraptor  small active carnivore that probably fed on protoceratops; possibly related more closely to birds than to other dinosaurs
                             subtype:  dromaeosaur  a kind of maniraptor
                             subtype:  deinonychus__deinonychu  swift agile wolf-sized bipedal dinosaur having a large curved claw on each hind foot; of the Cretaceous
                             subtype:  utahraptor__superslasher  large (20-ft) and swift carnivorous dinosaur having an upright 15-in slashing claw on each hind foot; early Cretaceous
                             subtype:  Mononychus_olecranus  75-million-year-old turkey-sized long-legged fossil found in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia having birdlike fused wrist bones and keeled breastbone and a long tail resembling a dinosaur's; short 3-inch-long forelimbs end in a single claw instead of wings; classification as bird or dinosaur is in dispute
                    subtype:  diplodocus  huge quadrupedal herbivore with long neck and tail; of late Jurassic in western N. America
                    subtype:  titanosaur__titanosaurian  amphibious quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long thin neck and whiplike tail; of the Cretaceous mostly in the southern hemisphere
                       subtype:  genus_Argentinosaurus  enormous dinosaur of the middle Cretaceous found in Argentina
                    subtype:  argentinosaur  huge herbivorous dinosaur of Cretaceous found in Argentina
                    subtype:  ground-shaker__seismosaur  huge herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous found in western North America
                 subtype:  pterosaur__flying_reptile  extinct flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by the very long fourth digit of each forelimb
                    subtype:  pterodactyl  extinct flying reptile
                 subtype:  thecodont_reptile__thecodontreptile__thecodont  presumably in the common ancestral line to dinosaurs and crocodiles and birds
                 subtype:  ichthyosaur  any of several marine reptiles of the Mesozoic having a body like a porpoise with dorsal and tail fins and paddle-shaped limbs
                    subtype:  ichthyosaurus__ichthyosauru  ichthyosaurs of the Jurassic
                    subtype:  stenopterygius__Stenopterygius_quadrisicissus  an ichthyosaur of the genus Stenopterygius
                 subtype:  plesiosaur__plesiosaurus  extinct marine reptile with a small head on a long neck a short tail and four paddle-shaped limbs; of the Jurassic and Cretaceous
                 subtype:  nothosaur  extinct marine reptile with longer more slender limbs than plesiosaurs and less completely modified for swimming
              subtype:  crocodilian_reptile__crocodilianreptile__crocodilian  extant archosaurian reptile
                 subtype:  crocodile  large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and a body covered with bony plates; of sluggish tropical waters
                    subtype:  African_crocodile__Nile_crocodile__Crocodylus_niloticus  a dangerous crocodile widely distributed in Africa
                    subtype:  Asian_crocodile__Crocodylus_porosus  estuarine crocodile of eastern Asia and Pacific islands
                    subtype:  Morlett's_crocodile__morlett'scrocodile  a variety of crocodile
                 subtype:  false_gavial__falsegavial__tomistomaschlegeli  crocodile of southeast Asia similar to but smaller than the gavial
                 subtype:  alligator  either of two amphibious reptiles with shorter broader snouts than crocodiles
                    subtype:  American_alligator__Alligator_mississipiensis  large alligator of southeastern United States
                    subtype:  Chinese_alligator__Alligator_sinensis  small of the Yangtze valley of China having unwebbed digits
                 subtype:  cayman__caiman  alligator-like reptile of Central and South America having a more heavily armored belly
                    subtype:  spectacled_caiman__Caiman_sclerops  caiman with bony ridges about the eyes; found from southern Mexico to Argentina
                 subtype:  gavial__Gavialis_gangeticus  large fish-eating Indian crocodilian with a long slender snout
              subtype:  ophidian__snake__serpent  limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous
                 subtype:  colubrid_snake__colubrid  mostly harmless temperate-to-tropical terrestrial or arboreal or aquatic snakes
                    subtype:  hoop_snake  any of various harmless North American snakes that were formerly believed to take tail in mouth and roll along like a hoop
                    subtype:  thunder_snake__thundersnake__worm_snake__Carphophis_amoenus  small reddish wormlike snake of eastern United States
                    subtype:  ringneck_snake__ring-necked_snake__ring_snake  any of numerous small nonvenomous North American snakes with a yellow or orange ring around the neck
                    subtype:  hognose_snake__hognosesnake__puff_adder__sand_viper  harmless North American snake with upturned nose; may spread its head and neck or play dead when disturbed
                    subtype:  leaf-nosed_snake  any of various pale blotched snakes with a blunt snout of southwestern North America
                    subtype:  grass_snake__grasssnake__green_snake__greensnake  either of two N. American chiefly insectivorous green snakes
                       subtype:  smooth_green_snake__Opheodrys_vernalis  of western and central United States
                       subtype:  rough_green_snake__roughgreensnake__Opheodrys_aestivus  of southern and eastern United States
                    subtype:  green_snake__greensnake  any of numerous African green snakes
                    subtype:  racer  slender fast-moving North American snakes
                       subtype:  blacksnake__black_racer__Coluber_constrictor  blackish racer of the eastern United States that grows to six feet
                          subtype:  blue_racer__Coluber_constrictor_flaviventris  bluish-green blacksnake found from Ohio to Texas
                       subtype:  horseshoe_whipsnake__Coluber_hippocrepis  slender fast-moving Eurasian snake
                    subtype:  whipsnake__whip_snake  any of several fast-moving North American snakes with long whiplike tails
                       subtype:  coachwhip_snake__coachwhipsnake__coachwhip__Masticophis_flagellum  a whipsnake of southern United States and Mexico; tail resembles a braided whip
                       subtype:  California_whipsnake__striped_racer__stripedracer__Masticophis_lateralis  a whipsnake of scrublands and rocky hillsides
                       subtype:  Sonoran_whipsnake__Masticophis_bilineatus  both terrestrial and arboreal snake of United States southwest
                    subtype:  rat_snake__ratsnake  any of various nonvenomous rodent-eating snakes of North America and Asia
                       subtype:  corn_snake__red_rat_snake__redratsnake__Elaphe_guttata  large harmless snake of southeastern United States; often on farms
                       subtype:  black_rat_snake__blackratsnake__blacksnake__pilot_blacksnake__pilotblacksnake__mountain_blacksnake__Elaphe_obsoleta  large harmless shiny black North American snake
                       subtype:  chicken_snake__chickensnake  large North American snake
                       subtype:  Indian_rat_snake__Ptyas_mucosus  enter buildings in pursuit of prey
                    subtype:  glossy_snake__Arizona_elegans  nocturnal burrowing snake of western United States with shiny tan scales
                    subtype:  bull_snake  any of several large harmless rodent-eating North American burrowing snakes
                       subtype:  gopher_snake__Pituophis_melanoleucus  bull snake of western North America that invades rodent burrows
                       subtype:  pine_snake  any of several bull snakes of eastern and southeastern United States found chiefly in pine woods; now threatened
                    subtype:  king_snake  any of numerous nonvenomous North American constrictors; feed on other snakes and small mammals
                       subtype:  common_kingsnake__Lampropeltis_getulus  widespread in United States except northern regions; black or brown with yellow bands
                       subtype:  milk_snake__house_snake__housesnake__milk_adder__checkered_adder__checkeredadder__Lampropeltis_triangulum  nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot; southeastern ones have red stripes like coral snakes
                    subtype:  garter_snake__grass_snake__grasssnake  any of numerous nonvenomous longitudinally-striped viviparous North and Central American snakes
                       subtype:  common_garter_snake__Thamnophis_sirtalis  widespread in North America
                       subtype:  ribbon_snake__Thamnophis_sauritus  slender yellow-striped North American garter snake; prefers wet places
                       subtype:  Western_ribbon_snake__Thamnophis_proximus  yellow- or reddish-striped snake of temperate woodlands and grasslands to tropics
                    subtype:  lined_snake__Tropidoclonion_lineatum  secretive snake of city dumps and parks as well as prairies and open woods; feeds on earthworms; of central United States
                    subtype:  ground_snake__Sonora_semiannulata  small shy brightly-ringed terrestrial snake of arid or semiarid areas of western North America
                    subtype:  eastern_ground_snake__Potamophis_striatula__Haldea_striatula  in some classifications placed in genus Haldea; small reddish-gray snake of eastern North America
                    subtype:  water_snake__watersnake  any of various mostly harmless snakes that live in or near water
                       subtype:  common_water_snake__banded_water_snake__Natrix_sipedon__Nerodia_sipedon  in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia; western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
                       subtype:  water_moccasin__watermoccasin  any of numerous North American water snakes inhabiting fresh waters
                       subtype:  ring_snake__grass_snake__grasssnake__ringed_snake__Natrix_natrix  harmless European snake with a bright yellow collar; common in England
                          subtype:  viperine_grass_snake__Natrix_maura  a small harmless grass snake
                    subtype:  red-bellied_snake__redbelliedsnake__Storeria_occipitamaculata  harmless woodland snake of southeastern United States
                    subtype:  sand_snake  small North American burrowing snake
                       subtype:  banded_sand_snake__Chilomeniscus_cinctus  a sand snake of southwestern United States; lives in fine to coarse sand or loamy soil in which it `swims'; banding resembles that of coral snakes
                    subtype:  black-headed_snake  small secretive ground-dwelling snake; found from central United States to Argentina
                    subtype:  vine_snake  slender arboreal snake found from southern Arizona to Bolivia
                    subtype:  lyre_snake  mildly venomous snake with a lyre-shaped mark on the head; found in rocky areas from southwestern United States to Central America
                       subtype:  Sonoran_lyre_snake__Trimorphodon_lambda  of desert regions of southwestern North America
                    subtype:  night_snake__Hypsiglena_torquata  nocturnal prowler of western United States and Mexico
                    subtype:  indigo_snake__gopher_snake__Drymarchon_corais  large dark-blue nonvenomous snake that invades burrows; found in southern North America and Mexico
                       subtype:  eastern_indigo_snake__Drymarchon_corais_couperi  a variety of indigo snake
                 subtype:  blind_snake__blindsnake__worm_snake  wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes
                    subtype:  western_blind_snake__westernblindsnake__Leptotyphlops_humilis  burrows among roots of shrubs and beneath rocks in desert and rocky hillside areas and beach sand of western United States
                 subtype:  constrictor  any of various large nonvenomous snakes that kill their prey by crushing it in its coils
                    subtype:  boa  any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbs
                       subtype:  boa_constrictor__boaconstrictor__Constrictor_constrictor  very large boa of tropical America and West Indies
                       subtype:  rubber_boa__tow-headed_snake__Charina_bottae  boa of grasslands and woodlands of western North America; looks and feels like rubber with tail and head of similar shape
                       subtype:  rosy_boa__Lichanura_trivirgata  boa of rocky desert of southwestern United States
                       subtype:  anaconda__Eunectes_murinus  large arboreal boa of tropical South America
                       subtype:  python  large Old World boas
                          subtype:  carpet_snake__Python_variegatus__Morelia_spilotes_variegatus  Australian python with a variegated pattern on its back
                          subtype:  reticulated_python__reticulatedpython__Python_reticulatus  of southeast Asia and East Indies; the largest snake in the world
                          subtype:  Indian_python__Python_molurus  very large python of southeast Asia
                          subtype:  rock_python__rock_snake__Python_sebae  very large python of tropical and southern Africa
                          subtype:  amethystine_python__amethystinepython  with an amethyst color
                 subtype:  elapid_snake__elapid  any of numerous venomous fanged snakes of warmer parts of both hemispheres
                    subtype:  New_World_coral_snake__coral_snake__coralsnake__harlequin-snake__harlequinsnake  any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white; widely distributed in South and Central America
                       subtype:  eastern_coral_snake__easterncoralsnake__Micrurus_fulvius  ranges from Central America to southeastern United States
                       subtype:  western_coral_snake__westerncoralsnake__Micruroides_euryxanthus  ranges from Central America to southwestern United States
                    subtype:  Old_World_coral_snake__coral_snake__coralsnake  any of various venomous elapid snakes of Asia and Africa and Australia
                       subtype:  Asian_coral_snake  of India
                       subtype:  African_coral_snake__Aspidelaps_lubricus  small widely distributed arboreal snake of southern Africa banded in black and orange
                       subtype:  Australian_coral_snake__Rhynchoelaps_australis  small venomous but harmless snake marked with black-and-white on red
                    subtype:  Denisonia_superba__copperhead  venomous but sluggish reddish-brown snake of Australia
                    subtype:  cobra  venomous Asiatic and African elapid snakes that can expand the skin of the neck into a hood
                       subtype:  Indian_cobra__Naja_naja  of tropical Africa and Asia
                       subtype:  asp__Egyptian_cobra__Naja_haje  cobra used by the Pharaohs as a symbol of their power over life and death
                       subtype:  black-necked_cobra__spitting_cobra__Naja_nigricollis  aggressive cobra widely distributed in Africa; rarely bites but spits venom that may cause blindness
                       subtype:  king_cobra__hamadryad__Ophiophagus_hannan__Naja_hannah  large cobra of southeastern Asia and the East Indies; the largest venomous snake; sometimes placed in genus Naja
                    subtype:  ringhals__rinkhals__spitting_snake__Hemachatus_haemachatus  highly venomous snake of southern Africa able to spit venom up to seven feet
                    subtype:  mamba  arboreal snake of central and southern Africa whose bite is often fatal
                       subtype:  black_mamba__blackmamba__Dendroaspis_augusticeps  southern African mamba dreaded because of its quickness and readiness to bite
                          subtype:  green_mamba__greenmamba  green phase of the black mamba
                    subtype:  death_adder__Acanthophis_antarcticus  venomous Australian snake resembling an adder
                    subtype:  tiger_snake__Notechis_scutatus  highly venomous brown-and-yellow snake of Australia and Tasmania
                    subtype:  Australian_blacksnake__Pseudechis_porphyriacus  large semiaquatic snake of Australia; black above with red belly
                    subtype:  krait  brightly colored venomous but nonaggressive snake of southeastern Asia and Malay peninsula
                       subtype:  banded_krait__banded_adder__Bungarus_fasciatus  sluggish krait banded with black and yellow
                    subtype:  taipan__Oxyuranus_scutellatus  large highly venomous snake of northeastern Australia
                 subtype:  sea_snake__seasnake  any of numerous venomous aquatic viviparous snakes having a fin-like tail; of warm littoral seas; feed on fish which they immobilize with quick-acting venom
                 subtype:  viper  venomous Old World snakes characterized by hollow venom-conducting fangs in the upper jaw
                    subtype:  common_viper__adder__Vipera_berus  small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia
                    subtype:  asp_viper__aspviper__asp__Vipera_aspis  of southern Europe; similar to but smaller than the adder
                    subtype:  puff_adder__Bitis_arietans  large African viper that inflates its body when alarmed
                    subtype:  gaboon_viper__Bitis_gabonica  large heavy-bodied brilliantly marked and extremely venomous west African viper
                    subtype:  horned_viper__cerastes__sand_viper__horned_asp__Cerastes_cornutus  highly venomous viper of North Africa and southwest Asia having a horny spine above each eye
                    subtype:  pit_viper__pitviper  New World vipers with hollow fangs and a heat-sensitive pit on each side of the head
                       subtype:  copperhead__Agkistrodon_contortrix  common coppery brown pit viper of upland eastern United States
                       subtype:  cottonmouth__water_moccasin__watermoccasin__cottonmouth_moccasin__cottonmouthmoccasin__agkistrodonpiscivoru  venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States
                       subtype:  rattlesnake  pit viper with horny segments at the end of the tail that rattle when shaken
                          subtype:  diamondback_rattlesnake__diamondbackrattlesnake__diamondback__crotalusadamanteu  large deadly rattlesnake with diamond-shaped markings
                          subtype:  timber_rattlesnake__banded_rattlesnake__Crotalus_horridus_horridus  widely distributed in rugged ground of eastern United States
                             subtype:  canebrake_rattlesnake__canebrakerattlesnake__canebrake_rattler__canebrakerattler__Crotalus_horridus_atricaudatus  southern variety
                          subtype:  prairie_rattlesnake__prairie_rattler__Western_rattlesnake__Crotalus_viridis  widely distributed between the Mississippi and the Rockies
                          subtype:  horned_rattlesnake__sidewinder__Crotalus_cerastes  small pale-colored desert rattlesnake of southwestern United States; body moves in an S-shaped curve
                          subtype:  Western_diamondback_rattlesnake__Western_diamondback__Crotalus_atrox  largest and most dangerous North American snake; of southwestern United States and Mexico
                          subtype:  rock_rattlesnake__Crotalus_lepidus  mountain rock dweller of Mexico and most southern parts of United States southwest
                          subtype:  tiger_rattlesnake__tigerrattlesnake__Crotalus_tigris  having irregularly cross-banded back; of arid foothills and canyons of southern Arizona and Mexico
                          subtype:  Mojave_rattlesnake__Crotalus_scutulatus  extremely dangerous; most common in areas of scattered scrubby growth; from Mojave Desert to w. Texas and into Mexico
                          subtype:  speckled_rattlesnake__Crotalus_mitchellii  markings vary but usually harmonize with background; of sw Arizona and Baja California
                          subtype:  massasauga_rattler__massasauga__Sistrurus_catenatus  pygmy rattlesnake found in moist areas from the Great Lakes to Mexico; feeds on mice and small amphibians
                          subtype:  ground_rattler__massasauga__Sistrurus_miliaris  small pygmy rattlesnake
                       subtype:  fer-de-lance__Bothrops_atrops  large extremely venomous pit viper of Central and South America
           subtype:  subclass_Diapsida__Diapsida  used in former classifications to include all living reptiles except turtles; superseded by the two subclasses Lepidosauria and Archosauria
           subtype:  synapsid_reptile__synapsid  extinct reptile having a single pair of lateral temporal openings in the skull
              subtype:  therapsid__protomammal  probably warm-blooded; considered direct ancestor of mammals
                 subtype:  Chronoperates_paradoxus  shrew-sized protomammal from the Alberta Canada region; of about 55 million years ago (much more recent than other mammal-like reptiles)
                 subtype:  cynodont  small carnivorous reptiles
                 subtype:  dicynodont  a kind of therapsid
              subtype:  ictodosaur  intermediate in form between the therapsids and most primitive true mammals
              subtype:  pelycosaur  large primitive reptile having a tall spinal sail; of the Permian or late Paleozoic in Europe and North America
              subtype:  edaphosaurus  heavy-bodied reptile with a dorsal sail or crest; of the late Paleozoic
              subtype:  dimetrodon  carnivorous dinosaur of the Permian in North America having a crest or dorsal sail
        subtype:  mammal  any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair; young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk
           subtype:  female_mammal  animals that nourish their young with milk
           subtype:  tusker  any mammal with prominent tusks (especially an elephant or wild boar)
           subtype:  prototherian  primitive oviparous mammals found only in Australia Tasmania and New Guinea
              subtype:  monotreme__egglayingmammal  the most primitive mammals comprising the only extant members of the subclass Prototheria
                 subtype:  echidna__spiny_anteater__spinyanteater__anteater  burrowing spine-covered monotreme of Australia having a long snout and claws for hunting ants and termites
                 subtype:  spiny_anteater__spinyanteater__echidna__anteater  New Guinea echidnas
                 subtype:  duck-billed_platypus__platypus__duckbill__duckbilled_platypus__Ornithorhynchus_anatinus  small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet; only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae
           subtype:  metatherian  primitive pouched mammals found mainly in Australia and the Americas
              subtype:  marsupial__pouched_mammal__pouchedmammal  mammals of which the females have a pouch (the marsupium) containing the teats where the young are fed and carried
                 subtype:  opossum__possum  nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America
                    subtype:  common_opossum__Didelphis_virginiana__Didelphis_marsupialis  omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
                    subtype:  crab-eating_opossum  South American opossum
                 subtype:  opossum_rat__opossumrat  terrestrial marsupials of southern South America that resemble shrews
                 subtype:  bandicoot  any of various agile rat-like terrestrial marsupials of Australia and adjacent islands; insectivorous and herbivorous
                    subtype:  rabbit-eared_bandicoot__rabbit_bandicoot__bilby__Macrotis_lagotis  bandicoot with leathery ears like a rabbit
                 subtype:  kangaroo  any of several herbivorous leaping marsupials of Australia and New Guinea having large powerful hind legs and a long thick tail
                    subtype:  giant_kangaroo__giantkangaroo__great_gray_kangaroo__Macropus_giganteus  very large grayish-brown Australian kangaroo formerly abundant in open wooded areas
                    subtype:  wallaby__brush_kangaroo__brushkangaroo  any of various small or medium-sized kangaroos often brightly colored
                       subtype:  common_wallaby__Macropus_agiles  height 30 inches
                       subtype:  hare_wallaby__kangaroo_hare  small Australian wallaby that resembles a hare and has persistent teeth
                       subtype:  nail-tailed_wallaby__nail-tailed_kangaroo  small wallabies with a horny nail on the tip of the tail
                       subtype:  rock_wallaby__rock_kangaroo  slender long-legged Australian wallabies living in caves and rocky areas
                       subtype:  pademelon__paddymelon  small reddish-brown wallabies of scrubby areas of Australia and New Guinea
                       subtype:  tree_wallaby__tree_kangaroo  arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Australia having hind and forelegs of similar length
                    subtype:  musk_kangaroo__Hypsiprymnodon_moschatus  small kangaroo of northeastern Australia
                    subtype:  rat_kangaroo__ratkangaroo__kangaroo_rat  any of several rabbit-sized rat-like Australian kangaroos
                       subtype:  potoroo  Australian rat kangaroos
                       subtype:  bettong  short-nosed rat kangaroo
                       subtype:  jerboa_kangaroo__kangaroo_jerboa  brush-tailed rat kangaroo
                 subtype:  phalanger__opossum__possum  small furry Australian arboreal marsupials having long usually prehensile tails
                    subtype:  cuscus  woolly-haired monkey-like arboreal marsupial of New Guinea and North Australia
                    subtype:  brush-tailed_phalanger__Trichosurus_vulpecula  bushy-tailed phalanger
                    subtype:  flying_phalanger__flying_opossum__flying_squirrel  nocturnal phalangers that move with gliding leaps using parachute-like folds of skin along the sides of the body
                       subtype:  flying_mouse  tiny flying phalanger
                    subtype:  koala_bear__koalabear__koala__kangaroo_bear__native_bear__Phascolarctos_cinereus  sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with gray furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
                 subtype:  wombat  burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupials about the size of a badger
                 subtype:  dasyurid_marsupial__dasyurid  small carnivorous nocturnal marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
                    subtype:  dasyure  any of several more or less arboreal marsupials somewhat resembling martens
                       subtype:  eastern_dasyure__Dasyurus_quoll  a variety of dasyure
                       subtype:  native_cat__Dasyurus_viverrinus  carnivorous arboreal catlike marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
                    subtype:  thylacine__Tasmanian_wolf__Tasmanian_tiger__Thylacinus_cynocephalus  rare doglike carnivorous marsupial of Tasmania having stripes on its back; probably extinct
                    subtype:  Tasmanian_devil__ursine_dasyure__Sarcophilus_hariisi  small ferocious carnivorous marsupial having a mostly black coat and long tail
                    subtype:  pouched_mouse__pouchedmouse__marsupial_mouse__marsupialmouse__marsupial_rat__marsupialrat  any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats
                    subtype:  numbat__banded_anteater__anteater__Myrmecobius_fasciatus  small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites; nearly extinct
                 subtype:  pouched_mole__pouchedmole__marsupialmole__Notoryctus_typhlops  small burrowing Australian marsupial that resembles a mole
           subtype:  placental_mammal__placentalmammal__placental__eutherian__eutherian_mammal__eutherianmammal  mammals having a placenta; all mammals except monotremes and marsupials
              subtype:  livestock__stock__farm_animal  not used technically; any animals kept for use or profit
              subtype:  bull.placental_mammal  mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
              subtype:  cow  mature female of mammals of which the male is called `bull'
              subtype:  yearling  an animal in its second year
              subtype:  buck  mature male of various mammals (especially deer or antelope)
                 subtype:  stag  adult male deer
                    subtype:  royal_stag__royalstag__royal  stag with antlers of 12 or more branches
              subtype:  doe  mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck'
              subtype:  insectivore  small insect-eating mainly nocturnal terrestrial or fossorial mammals
                 subtype:  mole  small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet
                    subtype:  starnose_mole__star-nosed_mole__Condylura_cristata  amphibious mole of eastern North America having pink fleshy tentacles around the nose
                    subtype:  brewer's_mole__hair-tailed_mole__Parascalops_breweri  mole of eastern North America
                    subtype:  golden_mole  mole of southern Africa having iridescent guard hairs mixed with the underfur
                    subtype:  shrew_mole__shrewmole  slender mole having a long snout and tail
                       subtype:  Asiatic_shrew_mole__Uropsilus_soricipes  shrew mole of eastern Asia
                       subtype:  American_shrew_mole__Neurotrichus_gibbsii  grayish-black shrew mole of the United States and Canada
                 subtype:  shrewmouse__shrew  small mouselike mammal with a long snout; related to moles
                    subtype:  common_shrew__Sorex_araneus  common American shrew
                    subtype:  masked_shrew__Sorex_cinereus  commonest shrew of moist habitats in North America
                    subtype:  short-tailed_shrew__Blarina_brevicauda  North American shrew with tail less than half its body length
                    subtype:  water_shrew__watershrew  any of several small semiaquatic shrews usually living near swift-flowing streams
                       subtype:  American_water_shrew__Sorex_palustris  water shrew of North America
                       subtype:  European_water_shrew__Neomys_fodiens  widely distributed Old World water shrew
                       subtype:  Mediterranean_water_shrew__Neomys_anomalus  a type of water shrew
                    subtype:  least_shrew__leastshrew__Cryptotis_parva  small brown shrew of grassy regions of eastern United States
                 subtype:  hedgehog__Erinaceus_europaeus__Erinaceus_europeaeus  small nocturnal Old World mammal covered with both hair and protective spines
                 subtype:  tenrec__tendrac  small often spiny insectivorous mammal of Madagascar; resembles a hedgehog
                    subtype:  tailless_tenrec__Tenrec_ecaudatus  prolific animal that feeds chiefly on earthworms
                 subtype:  otter_shrew__ottershrew__potamogale__Potamogale_velox  amphibious African insectivorous mammal that resembles an otter
              subtype:  aquatic_mammal__aquaticmammal  whales and dolphins; manatees and dugongs; walruses; seals
                 subtype:  cetacean_mammal__cetacean__blower  large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs, including: whales; dolphins; porpoises; narwhals
                    subtype:  whale  any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head
                       subtype:  baleen_whale__whalebone_whale__whalebonewhale  whale with plates of whalebone along the upper jaw for filtering plankton from the water
                          subtype:  right_whale__rightwhale  large arctic whalebone whale; allegedly the `right' whale to hunt because of its valuable whalebone and oil
                          subtype:  bowhead_whale__bowheadwhale__bowhead__Greenland_whale__Balaena_mysticetus  large-mouthed arctic whale
                          subtype:  rorqual__razorback  any of several baleen whales of of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin
                             subtype:  finback_whale__finbackwhale__finback__finwhale__common_rorqual__Balaenoptera_physalus  large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat; of Atlantic and Pacific
                             subtype:  sei_whale__seiwhale__Balaenoptera_borealis  similar to but smaller than the finback whale
                             subtype:  lesser_rorqual__piked_whale__pikedwhale__minke_whale__minkewhale__Balaenoptera_acutorostrata  small finback of coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific
                          subtype:  blue_whale__sulfur_bottom__Balaenoptera_musculus  largest mammal ever known; bluish-gray migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
                          subtype:  humpback_whale__humpback__Megaptera_novaeangliae  large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives
                          subtype:  gray_whale__devilfish__Eschrichtius_gibbosus__Eschrichtius_robustus  medium-sized grayish-black whale of the north Pacific
                       subtype:  toothed_whale__toothedwhale  any of several whales having simple conical teeth and feeding on fish etc.
                          subtype:  sperm_whale__spermwhale__cachalot__black_whale__blackwhale__Physeter_catodon  large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil; also a source of ambergris
                          subtype:  pygmy_sperm_whale__pygmyspermwhale__Kogia_breviceps  small sperm whale of warm waters of both coasts of North America
                          subtype:  dwarf_sperm_whale__dwarfspermwhale__kogiasimu  very small (to 8 feet) sperm whale of central coasts of Atlantic and Pacific
                          subtype:  beaked_whale  any of several whales inhabiting all oceans and having beaklike jaws with vestigial teeth in the upper jaw
                             subtype:  bottle-nosed_whale__bottlenose_whale__bottlenose__Hyperoodon_ampullatus  North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead
                          subtype:  dolphin  any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout; larger than porpoises
                             subtype:  common_dolphin__Delphinus_delphis  black-and-white dolphin that leaps high out of the water; one of the dolphins displayed at the Marinelands of California and Florida
                             subtype:  bottlenose_dolphin__bottle-nosed_dolphin__bottlenose  any of several dolphins with rounded forehead and well-developed beak; chiefly of North Atlantic and Mediterranean
                                subtype:  Atlantic_bottlenose_dolphin__Tursiops_truncatus  the most common dolphin of North Atlantic and Mediterranean; often kept captive and trained to perform
                                subtype:  Pacific_bottlenose_dolphin__Tursiops_gilli  a bottlenose dolphin found in the Pacific Ocean
                             subtype:  porpoise  any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth
                                subtype:  harbor_porpoise__herring_hog__Phocaena_phocaena  the common porpoise of the North Atlantic and Pacific
                             subtype:  grampus__grampu__Grampus_griseus  slaty-gray blunt-nosed dolphin common in northern seas
                             subtype:  killer_whale__killer__orca__grampus__grampu__sea_wolf__seawolf__Orcinus_orca  predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin; common in cold seas
                             subtype:  pilot_whale__pilotwhale__black_whale__blackwhale__common_blackfish__blackfish__Globicephala_melaena  small dark-colored whaled of United States Atlantic coast; the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
                             subtype:  river_dolphin__riverdolphin  any of several long-snouted usually freshwater dolphins of South America and southern Asia
                             subtype:  white_whale__whitewhale__beluga__Delphinapterus_leucas  small northern whale that is white when adult
                       subtype:  narwhal__narwal__narwhale__Monodon_monoceros  small arctic whale the male having a long spiral ivory tusk
                       subtype:  spouter  a spouting whale
                 subtype:  sea_cow__seacow__sirenian_mammal__sirenian  any of two families of large herbivorous aquatic mammals with paddle-shaped tails and flipper-like forelimbs and no hind limbs
                    subtype:  manatee__trichechusmanatu  sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded
                    subtype:  dugong__Dugong_dugon  sirenian tusked mammal found from eastern Africa to Australia; the flat tail is bilobate
                    subtype:  Steller's_sea_cow__Hydrodamalis_gigas  extinct large sirenian mammal formerly found near Asiatic coast of the Bering Sea
                 subtype:  pinniped_mammal__pinniped__pinnatiped  aquatic carnivorous mammal having a streamlined body specialized for swimming with limbs modified as flippers
                    subtype:  seal.pinniped_mammal  any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions
                       subtype:  crabeater_seal__crabeaterseal__crab-eating_seal  silvery gray Antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans
                       subtype:  eared_seal__earedseal  pinniped mammal having external ear flaps and hind limbs used for locomotion on land; valued for its soft underfur
                          subtype:  fur_seal__furseal  eared seal of the S hemisphere; the thick soft underfur is the source of sealskin
                             subtype:  guadalupe_fur_seal__guadalupefurseal__Arctocephalus_philippi  of Pacific coast of California and southward
                          subtype:  fur_seal.eared_seal__furseal  fur seal of the north Pacific
                             subtype:  Alaska_fur_seal__Callorhinus_ursinus  of Pacific coast from Alaska southward to California
                          subtype:  sea_lion__sealion  any of several large eared seals of the north Pacific related to fur seals but lacking their valuable coat
                             subtype:  South_American_sea_lion__Otaria_Byronia  of the southern coast of South America
                             subtype:  California_sea_lion__Zalophus_californianus__Zalophus_californicus  often trained as a show animal
                             subtype:  Australian_sea_lion__Zalophus_lobatus  a variety of sea lion found in Australia
                             subtype:  Steller_sea_lion__Steller's_sea_lion__Eumetopias_jubatus  largest sea lion; of the north Pacific
                       subtype:  earless_seal__earlessseal__true_seal__hair_seal  any of several seals lacking external ear flaps and having a stiff hairlike coat with hind limbs reduced to swimming flippers
                          subtype:  harbor_seal__common_seal__Phoca_vitulina  small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere
                          subtype:  harp_seal__Pagophilus_groenlandicus  common arctic seal; the young are all white
                          subtype:  elephant_seal__sea_elephant__seaelephant  either of two large North Atlantic earless seals having snouts like trunks
                          subtype:  bearded_seal__beardedseal__squareflipper_square_flipper__Erignathus_barbatus  medium-sized grayish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle; of Arctic Ocean
                          subtype:  hooded_seal__bladdernose__Cystophora_cristata  medium-sized blackish-gray seal with large inflatable sac on the head; of Arctic and north Atlantic waters
                    subtype:  walrus__seahorse__sea_horse__seahorse  either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber
                       subtype:  Atlantic_walrus__Odobenus_rosmarus  of North Atlantic and Arctic waters
                       subtype:  Pacific_walrus__Odobenus_divergens  of the Bering Sea and north Pacific
              subtype:  carnivore  terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal; terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb
                 subtype:  fissiped_mammal__fissiped  terrestrial carnivores; having toes separated to the base: dogs; cats; bears; badgers; raccoons
                 subtype:  canine__canid  any of various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles
                    subtype:  bitch  female of any member of the dog family
                       subtype:  brood_bitch__broodbitch  a bitch used for breeding
                    subtype:  dog__domesticdog__Canis_familiaris  a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night"
                       subtype:  pooch__doggie__doggy__barker__bow-wow__bowwow  informal terms for dogs
                       subtype:  mongrel__cur  an inferior dog or one of mixed breed
                          subtype:  pariah_dog__pye-dog__pyedog__pie-dog__piedog  ownerless half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India
                       subtype:  lapdog  a dog small and tame enough to be held in the lap
                       subtype:  toy_dog__toy  any of several breeds of very small dogs kept purely as pets
                          subtype:  Chihuahua  old breed of tiny short-coated dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization
                          subtype:  Japanese_spaniel  breed of toy dogs originating in Japan having a silky black-and-white or red-and-white coat
                          subtype:  Maltese_dog__Maltese  breed of toy dogs having a long straight silky white coat
                          subtype:  Pekinese__Pekingese__Peke  a Chinese breed of small short-legged dogs with a long silky coat and broad flat muzzle
                          subtype:  Shih-Tzu  a Chinese breed of small dog similar to a Pekingese
                          subtype:  toy_spaniel__toyspaniel  a very small spaniel
                             subtype:  English_toy_spaniel  British breed having a long silky coat and rounded head with a short upturned muzzle
                                subtype:  Blenheim_spaniel  red-and-white variety of English toy spaniel
                             subtype:  King_Charles_spaniel  a toy English spaniel with a black-and-tan coat; named after Charles II who popularized it
                             subtype:  papillon  small slender toy spaniel with erect ears and a black-spotted brown to white coat
                          subtype:  toy_terrier__toyterrier  a small active dog
                       subtype:  hunting_dog__huntingdog  a dog used in hunting game
                          subtype:  Rhodesian_ridgeback  a powerful short-haired African hunting dog having a crest of reversed hair along the spine
                          subtype:  hound_dog__hounddog__hound  any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears
                             subtype:  Afghan_hound  tall graceful breed of hound with a long silky coat; native to the Near East
                             subtype:  basset_hound__basset  smooth-haired breed of hound with short legs and long ears
                             subtype:  beagle  a small short-legged smooth-coated breed of hound
                             subtype:  bloodhound__sleuthhound  a breed of large powerful hound of European origin having very acute smell and used in tracking
                             subtype:  bluetick  a very fast American hound; white mottled with bluish gray
                             subtype:  boarhound  large hound used in hunting wild boars
                             subtype:  coonhound  any of several breeds of hound developed for hunting raccoons
                                subtype:  coondog  any dog trained to hunt raccoons
                                subtype:  black-and-tan_coonhound__blackandtancoonhound  American breed of large powerful hound dogs used for hunting raccoons and other game
                             subtype:  foxhound  medium-sized glossy-coated hounds developed for hunting foxes
                                subtype:  American_foxhound  an American breed of foxhounds used for hunting both in packs and individually
                                subtype:  Walker_hound__Walker_foxhound__walkerfoxhound  an American breed of foxhound
                                subtype:  English_foxhound  an English breed slightly larger than the American foxhounds originally used to hunt in packs
                             subtype:  harrier.hound_dog  a hound that resembles a foxhound but is smaller; used to hunt rabbits
                             subtype:  Plott_hound  a brindle-coated American hound used in hunting bears and wild boars
                             subtype:  redbone  a speedy red or red-and-tan American hound
                             subtype:  wolfhound  the largest breed of dogs; formerly used to hunt wolves
                                subtype:  borzoi__Russian_wolfhound  tall fast-moving dog breed
                                subtype:  Irish_wolfhound  large breed of hound with a rough thick coat
                             subtype:  greyhound  a tall slender dog of an ancient breed noted for swiftness and keen sight; used as a racing dog
                                subtype:  Italian_greyhound  a toy dog developed from the greyhound
                                subtype:  whippet  small slender dog of greyhound type developed in England
                             subtype:  Ibizan_hound__Ibizan_Podenco  breed of slender agile medium-sized hound found chiefly in the Balearic Islands; said to have been bred originally by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt
                             subtype:  Norwegian_elkhound__elkhound  breed of compact medium-sized dog with a heavy gray coat developed in Norway for hunting elk
                             subtype:  otterhound__otter_hound__otterhound  hardy British hound having long pendulous ears and a thick coarse shaggy coat with an oily undercoat; bred for hunting otters
                             subtype:  Saluki__gazelle_hound  old breed of tall swift keen-eyed hunting dogs resembling greyhounds; from Egypt and southwestern Asia
                             subtype:  Scottish_deerhound__deerhound  very large and tall rough-coated dog bred for hunting deer; known as the royal dog of Scotland
                             subtype:  staghound  a large heavy hound formerly used in hunting stags and other large game; similar to but larger than a foxhound
                             subtype:  Weimaraner  large breed of hound having a smooth grayish coat; originated in Germany
                          subtype:  dachshund__dachsie__badgerdog  small long-bodied short-legged German breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears; suited for following game into burrows
                             subtype:  sausage_dog__sausagedog__sausage_hound__sausagehound  informal term
                          subtype:  terrier  any of several usually small short-bodied breeds originally trained to hunt animals living underground
                             subtype:  bullterrier__bull_terrier  short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers
                                subtype:  Staffordshire_bullterrier  English breed of strong stocky dog having a broad skull and smooth coat
                                subtype:  American_Staffordshire_terrier__Staffordshire_terrier__American_pit_bull_terrier__pit_bull_terrier  American breed of muscular terriers with a short close-lying stiff coat
                             subtype:  Bedlington_terrier  a light terrier groomed to resemble a lamb
                             subtype:  Border_terrier  small rough-coated terrier of British origin
                             subtype:  Kerry_blue_terrier  an Irish breed of medium-sized terriers with a silky blue-gray coat
                             subtype:  Irish_terrier  medium-sized breed with a wiry brown coat; developed in Ireland
                             subtype:  Norfolk_terrier  English breed of small terrier with a straight wiry red-and-black-and-tan or grizzled coat and dropped ears
                             subtype:  Norwich_terrier  English breed of small short-legged terrier with a straight wiry red or gray or black-and-tan coat and erect ears
                             subtype:  Yorkshire_terrier  very small breed having a long glossy coat of bluish-gray and tan
                             subtype:  rat_terrier__ratterrier__ratter  any of several breeds of terrier developed to catch rats
                                subtype:  Manchester_terrier__black-and-tan_terrier__blackandtanterrier  breed of short-haired black-and-tan terrier developed in Manchester England
                                   subtype:  toy_Manchester_terrier__toy_Manchester  breed of small Manchester terrier
                             subtype:  fox_terrier__foxterrier  small lively black-and-white terriers formerly used to dig out foxes
                                subtype:  smooth-haired_fox_terrier  a fox terrier with smooth hair
                                subtype:  wire-haired_fox_terrier  a fox terrier with wiry hair
                             subtype:  wirehair__wirehaired_terrier__wire-haired_terrier  a terrier with wiry hair
                                subtype:  Lakeland_terrier  breed of wire-haired terrier originally from the English Lake District used for hunting
                                subtype:  Welsh_terrier  wire-haired terrier resembling airedales but smaller; developed in Wales for hunting
                                   subtype:  Sealyham_terrier__Sealyham  a Welsh terrier first bred in Sealyham (Wales)
                             subtype:  Airedale_terrier__Airedale  breed of large wiry-coated terrier bred in Yorkshire
                             subtype:  cairn_terrier__cairnterrier__cairn  small rough-haired breed of terrier from Scotland
                             subtype:  Australian_terrier  small grayish wire-haired breed of terrier from Australia similar to the cairn
                             subtype:  Dandie_Dinmont_terrier__Dandie_Dinmont  a breed of small terrier with long wiry coat and drooping ears
                             subtype:  Boston_bull__Boston_terrier  small pug-faced American terrier breed having a smooth brindle or black coat with white markings
                             subtype:  schnauzer  old German breed of sturdy black or grayish wire-haired terriers having a blunt muzzle ranging in size from fairly small to very large; used as ratters and guard dogs or police dogs
                                subtype:  miniature_schnauzer__miniatureschnauzer  a small schnauzer
                                subtype:  giant_schnauzer__giantschnauzer  a large schnauzer
                                subtype:  standard_schnauzer  a medium-sized schnauzer
                             subtype:  Scotch_terrier__Scottish_terrier__Scottie__scottie  old Scottish breed of small long-haired usually black terrier with erect tail and ears
                             subtype:  Tibetan_terrier__chrysanthemum_dog__chrysanthemumdog  breed of medium-sized terriers bred in Tibet resembling Old English sheepdogs with fluffy curled tails
                             subtype:  silky_terrier__silkyterrier__Sydney_silky  Australian breed of toy dogs having a silky blue coat
                             subtype:  Skye_terrier  Scottish breed of terrier with shaggy hair and long low body with short legs
                                subtype:  Clydesdale_terrier  selectively bred small Skye terrier with erect ears and a long silky coat
                             subtype:  soft-coated_wheaten_terrier  Irish breed of medium-sized terrier with an abundant coat any shade of wheat and very hairy head and muzzle
                             subtype:  West_Highland_white_terrier  small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland
                             subtype:  Lhasa_apso__Lhasa  a breed of terrier having a long heavy coat raised in Tibet as watchdogs
                          subtype:  sporting_dog__gun_dog__gundog  a dog trained to work with sportsmen when they hunt with guns
                             subtype:  bird_dog  a gun dog trained to locate or retrieve birds
                             subtype:  water_dog__waterdog  a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl
                             subtype:  retriever  a dog with heavy water-resistant coat that can be trained to retrieve game
                                subtype:  flat-coated_retriever  an English breed having a shiny black or liver-colored coat; retrieves game from land or water
                                subtype:  curly-coated_retriever  an English breed having a tightly curled black or liver-colored coat; retrieves game from land or water
                                subtype:  golden_retriever  an English breed having a long silky golden coat
                                subtype:  Labrador_retriever  breed originally from Labrador having a short black or golden-brown coat
                                subtype:  Chesapeake_Bay_retriever  American breed having a short thick oily coat ranging from brown to light tan
                             subtype:  Spanish_pointer__pointer  a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches; scents out and points game
                                subtype:  German_short-haired_pointer  liver or liver-and-white hunting dog developed in Germany; 3/4 pointer and 1/4 bloodhound
                                subtype:  vizla__Hungarian_pointer  Hungarian hunting dog resembling the Weimaraner but having a rich deep red coat
                             subtype:  setter  a long-haired dog formerly trained to crouch on finding game but now to point
                                subtype:  English_setter  an English breed having a plumed tail and a soft silky coat that is chiefly white
                                subtype:  Irish_setter__red_setter__redsetter  an Irish breed with a chestnut-brown or mahogany-red coat
                                subtype:  Gordon_setter  a Scottish breed with a black-and-tan coat
                             subtype:  spaniel  any of several breeds of small to medium-sized gun dogs with a long silky coat and long frilled ears
                                subtype:  Brittany_spaniel  tall active short-tailed French breed of bird dog having a usually smooth orange- or liver-and-white coat
                                subtype:  clumber_spaniel__clumberspaniel__clumber  a thickset spaniel with longish silky hair
                                subtype:  field_spaniel__fieldspaniel  large usually black hunting and retrieving spaniel with a dense flat or slightly wavy coat; cross between cocker and Sussex spaniel
                                subtype:  springer_spaniel__springer  a large spaniel with wavy silky coat usually black or liver and white
                                   subtype:  English_springer_spaniel__English_springer  a breed having typically a black-and-white coat
                                   subtype:  Welsh_springer_spaniel  a red-and-white breed slightly smaller than the English springer spaniel
                                subtype:  English_cocker_spaniel__cocker_spaniel__cocker  a small breed with a wavy silky hair originally developed in England
                                subtype:  Sussex_spaniel  an English breed with short legs and a golden liver-colored coat
                                subtype:  water_spaniel__waterspaniel  any dog of two large curly-coated breeds (the Irish and the American) used for hunting waterfowl
                                   subtype:  American_water_spaniel  breed of medium-sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liver-colored curly coat
                                   subtype:  Irish_water_spaniel  breed of large spaniels developed in Ireland having a heavy coat of liver-colored curls and a topknot of long curls and a nearly hairless tail
                             subtype:  wire-haired_pointing_griffon__griffon  breed of medium-sized long-headed dogs with downy undercoat and harsh wiry outer coat; originated in Holland but largely developed in France
                       subtype:  working_dog__workingdog  any of several breeds of usually large powerful dogs bred to work as draft animals and guard and guide dogs
                          subtype:  watchdog__guard_dog__guarddog  a dog trained to guard property
                             subtype:  kuvasz  long-established Hungarian breed of tall light-footed but sturdy white dog; used also as a hunting dog
                             subtype:  attack_dog  a watchdog trained to attack on command
                             subtype:  housedog  a dog trained to guard a house
                             subtype:  schipperke  breed of small stocky black dogs originally used as watchdogs on boats in the Netherlands and Belgium
                             subtype:  pinscher  any of three breeds of dogs whose ears and tail are usually cropped
                                subtype:  Doberman_pinscher__Doberman  medium large breed of dog of German origin with a glossy black and tan coat; used as a watchdog
                                subtype:  miniature_pinscher__miniaturepinscher  small German version of a Doberman pinscher
                                subtype:  affenpinscher__monkey_pinscher__monkey_dog  European breed of small dog resembling a terrier with dark wiry hair and a tufted muzzle
                          subtype:  shepherd_dog__sheepdog__sheep_dog__sheepdog  any of various usually long-haired breeds of dog reared to herd and guard sheep
                             subtype:  Belgian_sheepdog__Belgian_shepherd  hardy working dog developed in Belgium for herding sheep
                                subtype:  groenendael  black-coated sheepdog with a heavily plumed tail
                                subtype:  malinois  fawn-colored short-haired sheepdog
                             subtype:  briard  old French breed of large strong usually black dogs having a long tail and long wavy and slightly stiff coat
                             subtype:  kelpie  an Australian sheepdog with pointed ears
                             subtype:  komondor  Hungarian breed of large powerful shaggy-coated white dog; used also as guard dog
                             subtype:  Old_English_sheepdog__bobtail  large sheepdog with a profuse shaggy blue-gray-and-white coat and short tail; believed to trace back to Roman occupation of Britain
                             subtype:  Shetland_sheepdog__Shetland_sheep_dog__Shetland  small sheepdog developed in the Shetland Islands and resembling a collie
                             subtype:  collie  a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland
                             subtype:  Border_collie  developed in the area between Scotland and England usually having a black coat with white on the head and tip of tail used for herding both sheep and cattle
                             subtype:  Bouvier_des_Flandres__Bouviers_des_Flandres  rough-coated breed used originally in Belgium for herding and guarding cattle
                             subtype:  Rottweiler  German breed of large vigorous short-haired cattle dogs
                             subtype:  German_shepherd_dog__German_shepherd__German_police_dog__alsatian  breed of large shepherd dogs used in police work and as a guide for the blind
                          subtype:  police_dog  any dog trained to assist police especially in tracking
                          subtype:  Bernese_mountain_dog  large powerful long-haired black-coated Swiss dog with deep tan or russet markings on legs and white blaze and feet and chest marking; formerly used for draft
                          subtype:  boxer  a breed of stocky medium-sized short-haired dog with a brindled coat and square-jawed muzzle developed in Germany
                          subtype:  mastiff  an old breed of powerful deep-chested smooth-coated dog used chiefly as a watchdog and guard dog
                             subtype:  Tibetan_mastiff  very large powerful rough-coated dog native to central Asia
                          subtype:  bull_mastiff  large powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff
                          subtype:  English_bulldog__bulldog  a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting
                             subtype:  French_bulldog  small stocky version of the bulldog having a sleek coat and square head
                          subtype:  Great_Dane  very large powerful smooth-coated breed of dog
                          subtype:  guide_dog__guidedog__seeing-eye_dog  a dog trained to guide the blind
                          subtype:  hearing_dog__hearingdog  dog trained to assist the deaf by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds
                          subtype:  Saint_Bernard__St_Bernard  a Swiss alpine breed of large powerful thick-coated dog used as a rescue dog
                          subtype:  sled_dog__sledge_dog  a dog trained to draw a sled usually in a team
                             subtype:  Alaskan_malamute__malamute__malemute  breed of sled dog developed in Alaska
                             subtype:  Siberian_husky  breed of sled dog developed in northeastern Siberia; they resemble the larger Alaskan malamutes
                          subtype:  Eskimo_dog__husky  breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog
                       subtype:  dalmatian__coach_dog__coachdog__carriage_dog  a large breed having a smooth white coat with black or brown spots; originated in Dalmatia
                          subtype:  liver-spotted_dalmatian__liverspotteddalmatian  a brown-spotted dalmatian
                       subtype:  basenji  small smooth-haired breed of African origin having a tightly curled tail and the inability to bark
                       subtype:  pug-dog__pugdog__pug  small compact smooth-coated breed of Asiatic origin having a tightly curled tail and broad flat wrinkled muzzle
                       subtype:  Leonberg  a large dog (usually with a golden coat) produced by crossing a St Bernard and a Newfoundland
                       subtype:  Newfoundland  breed of very large heavy usually black dogs developed in Newfoundland; highly intelligent and vigorous swimmers
                       subtype:  Great_Pyrenees  bred of large heavy-coated white dogs resembling the Newfoundland
                       subtype:  spitz  any of various stocky heavy-coated breeds of dogs native to northern regions having pointed muzzles and erect ears with a curled furry tail
                          subtype:  Samoyede__Samoyed  Siberian breed of white or cream dog of the spitz family
                          subtype:  Pomeranian  breed of very small compact long-haired dogs of the spitz type
                          subtype:  chow_chow__chow  breed of thick-coated medium-sized dogs with fluffy curled tails and distinctive blue-black tongues; believed to have originated in north China
                          subtype:  keeshond  a spitz-type dog having a shaggy grayish coat and tightly curled tail originating in Holland
                       subtype:  Brussels_griffon__griffon__Belgian_griffon  breed of various very small compact wiry-coated dogs of Belgian origin having a short bearded muzzle
                          subtype:  Brabancon_griffon  a variety of Brussels griffon having a short smooth coat
                       subtype:  Welsh_corgi__corgi  either of two Welsh breeds of long-bodied short-legged dogs with erect ears and a fox-like head
                          subtype:  Pembroke_Welsh_corgi__Pembroke  the smaller and straight-legged variety of corgi having pointed ears and a short tail
                          subtype:  Cardigan_Welsh_corgi__Cardigan  slightly bow-legged variety of corgi having rounded ears and a long tail
                       subtype:  poodle_dog__poodle  an intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-colored coat that is usually clipped; an old breed sometimes trained as sporting dogs or as performing dogs
                          subtype:  toy_poodle__toypoodle  the smallest poodle
                          subtype:  miniature_poodle__miniaturepoodle  a small poodle
                          subtype:  standard_poodle  a medium-sized poodle
                          subtype:  large_poodle__largepoodle  the largest poodle
                       subtype:  Mexican_hairless  any of an old breed of small nearly hairless dogs of Mexico
                       subtype:  smart_dog__smartdog
                          instance:  Mindy
                    subtype:  wolf  any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs
                       subtype:  timber_wolf__gray_wolf__Canis_lupus  brindled gray wolf of forested northern regions of North America
                       subtype:  white_wolf__whitewolf__Arctic_wolf__Canis_lupus_tundrarum  wolf of arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail
                       subtype:  red_wolf__redwolf__manedwolf__Canis_rufus__Canis_niger  reddish-gray wolf of southwestern North America
                       subtype:  coyote__prairie_wolf__prairiewolf__brush_wolf__brushwolf__Canis_latrans  small wolf native to western North America
                          subtype:  coydog  offspring of a coyote and a dog
                    subtype:  jackal__Canis_aureus  Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair
                    subtype:  wild_dog  any of various undomesticated mammals of the family Canidae that are thought to resemble domestic dogs as distinguished from jackals or wolves
                       subtype:  Canis_dingo__dingo__warrigal__warragal  wolflike yellowish-brown wild dog of Australia
                       subtype:  dhole__Cuon_alpinus  fierce wild dog of the forests of central and southeast Asia that hunts in packs
                       subtype:  crab-eating_dog__crab-eating_fox__Dusicyon_cancrivorus  wild dog of northern South America
                       subtype:  raccoon_dog__raccoondog__Nyctereutes_procyonides  small wild dog of eastern Asia having facial markings like those of a raccoon
                       subtype:  African_hunting_dog__hyena_dog__hyenadog__Cape_hunting_dog__Lycaon_pictus  a powerful doglike mammal of South and East Africa that hunts in large packs; now rare in settled area
                    subtype:  hyena__hyaena  doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on carrion
                       subtype:  striped_hyena__stripedhyena__Hyaena_hyaena  of northern Africa and Arabia and India
                       subtype:  brown_hyena__brownhyena__strand_wolf__Hyaena_brunnea  of southern Africa
                       subtype:  spotted_hyena__spottedhyena__laughing_hyena__Crocuta_crocuta  African hyena noted for its distinctive howl
                       subtype:  aardwolf__Proteles_cristata  striped hyena of southeast Africa that feeds chiefly on insects
                    subtype:  fox  alert carnivorous mammal with pointed muzzle and ears and a bushy tail; most are predators that do not hunt in packs
                       subtype:  Reynard  a conventional name for a fox used in tales following usage in the old epic "Reynard the Fox"
                       subtype:  Vulpes_vulpes__red_fox  the common Old World fox; having reddish-brown fur; commonly considered a single circumpolar species
                          subtype:  black_fox__blackfox  red fox in the color phase when its pelt is mostly black
                          subtype:  silver_fox  red fox in the color phase when its pelt is tipped with white
                       subtype:  Vulpes_fulva__red_fox  New World fox; often considered the same species las the Old World fox
                       subtype:  prairie_fox__prairiefox__kit_fox__kitfox__Vulpes_velox  small gray fox of the plains of western North America
                       subtype:  kit_fox__kitfox__Vulpes_macrotis  small gray fox of southwestern United States; may be a subspecies of Vulpes velox
                       subtype:  arctic_fox__white_fox__whitefox__Alopex_lagopus  thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions; brownish in summer and white in winter
                          subtype:  blue_fox  a variety of arctic fox having a pale gray winter coat
                       subtype:  gray_fox__grey_fox__Urocyon_cinereoargenteus  dark gray American fox; from Central America through southern United States
                 subtype:  feline__felid  any of various lithe-bodied round-headed fissiped mammals many with retractile claws
                    subtype:  cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
                       subtype:  domestic_cat__cat__house_cat__housecat__Felis_domesticus__Felis_catus  any domesticated member of the genus Felis
                          subtype:  kitty-cat__kittycat__kitty__puss__pussy__pussycat  informal terms
                          subtype:  mouser  a cat proficient at mousing
                          subtype:  alley_cat__alleycat__stray  homeless cat
                          subtype:  tom  male cat
                             subtype:  gib  a castrated tomcat
                          subtype:  tabby__queen  female cat
                          subtype:  tabby_cat__tabbycat__tabby  a cat with a gray or tawny coat mottled with black
                          subtype:  tiger_cat__tigercat  a cat having a striped coat
                          subtype:  tortoiseshell-cat__tortoiseshellcat__tortoiseshell__calico_cat  a cat having black and cream and yellowish markings
                          subtype:  Persian_cat  a long-haired breed of cat
                          subtype:  Angora_cat__Angora  a long-haired breed similar to the Persian cat
                          subtype:  Siamese_cat__Siamese  a slender short-haired blue-eyed breed of cat having a pale coat with dark ears paws face and tail tip
                             subtype:  blue_point_Siamese  Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points
                          subtype:  Burmese_cat  a short-haired breed with body similar to the Siamese cat but having a solid dark brown or gray coat
                          subtype:  Egyptian_cat  a domestic cat of Egypt
                          subtype:  Maltese_cat  a short-haired bluish-gray cat breed
                          subtype:  Abyssinian_cat__Abyssinian  a small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish undercoat
                          subtype:  Manx_cat  a short-haired tailless breed of cat believed to originate on the Isle of Man
                       subtype:  wildcat  any small or medium-sized cat resembling the domestic cat and living in the wild
                          subtype:  sand_cat  a desert-dwelling wildcat
                          subtype:  European_wildcat__catamountain__Felis_silvestris  bushy-tailed European wildcat resembling the domestic tabby and regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat
                          subtype:  cougar__puma__catamount__mountain_lion__painter__panther__Felis_concolor  large American feline resembling a lion
                          subtype:  ocelot__panther_cat__panthercat__Felis_pardalis  nocturnal wildcat of Central and South America having a dark-spotted buff-brown coat
                          subtype:  jaguarundi_cat__jaguarundi__jaguarondi__eyra__Felis_yagouaroundi  long-bodied long-tailed tropical American wildcat
                          subtype:  kaffir_cat__caffer_cat__Felis_ocreata  widely distributed wildcat of Africa and Asia Minor
                          subtype:  jungle_cat__Felis_chaus  small Asiatic wildcat
                          subtype:  Felis_serval__serval  slender long-legged African wildcat having large untufted ears and tawny black-spotted coat
                          subtype:  leopard_cat__leopardcat__Felis_bengalensis  small spotted wildcat of southern Asia and Malaysia
                          subtype:  Felis_tigrina__tiger_cat__tigercat  medium-sized wildcat of Central and South America having a dark-striped coat
                          subtype:  margay_cat__margay__Felis_wiedi  small spotted wildcat found from Texas to Brazil
                          subtype:  Felis_manul__manul__Pallas's_cat  small wildcat of the mountains of Siberia Tibet and Mongolia
                          subtype:  lynx__catamount  short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted ears; valued for their fur
                             subtype:  common_lynx__Lynx_lynx  of northern Eurasia
                             subtype:  Canada_lynx__Lynx_canadensis__lynxcanadensi  of northern North America
                             subtype:  bobcat__bay_lynx__baylynx__Lynx_rufus  small lynx of North America
                             subtype:  spotted_lynx__spottedlynx__Lynx_pardina  of southern Europe
                             subtype:  Lynx_caracal__caracal__desert_lynx  of deserts of northern Africa and southern Asia
                    subtype:  big_cat__bigcat__cat  any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild
                       subtype:  leopard__Panthera_pardus  large feline of African and Asian forests usually having a tawny coat with black spots
                          subtype:  leopardess  female leopard
                          subtype:  panther  a leopard in the black color phase
                       subtype:  snow_leopard__ounce__pantherauncia  large feline of upland central Asia having long thick whitish fur
                       subtype:  jaguar__panther__Panthera_onca__Felis_onca  a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard; in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis
                       subtype:  lion__king_of_beasts__Panthera_leo  large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male
                          subtype:  lioness__liones  a female lion
                          subtype:  lionet  a small or young lion
                       subtype:  Panthera_tigris__tiger  large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered
                          subtype:  Bengal_tiger  southern short-haired tiger
                          subtype:  tigress  a female tiger
                       subtype:  liger  offspring of a male lion and a female tiger
                       subtype:  tiglon__tigon  offspring of a male tiger and a female lion
                       subtype:  cheetah__chetah__Acinonyx_jubatus  long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws; the swiftest mammal; can be trained to run down game
                       subtype:  saber-toothed_tiger__sabertoothedtiger__sabertooth  any of many extinct cats of the Old and New Worlds having long swordlike upper canine teeth; from the Oligocene through the Pleistocene
                          subtype:  Smiledon_californicus  North American sabertooth; culmination of sabertooth development
                          subtype:  false_saber-toothed_tiger__falsesabertoothedtiger  North American cat of the Miocene and Pliocene; much earlier and less specialized than members of the genus Smiledon
                 subtype:  bear  massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
                    subtype:  brown_bear__brownbear__bruin__Ursus_arctos  large ferocious bear of Eurasia
                       subtype:  Syrian_bear__Ursus_arctos_syriacus  yellowish-gray Syrian brown bear
                       subtype:  grizzly_bear__grizzlybear__grizzly__silvertip__Ursus_horribilis__Ursus_arctos_horribilis__ursusarctoshorribili  powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America
                       subtype:  Alaskan_brown_bear__Kodiak_bear__Kodiak__Ursus_middendorffi__Ursus_arctos_middendorffi  brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia
                    subtype:  bruin  a conventional name for a bear used in tales following usage in the old epic "Reynard the Fox"
                    subtype:  American_black_bear__black_bear__blackbear__Ursus_americanus__Euarctos_americanus  brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
                       subtype:  cinnamon_bear  reddish-brown color phase of the American black bear
                    subtype:  Asiatic_black_bear__black_bear__blackbear__Ursus_thibetanus__Selenarctos_thibetanus  black bear of central and eastern Asia
                    subtype:  ice_bear__icebear__polar_bear__polarbear__Ursus_Maritimus__Thalarctos_maritimus  white bear of arctic regions
                    subtype:  sloth_bear__slothbear__Melursus_ursinus__Ursus_ursinus  common coarse-haired long-snouted bear of south-central Asia
                 subtype:  viverrine_mammal__viverrinemammal__viverrine  small catlike predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World
                    subtype:  civet__civet_cat__civetcat  catlike mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes
                       subtype:  large_civet__largecivet__Viverra_zibetha  common civet of India and southeast Asia
                       subtype:  small_civet__smallcivet__Viverricula_indica__Viverricula_malaccensis  common small civet of southeast Asia
                       subtype:  binturong__bearcat__Arctictis_bintourong  arboreal civet of Asia having a long prehensile tail and shaggy black hair
                       subtype:  genus_Cryptoprocta__Cryptoprocta  large primitive catlike carnivores inhabiting forests of Madagascar
                       subtype:  fanaloka__Fossa_fossa  civet of Madagascar
                       subtype:  banded_palm_civet__Hemigalus_hardwickii  E Indian civet
                       subtype:  palm_cat__palm_civet  spotted or striped arboreal civet of southeast Asia and East Indies
                    subtype:  fossa_cat__fossacat__fossa__Cryptoprocta_ferox  largest carnivore of Madagascar; intermediate in some respects between cats and civets
                    subtype:  genet__Genetta_genetta  agile Old World viverrine having a spotted coat and long ringed tail
                    subtype:  mongoose  agile grizzled Old World viverrine; preys on snakes and rodents
                       subtype:  Indian_mongoose__Herpestes_nyula  keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret; often domesticated
                       subtype:  Herpestes_ichneumon__ichneumon  North African mongoose; in ancient times thought to devour crocodile eggs
                    subtype:  meerkat__mierkat  South African mongoose-like viverrine having a face like a lemur and only four toes
                       subtype:  slender-tailed_meerkat__Suricata_suricatta  a meerkat with a thin and elongated tail
                       subtype:  suricate__Suricata_tetradactyla  burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa; often kept as a pet
                 subtype:  musteline_mammal__mustelinemammal__musteline  fissiped fur-bearing carnivorous mammals
                    subtype:  weasel  small carnivorous mammal with short legs and elongated body and neck
                       subtype:  ermine__shorttail_weasel__shorttailweasel__Mustela_erminea  mustelid of northern hemisphere in its white winter coat
                          subtype:  stoat  the ermine in its brown summer coat with black-tipped tail
                       subtype:  New_World_least_weasel__Mustela_rixosa  of Canada and northeastern United States
                       subtype:  Old_World_least_weasel__Mustela_nivalis  of Europe
                       subtype:  longtail_weasel__long-tailed_weasel__Mustela_frenata  the common American weasel distinguished by large size and black-tipped tail
                       subtype:  muishond  southern African weasel
                          subtype:  snake_muishond__snakemuishond__Poecilogale_albinucha  small slender burrowing muishond with white top of the head
                          subtype:  striped_muishond__stripedmuishond__Ictonyx_striata__ictonyxstriata  ferret-sized muishond often tamed
                          subtype:  zoril__Ictonyx_frenata  north African muishond
                    subtype:  mink  slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur
                       subtype:  American_mink__Mustela_vison  usually rich dark brown
                    subtype:  fitch__polecat__foulmart__foumart__Mustela_putorius  dark brown mustelid of woodlands of Eurasia that gives off an unpleasant odor when threatened
                       subtype:  ferret  domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits
                    subtype:  black-footed_ferret__ferret__Mustela_nigripes  ferret of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct
                    subtype:  otter  freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur
                       subtype:  river_otter__riverotter__Lutra_canadensis  sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America
                       subtype:  Eurasian_otter__Lutra_lutra  otter found in Europe and Asia
                    subtype:  sea_otter__seaotter__Enhydra_lutris  large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thick dark brown fur
                    subtype:  polecat__skunk__wood_pussy  American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae
                       subtype:  striped_skunk__stripedskunk__Mephitis_mephitis  most common and widespread North American skunk
                       subtype:  hooded_skunk__Mephitis_macroura  of Mexico and southernmost parts of southwestern United States
                       subtype:  hog-nosed_skunk__hognosedskunk__hognosed_skunk__badger_skunk__rooter_skunk__Conepatus_leuconotus  large naked-muzzled skunk with white back and tail; of southwestern North America and Mexico
                       subtype:  little_spotted_skunk__spotted_skunk__spottedskunk__Spilogale_putorius  small skunk with a marbled black and white coat; of United States and Mexico
                    subtype:  badger  sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
                       subtype:  American_badger__Taxidea_taxus  a variety of badger native to America
                       subtype:  Eurasian_badger__Meles_meles  a variety of badger native to Europe and Asia
                       subtype:  ferret_badger  small ferret-like badger of southeast Asia
                       subtype:  hog_badger__hogbadger__hog-nosed_badger__hognosedbadger__sand_badger__Arctonyx_collaris  SE Asian badger with a snout like a pig
                    subtype:  ratel__honey_badger__honeybadger__Mellivora_capensis  nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia
                    subtype:  carcajou__wolverine__skunk_bear__skunkbear__Gulo_luscus  stocky shaggy-coated North American carnivorous mammal
                    subtype:  Gulo_gulo__glutton  wolverine of northern Eurasia
                    subtype:  grison__Grison_vittatus__Galictis_vittatus  carnivore of Central and South America resembling a weasel with a grayish-white back and dark underparts
                    subtype:  marten_cat__marten  agile slender-bodied arboreal mustelids somewhat larger than weasels
                       subtype:  pine_marten__Martes_martes  dark brown marten of northern Eurasian coniferous forests
                       subtype:  Martes_zibellina__sable  marten of North Asian forests having luxuriant dark brown fur
                       subtype:  American_marten__American_sable__Martes_americana  valued for its fur
                       subtype:  stone_marten__stonemarten__beech_marten__beechmarten__Martes_foina  Eurasian marten having a brown coat with pale breast and throat
                       subtype:  fisher_cat__fisher__pekan__black_cat__blackcat__Martes_pennanti  large dark brown North American arboreal carnivorous mammal
                       subtype:  yellow-throated_marten__Charronia_flavigula  large yellow and black marten of S China and Burma
                    subtype:  tayra__taira__Eira_barbara  long-tailed arboreal mustelid of Central and South America
                 subtype:  procyonid  plantigrade carnivorous mammals
                    subtype:  raccoon__racoon  omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North and Central America
                       subtype:  common_raccoon__common_racoon__coon__ringtail__Procyon_lotor  North American raccoon
                       subtype:  crab-eating_raccoon__Procyon_cancrivorus  South American raccoon
                    subtype:  bassarisk__cacomistle__cacomixle__coon_cat__raccoon_fox__raccoonfox__ringtail__ring-tailed_cat__civet_cat__civetcat__miner's_cat__Bassariscus_astutus  raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings
                    subtype:  kinkajou__honey_bear__honeybear__potto__Potos_flavus__Potos_caudivolvulus  arboreal fruit-eating mammal of tropical America with a long prehensile tail
                    subtype:  coati-mondi__coatimondi__coati__coati-mundi__coatimundi__coon_cat__Nasua_narica  omnivorous mammal of Central and South America
                    subtype:  lesser_panda__red_panda__redpanda__panda__bear_cat__cat_bear__catbear__ailurusfulgen  reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore; in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas
                    subtype:  giant_panda__giantpanda__panda__panda_bear__pandabear__coon_bear__Ailuropoda_melanoleuca  large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae
              subtype:  Fissipedia  in some classifications considered a suborder of Carnivora
              subtype:  aardvark__ant_bear__antbear__Orycteropus_afer  nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata
              subtype:  chiropteran  nocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form membranous wings and anatomical adaptations for echolocation by which they navigate
                 subtype:  fruit_bat__fruitbat__megabat  large Old World bat of warm and tropical regions that feeds on fruit
                    subtype:  flying_fox  large bat with a head that resembles the head of a fox
                    subtype:  Pteropus_capestratus  a variety of fruit bat
                    subtype:  Pteropus_hypomelanus  a variety of fruit bat
                    subtype:  harpy_bat__harpybat__harpy__tube-nosed_bat__tube-nosed_fruit_bat  any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes
                    subtype:  Cynopterus_sphinx  a variety of fruit eating bat
                 subtype:  carnivorous_bat__carnivorousbat__microbat  typically having large ears and feeding primarily on insects; worldwide in distribution
                    subtype:  mouse-eared_bat__mouseearedbat  a carnivorous bat with ears like a mouse
                    subtype:  leafnose_bat__leaf-nosed_bat  bat having a leaflike flap at the end of the nose; especially of the families Phyllostomatidae and Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae
                       subtype:  macrotus__Macrotus_californicus  large-eared grayish bat of southern California and northwestern Mexico
                       subtype:  spearnose_bat__spearnosebat  New World bat with a pointed nose leaf; found from southern United States to Paraguay
                       subtype:  Phyllostomus_hastatus  a variety of leaf-nosed bat
                       subtype:  hognose_bat__hognosebat__Choeronycteris_mexicana  small-eared Mexican bat with a long slender nose
                       subtype:  horseshoe_bat__horseshoebat  bat having a horseshoe-shaped leaf on the nose
                       subtype:  horseshoe_bat.leafnose_bat__horseshoebat  any of numerous bats of northwest Africa or Philippines or Australia having a horseshoe-shaped leaf on the nose
                       subtype:  orange_bat__orange_horseshoe_bat__Rhinonicteris_aurantius  a common bat of northwestern Australia having orange or yellow fur
                       subtype:  false_vampire_bat__falsevampirebat__false_vampire__falsevampire  any New or Old World carnivorous bat erroneously thought to suck blood but in fact feeding on insects
                          subtype:  big-eared_bat__Megaderma_lyra  large carnivorous Old World bat with very large ears
                    subtype:  vespertilian_bat__vespertilionid  a variety of carnivorous bat
                       subtype:  frosted_bat__frostedbat__Vespertilio_murinus  common Eurasian bat with white-tipped hairs in its coat
                       subtype:  red_bat__redbat__Lasiurus_borealis  North American brick or rusty red bat with hairs tipped with white
                       subtype:  little_brown_bat__little_brown_myotis__Myotis_leucifugus  the small common North American bat; widely distributed
                       subtype:  cave_myotis__Myotis_velifer  small bat of southwest United States that lives in caves etc.
                       subtype:  big_brown_bat__bigbrownbat__Eptesicus_fuscus  rather large North American brown bat; widely distributed
                       subtype:  serotine__European_brown_bat__Eptesicus_serotinus  common European brown bat
                       subtype:  pallid_bat__cave_bat__Antrozous_pallidus  drab yellowish big-eared cave-dwelling bat
                       subtype:  pipistrelle__pipistrel__Pipistrellus_pipistrellus  small European brown bat
                       subtype:  eastern_pipistrel__easternpipistrel__Pipistrellus_subflavus  one of the smallest bats of eastern North America
                       subtype:  western_pipistrel__westernpipistrel__SPipistrellus_hesperus  of western North America
                       subtype:  jackass_bat__jackassbat__spotted_bat__spottedbat__Euderma_maculata  large spotted bat of southwestern United States having enormous ears
                       subtype:  long-eared_bat  any of various Old or New World bats having very long ears
                          subtype:  western_big-eared_bat__westernbigearedbat__Plecotus_townsendi  bat of western North America having extremely large ears
                    subtype:  brown_bat__brownbat  any of numerous medium to small insectivorous bats found worldwide in caves and trees and buildings
                    subtype:  freetail__freetailed_bat  small swift bat with leathery ears and a long tail; common in warm regions
                       subtype:  guano_bat__guanobat__Mexican_freetail_bat__Tadarida_brasiliensis  the common freetail bat of southern United States having short velvety fur; migrates south for winter
                       subtype:  pocketed_bat__pocketed_freetail_bat__Tadirida_femorosacca  small brown bat of California and northern Mexico
                    subtype:  mastiff_bat__mastiffbat  a soft-furred chocolate-brown bat with folded ears and small wings; often runs along the ground
                    subtype:  true_vampire_bat__vampire_bat__vampirebat  any of various tropical American bats of the family Desmodontidae that bite mammals and birds to feed on their blood
                       subtype:  Desmodus_rotundus  mouse-sized bat of tropical Central and South America having sharp incisor and canine teeth; feeds on the blood of birds and mammals
                       subtype:  hairy-legged_vampire_bat__Diphylla_ecaudata  similar in size and habits to Desmodus rotundus; of tropical America including southern California and Texas
              subtype:  lagomorph__gnawing_mammal__gnawingmammal  relative large gnawing animals; distinguished from rodents by having two pairs of upper incisors specialized for gnawing
                 subtype:  Duplicidentata  in former classifications considered a suborder of Rodentia coextensive with the order Lagomorpha: gnawing animals
                 subtype:  leporid_mammal__leporidmammal__leporid  rabbits and hares
                    subtype:  rabbit__coney__cony  any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food
                       subtype:  lapin  castrated male rabbit
                       subtype:  bunny_rabbit__bunnyrabbit__bunny  (usually informal) especially a young rabbit
                       subtype:  European_rabbit__Old_World_rabbit__Oryctolagus_cuniculus  common grayish-brown burrowing animal native to S Europe and North Africa but introduced elsewhere; widely domesticated and developed in various colors and for various needs; young born naked and helpless
                       subtype:  wood_rabbit__cottontail__cottontail_rabbit  common small rabbit of North America having grayish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside; a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
                          subtype:  eastern_cottontail__easterncottontail__Sylvilagus_floridanus  widely distributed in United States except northwest and far west regions
                          subtype:  swamp_rabbit__swamprabbit__swamp_hare__swamphare__Sylvilagus_aquaticus  of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands
                          subtype:  marsh_hare__marshhare__swamprabbit__sylvilaguspalustri  of marshy coastal areas from North Carolina to Florida
                       subtype:  Belgian_hare__leporide  red breed of domestic rabbits; hybrid between Old World rabbit and hare
                       subtype:  Angora_rabbit__Angora  domestic breed with long white silky hair
                    subtype:  hare  swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyes
                       subtype:  leveret  a young hare especially one in its first year
                       subtype:  European_hare__Lepus_europaeus  large hare introduced in North America; does not turn white in winter
                       subtype:  jackrabbit  large hare of western North America
                          subtype:  white-tailed_jackrabbit__whitetail_jackrabbit__whitetailjackrabbit__Lepus_townsendi  largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States; brownish-gray in summer and pale gray in winter; tail nearly always all white
                          subtype:  blacktail_jackrabbit__blacktailjackrabbit__Lepus_californicus  the common jackrabbit of grasslands and open areas of western United States; has large black-tipped ears and black streak on the tail
                       subtype:  polar_hare__polarhare__Arctic_hare__Lepus_arcticus  large hare of Arctic America almost completely white in winter
                       subtype:  snowshoe_hare__snowshoe_rabbit__varying_hare__varyinghare__Lepus_americanus  large large-footed North American hare; white in winter
                 subtype:  pika__mouse_hare__mousehare__rock_rabbit__coney__cony  small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America
                    subtype:  little_chief_hare__Ochotona_princeps  North American pika
                    subtype:  collared_pika__Ochotona_collaris  similar to little chief hare and may be same species
              subtype:  rodent__gnawer__gnawing_animal__gnawinganimal  relatively small gnawing animals having a single pair of constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing
                 subtype:  mouse  any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails
                    subtype:  house_mouse__housemouse__Mus_musculus  brownish-gray Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide
                    subtype:  harvest_mouse__harvestmouse__Micromyx_minutus  small reddish-brown Eurasian mouse inhabiting e.g. cornfields
                    subtype:  field_mouse__fieldmouse  any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
                       subtype:  European_wood_mouse__Apodemus_sylvaticus  nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
                    subtype:  wood_mouse  any of various New World woodland mice
                       subtype:  white-footed_mouse__vesper_mouse__Peromyscus_leucopus  American woodland mouse with white feet and underparts
                       subtype:  deer_mouse__Peromyscus_maniculatus  brownish New World mouse; most widely distributed member of the genus
                       subtype:  cactus_mouse__Peromyscus_eremicus  burrowing mouse of desert areas of southwestern United States
                       subtype:  cotton_mouse__Peromyscus_gossypinus  large dark mouse of southeastern United States
                       subtype:  pygmy_mouse__pygmymouse__Baiomys_taylori  very small dark grayish brown mouse resembling a house mouse; of Texas and Mexico
                 subtype:  rat  any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
                    subtype:  pocket_rat  any of various rodents with cheek pouches
                       subtype:  pocket_mouse  any of various small nocturnal burrowing desert rodents with cheek pouches and long hind legs and tail
                          subtype:  silky_pocket_mouse__Perognathus_flavus  small pale yellowish soft-furred rodent of southwestern United States and Mexico
                          subtype:  plains_pocket_mouse__Perognathus_flavescens  small rodent of open areas of United States plains states
                          subtype:  hispid_pocket_mouse__Perognathus_hispidus  large stiff-haired rodent of shortgrass prairies of United States
                          subtype:  Mexican_pocket_mouse__Liomys_irroratus  large pocket mouse of Mexico
                       subtype:  kangaroo_rat__desert_rat__Dipodomys_phillipsii  any of various leaping rodents of desert regions of North America and Mexico; largest members of the family Heteromyidae
                          subtype:  Ord_kangaroo_rat__Dipodomys_ordi  most widely distributed kangaroo rat: plains and mountain areas of central and western United States
                       subtype:  dwarf_pocket_rat__kangaroo_mouse  small silky-haired pouched rodent; similar to but smaller than kangaroo rats
                       subtype:  pocket_gopher__gopher__pouched_rat__pouchedrat  burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae having large external cheek pouches; of Central America and southwestern North America
                          subtype:  plains_pocket_gopher__Geomys_bursarius  gopher of chiefly grasslands of central North America
                          subtype:  southeastern_pocket_gopher__Geomys_pinetis  gopher of Alabama Georgia and Florida
                          subtype:  valley_pocket_gopher__Thomomys_bottae  of valleys and mountain meadows of western United States
                          subtype:  northern_pocket_gopher__Thomomys_talpoides  grayish to brown gopher of western and central United States
                    subtype:  brown_rat__brownrat__Norway_rat__Rattus_norvegicus  common domestic rat; serious pest worldwide
                       subtype:  wharf_rat__wharfrat  brown rat that infests wharves
                       subtype:  sewer_rat__sewerrat  brown rat commonly found in sewers
                    subtype:  black_rat__blackrat__roof_rat__Rattus_rattus  common household pest originally from Asia that has spread worldwide
                    subtype:  bandicoot_rat__bandicootrat__mole_rat  burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon
                    subtype:  jerboa_rat  large Australian rat with hind legs adapted for leaping
                       subtype:  kangaroo_mouse  leaping rodent of Australian desert areas
                    subtype:  rice_rat__Oryzomys_palustris  hardy agile rat of grassy marshes of Mexico and the southeastern United States
                 subtype:  murine  a rodent that is a member of the family Muridae
                 subtype:  water_rat__waterrat  any of various amphibious rats
                    subtype:  beaver_rat  amphibious rat of Australia and New Guinea
                 subtype:  New_World_mouse  a variety of rodent
                    subtype:  American_harvest_mouse__harvest_mouse__harvestmouse  any of several small grayish New World mice inhabiting e.g. grain fields
                 subtype:  muskrat__Ondatra_zibethica  beaver-like aquatic rodent of North America with dark glossy brown fur
                 subtype:  round-tailed_muskrat__Florida_water_rat__Neofiber_alleni  of Florida wetlands
                 subtype:  cotton_rat__Sigmodon_hispidus  destructive long-haired burrowing rat of southern North America and Central America
                 subtype:  wood_rat  any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur gray above and white below with well-furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
                    subtype:  vole__field_mouse__fieldmouse  any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae especially of genus Microtus having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows
                       subtype:  grasshopper_mouse__grasshoppermouse  insectivorous mouse of western North America
                       subtype:  pine_vole__pine_mouse__Pitymys_pinetorum  short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States
                       subtype:  meadow_vole__meadow_mouse__Microtus_pennsylvaticus  widely distributed in grasslands of northern United States and Canada
                       subtype:  Richardson_vole__water_vole__watervole__Microtus_richardsoni  of western North America
                       subtype:  prairie_vole__prairievole__Microtus_ochrogaster  typical vole of the extended prairie region of central United States and southern Canada
                       subtype:  water_vole__watervole__water_rat__waterrat__Arvicola_amphibius  common large Eurasian vole
                       subtype:  red-backed_mouse__redback_vole__redbackvole  any of several voles of mountainous regions of Eurasia and America
                       subtype:  phenacomys  any of several vole-like terrestrial or arboreal rodents of cold forested regions of Canada and western United States
                    subtype:  packrat__traderat__bushytail_woodrat__bushytailwoodrat__Neotoma_cinerea  any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects
                       subtype:  dusky-footed_woodrat__Neotoma_fuscipes  host to Lyme disease tick (Ixodes pacificus) in northern California
                    subtype:  eastern_woodrat__easternwoodrat__Neotoma_floridana  large grayish-brown woodrat of the southeastern United States
                 subtype:  hamster  short-tailed Old World burrowing rodent with large cheek pouches
                    subtype:  Eurasian_hamster__Cricetus_cricetus  a variety of hamster common to Europe and Asia
                    subtype:  golden_hamster__Syrian_hamster__Mesocricetus_auratus  small light-colored hamster often kept as a pet
                 subtype:  gerbil__gerbille  small Old World burrowing desert rodent with long soft pale fur and hind legs adapted for leaping
                    subtype:  jird  North African gerbils
                    subtype:  tamarisk_gerbil__Meriones_unguiculatus  popular as a pet
                    subtype:  Meriones_longifrons__sand_rat  southern European gerbil
                 subtype:  lemming  any of various short-tailed furry-footed rodents of circumpolar distribution
                    subtype:  European_lemming__Lemmus_lemmus  notable for mass migrations even into the sea where many drown
                    subtype:  brown_lemming__brownlemming__Lemmus_trimucronatus  of northwestern Canada and Alaska
                    subtype:  gray_lemming__red-backed_lemming  Old World lemming
                    subtype:  pied_lemming  North American lemming having a white winter coat and some claws much enlarged
                       subtype:  Hudson_bay_collared_lemming__Dicrostonyx_hudsonius  of northern Canada
                    subtype:  southern_bog_lemming__Synaptomys_cooperi  of low bogs and meadows of northeastern and central United States and southern Canada
                    subtype:  northern_bog_lemming__Synaptomys_borealis  of wet alpine and subalpine meadows of Canada and Alaska
                 subtype:  porcupine__hedgehog  relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur
                    subtype:  Old_World_porcupine  terrestrial porcupine
                       subtype:  brush-tailed_porcupine__brush-tail_porcupine  porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail
                       subtype:  long-tailed_porcupine__Trichys_lipura  porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail
                    subtype:  New_World_porcupine  arboreal porcupine
                       subtype:  Canada_porcupine__Erethizon_dorsatum  porcupine of northeastern North America with barbed spines concealed in the coarse fur; often gnaws buildings for salt and grease
                 subtype:  jumping_mouse__jumpingmouse  any of several primitive mouselike rodents with long hind legs and no cheek pouches; of woodlands of Eurasia and North America
                    subtype:  meadow_jumping_mouse__Zapus_hudsonius  widely distributed in northeastern and central United States and Canada
                 subtype:  jerboa  mouselike jumping rodent
                    subtype:  typical_jerboa__typicaljerboa  small nocturnal jumping rodent with long hind legs; of arid parts of North Africa and Asia
                    subtype:  Jaculus_jaculus  a variety of jerboa
                 subtype:  dormouse  small furry-tailed squirrel-like Old World rodent that becomes torpid in cold weather
                    subtype:  loir__Glis_glis  large European dormouse
                    subtype:  hazel_mouse__hazelmouse__Muscardinus_avellanarius  a variety of dormouse
                    subtype:  lerot  dormouse of southern Europe and northern Africa
                 subtype:  squirrel  a kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tail
                    subtype:  tree_squirrel  any typical arboreal squirrel
                       subtype:  eastern_gray_squirrel__cat_squirrel__catsquirrel__Sciurus_carolinensis  common medium-large squirrel of eastern North America; now introduced into England
                       subtype:  western_gray_squirrel__Sciurus_griseus  large gray squirrel of far western areas of United States
                       subtype:  eastern_fox_squirrel__easternfoxsquirrel__fox_squirrel__foxsquirrel__Sciurus_niger  exceptionally large arboreal squirrel of eastern United States
                       subtype:  black_squirrel__blacksquirrel  fox squirrel or gray squirrel in the black color phase
                       subtype:  red_squirrel__redsquirrel__cat_squirrel__catsquirrel__Sciurus_vulgaris  common reddish-brown squirrel of Europe and parts of Asia
                       subtype:  American_red_squirrel__spruce_squirrel__red_squirrel__redsquirrel__Sciurus_hudsonicus__Tamiasciurus_hudsonicus  of northern United States and Canada
                       subtype:  chickeree__Douglas_squirrel__Tamiasciurus_douglasi  far western United States counterpart of the red squirrel
                    subtype:  ground_squirrel__gopher__spermophile  any of various terrestrial burrowing rodents of Old and New Worlds; often destroy crops
                       subtype:  whitetail_antelope_squirrel__antelope_squirrel__antelope_chipmunk__Citellus_leucurus  small ground squirrel of western United States
                       subtype:  mantled_ground_squirrel__Citellus_lateralis  common black-striped reddish-brown ground squirrel of western North America; resembles a large chipmunk
                       subtype:  suslik__souslik__Citellus_citellus  rather large central Eurasian ground squirrel
                       subtype:  flickertail__Richardson_ground_squirrel__Citellus_richardsoni  of sagebrush and grassland areas of western United States and Canada
                       subtype:  rock_squirrel__Citellus_variegatus  large gray ground squirrel of rocky areas of the southwestern United States
                       subtype:  Arctic_ground_squirrel__parka_squirrel__parkasquirrel__Citellus_parryi  large ground squirrel of the North American far north
                    subtype:  eastern_chipmunk__easternchipmunk__hackee__striped_squirrel__stripedsquirrel__ground_squirrel__Tamias_striatus  small striped semiterrestrial eastern American squirrel with cheek pouches
                    subtype:  chipmunk  chipmunk of western America and Asia
                    subtype:  baronduki__baranduki__barunduki__burunduki__eutamiusasiaticu__Eutamius_sibiricus  terrestrial Siberian squirrel
                    subtype:  American_flying_squirrel  New World flying squirrels
                       subtype:  southern_flying_squirrel__Glaucomys_volans  small large-eyed nocturnal flying squirrel of eastern United States
                       subtype:  northern_flying_squirrel__Glaucomys_sabrinus  large flying squirrel; chiefly of Canada
                    subtype:  Asiatic_flying_squirrel  nocturnal rodent of Asia having furry folds of skin between forelegs and hind legs enabling it to move by gliding leaps
                       subtype:  taguan__flying_marmot__flying_cat__Petaurista_petaurista  East Indian flying squirrel
                 subtype:  prairie_dog__prairiedog__prairie_marmot__prairiemarmot  any of several rodents of North American prairies living in large complex burrows having a barking cry
                    subtype:  blacktail_prairie_dog__blacktailprairiedog__Cynomys_ludovicianus  tail is black tipped
                    subtype:  whitetail_prairie_dog__whitetailprairiedog__Cynomys_gunnisoni  tail is white tipped
                 subtype:  marmot  stocky coarse-furred burrowing rodent with a short bushy tail found throughout the northern hemisphere; hibernates in winter
                    subtype:  groundhog__woodchuck__Marmota_monax  reddish brown North American marmot
                    subtype:  hoary_marmot__hoarymarmot__whistler__whistling_marmot__whistlingmarmot__Marmota_caligata  large North American mountain marmot
                    subtype:  yellowbelly_marmot__yellowbellymarmot__rockchuck__marmotaflaviventri  heavy-bodied yellowish-brown marmot of rocky areas of western North America
                 subtype:  beaver  large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges
                    subtype:  Old_World_beaver__Castor_fiber  a European variety of beaver
                    subtype:  New_World_beaver__Castor_canadensis  a variety of beaver found in almost all areas of North America except Florida
                 subtype:  mountain_beaver__sewellel__Aplodontia_rufa  bulky nocturnal burrowing rodent of uplands of the Pacific coast of North America; the most primitive living rodent
                 subtype:  cavy  short-tailed rough-haired South American rodent
                    subtype:  Cavia_cobaya__guinea_pig  stout-bodied nearly tailless domesticated cavy; often kept as a pet and widely used in research
                    subtype:  aperea__wild_cavy__Cavia_porcellus  South American cavy; possibly ancestral to the domestic guinea pig
                 subtype:  mara__Dolichotis_patagonum  hare-like rodent of the pampas of Argentina
                 subtype:  capybara__capibara__Hydrochoerus_hydrochaeris  pig-sized tailless South American amphibious rodent with partly webbed feet; largest living rodent
                 subtype:  agouti__Dasyprocta_aguti  agile long-legged rabbit-sized rodent of Central and South America and West Indies; valued as food
                 subtype:  Cuniculus_paca__paca  large burrowing rodent of South and Central America; highly esteemed as food
                 subtype:  mountain_paca  rodent of mountains of western South America
                 subtype:  Myocastor_coypus__coypu__nutria  aquatic South American rodent resembling a small beaver; bred for its fur
                 subtype:  Chinchilla_laniger__chinchilla  small rodent with soft pearly gray fur; native to the Andes but bred in captivity for fur
                 subtype:  mountain_chinchilla__mountain_viscacha  a rodent native to the mountains of Chile and Peru and now bred in captivity
                 subtype:  viscacha__chinchillon__Lagostomus_maximus  gregarious burrowing rodent larger than the chinchillas
                 subtype:  abrocome__chinchilla_rat__rat_chinchilla__ratchinchilla  ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes
                 subtype:  mole_rat  furry short-limbed tailless rodent resembling a true mole in habits and appearance; of eastern Europe and Middle East
                 subtype:  mole_rat.rodent__molerat  African rodent resembling a mole in habits and appearance
                 subtype:  sand_rat  small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas
              subtype:  Ungulata  in former classifications a major division of Mammalia comprising all hoofed mammals; now divided into the orders Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates) and Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
              subtype:  ungulate__hoofed_mammal  any of a number of hoofed mammals superficially similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically
                 subtype:  dinocerate  an extinct ungulate
                    subtype:  dinoceras__dinocera__uintathere  a variety of dinocerate
                 subtype:  odd-toed_ungulate__perissodactyl__perissodactyl_mammal__perissodactylmammal  placental mammals having hooves with an odd number of toes on each foot
                    subtype:  equine__equid  hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck
                       subtype:  horse__Equus_caballus  solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
                          subtype:  roan  horse having a roan coat
                          subtype:  stablemate__stable_companion  a horse stabled with another or one of several horses owned by the same person
                          subtype:  gee-gee__geegee  a word for horse used by children or in adult slang
                          subtype:  eohippus__dawn_horse  earliest horse; extinct primitive dog-sized 4-toed Eocene animal
                          subtype:  mesohippus  North American 3-toed Oligocene animal; probably not directly ancestral to modern horses
                          subtype:  protohippus  Pliocene horse approaching donkeys in size
                          subtype:  female_horse__mare  female equine animal
                             subtype:  broodmare__stud_mare  a female horse used for breeding
                          subtype:  saddle_horse__riding_horse__mount  a lightweight horse kept for riding only
                             subtype:  remount  a fresh horse especially (formerly) to replace one killed or injured in battle
                             subtype:  palfrey  (archaic) especially a light saddle horse for a woman
                             subtype:  warhorse  horse used in war
                                subtype:  cavalry_horse__cavalryhorse  horse trained for battle
                                subtype:  charger  formerly a strong horse ridden into battle
                                subtype:  steed  (literary) spirited horse for state or war
                             subtype:  prancer  a mettlesome or fiery horse
                             subtype:  hack  a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc.
                             subtype:  cow_pony__cowpony  a light saddle horse trained for herding cattle
                             subtype:  quarter_horse__quarterhorse  a small powerful horse originally bred for sprinting in quarter-mile races in Virginia
                             subtype:  Morgan  an American breed of small compact saddle horses
                             subtype:  Tennessee_walker__Tennessee_walking_horse__Walking_horse__Plantation_walking_horse  a horse marked by stamina and trained to move at a fast running walk
                             subtype:  American_saddle_horse  a high-stepping horse originating in Kentucky
                             subtype:  Appaloosa  a hardy breed developed in western North America and characteristically having a spotted rump
                             subtype:  Arabian__Arab  a spirited graceful and intelligent riding horse native to Arabia
                             subtype:  buckskin_horse__buckskin  horse of a light yellowish dun color with dark mane and tail
                             subtype:  crowbait  an emaciated horse likely soon to become carrion and so attractive to crows
                             subtype:  dun  horse of a dull brownish gray color
                             subtype:  gray_horse  horse of a light grey or whitish color
                          subtype:  pony  a range horse of the western United States
                             subtype:  mustang  small hardy range horse of the western plains descended from horses brought by the Spanish
                                subtype:  bronco__bronc__broncho  an unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang
                                   subtype:  bucking_bronco__buckingbronco  a vicious or unbreakable bronco
                             subtype:  cayuse__Indian_pony  a small native range horse
                          subtype:  polo_pony  a small agile horse specially bred and trained for playing polo
                          subtype:  wild_horse  undomesticated or feral domestic horse
                             subtype:  tarpan__Equus_caballus_gomelini  European wild horse extinct since the early 20th century
                             subtype:  warrigal__warragal  Australian wild horse
                             subtype:  Przewalski's_horse__Przevalski's_horse__Equus_caballus_przewalskii__Equus_caballus_przevalskii  wild horse of central Asia that resembles an ass; now endangered
                          subtype:  hack.horse  a horse kept for hire
                          subtype:  jade__hack__nag__plug  an old or over-worked horse
                          subtype:  pony.horse  any of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulder
                             subtype:  Shetland_pony  breed of very small pony with long shaggy mane and tail
                             subtype:  Welsh_pony  breed of small ponies originally from Wales
                             subtype:  Exmoor  stocky breed of pony with a fawn-colored nose
                          subtype:  racehorse__bangtail__race_horse  a horse bred for racing
                             subtype:  pony.racehorse  an informal term for a racehorse; "he liked to bet on the ponies"
                             subtype:  yearling.racehorse  a racehorse considered one year old until the second Jan. 1 following its birth
                             subtype:  dark_horse  a racehorse about which little is known
                             subtype:  mudder  a racehorse that runs well on a muddy racetrack
                             subtype:  nonstarter  a horse that fails to run in a race for which it has been entered
                             subtype:  pacemaker__pacer__pacesetter  a horse used to set the pace in racing
                             subtype:  trotting_horse__trotter  a horse trained to trot especially one trained for harness racing
                                subtype:  pole_horse  the horse having a starting position next to the inside rail in a harness race
                          subtype:  steeplechaser  a horse trained to run in steeplechases
                          subtype:  stalking-horse  a horse behind which a hunter hides while stalking game
                          subtype:  harness_horse__harnesshorse  horse used for pulling vehicles
                             subtype:  cob.harness_horse  stocky short-legged harness horse
                             subtype:  hackney  a compact breed of harness horse
                          subtype:  workhorse  a horse used for plowing and hauling and other heavy labor
                             subtype:  plow_horse__plough_horse  a horse used to pull a plow
                             subtype:  draft_horse__draught_horse__draughthorse__dray_horse  horse adapted for drawing heavy loads
                                subtype:  carthorse__cart_horse__drayhorse  draft horse kept for pulling carts
                                subtype:  Clydesdale  heavy feathered-legged breed of draft horse originally from Scotland
                                subtype:  shire_horse__shirehorse__shire  British breed of large heavy draft horse
                                subtype:  poler__pole_horse  a draft horse harnessed alongside the shaft or pole of a vehicle
                                subtype:  wheel_horse__wheelhorse__wheeler  a draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle
                                subtype:  coach_horse__coachhorse  strong draft horse for drawing coaches
                             subtype:  packhorse  a workhorse used as a pack animal
                             subtype:  farm_horse__dobbin  a quiet plodding workhorse
                          subtype:  post_horse__poster  a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers
                          subtype:  pacer  a horse trained to a special gait in which both feet on one side leave the ground together
                          subtype:  high_stepper__stepper  a horse trained to lift its feet high off the ground while walking or trotting
                          subtype:  chestnut  a dark golden-brown or reddish-brown horse
                          subtype:  liver_chestnut__liverchestnut  a solid dark brown horse
                          subtype:  bay.horse  a horse of a moderate reddish-brown color
                          subtype:  sorrel  a horse of a brownish orange to light brown color
                          subtype:  palomino  a horse of light tan or golden color with cream or white mane and tail
                          subtype:  pinto  a spotted or calico horse or pony
                       subtype:  ass__as  hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse
                          subtype:  domestic_ass__donkey__Equus_asinus  domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass; patient but stubborn
                             subtype:  burro  small donkey used as a pack animal
                             subtype:  moke  British informal
                          subtype:  jackass__jackas  male donkey
                          subtype:  jennet__jenny__jenny_ass__jennyas  female donkey
                          subtype:  wild_ass  any of several plain-colored equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa
                             subtype:  African_wild_ass__Equus_asinus  a wild ass of Africa
                             subtype:  Equus_kiang__kiang  wild ass of Tibet and Mongolia
                             subtype:  Equus_hemionus__onager  Asiatic wild ass
                                subtype:  chigetai__dziggetai__Equus_hemionus_hemionus__equushemionushemionu  Mongolian wild ass
                       subtype:  mule  sterile offspring of a male donkey and a female horse
                       subtype:  hinny  sterile offspring of a male horse and a female donkey or ass
                       subtype:  zebra  any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines
                          subtype:  common_zebra__Burchell's_zebra__Equus_Burchelli  of the plains of central and eastern Africa
                          subtype:  mountain_zebra__Equus_zebra_zebra  narrow-striped nearly extinct zebra of southern Africa
                          subtype:  grevy's_zebra__grevy'szebra__Equus_grevyi  zebra with less continuous stripes
                       subtype:  Equus_quagga__quagga  mammal of South Africa that resembled a zebra; extinct since late 19th century
                    subtype:  rhinoceros__rhino  massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout
                       subtype:  Indian_rhinoceros__Rhinoceros_unicornis  having one horn
                       subtype:  woolly_rhinoceros__Rhinoceros_antiquitatis  extinct thick-haired species of arctic regions
                       subtype:  white_rhinoceros__Ceratotherium_simum__Diceros_simus  large light-gray African rhinoceros having two horns; endangered; sometimes placed in genus Diceros
                       subtype:  black_rhinoceros__Diceros_bicornis  African rhino; in danger of extinction
                    subtype:  tapir  large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout
                       subtype:  New_World_tapir__Tapirus_terrestris  a tapir found in South and Central America
                       subtype:  Malayan_tapir__Indian_tapir__Tapirus_indicus  a tapir found in Malaya and Sumatra
                 subtype:  even-toed_ungulate__artiodactyl__artiodactyl_mammal__artiodactylmammal  placental mammal having hooves with an even number of functional toes on each foot
                    subtype:  swine  stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals
                       subtype:  pig__squealer__grunter__Sus_scrofa  domestic swine
                          subtype:  porker  a pig fattened to provide meat
                       subtype:  boar  an uncastrated male hog
                       subtype:  sow  an adult female hog
                       subtype:  razorback_hog__razorbackhog__razorback__razorbacked_hog__razorbackedhog  thin-bodied mongrel hog of southeastern United States that is a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds
                       subtype:  wild_boar__boar__Sus_scrofa  Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come; introduced in United States
                       subtype:  babirusa__babiroussa__babirussa__Babyrousa_Babyrussa  Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth
                       subtype:  warthog  African wild swine with warty protuberances on the face and large protruding tusks
                    subtype:  peccary__musk_hog  nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North and South America
                       subtype:  collared_peccary__javelina__Tayassu_angulatus__Tayassu_tajacu__Peccari_angulatus  dark gray peccary with an indistinct white collar; of semi desert areas of Mexico and southwestern United States
                       subtype:  white-lipped_peccary__Tayassu_pecari  blackish peccary with whitish cheeks; larger than the collared peccary
                       subtype:  Chiacoan_peccary  a recently discovered large wild pig of Paraguay
                    subtype:  hippopotamus__hippo__river_horse__riverhorse__Hippopotamus_amphibius  massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa
                    subtype:  ruminant  any of various cud-chewing hoofed mammals having a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments
                       subtype:  pollard  a usually horned animal that as either shed its horns or had them removed
                       subtype:  bovid  hollow-horned ruminants
                          subtype:  bovine  any of various members of the genus Bos
                             subtype:  wild_ox__ox  any of various wild bovines especially of the genera Bos or closely related Bibos
                                subtype:  aurochs__auroch__urus__Bos_primigenius  large recently extinct long-horned European wild ox; considered one of the ancestors of domestic cattle
                                subtype:  Bos_grunniens__yak  large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated
                                subtype:  Bos_banteng__banteng__banting  wild ox of the Malay Archipelago
                                subtype:  Asian_wild_ox  genus of Asiatic wild oxen
                                   subtype:  gaur__Bibos_gaurus  wild ox of mountainous areas of eastern India
                                   subtype:  gayal__mithan__Bibos_frontalis  ox of southeast Asia sometimes considered a domesticated breed of the gaur
                             subtype:  cattle__cows__kine__oxen__Bos_taurus  domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age: "so many head of cattle"; "wait till the cows come home"; "seven thin and ill-favored kine"- Bible; "a team of oxen"
                                subtype:  ox  an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos; especially Bos taurus
                                subtype:  stirk  yearling heifer or bullock
                                subtype:  steer__bullock  castrated bull
                                subtype:  bull.cattle  uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
                                   subtype:  bullock  young bull
                                subtype:  moo-cow__moocow__cow  female of domestic cattle: "`moo-cow'" is a child's term"
                                   subtype:  springing_cow__springingcow__springer  a cow about to give birth
                                   subtype:  heifer  young cow
                                subtype:  beef_cattle__beef  cattle that are reared for their meat
                                   subtype:  Texas_longhorn__longhorn  long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States
                                   subtype:  Santa_Gertrudis  Brahman and shorthorn crossbreed of red cattle; hardy in hot regions
                                   subtype:  Aberdeen_Angus__Angus__black_Angus  black hornless breed from Scotland
                                   subtype:  Charolais  large white or cream-colored breed from France
                                   subtype:  shorthorn__Durham  English breed of short-horned cattle
                                   subtype:  Galloway  breed of hardy black chiefly beef cattle native to Scotland
                                   subtype:  Hereford__whiteface  hardy English breed of dairy cattle raised extensively in United States
                                   subtype:  cattalo  hardy breed of cattle resulting from crossing domestic cattle with the American buffalo; yields leaner beef than conventional breeds
                                subtype:  Welsh_Black__Welsh  Welsh breed of dual-purpose cattle
                                subtype:  red_poll__redpoll  hornless short-haired breed of beef and dairy cattle
                                subtype:  Africander  tall large-horned humped south African cattle for meat or draft
                                subtype:  dairy_cattle__dairycattle__dairy_cow__dairycow__milch_cow__milchcow__milk_cow__milcher__milker  cattle that are reared for their milk
                                   subtype:  Ayrshire  hardy breed from Ayr Scotland
                                   subtype:  Brown_Swiss  large hardy brown breed from Switzerland
                                   subtype:  Jersey  breed from the island of Jersey
                                   subtype:  milking_shorthorn__milkingshorthorn  breed evolved from shorthorn beef cattle
                                   subtype:  Holstein-Friesian__Friesian__Holstein  a breed of dairy cattle from northern Holland
                                   subtype:  Guernsey  breed of dairy cattle from the island of Guernsey
                                subtype:  Devon  red dual-purpose cattle of English origin
                             subtype:  Bos_indicus__Brahman__Brahma__Brahmin  any of several breeds of Indian cattle; especially a large American heat and tick resistant grayish humped breed evolved in the Gulf States by interbreeding Indian cattle and now used chiefly for crossbreeding
                                subtype:  zebu  domesticated ox having a humped back and long horns and a large dewlap; used chiefly as a draft animal in India and east Asia
                          subtype:  Old_World_buffalo__buffalo  any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo
                             subtype:  water_buffalo__waterbuffalo__water_ox__waterox__Asiatic_buffalo__Bubalus_bubalis  Asiatic buffalo often domesticated for use as a draft animal
                                subtype:  Indian_buffalo  upland buffalo of eastern Asia where true water buffaloes do not thrive; used for draft and milk
                                subtype:  carabao  water buffalo of the Philippines
                             subtype:  anoa__dwarf_buffalo__dwarfbuffalo__Anoa_depressicornis  small buffalo of the Celebes having small straight horns
                             subtype:  tamarau__tamarao__Bubalus_mindorensis__Anoa_mindorensis  small buffalo of Mindoro in the Philippines
                             subtype:  Cape_buffalo__Synercus_caffer  large often savage buffalo of southern Africa having upward-curving horns; mostly in game reserves
                          subtype:  bison  any of several large shaggy-maned humped bovids having large heads and short horns
                             subtype:  American_bison__American_buffalo__buffalo__bisonbison  large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains
                             subtype:  wisent__aurochs__auroch__Bison_bonasus  European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison
                          subtype:  musk_ox__musk_sheep__Ovibos_moschatus  large shaggy-coated bovid mammal of Canada and Greenland; intermediate in size and anatomy between an ox and a sheep
                          subtype:  sheep  woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat
                             subtype:  ewe  female sheep
                             subtype:  tup__ram  uncastrated adult male sheep: "a British term is `tup'"
                             subtype:  wether  male sheep especially a castrated one
                                subtype:  bellwether  sheep that leads the herd often wearing a bell
                             subtype:  black_sheep__blacksheep  sheep with a black coat
                             subtype:  domestic_sheep__Ovis_aries  any of various breeds raised for wool or edible meat or skin
                                subtype:  Cotswold  sheep with long wool originating in the Cotswolds
                                subtype:  Hampshire_down__Hampshire  British breed of hornless dark-faced mutton sheep
                                subtype:  Lincoln  long-wooled mutton sheep originally from Lincolnshire
                                subtype:  Exmoor.domestic_sheep__exmoor  horned sheep of Devon; valued for mutton
                                subtype:  Cheviot  hardy hornless sheep of the Cheviot hills noted for its wool
                                subtype:  caracul__karakul  hardy coarse-haired sheep of central Asia; lambs are valued for their soft curly black fur
                                subtype:  longwool  a domestic long-wool sheep
                                subtype:  merino_sheep__merino  white sheep originating in Spain and producing a heavy fleece of exceptional quality
                                subtype:  Rambouillet  hardy sheep developed from the Merino producing both good mutton and fine wool
                          subtype:  wild_sheep  undomesticated sheep
                             subtype:  argali__argal__Ovis_ammon  wild sheep of semidesert regions in central Asia
                             subtype:  Marco_Polo_sheep__Marco_Polo's_sheep__Ovis_poli  Asiatic wild sheep with exceptionally large horns; sometimes considered a variety of the argali (or Ovis ammon)
                             subtype:  urial__Ovis_vignei  bearded reddish sheep of southern Asia
                             subtype:  Dall_sheep__Dall's_sheep__white_sheep__whitesheep__Ovis_montana_dalli  large white wild sheep of northwestern Canada and Alaska
                             subtype:  mountain_sheep  any wild sheep inhabiting mountainous regions
                                subtype:  Rocky_Mountain_bighorn__bighorn__bighorn_sheep__bighornsheep__cimarron__Rocky_Mountain_sheep__Ovis_canadensis  wild sheep of mountainous regions of western North America having massive curled horns
                                subtype:  mouflon__moufflon__Ovis_musimon  wild short-fleeced mountain sheep of Corsica and Sardinia
                             subtype:  aoudad__arui__audad__Barbary_sheep__maned_sheep__manedsheep__Ammotragus_lervia  wild sheep of northern Africa
                          subtype:  caprine_animal__caprineanimal__goat  any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
                             subtype:  kid  young goat
                             subtype:  billy_goat__billygoat__billy__he-goat  male goat
                             subtype:  nanny-goat__nannygoat__nanny__she-goat__shegoat  female goat
                             subtype:  domestic_goat__Capra_hircus  any of various breeds raised for milk or meat or wool
                                subtype:  Cashmere_goat__Kashmir_goat  Himalayan goat having a silky undercoat highly prized as cashmere wool
                                subtype:  Angora_goat__Angora  raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair
                             subtype:  wild_goat  undomesticated goat
                                subtype:  bezoar_goat__pasang__Capra_aegagrus  wild goat of Iran and adjacent regions
                                subtype:  markhor__Capra_falconeri  large Himalayan goat with large spiraled horns
                                subtype:  Capra_ibex__ibex  wild goat of mountain areas of Eurasia and North Africa having large recurved horns
                          subtype:  goat_antelope  bovid related to goats but having antelope-like features: mountain goats; gorals; serows; chamois; gnu goats
                             subtype:  mountain_goat__Rocky_Mountain_goat__Oreamnos_americanus  sure-footed mammal of mountainous northwestern North America
                             subtype:  Naemorhedus_goral__goral  small goat antelope with small conical horns; of South Asian mountains
                             subtype:  serow  short-horned dark-coated goat antelope of mountain areas of south and southeast Asia
                             subtype:  chamois__Rupicapra_rupicapra  hoofed mammal of mountains of Eurasia having upright horns with backward-hooked tips
                             subtype:  takin__gnu_goat__gnugoat__budorcastaxicolor  large heavily built goat antelope of eastern Himalayan area
                          subtype:  antelope  graceful Old World ruminant with long legs and horns directed upward and backward; includes gazelles; springboks; impalas; addax; gerenuks; blackbucks; dik-diks
                             subtype:  blackbuck__black_buck__blackbuck__Antilope_cervicapra  common Indian antelope with a dark back and spiral horns
                             subtype:  gerenuk__Litocranius_walleri  slender east African antelope with slim neck and backward-curving horns
                             subtype:  addax__Addax_nasomaculatus  large antelope with lightly spiraled horns of desert regions of North Africa
                             subtype:  gnu__wildebeest  large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail
                             subtype:  dik-dik__dikdik  any of several small antelopes of eastern Africa of the genus Madoqua; the size of a large rabbit
                             subtype:  hartebeest  large African antelope with lyre-shaped horns that curve backward
                             subtype:  sassaby__topi__Damaliscus_lunatus  large South African antelope; considered the swiftest hoofed mammal
                             subtype:  impala__Aepyceros_melampus  African antelope with ridged curved horns; moves with enormous leaps
                             subtype:  gazelle  small swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia having lustrous eyes
                                subtype:  Thomson's_gazelle__Gazella_thomsoni  E African Gazelle; smallest gazelle
                                subtype:  Gazella_subgutturosa  a kind of gazelle
                                subtype:  springbok__springbuck__Antidorcas_marsupialis__Antidorcas_euchore  South African gazelle noted for springing lightly into the air
                             subtype:  bongo__Tragelaphus_eurycerus__Boocercus_eurycerus  large forest antelope of central Africa having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spiral horns
                             subtype:  kudu__koodoo__koudou  either of two spiral-horned antelopes of the African bush
                                subtype:  greater_kudu__greaterkudu__tragelaphusstrepsicero  a variety of kudu
                                subtype:  lesser_kudu__Tragelaphus_imberbis  a smaller variety of kudu
                             subtype:  harnessed_antelope__harnessedantelope  any of several antelopes of the genus Tragelaphus having striped markings resembling a harness
                                subtype:  nyala__Tragelaphus_angasi  spiral-horned South African antelope with a fringe of white hairs along back and neck
                                subtype:  bushbuck__guib__Tragelaphus_scriptus  antelope with white markings like a harness and twisted horns
                             subtype:  mountain_nyala__Tragelaphus_buxtoni  shaggy antelope of mountains of Ethiopia
                             subtype:  nilgai__nylghai__blue_bull__Boselaphus_tragocamelus  large Indian antelope; male is blue-grey with white markings; female is brownish with no horns
                             subtype:  sable_antelope__sableantelope__Hippotragus_niger  large black east African antelope with sharp back-curving horns
                             subtype:  saiga__Saiga_tatarica  goat-like antelope of central Eurasia having a stubby nose like a proboscis
                             subtype:  steenbok__steinbok__Raphicerus_campestris  small plains antelope of southeastern Africa
                             subtype:  eland  either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragus having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes
                                subtype:  common_eland__Taurotragus_oryx  dark fawn-colored eland of South and East Africa
                                subtype:  giant_eland__gianteland__Taurotragus_derbianus  large dark striped eland of western equatorial Africa
                             subtype:  waterbuck  any of several large African antelopes of the genus Kobus having curved ridged horns and frequenting e.g. swamps and rivers
                                subtype:  Kobus_kob__kob  an orange-brown antelope of southeast Africa
                                subtype:  lechwe__Kobus_leche  tawny-colored African antelope inhabiting wet grassy plains; a threatened species
                             subtype:  puku__Adenota_vardoni  an African antelope closely related to the waterbuck
                             subtype:  oryx__pasang  large African antelope with long straight nearly upright horns
                                subtype:  gemsbok__gemsbuck__Oryx_gazella  large South African oryx with a broad black band along its flanks
                          subtype:  forest_goat__spindle_horn__spindlehorn__Pseudoryx_nghetinhensis  cow-like creature with the glossy coat of a horse and the agility of a goat and the long horns of an antelope; characterized as a cow that lives the life of a goat
                       subtype:  pronghorn_antelope__pronghornantelope__pronghorn__prongbuck__American_antelope__Antilocapra_americana  fleet antelope-like ruminant of western North American plains with small branched horns
                       subtype:  deer__cervid  distinguished from Bovidae by the male's having solid deciduous antlers
                          subtype:  pricket  male deer in his second year
                          subtype:  fawn  young deer
                          subtype:  red_deer__reddeer__cervuselaphu  common deer of temperate Europe and Asia
                             subtype:  hart__stag  male red deer
                             subtype:  hind  female red deer
                             subtype:  brocket  male red deer in its second year
                          subtype:  sambar__sambur__Cervus_unicolor  South Asian deer with three-tined antlers
                          subtype:  wapiti__American_elk__Cervus_canadensis  large North American deer with large much-branched antlers
                          subtype:  Japanese_deer__sika__Cervus_nipon__Cervus_sika  small deer of Japan with slightly forked antlers
                          subtype:  Virginia_deer__white_tail__whitetail__white-tailed_deer__whitetail_deer__whitetaildeer__Odocoileus_Virginianus  common North American deer; tail has a white underside
                          subtype:  mule_deer__burro_deer__burrodeer__Odocoileus_hemionus  long-eared deer of western North America with two-pronged antlers
                             subtype:  black-tailed_deer__blacktail_deer__blacktaildeer__blacktail__odocoileushemionuscolumbianu  mule deer of western Rocky Mountains
                          subtype:  European_elk__elk__Alces_alces  large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male; called elk in Europe and moose in North America
                          subtype:  fallow_deer__Dama_dama  small Eurasian deer
                          subtype:  roe_deer__roedeer__Capreolus_capreolus  small graceful deer of Eurasian woodlands having small forked antlers
                             subtype:  roebuck  male roe deer
                          subtype:  Greenland_caribou__caribou__reindeer__Rangifer_tarandus  arctic deer with large antlers in both sexes; called reindeer in Eurasia and caribou in North America
                             subtype:  woodland_caribou__Rangifer_caribou  any of several large caribou living in coniferous forests of southern Canada; in some classifications included in the species Rangifer tarandus
                             subtype:  barren_ground_caribou__Rangifer_arcticus  of tundra of northern Canada; in some classifications included in the species Rangifer tarandus
                          subtype:  brocket.deer  small South American deer with unbranched antlers
                          subtype:  muntjac__barking_deer__barkingdeer  small Asian deer with small antlers and a cry like a bark
                          subtype:  musk_deer__Moschus_moschiferus  small heavy-limbed upland deer of central Asia; male secretes valued musk
                          subtype:  pere_david's_deer__elaphure__Elaphurus_davidianus  large Chinese deer surviving only in domesticated herds
                       subtype:  chevrotain__mouse_deer__mousedeer  very small hornless deer-like ruminant of tropical Asia and west Africa
                          subtype:  Tragulus_kanchil__kanchil  small chevrotain of southeastern Asia
                          subtype:  napu__Tragulus_Javanicus  chevrotain somewhat larger than the kanchil; found in India and Malaya
                          subtype:  water_chevrotain__waterchevrotain__water_deer__waterdeer__Hyemoschus_aquaticus  largest chevrotain; of marshy areas of west Africa
                       subtype:  giraffe__camelopard__Giraffa_camelopardalis  tallest living quadruped; having a spotted coat and small horns and very long neck and legs; of savannahs of tropical Africa
                          subtype:  okapi__Okapia_johnstoni  similar to the giraffe but smaller with much shorter neck and stripe on the legs
                    subtype:  camel  cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions
                       subtype:  Arabian_camel__dromedary__Camelus_dromedarius  one-humped camel of the hot deserts of North Africa and southwestern Asia
                       subtype:  Bactrian_camel__Camelus_bactrianus  two-humped camel of the cold deserts of central Asia
                    subtype:  llama  wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump
                       subtype:  domestic_llama__Lama_peruana  used in the Andes as a beast of burden and source of wool; considered a domesticated variety of the guanaco
                       subtype:  guanaco__Lama_guanicoe  wild llama
                       subtype:  Lama_pacos__alpaca  domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco
                    subtype:  Vicugna_vicugna__vicuna  small wild cud-chewing Andean animal similar to the guanaco but smaller; valued for its fleecy undercoat
              subtype:  Unguiculata  in former classifications a major division of Mammalia comprising mammals with nails or claws; distinguished from hoofed mammals and cetaceans
              subtype:  unguiculate_mammal__unguiculatemammal__unguiculate  a mammal having nails or claws
              subtype:  hyrax__coney__cony__dassie__das__da  any of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toes
                 subtype:  rock_hyrax__rock_rabbit__Procavia_capensis  hyrax that lives in rocky areas
              subtype:  pachyderm  any of various nonruminant hoofed mammals having very thick skin: elephant; rhinoceros; hippopotamus
              subtype:  edentate  primitive terrestrial mammal with few if any teeth; of tropical Central and South America
                 subtype:  armadillo  burrowing chiefly nocturnal mammal with body covered with strong horny plates
                    subtype:  peba__nine-banded_armadillo__Texas_armadillo__Dasypus_novemcinctus  having nine hinged bands of bony plates; ranges from Texas to Paraguay
                    subtype:  apar__three-banded_armadillo__Tolypeutes_tricinctus  South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates
                    subtype:  tatouay__cabassous__cabassou__Cabassous_unicinctus  naked-tailed armadillo of tropical South America
                    subtype:  peludo__poyou__Euphractus_sexcinctus  Argentine armadillo with six movable bands and hairy underparts
                    subtype:  giant_armadillo__giantarmadillo__tatou__tatu__Priodontes_giganteus  about three feet long exclusive of tail
                    subtype:  pichiciago__pichiciego__fairy_armadillo__fairyarmadillo__chlamyphore__Chlamyphorus_truncatus  very small Argentine armadillo with pale silky hair and pink plates on head and neck
                    subtype:  greater_pichiciego__greaterpichiciego__Burmeisteria_retusa  of southern South America
                 subtype:  tree_sloth__sloth  any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits
                    subtype:  three-toed_sloth__ai__Bradypus_tridactylus  a sloth that has three long claws on each forefoot
                    subtype:  Choloepus_didactylus__two-toed_sloth__unau  relatively small fast-moving sloth
                    subtype:  two-toed_sloth__unau__Choloepus_hoffmanni  relatively small fast-moving sloth
                 subtype:  megatherian_mammal__megatherianmammal__megatherian__megatheriid  a large extinct ground sloth
                    subtype:  ground_sloth__megathere  gigantic extinct terrestrial sloth-like mammal of the Pliocene and Pleistocene in America
                 subtype:  mylodontid  a variety of extinct edentate
                    subtype:  mapinguari  supposed human-sized sloth-like creature reported sighted by Indians in the Amazon rain forest
                 subtype:  mylodon  large (bear-sized) extinct edentate mammal of the Pleistocene in South America
                 subtype:  New_World_anteater__anteater  any of several tropical American mammals of the family Myrmecophagidae which lack teeth and feed on ants and termites
                    subtype:  ant_bear__antbear__giantanteater__great_anteater__greatanteater__tamanoir__Myrmecophaga_jubata  large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws; of South America
                    subtype:  silky_anteater__silkyanteater__two-toed_anteater__Cyclopes_didactylus  squirrel-sized South American toothless anteater with long silky golden fur
                    subtype:  tamandua__tamandu__lesser_anteater__Tamandua_tetradactyla  small toothless anteater with prehensile tale and four-clawed forelimbs; of tropical South and Central America
              subtype:  pangolin__scaly_anteater__scalyanteater__anteater  toothless mammal of southern Africa and Asia having a body covered with horny scales and a long snout for feeding on ants and termites
              subtype:  primate  any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet
                 subtype:  simian  an ape or monkey
                 subtype:  ape  any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all
                    subtype:  anthropoid_ape  any tailless ape of the families Pongidae and Hylobatidae
                       subtype:  great_ape__greatape__pongid  any of the large anthropoid apes of the family Pongidae
                          subtype:  orangutan__orang__orangutang__Pongo_pygmaeus  large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits
                          subtype:  Gorilla_gorilla__gorilla  largest anthropoid ape; terrestrial and vegetarian; of forests of central west Africa
                             subtype:  western_lowland_gorilla__westernlowlandgorilla__Gorilla_gorilla_gorilla  a kind of gorilla
                             subtype:  eastern_lowland_gorilla__easternlowlandgorilla__Gorilla_gorilla_grauri  a kind of gorilla
                             subtype:  mountain_gorilla__Gorilla_gorilla_beringei  gorilla of Kivu highlands
                             subtype:  silverback  an adult male gorilla with gray hairs across the back
                          subtype:  chimpanzee__chimp__Pan_troglodytes  intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests
                             subtype:  western_chimpanzee__westernchimpanzee__Pan_troglodytes_verus  masked or pale-faced chimpanzees of western Africa; distantly related to the eastern and central chimpanzees; possibly a distinct species
                             subtype:  eastern_chimpanzee__easternchimpanzee__Pan_troglodytes_schweinfurthii  long-haired chimpanzees of east-central Africa; closely related to the central chimpanzees
                             subtype:  central_chimpanzee__centralchimpanzee__pantroglodytestroglodyte  black-faced chimpanzees of central Africa; closely related to eastern chimpanzees
                             subtype:  pygmy_chimpanzee__pygmychimpanzee__bonobo__Pan_paniscus  small chimpanzee of swamp forests in Zaire; a threatened species
                       subtype:  lesser_ape  gibbons and siamangs
                          subtype:  gibbon__Hylobates_lar  smallest and most perfectly anthropoid arboreal ape having long arms and no tail; of southern Asia and East Indies
                          subtype:  siamang__Hylobates_syndactylus__Symphalangus_syndactylus  large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web
                 subtype:  anthropoid  any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids
                 subtype:  hominoid  a primate of the superfamily Hominoidea
                    subtype:  proconsul  an anthropoid ape of the genus Proconsul
                    subtype:  Aegyptopithecus  extinct primate of about 38 million years ago; fossils found in Egypt
                    subtype:  Algeripithecus_minutus  tiny (150 to 300 grams) extinct primate of 46 to 50 million years ago; fossils found in Algeria; considered by some authorities the leading candidate for the first anthropoid
                 subtype:  hominid  a primate of the family Hominidae
                    subtype:  human__man__homo__human_being__humanbeing  any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae
                       subtype:  person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
                          subtype:  self  a person considered as a unique individual; "one's own self"
                             subtype:  number_one  (informal) a reference to yourself or myself etc.; "take care of number one" means to put your own interests first
                          subtype:  grownup__adult  a fully developed person from maturity onward
                             subtype:  caregiver  a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult
                             subtype:  catch.grownup__match  a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect
                             subtype:  centrist__middle_of_the_roader__moderate__moderationist  a person who takes a position in the political center
                             subtype:  eccentric__character__type__case  a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case"
                             subtype:  conservative__conservativist  a person who has conservative ideas or opinions
                                subtype:  rugged_individualist__capitalist  an advocate of capitalism
                                subtype:  conformist  someone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters)
                                subtype:  hardliner  someone who is uncompromising
                                subtype:  minimalist.conservative  a conservative who advocates only minor reforms in government or politics
                                subtype:  reactionary__ultraconservative__extreme_right-winger__extremerightwinger  an extreme conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism
                                   subtype:  Bourbon  a reactionary politician in the United States (usually from the South)
                                   subtype:  Blimp__Colonel_Blimp  (British) any elderly pompous reactionary ultranationalistic person (after the cartoon character created by Sir David Low)
                                subtype:  rightist__right-winger__rightwinger  a member of a right wing political party
                                   subtype:  fascist  an adherent of fascism or other right-wing authoritarian views
                                      subtype:  Blackshirt  a member of the Italian fascist party before World War II
                                      subtype:  Nazi  a German member of Adolf Hitler's political party
                                         subtype:  Brownshirt  a member of the German Nazi SA which wore brown uniforms
                                         subtype:  storm_trooper__stormtrooper  a member of the Nazi S.A.
                                         instance:  Karl_Adolf_Eichmann__Eichmann__Adolf_Eichmann  Paul_Joseph_Goebbels__Goebbels__Joseph_Goebbels  Hermann_Wilhelm_Goring__Goring__Goering__Hermann_Goring__Hermann_Goering__Hermann_Wilhaelm_Goering  Walther_Richard_Rudolf_Hess__Hess__Rudolf_Hess  Heinrich_Himmler__Himmler  Adolf_Hitler__Hitler__Der_Fuhrer
                                   subtype:  monarchist__royalist  an advocate of the principles of monarchy
                                      subtype:  Cavalier  a royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War
                                      subtype:  Orleanist  a supporter of the Orleans branch of the French Bourbons that was descended from a younger brother of Louis XIV
                                   subtype:  Tory.rightist__tory  a supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of reform; a political conservative
                                subtype:  square_toes__square  (informal) a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
                                subtype:  traditionalist__diehard  one who adheres to traditional views
                                   subtype:  Rip_van_Winkle.traditionalist__ripvanwinkle  a person oblivious to social changes
                             subtype:  elder.grownup__senior  a person who is older than you are
                                subtype:  doyen__dean  a man who is the senior member of a group; "he is the dean of foreign correspondents"
                                subtype:  doyenne  a woman who is the senior member of a group
                             subtype:  ex-spouse  a person who was formerly a spouse
                             subtype:  host  a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
                                subtype:  hostess.host  a woman host
                             subtype:  important_person__importantperson__influential_person__influentialperson__personage  a person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events
                                subtype:  big_shot__bigshot__big_wheel__bigwheel__head_honcho  (informal) an important influential person
                                subtype:  famous_person__celebrity  a widely known person; "he was a baseball celebrity"
                                   subtype:  immortal  a person (such as an author) of enduring fame; "Shakespeare is one of the immortals"
                                   subtype:  social_lion__lion  a celebrity who is lionized (much sought after)
                                   subtype:  luminary__leading_light__leadinglight__guiding_light__guidinglight__notable__notability  a celebrity who is an inspiration to others; "he was host to a large gathering of luminaries"
                                   subtype:  personality.famous_person  a person of considerable prominence; "she is a Hollywood personality"
                                subtype:  colossus__behemoth__giant__heavyweight__titan  a person of exceptional importance and reputation
                                subtype:  elder_statesman.important_person__elderstatesman  any influential person whose advice is highly respected
                                subtype:  Excellency  a title used to address dignitaries (such as ambassadors or governors); usually preceded by Your or His or Her: "Your Excellency"
                                subtype:  fixer__influence_peddler__influencepeddler  someone who intervenes with authorities for a person in trouble (usually using underhand or illegal methods for a fee)
                                subtype:  heavy_hitter__heavyhitter  an influential person who works hard to promote the causes they are interested in
                                subtype:  high-muck-a-muck__pooh-bah  an arrogant or conceited person of importance
                                subtype:  kingpin__top_banana__topbanana__bigwig  the most important person in a group or undertaking
                                subtype:  magnificio  a person of distinguished rank or appearance
                                subtype:  public_figure__name__figure  a well-known or notable person; "they studied all the great names in the history of France"; "she is an important figure in modern music"
                                subtype:  policy_maker  someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc.; "policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason"
                                subtype:  power_broker__powerbroker  a person who is important by virtue of the people or votes they control; "a power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it"
                                subtype:  sacred_cow  a person unreasonably held to be immune to criticism
                                subtype:  sirdar  an important person in India
                                subtype:  socialite  a socially prominent person
                                subtype:  sun.important_person  a person considered as a source of warmth or energy or glory etc
                                subtype:  VIP__very_important_person__high-up__dignitary__panjandrum__high_muckamuck  an important or influential (and often overbearing) person
                                subtype:  worthy  word is often used humorously
                             subtype:  Jack_of_all_trades  a person able to do a variety of different jobs acceptably well
                             subtype:  progressive__liberal  a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
                                subtype:  latitudinarian  a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct)
                                subtype:  neoliberal  a liberal who subscribes to neoliberalism
                                subtype:  pluralist  someone who believes that distinct ethnic or cultural or religious groups can exist together in society
                                subtype:  Whig  urged social reform in 19th century England
                             subtype:  liberal  a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets
                             subtype:  militarist__warmonger  a person who advocates war or warlike policies
                                subtype:  war_hawk__warhawk__hawk  an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations
                             subtype:  oldster__old_person__oldperson__senior_citizen  an elderly person
                                subtype:  antediluvian  a very old (or old fashioned) person
                                subtype:  centenarian  someone who is at least 100 years old
                                subtype:  curmudgeon  a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas
                                subtype:  dodderer  one who dodders from old age and weakness
                                subtype:  dodo__fogy__fogey__fossil  (informal) someone whose style is out of fashion
                                subtype:  dotard  an oldster in his dotage; someone whose age has impaired his intellect
                                subtype:  has-been__hasbeen__back-number  someone who is no longer popular
                                subtype:  nonagenarian  someone whose age is in the nineties
                                subtype:  octogenarian  someone whose age is in the eighties
                                subtype:  old_boy__oldboy  a vivacious elderly man
                                subtype:  greybeard__old_man__graybeard__Methuselah  a man who is very old
                                subtype:  old_woman__oldwoman  a woman who is old
                                subtype:  septuagenarian  someone whose age is in the seventies
                                subtype:  sexagenarian  someone whose age is in the sixties
                             subtype:  pacifist__pacificist__disarmer  someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes
                                subtype:  peacenik__dove  someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations
                             subtype:  patrician  a person of refined upbringing and manners
                             subtype:  pledger  someone who makes or gives a pledge
                             subtype:  professional_person__professional  a person engaged in one of the learned professions
                                subtype:  careerist  a professional who follows a career
                                   subtype:  career_girl  a woman who follows a professional career
                                   subtype:  career_man  a man who follows a professional career
                                subtype:  craftsman  a professional whose work is consistently of high quality; "as an actor he was a consummate craftsman"
                                subtype:  critic  a person who is professionally engaged in the analysis and interpretation of works of art
                                   subtype:  art_critic__artcritic  a critic of paintings
                                      instance:  Roger_Eliot_Fry__Fry__Roger_Fry  John_Ruskin__Ruskin
                                   subtype:  literary_critic  a critic of literature
                                      instance:  Matthew_Arnold__Arnold  Van_Wyck_Brooks__Brooks  John_Anthony_Ciardi__Ciardi__John_Ciardi  Jacques_Derrida__Derrida__derrida  Herman_Northrop_Frye__Frye__Northrop_Frye  William_Hazlitt__Hazlitt  Henry_Louis_Mencken__Mencken__H._L._Mencken  Ivor_Armstrong_Richards__Richards__I._A._Richards  Sir_Stephen_Harold_Spender__Spender__Stephen_Spender  Lionel_Trilling__Trilling  Carl_Clinton_Van_Doren__Van_Doren__Carl_Van_Doren  Edmund_Wilson__Wilson
                                   subtype:  newspaper_critic__newspapercritic  a critic who writes a column for the newspapers
                                   instance:  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  John_Orley_Allen_Tate__Tate__Allen_Tate
                                subtype:  educator__pedagogue  someone who educates
                                   subtype:  academic__academician__faculty_member__facultymember  an educator who works at a college or university
                                      subtype:  professor  someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university
                                         subtype:  assistant_professor__assistantprofessor  a teacher or lower rank than an associate professor
                                         subtype:  associate_professor__associateprofessor  a teacher lower in rank than a full professor but higher than an assistant professor
                                         subtype:  full_professor  a professor of the highest rank
                                         subtype:  Regius_professor  holder of a British professorship created by a royal patron
                                         subtype:  visiting_professor  a professor visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time
                                   subtype:  lector__lecturer__reader  a public lecturer at certain universities
                                   subtype:  school_principal__principal__head_teacher__head  the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"
                                      subtype:  chancellor  (British) the honorary or titular head of a university
                                      subtype:  headmaster__schoolmaster__master  presiding officer of a school
                                         subtype:  housemaster  teacher in charge of a school boardinghouse
                                      subtype:  headmistress  a woman headmaster
                                   subtype:  schoolmaster  any person (or institution) who acts as an educator
                                   subtype:  instructor__teacher  a person whose occupation is teaching
                                      subtype:  art_teacher__artteacher  someone who teaches art
                                      subtype:  private_instructor__privateinstructor__coach__tutor  a person who gives private instruction (as in singing or acting)
                                         subtype:  crammer.private_instructor  a teacher who is paid to cram students for examinations
                                      subtype:  demonstrator  a teacher or teacher's assistant who demonstrates the principles that are being taught
                                      subtype:  English_teacher__englishteacher__English_professor  someone who teaches English
                                      subtype:  French_teacher  someone who teaches French
                                      subtype:  governess__governes  a woman entrusted with the care and supervision of a child (especially in a private home)
                                      subtype:  instructress  a woman instructor
                                      subtype:  math_teacher__mathematics_teacher__mathematicsteacher  someone who teaches mathematics
                                         subtype:  geometry_teacher  someone who teaches geometry
                                      subtype:  missionary  someone who attempts to convert others to a particular doctrine or program
                                         instance:  David_Livingstone__Livingstone  Marcus_Whitman__Whitman  Saint_Francis_Xavier__Xavier
                                      subtype:  music_teacher__musicteacher  someone who teaches music
                                         subtype:  piano_teacher__pianoteacher  someone who teaches students to play the piano
                                      subtype:  preceptor__don  (British) teacher at a university of college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)
                                      subtype:  reading_teacher__readingteacher  someone who teaches students to read
                                      subtype:  riding_master  someone who teaches horsemanship
                                      subtype:  schoolteacher__school_teacher  a teacher in a school below the college level
                                         subtype:  games-master__gamesmaster__games-mistress  the teacher in charge of games at a school
                                         subtype:  schoolmarm__schoolmistress__mistress  a woman schoolteacher
                                         instance:  John_Thomas_Scopes__Scopes__John_Scopes
                                      subtype:  science_teacher__scienceteacher  someone who teaches science
                                      subtype:  section_man__sectionman  someone who teaches a section of a large college course
                                      subtype:  catechist  one who instructs catechumens in preparation for baptism
                                      subtype:  teaching_fellow  a graduate student with teaching responsibilities
                                   instance:  Mary_McLeod_Bethune__Bethune  Louis_Braille__Braille  Dale_Carnegie__Carnegie  John_Amos_Comenius__Comenius__Jan_Amos_Komensky  John_Dewey__Dewey  Friedrich_Wilhelm_August_Froebel__Froebel__Friedrich_Froebel  Thomas_Hopkins_Gallaudet__Gallaudet  Mark_Hopkins__Hopkins  Robert_Maynard_Hutchins__Hutchins  Lucy_Craft_Laney__Laney  Abbott_Lawrence_Lowell__Lowell  Horace_Mann__Mann  William_Holmes_McGuffey__McGuffey  Montessori__Maria_Montesorri  James_Naismith__Naismith  Carl_Orff__Orff  Elizabeth_Palmer_Peabody__Peabody__peabody__elizabethpeabody  Sir_Isaac_Pitman__Pitman  Anne_Mansfield_Sullivan__Sullivan__Anne_Sullivan  Booker_Taliaferro_Washington__Washington__Booker_T._Washington  Andrew_Dickson_White__White__Andrew_D._White  Emma_Hart_Willard__Willard  John_Witherspoon__Witherspoon
                                subtype:  health_professional__health_care_provider__caregiver  a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
                                   subtype:  bonesetter  someone (not necessarily a licensed physician) who sets broken bones
                                   subtype:  electrologist  someone skilled in the use of electricity to remove moles or warts or hair roots
                                   subtype:  medical_assistant__medicalassistant  a person trained to assist medical professionals
                                   subtype:  medical_practitioner__medicalpractitioner__medical_man__medicalman  someone who practices medicine
                                      subtype:  dentist__tooth_doctor__toothdoctor__dental_practitioner  a person qualified to practice dentistry
                                         subtype:  dental_surgeon  a dentist qualified to perform surgical procedures
                                         subtype:  endodontist  a dentist specializing in diseases of the dental pulp and nerve
                                         subtype:  exodontist  a dentist specializing in the extraction of teeth
                                         subtype:  orthodontist  a dentist specializing in the prevention or correction of irregularities of the teeth
                                         subtype:  pedodontist  a dentist who specializes in the care of children's teeth
                                         subtype:  periodontist  a dentist specializing in diseases of the gums and other structure surrounding the teeth
                                         subtype:  prosthodontist  a dentist who is expert in prosthodontics
                                      subtype:  doc__physician__MD__Dr.__medico  a licensed medical practitioner; "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor"
                                         subtype:  abortionist  a person (who should be a doctor) who terminates pregnancies
                                         subtype:  allergist  a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies
                                         subtype:  angiologist  a physician who specializes in angiology
                                         subtype:  medical_extern__medicalextern__extern  a nonresident doctor or medical student; connected with a hospital but not living there
                                         subtype:  gastroenterologist  a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
                                         subtype:  general_practitioner__generalpractitioner__GP  a physician who is not a specialist but treats all illnesses
                                            subtype:  country_doctor__countrydoctor  a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital; "do country doctors still make house calls?"
                                            subtype:  family_doctor  a general practitioner who treats all the family members
                                         subtype:  house_physician__housephysician__resident__resident_physician  a physician (especially an intern) who lives in a hospital and cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the medical staff of the hospital
                                         subtype:  medical_intern__medicalintern__intern__interne__houseman  an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term)
                                         subtype:  quack  an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice
                                         subtype:  medical_specialist__medicalspecialist__specialist  practices one branch of medicine
                                            subtype:  anesthesiologist__anesthetist__anaesthetist  a specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated
                                            subtype:  baby_doctor__pediatrician__pediatrist__paediatrician  a specialist in the care of babies
                                               instance:  Harold_Hirschsprung__Hirschsprung  Benjamin_Spock__Spock
                                            subtype:  cardiologist__heart_specialist__heartspecialist__heart_surgeon__heartsurgeon  a specialist in cardiology; a specialist in the structure and function and disorders of the heart
                                            subtype:  chiropodist__foot_doctor__podiatrist  a specialist in care for the feet
                                            subtype:  dermatologist__skin_doctor  a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin
                                            subtype:  diagnostician__pathologist  a doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis
                                               subtype:  etiologist__aetiologist  a specialist in the etiology of diseases
                                               instance:  Sir_Howard_Walter_Florey__Florey__Howard_Florey  Karl_Landsteiner__Landsteiner  Sir_James_Paget__Paget  Francis_Peyton_Rous__Rous__Peyton_Rous  Rudolf_Karl_Virchow__Virchow__Rudolf_Virchow
                                            subtype:  diplomate  medical specialist whose competence has been certified by a diploma granted by an appropriate professional group
                                            subtype:  ear_doctor__eardoctor__ear_specialist__earspecialist__otologist  a physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases
                                               instance:  Prosper_Meniere__Meniere
                                            subtype:  endocrinologist  physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the endocrine system
                                               instance:  Henry_Hubert_Turner__Turner
                                            subtype:  ENT_man__ear-nose-and-throat_doctor__otolaryngologist__otorhinolaryngologist__rhinolaryngologist  a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat
                                            subtype:  gerontologist__geriatrician  a specialist in gerontology
                                            subtype:  gynecologist__gynaecologist__woman's_doctor__woman'sdoctor  a specialist in gynecology
                                            subtype:  hematologist__haematologist  a doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs
                                            subtype:  internist  a specialist in internal medicine
                                            subtype:  neurologist__brain_doctor__braindoctor  a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
                                               instance:  Jean_Martin_Charcot__Charcot__charcot  Harvery_Williams_Cushing__Cushing__Harvey_Cushing  Sigmund_Freud__Freud  Baron_Richard_von_Krafft-Ebing__Krafft-Ebing__Richard_von_Krafft-Ebing  Georges_Gilles_de_la_Tourette__Tourette__Gilles_de_la_Tourette  Karl_Wernicke__Wernicke
                                            subtype:  obstetrician__accoucheur  a physician specializing in obstetrics
                                               subtype:  perinatologist  an obstetrician specializing in perinatology
                                            subtype:  oncologist  a specialist in oncology
                                            subtype:  ophthalmologist__eye_doctor__eyedoctor__oculist  a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye
                                               instance:  Hermann_Snellen__Snellen
                                            subtype:  orthopedist__orthopaedist  a specialist in correcting deformities of the skeletal system (especially in children)
                                            subtype:  orthoptist  a specialist in orthoptics
                                            subtype:  proctologist  a doctor specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus
                                            subtype:  psychiatrist__head-shrinker__shrink  a physician who specializes in psychiatry
                                               subtype:  alienist  a psychiatrist and specialist in the legal aspects of mental illness
                                               subtype:  psychoanalyst__analyst  a licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis
                                                  instance:  Sigmund_Freud__Freud  Melanie_Klein__Klein
                                               instance:  Karl_Theodor_Jaspers__Jaspers__Karl_Jaspers  Charles_Frederick_Menninger__Menninger__Charles_Menninger  Karl_Augustus_Menninger__Menninger__Karl_Menninger  William_Claire_Menninger__Menninger__William_Menninger  Harry_Stack_Sullivan__Sullivan
                                            subtype:  radiographer  a person who makes radiographs
                                            subtype:  radiologist  a medical specialist who uses radioactive substances and X-rays in the treatment of disease
                                            subtype:  rheumatologist  a physician specializing in rheumatic diseases
                                            subtype:  urologist  a specialist in urology
                                         subtype:  operating_surgeon__operatingsurgeon__surgeon__sawbones  a physician who specializes in surgery
                                            subtype:  amputator  a surgeon who remove part or all of a limb
                                            subtype:  cosmetic_surgeon__plastic_surgeon__plasticsurgeon  a surgeon who beautifies the body (especially the face)
                                            subtype:  neurosurgeon__brain_surgeon__brainsurgeon  someone who does surgery on the nervous system (especially the brain)
                                            instance:  Alexis_Carrel__Carrel  Michael_Ellis_De_Bakey__De_Bakey  William_Crawford_Gorgas__Gorgas  Joseph_Lister__Lister__Baron_Lister  James_Parkinson__Parkinson  Walter_Reed__Reed
                                         subtype:  veterinarian__veterinary__veterinary_surgeon__vet  a doctor who practices veterinary medicine
                                            subtype:  horse_doctor__horsedoctor  a veterinarian who treats horses
                                         instance:  Robert_Barany__Barany  Sir_David_Bruce__Bruce__David_Bruce  Burrill_Bernard_Crohn__Crohn  John_L._H._Down__Down  Christiaan_Eijkman__Eijkman  Etienne-Louis_Arthur_Fallot__etiennelouisarthurfallot__Fallot  William_Gilbert__Gilbert  William_Harvey__Harvey  Thomas_Hodgkin__Hodgkin  Aletta_Jacobs__Jacobs  Edward_Jenner__Jenner  Harry_F._Klinefelter__Klinefelter__Harry_Fitch_Kleinfelter  Clemence_Sophia_Harned_Lozier__Lozier  Sir_Patrick_Manson__Manson  Friedrich_Anton_Mesmer__Mesmer__Franz_Anton_Mesmer  Philippus_Aureolus_Paracelsus__Paracelsus__Theophrastus_Philippus_Aureolus_Bombastus_von_Hohenheim  Peter_Mark_Roget__Roget  Sir_Ronald_Ross__Ross  Benjamin_Rush__Rush  Albert_Schweitzer__Schweitzer  Anna_Howard_Shaw__Shaw  Sir_James_Young_Simpson__Simpson  Thomas_Sydenham__Sydenham__The_English_Hippocrates  Erik_Adolf_von_Willebrand__Willebrand__von_Willebrand__E._A._von_Willebrand
                                      subtype:  inoculator__vaccinator  a medical practitioner who inoculates people against diseases
                                      subtype:  medical_officer__medicalofficer__medic  a medical practitioner in the armed forces
                                         subtype:  flight_surgeon  a medical officer specializing in aviation medicine
                                         subtype:  surgeon_general  the senior medical officer in an army or navy
                                      instance:  Hippocrates
                                   subtype:  nurse  one skilled in caring for the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
                                      subtype:  graduate_nurse__trained_nurse__trainednurse  someone who has completed the course of study (including hospital practice) at a nurses training school
                                      subtype:  licensed_practical_nurse__LPN__practical_nurse__practicalnurse  a nurse who has enough training to be licensed by a state to provide routine care for the sick
                                      subtype:  head_nurse__matron  a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institution
                                      subtype:  midwife__accoucheuse  a woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies
                                      subtype:  probationer__student_nurse__studentnurse  a nurse in training who is undergoing a trial period
                                      subtype:  registered_nurse__RN  a graduate nurse who has passed examinations for registration
                                         subtype:  nurse-midwife__nursemidwife  a registered nurse who has received special training as a midwife
                                         subtype:  nurse_practitioner__nursepractitioner__NP__nurse_clinician__nurseclinician  a registered nurse who has received special training and can perform many of the duties of a physician
                                      subtype:  scrub_nurse__scrubnurse  a nurse who helps a surgeon prepare for surgery
                                      subtype:  visiting_nurse  a nurse who is paid to visit the sick in their homes
                                      instance:  Edith_Louisa_Cavell__Cavell__Edith_Cavell  Florence_Nightingale__Nightingale__the_Lady_with_the_Lamp  Margaret_Higgins_Sanger__Sanger__Margaret_Sanger
                                   subtype:  pharmacist__druggist__chemist__pill_pusher__pill_roller  a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
                                      subtype:  pharmacologist__pharmaceutical_chemist  someone trained in the science of drugs (their composition and uses and effects)
                                         instance:  Otto_Loewi__Loewi
                                subtype:  lawyer__attorney  a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice
                                   subtype:  advocate__counsel__counselor__counsellor__counselor-at-law__pleader  a lawyer who pleads cases in court
                                   subtype:  ambulance_chaser__ambulancechaser  a lawyer who incites accident victims to sue
                                   subtype:  barrister  a British lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law
                                      subtype:  Counsel_to_the_Crown  a barrister selected to serve as counsel to the British ruler
                                         subtype:  King's_Counsel  Counsel to the Crown when the British monarch is a king
                                         subtype:  Queen's_Counsel  Counsel to the Crown when the British monarch is a queen
                                      subtype:  serjeant-at-law__serjeant__sergeant-at-law__sergeant  an English barrister of the highest rank
                                   subtype:  conveyancer  a lawyer who specializes in the business of conveying properties
                                   subtype:  defense_attorney__defenseattorney__defenselawyer  the lawyer representing the defendant
                                   subtype:  divorce_lawyer__divorcelawyer  a lawyer specializing in actions for divorce or annulment
                                   subtype:  prosecutor__prosecuting_officer__prosecutingofficer__prosecuting_attorney__prosecutingattorney  a lawyer who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state
                                      subtype:  district_attorney__DA  an official prosecutor for a judicial district
                                      subtype:  state's_attorney__state'sattorney__state_attorney__stateattorney  a prosecuting attorney for a state
                                   subtype:  public_defender  a lawyer who represents indigent defendants at public expense
                                   subtype:  solicitor  a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents
                                      subtype:  law_agent__lawagent  a solicitor holding a certificate from the Law Society of Scotland
                                   subtype:  trial_attorney__trialattorney__trial_lawyer__triallawyer  a lawyer who specializes in defending clients before a court of law
                                   instance:  William_Jennings_Bryan__Bryan__the_Great_Commoner__The_Boy_Orator_of_the_Platte  Clarence_Seward_Darrow__Darrow__Clarence_Darrow  Arthur_Garfield_Hays__Hays  William_Harrison_Hays__Hays__Will_Hays  John_Edgar_Hoover__Hoover__J._Edgar_Hoover  Francis_Scott_Key__Key  President_Lincoln__Lincoln__Abraham_Lincoln
                                subtype:  librarian__bibliothec  a professional person trained in library science and engaged in library services
                                   subtype:  cataloger__cataloguer  a librarian who classifies publication according to a categorial system
                                subtype:  practitioner__practician  someone who practices a learned profession
                                   subtype:  clinician  a practitioner (of medicine or psychology) who does clinical work instead of laboratory experiments
                                   subtype:  homeopath__homoeopath  a practitioner of homeopathy
                                subtype:  publisher  a person engaged in publishing periodicals or books or music
                                   instance:  Karl_Baedeker__Baedeker  Henry_Oscar_Houghton__Houghton  Henry_Robinson_Luce__Luce__Henry_Luce  Keith_Rupert_Murdoch__Murdoch__Rupert_Murdoch  Adolph_Simon_Ochs__Ochs
                                subtype:  yuppie  a young upwardly mobile professional person; someone under 40 who prospered during the 1980s
                             subtype:  sobersides  a serious and sedate individual
                             subtype:  sophisticate__man_of_the_world  a worldly-wise person
                                subtype:  city_slicker__city_boy  a city dweller with sophisticated manners
                                subtype:  cosmopolitan__cosmopolite  a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries
                                   subtype:  globetrotter__world_traveler__worldtraveler  someone who travels widely and often
                             subtype:  stay-at-home__homebody  a person who seldom goes anywhere; one not given to wandering or travel
                             subtype:  stoic__unemotional_person__unemotionalperson  someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
                             subtype:  thoroughbred  a well-bred person
                          subtype:  adventurer__venturer  a person who enjoys taking risks
                             subtype:  argonaut  someone engaged in a dangerous but potentially rewarding adventure
                             subtype:  adventuress  a woman adventurer
                             subtype:  cowboy  someone who is reckless or irresponsible (especially in driving vehicles)
                             subtype:  daredevil__madcap__hothead__swashbuckler__lunatic__harum-scarum__harumscarum  a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
                                subtype:  tearaway  (British) a reckless and impetuous person
                             subtype:  risk_taker__gambler  someone who risks loss or injury in the hope of gain or excitement
                             subtype:  hotspur  a rash or impetuous person
                             subtype:  mercenary__soldieroffortune  a person hired to fight for another country than their own
                             subtype:  mountaineer__mountain_climber  someone who climbs mountains
                                subtype:  alpinist  a mountain climber who specializes in difficult climbs
                                instance:  Sir_Edmund_Percival_Hillary__Hillary__Edmund_Hillary__Sir_Edmund_Hillary  Tenzing_Norgay
                             subtype:  parachutist__parachuter  a person who jumps from aircraft using a parachute
                             subtype:  plunger__speculator  someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains
                                subtype:  hedger.plunger  someone who counterbalances one transaction (as a bet) against another in order to protect against loss
                                subtype:  operator.plunger  a speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets
                                subtype:  scalper  someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost; "he got theater tickets through a scalper"
                                   subtype:  ticket_tout__tout  (British) someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
                                subtype:  venture_capitalist__venturecapitalist  a speculator who makes money available for innovative projects (especially in high technology)
                             instance:  Giovanni_Jacopo_Casanova_de_Seingalt__Casanova__Giovanni_Jacopo_Casanova__Casanova_de_Seingalt
                          subtype:  unusual_person__unusualperson__anomaly  a person who is unusual
                             subtype:  anachronism.unusual_person  a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age
                             subtype:  aberrant  one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group
                             subtype:  albino  a person with albinism: white hair and pink eyes and milky skin
                             subtype:  automaton__zombi__zombie  someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way; "only an automaton wouldn't have noticed"
                             subtype:  eccentric_person__eccentricperson__oddball  a person with an unusual or odd personality
                                subtype:  crackpot__crank__nut__nutcase__fruitcake__screwball  a whimsically eccentric person
                             subtype:  goliath__giant__behemoth__monster__colossus  someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
                             subtype:  Jekyll_and_Hyde__jekyllandhyde  someone with two personalities - one good and one evil
                             subtype:  kook__odd_fellow__oddfellow__odd_fish__oddfish__queer_bird__queerbird__queer_duck__queerduck__odd_man_out__oddmanout  someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group
                             subtype:  misfit  someone unable to adapt to their circumstances
                                subtype:  anthropoid.misfit__ape  person who resembles a non-human primate
                                subtype:  dork__jerk  a dull stupid fatuous person
                                subtype:  addle-head__addlehead__loon__birdbrain  a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought
                             subtype:  rare_bird__rara_avis  a rare or unique person
                             subtype:  transsexual.unusual_person  a person who has undergone a sex change operation
                             subtype:  ugly_duckling  an ugly or unpromising child who grows into a beautiful or worthy person
                          subtype:  applicant__applier  a person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission
                             subtype:  aspirant__aspirer__wannabe  an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant"; "two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was full of Madonna wannabes"
                             subtype:  bidder  someone who makes an offer
                             subtype:  claimant  someone who claims a benefit or right or title; "claimants of unemployment compensation"; "he was a claimant to the throne"
                                subtype:  Pretender  a claimant to the throne or to the office of ruler (usually without just title)
                             subtype:  job_candidate__jobcandidate  an applicant who is being considered for a job
                             subtype:  material.applicant  a person judged suitable for admission or employment; "he was university material"; "she was vice-presidential material"
                             subtype:  petitioner__suppliant__supplicant  one praying humbly for something: "a suppliant for her favors"
                                subtype:  besieger.petitioner  an energetic petitioner
                                subtype:  postulant  one submitting a request or application especially one seeking admission into a religious order
                                subtype:  solicitor.petitioner  a petitioner who seeks contributions or trade
                             subtype:  possible.applicant  an applicant who might be suitable
                             subtype:  probable  an applicant likely to be chosen
                             subtype:  submitter  someone who submits something (as an application for a job or a manuscript for publication etc.) for the judgment of others; "he was a prolific submitter of proposals"
                          subtype:  appointee.person__appointment  a person who is appointed to a job or position
                          subtype:  bad_person__badperson  a person who does harm to others
                             subtype:  wrongdoer__offender  a person who transgresses moral or civil law
                                subtype:  abuser__maltreater  someone who abuses
                                subtype:  attacker__aggressor__assailant__assaulter  someone who attacks
                                   subtype:  ambusher  an attacker who waits in a concealed position to launch a surprise attack
                                   subtype:  avenger__retaliator  someone who takes vengeance
                                   subtype:  beast__wolf__savage__brute__wildcat  a cruelly rapacious person
                                   subtype:  bully__tough__hooligan__ruffian__roughneck__rowdy__yob__yobo__yobbo  a cruel and brutal fellow
                                      subtype:  bullyboy  a swaggering tough; usually one acting as an agent of a political faction
                                      subtype:  muscleman  a bully employed by a gangster
                                      subtype:  skinhead  a young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations
                                      subtype:  tough_guy__toughguy__plug-ugly  someone who bullies weaker people
                                         subtype:  Ted__Teddy_boy  (Brit) a tough youth of 1950's and 1960's wearing Edwardian style clothes
                                   subtype:  harasser__harrier  a persistent attacker; "the harassers were not members of the regular army"
                                   subtype:  marauder__predator__vulture  someone who attacks in search of booty
                                   subtype:  night_rider__nightrider__nightrider  member of a secret mounted band in United States south after the Civil War; committed acts of intimidation and revenge
                                   subtype:  raper__rapist  someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse
                                   subtype:  shedder__spiller  an attacker who sheds or spills blood; "a great hunter and spiller of blood"
                                   subtype:  stabber  someone who stabs another person
                                   subtype:  stoner__lapidator  an attacker who pelts the victim with stones (especially with intent to kill)
                                subtype:  convict  a person convicted of a criminal offence
                                   subtype:  first_offender__firstoffender  someone convicted for the first time
                                subtype:  criminal__felon__crook__outlaw__malefactor  someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
                                   subtype:  accessory__accessary  someone who helps another person commit a crime
                                      subtype:  abettor__abetter  one who helps or encourages or incites another
                                      subtype:  accessory_after_the_fact__accessoryafterthefact  a person who gives assistance or comfort to someone known to be a felon or known to be sought in connection with the commission of a felony
                                      subtype:  accessory_before_the_fact  a person who procures or advises or commands the commission of a felony but who is not present at its perpetration
                                      subtype:  accessory_during_the_fact  a person who witnesses a crime but does not try to prevent it
                                      subtype:  confederate__collaborator__henchman__partner_in_crime  someone who assists in a plot
                                   subtype:  arsonist__incendiary__firebug  a criminal who illegally sets fire to property
                                      subtype:  barnburner  someone who burns down a barn
                                   subtype:  blackmailer__extortioner__extortionist  a criminal who extorts money from someone by threatening to expose embarrassing information about them
                                   subtype:  bootlegger__moonshiner  someone who makes or sells illegal liquor
                                   subtype:  briber__suborner  someone who pays (or otherwise incites) you to commit a wrongful act
                                   subtype:  conspirator__plotter  a member of a conspiracy
                                      instance:  Guy_Fawkes__Fawkes  Titus_Oates__Oates
                                   subtype:  desperado__desperate_criminal__desperatecriminal  a bold outlaw (especially on the American frontier)
                                   subtype:  fugitive_from_justice__fugitive  someone who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice
                                      subtype:  absconder  someone who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution
                                      subtype:  escapee  someone who escapes
                                   subtype:  gangster__mobster  a criminal who is a member of gang
                                      subtype:  apache  a Parisian gangster
                                      subtype:  yardie  member of an international gang of Jamaican criminals who sell drugs and violence; "A much publicized raid on a yardie stronghold had first been simulated at Riot City"
                                      instance:  Alphonse_Capone__Capone__Al_Capone__Scarface
                                   subtype:  highbinder  a corrupt politician
                                   subtype:  highjacker__hijacker  someone who uses force to take over a vehicle (especially an airplane) in order to reach an alternative destination
                                   subtype:  hoodlum__hood__goon__punk__thug__tough__toughie__strong-armer  an aggressive and violent young criminal
                                   subtype:  kidnapper__abductor__snatcher  someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
                                      subtype:  crimper  someone who tricks or coerces men into service as sailors or soldiers
                                      subtype:  shanghaier__seizer  a kidnapper who drugs men and takes them for compulsory service aboard a ship
                                   subtype:  gangster's_moll__moll__gun_moll__gunmoll  the girl friend of a gangster
                                   subtype:  murderer__liquidator__manslayer  a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being)
                                      subtype:  assassin__assassinator__bravo  a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a treacherous surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed; "his assassins were hunted down like animals"; "assassinators of kings and emperors"
                                         instance:  John_Wilkes_Booth__Booth  Lee_Harvey_Oswald__Oswald
                                      subtype:  butcher  a brutal indiscriminate murderer
                                      subtype:  cutthroat  someone who murders by cutting the victim's throat
                                      subtype:  fratricide.murderer  a person who murders their brother or sister
                                      subtype:  gunslinger__gunman__hired_gun__hiredgun__gun__triggerman__hit_man__hitman__torpedo__shooter  a professional killer who uses a gun
                                      subtype:  hatchet_man__hatchetman__iceman  a professional killer
                                      subtype:  infanticide.murderer  a person who murders an infant
                                      subtype:  murderess__murderes  a woman murderer
                                      subtype:  parricide.murderer  someone who kills his or her parent
                                         subtype:  matricide.parricide  a person who murders their mother
                                         subtype:  patricide.parricide  a person who murders their father
                                      subtype:  ripper  a murderer who slashes the victims with a knife; "Jack the ripper was probably a madman"
                                      subtype:  serial_killer__serial_murderer  someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short interval
                                      instance:  Jack_the_Ripper
                                   subtype:  parolee__probationer  someone released on probation or on parole
                                   subtype:  drug_peddler__pusher__peddler__drug_dealer__drug_trafficker  an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
                                   subtype:  racketeer  some who commits crimes for profit (especially one who obtains money by fraud or extortion)
                                      subtype:  bagman  a racketeer assigned to collect or distribute payoff money
                                   subtype:  raper__rapist  someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse
                                   subtype:  recidivist__repeater__habitual_criminal  someone who is repeatedly arrested for criminal behavior (especially for the same criminal behavior)
                                   subtype:  scofflaw  one who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses
                                   subtype:  smuggler__runner__contrabandist__mooncurser  someone who imports or exports without paying duties
                                      subtype:  gunrunner__arms-runner  a smuggler of guns
                                      subtype:  rumrunner  someone who illegally smuggles liquor across a border
                                   subtype:  thief__stealer  a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it
                                      subtype:  bandit__brigand  an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band
                                      subtype:  shoplifter__booster__lifter  a thief who steals goods that are on display in a store
                                      subtype:  burglar  a thief who enters a building with intent to steal
                                         subtype:  housebreaker__cat_burglar  a burglar who unlawfully breaks into and enters another person's house
                                      subtype:  dacoit__dakoit  (in India and Burma) a member of an armed gang of robbers
                                      subtype:  embezzler__peculator__defalcator  someone who violates a trust by taking (money) for their own use
                                      subtype:  body_snatcher__graverobber__ghoul  someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection
                                      subtype:  graverobber  someone who steals valuables from graves or crypts
                                      subtype:  holdup_man__stickup_man__stickupman  an armed thief
                                         subtype:  highwayman__highjacker__hijacker__road_agent  a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
                                            subtype:  footpad__padder  a highwayman who robs on foot
                                            instance:  Dick_Turpin__Turpin
                                      subtype:  larcenist__larcener  a person who commits larceny
                                      subtype:  pickpocket__cutpurse__dip  a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places
                                      subtype:  plagiarist__plagiarizer__literarypirate__pirate  someone who uses another person's words or ideas is they were his own
                                      subtype:  plunderer__pillager__looter__spoiler__raider__freebooter  someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war)
                                         subtype:  pirate__buccaneer__sea_robber__searobber__sea_rover__searover  someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation
                                            subtype:  Barbary_pirate__corsair  a pirate along the Barbary coast
                                               instance:  Khayr_ad-Din__Barbarossa
                                            subtype:  sea_king__seaking  a Viking pirate chief
                                            instance:  Jean_Laffite__Laffite__Lafitte__Jean_Lafitte  Sir_Henry_Morgan__Morgan__Henry_Morgan  Bartholomew_Roberts__Roberts  Edward_Teach__Teach__Thatch__Edward_Thatch__Blackbeard
                                      subtype:  robber  a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence
                                         subtype:  bank_robber  a robber of banks
                                         subtype:  mugger  a robber who takes property by threatening or performing violence on the person who is robbed (usually on the street)
                                      subtype:  rustler__cattle_thief  someone who steals livestock (especially cattle)
                                      subtype:  safebreaker__safecracker__cracksman  a thief who breaks open safes to steal valuable contents
                                      subtype:  snatcher  a thief who grabs and runs; "a purse snatcher"
                                      subtype:  sneak_thief__pilferer__snitcher  a thief who steals without using violence
                                         subtype:  wharf_rat.sneak_thief__wharfrat  someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses
                                   subtype:  traitor__treasonist  someone who betrays his country by committing treason
                                      subtype:  collaborator__collaborationist__quisling  someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force
                                      subtype:  fifth_columnist__fifthcolumnist__saboteur  a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader
                                      subtype:  traitress__traitres  female traitor
                                      instance:  Benedict_Arnold__Arnold
                                   subtype:  violator__lawbreaker  someone who violates the law
                                   instance:  William_H._Bonney__Bonney__Billie_the_Kid  Jesse_James__James  Robert_MacGregor__MacGregor__Rob_Roy
                                subtype:  deceiver__cheat__cheater__trickster__beguiler__slicker  someone who leads you to believe something that is not true
                                   subtype:  bluffer  a person who tries to bluff other people
                                   subtype:  swindler__chiseller__chiseler__gouger__scammer__sharpie  a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud
                                      subtype:  cardsharp__cardsharper  a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games
                                      subtype:  clip_artist  a swindler who fleeces the victim
                                      subtype:  confidence_man__con_man__conman__con_artist__conartist  a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim
                                      subtype:  welcher__welsher  someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager
                                   subtype:  steerer__decoy  a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)
                                      subtype:  roper.steerer  a decoy who lures customers into a gambling establishment (especially one with a fixed game)
                                      subtype:  shill  a decoy who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to stimulate the participation of others
                                   subtype:  dodger__fox__slyboot  a shifty deceptive person
                                   subtype:  double-crosser__double-dealer__two-timer__twotimer__betrayer__traitor  a person who says one thing and does another
                                      subtype:  Judas  someone who betrays under the guise of friendship
                                   subtype:  falsifier  someone who falsifies
                                   subtype:  finagler__wangler  a deceiver who uses crafty misleading methods
                                   subtype:  counterfeiter__forger  someone who makes copies illegally
                                      subtype:  coiner.counterfeiter  (British) a maker of counterfeit coins
                                      subtype:  paperhanger  (informal) someone who passes bad checks or counterfeit paper money
                                   subtype:  fortune_hunter__fortunehunter  a person who seeks wealth through marriage
                                   subtype:  front_man__frontman__front__figurehead__nominal_head__nominalhead__straw_man__strawman  a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
                                   subtype:  hypocrite__dissembler__phony__phoney__pretender  a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold
                                      subtype:  smoothie__smoothy__sweettalker  someone with an assured and ingratiating manner
                                      subtype:  Tartuffe__Tartufe  a hypocrite who pretends to religious piety (after the protagonist in a play by Moliere)
                                      subtype:  whited_sepulcher__whited_sepulchre  a person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuous
                                   subtype:  impersonator__imitator  someone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of another
                                      subtype:  mimic__mimicker  someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress)
                                   subtype:  imposter__impostor__pretender__fake__faker__fraud__sham__shammer__pseudo__pseud__role_player  a person who makes deceitful pretenses
                                      subtype:  namedropper  someone who pretends that famous people are his/her friends
                                      subtype:  ringer.imposter  a contestant entered in a competition under false pretenses
                                   subtype:  liar__prevaricator  a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly
                                      subtype:  perjurer__false_witness__falsewitnes  a person who deliberately gives false testimony
                                      subtype:  storyteller__fibber__fabricator  someone who tells lies
                                      instance:  Ananias
                                   subtype:  misleader  someone who leads astray (often deliberately)
                                   subtype:  mountebank__charlatan  a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
                                      subtype:  phrenologist__craniologist  someone who claims to read your character from the shape of your skull
                                      subtype:  quack  an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice
                                   subtype:  obscurantist  a person who is deliberately vague
                                   subtype:  sandbagger  someone who deceives you about his true nature or intent in order to take advantage of you
                                   subtype:  two-timer__twotimer  someone who deceives a lover or spouse by carrying on a sexual relationship with somebody else
                                   subtype:  utterer  someone who circulates forged banknotes or counterfeit coins
                                subtype:  juvenile_delinquent__delinquent  a young offender
                                subtype:  defector__deserter  a person who abandons their duty (as on a military post)
                                   subtype:  deviationist  an ideological defector from the party line (especially from orthodox communism)
                                   subtype:  draft_dodger__draftdodger__draft_evader__draftevader  someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve
                                   subtype:  renegade__turncoat  someone who rebels and becomes and outlaw
                                subtype:  transgressor  someone who transgresses; someone who violates a law or command; "the way of transgressors is hard"
                                subtype:  malfeasant  one guilty of malfeasance
                                subtype:  nonattender__no-show__truant  someone who shirks duty
                                subtype:  perpetrator__culprit  someone who perpetrates wrongdoing
                                subtype:  pimp__procurer__panderer__pander__pandar__fancy_man__fancyman__ponce  someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce)
                                   subtype:  procuress__procures  a woman pimp
                                   subtype:  whoremaster__whoremonger  a pimp who procures whores
                                subtype:  backslider__recidivist__reversionist  someone who lapses into previous undesirable patterns of behavior
                                subtype:  reprobate__miscreant  a person without moral scruples
                                   subtype:  pervert__deviant__deviate__degenerate  a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
                                      subtype:  fetishist  one who engages in fetishism (especially of a sexual nature)
                                      subtype:  masochist  someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment
                                         subtype:  flagellant.masochist  a person who is whipped or whips himself for sexual gratification
                                      subtype:  molester  someone who subjects others to unwanted or improper sexual activities
                                      subtype:  nymphomaniac__nympho  a woman with abnormal sexual desires
                                      subtype:  pederast__paederast__childmolester  a man who has sex (usually sodomy) with a boy as the passive partner
                                      subtype:  pedophile__paedophile  an adult who is sexually attracted to children
                                      subtype:  sadist  someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others
                                      subtype:  sadomasochist  someone who enjoys both sadism and masochism
                                      subtype:  satyr__lecher  man with strong sexual desires
                                      subtype:  sodomite__sodomist__sod  someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)
                                   subtype:  scapegrace__black_sheep__blacksheep  a reckless and unprincipled reprobate
                                   subtype:  wretch  performs some wicked deed
                                subtype:  shark.wrongdoer  a person who is ruthless and greedy and dishonest
                                subtype:  shyster__pettifogger  a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods
                                subtype:  sinner__evildoer  a person who sins (without repenting)
                                   subtype:  magdalen  a reformed prostitute
                                   instance:  St_Mary_Magdalene__Mary_Magdalene__Mary_Magdalen__St_Mary_Magdalen
                                subtype:  usurper__supplanter  one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another
                                   subtype:  claim_jumper__claimjumper  one who illegally occupies property to which another has a legal claim
                                subtype:  war_criminal__warcriminal  an offender who violates international law during times of war
                             subtype:  decadent  a person who has fallen into a decadent state (morally or artistically)
                             subtype:  destroyer__ruiner__undoer__waster__uprooter  a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to; "a destroyer of the environment"; "jealousy was his undoer"; "uprooters of gravestones"
                                subtype:  annihilator  a total destroyer
                                subtype:  iconoclast__image_breaker__imagebreaker  someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions
                                subtype:  saboteur__wrecker  someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks
                                subtype:  vandal  someone who willfully destroys or defaces property
                             subtype:  libertine__debauchee__rounder  a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained
                                subtype:  adulterer__fornicator  someone who commits adultery
                                   subtype:  adulteress__fornicatress__hussy__jade__loose_woman__slut__strumpet  a woman adulterer
                                   subtype:  wencher  someone who patronizes prostitutes
                                subtype:  gigolo  a man who has sex with and is supported by a woman
                                   subtype:  lounge_lizard__lizard  a man who idles about in the lounges of hotels and bars in search of women who would support him
                                subtype:  profligate__rake__rip__blood__roue  a dissolute man in fashionable society
                                subtype:  ladies'_man__seducer__ladykiller  a man who takes advantage of women
                                   subtype:  undoer  a seducer who ruins a woman; "she awoke in the arms of her cruel undoer"
                                subtype:  swinger.libertine__tramp  a person who engages freely in promiscuous sex
                                subtype:  debaucher__violator__ravisher  someone who assaults others sexually
                                subtype:  womanizer__womaniser__philanderer  a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
                             subtype:  panderer  a person who serves or caters to the vulgar passions or plans of others (especially in order to make money)
                             subtype:  polluter__defiler  a person or organization that causes pollution of the environment
                             subtype:  scalawag__scallywag  white Southerner supporting Reconstruction policies after the Civil War usually for self-interest
                             subtype:  seducer  a bad person who entices others into error or wrong-doing
                             subtype:  shocker.bad_person  a shockingly bad person
                             subtype:  snake_in_the_grass__snake  a deceitful or treacherous person
                             subtype:  trampler  someone who injures by trampling
                             subtype:  varmint__vermin  an irritating or obnoxious person
                             subtype:  victimizer__victimiser  a person who victimizes others; "I thought we were partners, not victim and victimizer"
                                subtype:  slaver__slave_dealer__slavedealer__slave_trader__slavetrader  a person engaged in slave trade
                                   subtype:  white_slaver__whiteslaver  a person who forces women to become prostitutes
                          subtype:  capitalist  a person who invests capital in a business (especially a large business)
                             subtype:  businessperson__bourgeois__bourgeoi  engages in industrial commercial enterprise
                                subtype:  accountant__comptroller__controller  someone who maintains and audits business accounts
                                   subtype:  auditor  someone who audits accounts
                                   subtype:  bookkeeper  someone who records the transactions of a business
                                   subtype:  certified_public_accountant__CPA  an accountant certified by the state
                                   subtype:  chartered_accountant__charteredaccountant  a British accountant who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
                                   subtype:  cost_accountant  a specialist in the systematic recording and analysis of the costs incident to production
                                subtype:  account_executive__accountexecutive__account_representative__accountrepresentative__registered_representative__customer's_broker__customer's_man  someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
                                subtype:  broker__agent__factor  a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission
                                   subtype:  auctioneer  an agent who conducts an auction
                                   subtype:  insurance_broker__insurancebroker__insurance_agent__insuranceagent__general_agent__generalagent  an agent who sells insurance
                                   subtype:  investment_banker__underwriter  a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities
                                      subtype:  killer_bee  an investment banker who devises strategies to make a target company less attractive for takeover
                                   subtype:  realtor__real_estate_broker__real_estate_agent__estate_agent__land_agent__house_agent__houseagent  a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land; "in England they call a realtor a land agent"
                                   subtype:  ship_broker  an agent for the ship owner; obtains cargo and may arrange for its loading or discharge
                                   subtype:  stockbroker  an agent in the buying and selling of stocks and bonds
                                   subtype:  syndic  one appointed to represent a city or university or corporation in business transactions
                                   subtype:  travel_agent  someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers
                                subtype:  businessman__man_of_affairs  a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)
                                   subtype:  arbitrageur__arbitrager__arb  someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one market for immediate resale in another in the hope of profiting from the price differential)
                                   subtype:  baron__big_businessman__bigbusinessman__business_leader__king__magnate__mogul__power__top_executive__topexecutive__tycoon  a very wealthy or powerful businessman: "an oil baron"
                                      subtype:  oil_tycoon__oiltycoon  a powerful person in the oil business
                                   subtype:  businesswoman  a female businessman
                                      subtype:  brothel_keeper__brothelkeeper__madam  a woman who runs a house of prostitution
                                   subtype:  industrialist  someone who manages or has significant financial interest in an industrial enterprise
                                      instance:  Andrew_Carnegie__Carnegie  Peter_Cooper__Cooper  Glenn_Hammond_Curtiss__Curtiss__Glenn_Curtiss  Gottlieb_Daimler__Daimler  John_Deere__Deere  George_Eastman__Eastman  Henry_Ford__Ford  Edsel_Bryant_Ford__Ford  Henry_Ford_II__Ford  Henry_Clay_Frick__Frick  Gillette__King_Camp_Gilette  Meyer_Guggenheim__Guggenheim  Henry_John_Heinz__Heinz  William_Henry_Hoover__Hoover__William_Hoover  Howard_Robard_Hughes__Hughes__Howard_Hughes  Friedrich_Krupp__Krupp  Edwin_Herbert_Land__Land__Din_Land  First_Viscount_Nuffield__Nuffield__William_Richard_Morris  Wilhelm_von_Opel__Opel  Elisha_Graves_Otis__Otis  Robert_Owen__Owen  Sri_Frederick_Handley_Page__Page  John_Davison_Rockefeller__Rockefeller__John_D._Rockefeller  Igor_Ivanovich_Sikorsky__Sikorsky__Igor_Sikorsky  Ernest_Solvay__Solvay
                                   subtype:  oilman.businessman  a person who owns or operates oil wells
                                      subtype:  wildcatter  an oilman who drills exploratory wells in territory not known to be an oil field
                                   subtype:  operator.businessman  someone who owns or operates a business; "who is the operator of this franchise?"
                                      subtype:  supermarketer  an operator of a supermarket
                                   subtype:  proprietor__owner  someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business; "he is the owner of a chain of restaurants"
                                      subtype:  bookseller  the proprietor of a bookstore
                                      subtype:  lessor__lease_giver__leasegiver  someone who grants a lease
                                      subtype:  letter.proprietor  owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) for hire
                                      subtype:  patronne__patron  (Italian) the proprietor of an inn
                                         subtype:  innkeeper__host  the owner or manager of an inn
                                            subtype:  hostess  a woman innkeeper
                                            subtype:  padrone.innkeeper  an owner or proprietor of an inn in Italy
                                            subtype:  victualer__victualler  an innkeeper (especially British)
                                      subtype:  proprietress  a woman proprietor
                                      subtype:  newspaper_publisher__newspaperpublisher__publisher  the proprietor of a newspaper
                                         subtype:  press_lord__presslord  a powerful newspaper proprietor
                                         instance:  1st_Baron_Beaverbrook__Beaverbrook__William_Maxwell_Aitken  Alfred_Charles_William_Harmsworth__Harmsworth__Viscount_Northcliffe  Benjamin_Harris__Harris  William_Randolph_Hearst__Hearst  Joseph_Pulitzer__Pulitzer  James_Edmund_Scripps__Scripps  Edward_Wyllis_Scripps__Scripps
                                      subtype:  renter  an owner who receives payment for the use of their property by another
                                      subtype:  restaurateur__restauranter  the proprietor of a restaurant
                                      subtype:  saloon_keeper  the proprietor of a saloon
                                   subtype:  small_businessman__smallbusinessman  a businessman who runs a business employing less than 100 people
                                      subtype:  concessionaire__concessioner  someone who holds or operates a concession
                                   subtype:  syndicator  a businessman who forms a syndicate
                                   subtype:  transactor  someone who conducts or carries on business or negotiations
                                   instance:  Ezra_Cornell__Cornell  Edward_Henry_Harriman__Harriman__E._H._Harriman  James_Jerome_Hill__Hill__J._J._Hill  Collis_Potter_Huntington__Huntington  First_Baron_Marks_of_Broughton__Marks__Simon_Marks  David_Sarnoff__Sarnoff  Leland_Stanford__Stanford  George_Stephenson__Stephenson  Henry_Villard__Villard  John_Wanamaker__Wanamaker  Asron_Montgomery_Ward__Ward__Montgomery_Ward  Frank_Winfield_Woolworth__Woolworth  Rudolf_Wurlitzer__Wurlitzer
                                subtype:  entrepreneur__enterpriser  someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it
                                   instance:  William_Henry_Gates__Gates__Bill_Gates  Sir_Clive_Marles_Sinclair__Sinclair__Clive_Sinclair
                                subtype:  exporter  a businessperson who transports goods abroad (for sale)
                                subtype:  importer  someone whose business involves importing goods from outside (especially from a foreign country)
                                subtype:  merchant__merchandiser  a businessperson engaged in retail trade
                                   subtype:  baker  someone who bakes commercially
                                   subtype:  bookdealer__book_seller  a dealer in books; a merchant who sells books
                                   subtype:  meatman__butcher  a retailer of meat
                                      subtype:  pork_butcher  (British) a vendor of pork and products made from pork
                                   subtype:  clothier__haberdasher  a merchant who sells men's clothing
                                   subtype:  fishmonger__fishwife  someone who sells fish
                                   subtype:  grain_merchant__grainmerchant  a merchant who deals in food grains
                                   subtype:  grocer  a retail merchant who sells foodstuffs (and some household supplies)
                                      subtype:  greengrocer  (British) a grocer who sells fresh fruits and vegetables
                                   subtype:  ironmonger__hardwareman  someone who sells hardware; "in England they call a hardwareman an ironmonger"
                                   subtype:  jeweler__jeweller  someone in the business of selling jewelry
                                   subtype:  milliner  a merchant who designs and sells hats
                                   subtype:  poultryman__poulterer  a dealer in poultry and poultry products
                                   subtype:  retailer__retail_merchant  a merchant who sells goods at retail
                                      subtype:  chandler.retailer  a retail dealer in provisions and supplies
                                         subtype:  ship's_chandler  a dealer in sails and ropes and other supplies for sailing ships
                                      subtype:  licensee__licencee  someone to who a license is granted
                                   subtype:  rug_merchant__rugmerchant  a merchant who sells rugs
                                   subtype:  salt_merchant__salter  someone who makes or deals in salt
                                   subtype:  schlockmeister__shlockmeister  (slang) a merchant who deals in shoddy or inferior merchandise
                                   subtype:  seller__marketer__vender__vendor__trafficker  someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money
                                      subtype:  ticket_agent__booking_clerk  someone who sells tickets (e.g., theater seats or travel accommodations)
                                      subtype:  cosmetician  someone who sells or applies cosmetics
                                      subtype:  flower_girl.seller__flowergirl  a woman who sells flowers in the street
                                      subtype:  fruiterer  (British) a person who sells fruit
                                      subtype:  cheap-jack__cheapjack__huckster  a seller of shoddy goods
                                         subtype:  costermonger__barrow-man__barrow-boy  a hawker of fruit and vegetables from a barrow
                                      subtype:  pedlar__peddler__packman__hawker__pitchman  someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)
                                         subtype:  chapman  archaic term for an itinerant peddler
                                         subtype:  muffin_man  (British) formerly an itinerant peddler of muffins
                                         subtype:  sandboy  (British) a peddler of sand at a seashore resort; used now only to express great happiness in the expression "happy as a sandboy"
                                      subtype:  selling_agent__sellingagent  someone who sells goods (on commission) for others
                                      subtype:  trafficker__dealer  a seller of illicit goods; "a trafficker in stolen cars"
                                         subtype:  drug_peddler__pusher__peddler__drug_dealer__drug_trafficker  an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
                                      subtype:  underseller  a seller that sells at a lower price than others do; "he went all over town looking for undersellers"
                                   subtype:  shopkeeper__tradesman__storekeeper__market_keeper  a merchant who owns or manages a shop
                                      subtype:  dry_cleaner__drycleaner__cleaner  the operator of dry-cleaning establishment
                                      subtype:  florist  someone who grows and deals in flowers; "the florist made up an attractive bouquet"
                                      subtype:  hosier  a tradesman who sells hosiery (and (in England) knitwear)
                                      subtype:  newsagent__newsdealer__newsvendor__newsstand_operator__newsstandoperator  someone who sells newspapers
                                      subtype:  tobacconist  a retail dealer in tobacco and tobacco-related articles
                                   subtype:  stationer__stationeryseller  a merchant who sells writing materials and office supplies
                                   subtype:  trader__bargainer__dealer__monger  someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold
                                      subtype:  art_dealer__artdealer  a dealer in works of art requiring esthetic evaluation
                                         subtype:  print_seller__printseller  someone who sells etchings and engravings etc.
                                      subtype:  barterer  a trader who exchanges goods and not money
                                      subtype:  bibliopole__bibliopolist  a dealer in secondhand books (especially rare or curious books)
                                      subtype:  cutler  a dealer in cutlery
                                      subtype:  draper  a dealer in fabrics and sewing materials (and sometimes in clothing and drygoods)
                                         subtype:  linendraper  (British) a retail dealer in yard goods
                                      subtype:  fence  (informal) a dealer in stolen property
                                      subtype:  horse_trader__horsetrader  a hard bargainer
                                      subtype:  mercer  (British) a dealer in textiles (especially silks)
                                      subtype:  seedsman__seedman  a dealer in seeds
                                      subtype:  slopseller  (British) a dealer in cheap ready-made clothing
                                      subtype:  stamp_dealer__stampdealer  a dealer in stamps (whose customers are stamp collectors)
                                      subtype:  stock_trader__stocktrader  someone who buys and sells stock shares
                                         subtype:  profit_taker  someone who sells stock shares at a profit
                                         subtype:  stockjobber  (British) one who deals only with brokers or other jobbers
                                   subtype:  merchant-venturer__venturer  a merchant who undertakes a trading venture (especially a venture that sends goods overseas)
                                   subtype:  vintner__wine_merchant  someone who sells wine
                                   instance:  Charles_Henry_Harrod__Harrod  Charles_Digby_Harrod__Harrod
                                subtype:  shipper.businessperson  someone who ships goods
                                   subtype:  consigner__consignor  the person who delivers over or commits merchandise
                                subtype:  supplier__provider  someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity
                                   subtype:  black_marketeer__blackmarketeer  someone who engages illegally in trade in scarce or controlled commodities
                                   subtype:  caterer  someone who provides food and service (as for a party)
                                   subtype:  connection.supplier  a supplier (especially of narcotics)
                                   subtype:  dispenser.supplier  a person who dispenses
                                   subtype:  distributor__distributer  someone who markets merchandise
                                      subtype:  jobber__middleman__wholesaler  someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers
                                         subtype:  meat_packer__packer  a wholesaler in the meat-packing business
                                            instance:  Gustavus_Franklin_Swift__Swift
                                      subtype:  ship_chandler  a dealer in equipment and supplies for ships
                                      subtype:  wool_stapler  a dealer in wool
                                   subtype:  purveyor  someone who supplies provisions (especially food)
                                   subtype:  recruiter.supplier  someone who supplies members or employees
                                      subtype:  headhunter  (informal) a recruiter of personnel (especially for corporations)
                                      subtype:  talent_scout__scout  someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports)
                                   subtype:  stockist  one (as a retailer or distributor) that stocks goods
                                   subtype:  sutler__victualer__victualler__provisioner  a supplier of victuals or supplies to an army
                             subtype:  financier__moneyman  a person skilled in large scale financial transactions
                                subtype:  banker  someone who owns or is an executive in a bank
                                   subtype:  cashier__teller__bank_clerk  an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money
                                   instance:  Rothschild
                                subtype:  city_man  a financier who works in one of the banks in the City of London
                                subtype:  principal.financier__dealer  the major party to a financial transaction; buys and sells for his own account
                                   subtype:  broker-dealer  a financial specialist who trades for his own account and so acts both as a broker and principal
                                instance:  James_Buchanan_Brady__Brady__Diamond_Jim_Brady__Diamond_Jim  Jay_Cooke__Cooke  Cosimo_de_Medici__Cosimo_the_Elder  Stephen_Girard__Girard  Jay_Gould__Gould  Sir_Thomas_Gresham__Gresham  William_Averell_Harriman__Harriman__Averell_Harriman  Hopkins__Johns_Hopkins  Andrew_William_Mellon__Mellon__Andrew_Mellon__Andrew_W._Mellon  John_Pierpont_Morgan__Morgan__J._P._Morgan  Robert_Morris__Morris  Cecil_John_Rhodes__Rhodes__Cecil_Rhodes__Cecil_J._Rhodes  Haym_Salomon__Salomon  Cornelius_Vanderbilt__Vanderbilt__Commodore_VAnderbilt
                             subtype:  holder.capitalist__bearer  the person who is in possession of a check or note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him or to whoever holds it; "the bond was marked `payable to bearer'"
                                subtype:  ticket_holder  holder of a ticket (for admission or for passage)
                                subtype:  accumulator__collector__gatherer  a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes)
                                   subtype:  conductor.accumulator  the person who collects fares on a public conveyance
                                      subtype:  conductress__conductres  a woman conductor
                                   subtype:  gleaner  someone who gathers something in small pieces (e.g. information) slowly and carefully
                                   subtype:  rent_collector  a person who goes from house to house collecting rents for the owner
                                   instance:  Isabella_Stewart_Gardner__Gardner
                                subtype:  tenant  a holder of buildings or lands by any kind of title (as ownership or lease)
                                   subtype:  cotenant  one of two or more tenants holding title to the same property
                                   subtype:  life_tenant  a tenant whose legal right to retain possession of buildings or lands lasts as long as they (or some other person) lives
                                   subtype:  tenant_farmer  a farmer who works land owned by someone else
                             subtype:  investor  someone who commits capital in order to gain financial returns
                                subtype:  contrarian  an investor who deliberately decides to go against the prevailing wisdom of other investors
                                subtype:  bear.investor  an investor with a pessimistic market outlook
                                subtype:  bondholder  a holder of bonds issued by a government or corporation
                                subtype:  bull.investor  an investor with an optimistic market outlook
                                subtype:  caller.investor  an investor who buys a call option
                                subtype:  depositor  a person who has deposited money in a bank or similar institution
                                   subtype:  withdrawer  a depositor who withdraws funds previously deposited
                                subtype:  lender__loaner  someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters
                                   subtype:  creditor  a lender to whom money is owed
                                      subtype:  mortgagee__mortgageholder  the person who accepts a mortgage; "the bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home"
                                   subtype:  pawnbroker  a person who lends money at interest in exchange for personal property that is deposited as security
                                   subtype:  usurer__loan_shark__moneylender__shylock  someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest
                                subtype:  rentier  someone whose income is from property rents or bond interest and other investments
                                subtype:  stockholder__shareholder__shareowner  someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation
                                   subtype:  stockholder_of_record  the stockholder whose name is registered on the books of the corporation as owning the shares at a particular time
                             subtype:  materialist  someone with great regard for worldly possessions
                             subtype:  moneymaker  someone who is successful in accumulating wealth
                                subtype:  moneygrubber  someone whose main interest in life is moneymaking
                             subtype:  profiteer  someone who makes excessive profit (especially on goods in short supply)
                             instance:  John_Jacob_Astor__Astor
                          subtype:  captor__capturer  a person who captures and holds people or animals
                             subtype:  kidnapper__abductor__snatcher  someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
                             subtype:  surpriser  a captor who uses surprise to capture the victim
                          subtype:  changer__modifier  a person who changes something; "an inveterate changer of the menu"
                             subtype:  adulterator  a changer who lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance
                             subtype:  normalizer__normaliser  a person who normalizes
                             subtype:  standardizer__standardiser  a person who sets a standard for things to conform to
                          subtype:  commoner__common_man__common_person  a person who holds no title
                             subtype:  bourgeois__bourgeoi__burgher  a member of the middle class
                                subtype:  petit_bourgeois__petitbourgeoi  a member of the lower middle class
                             subtype:  nobody__cipher__cypher__nonentity  a person of no influence
                                subtype:  pip-squeak__pipsqueak__squirt__small_fry__smallfry  someone who is small and insignificant
                                subtype:  whippersnapper__jackanapes__lightweight  someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous
                             subtype:  everyman  the ordinary person
                             subtype:  Joe_Blow__John_Doe__Joe_Bloggs__man_in_the_street  a hypothetical average man
                             subtype:  layman__layperson  someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person
                                subtype:  lay_reader__layreader  a layman authorized to read sermons
                             subtype:  plebeian__pleb  one of the common people
                                subtype:  philistine__lowbrow  a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
                             subtype:  proletarian__prole__worker  a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); "workers of the world--unite!"
                             subtype:  rustic  an unsophisticated country person
                                subtype:  coon  a an eccentric or undignified rustic; "I'll be a gone coon when the battle starts"
                                subtype:  countryman.rustic  a man who lives in the country and has country ways
                                subtype:  countrywoman.rustic  a woman who lives in the country and has country ways
                                subtype:  hillbilly__bushwhacker  a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person
                                subtype:  provincial__peasant  a country person
                                   subtype:  cottar__cotter  a peasant farmer in the Scottish highlands
                                   subtype:  muzhik__moujik__mujik__muzjik  a Russian peasant (especially prior to 1917)
                                subtype:  redneck__cracker  a poor white person in the southern US
                                subtype:  woodsman__woodman  someone who lives in the woods
                                subtype:  yokel__rube__hick__yahoo__hayseed__chawbacon  not very intelligent or interested in culture
                          subtype:  communicator  a person who communicates with others
                             subtype:  alarmist  a person who alarms others needlessly
                                subtype:  scaremonger  a person who spreads frightening rumors and stirs up trouble
                             subtype:  allegorizer__allegoriser  someone who communicates in allegories
                             subtype:  announcer.communicator  someone who proclaims a message publicly
                                subtype:  caller.announcer  someone who proclaims or summons in a loud voice; "the callers were mothers summoning their children home for dinner"
                                subtype:  caller-out__caller  a person who announces the changes of steps during a dance; "you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing"
                                subtype:  muezzin__muazzin__mu'adhdhin  the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day
                                subtype:  town_crier__crier  (formerly) an official who made public announcements
                             subtype:  articulator.communicator  someone who pronounces words
                                subtype:  speaker__talker__utterer__verbalizer__verbaliser  someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous); "the speaker at commencement"; "an utterer of useful maxims"
                                   subtype:  alliterator  a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration
                                   subtype:  caller-up__caller__phoner__telephoner  the person initiating a telephone call; "there were so many callers that he finally disconnected the telephone"
                                   subtype:  chatterer__babbler__prater__chatterbox__spouter  an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
                                   subtype:  conversationalist__schmoozer  someone skilled at conversation
                                      subtype:  deipnosophist  someone skilled at across-the-table chit chat
                                      subtype:  conversational_partner__interlocutor  a person who takes part in a conversation
                                   subtype:  drawler  someone who speaks with a drawl
                                   subtype:  jabberer__driveller  someone whose talk is trivial drivel
                                   subtype:  ejaculator  a speaker who utters a sudden exclamation
                                   subtype:  growler.speaker  a speaker whose voice sounds like a growl
                                   subtype:  inquirer__enquirer__questioner__querier__asker  someone who asks a question
                                      subtype:  cross-examiner__crossexaminer__cross-questioner__crossquestioner  someone who questions a witness carefully (especially about testimony given earlier)
                                      subtype:  quizzer__examiner__tester  someone who administers a test to determine your qualifications
                                      subtype:  inquisitor__interrogator  a questioner who is excessively harsh
                                      subtype:  interviewer  a person who conducts an interview
                                      subtype:  pollster__poll_taker__headcounter  someone who conducts surveys of public opinion; "a pollster conducts public opinion polls"; "a headcounter counts heads"
                                   subtype:  lecturer  someone who lectures professionally
                                      instance:  Helen_Adams_Keller__Keller__Helen_Keller
                                   subtype:  lisper  a speaker who lisps
                                   subtype:  mentioner  a speaker who refers to something briefly or incidentally
                                   subtype:  mutterer__mumbler  a person who speaks indistinctly
                                   subtype:  narrator__storyteller__teller  someone who tells a story
                                      subtype:  anecdotist__raconteur  a person skilled in telling anecdotes
                                         instance:  Karl_Friedrich_Hieronymus_von_Munchhausen__Munchhausen__Munchausen__Baron_Munchausen
                                      subtype:  fabulist  a person who tells or invents fables
                                         instance:  Aesop
                                      subtype:  griot  a storyteller in West Africa; perpetuates the oral traditions of a family or village
                                   subtype:  orator__speechmaker__rhetorician__public_speaker__speechifier  a person who delivers a speech or oration
                                      subtype:  eulogist__panegyrist  an orator who delivers eulogies or panegyrics
                                      subtype:  demagogue__demagog__rabble-rouser  an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience
                                      subtype:  elocutionist  a public speaker trained in voice production and gesture and delivery
                                      subtype:  haranguer  a public speaker who delivers a loud or forceful or angry speech
                                      subtype:  spellbinder  an orator who can hold his listeners spellbound
                                      subtype:  tub-thumper__tubthumper  a noisy and vigorous or ranting public speaker
                                      instance:  Edmund_Burke__Burke  Marcus_Tullius_Cicero__Cicero__Tully  Demosthenes  Patrick_Henry__Henry  Isocrates
                                   subtype:  prattler  someone who speaks in a childish way
                                   subtype:  ranter__raver  someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud manner
                                   subtype:  reciter  someone who recites from memory
                                   subtype:  stammerer__stutterer  someone who speaks with involuntary pauses and repetitions
                                   subtype:  talking_head__talkinghead  a talker on television who talks directly into the cameras and whose upper body is all that is shown on the screen
                                   subtype:  vociferator  a loud and vehement speaker (usually in protest)
                                   subtype:  voicer  a speaker who voices an opinion
                                   subtype:  wailer  a mourner who utters long loud high-pitched cries
                                   subtype:  whisperer  one who speaks in a whisper
                                   subtype:  witnesser__witness__informant  someone who sees an event and reports what happened
                                      subtype:  attester__attestant  someone who affirms or vouches for the correctness or truth or genuineness of something
                                      subtype:  testifier__deponent  a person who testifies or gives a deposition
                                subtype:  subvocalizer__subvocaliser  someone who articulates speech without uttering sounds
                             subtype:  asserter__declarer__affirmer__asseverator__avower  someone who claims to speak the truth; "a bold asserter"; "a declarer of his intentions"; "affirmers of traditional doctrine"; "an asseverator of strong convictions"; "an avower of his own great intelligence"
                                subtype:  postulator  someone who assumes or takes something for granted as the basis of an argument
                             subtype:  avower  someone who admits or acknowledges openly and boldly
                             subtype:  broadcaster  someone who broadcasts on radio or television
                                subtype:  announcer  reads news, commercials on radio or television
                                   subtype:  radio_announcer  an announcer whose voice is broadcast on radio
                                   subtype:  sports_announcer__sportscaster__sports_commentator  an announcer who reads sports news or describes sporting events
                                   subtype:  newscaster  someone who broadcasts the news
                                   subtype:  tv_announcer__television_announcer  an announcer on television
                                subtype:  broadcast_journalist__broadcastjournalist  a journalist who broadcasts on radio or television
                                   instance:  Edward_Roscoe_Murrow__Murrow__Edward_R._Murrow  Lowell_Jackson_Thomas__Thomas__Lowell_Thomas
                                subtype:  disk_jockey__disc_jockey__dj  a person who announces and plays popular recorded music
                                subtype:  telecaster  a television broadcaster
                             subtype:  conferee  a member of a conference
                             subtype:  confessor.communicator  someone who confesses (discloses information damaging to themselves)
                             subtype:  letter_writer__correspondent  someone who communicates by means of letters
                                subtype:  pen_pal__penpal__pen-friend__penfriend  a person you come to know by by frequent friendly correspondence
                             subtype:  extrovert__extravert  (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings
                             subtype:  gossiper__gossip__rumormonger__rumourmonger__newsmonger  a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others
                                subtype:  female_gossiper__cat  a spiteful woman gossip; "what a cat she is!"
                                subtype:  scandalmonger  a person who spreads malicious gossip
                                subtype:  tattletale__tattler__taleteller__talebearer__telltale__blabbermouth  someone who gossips indiscreetly
                                subtype:  yenta  a woman gossip
                             subtype:  hisser  someone who communicates disapproval by hissing
                             subtype:  informant__source  a person who supplies information
                                subtype:  informer__betrayer__rat__squealer__blabber  one who reveals confidential information in return for money
                                   subtype:  fink__snitch__snitcher__stoolpigeon__stoolie__sneaker__canary  someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
                                   subtype:  copper's_nark__nark  (British) an informer or spy working for the police
                                   subtype:  supergrass  (British) a police informer who implicates many people
                                subtype:  leaker  a surreptitious informant; "the president wanted to know who the leakers were"
                             subtype:  laudator__lauder__extoller  someone who communicates high praise
                                subtype:  applauder__clapper  someone who applauds
                             subtype:  negotiator__negotiant__treater  someone who negotiates (confers with others in order to reach a settlement)
                                subtype:  mediator__go-between__intermediator__intermediary  a negotiator who acts as a link between parties
                                   subtype:  mediatrix  a woman who is a mediator
                                   subtype:  appeaser__conciliator__make-peace__pacifier__peacemaker__reconciler  someone who tries to bring peace
                                   subtype:  arbitrator__arbiter  someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue
                                      subtype:  third_party.arbitrator__thirdparty  someone other than the principals who are involved in a transaction
                                   subtype:  diplomat  a person who deals tactfully with others
                                   subtype:  harmonizer  a mediator who brings one thing into harmonious agreement with another
                                   subtype:  interpreter.mediator__translator  someone who mediates between speakers of different languages
                                      subtype:  dragoman  an interpreter and guide in the Near East
                                      subtype:  symbolizer__symbolist__symboliser  someone skilled in the interpretation of symbols
                                      instance:  Edward_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald  Benjamin_Jowett__Jowett  William_Tyndale__Tyndale__Tindale__William_Tindale__Tindal__William_Tindal  Bishop_Ulfilas__Ulfilas__Ulfila__Bishop_Ulfila__Wulfila__Bishop_Wulfila
                                   subtype:  matchmaker__matcher__marriage_broker  someone who arranges (or tries to arrange) marriages for others
                                   subtype:  moderator  someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid violence
                                      subtype:  modifier  a moderator who makes less extreme or uncompromising
                                   subtype:  second_hand  an intermediate person; used in the phrase "at second hand"; "he could learn at second hand from books"
                                subtype:  bargainer  negotiator of the terms of a transaction; "he is a hard bargainer"
                                   subtype:  haggler  an intense bargainer
                                subtype:  compromiser  a negotiator willing to compromise; "Henry Clay was known as the Great Compromiser"
                                subtype:  holdout.negotiator  a negotiator who hopes to gain concessions by refusing to come to terms; "their star pitcher was a holdout for six weeks"
                                subtype:  negotiatress__negotiatrix  a woman negotiator
                                subtype:  representative  a person who represents others
                                   subtype:  agent.representative  a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations
                                      subtype:  business_agent  an agent who handles business affairs for another; especially one who deals with employers
                                         subtype:  actor's_agent__actor'sagent__theatrical_agent  a business agent for an actor
                                      subtype:  literary_agent  an agent who represents an author is dealings with publishers
                                      subtype:  bailee  the agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered
                                      subtype:  booker__booking_agent__bookingagent  someone who engages a person or company for performances
                                         subtype:  showman__promoter__impresario  a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments
                                            subtype:  exhibitor__exhibitioner__shower  someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see
                                            subtype:  organ-grinder__organgrinder  a street musician who plays a hand organ or hurdy-gurdy
                                            subtype:  pornographer__porn_merchant  someone who presents shows or sells writing or pictures that are sexually explicit in violation of the community mores
                                            instance:  Phineas_Taylor_Barnum__Barnum__P._T._Barnum  William_Frederick_Cody__Cody__William_F._Cody__Buffalo_Bill__Buffalo_Bill_Cody  Sergei_Pavlovich_Diaghilev__Diaghilev__Sergei_Diaghilev  Richard_D'Oyly_Carte__D'Oyly_Carte  Solomon_Hurok__Hurok__Sol_Hurok  Charles_Ringling__Ringling
                                      subtype:  surrogate  a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others
                                         subtype:  vicegerent  someone appointed by a ruler as an administrative deputy
                                      subtype:  employment_agent  someone who runs an employment agency
                                      subtype:  freight_agent__freightagent  an employee of a freight carrier who directs the receipt and delivery of goods
                                      subtype:  government_agent  a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government
                                         subtype:  G-man__FBI_agent__government_man  a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
                                         subtype:  revenuer  a government agent responsible for collecting revenue (especially one responsible for stopping bootlegging)
                                         subtype:  T-man  a special law-enforcement agent of the United States Treasury
                                      subtype:  handler  an agent who handles something or someone; "the senator's campaign handlers"
                                      subtype:  mill_agent  the responsible official at a mill that is under absentee ownership
                                      subtype:  next_friend  a person who acts on behalf of an infant or disabled person (in law)
                                      subtype:  parliamentary_agent__parliamentaryagent  a person (in Britain) who is employed to look after the affairs of businesses that are affected by legislation of the British Parliament
                                      subtype:  proxy.agent__placeholder__procurator  a person authorized to act for another
                                      subtype:  purchasing_agent  an agent who purchases goods or services for another
                                      subtype:  secret_agent__intelligence_officer__intelligence_agent__operative  a person secretly employed in espionage for a government
                                         subtype:  agent_provocateur__agentprovocateur  a secret agent who incites suspected persons to commit illegal acts
                                         subtype:  undercover_agent__spy  a secret agent hired by a state to obtain (military) information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors
                                            subtype:  counterspy__mole  a spy who works against enemy espionage
                                            subtype:  double_agent  a spy who works for two mutually antagonistic countries
                                            subtype:  espionage_agent  someone employed to spy on another country or business competitor
                                            subtype:  foreign_agent__foreignagent  a spy for a foreign country
                                            subtype:  infiltrator.undercover_agent  someone who takes up a position surreptitiously for the purpose of espionage
                                            subtype:  sleeper.undercover_agent  a spy planted in advance for future use but not presently active
                                            instance:  Mata_Hari__Margarete_Gertrud_Zelle
                                      subtype:  shipping_agent  the agent of a shipowner
                                      subtype:  shopper.agent  a commercial agent who shops at the competitor's store in order to compare their prices and merchandise with those of the store that employs her
                                      subtype:  special_agent__specialagent  someone whose authority is limited to the special undertaking they have been instructed to perform
                                      subtype:  talent_agent  an agent who represents performers
                                      subtype:  universal_agent__universalagent__general_agent__generalagent  someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal
                                   subtype:  alderman  a member of a municipal legislative body (as a city council); "aldermen usually represent city wards"
                                   subtype:  assemblyman  someone who is a member of a legislative assembly
                                   subtype:  assemblywoman  a woman assemblyman
                                   subtype:  middleman__contact  a person who is in a position to give you special assistance; "he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor"
                                   subtype:  delegate  a person appointed or elected to represent others
                                      subtype:  apostolic_delegate__apostolicdelegate  (Roman Catholic) a representative of the Holy See in a country that has no formal diplomatic relations with it
                                   subtype:  emissary__envoy  someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else
                                      subtype:  legate__official_emissary  a member of a legation
                                   subtype:  head_of_state__chief_of_state  the chief public representative of a country who may also be the head of government
                                      subtype:  prime_minister__primeminister__chancellor__premier  the person who is head of state (in several countries)
                                      subtype:  Prime_Minister__PM__premier  the person who holds the position of head of state in England
                                      subtype:  president.head_of_state  the chief executive of a republic
                                         subtype:  ex-president  a former president
                                         instance:  Vigdis_Finnbogadottir__Finnbogadottir
                                      subtype:  President_of_the_United_States__President__Chief_Executive  the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government; "the President likes to jog every morning"
                                         instance:  President_John_Adams__Adams__John_Adams__President_Adams  President_John_Quincy_Adams__Adams__John_Quincy_Adams__President_Adams  Chester_Alan_Arthur__Arthur__Chester_A._Arthur__President_Arthur  President_Buchanan__Buchanan__James_Buchanan  George_Herbert_Walker_Bush__Bush__George_Bush__President_Bush  George_Walker_Bush__Bush__George_Bush__George_W._Bush__Dubyuh__President_Bush  James_Earl_Carter_Jr.__Carter__Jimmy_Carter__James_Earl_Carter__President_Carter  Stephen_Grover_Cleveland__Cleveland__Grover_Cleveland__President_Cleveland  William_Jefferson_Clinton__Clinton__Bill_Clinton__President_Clinton  President_Coolidge__Coolidge__Calvin_Coolidge  Dwight_David_Eisenhower__Eisenhower__Dwight_Eisenhower__Dwight_D._Eisenhower__Ike__President_Eisenhower  President_Fillmore__Fillmore__Millard_Fillmore  Gerald_Rudolph_Ford__Ford__Gerald_Ford__Gerald_R._Ford__President_Ford  James_Abraham_Garfield__Garfield__James_Garfield__James_A._Garfield__President_Garfield  Ulysses_Simpson_Grant__Grant__Ulysses_Grant__Ulysses_S._Grant__Hiram_Ulysses_Grant__President_Grant  Warren_Gamaliel_Harding__Harding__Warren_Harding__President_Harding  President_William_Henry_Harrison__Harrison__William_Henry_Harrison__President_Harrison  President_Benjamin_Harrison__presidentbenjaminharrison__Harrison__Benjamin_Harrison__President_Harrison  Rutherford_Birchard_Hayes__Hayes__Rutherford_B._Hayes__President_Hayes  Herbert_Clark_Hoover__Hoover__Herbert_Hoover__President_Hoover  Andrew_Jackson__Jackson__Old_Hickory  President_Jefferson__Jefferson__Thomas_Jefferson  President_Andrew_Johnson__Johnson__Andrew_Johnson__President_Johnson  President_Lyndon_Johnson__Johnson__Lyndon_Johnson__Lyndon_Baines_Johnson__LBJ__President_Johnson  John_Fitzgerald_Kennedy__Kennedy__Jack_Kennedy__JFK__President_Kennedy  President_Lincoln__Lincoln__Abraham_Lincoln  President_Madison__Madison__James_Madison  President_McKinley__McKinley__William_McKinley  President_Monroe__Monroe__James_Monroe  Richard_Milhous_Nixon__Nixon__Richard_Nixon__Richard_M._Nixon__President_Nixon  President_Pierce__Pierce__Franklin_Pierce  James_Knox_Polk__Polk__James_Polk__James_K._Polk__President_Polk  Ronald_Wilson_Reagan__Reagan__Ronald_Reagan__President_Reagam  President_Theodore_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Theodore_Roosevelt__President_Roosevelt  President_Franklin_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Franklin_Roosevelt__Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt__President_Roosevelt__FDR  William_Howard_Taft__Taft__President_Taft  President_Taylor__Taylor__Zachary_Taylor  President_Truman__Truman__Harry_Truman__Harry_S_Truman  President_Tyler__Tyler__John_Tyler  President_Van_Buren__Van_Buren__Martin_Van_Buren  President_Washington__Washington__George_Washington  Thomas_Woodrow_Wilson__Wilson__Woodrow_Wilson__President_Wilson
                                      subtype:  sovereign__crowned_head__crownedhead__monarch  a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
                                         subtype:  tsar__czar__tzar  a male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917)
                                            instance:  Boris_Fyodorovich_Godunov__Godunov__godunov__Boris_Godunov  Ivan_IV__Ivan_Iv_Vasilievich__Ivan_the_Terrible  Nicholas_I  Nicholas_II  Peter_I__Peter_the_Great
                                         subtype:  Emperor  the male ruler of an empire
                                            subtype:  Empress  a woman Emperor or the wife of an Emperor
                                               instance:  Catherine_I  Catherine_II__Catherine__Catherine_the_Great
                                            subtype:  Holy_Roman_Emperor  sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire
                                               instance:  Charlemagne__Charles_I__Charles_the_Great  Charles_I__Charles_II__Charles_the_Bald  Ferdinand_I  Ferdinand_II  Ferdinand_III  Emperor_Francis_II__Francis_II  Frederick_Barbarossa__Frederick_I__Barbarossa  Frederick_II  Otto_I__Otho_I__Otto_the_Great
                                            subtype:  Kaiser  the Holy Roman Emperors or the Emperors of Austria or Germany until 1918
                                               instance:  Wilhelm_II__Kaiser_Wilhelm
                                            subtype:  mikado__tenno  (archaic) the emperor of Japan; when regarded as a religious leader the emperor is called tenno
                                            subtype:  Roman_Emperor__Emperor_of_Rome  sovereign of the Roman Empire
                                               instance:  Marcus_Aurelius_Antoninus__Antoninus__Aurelius__Marcus_Aurelius__Marcus_Annius_Verus  Antonius_Pius  Augustus__Gaius_Octavianus__Gaius_Julius_Caesar_Octavianus__Octavian  Caligula__Gaius__Gaius_Caesar  Tiberius_Claudius_Drusus_Nero_Germanicus__Claudius__Claudius_I  Constantine_the_Great__Constantine__Constantine_I  Decius  Domitian__Titus_Flavius_Domitianus  Hadrian__Publius_Aelius_Hadrianus__Adrian  Nero_Claudius_Caesar_Drusus_Germanicus__Nero__Lucius_Domitius_Ahenobarbus  Marcus_Cocceius_Nerva__Nerva  Tiberius_Claudius_Nero_Caesar_Augustus__Tiberius  Titus_Flavius_Vespasianus__Titus  Trajan__Marcus_Ulpius_Traianus  Vespasian__Titus_Flavius_Sabinus_Vespasianus
                                            instance:  Francis_Joseph_I__Francis_Joseph__Franz_Joseph__Franz_Josef_I  Genghis_Khan__Jinghis_Khan__Jenghiz_Khan  Haile_Selassie__Ras_Tafari_Makonnen__Ras_Tafari  Michinomiya_Hirohito__Hirohito  Justinian_the_Great__Justinian__Justinian_I  Kublai_Khan__Kubla_Khan__Kublai_Kaan  Meiji_Tenno__Mutsuhito  Montezuma_II  Napoleon_Bonaparte__Napoleon__Napoleon_I__Bonaparte__the_Little_Corporal  Napoleon_III__Charles_Louis_Napoleon_Bonaparte  Shah_Jahan
                                         subtype:  male_monarch__king  a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
                                            subtype:  Messiah  the awaited King of the Jews; the promised and expected deliverer of the Jewish people
                                            subtype:  King_of_England  the sovereign ruler of England
                                               instance:  Canute_the_Great__Canute__Cnut__Knut  Charles_Stuart__Charles_I  Charles_II  Edgar  Edward_I  Edward_II  Edward_III  Edward_IV  Edward_V  Edward_VI  Edward_VII__Albert_Edward  Edward_VIII__Duke_of_Windsor  Saint_Edward_the_Confessor__Edward_the_Confessor__St_Edward_the_Confessor  Saint_Edward_the_Martyr__Edward_the_Martyr__St_Edward_the_Martyr  Edwy__Eadwig  George_I  George_II  George_III  George_IV  George_V  George_VI  King_Harold_I__Harold_I__Harold_Harefoot__Harefoot  King_Harold_II__Harold_II  Henry_I__Henry_Beauclerc  Henry_II  Henry_III  Henry_IV__Bolingbroke__Henry_Bolingbroke  Henry_V  Henry_VI  Henry_VII__Henry_Tudor  Henry_VIII  James_I  James_II  John_Lackland__John  Richard_I__Richard_Coeur_de_Lion__Richard_the_Lion-Heart__Richard_the_Lion-Hearted  Richard_II  Richard_III  William_I__William_the_Conqueror  William_II__William_Rufus  William_III__William_of_Orange  William_IV__The_Sailor_King
                                            subtype:  King_of_France  the sovereign ruler of France
                                               instance:  Hugh_Capet__Capet  Charles_I__Charles_II__Charles_the_Bald  Charles_VII  Charles_IX  Henry_II.King_of_France__henryii  Louis_I__Louis_the_Pious  Louis_II__Louis_le_Begue__Louis_the_Stammerer  Louis_III  Louis_IV__Louis_d'Outremer  Louis_V__Louis_le_Faineant  Louis_VI__Louis_the_Far__Louis_the_Wideawake__Louis_the_Bruiser  Louis_VII  Louis_VIII  Louis_IX__Saint_Louis__St_Louis  Louis_X__Louis_le_Hutin__Louis_the_Quarreller  Louis_XI  Louis_XII  Louis_XIII  Louis_XIV__Sun_King__Louis_the_Great  Louis_XV  Louis_XVI
                                            subtype:  Rameses__Ramesses__Ramses  any of 12 kings of ancient Egypt between 1315 and 1090 BC
                                               instance:  Rameses_II__Ramesses_II__Ramses_II__Rameses_the_Great__Ramesses_the_Great__Ramses_the_Great
                                            instance:  Ahab  Akhenaton__Akhenaten__Ikhanaton__Amenhotep_IV  Alaric  Alfred_the_Great__Alfred__AElfred  Artaxerxes_I  Artaxerxes_II  Ashurbanipal__Assurbanipal__Asurbanipal  Athelstan  Attila__Scourge_of_God__Scourge_of_the_Gods  Robert_the_Bruce__Bruce__Robert_I  Carl_XVI_Gustav__carlxvigustav  Clovis_I__Clovis  Croesus.male_monarch__croesu  Cyrus_II__Cyrus_the_Elder__Cyrus_the_Great  Darius_I__Darius_the_Great  Darius_III  David  Edmund_I  Edmund_II__Edmund_Ironside  Edward_the_Elder  Edwin  Egbert  Ethelbert  Ethelred_I__Ethelred  Ethelred_the_Unready__Ethelred__Ethelred_II  Fahd_ibn_Abdel_Aziz_al-Saud__Fahd  Faisal_ibn_Abdel_Aziz_al-Saud__Faisal  Farouk_I__Faruk_I  Ferdinand_the_Great__Ferdinand_I  Ferdinand_V__Ferdinand_the_Catholic  Frederick_I  Frederick_the_Great__Frederick_II  Frederick_William_I  Frederick_William_II  Frederick_William_III  Frederick_William_Iv  Genseric__Gaiseric  Gilgamesh  Gordius  Gustavus_I__Gustavus  Gustavus_Adolphus__Gustavus__Gustavus_II  Gustavus_V  Hammurabi__Hammurapi  Herod_the_Great__Herod  Hezekiah__Ezekias  ibn_Talal_Hussein__Hussein__Husain__Husayn__King_Hussein  Jeroboam_I__Jeroboam  Juan_Carlos_Victor_Maria_de_Borbon_y_Borbon__Juan_Carlos  Kamehameha_I__Kamehameha_the_Great  Leonidas  Macbeth  Mithridates_the_Great__Mithridates__Mithridates_VI  Nebuchadnezzar_II__Nebuchadnezzar__Nebuchadrezzar__Nebuchadrezzar_II  Olaf_II__Olav_II__Saint_Olaf__Saint_Olav__St_Olaf__St_Olav  Otto_I__Otho_I__Otto_the_Great  Philip_II  Philip_II.male_monarch__philipii  Pyrrhus  Saul  Sennacherib  Solomon  Tarquin_the_Proud__Tarquin__Tarquinius__Tarquinius_Superbus__Lucius_Tarquinius_Superbus  Victor_Emanuel_II  Victor_Emanuel_III  Xerxes_I__Xerxes_the_Great
                                         subtype:  shah  title for the former hereditary monarch of Iran
                                            instance:  Mohammed_Reza_Pahlavi__Pahlavi__Pahlevi__Mohammed_Reza_Pahlevi
                                         subtype:  Hanoverian  any of the British sovereigns belonging to the House of Hanover
                                            instance:  George_I  George_II  George_III  George_IV  Queen_Victoria__Victoria
                                   subtype:  personal_representative__personalrepresentative  a person who manages the affairs of another
                                      subtype:  legal_representative__legalrepresentative  a personal representative with legal standing (as by power of attorney or the executor of a will)
                                   subtype:  resident_commissioner  the representative of Puerto Rico in the United States House of Representatives
                                   subtype:  union_representative__unionrepresentative  a representative for a labor union
                                      subtype:  labor_organizer__labororganizer__organizer  someone who enlists workers to join a union
                                         instance:  Eugene_Victor_Debs__Debs__Eugene_V._Debs
                                      subtype:  shop_steward__steward  a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management
                                      subtype:  walking_delegate__walkingdelegate  a union representative who visits workers at their jobs to see whether agreements are observed
                                subtype:  settler.negotiator  a negotiator who settles disputes
                             subtype:  persuader__inducer  someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on
                                subtype:  lobbyist  someone who tries to persuade legislators to vote for bills that the lobbyists favor
                                subtype:  wheedler__coaxer  someone who tries to persuade by blandishment and coaxing
                             subtype:  popularizer__populariser__vulgarizer__vulgariser  someone who makes attractive to the general public
                             subtype:  presenter  someone who presents a message of some sort (as a petition or an address or a check or a memorial etc.)
                             subtype:  promisee  a person to whom a promise is made
                             subtype:  promiser__promisor  a person who makes a promise
                                subtype:  vower  someone who makes a solemn promise to do something or behave in a certain way; "young vowers of eternal love"; "there are many vowers of chastity but few who observe it"
                             subtype:  propagandist  a person who disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government
                                subtype:  sloganeer  someone who coins and uses slogans to promote a cause
                                instance:  Paul_Joseph_Goebbels__Goebbels__Joseph_Goebbels
                             subtype:  disseminator__propagator  someone who spreads the news
                             subtype:  publicist__publicizer  someone who publicizes
                                subtype:  advertiser__advertizer__adman  someone whose business is advertising
                                   subtype:  huckster  a person who writes radio or tv advertisements
                                   subtype:  promoter__booster__plugger  someone who is an active supporter and advocate
                                      subtype:  barker  someone who stands in front of a show (as at a carnival) and gives a loud colorful sales talk to potential customers
                                   subtype:  tout__touter  someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way
                                subtype:  press_agent__publicity_man__publicityman__public_relations_man__PR_man  someone employed to arrange publicity (for a firm or a public figure)
                                subtype:  sensationalist__ballyhoo_artist  someone who uses exaggerated or lurid material in order to gain public attention
                             subtype:  quoter  a communicator (speaker or writer) who uses quotations
                             subtype:  rambler  a person whose speech or writing is not well organized
                             subtype:  reporter__newsman__newsperson  a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories
                                subtype:  newswoman  a female newsperson
                                subtype:  television_reporter__television_newscaster__TV_reporter__TV_newsman  someone who reports news stories via television
                                   subtype:  anchorman__anchor__anchorperson  a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute
                             subtype:  responder__respondent__answerer  someone who responds
                                subtype:  equivocator__hedger  a respondent who avoids giving a clear direct answer
                                subtype:  interviewee  a person who is interviewed
                                   subtype:  don't-know__don'tknow  (colloquial) a person who responds "I don't know" in public opinion poll
                                subtype:  testee__examinee  someone who is tested (as by an intelligence test or an academic examination)
                                   subtype:  passer  a student who passes and examination
                             subtype:  roarer__bawler__bellower__screamer__screecher__shouter__yeller  someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice
                                subtype:  crier  a shouter who advertises the goods they sell
                             subtype:  sender__transmitter  someone who transmits a message; "return to sender"
                             subtype:  signaler__signaller  someone who communicates by signals
                                subtype:  signalman  a railroad employee in charge of signals and point in a railroad yard
                                subtype:  toller__bell_ringer__bellringer__ringer  a person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation)
                                subtype:  whistler  makes a loud high sound
                             subtype:  signer  someone who can use sign language to communicate
                             subtype:  swearer  someone who takes a solemn oath
                             subtype:  sympathizer  commiserates with someone who has had misfortune
                                subtype:  Job's_comforter  someone whose comfort is actually discouraging
                             subtype:  mental_telepathist__telepathist__thoughtreader__mind_reader  someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly
                             subtype:  waffler  someone who speaks or writes in a vague and evasive manner
                             subtype:  warner  someone who gives a warning to others
                             subtype:  waver.communicator  someone who communicates by waving
                             subtype:  wirer  someone who sends a telegram
                             subtype:  professional_writer__writer__author  writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
                                subtype:  abstractor__abstracter  one who makes abstracts or summarizes information
                                subtype:  alliterator  a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration
                                subtype:  authoress__authores  a woman author
                                subtype:  biographer  someone who writes an account of another person's life
                                   subtype:  autobiographer  someone who writes their own biography
                                   instance:  Plutarch  Giles_Lytton_Strachey__Strachey__Lytton_Strachey
                                subtype:  coauthor__joint_author__jointauthor  a writer who collaborates with others in writing something
                                subtype:  commentator  a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day
                                subtype:  contributor  a writer whose work is published in a newspaper or magazine or as part of a book
                                subtype:  drafter  a writer of a draft
                                subtype:  dramatist__playwright  someone who writes plays
                                   instance:  Aeschylus  Edward_Albee__Albee__Edward_Franklin_Albeen  Maxwell_Anderson__Anderson  Jean_Anouilh__Anouilh  Aristophanes  Sir_James_Matthew_Barrie__Barrie__James_Barrie__J._M._Barrie__James_Matthew_Barrie  Samuel_Beckett__Beckett  Bertolt_Brecht__Brecht  Pedro_Calderon_de_la_Barca__Calderon__Calderon_de_la_Barca  Miguel_de_Cervantes_Saavedra__Cervantes__Miguel_de_Cervantes__Cervantes_Saavedra  Anton_Pavlovich_Chekhov__Chekhov__Chekov__Anton_Chekhov__Anton_Chekov__Anton_Pavlovich_Chekov  Pierre_Corneille__Corneille  Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward  Russel_Crouse__Crouse  John_Dryden__Dryden  Euripides  Christopher_Fry__Fry  Frederico_Garcia_Lorca__Garcia_Lorca__Lorca  Hippolyte_Jean_Giraudoux__Giraudoux__Jean_Giraudoux  Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe  Carlo_Goldoni__Goldoni  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  Moss_Hart__Hart  Vaclav_Havel__Havel  Christian_Friedrich_Hebbel__Hebbel__Friedrich_Hebbel  Lillian_Hellman__Hellman  Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo  Henrik_Ibsen__Ibsen  William_Inge__Inge  Eugene_Ionesco__Ionesco__ionesco  Benjamin_Jonson__Jonson__Ben_Jonson  George_Simon_Kaufman__Kaufman__George_S._Kaufman  Bernd_Heinrich_Wilhelm_von_Kleist__Kleist__Heinrich_von_Kleist  Gotthold_Ephraim_Lessing__Lessing  Howard_Lindsay__Lindsay  Clare_Booth_Luce__Luce  Count_Maurice_Maeterlinck__Maeterlinck  David_Mamet__Mamet  Christopher_Marlowe__Marlowe  John_Marstan__Marstan  Menander  Thomas_Middleton__Middleton  Arthur_Miller__Miller  Moliere__Jean-Baptiste_Poquelin  Ferenc_Molnar__Molnar  Sean_O'Casey__O'Casey__o'casey  Clifford_Odets__Odets  Eugene_Gladstone_O'Neill__O'Neill__Eugene_O'Neill  John_James_Osborne__Osborne__John_Osborne  Titus_Maccius_Plautus__Plautus  Sir_Terence_Mervyn_Rattigan__Rattigan__Terence_Rattigan  Elmer_Leopold_Rice__Rice__Elmer_Rice__Elmer_Reizenstein  Esme_Stuart_Lennox_Robinson__Robinson__Lennox_Robinson  Augustin_Eugene_Scribe__Scribe  Lucius_Annaeus_Seneca__Seneca  William_Shakespeare__Shakespeare__Shakspere__William_Shakspere__the_bard__thebard  George_Bernard_Shaw__Shaw__G._B._Shaw  Richard_Brinsley_Sheridan__Sheridan  Robert_Emmet_Sherwood__Sherwood  Marvin_Neil_Simon__Simon__Neil_Simon  Sophocles  Sir_Tom_Stoppard__Stoppard__Tom_Stoppard__Thomas_Straussler  Johan_August_Strindberg__Strindberg__August_Strindberg  Edmund_John_Millington_Synge__Synge__J._M._Synge__John_Millington_Synge  Terence__Publius_Terentius_Afer  Tirso_de_Molina__Gabriel_Tellez  Peter_Alexander_Ustinov__Ustinov__Sir_Peter_Ustinov  Lope_de_Vega__Vega  Thornton_Niven_Wilder__Wilder__Thornton_Wilder  Thomas_Lanier_Williams__Williams__Tennessee_Williams  William_Wycherley__Wycherley  William_Butler_Yeats__Yeats__W._B._Yeats
                                subtype:  encyclopedist__compiler  a person who compiles (or writes for) encyclopedias
                                subtype:  essayist__litterateur  a writer of literary works
                                   instance:  Charles_Lamb__Lamb__Elia
                                subtype:  folk_writer  a writer of folktales
                                   subtype:  folk_poet  a folk writer who composes in verse
                                subtype:  framer  someone who writes a new law or plan; "the framers of the Constitution"
                                subtype:  gagster__gagman__gagwriter  someone who writes comic material for public performers
                                subtype:  ghostwriter__ghost  a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else
                                subtype:  Gothic_romancer__gothicromancer  a writer of Gothic romances
                                subtype:  literary_hack__hack__hack_writer  a mediocre and disdained writer
                                subtype:  journalist  a writer for newspapers and magazines
                                   subtype:  broadcast_journalist__broadcastjournalist  a journalist who broadcasts on radio or television
                                   subtype:  columnist  a journalist who writes editorials
                                      subtype:  gossip_columnist  a journalist who writes a column of gossip about celebrities
                                      subtype:  newspaper_columnist__newspapercolumnist  a columnist who writes for newspapers
                                      subtype:  newspaper_critic__newspapercritic  a critic who writes a column for the newspapers
                                   subtype:  correspondent__newspaperman__newspaperwoman__newswriter__pressman  a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
                                   subtype:  scribe__scribbler  informal terms for journalists
                                   subtype:  sob_sister__sobsister  a journalist who specializes in sentimental stories
                                   subtype:  sports_writer  a journalist who writes about sports
                                   instance:  Alfred_Alistair_Cooke__Cooke__Alistair_Cooke  Elizabeth_Merriwether_Gilmer__Gilmer__Dorothy_Dix  Horace_Greeley__Greeley__greeley  Edgar_Albert_Guest__Guest__Edgar_Guest  Walter_Lippmann__Lippmann  Henry_Louis_Mencken__Mencken__H._L._Mencken  John_Reed__Reed  Elizabeth_Cochrane_Seaman__Seaman__Elizabeth_Seaman__Nellie_Bly  William_Lawrence_Shirer__Shirer  Sir_Henry_Morton_Stanley__Stanley__Henry_M._Stanley__John_Rowlands  Joseph_Lincoln_Steffens__Steffens__Lincoln_Steffens  Isidor_Feinstein_Stone__Stone__I._F._Stone  Theodore_Harold_White__White__T._H._White  Alexander_Woollcott__Woollcott
                                subtype:  librettist  author of words to be set to music in an opera or operetta
                                   instance:  William_Schwenk_Gilbert__Gilbert__William_Gilbert__Sir_William_Gilbert
                                subtype:  lyricist  a person who writes the words for songs
                                   instance:  Ira_Gershwin__Gershwin  Oscar_Hammerstein_II__Hammerstein__Oscar_Hammerstein  Lorenz_Milton_Hart__Hart__Lorenz_Hart  Alan_Jay_Lerner__Lerner  Timothy_Miles_Bindon_Rice__Rice__Sir_Tim_Rice
                                subtype:  novelist  someone who writes novels
                                   instance:  James_Agee__Agee  Louisa_May_Alcott__Alcott  Honore_de_Balzac__Balzac__Honore_Balzac  William_Cuthbert_Faulkner__Faulkner__William_Faulkner__Falkner__William_Falkner  Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe  Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo  Harry_Sinclair_Lewis__Lewis__Sinclair_Lewis  George_Meredith__Meredith  Marcel_Proust__Proust  Emile_Zola__Zola
                                subtype:  pamphleteer  a writer of pamphlets (usually taking a partisan stand on public issues)
                                   instance:  Thomas_Paine__Paine__Tom_Paine
                                subtype:  paragrapher  a writer of paragraphs (as for publication on the editorial page of a newspaper)
                                subtype:  poet  a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)
                                   subtype:  bard.poet  a lyric poet
                                   subtype:  elegist  the author of a mournful poem lamenting the dead
                                   subtype:  poetess__poetes  a woman poet
                                      instance:  Edna_Saint_Vincent_Millay__Millay__Edna_Millay  Sappho
                                   subtype:  Poet_Laureate  the poet officially appointed to the Royal Household in Great Britain; "the Poet Laureate is expected to provide poems for great national occasions"
                                   subtype:  sonneteer  a poet who writes sonnets
                                   instance:  Alcaeus  Guillaume_Apollinaire__Apollinaire__Wilhelm_Apollinaris_de_Kostrowitzki  Matthew_Arnold__Arnold  Jean_Arp__Arp__Hans_Arp  Wystan_Hugh_Auden__Auden__W._H._Auden  Charles_Pierre_Baudelaire__Baudelaire__Charles_Baudelaire  William_Blake__Blake  Giovanni_Boccaccio__Boccaccio  Bertolt_Brecht__Brecht  Rupert_Brooke__Brooke  Elizabeth_Barrett_Browning__Browning  Robert_Browning__Browning  Robert_Burns__Burns  Sixth_Baron_Byron_of_Rochdale__Byron__Lord_Byron__George_Gordon_Byron  Pedro_Calderon_de_la_Barca__Calderon__Calderon_de_la_Barca  Giosue_Carducci__Carducci  Thomas_Carew__Carew  Gaius_Valerius_Catullus__Catullus  Geoffrey_Chaucer__Chaucer  John_Anthony_Ciardi__Ciardi__John_Ciardi  Samuel_Taylor_Coleridge__Coleridge  Pierre_Corneille__Corneille  Harold_Hart_Crane__Crane__Hart_Crane  Cynewulf__Cynwulf  Dante_Alighieri__Dante  Walter_John_de_la_Mare__de_la_Mare__Walter_de_la_Mare  Emily_Dickinson__Dickinson  John_Donne__Donne  John_Dryden__Dryden  Thomas_Stearns_Eliot__Eliot__T._S._Eliot  Edward_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald  Robert_Lee_Frost__Frost__Robert_Frost  Frederico_Garcia_Lorca__Garcia_Lorca__Lorca  William_Schwenk_Gilbert__Gilbert__William_Gilbert__Sir_William_Gilbert  Allen_Ginsberg__Ginsberg  Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe  Thomas_Gray__Gray  Robert_Herrick__Herrick  Hesiod  Hugo_von_Hoffmannsthal__Hoffmannsthal  James_Hogg__Hogg  Homer  Gerard_Manley_Hopkins__Hopkins  Horace  Alfred_Edward_Housman__Housman__A._E._Housman  Edward_James_Hughes__Hughes__Ted_Hughes  Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo  Henrik_Ibsen__Ibsen  Randall_Jarrell__Jarrell  John_Robinson_Jeffers__Jeffers__Robinson_Jeffers  Juan_Ramon_Jimenez__Jimenez  Benjamin_Jonson__Jonson__Ben_Jonson  Erik_Axel_Karlfeldt__Karlfeldt  John_Keats__Keats  Francis_Scott_Key__Key  Friedrich_Gottlieb_Klopstock__Klopstock  Nicholas_Vachel_Lindsay__Lindsay__Vachel_Lindsay  Henry_Wadsworth_Longfellow__Longfellow  Richard_Lovelace__Lovelace  Amy_Lowell__Lowell  Robert_Traill_Spence_Lowell_Jr.__Lowell__Robert_Lowell  Titus_Lucretius_Carus__Lucretius  Archibald_MacLeish__MacLeish  Stephane_Mallarme__Mallarme  Osip_Emilevich_Mandelstam__Mandelstam__Osip_Mandelstam__Mandelshtam  Giambattista_Marini__Marini__Marino__Giambattista_Marino  Christopher_Marlowe__Marlowe  Jose_Julian_Marti__Marti  Martial  Andrew_Marvell__Marvell__marvell  John_Edward_Masefield__Masefield__John_Masefield  Edgar_Lee_Masters__Masters  Vladimir_Vladimirovich_Mayakovski__Mayakovski  George_Meredith__Meredith  John_Milton__Milton  Marianne_Craig_Moore__Moore__Marianne_Moore  Thomas_Moore__Moore  William_Morris__Morris  Louis_Charles_Alfred_de_Musset__Musset__Alfred_de_Musset  Alfred_Noyes__Noyes  Omar_Khayyam  Ovid__Publius_Ovidius_Naso  Francis_Turner_Palgrave__Palgrave  Petrarch__Petrarca__Francesco_Petrarca  Pindar  Ezra_Loomis_Pound__Pound__Ezra_Pound  Aleksandr_Sergeyevich_Pushkin__Pushkin__Alexander_Pushkin  James_Whitcomb_Riley__Riley  Rainer_Maria_Rilke__Rilke  Jean_Nicholas_Arthur_Rimbaud__Rimbaud__Arthur_Rimbaud  Edwin_Arlington_Robinson__Robinson  Alan_Seeger__Seeger  Anne_Sexton__Sexton  William_Shakespeare__Shakespeare__Shakspere__William_Shakspere__the_bard__thebard  Percy_Bysshe_Shelley__Shelley  Taras_Grigoryevich_Shevchenko__Shevchenko  Sir_Philip_Sidney__Sidney  Dame_Edith_Louisa_Sitwell__Sitwell__Dame_Edith_Sitwell  Robert_Southey__Southey  Sir_Stephen_Harold_Spender__Spender__Stephen_Spender  Edmund_Spenser__Spenser  Wallace_Stevens__Stevens  Sir_John_Suckling__Suckling  Algernon_Charles_Swinburne__Swinburne  Arthur_Symons__Symons  Torquato_Tasso__Tasso  John_Orley_Allen_Tate__Tate__Allen_Tate  Sara_Teasdale__Teasdale  First_Baron_Tennyson__Tennyson__Alfred_Tennyson__Alfred_Lord_Tennyson  Thespis  Dylan_Marlais_Thomas__Thomas__Dylan_Thomas  John_Trumbull__Trumbull  Tristan_Tzara__Tzara__Samuel_Rosenstock  Johann_Ludwig_Uhland__Uhland  Paul_Verlaine__Verlaine  Francois_Villon__Villon  Virgil__Vergil__Publius_Vergilius_Maro  Andrei_Voznesenski__Voznesenski  Robert_Penn_Warren__Warren  Isaac_Watts__Watts  Phillis_Wheatley__Wheatley  Walt_Whitman__Whitman  John_Greenleaf_Whittier__Whittier  William_Carlos_Williams__Williams  William_Wordsworth__Wordsworth  Sir_Thomas_Wyatt__Wyatt__Wyat__Sir_Thomas_Wyat  Elinor_Morton_Hoyt_Wylie__Wylie  William_Butler_Yeats__Yeats__W._B._Yeats  Yevgeni_Aleksandrovich_Yevtushenko__Yevtushenko__Yevgeni_Yevtushenko  Edward_Young__Young
                                subtype:  rhymer__rhymester__versifier__poetizer  a writer who composes rhymes; a maker of poor verses (usually used as terms of contempt for minor or inferior poets)
                                subtype:  scenarist  a writer of screenplays
                                subtype:  scriptwriter  someone who writes scripts for plays or movies or broadcast dramas
                                   subtype:  screenwriter__film_writer  someone who writes screenplays
                                      instance:  George_Lucas__Lucas  Dalton_Trumbo__Trumbo
                                subtype:  space_writer__spacewriter  a writer paid by the area of the copy
                                subtype:  speechwriter  a writer who composes speeches for others to deliver
                                subtype:  tragedian  a writer (especially a playwright) who writes tragedies
                                   instance:  Jean_Baptiste_Racine__Racine__Jean_Racine
                                subtype:  wordmonger  a writer who uses language carelessly or pretentiously with little regard for meaning
                                subtype:  word-painter  a writer of vivid or graphic descriptive power
                                subtype:  wordsmith  a fluent and prolific writer
                                instance:  Horatio_Alger__Alger  Hans_Christian_Andersen__Andersen  Sherwood_Anderson__Anderson  Louis_Aragon__Aragon  Sholem_Asch__Asch__Shalom_Asch__Sholom_Asch  Jane_Austen__Austen  Imamu_Amiri_Baraka__Baraka__LeRoi_Jones  Samuel_Beckett__Beckett  Sir_Henry_Maxmilian_Beerbohm__Beerbohm__Max_Beerbohm  Ambrose_Gwinett_Bierce__Bierce__Ambrose_Bierce  Jorge_Luis_Borges__Borges__Jorge_Borges  James_Boswell__Boswell  Ray_Douglas_Bradbury__Bradbury__Ray_Bradbury  Charlotte_Bronte__Bronte  Emily_Jane_Bronte__Bronte__Emily_Bronte__Currer_Bell  Anne_Bronte__Bronte  Charles_Farrar_Browne__Browne__Artemus_Ward  Pearl_Sydenstricker_Buck__Buck__Pearl_Buck  John_Bunyan__Bunyan  Frances_Eliza_Hodgson_Burnett__Burnett__burnett__franceshodgsonburnett  Edgar_Rice_Burroughs__Burroughs  William_Burroughs__Burroughs__William_Seward_Burroughs  James_Branch_Cabell__Cabell  Erskine_Preston_Caldwell__Caldwell__Erskine_Caldwell  Albert_Camus__Camus  Lewis_Carroll__Carroll__Dodgson__Reverend_Dodgson__Charles_Dodgson__Charles_Lutwidge_Dodgson  Willa_Sibert_Cather__Cather__Willa_Cather  Miguel_de_Cervantes_Saavedra__Cervantes__Miguel_de_Cervantes__Cervantes_Saavedra  Raymond_Thornton_Chandler__Chandler__Raymond_Chandler  Francois_Rene_Chateaubriand__Chateaubriand__Vicomte_de_Chateaubriand  Gilbert_Keith_Chesterton__Chesterton__G._K._Chesterton  Dame_Agatha_Mary_Clarissa_Christie__Christie__Agatha_Christie  Sir_Winston_Leonard_Spenser_Churchill__Churchill__Winston_Churchill__Winston_S._Churchill  Samuel_Langhorne_Clemens__Clemens__Mark_Twain  Jean_Cocteau__Cocteau  Sidonie_Gabrielle_Claudine_Colette__Colette  William_Wilkie_Collins__Collins__Wilkie_Collins  Sir_Arthur_Conan_Doyle__Conan_Doyle__A._Conan_Doyle__Arthur_Conan_Doyle  Joseph_Conrad__Conrad__Teodor_Josef_Konrad_Korzeniowski  James_Fenimore_Cooper__Cooper  Stephen_Crane__Crane  Edward_Estlin_Cummings__Cummings__e._e._cummings  Clarence_Shepard_Day_Jr.__Day__Clarence_Day  Daniel_Defoe__Defoe  Thomas_De_Quincey__De_Quincey  Charles_John_Huffam_Dickens__Dickens__Charles_Dickens  John_Dos_Passos__Dos_Passos  Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoyevsky__Dostoyevsky__Dostoevski__Dostoevsky__Feodor_Dostoyevsky__Fyodor_Dostoyevsky__Feodor_Dostoevski__Fyodor_Dostoevski__Feodor_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoyevsky__Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevski__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevski__Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevsky  Theodore_Herman_Albert_Dreiser__Dreiser__Theodore_Dreiser  Alexandre_Dumas__Dumas  Dame_Daphne_du_Maurier__du_Maurier  Lawrence_George_Durrell__Durrell__Lawrence_Durrell  Ilya_Grigorievich_Ehrenberg__Ehrenberg__Ilya_Ehrenberg  George_Eliot__Eliot__Mary_Ann_Evans  Ralph_Waldo_Emerson__Emerson  James_Thomas_Farrell__Farrell  Edna_Ferber__Ferber  Henry_Fielding__Fielding  Francis_Scott_Key_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald__F._Scott_Fitzgerald  Gustave_Flaubert__Flaubert  Ian_Lancaster_Fleming__Fleming__Ian_Fleming  Ford_Hermann_Hueffer__Ford__Ford_Madox_Ford  Cecil_Scott_Forester__Forester__C._S._Forester  Anatole_France__France__Jacques_Anatole_Francois_Thibault  Benjamin_Franklin__Franklin  Carlos_Fuentes__Fuentes  Emile_Gaboriau__Gaboriau  John_Galsworthy__Galsworthy  Erle_Stanley_Gardner__Gardner  Elizabeth_Cleghorn_Stevenson_Gaskell__Gaskell__Elizabeth_Gaskell  Theodor_Seuss_Geisel__Geisel__Dr._Seuss  Jean_Genet__Genet  Kahlil_Gibran__Gibran  Karl_Gjellerup__Gjellerup  Nikolai_Vasilievich_Gogol__Gogol  Sir_William_Gerald_Golding__Golding__William_Golding  Oliver_Goldsmith__Goldsmith  Edmond_Louis_Antoine_Huot_de_Goncourt__Goncourt__Edmond_de_Goncourt  Jules_Alfred_Huot_de_Goncourt__Goncourt__Jules_de_Goncourt  Nadine_Gordimer__Gordimer  Maksim_Gorky__Gorky__Gorki__Maxim_Gorki__Aleksey_Maksimovich_Peshkov__Aleksey_Maximovich_Peshkov  Kenneth_Grahame__Grahame  Gunter_Wilhelm_Grass__Grass__Gunter_Grass  Robert_Ranke_Graves__Graves__Robert_Graves  Henry_Graham_Greene__Greene__Graham_Greene  Zane_Grey__Grey  Jakob_Ludwig_Karl_Grimm__Grimm  Wilhelm_Karl_Grimm__Grimm  Hagard__Rider_Haggard__Sir_Henry_Rider_Haggard  Elizabeth_Sanderson_Haldane__elizabethsandersonhaldane__Haldane__Elizabeth_Haldane  Edward_Everett_Hale__Hale  Alex_Haley__Haley  Marguerite_Radclyffe_Hall__Hall__Radclyffe_Hall  Samuel_Dashiell_Hammett__Hammett__Dashiell_Hammett  Knut_Hamsun__Hamsun__Knut_Pedersen  Thomas_Hardy__Hardy  James_Thomas_Harris__Harris__Frank_Harris  Bret_Harte__Harte  Nathaniel_Hawthorne__Hawthorne  Ben_Hecht__Hecht  Robert_Anson_Heinlein__Heinlein  Joseph_Heller__Heller  Ernest_Hemingway__Hemingway  Hermann_Hesse__Hesse  Paul_Johann_Ludwig_von_Heyse__Heyse__Paul_Heyse  DuBois_Heyward__Heyward__Edwin_DuBois_Hayward  Thomas_Wentworth_Storrow_Higginson__Higginson__Thomas_Higginson  Ernst_Theodor_Amadeus_Hoffmann__Hoffmann__E._T._A._Hoffmann__Ernst_Theodor_Wilhelm_Hoffmann  Oliver_Wendell_Holmes__Holmes  William_Dean_Howells__Howells  Edmond_Hoyle__Hoyle  James_Langston_Hughes__Hughes__Langston_Hughes  James_Henry_Leigh_Hunt__Hunt__Leigh_Hunt  Aldous_Leonard_Huxley__Huxley__Aldous_Huxley  John_Irving__Irving  Washington_Irving__Irving  Christopher_William_Bradshaw_Isherwood__Isherwood__Christopher_Isherwood  Helen_Maria_Fiske_Hunt_Jackson__Jackson__Helen_Hunt_Jackson  Jane_Jacobs__Jacobs  William_Wymark_Jacobs__Jacobs__W._W._Jacobs  Henry_James__James  Johannes_Vilhelm_Jensen__Jensen  Samuel_Johnson__Johnson__Dr._Johnson  James_Augustine_Aloysius_Joyce__Joyce__James_Joyce  Franz_Kafka__Kafka  Helen_Adams_Keller__Keller__Helen_Keller  Jean-Louis_Lebris_de_Kerouac__Kerouac__Jack_Kerouac  Ken_Elton_Kesey__Kesey__Ken_Kesey  Joseph_Rudyard_Kipling__Kipling__Rudyard_Kipling  Arthur_Koestler__Koestler  Jean_de_La_Fontaine__La_Fontaine  Ringgold_Wilmer_Lardner__Lardner__Ring_Lardner  Francois_de_La_Rochefoucauld__La_Rochefoucauld  David_Herbert_Lawrence__Lawrence__D._H._Lawrence  Thomas_Edward_Lawrence__Lawrence__T._E._Lawrence__Lawrence_of_Arabia  John_le_Carre__le_Carre__David_John_Moore_Cornwell  Elmore_John_Leonard__Leonard__Elmore_Leonard__Dutch_Leonard  Mikhail_Yurievich_Lermontov__Lermontov  Clive_Staples_Lewis__Lewis__C._S._Lewis  Jack_London__London__John_Griffith_Chaney  Clarence_Malcolm_Lowry__Lowry__Malcolm_Lowry  John_Lyly__Lyly  Edward_George_Earle_Bulwer-Lytton__Lytton__First_Baron_Lytton__Bulwer-Lytton  Norman_Mailer__Mailer  Bernard_Malamud__Malamud  Sir_Thomas_Malory__Malory__Thomas_Malory  Andre_Malraux__Malraux  Thomas_Mann__Mann  Kathleen_Mansfield_Beauchamp__Mansfield__Katherine_Mansfield  John_Philip_Marquand__Marquand__John_Marquand  Ngaio_Marsh__Marsh  Alfred_Edward_Woodley_Mason__Mason__A._E._W._Mason  William_Somerset_Maugham__Maugham__Somerset_Maugham__W._Somerset_Maugham  Henri_Rene_Albert_Guy_de_Maupassant__Maupassant__Guy_de_Maupassant  Andre_Maurois__Maurois__Emile_Herzog  Carson_Smith_McCullers__McCullers__Carson_McCullers  Herbert_Marshall_McLuhan__McLuhan__Marshall_McLuhan  Herman_Melville__Melville  Thomas_Merton__Merton  Henry_Valentine_Miller__Miller__Henry_Miller  Alan_Alexander_Milne__Milne__A._A._Milne  Margaret_Munnerlyn_Mitchell__Mitchell__Margaret_Mitchell  Nancy_Freeman_Mitford__Mitford__Nancy_Mitford  Jessica_Lucy_Mitford__Mitford__Jessica_Mitford  Michel_Eyquem_Montaigne__Montaigne__Michel_Montaigne  Lucy_Maud_Montgomery__Montgomery__L._M._Montgomery  Sir_Thomas_More__More__Thomas_More  Toni_Morrison__Morrison  Hector_Hugh_Munro__Munro__H._H._Munro__Saki  Dame_Jean_Iris_Murdoch__Murdoch__Iris_Murdoch  Louis_Charles_Alfred_de_Musset__Musset__Alfred_de_Musset  Vladimir_vladimirovich_Nabokov__Nabokov__Vladimir_Nabokov  Ogden_Nash__Nash  Sir_Harold_George_Nicolson__Nicolson__Harold_Nicolson  Benjamin_Franklin_Norris_Jr.__Norris__Frank_Norris  Joyce_Carol_Oates__Oates  Edna_O'Brien__O'Brien__o'brien  Mary_Flannery_O'Connor__O'Connor__Flannery_O'Connor  Liam_O'Flaherty__O'Flaherty  John_Henry_O'Hara__O'Hara  Philip_Michael_Ondaatje__Ondaatje__Michael_Ondaatje  Baroness_Emmusca_Orczy__Orczy  George_Orwell__Orwell__Eric_Arthur_Blair  Thomas_Nelson_Page__Page  Dorothy_Rothschild_Parker__Parker__Dorothy_Parker  Boris_Leonidovich_Pasternak__Pasternak__Boris_Pasternak  Alan_Stewart_Paton__Paton__Alan_Paton  William_Sydney_Porter__Porter__O._Henry  Ezra_Loomis_Pound__Pound__Ezra_Pound  Ayn_Rand__Rand  Kenneth_Roberts__Roberts  Anna_Eleanor_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Eleanor_Roosevelt  Jean-Jacques_Rousseau__Rousseau  Alfred_Damon_Runyon__Runyon__Damon_Runyon  Ahmed_Salman_Rushdie__Rushdie__Salman_Rushdie  Comte_Donatien_Alphonse_Francois_de_Sade__Sade__de_Sade__Marquis_de_Sade  Jerome_David_Salinger__Salinger__J._D._Salinger  George_Sand__Sand__Amandine_Aurore_Lucie_Dupin__Baroness_Dudevant  Carl_Sandburg__Sandburg  William_Saroyan__Saroyan  Jean_Paul_Sartre__Sartre  Dorothy_Leigh_Sayers__Sayers__Dorothy_Sayers__Dorothy_L._Sayers  Johann_Christoph_Friedrich_von_Schiller__Schiller  Sir_Walter_Scott__Scott__Walter_Scott  Robert_William_Service__Service  George_Bernard_Shaw__Shaw__G._B._Shaw  Mary_Godwin_Wollstonecraft_Shelley__Shelley__Mary_Shelley__Mary_Wollstonecraft_Shelley  Nevil_Shute_Norway__Shute__Nevil_Shute  Georges_Joseph_Christian_Simenon__Simenon__Georges_Simenon  Upton_Beall_Sinclair__Sinclair__Upton_Sinclair  Isaac_Bashevis_Singer__Singer  Tobias_George_Smollett__Smollett__Tobias_Smollett  Baron_Snow_of_Leicester__Snow__C._P._Snow__Charles_Percy_Snow  Alexander_Isayevich_Solzhenitsyn__Solzhenitsyn  Susan_Sontag__Sontag  Muriel_Sarah_Spark__Spark__Muriel_Spark__Dame_Muriel_Spark  Frank_Morrison_Spillane__Spillane__Mickey_Spillane  Madame_de_Stael__Stael__Baronne_Anne_Louise_Germaine_Necker_de_Steal-Holstein  Sir_Richrd_Steele__Steele  Gertrude_Stein__Stein  John_Ernst_Steinbeck__Steinbeck__John_Steinbeck  Stendhal__Marie_Henri_Beyle  Sir_Leslie_Stephen__Stephen  Laurence_Sterne__Sterne  Robert_Louis_Balfour_Stevenson__Stevenson__Robert_Louis_Stevenson  Francis_Richard_Stockton__Stockton__Frank_Stockton  Abraham_Stoker__Stoker__Bram_Stoker  Harriet_Elizabeth_Beecher_Stowe__Stowe__Harriet_Beecher_Stowe  William_Styron__Styron  Eugene_Sue__Sue  John_Addington_Symonds__Symonds  William_Makepeace_Thackeray__Thackeray  Henry_David_Thoreau__Thoreau  Alexis_Charles_Henri_Maurice_de_Tocqueville__Tocqueville  Alice_B._Toklas__Toklas  John_Ronald_Reuel_Tolkien__Tolkien__J._R._R._Tolkien  Count_Lev_Nikolayevitch_Tolstoy__Tolstoy__Leo_Tolstoy  Anthony_Trollope__Trollope  Ivan_Sergeevich_Turgenev__Turgenev  Louis_Untermeyer__Untermeyer  John_Hoyer_Updike__Updike__John_Updike  Carl_Clinton_Van_Doren__Van_Doren__Carl_Van_Doren  Mario_Vargas_Llosa__Vargas_Llosa  Jules_Verne__Verne  Eugene_Luther_Vidal__Vidal__Gore_Vidal  Voltaire__Arouet__Francois-Marie_Arouet  Kurt_Vonnegut__Vonnegut  John_Barrington_Wain__Wain__John_Wain  Alice_Malsenior_Walker__Walker__Alice_Walker  Richard_Horatio_Edgar_Wallace__Wallace__Edgar_Wallace  Horatio_Walpole__Walpole__Horace_Walpole__Fourth_Earl_of_Orford  Izaak_Walton__Walton  Mary_Augusta_Arnold_Ward__Ward__Mrs._Humphrey_Ward  Robert_Penn_Warren__Warren  Evelyn_Arthur_Saint_John_Waugh__Waugh__Evelyn_Waugh  Martha_Beatrice_Potter_Webb__Webb__Beatrice_Webb  Herbert_George_Wells__Wells__H._G._Wells  Eudora_Welty__Welty  Franz_Werfel__Werfel  Dame_Rebecca_West__West__Rebecca_West__Cicily_Isabel_Fairfield  Elwyn_Brooks_White__White__E._B._White  Patrick_Victor_Martindale_White__White__Patrick_White  Eliezer_Wiesel__Wiesel__Elie_Wiesel  Oscar_Fingal_O'Flahertie_Wills_Wilde__Wilde__Oscar_Wilde  Thornton_Niven_Wilder__Wilder__Thornton_Wilder  Angus_Frank_Johnstone_Wilson__Wilson__Sir_Angus_Wilson  Owen_Wister__Wister  Pelham_Grenville_Wodehouse__Wodehouse__P._G._Wodehouse  Thomas_Clayton_Wolfe__Wolfe__Thomas_Wolfe  Thomas_Kennerly_Wolfe_Jr.__Wolfe__Tom_Wolfe__Thomas_Wolfe  Mary_Wollstonecraft_Godwin__Wollstonecraft__Mary_Wollstonecraft  Ellen_Price_Wood__Wood__Mrs._Henry_Wood  Adeline_Virginia_Stephen_Woolf__Woolf__Virginia_Woolf  Herman_Wouk__Wouk  Richard_Wright__Wright  Willard_Huntington_Wright__Wright__S._S._Van_Dine  Israel_Zangwill__Zangwill  Stefan_Zweig__Zweig
                          subtype:  contestant  a person who participates in competitions
                             subtype:  athlete__jock  a person trained to compete in sports
                                subtype:  acrobat  an athlete who performs acts requiring skill and agility and coordination
                                   subtype:  aerialist  an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze)
                                      subtype:  ropewalker__ropedancer  an acrobat who performs on a rope stretched at some height above the ground
                                   subtype:  balancer  an acrobat who balances himself in difficult positions
                                   subtype:  circus_acrobat  a acrobat who performs acrobatic feats in a circus
                                   subtype:  contortionist  an acrobat able to twist into unusual positions
                                subtype:  amateur.athlete  does not play for pay
                                   subtype:  outdoor_man__outdoorman__sporting_man  someone who enjoys outdoor activities
                                subtype:  ball_hawk  an team athlete who is skilled at stealing or catching the ball
                                subtype:  ballplayer__baseball_player  an athlete who plays baseball
                                   subtype:  base_runner__runner  a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base)
                                   subtype:  slugger__batter__hitter__batsman  a ballplayer who is batting
                                      subtype:  bunter  a batter who bunts
                                      subtype:  designated_hitter  a ballplayer who is designated to bat in place of the pitcher
                                      subtype:  pinch_hitter__pinchhitter  (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter
                                      subtype:  switch-hitter  a baseball player who can bat either right or left handed
                                      subtype:  whiffer  a batter who strikes out by swinging at and missing the third strike
                                   subtype:  fielder  a member of the baseball team that is in the field instead of at bat
                                      subtype:  infielder  (baseball or softball) a person who plays a position in the infield
                                         subtype:  catcher  (baseball or softball) the person who plays the position of catcher
                                         subtype:  first_baseman__firstbaseman__first_sacker__firstsacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays first base
                                         subtype:  second_baseman__second_sacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays second base
                                         subtype:  shortstop  (baseball) the person who plays the shortstop position
                                         subtype:  third_baseman__thirdbaseman__third_sacker__thirdsacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays third base
                                      subtype:  outfielder  (baseball or softball) a person who plays in the outfield
                                         subtype:  right_fielder__rightfielder  the person who plays right field
                                         subtype:  center_fielder  the person who plays center field
                                         subtype:  left_fielder  the person who plays left field
                                   subtype:  little_leaguer  a player between 8 and 12 years of age who is a member of a little-league team
                                   subtype:  major_leaguer__majorleaguer__big_leaguer__bigleaguer  a member of a major-league baseball team
                                   subtype:  minor_leaguer__minorleaguer  a player on a minor-league baseball team
                                   subtype:  hurler__pitcher__twirler  (baseball or softball) the person who does the pitching; "our pitcher has a sore arm"
                                      subtype:  left-handed_pitcher__left-hander__lefty__southpaw  a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand
                                      subtype:  right-handed_pitcher__right-hander__righthander  (baseball) a pitcher who throws with the left hand
                                      subtype:  relief_pitcher__reliever__fireman  a pitcher who does not start the game
                                      subtype:  screwballer  (baseball) a pitcher who throws screwballs
                                      subtype:  starting_pitcher  the pitcher who starts in a baseball game
                                   subtype:  utility_man.ballplayer__utilityman  a baseball player valued for the ability to play at several positions
                                   instance:  Henry_Louis_Aaron__Aaron__Hank_Aaron  Lawrence_Peter_Berra__Berra__Yogi__Yogi_Berra  Joseph_Paul_DiMaggio__DiMaggio__Joe_DiMaggio  Henry_Louis_Gehrig__Gehrig__Lou_Gehrig  Mickey_Charles_Mantle__Mantle__Mickey_Mantle  Willie_Howard_Mays_Jr.__Mays__Willie_Mays__the_Say_Hey_Kid  John_Joseph_McGraw__McGraw__John_McGraw  Stanley_Frank_Musial__Musial__Stan_Musial__stanmusial__Stan_the_Man  Leroy_Robert_Paige__Paige__Satchel_Paige  Jack_Roosevelt_Robinson__Robinson__Jackie_Robinson  George_Herman_Ruth__Ruth__Babe_Ruth__Sultan_of_Swat  Theodore_Samuel_Williams__Williams__Ted_Williams  Carl_Yastrzemski__Yastrzemski  Danton_True_Young__Young__Cy_Young
                                subtype:  basketball_player__basketeer__cager  an athlete who plays basketball
                                   subtype:  center.basketball_player  (basketball) the person who plays center
                                   subtype:  dribbler  a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it
                                   subtype:  dunker  a basketball player who is able to make dunk shots
                                   subtype:  forward.basketball_player  the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team
                                      instance:  Julius_Winfield_Erving__Erving__Julius_Erving__Dr._J
                                   subtype:  guard.basketball_player  the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team
                                subtype:  bounder__leaper__jumper  an athlete who bounds or leaps (as in basketball)
                                subtype:  climber  someone who climbs as a sport
                                   subtype:  escalader  someone who gains access by the use of ladders
                                   subtype:  mountaineer__mountain_climber  someone who climbs mountains
                                   subtype:  rock_climber__cragsman  a climber of vertical rock faces
                                subtype:  cricketer  an athlete who plays cricket
                                   subtype:  bowler.cricketer  delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket
                                   subtype:  fieldsman__fielder  a member of the cricket team that is fielding rather than batting
                                      subtype:  outfielder.fieldsman  a fielder in cricket who is stationed in the outfield
                                   subtype:  wicket-keeper  stands behind the wicket to catch balls
                                   instance:  John_Berry_Hobbs__Hobbs__Sir_Jack_Hobbs  Sir_Leonard_Hutton__Hutton
                                subtype:  football_player__footballer  an athlete who plays American football
                                   subtype:  back.football_player  (football) a person who plays in the backfield
                                      subtype:  flankerback__flanker  a back stationed wide of the scrimmage line; used as a pass receiver
                                      subtype:  signal_caller__quarterback__field_general__fieldgeneral  (football) the person who plays quarterback
                                      subtype:  running_back__runningback  (football) a back on the offensive team (a fullback or halfback) who tries to advance the ball by carrying it on plays from the line of scrimmage
                                         subtype:  fullback.running_back  (football) the running back who plays the fullback position on the offensive team
                                         subtype:  halfback.running_back  (football) the running back who plays the offensive halfback position
                                      subtype:  tailback.back  (football) the person who plays tailback
                                      subtype:  wingback.back  (football) the person who plays wingback
                                   subtype:  ball_carrier  (football) the football player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play
                                      subtype:  forward_passer__forwardpasser__passer  (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by throwing a forward pass
                                      subtype:  rusher.ball_carrier  (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by running with the ball
                                   subtype:  blocker  a football player whose responsibility is to block players attempting to stop an offensive play
                                   subtype:  football_hero  a football player who has achieved a reputation for success
                                   subtype:  kicker  a player who kicks the football
                                      subtype:  dropkicker  a football kicker who drops the ball and kicks it just as it reaches the ground
                                      subtype:  place-kicker__placekicker  (football) a kicker who makes a place kick for a goal
                                      subtype:  punter  (football) a person who kicks the football by dropping it from the hands and contacting it with the foot before it hits the ground
                                   subtype:  line_backer__linebacker  a defensive football player who takes a position close behind the linemen
                                   subtype:  lineman.football_player  one of the players on the line of scrimmage
                                      subtype:  football_snapper__center__snapper  (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff"
                                      subtype:  football_end-line-man__end  (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
                                         subtype:  split_end__splitend  (football) an offensive end who lines up at a distance from the other linemen
                                         subtype:  tight_end__tightend  (football) an offensive end who lines up close to the tackle
                                      subtype:  football_guard__guard  the person who plays that position on a football team; "the left guard was injured on the play"
                                      subtype:  tackle.lineman  the person who plays that position on a football team; "the right tackle is a straight A student"
                                   subtype:  pass_receiver__receiver__pass_catcher  a football player who catches (or is supposed to catch) a forward pass
                                   subtype:  tackler  a football player who tackles the ball carrier
                                subtype:  gymnast  an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics
                                   subtype:  tumbler.gymnast  a gymnast who performs rolls and somersaults and twists etc.
                                      subtype:  turner.tumbler  a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein
                                   instance:  Olga_Korbut__Korbut
                                subtype:  ice-hockey_player__hockey_player  an athlete who plays hockey
                                   subtype:  center.ice-hockey_player  (ice hockey) the person who plays center
                                   subtype:  goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper  the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal
                                   instance:  Wayne_Gretzky__Gretzky  Robert_Orr__Orr__Bobby_Orr
                                subtype:  hooker  (rugby) the player in the middle of the front row of the scrum who tries to hook the ball
                                subtype:  hurdler  an athlete who runs the hurdles
                                subtype:  jumper.athlete  an athlete who competes at jumping
                                   subtype:  hopper.jumper  someone who hops; "at hopscotch, the best hoppers are the children"
                                   instance:  Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis
                                subtype:  lacrosse_player  an athlete who plays lacrosse
                                subtype:  letterman  an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport
                                subtype:  Olympian__olympian  an athlete who participates in the Olympic games
                                subtype:  pentathlete  an athlete who competes in a pentathlon
                                subtype:  professional__pro  an athlete who plays for pay
                                   subtype:  free_agent  (sports) a professional athlete who is free to sign a contract to play for any team
                                   subtype:  semiprofessional__semipro  an athlete who plays for pay on a part-time basis
                                subtype:  runner.athlete  a trained athlete who competes in foot races
                                   subtype:  marathoner__marathon_runner__road_runner__long-distance_runner  someone who participates in long-distance races (especially in marathons)
                                   subtype:  miler  a runner in a one-mile race
                                      subtype:  four-minute_man  someone who has run the mile is less that 4 minutes
                                         instance:  Sir_Roger_Gilbert_Bannister__Bannister__Roger_Bannister  John_Walker__Walker
                                   subtype:  sprinter  someone who runs a short distance at top speed
                                      instance:  Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis
                                subtype:  sharpshooter.athlete  an athlete noted for accurate aim
                                subtype:  shot_putter  an athlete who competes in the shot put
                                subtype:  skater  someone who skates
                                   subtype:  ice-skater__iceskater  someone who engages in ice skating
                                   subtype:  roller-skater  someone who engages in roller skating
                                   subtype:  skateboarder  someone who skates on a skateboard
                                subtype:  skier  someone who skis
                                   subtype:  langlauffer  a cross-country skier
                                   subtype:  ski_jumper__skijumper  a skier who leaps through the air (especially on a ski jump)
                                subtype:  skydiver__parachute_jumper__parachutejumper  a person who jumps from a plane and performs various gymnastic maneuvers before pulling the parachute cord
                                subtype:  sledder  someone who rides a sled
                                   subtype:  luger__slider  someone who races the luge
                                   subtype:  tobogganist  someone who rides a toboggan
                                subtype:  soccer_player  an athlete who plays soccer
                                   subtype:  goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper  the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal
                                subtype:  sportsman__sport__sportswoman  someone who engages in sports
                                subtype:  striker.athlete  (soccer) a forward on a soccer team
                                subtype:  substitute__reserve  an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out
                                   subtype:  bench_warmer__benchwarmer  (sports) a substitute who seldom plays
                                   subtype:  pinch_hitter__pinchhitter  (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter
                                subtype:  swimmer  a trained athlete who participates in swimming meets; "he was an Olympic swimmer"
                                   subtype:  backstroker  someone who swims the backstroke
                                   subtype:  breaststroker  someone who swims the breaststroke
                                   subtype:  diver__plunger  someone who dives (into water)
                                   instance:  Gertrude_Caroline_Ederle__Ederle__Gertrude_Ederle
                                subtype:  swinger  someone who swings sports implements
                                subtype:  tennis_player  an athlete who plays tennis
                                   subtype:  tennis_pro__professional_tennis_player  someone who earns a living playing or teaching tennis
                                   instance:  Arthur_Robert_Ashe__Ashe__Arthur_Ashe  John_Donald_Budge__Budge__Don_Budge  Maureen_Catherine_Connolly__Connolly__Little_Mo_Connolly  James_Scott_Connors__Connors__Jimmy_Conors  Margaret_Court__Court  Dwight_Filley_Davis__Davis__Dwight_Davis  Christine_Marie_Evert__Evert__Chris_Evert__Chrissie_Evert  Althea_Gibson__Gibson  Stephanie_Graf__Graf__Steffi_Graf  Billie_Jean_Moffitt_King__King__Billie_Jean_King  Rodney_George_Laver__Laver__Rod_Laver  Ivan_Lendl__Lendl  Helen_Wills_Moody__Moody__Helen_Wills__Helen_Newington_Wills  Martina_Navratilova__Navratilova  Monica_Seles__Seles  William_Tatem_Tilden_Jr.__Tilden__Big_Bill_Tilden  Virginia_Wade__Wade
                                subtype:  pole_vaulter__vaulter__pole_jumper  an athlete who jumps over a high crossbar with the aid of a long pole
                                subtype:  weightlifter__lifter  an athlete who lifts barbells
                                subtype:  winger  (soccer; hockey; rugby; football) player in wing position
                                instance:  Robert_Bruce_Mathias__Mathias__mathia__Bob_Mathias  James_Cleveland_Owens__Owens__Jesse_Owens  James_Francis_Thorpe__Thorpe__Jim_Thorpe  Mildred_Ella_Didrikson_Zaharias__Zaharias__Babe_Zaharias__Didrikson__Babe_Didrikson__Mildred_Ella_Didrikson
                             subtype:  defaulter  a contestant who forfeits a match
                             subtype:  entrant.contestant  one who enters a competition
                             subtype:  long_shot.contestant__longshot  a contestant that is unlikely to win
                             subtype:  also-ran__loser  a contestant who loses the contest
                             subtype:  opponent__opposition__opposite  a contestant that you are matched against
                             subtype:  player__participant  a person who participates in or is skilled at some game
                                subtype:  ballplayer__baseball_player  an athlete who plays baseball
                                subtype:  billiard_player  someone who plays billiards
                                subtype:  bowler  rolls balls down an alley at pins
                                subtype:  card_player  someone who plays (or knows how to play) card games
                                   subtype:  bridge_player__hand  a card player in a game of bridge; "we need a 4th hand for bridge"
                                      subtype:  bidder.bridge_player  someone who makes a bid at cards
                                         subtype:  preemptor__pre-emptor__preemptor  a bidder in bridge who makes a preemptive bid
                                      subtype:  bridge_partner  one of a pair of bridge players who are on the same side of the game
                                         subtype:  raiser  a bridge partner who increases the partner's bid
                                      subtype:  declarer__contractor  the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
                                   subtype:  cardsharp__cardsharper  a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games
                                   subtype:  dealer.card_player  the person who distributes the playing cards in a card game
                                   subtype:  eldest_hand__eldesthand__elder_hand__elderhand  the card player on the dealer's left
                                   subtype:  shuffler.card_player  the card player who shuffles the cards
                                   instance:  Ely_Culbertson__Culbertson
                                subtype:  chess_player__chessplayer  someone who plays the game of chess
                                   subtype:  chess_master__chessmaster  a chess player of great skill
                                      instance:  Robert_James_Fischer__Fischer__Bobby_Fischer  Anatoli_Yevgenevich_Karpov__Karpov__Anatoli_Karpov  Gary_Kasparov__Kasparov__Gary_Weinstein  Viktor_Lvovich_Korchnoi__Korchnoi__Viktor_Korchnoi  Boris_Vasilevich_Spassky__Spassky__Boris_Spassky
                                   subtype:  patzer  a poor chess player
                                subtype:  dart_player  someone who plays the game of darts
                                subtype:  football_player__footballer  an athlete who plays American football
                                subtype:  golfer__golf_player__linksman  someone who plays the game of golf
                                   subtype:  driver.golfer  a golfer who hits the golf ball with a driver
                                   subtype:  golf_pro__professional_golfer  someone who earns a living by playing or teaching golf
                                   subtype:  hacker  someone who plays golf poorly
                                   subtype:  hooker.golfer  a golfer whose shots typically curve left (for right-handed golfers)
                                   subtype:  medal_winner__medalwinner__medalist__medallist  (golf) the winner at medal play of a golf tournament
                                   subtype:  putter  a golfer who is putting
                                   subtype:  slicer.golfer  a golfer whose shots typically curve right (for right-handed golfers)
                                   instance:  William_Benjamin_Hogan__Hogan__Ben_Hogan  Robert_Tyre_Jones__Jones__Bobby_Jones  Jack_William_Nicklaus__Nicklaus__Jack_Nicklaus  Gregory_John_Norman__Norman__Greg_Norman  Arnold_Daniel_Palmer__Palmer__Arnold_Palmer  Gene_Sarazen__Sarazen  Lee_Buck_Trevino__Trevino__Lee_Trevino__Supermex
                                subtype:  grandmaster  a player of exceptional or world class skill in chess or bridge
                                   subtype:  International_Grandmaster  a chess player who has been awarded the highest title by the International Chess Federation
                                subtype:  ice-hockey_player__hockey_player  an athlete who plays hockey
                                subtype:  lacrosse_player  an athlete who plays lacrosse
                                subtype:  most_valuable_player__MVP  the player judged to be the most important to the sport
                                subtype:  pool_player  someone who shoots pool
                                subtype:  scorer.player  a player who makes a score in a game or contest
                                subtype:  seeded_player__seed  one of the outstanding players in a tournament
                                subtype:  server.player  (court games) the player who serves to start a point
                                subtype:  shooter  (sports) a player who drives or kicks a ball at the goal (or a basketball player who shoots at the basket)
                                subtype:  soccer_player  an athlete who plays soccer
                                subtype:  stringer.player  a member of a squad on a team; "a first stringer"; "a second stringer"
                                subtype:  tennis_player  an athlete who plays tennis
                                subtype:  volleyball_player  someone who plays the game of volleyball
                             subtype:  pothunter.contestant  someone who participates in contests in order to collect trophies
                             subtype:  qualifier  a contestant who meets certain requirements and so qualifies to take part in the next stage of competition; "the tournament was won by a late qualifier"
                             subtype:  rival__challenger__competitor__competition__contender  the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing"
                                subtype:  champ__champion__title-holder__titleholder  someone who has won first place in a competition
                                   subtype:  record-breaker__record-holder  someone who breaks a record
                                subtype:  comer  someone with a promising future
                                subtype:  finalist  a contestant who reaches the final stages of a competition
                                subtype:  foe__enemy  a personal enemy; "they had been political foes for years"
                                   subtype:  mortal_enemy  an enemy who wants to kill you
                                subtype:  front-runner__frontrunner__favorite__favourite  a competitor thought likely to win
                                subtype:  world-beater__worldbeater__king  a competitor who holds a preeminent position
                                subtype:  runner-up__second_best  the competitor who finishes second
                                subtype:  semifinalist  one of four competitors remaining in a tournament by elimination
                                subtype:  street_fighter  a contestant who is very aggressive and willing to use underhand methods
                                subtype:  tier.rival  any one of two or more competitors who tie one another
                                subtype:  tilter.rival  someone who engages in a tilt or joust
                             subtype:  starter  a contestant who is in the game at the beginning
                                subtype:  starting_pitcher  the pitcher who starts in a baseball game
                             subtype:  winner.contestant__victor  the contestant who wins the contest
                                subtype:  medalist__medallist  someone who has won a medal
                                subtype:  upsetter  an unexpected winner; someone who defeats the favorite competitor
                                subtype:  walloper  a winner by a wide margin
                             subtype:  withdrawer.contestant  a contestant who withdraws from competition
                          subtype:  coward  a person who shows fear or timidity
                             subtype:  cur  a cowardly and despicable person
                                subtype:  caitiff  (archaic) a cowardly and despicable person
                             subtype:  dastard  a malicious coward
                             subtype:  poltroon__craven__recreant  an abject coward
                             subtype:  quaker__trembler  one who quakes and trembles with (or as with) fear
                             subtype:  shy_person__shyperson__shrinking_violet__shrinkingviolet  someone who shrinks from familiarity with others
                                subtype:  wallflower.shy_person  remains on sidelines at social event
                             subtype:  sissy__pantywaist__pansy__milksop__Milquetoast  a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive
                             subtype:  waverer__vacillator__hesitator__hesitater  one who hesitates (out of fear)
                          subtype:  creator  a person who grows or makes or invents things
                             subtype:  architect__designer  someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings)
                                subtype:  landscape_architect__landscapearchitect__landscape_gardener__landscapegardener  someone who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively
                                   instance:  Andrew_Jackson_Downing__Downing  Andre_Le_Notre__Le_Notre  Frederick_Law_Olmsted__Olmsted__olmsted  Calvert_Vaux__Vaux
                                instance:  Marcel_Lajos_Breuer__Breuer  John_Merven_Carrere__Carrere  Philibert_Delorme__Delorme__de_l'Orme__Philibert_de_l'Orme  Richard_Buckminster_Fuller__Fuller__Buckminster_Fuller__R._Buckminster_Fuller  Antonio_Gaudi__Gaudi  Cass_Gilbert__Gilbert  Walter_Gropius__Gropius  Thomas_Hastings__thomashasting__Hastings  Victor_Horta__Horta  Richard_Morris_Hunt__Hunt  Inigo_Jones__Jones  Benjamin_Henry_Latrobe__Latrobe  Le_Corbusier__Charles_Edouard_Jeanneret  Pierre_Charles_L'Enfant__L'Enfant  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  Maya_Lin__Lin  Sir_Edwin_Lutyens__Lutyens__Sir_Edwin_Landseer_Luytens  Francois_Mansart__Mansart__mansart  Charles_Follen_McKim__McKim  Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo  Ludwig_Mies_Van_Der_Rohe__Mies_Van_Der_Rohe  Pier_Luigi_Nervi__Nervi  Andrea_Palladio__Palladio  Ieoh_Ming_Pei__Pei__I._M._Pei  Albert_Speer__Speer  Edward_Durell_Stone__Stone  Louis_Henry_Sullivan__Sullivan__Louis_Sullivan__Louis_Henri_Sullivan  Kenzo_Tange__Tange  William_Thornton__Thornton  Richard_Upjohn__Upjohn  Henri_Clemens_van_de_Velde__van_de_Velde__Henri_van_de_Velde  Robert_Charles_Venturi__Venturi__Robert_Venturi  Stanford_White__White  Sir_Christopher_Wren__Wren  Frank_Lloyd_Wright__Wright  James_Wyatt__Wyatt
                             subtype:  artist__creative_person  a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination
                                subtype:  illustrator  an artist who makes illustrations (for books or magazines or advertisements etc.)
                                   subtype:  commercial_artist  an illustrator who is supported by advertising
                                   instance:  Hablot_Knight_Browne__Browne__Phiz  Norman_Rockwell__Rockwell
                                subtype:  classic.artist  an artist who has created classic works
                                subtype:  classicist  an artistic person who adheres to classicism
                                subtype:  constructivist  an artist of the school of constructivism
                                subtype:  decorator__ornamentalist  someone who decorates
                                subtype:  draftsman__drawer  an artist skilled at drawing
                                   subtype:  cartoonist  a person who draws cartoons
                                      instance:  Jules_Feifer__Feifer  Reuben_Lucius_Goldberg__Goldberg__Rube_Goldberg  Sir_David_Alexander_Cecil_Low__Low__David_Low  William_Henry_Mauldin__Mauldin__Bill_Mauldin  Thomas_Nast__Nast  Charles_Munroe_Schulz__Schulz__Charles_Schulz  Saul_Steinberg__Steinberg  Sir_John_Tenniel__Tenniel  James_Grover_Thurber__Thurber__James_Thurber
                                   subtype:  pavement_artist  someone who draws on the pavement with colored chalks (hoping that passers-by will give them money)
                                   subtype:  sketcher.draftsman  someone who draws sketches
                                subtype:  etcher  someone who etches
                                subtype:  expressionist  an artist who is an adherent of expressionism
                                subtype:  maestro__master  an artist of consummate skill; "a master of the violin"; "one of the old masters"
                                   subtype:  old_master__oldmaster  a great European painter prior to 19th century
                                      instance:  Sandro_Botticelli__Botticelli__Alessandro_di_Mariano_dei_Filipepi  Pieter_Brueghel_the_Elder__Brueghel__Breughel__Bruegel__Pieter_Brueghel__Pieter_Breughel__Pieter_Bruegel__Breughel_the_Elder  Michelangelo_Merisi_da_Caravaggio__Caravaggio  Giovanni_Cimabue__Cimabue  Antonio_Allegri_da_Correggio__Correggio  Albrecht_Durer__Durer  El_Greco__Greco__Domenikos_Theotocopoulos  Jan_van_Eyck__Eyck__van_Eyck  Giotto_di_Bondone__Giotto  William_Hogarth__Hogarth  Holbein_the_Elder__Holbein__Hans_Holbein  Holbein_the_Younger__Holbein__Hans_Holbein  Georges_de_La_Tour__La_Tour  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  Fra_Filippo_Lippi__Lippi  Filippino_Lippi__Lippi  Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo  Nicolas_Poussin__Poussin  Raffaello_Santi__Raphael__Raffaello_Sanzio  Rembrandt_Harmensz_van_Rijn__Rembrandt__Rembrandt_van_Rijn__Rembrandt_van_Ryn  Pierre_Auguste_Renoir__Renoir  Sir_Peter_Paul_Rubens__Rubens__Peter_Paul_Rubens  Tintoretto__Jacopo_Robusti  Titian__Tiziano_Vecellio  Sir_Anthony_Vandyke__Vandyke__Van_Dyck  Diego_Rodriguez_de_Silva_y_Velazquez__Velazquez  Jan_Vermeer__Vermeer__Jan_van_der_Meer  Paolo_Veronese__Veronese__Paola_Caliari  Jean_Antoine_Watteau__Watteau__watteau
                                subtype:  minimalist  a practitioner or advocate of artistic minimalism
                                subtype:  modernist  an artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles
                                subtype:  musician  artist who composes or conducts music as a profession
                                   subtype:  arranger__adapter__transcriber  a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance
                                      subtype:  orchestrator  an arranger who writes for orchestras
                                   subtype:  choirmaster__precentor__cantor  the musical director of a choir
                                   subtype:  composer  composes music as a profession
                                      subtype:  contrapuntist  a composer who specializes in counterpoint
                                      subtype:  psalmist  a composer of sacred songs; "David is called The Psalmist because he is believed to be the author of the Book of Psalms
                                      subtype:  songwriter__songster__ballad_maker  a composer of words or music for popular songs
                                         instance:  Irving_Berlin__Berlin__Israel_Baline  Hoagland_Howard_Carmichael__Carmichael__Hoagy_Carmichael  George_Michael_Cohan__Cohan__George_M._Cohan  Antoine_Domino__Domino__Fats_Domino  Bob_Dylan__Dylan  Stephen_Collins_Foster__Foster__Stephen_Foster  Woodrow_Wilson_Guthrie__Guthrie__Woody_Guthrie  Buddy_Holly__Holly__Charles_Hardin_Holley  John_Lennon__Lennon  Sir_James_Paul_McCartney__McCartney__Paul_McCartney  Paul_Simon__Simon
                                      instance:  Johann_Sebastian_Bach__Bach  Ludwig_van_Beethoven__Beethoven__van_Beethoven  Louis-Hector_Berlioz__Berlioz__Hector_Berlioz  Leonard_Bernstein__Bernstein  Marc_Blitzstein__Blitzstein  Johannes_Brahms__Brahms  Maria_Luigi_Carlo_Zenobio_Cherubini__Cherubini__Luigi_Cherubini  Frederic_Francois_Chopin__Chopin  Aaron_Copland__Copland  Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward  Karl_Czerny__Czerny  Claude_Achille_Debussy__Debussy__Claude_Debussey  Frederick_Delius__Delius  Gaetano_Donizetti__Donizetti  Antonin_Dvorak__Dvorak  Sir_Edward_Elgar__Elgar  Georges_Enesco__Enesco__George_Enescu  George_Gershwin__Gershwin  Mikhail_Ivanovich_Glinka__Glinka  Christoph_Willibald_von_Gluck__Gluck  Charles_Francois_Gounod__Gounod  George_Percy_Aldridge_Grainger__Grainger__Percy_Grainger  Edvard_hagerup_Grieg__Grieg__Edvard_Grieg  Jacques_Francois_Fromental_Elie_Halevy__Halevy__Fromental_Halevy  George_Frederick_Handel__Handel__Georg_Friedrich_Handel  William_Christopher_Handy__Handy__W._C._Handy  Franz_Joseph_Haydn__Haydn__Joseph_Haydn  Paul_Hindemith__Hindemith  Arthur_Honegger__Honegger  Engelbert_Humperdinck__Humperdinck  Charles_Edward_Ives__Ives  Scott_Joplin__Joplin  Jerome_David_Kern__Kern__Jerome_Kern  Aram_Ilich_Khachaturian__Khachaturian__Aram_Khachaturian  Leonard_Constant_Lambert__Lambert__Constant_Lambert  Franz_Lehar__Lehar  Franz_Liszt__Liszt  Baron_Lloyd_Webber_of_Sydmonton__Lloyd_Webber__Andrew_Lloyd_Webber  Frederick_Loewe__Loewe  Jean_Baptiste_Lully__Lully  Gustav_Mahler__Mahler  Jules_Emile_Frederic_Massenet__Massenet  Jakob_Ludwig_Felix_Mendelssohn-Bartholdy__Mendelssohn__Felix_Mendelssohn  Gian_Carlo_Menotti__Menotti  Giacomo_Meyerbeer__Meyerbeer__Jakob_Liebmann_Beer  Darius_Milhaud__Milhaud  Claudio_Monteverdi__Monteverdi  Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart__Mozart  Modest_Petrovich_Mussorgsky__Mussorgsky__Moussorgsky__Modest_Mussorgsky__Modest_Moussorgsky__Modest_Petrovich_Moussorgsky  Carl_August_Nielson__Nielson  Jacques_Offenbach__Offenbach  Roy_Orbison__Orbison  Giovanni_Pierluigi_da_Palestrina__Palestrina  Cole_Albert_Porter__Porter__Cole_Porter  Sergei_Sergeyevich_Prokofiev__Prokofiev  Giacomo_Puccini__Puccini  Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninoff__Sergei_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninov__Sergei_Rachmaninov__Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninov  Ottorino_Respighi__Respighi  Nikolai_Andreyevich_Rimsky-Korsakov__Rimsky-Korsakov__Rimski-Korsakov__Nikolai_Andreyevich_Rimski-Korsakov  Richard_Rodgers__Rodgers  Sigmund_Romberg__Romberg  Giloacchino_Antonio_Rossini__Rossini  Anton_Grigorevich_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Anton_Gregor_Rubinstein  Erik_Alfred_Leslie_Satie__Satie__Erik_Satie  Artur_Schnabel__Schnabel  Arnold_Schonberg__Schonberg__Schoenberg__Arnold_Schoenberg  Franz_Peter_Schubert__Schubert__Franz_Schubert  Robert_Alexander_Schumann__Schumann__Robert_Schumann  Alexander_Nikolayevich_Scriabin__Scriabin  Andres_Segovia__Segovia__segovia  Roger_Huntington_Sessions__Sessions__Roger_Sessions  Dmitri_Dmitrievich_Shostakovich__Shostakovich__Dmitri_Shostakovich  Johan_Julius_Christian_Sibelius__Sibelius__Jean_Sibelius  Stephen_Sondheim__Sondheim  John_Philip_Sousa__Sousa__The_March_King  Strauss_the_Elder__Strauss__Johann_Strauss  Strauss_the_Younger__Strauss__Johann_Strauss  Richard_Strauss__Strauss  Igor_Fyodorovich_Stravinsky__Stravinsky__Igor_Stravinsky  Arthur_Seymour_Sullivan__Sullivan__Arthur_Sullivan__Sir_Arthur_Sullivan  Joseph_Deems_Taylor__Taylor__Deems_Taylor  Peter_Ilich_Tchaikovsky__Tchaikovsky__Peter_Tchaikovsky__Pyotr_Tchaikovsky__Pyotr_Ilich_Tchaikovsky  Georg_Philipp_Telemann__Telemann  Edgard_Varese__Varese  Ralph_Vaughan_Williams__Vaughan_Williams  Guiseppe_Fortunino_Francesco_Verdi__Verdi__Giuseppe_Verdi  Antonio_Lucio_Vivaldi__Vivaldi__Antonio_Vivaldi  Wilhelm_Richard_Wagner__Wagner__Richard_Wagner  Sir_William_Turner_Walton__Walton__Sir_William_Walton  Baron_Karl_Maria_Friedrich_Ernst_von_Weber__Weber  Kurt_Weill__Weill  Hugo_Wolf__Wolf
                                   subtype:  music_director__musicdirector__conductor__director  the person who leads a musical group
                                      subtype:  bandleader  the leader of a dance band
                                         instance:  Benjamin_David_Goodman__Goodman__goodman__Benny_Goodman__the_King_of_Swing  Woodrow_Charles_Herman__Herman__Woody_Herman  Alton_Glenn_Miller__Miller__Glenn_Miller
                                      subtype:  bandmaster  the conductor of a band
                                         instance:  John_Philip_Sousa__Sousa__The_March_King
                                      subtype:  drum_major  the leader of a marching band or drum corps
                                      subtype:  drum_majorette  a female drum major
                                      instance:  Leonard_Bernstein__Bernstein  Arthur_Fiedler__Fiedler  Sergei_Aleksandrovich_Koussevitzky__Koussevitzky__Serge_Koussevitzky  Leonard_Constant_Lambert__Lambert__Constant_Lambert  Eugene_Ormandy__Ormandy  Seiji_Ozawa__Ozawa  Leopold_Antoni_Stanislaw_Stokowski__Stokowski__Leopold_Stokowski  George_Szell__Szell  Arturo_Toscanini__Toscanini  Bruno_Walter__Walter  Sir_Henry_Joseph_Wood__Wood__Sir_Henry_Wood
                                   subtype:  virtuoso  a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry
                                   instance:  Victor_Herbert__Herbert  Yoko_Ono__Ono  Carl_Orff__Orff
                                subtype:  painter  an artist who paints
                                   subtype:  abstractionist__abstract_artist  a painter of abstract pictures
                                      instance:  Josef_Albers__Albers  Piet_Mondrian__Mondrian
                                   subtype:  colorist  a painter able to achieve special effects with color
                                   subtype:  cubist  an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism
                                   subtype:  dauber  an unskilled painter
                                   subtype:  distortionist  a painter who introduces distortions
                                   subtype:  Fauve__fauvist  a member of a group of French painters who followed Fauvism
                                   subtype:  impressionist  a painter who follows the theories of impressionism
                                   subtype:  landscapist  someone who paints landscapes
                                   subtype:  miniaturist  someone who paints tiny pictures in great detail
                                   subtype:  oil_painter  a painter who uses oil paints
                                   subtype:  old_master__oldmaster  a great European painter prior to 19th century
                                   subtype:  pointilist  a painter who uses the technique of pointilism
                                   subtype:  portraitist__portrait_painter__portrayer  a painter or drawer of portraits
                                   subtype:  Postimpressionist  an artist of the Postimpressionist school who revolted against impressionism
                                   subtype:  realist.painter  a painter who represents the world realistically and not in an idealized or romantic style
                                   subtype:  scenic_artist__scene_painter__scenepainter  an artist specializing in scenic subjects
                                   subtype:  watercolorist__watercolourist  paints with watercolors
                                   instance:  Vanessa_Bell__Bell__Vanessa_Stephen  Thomas_Hart_Benton__Benton  Georges_Braque__Braque  Paul_Cezanne__Cezanne  Marc_Chagall__Chagall__chagall  Giorgio_de_Chirico__Chirico  John_Constable__Constable  John_Singleton_Copley__Copley__John_Copley  Jean_Baptiste_Camille_Corot__Corot  Gustave_Courbet__Courbet  Salvidor_Dali__Dali  Honore_Daumier__Daumier  Jacques_Louis_David__David  Willem_de_Kooning__de_Kooning  Ferdinand_Victor_Eugene_Delacroix__Delacroix__Eugene_Delacroix  Adnre_Derain__Derain  Raoul_Dufy__Dufy  Max_Ernst__Ernst  Jean_Honore_Fragonard__Fragonard  Roger_Eliot_Fry__Fry__Roger_Fry  Thomas_Gainsborough__Gainsborough  Paul_Gauguin__Gauguin  Alberto_Giacometti__Giacometti  Francisco_Jose_de_Goya_y_Lucientes__Goya__Francisco_Goya__Francisco_de_Goya__Francisco_Jose_de_Goya  Duncan_James_Corrow_Grant__Grant__Duncan_Grant  Jaun_Gris__Gris  Frederick_Childe_Hassam__Hassam__Childe_Hassam  Katsushika_Hokusai__Hokusai__hokusai  Winslow_Homer__Homer  Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ingres__Ingres  Wassily_Kandinsky__Kandinsky  Ernst_Ludwig_Kirchner__Kirchner  Paul_Klee__Klee  Gustav_Klimt__Klimt  Franz_Joseph_Kline__Kline  Lee_Krasner__leekrasner__Krasner  Sir_Thomas_Lawrence__Lawrence  Fernand_Leger__Leger  Roy_Lichtenstein__Lichtenstein  Laurence_Stephen_Lowry__Lowry__L._S._Lowry  Rene_Magritte__Magritte  Kazimir_Severinovich_Malevich__Malevich__Kazimir_Malevich  Edouard_Manet__Manet  Andrea_Mantegna__Mantegna  Reginald_Marsh__Marsh  Henri_Emile_Benoit_Matisse__Matisse__Henri_Matisse  Jean_Francois_Millet__Millet  Joan_Miro__Miro  Modigliani__Amedeo_Modigliano  Claude_Monet__Monet  Samuel_Finley_Breese_Morse__Morse__Samuel_Morse__Samuel_F._B._Morse  Anne_Mary_Robertson_Moses__Moses__Grandma_Moses  Robert_Motherwell__Motherwell  Edvard_Munch__Munch  Bartolome_Esteban_Murillo__Murillo  O'Keeffe__Georgia_Okeeffe  Jose_Clemente_Orozco__Orozco__Jose_Orozco  Maxfield_Frederick_Parrish__Parrish__Maxfield_Parrish  Pablo_Picasso__Picasso  Jackson_Pollock__Pollock  Sir_Joshua_Reynolds__Reynolds  Mark_Rothko__Rothko  Le_Douanier_Rousseau__Rousseau__Henri_Rousseau  John_Singer_Sargent__johnsingersargent__Sargent__sargent  Georges_Pierre_Seurat__Seurat__Georges_Seurat  Benjamin_Shahn__Shahn__Ben_Shahn  David_Alfaro_Siqueiros__Siqueiros__David_Siqueiros  Chaim_Soutine__Soutine  Frank_Philip_Stella__Stella__Frank_Stella  Gilbert_Charles_Stuart__Stuart__Gilbert_Stuart  Thomas_Sully__Sully  Yves_Tanguy__Tanguy  Giovanni_Battista_Tiepolo__Tiepolo  Mark_Tobey__Tobey  Henri_Toulouse-Lautrec__Toulouse-Lautrec  Trumbull__John_Trumbull  Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner__Turner  Maurice_Utrillo__Utrillo  Vincent_van_Gogh__van_Gogh__Gogh  Viktor_Vasarely__Vasarely  Giorgio_Vasari__Vasari  Marie_Louise_Elisabeth_Vigee-Lebrun__Vigee-Lebrun__Elisabeth_Vigee-Lebrun  Maurice_de_Vlaminck__Vlaminck  Jean_Edouard_Vuillard__Vuillard__Edouard_Vuillard  Andy_Warhol__Warhol  Weber__Max_Weber  Benjamin_West__West  James_Abbott_McNeill_Whistler__Whistler  Grant_Wood__Wood  Andrew_Wyeth__Wyeth
                                subtype:  photographer  someone who takes photographs professionally
                                   subtype:  cameraman__camera_operator__cinematographer  a photographer who operates a movie camera
                                   subtype:  press_photographer__pressphotographer  a photographer who works for a newspaper
                                   instance:  Mathew_B._Brady__Brady  Alfred_Eisenstaedt__Eisenstaedt  Dorothea_Lange__Lange  Edward_Jean_Steichen__Steichen  Alfred_Stieglitz__Stieglitz  William_Henry_Fox_Talbot__Talbot__Fox_Talbot  Edward_Weston__Weston
                                subtype:  Pre-Raphaelite  a painter or writer dedicated to restoring early Renaissance ideals
                                   instance:  William_Holman_Hunt__Hunt__Holman_Hunt  Sir_John_Everett_Millais__Millais__millai  Dante_Gabriel_Rossetti__Rossetti
                                subtype:  printmaker__graphic_artist__graphicartist  an artist who designs and makes prints
                                   subtype:  engraver.printmaker  a printmaker who prints from an engraved printing plate
                                   subtype:  lithographer  a printmaker who uses lithography
                                      instance:  Nathaniel_Currier__Currier  Honore_Daumier__Daumier  James_Merritt_Ives__Ives__James_Ives
                                subtype:  romanticist__romantic  an artist of the romantic period or someone influenced by romanticism
                                subtype:  sculptor__sculpturer__carver__statue_maker  an artist who creates sculptures
                                   subtype:  sculptress  a woman sculptor
                                   instance:  Constantin_Brancusi__Brancusi  Alexander_Calder__Calder  Benvenuto_Cellini__Cellini  Thomas_Crawford__Crawford  Donatello__Donato_di_Betto_Bardi  Sir_Jacob_Epstein__Epstein__Jacob_Epstein  Daniel_Chester_French__French  Alberto_Giacometti__Giacometti  Dame_Barbara_Hepworth__Hepworth__Barbara_Hepworth  Malvina_Hoffman__Hoffman  Gaston_Lachaise__Lachaise  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  Maya_Lin__Lin  Jacques_Lipchitz__Lipchitz  Lysippus  Aristide_Maillol__Maillol  Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo  Modigliani__Amedeo_Modigliano  Henry_Spencer_Moore__Moore__Henry_Moore  Louise_Nevelson__Nevelson  Isamu_Noguchi__Noguchi  Pablo_Picasso__Picasso  Francois_Auguste_Rene_Rodin__Rodin__Auguste_Rodin  George_Segal__Segal  David_Roland_Smith__Smith__David_Smith  Lorado_Taft__Taft
                                subtype:  stylist  an artist who is a master of a particular style
                                subtype:  surrealist  an artist who is a member of the movement called surrealism
                                subtype:  symbolist  a member of an artistic movement that expressed ideas indirectly via symbols
                                instance:  Jean_Arp__Arp__Hans_Arp  John_James_Audubon__Audubon  Marcel_Duchamp__Duchamp  Jasper_Johns__Johns  Edward_Lear__Lear  Louis_Comfort_Tiffany__Tiffany
                             subtype:  builder__developer__constructor  someone who contracts for and supervises the construction of a building
                                subtype:  boatbuilder  a person who builds boats
                                subtype:  contractor  someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things
                                   subtype:  defense_contractor__defensecontractor  a contractor concerned with the development and manufacture of systems of defense
                                   subtype:  hauler__haulier  a haulage contractor
                                      subtype:  garbage_carter__garbagecarter__carter__garbage_hauler__garbagehauler  a hauler of garbage; "there is a web site where licensed carters and would-be customers can make connections"
                                   subtype:  ship-breaker  a contractor who buys old ships and breaks them up for scrap
                                   subtype:  subcontractor  someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor
                                subtype:  homebuilder__housebuilder  someone who builds houses as a business
                                subtype:  jerry-builder__jerrybuilder  someone who builds cheap buildings out of poor materials on speculation for a quick profit
                                subtype:  road_builder  someone whose business is to build roads
                                subtype:  shipbuilder.builder  a person who builds ships as a business
                             subtype:  choreographer  someone who creates new dances
                                instance:  Alvin_Ailey__Ailey  Alicia_Alonso__Alonso  Sir_Frederick_Ashton__Ashton  George_Balanchine__Balanchine  Mikhail_Baryshnikov__Baryshnikov  Merce_Cunningham__Cunningham  Agnes_George_De_Mille__De_Mille__Agnes_De_Mille  Martha_Graham__Graham  Lev_Ivanov__Ivanov  Judith_Jamison__Jamison  Robert_Joffrey__Joffrey  Rudolph_Laban__Laban  Leonide_Fedorovitch_Massine__leonidefedorovitchmassine__Massine__Leonid_Fyodorovich_Myasin  Jerome_Robbins__Robbins__robbin  Ted_Shawn__Shawn  Ruth_St._Denis__St._Denis__Saint_Denis__Ruth_Saint_Denis  Twyla_Tharp__Tharp  Antony_Tudor__Tudor
                             subtype:  couturier__fashion_designer__fashiondesigner__clothesdesigner  someone who designs clothing
                                subtype:  costumier__costumer__costume_designer__costumedesigner  someone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade)
                                instance:  Christian_Dior__Dior  Calvin_Richard_Klein__Klein__Calvin_Klein  Elsa_Schiaparelli__Schiaparelli  Gianni_Versace__Versace  Charles_Frederick_Worth__charlesfrederickworth__Worth
                             subtype:  crafter  a creator of great skill in the manual arts; "the jewelry was made by internationally famous craftsmen"
                             subtype:  fantasist  a creator of fantasies
                             subtype:  farmer__husbandman__granger__sodbuster  a person who operates a farm
                                subtype:  contadino  an Italian farmer
                                subtype:  agriculturist__cultivator__grower__raiser  someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil
                                   subtype:  fruit_grower__fruitgrower  someone who grows fruit commercially
                                subtype:  beekeeper__apiarist__apiculturist  a farmer who keeps bees for their honey
                                subtype:  dairy_farmer__dairyfarmer__dairyman  the owner or manager of a dairy
                                subtype:  forester__tree_farmer__arboriculturist  someone trained in forestry
                                   subtype:  lumberman__lumberjack__timberman__feller__faller  a person that works at lumbering and fells trees
                                      subtype:  logger  a lumberman who cuts logs into lengths after the trees have been felled
                                         subtype:  scorer  a logger who marks trees to be felled
                                      instance:  Paul_Bunyan__Bunyan
                                subtype:  plantation_owner__planter  the owner or manager of a plantation
                                subtype:  rancher  a person who owns or operates a ranch
                                   subtype:  grazier  a rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market
                                subtype:  smallholder  (British) a person owning or renting a smallholding
                                subtype:  small_farmer__smallfarmer  a farmer on a small farm
                                   subtype:  crofter  an owner or tenant of a small farm in Great Britain
                                subtype:  sower  someone who sows
                                subtype:  stockman__stock_raiser__stockraiser__stock_farmer__stockfarmer  farmer who breed or raises livestock
                                   subtype:  stock_breeder__stockbreeder__breeder  a person who breeds animals
                                   subtype:  cow_man__cowman__cattleman__beef_man  a man who raises (or tends) cattle
                                   subtype:  sheepman  a man who raises (or tends) sheep
                                subtype:  tenant_farmer  a farmer who works land owned by someone else
                                subtype:  tiller.farmer  someone who tills land (prepares the soil for the planting of crops)
                             subtype:  inventor__discoverer__artificer  someone who is the first to think of or make something
                                subtype:  patentee  the inventor to whom a patent is issued
                                instance:  Alexander_Graham_Bell__Bell__Alexander_Bell  Sir_Henry_Bessemer__Bessemer  John_Moses_Browning__Browning__John_M._Browning  William_Seward_Burroughs__Burroughs  Edmund_Cartwright__Cartwright  Louis_Jacques_Mande_Daguerre__Daguerre  Lee_De_Forest__De_Forest__The_Father_of_Radio  George_Eastman__Eastman  Thomas_Alva_Edison__Edison__Thomas_Edison  Robert_Fulton__Fulton  Richard_Jordan_Gatling__Gatling  Gillette__King_Camp_Gilette  Peter_Carl_Goldmark__Goldmark__Peter_Goldmark  Charles_Goodyear__Goodyear  James_Hargreaves__Hargreaves  Hero_of_Alexandria__Hero__Heron  Herman_Hollerith__Hollerith  Elias_Howe__Howe  Joseph_Marie_Jacquard__Jacquard__Joseph_M._Jacquard  Edwin_Herbert_Land__Land__Din_Land  Samuel_Pierpoint_Langley__Langley  Peter_Paul_Mauser__Mauser__von_Mauser__P._P._von_Mauser  Sir_Hiram_Stevens_Maxim__Maxim  Cyrus_Hall_McCormick__McCormick__Cyrus_McCormick  Ottmar_Mergenthaler__Mergenthaler  Samuel_Finley_Breese_Morse__Morse__Samuel_Morse__Samuel_F._B._Morse  Eadweard_Muybridge__Muybridge__Edward_James_Muggeridge  Elisha_Graves_Otis__Otis  Isaac_Merrit_Singer__Singer__Isaac_M._Singer  Elmer_Ambrose_Sperry__Sperry  Francis_Edgar_Stanley__Stanley  Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz__Steinmetz  William_Henry_Fox_Talbot__Talbot__Fox_Talbot  Nikola_Tesla__Tesla  James_Watt__Watt  George_Westinghouse__Westinghouse  Sir_Charles_Wheatstone__Wheatstone  Eli_Whitney__Whitney  Orville_Wright__Wright  Wilbur_Wright__Wright  Count_Ferdinand_von_Zeppelin__Zeppelin
                             subtype:  shaper__maker  a person who makes things
                                subtype:  basketweaver__basketmaker  someone skilled in weaving baskets
                                subtype:  belt_maker  a maker of belts
                                subtype:  bookmaker  a maker of books; someone who edits or publishes or binds books
                                subtype:  beer_maker__brewer  someone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water
                                subtype:  chandler  a maker (and seller) of candles and soap and oils and paints
                                   subtype:  candlemaker  a person who makes or sells candles
                                   subtype:  wax-chandler__waxchandler  one who deals in wax candles
                                subtype:  shoemaker__cobbler  a person who makes or repairs shoes
                                   subtype:  bootmaker__boot_maker  a maker of boots
                                subtype:  confectioner__candymaker  someone who makes candies and other sweets
                                   instance:  Milton_Snavely_Hershey__Hershey
                                subtype:  author__generator__source  someone who originates or causes or initiates something; "he was the generator of several complaints"
                                   subtype:  coiner  someone who is a source of new words or new expressions
                                subtype:  glassmaker  some who makes glass
                                subtype:  hatmaker__hatter__milliner__modiste  someone who makes and sells hats
                                subtype:  ironworker  a person who makes articles of iron
                                   subtype:  puddler  a worker who turns pig iron into wrought iron by puddling
                                subtype:  jewelry_maker__jewelrymaker__jeweler__jeweller  someone who makes jewelry
                                   subtype:  goldsmith__goldworker  an artisan who makes jewelry and other objects out of gold
                                      instance:  Peter_Carl_Faberge__Faberge
                                   subtype:  silversmith__silverworker  someone who makes or repairs articles of silver
                                      instance:  Paul_Revere__Revere
                                subtype:  maltster__maltman  a maker of malt
                                subtype:  manufacturer__producer  someone who manufactures something
                                   subtype:  arms_manufacturer  someone who manufactures arms and munitions
                                      instance:  Alfred_Krupp__Krupp  Peter_Paul_Mauser__Mauser__von_Mauser__P._P._von_Mauser
                                   subtype:  brewer  the owner or manager of a brewery
                                   subtype:  distiller  someone who distills alcoholic liquors
                                   subtype:  food_manufacturer  a person who manufactures food products
                                      instance:  W._K._Kellogg__Kellogg__Will_Keith_Kellog
                                   subtype:  sericulturist  a producer of raw silk
                                   instance:  Cyrus_Hall_McCormick__McCormick__Cyrus_McCormick  John_Mercer__Mercer  Isaac_Merrit_Singer__Singer__Isaac_M._Singer  Eli_Whitney__Whitney
                                subtype:  needleworker  someone who does work (as sewing or embroidery) with a needle
                                   subtype:  edger.needleworker  a person who puts finishing edges on a garment
                                   subtype:  embroiderer  someone who ornaments with needlework
                                      subtype:  embroideress  a woman embroiderer
                                   subtype:  garmentmaker__garmentworker__garment_worker__garmentworker  a person who makes garments
                                      subtype:  cloakmaker__furrier  someone whose occupation is making or repairing fur garments
                                      subtype:  dressmaker__modiste__needlewoman__seamstress__sempstress  someone who makes or mends dresses
                                         instance:  Betsy_Griscom_Ross__Ross__Betsy_Ross
                                      subtype:  outfitter  someone who provides outfits
                                      subtype:  stitcher  a garmentmaker who performs the finishing steps
                                      subtype:  tailor__seamster__sartor  a person whose occupation is making and altering garments
                                         subtype:  fitter  someone who fits a garment to a particular person
                                   subtype:  knitter  someone who makes garments (or fabrics) by intertwining yarn or thread
                                   subtype:  sewer  someone who sews; "a sewer of fine gowns"
                                      subtype:  baster.sewer__tacker  a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches
                                      subtype:  sewing-machine_operator  someone who sews by operating a sewing machine
                                      subtype:  tucker.sewer  a sewer who tucks
                                subtype:  patternmaker  someone who makes patterns (as for sewing or carpentry or metalworking)
                                subtype:  perfumer  a person who makes (and sells) perfumes
                                subtype:  piano_maker__pianomaker  a person who makes pianos
                                   instance:  Heinrich_Engelhard_Steinway__Steinway__Henry_Steinway__Henry_Engelhard_Steinway
                                subtype:  saddler  a maker and repairer and seller of equipment for horses
                                subtype:  sailmaker  a maker of sails
                                subtype:  shirtmaker  a maker of shirts
                                subtype:  thread_maker__spinner__spinster  someone who spins (who twists fibers into threads)
                                subtype:  steelmaker__steelworker__steelman  a worker engaged in making steel
                                subtype:  tentmaker  someone who makes or repairs tents
                                subtype:  toolmaker  someone skilled in making or repairing tools
                                subtype:  winemaker__vintner__wine_maker  someone who makes wine
                                subtype:  violin_maker  someone who makes violins
                                   instance:  Nicolo_Amati__Amati__Nicola_Amati  Andrea_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius  Guiseppe_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius  Antonio_Stradivari__Stradivari__Stradivarius__Antonius_Stradivarius
                                subtype:  watchmaker__horologist__horologer  someone who makes or repairs watches
                                subtype:  wigmaker  someone who makes and sells wigs
                             subtype:  modeler__modeller  a person who creates models
                                instance:  Madame_Tussaud__Tussaud__tussaud__Marie_Tussaud__Marie_Grosholtz
                             subtype:  originator__conceiver__mastermind  someone who creates new things
                                subtype:  beginner__founder__founding_father__father  a person who founds or establishes some institution; "George Washington is the father of his country"
                                   subtype:  cofounder  one of a group of founders
                                   subtype:  colonizer  someone who helps to found a colony
                                      instance:  Sir_Walter_Raleigh__Raleigh__Walter_Raleigh__Ralegh__Walter_Ralegh__Sir_Walter_Ralegh  Cecil_John_Rhodes__Rhodes__Cecil_Rhodes__Cecil_J._Rhodes
                                   subtype:  foundress__foundres  a woman founder
                                subtype:  innovator__pioneer  someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art
                                subtype:  proposer__mover  (parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion
                                   subtype:  nominator  someone who proposes a candidate for appointment or election
                                subtype:  suggester__proposer  someone who advances a suggestion or proposal; "the suggester of this absurd strategy was a fool"
                             subtype:  producer  someone who finds financing for and supervises the making and presentation of a show (play or film or program or similar work)
                                subtype:  film_maker__film_producer__movie_maker__moviemaker  a producer of motion pictures
                                   subtype:  auteur  a filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works
                                   subtype:  New_Waver  a film maker who follows New Wave ideas
                                   instance:  Allen_Stewart_Konigsberg__Allen__Woody_Allen  Bernardo_Bertolucci__Bertolucci  Frank_Capra__Capra  Sir_Charles_Spencer_Chaplin__Chaplin__Charlie_Chaplin  Jean_Cocteau__Cocteau  Francis_Ford_Coppola__Coppola  Cecil_Blount_De_Mille__De_Mille__Cecil_B._De_Mille  Vittorio_De_Sica__De_Sica  Walter_Elias_Disney__Disney__Walt_Disney  Sergei_Mikhailovich_Eisenstein__Eisenstein__Sergei_Eisenstein  John_Ford__Ford  Jean_Luc_Godard__Godard  Samuel_Goldwyn__Goldwyn__Sam_Goldwyn  David_Lewelyn_Wark_Griffith__Griffith__D._W._Griffith  Howard_Robard_Hughes__Hughes__Howard_Hughes  John_Huston__Huston  Norman_Jewison__Jewison  Krzysztof_Kieslowski__Kieslowski  Sir_Alexander_Korda__Korda__Sandor_Kellner  Stanley_Kubrick__Kubrick  Akira_Kurosawa__Kurosawa  Shelton_Jackson_Lee__Lee__Spike_Lee  Ernst_Lubitsch__Lubitsch  George_Lucas__Lucas  Louis_Burt_Mayer__Mayer__Louis_B._Mayer  Sydney_Pollack__Pollack  Charles_Robert_Redford__Redford__Robert_Redford  Martin_Scorsese__Scorsese  David_Oliver_Selznick__Selznick__David_O._Selznick  Mack_Sennett__Sennett  Spielburg__Steven_Spielberg  George_Stevens__Stevens  Oliver_Stone__Stone  Quentin_Jerome_Tarantino__Tarantino__Quentin_Tarantino  Andrei_Arsenevich_Tarkovsky__Tarkovsky__Andrei_Tarkovsky  Jacques_Tati__Tati__Jacques_Tatischeff  Francois_Truffaut__Truffaut  Don_Luchino_Visconti_Conte_di_Modrone__Visconti__Luchino_Visconti  Josef_von_Sternberg__von_Sternberg  Andrzej_Wajda__Wajda  Charles_Dudley_Warner__Warner  George_Orson_Welles__Welles__Orson_Welles  Samuel_Wilder__Wilder__Billy_Wilder  William_Wyler__Wyler  Darryl_Francis_Zanuck__Zanuck__Darryl_Zanuck  Fred_Zinnemann__Zinnemann
                                subtype:  theatrical_producer  someone who produces theatrical performances
                                   instance:  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  Sir_Herbert_Beerbohm_Tree__Tree  Florenz_Ziegfeld__Ziegfeld__Flo_Ziegfeld
                          subtype:  disputant  a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy
                             subtype:  accuser  someone who imputes guilt or blame
                             subtype:  debater__arguer  someone who engages in debate
                                subtype:  devil's_advocate__devil'sadvocate  someone who takes the worse side just for the sake of argument
                                subtype:  disprover__rebutter__refuter  a debater who refutes or disproves by offering contrary evidence or argument
                                subtype:  wrangler  someone who argues noisily or angrily
                             subtype:  denier  one who denies
                             subtype:  logomach__logomachist  someone given to disputes over words
                             subtype:  obstructionist__obstructor__obstructer__resister__thwarter  someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take
                                subtype:  naysayer  someone with an aggressively negative attitude
                                subtype:  stonewaller  one who stonewalls or refuses to answer or cooperate
                             subtype:  quarreler__quarreller  a disputant who quarrels
                             subtype:  quibbler__caviller__caviler__pettifogger  a disputant who quibbles; someone who raises annoying petty objections
                             subtype:  radical  a person who has radical ideas or opinions
                                subtype:  anarchist__nihilist__syndicalist  an advocate of anarchism
                                   instance:  Mikhail_Aleksandrovich_Bakunin__Bakunin__Mikhail_Bakunin  Emma_Goldman__Goldman  Pyotr_Alexeyevich_Kropotkin__Kropotkin__Prince_Peter_Kropotkin  Nicola_Sacco__Sacco  Benjamin_Ricketson_Tucker__Tucker  Bartolomeo_Vanzetti__Vanzetti
                                subtype:  Bolshevik__Marxist__pinko__red__bolshie  emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries
                                subtype:  extremist  a person who holds extreme views
                                subtype:  leveler__leveller  a radical who advocates the abolition of political or economic or social inequalities
                                subtype:  revolutionist__revolutionary__subversive__subverter  a radical supporter of political or social revolution
                                   subtype:  counterrevolutionist__counterrevolutionary  a revolutionary whose aim is to reverse the changes introduced by an earlier revolution
                                   subtype:  dynamiter__dynamitist  a person who uses dynamite in a revolutionary cause
                                   subtype:  Girondist  a member of the moderate republican party during the French Revolution; the Girondists were overthrown by their more radical rivals the Jacobins
                                   subtype:  insurgent__insurrectionist__freedom_fighter__freedomfighter__rebel  a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)
                                      subtype:  mutineer  open rebellion and refusal to obey authorities (especially by seamen or soldiers)
                                      instance:  Nat_Turner__Turner  Denmark_Vesey__Vesey  Sir_William_Wallace__Wallace
                                   instance:  Marie_Anne_Charlotte_Corday_d'Armont__Corday__Charlotte_Corday  Georges_Jacques_Danton__Danton  Ernesto_Guevara_de_la_Serna__Guevara__Che_Guevara  Mao_Tsetung__Mao__Mao_Zedong  Jean_Paul_Marat__Marat  Jose_Julian_Marti__Marti  Karl_Marx__Marx  Comte_de_Mirabeau__Mirabeau__Honore-Gabriel_Victor_Riqueti  Maxmillien_Marie_Isidore_de_Robespierre__Robespierre  Leon_Trotsky__Trotsky__Lev_Davidovich_Bronstein  Francisco_Villa__Villa__Pancho_Villa__Doroteo_Arango  Emiliano_Zapata__Zapata  Zhou_En-lai__Chou_En-lai
                                subtype:  terrorist  a radical who employs terror as a political weapon
                                   instance:  Jacobin
                                subtype:  Trotskyite__Trotskyist__Trot  radicals who support Trotsky's theory that socialism must be established throughout the world by continuing revolution
                                subtype:  Young_Turk  a radical who agitates for reform
                             subtype:  reformist__reformer__crusader__meliorist  a disputant who advocates reform
                                subtype:  abolitionist__emancipationist  a reformer who favors abolishing slavery
                                   instance:  Henry_Ward_Beecher__Beecher  John_Brown__Brown  Frederick_Douglass__Douglass  William_Lloyd_Garrison__Garrison  Harriet_Elizabeth_Beecher_Stowe__Stowe__Harriet_Beecher_Stowe  Arthur_Tappan__Tappan  Sojourner_Truth__Truth  Harriet_Tubman__Tubman  Theodore_Dwight_Weld__Weld
                                subtype:  birth-control_campaigner__birthcontrolcampaigner__birth-control_reformer__birthcontrolreformer  a social reformer who advocates birth control and family planning
                                   instance:  Marie_Charlotte_Carmichael_Stopes__Stopes__Marie_Stopes
                                subtype:  Chartist  a 19th century English reformer who advocated better social and economic conditions for working people
                                subtype:  civil_rights_leader__civil_rights_worker  a leader of the political movement dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority groups
                                   instance:  Julian_Bond__Bond  William_Edward_Burghardt_Du_Bois__Du_Bois__W._E._B._Du_Bois  Medgar_Wiley_Evers__Evers__Medgar_Evers  James_Leonard_Farmer__Farmer  Jesse_Louis_Jackson__Jackson__Jesse_Jackson  Martin_Luther_King_Jr.__King__Martin_Luther_King  Malcolm_X__Malcolm_Little  James_Howard_Meredith__Meredith__James_Meredith  Rosa_Parks__Parks  Paul_Bustill_Robeson__Robeson__robeson__paulrobeson  Roy_Wilkins__Wilkins  Whitney_Moore_Young_Jr.__Young__Whitney_Young
                                subtype:  protester__demonstrator  someone who participates in a public display of group feeling
                                   subtype:  picket.protester  a protester posted by a labor organization outside a place of work
                                subtype:  dry__prohibitionist  a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages
                                   instance:  Carry_Amelia_Moore_Nation__Nation__Carry_Nation  Frances_Elizabeth_Caroline_Willard__Willard
                                subtype:  environmentalist__conservationist  someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution
                                   subtype:  Green  an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party
                                   instance:  Rachel_Louise_Carson__Carson__Rachel_Carson  Barbara_Ward__Ward__Baroness_Jackson_of_Lodsworth
                                subtype:  feminist__women's_rightist__women'srightist__women's_liberationist__women'sliberationist__libber  a supporter of feminism
                                   subtype:  suffragette  a woman advocate of women's right to vote (especially a militant advocate in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th century)
                                   instance:  Simone_de_Beauvoir__Beauvoir  Betty_Naomi_Friedan__Friedan__Betty_Friedan  Charlotte_Anna_Perkins_Gilman__Gilman  Lucretia_Coffin_Mott__Mott  Alice_Paul__Paul  Elizabeth_Cady_Stanton__Stanton  Gloria_Steinem__Steinem  Lucy_Stone__Stone  Sojourner_Truth__Truth  Mary_Wollstonecraft_Godwin__Wollstonecraft__Mary_Wollstonecraft  Frances_Wright__Wright__Fanny_Wright
                                subtype:  hippie__hippy__hipster__flowerchild  someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle
                                subtype:  insurgent__insurrectionist__freedom_fighter__freedomfighter__rebel  a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)
                                subtype:  militant__activist  a militant reformer
                                   subtype:  Black_Muslim  activist member of a largely Black American group called The Nation of Islam
                                      instance:  Elijah_Muhammad__Muhammad
                                   subtype:  Black_Panther  a member of the Black Panthers political party
                                   instance:  Malcolm_X__Malcolm_Little
                                subtype:  non-resistant__nonresistant__passive_resister__passiveresister  a reformer who believes in passive resistance
                                subtype:  Utopian  an idealistic (but usually impractical) social reformer; "a Utopian believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man"
                                instance:  Anthony_Comstock__Comstock  John_Huss__Huss__Hus__Jan_Hus  Robert_Owen__Owen  Girolamo_Savonarola__Savonarola  Francis_Everett_Townsend__Townsend  John_Wilkes__Wilkes
                          subtype:  engineer__applied_scientist__appliedscientist__technologist  a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
                             subtype:  aeronautical_engineer  an engineer concerned with the design and construction of aircraft
                                instance:  Reginald_Joseph_Mitchell__Mitchell__R._J._Mitchell
                             subtype:  aerospace_engineer__aerospaceengineer  an engineer of aircraft and space vehicles
                             subtype:  army_engineer__military_engineer  a member of the military who is trained in engineering and construction work
                                subtype:  sapper  a military engineer who does sapping (digging trenches or undermining fortifications)
                                subtype:  sapper.army_engineer  a military engineer who lays or detects and disarms mines
                             subtype:  automotive_engineer  an engineer concerned with the design and construction of automobiles
                             subtype:  civil_engineer__civilengineer  an engineer trained to design and construct and maintain public works (roads or bridges or harbors etc.)
                                subtype:  highway_engineer__highwayengineer  a civil engineer who specializes in the design and construction of roads and highways
                                instance:  David_Barnard_Steinman__Steinman
                             subtype:  electrical_engineer  a person trained in practical applications of the theory of electricity
                                instance:  Vannevar_Bush__Bush  Lee_De_Forest__De_Forest__The_Father_of_Radio  Ray_M._Dolby__Dolby  Oliver_Heaviside__Heaviside  Arthur_Edwin_Kennelly__Kennelly__A._E._Kennelly  Guglielmo_Marconi__Marconi  Ernst_Werner_von_Siemens__Siemens  Sir_Clive_Marles_Sinclair__Sinclair__Clive_Sinclair  Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz__Steinmetz  Nikola_Tesla__Tesla  Elihu_Thomson__Thomson
                             subtype:  marine_engineer__naval_engineer__navalengineer  an officer responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's engines
                             subtype:  mechanical_engineer  a person trained to design and construct machines
                                subtype:  tribologist  a specialist in tribology
                             subtype:  metallurgist__metallurgical_engineer__metallurgicalengineer  an engineer trained in the extraction and refining and alloying and fabrication of metals
                                instance:  Sir_Henry_Bessemer__Bessemer
                             subtype:  mining_engineer  an engineer concerned with the construction and operation of mines
                             subtype:  computer_programmer__programmer__coder__softwareengineer  a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs
                                subtype:  hacker.computer_programmer  a programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers
                             subtype:  rocket_engineer__rocket_scientist  an engineer who builds and tests rockets
                                instance:  Wernher_Magnus_Maximilian_von_Braun__Braun__von_Braun__Wernher_von_Braun
                             subtype:  surveyor  an engineer who determines the boundaries and elevations of land or structures
                                subtype:  lineman.surveyor  the surveyor who marks positions with a range pole
                                subtype:  locator__locater  a person who fixes the boundaries of land claims
                             instance:  Gottlieb_Daimler__Daimler  Rudolf_Christian_Karl_Diesel__Diesel__Rudolf_Diesel  Bryan_Donkin__Donkin  Alexandre_Gustave_Eiffel__Eiffel  George_Washington_Goethals__Goethals  Hugo_Junkers__Junkers  Charles_Franklin_Kettering__Kettering__Charles_Kettering  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  John_Augustus_Roebling__Roebling__John_Roebling  Claude_Elwood_Shannon__Shannon__shannon__Claude_Shannon__Claude_E._Shannon  Sir_Charles_William_Siemens__Siemens__Karl_Wilhelm_Siemens  Elmer_Ambrose_Sperry__Sperry  Richard_Trevithick__Trevithick  Thomas_Augustus_Watson__Watson  James_Watt__Watt
                          subtype:  entertainer  a person who tries to please or amuse
                             subtype:  bombshell.entertainer  an entertainer who has a sensational effect; "she was a blonde bombshell"
                             subtype:  busker  a person who entertains people for money in public places (as by singing or dancing)
                             subtype:  drawing_card__drawingcard__draw__attraction__attractor  an entertainer who attracts large audiences; "he was the biggest drawing card they had"
                             subtype:  humorist__humourist  someone who acts speaks or writes in an amusing way
                                subtype:  parodist__lampooner  mimics literary or musical style for comic effect
                                   subtype:  caricaturist  someone who parodies in an exaggerated manner
                                      instance:  Sir_Henry_Maxmilian_Beerbohm__Beerbohm__Max_Beerbohm
                                subtype:  punster  someone overly fond of making puns
                                subtype:  satirist__ironist  a humorist who uses ridicule and irony and sarcasm
                                   instance:  Juvenal__Decimus_Junius_Juvenalis  Francois_Rabelais__Rabelais  Jonathan_Swift__Swift__Dean_Swift
                                subtype:  wag__wit__card  (informal) a witty amusing person who makes jokes
                                instance:  Robert_Charles_Benchley__Benchley__Robert_Benchley  Samuel_Langhorne_Clemens__Clemens__Mark_Twain  Ringgold_Wilmer_Lardner__Lardner__Ring_Lardner  Stephen_Butler_Leacock__Leacock__Stephen_Leacock  Edward_Lear__Lear  Donald_Robert_Perry_Marquis__Marquis__Don_Marquis__donmarqui  William_Penn_Adair_Rogers__Rogers__Will_Rogers  Henry_Wheeler_Shaw__Shaw__Josh_Billings  James_Grover_Thurber__Thurber__James_Thurber
                             subtype:  master_of_ceremonies__emcee__host  a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)
                                subtype:  compere  British term for someone who introduces television acts or cabarets etc
                                subtype:  Lord_of_Misrule  a person appointed master of revels at a Christmas celebration
                                subtype:  question_master__quizmaster  (British) the host or chairman of a radio or tv quiz show or panel game
                                subtype:  ringmaster  the person in charge of performances in a circus ring
                                subtype:  toastmaster  the person who proposes toasts and introduces speakers at a banquet
                                   subtype:  toast_mistress  a woman toastmaster
                                instance:  Edward_Vincent_Sullivan__Sullivan__Ed_Sullivan
                             subtype:  performer__performing_artist  an entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience
                                subtype:  histrion__actor__player__thespian__role_player  a theatrical performer
                                   subtype:  actress__actres  a female actor
                                      subtype:  leading_lady__leadinglady  actress who plays the leading female role
                                      subtype:  starlet  a young (film) actress who is publicized as a future star
                                      subtype:  tragedienne  an actress who specializes in tragic roles
                                      instance:  Tallulah_Bankhead__Bankhead  Georgiana_Emma_Barrymore__Barrymore__Georgiana_Barrymore  Ethel_Barrymore__Barrymore  Ingrid_Bergman__Bergman  Sarah_Bernhardt__Bernhardt__Henriette_Rosine_Bernard  Shirley_Temple_Black__Black__Shirley_Temple  Katherine_Cornell__Cornell  Joan_Crawford__Crawford  Bette_Davis__Davis  Marlene_Dietrich__Dietrich__Maria_Magdalene_von_Losch  Eleonora_Duse__Duse  Jane_Fonda__Fonda  Lynn_Fontanne__Fontanne  Greta_Garbo__Garbo__Greta_Louisa_Gustafsson  Judy_Garland__Garland  Lillian_Gish__Gish  Jean_Harlow__Harlow__Harlean_Carpenter  Helen_Hayes__Hayes  Katharine_Houghton_Hepburn__Hepburn__hepburn__Katharine_Hepburn  Glenda_Jackson__Jackson  Grace_Patricia_Kelly__Kelly__Grace_Kelly__Princess_Grace_of_Monaco  Lillie_Langtry__Langtry__the_Jersey_Lillie__Emilie_Charlotte_le_Breton  Gertrude_Lawrence__Lawrence  Eva_Le_Gallienne__Le_Gallienne  Vivien_Leigh__Leigh  Beatrice_Lillie__Lillie__Lady_Peel  Sophia_Loren__Loren__Sofia_Scicolone  Mary_Martin__Martin  Anna_Amalia_Mercouri__Mercouri__Melina_Mercouri  Marilyn_Monroe__Monroe__Norma_Jean_Baker  Alla_Nazimova__Nazimova  Mary_Pickford__Pickford__Gladys_Smith  Ginger_Rogers__Rogers__Virginia_McMath  Moira_Shearer__Shearer  Sarah_Kemble_Siddons__Siddons__Sarah_Siddons  Cornelia_Otis_Skinner__Skinner  Meryl_Streep__Streep  Barbra_Joan_Streisand__Streisand__Barbra_Streisand  Gloria_Swanson__Swanson__Gloria_May_Josephine_Svensson  Elizabeth_Taylor__Taylor  Dame_Alice_Ellen_Terry__Terry__Dame_Ellen_Terry  Dame_Sybil_Thorndike__Thorndike  Ethel_Waters__Waters  Mae_West__West  Natalie_Wood__Wood  Loretta_Young__Young
                                   subtype:  barnstormer__playactor__trouper  an actor who travels around the country presenting plays
                                   subtype:  character_actor__characteractor  an actor who specializes in playing supporting roles
                                   subtype:  comedian  an actor in a comedy
                                      subtype:  comedienne.comedian  a female actor in a comedy
                                         instance:  Eleanor_Gwynn__Gwynn__Gywn__Gynne__Nell_Gwynn__Nell_Gywn__Nell_Gwynne__Eleanor_Gwyn__Eleanor_Gwynne
                                   subtype:  ham_actor__hamactor__ham  an unskilled actor who overacts
                                   subtype:  heavy.histrion  an actor who plays villainous roles
                                   subtype:  ingenue.histrion  an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl
                                   subtype:  leading_man__leadingman  actor who plays the leading male role
                                   subtype:  mime__mimer__mummer__pantomimer__pantomimist  an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression
                                      instance:  Marcel_Marceau__Marceau
                                   subtype:  plant.histrion  an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience
                                   subtype:  scene-stealer__scenestealer  an actor who draws more attention than other actors in the same scene; "babies are natural scene-stealers"
                                   subtype:  star.histrion__principal__lead  an actor who plays a principal role
                                      subtype:  co-star  one of two actors who are given equal status as stars in a play or film
                                      subtype:  film_star__movie_star__moviestar  a star who plays leading roles in the cinema
                                      subtype:  matinee_idol__matineeidol__idol  someone who is adored blindly and excessively
                                         subtype:  heartthrob  an object of infatuation
                                      subtype:  television_star__TV_star  a star in a television show
                                   subtype:  supernumerary__spear_carrier__spearcarrier__extra  a minor actor in crowd scenes
                                   subtype:  tragedian.histrion  one who specializes in tragic roles
                                   subtype:  understudy__standby  an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
                                   subtype:  upstager  a selfish actor who upstages the other actors
                                   subtype:  walk-on  plays a small part in a dramatic production
                                   instance:  Allen_Stewart_Konigsberg__Allen__Woody_Allen  Fred_Astaire__Astaire  Maurice_Barrymore__Barrymore__Herbert_Blythe  Lionel_Barrymore__Barrymore  John_Barrymore__Barrymore  Humphrey_DeForest_Bogart__Bogart__Humphrey_Bogart  John_Wilkes_Booth__Booth  Richard_Burbage__Burbage__burbage  Richard_Burton__Burton  Jimmy_Cagney__Cagney__James_Cagney  Maurice_Chevalier__Chevalier  Frank_Cooper__Cooper__Gary_Cooper  Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward  Harry_Lillis_Crosby__Crosby__Bing_Crosby  James_Byron_Dean__Dean__James_Dean  Robert_De_Niro__De_Niro  Gerard_Depardieu__Depardieu  John_Drew__Drew  Douglas_Elton_Fairbanks__Fairbanks__Douglas_Fairbanks__Julius_Ullman  Douglas_Fairbanks_Jr.__Fairbanks  Henry_Fonda__Fonda  William_Clark_Gable__Gable__gable__Clark_Gable  David_Garrick__Garrick__garrick  Mel_Columcille_Gerard_Gibson__Gibson__Mel_Gibson  Arthur_John_Gielgud__Gielgud__Sir_John_Gielgud  Cary_Grant__Grant  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  Sir_Alec_Guinness__Guinness__Alec_Guinness  Thomas_J._Hanks__Hanks__Tom_Hanks  Reginald_Carey_Harrison__Harrison__Rex_Harrison__Sir_Rex_Harrison  John_Heming__Heming__Hemminge__John_Hemminge  Dustin_Hoffman__Hoffman  Sir_Anthony_Philip_Hopkins__Hopkins__Anthony_Hopkins__Sir_Anthony_Hopkins  Leslie_Howard_Stainer__Howard__Leslie_Howard  Al_Jolson__Jolson__Asa_Yoelson  Boris_Karloff__Karloff__William_Henry_Pratt  Edmund_Kean__Kean  Joseph_Francis_Keaton__Keaton__Buster_Keaton  Eugene_Curran_Kelly__Kelly__Gene_Kelly  Charles_Laughton__Laughton  Lee_Yuen_Kam__Lee__Bruce_Lee  Jack_Lemmon__Lemmon__John_Uhler  Harold_Clayton_Lloyd__Lloyd__Harold_Lloyd  Peter_Lorre__Lorre__Laszlo_Lowestein  Bela_Lugosi__Lugosi__Bela_Ferenc_Blasko  Alfred_Lunt__Lunt  E._G._Marshall__Marshall  Steve_Martin__Martin  James_Neville_Mason__Mason__James_Mason  Robert_Mitchum__Mitchum  Dudley_Stuart_John_Moore__Moore__Dudley_Moore  Paul_Newman__Newman  Sir_Laurence_Kerr_Olivier__Olivier__Laurence_Olivier__Baron_Olivier_of_Birghton  Peter_Seamus_O'Toole__O'Toole__Peter_O'Toole  Sidney_Poitier__Poitier  Charles_Robert_Redford__Redford__Robert_Redford  Sir_Ralph_David_Richardson__Richardson__Ralph_Richardson  Edward_Goldenberg_Robinson__Robinson__Edward_G._Robinson  George_C._Scott__Scott  Peter_Sellers__Sellers  Francis_Albert_Sinatra__Sinatra__Frank_Sinatra  Otis_Skinner__Skinner  Konstantin_Sergeevich_Stanislavsky__Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Sergevich_Alekseev  James_Maitland_Stewart__Stewart__Jimmy_Stewart  Erich_von_Stroheim__Stroheim  Spencer_Tracy__Tracy  Sir_Herbert_Beerbohm_Tree__Tree  Peter_Alexander_Ustinov__Ustinov__Sir_Peter_Ustinov  John_Wayne__Wayne__Duke_Wayne  George_Orson_Welles__Welles__Orson_Welles
                                subtype:  artiste  a public performer (a dancer or singer)
                                subtype:  baton_twirler__batontwirler__twirler  someone who twirls a baton
                                   subtype:  drum_majorette.baton_twirler__drummajorette  a female baton twirler who accompanies a marching band
                                subtype:  comic__comedian  a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comic acts
                                   subtype:  merry_andrew__merryandrew__clown__buffoon  a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior
                                      subtype:  harlequin  a clown or buffoon (after the Harlequin character in the commedia dell'arte)
                                      subtype:  jester__fool  a professional clown employed to to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages
                                      subtype:  whiteface  a clown whose face is covered with white make-up
                                      subtype:  zany  a buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for ludicrous effect
                                      instance:  Emmett_Kelly__Kelly__Weary_Willie
                                   subtype:  comedienne  a female comedian
                                   subtype:  gagman__standup_comedian__standupcomedian  a comedian who uses gags
                                   subtype:  jokester__joker  a person who enjoys telling or playing jokes
                                   subtype:  top_banana__topbanana  the leading comedian in a burlesque show
                                   instance:  George_Burns__Burns__Nathan_Birnbaum  Sir_Charles_Spencer_Chaplin__Chaplin__Charlie_Chaplin  Jimmy_Durante__Durante  W._C._Fields__Fields__William_Claude_Dukenfield  Oliver_Hardy__Hardy  Benny_Hill__Hill__Alfred_Hawthorne  Leslie_Townes_Hope__Hope__Bob_Hope  Joseph_Francis_Keaton__Keaton__Buster_Keaton  Sir_Harry_MacLennan_Lauder__Lauder__Harry_Lauder  Arthur_Stanley_Jefferson_Laurel__Laurel__Stan_Laurel  Steve_Martin__Martin  Julius_Marx__Groucho__groucho__marx  Leonard_Marx__Chico__Marx  Arthur_Marx__Harpo__Marx  Herbert_Marx__Zeppo__Marx  Dudley_Stuart_John_Moore__Moore__Dudley_Moore
                                subtype:  rodeo_rider__rodeorider__cowboy  a performer who gives exhibitions of riding and roping and bulldogging
                                subtype:  professional_dancer__dancer  a performer who dances
                                   subtype:  ballet_dancer  a dancer who is a member of a ballet company
                                      subtype:  ballerina__danseuse  a female ballet dancer
                                         subtype:  prima_ballerina__primaballerina  a leading female ballet dancer
                                      subtype:  danseur_noble__danseurnoble__danseur  a male ballet dancer who is the partner of a ballerina
                                   subtype:  ballet_master  a man who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company
                                   subtype:  baller_mistress  a woman who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company
                                   subtype:  belly_dancer__bellydancer__exotic_dancer  a woman who performs a solo Oriental dance using exaggerated abdominal movements
                                   subtype:  chorus_girl__showgirl__chorine  a woman who dances in a chorus line
                                   subtype:  hoofer__stepper  a professional dancer
                                   subtype:  nautch_girl  a professional dancing girl in India
                                   subtype:  tap_dancer__tapdancer  a dancer who who sounds out rhythms by using metal taps on the toes and heels of the shoes
                                   subtype:  taxi_dancer  a woman employed to dance with patrons who pay a fee for each dance
                                   instance:  Alicia_Alonso__Alonso  Fred_Astaire__Astaire  George_Balanchine__Balanchine  Mikhail_Baryshnikov__Baryshnikov  Merce_Cunningham__Cunningham  Agnes_George_De_Mille__De_Mille__Agnes_De_Mille  Isadora_Duncan__Duncan  Dame_Margot_Fonteyn__Fonteyn  Martha_Graham__Graham  Judith_Jamison__Jamison  Tamara_Karsavina__Karsavina  Eugene_Curran_Kelly__Kelly__Gene_Kelly  Dame_Alicia_Markova__Markova__Lilian_Alicia_Marks  Leonide_Fedorovitch_Massine__leonidefedorovitchmassine__Massine__Leonid_Fyodorovich_Myasin  Arthur_Mitchell__Mitchell  Lola_Montez__Montez__Marie_Dolores_Eliza_Rosanna_Gilbert  Vaslav_Nijinsky__Nijinsky__Waslaw_Nijinsky  Rudolf_Nureyev__Nureyev  Anna_Pavlova__Pavlova  Ginger_Rogers__Rogers__Virginia_McMath  Salome  Ted_Shawn__Shawn  Moira_Shearer__Shearer  Ruth_St._Denis__St._Denis__Saint_Denis__Ruth_Saint_Denis  Maria_Tallchief__Tallchief  Twyla_Tharp__Tharp  Antony_Tudor__Tudor  Galina_Sergeevna_Ulanova__Ulanova__Galina_Ulanova  Gaetan_Vestris__Vestris
                                subtype:  executant  a performer (usually of musical works)
                                subtype:  fire-swallower__fire-eater  a performer who pretends to swallow fire
                                subtype:  fire_walker  someone who walks barefoot on burning coals
                                subtype:  headliner__star  a performer who receives prominent billing
                                subtype:  juggler  a performer who juggles objects and performs tricks of manual dexterity
                                subtype:  magician__prestidigitator__conjurer__conjuror__illusionist  someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience
                                   subtype:  escapologist__escape_expert  someone who is expert in the art of escaping
                                   subtype:  mind_reader__telepathist__thoughtreader  a magician who seems to discern the thoughts of another person (usually by clever signals from an accomplice)
                                subtype:  minstrel  a performer in a minstrel show
                                   subtype:  corner_man__end_man__endman  a man at one end of line of performers in a minstrel show; carries on humorous dialogue with the interlocutor
                                   subtype:  interlocutor__middleman  the performer in the middle of a minstrel line who engages the others in talk
                                subtype:  monologist  an entertainer who performs along
                                subtype:  instrumentalist__musician__player  someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession)
                                   subtype:  accompanist__accompanyist  a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano)
                                   subtype:  bandsman  a player in a band (especially a military band)
                                   subtype:  bassoonist  a musician who plays the bassoon
                                   subtype:  bell_ringer__bellringer  someone who plays musical handbells
                                   subtype:  carillonneur  a musician who plays a carillon
                                   subtype:  cellist  some who plays a violoncello
                                      instance:  Pablo_Casals__Casals
                                   subtype:  clarinetist__clarinettist  a musician who plays the clarinet
                                      instance:  Benjamin_David_Goodman__Goodman__goodman__Benny_Goodman__the_King_of_Swing
                                   subtype:  flutist__flute_player__fluteplayer  someone who plays the flute
                                   subtype:  guitarist__guitar_player  a musician who plays the guitar
                                      instance:  James_Marshall_Hendrix__Hendrix__Jimi_Hendrix  Riley_B_King__King__B._B._King  Andres_Segovia__Segovia__segovia
                                   subtype:  harpist__harper  someone who plays the harp
                                   subtype:  harpsichordist  someone who plays the harpsichord
                                      instance:  Wanda_Landowska__Landowska
                                   subtype:  jazz_musician__jazzman  a musician who plays or composes jazz music
                                      subtype:  syncopator  a musician who plays syncopated jazz music (usually in a dance band); "they called themselves the Dixie Syncopators"
                                      instance:  Louis_Armstrong__Armstrong__Satchmo  Miles_Dewey_Davis_Jr.__Davis__Miles_Davis  Edward_Kennedy_Ellington__Ellington__Duke_Ellington  Lionel_Hampton__Hampton__hampton  Woodrow_Charles_Herman__Herman__Woody_Herman  Thelonious_Sphere_Monk__Monk__Thelonious_Monk  Ferdinand_Joseph_La_Menthe_Morton__Morton__Jelly_Roll_Morton  King_Oliver__Oliver__Joseph_Oliveer  Arthur_Tatum__Tatum__Art_Tatum  Thomas_Wright_Waller__Waller__Fats_Waller
                                   subtype:  koto_player  a (Japanese) musician who plays the koto
                                   subtype:  lutist__lutanist__lutenist  a musician who plays the lute
                                   subtype:  oboist  a musician who plays the oboe
                                   subtype:  organist  a person who plays an organ
                                      instance:  Johann_Sebastian_Bach__Bach  Albert_Schweitzer__Schweitzer
                                   subtype:  percussionist  a musician who plays percussion instruments
                                      subtype:  drummer  someone who plays a drum
                                         subtype:  tympanist__timpanist  a person who plays the kettledrums
                                         instance:  Ringo_Starr__Starr__Richard_Starkey
                                      subtype:  xylophonist  someone who plays a xylophone
                                   subtype:  pianist__piano_player__pianoplayer  a person who plays the piano
                                      instance:  Frederic_Francois_Chopin__Chopin  Karl_Czerny__Czerny  Dame_Myra_Hess__Hess  Vladimir_Horowitz__Horowitz  Jerry_Lee_Lewis__Lewis  Franz_Liszt__Liszt  Ignace_Jan_Paderewski__Paderewski  Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninoff__Sergei_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninov__Sergei_Rachmaninov__Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninov  Anton_Grigorevich_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Anton_Gregor_Rubinstein  Arthur_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Artur_Rubinstein  Artur_Schnabel__Schnabel  Rudolf_Serkin__Serkin
                                   subtype:  piper__bagpiper  someone who plays the bagpipe
                                      subtype:  pipe_major  the chief piper in a band of bagpipes
                                   subtype:  recorder_player  someone who plays the recorder
                                   subtype:  rhythm_and_blues_musician  a performer (and sometimes composer) of rhythm and blues music
                                      instance:  Antoine_Domino__Domino__Fats_Domino
                                   subtype:  rock_'n'_roll_musician__rocker  a performer (or composer) of rock music
                                      subtype:  rock_star  a famous singer of rock music
                                         instance:  Charles_Edward_Berry__Berry__Chuck_Berry  William_John_Clifton_Haley_Jr.__Haley__Bill_Haley  George_Harrison__Harrison  Buddy_Holly__Holly__Charles_Hardin_Holley  Michael_Philip_Jagger__Jagger__Mick_Jagger  John_Lennon__Lennon  Jerry_Lee_Lewis__Lewis  Sir_James_Paul_McCartney__McCartney__Paul_McCartney  James_Douglas_Morrison__Morrison__Jim_Morrison  Elvis_Aron_Presley__Presley__Elvis_Presley  Ringo_Starr__Starr__Richard_Starkey
                                   subtype:  saxophonist  a musician who plays the saxophone
                                      instance:  Coleman_Hawkins__colemanhawkin__Hawkins  Charles_Christopher_Parker__Parker__Charlie_Parker__Yardbird_Parker__Bird_Parker  Lester_Willis_Young__Young__Pres_Young
                                   subtype:  singer__vocalist__vocalizer__vocaliser  a person who sings
                                      subtype:  alto.singer  a singer whose voice lies in the alto clef
                                         subtype:  countertenor  a male singer with a voice above that of a tenor
                                      subtype:  baritone__barytone  a male singer
                                      subtype:  basso__bass  an adult male singer with the lowest voice
                                      subtype:  canary  (informal) a female singer
                                      subtype:  caroler__caroller  a singer of carols
                                      subtype:  castrato  a male singer who was castrated before puberty and retains a soprano or alto voice
                                      subtype:  chorister  a singer in a choir
                                         subtype:  choirboy  a boy who sings in a choir
                                      subtype:  contralto  a woman singer having a contralto voice
                                         instance:  Marian_Anderson__Anderson  Ernestine_Schumann-Heink__Schumann-Heink
                                      subtype:  crooner__balladeer  a singer of popular ballads
                                         instance:  Harry_Lillis_Crosby__Crosby__Bing_Crosby  Francis_Albert_Sinatra__Sinatra__Frank_Sinatra
                                      subtype:  folk_singer__jongleur__minstrel__poet-singer__troubadour  a singer of folk songs
                                         instance:  Woodrow_Wilson_Guthrie__Guthrie__Woody_Guthrie  Peter_Seeger__Seeger__Pete_Seeger
                                      subtype:  hummer  a singer who produces a tune without opening the lips or forming words
                                      subtype:  lieder_singer  a singer of lieder
                                      subtype:  madrigalist  a singer of madrigals
                                      subtype:  opera_star__operastar__operatic_star  singer of lead role in an opera
                                         subtype:  diva__prima_donna  a distinguished female operatic singer; a female operatic star
                                      subtype:  rock_star  a famous singer of rock music
                                      subtype:  songster  a person who sings
                                         subtype:  songstress  a woman songster (especially of popular songs)
                                      subtype:  soprano  a female singer
                                         subtype:  coloratura_soprano__coloratura  a lyric soprano who specializes in coloratura vocal music
                                            instance:  Maria_Meneghini_Callas__Callas__Maria_Callas  Dame_Nellie_Melba__Melba__Helen_Porter_Mitchell
                                         subtype:  mezzo__mezzo-soprano  a soprano with a voice between soprano and contralto
                                         instance:  Eileen_Farrell__Farrell  Jenny_Lind__Lind__Swedish_Nightingale  Marta_Brigit_Nilsson__Nilsson__Brigit_Nilsson  Jessye_Norman__Norman  Mary_Leontyne_Price__Price__Leontyne_Price  Beverly_Sills__Sills  Dame_Joan_Sutherland__Sutherland__Joan_Sutherland  Renata_Tebaldi__Tebaldi  Dame_Kiri_Janette_Te_Kanawa__Te_Kanawa__Dame_Kiri_Te_Kanawa  Helen_Traubel__Traubel
                                      subtype:  tenor  an adult male with a tenor voice
                                         instance:  Enrico_Caruso__Caruso  Placido_Domingo__Domingo__domingo  John_McCormick__McCormick  Lauritz_Lebrecht_Hommel_Melchior__Melchior__Lauritz_Melchior  Luciano_Pavarotti__Pavarotti
                                      subtype:  thrush.singer  (informal) a woman who sings popular songs
                                      subtype:  torch_singer__torchsinger  a singer (usually a woman) who specializes in singing torch songs
                                      subtype:  voice.singer  (metonymy) a singer; "he wanted to hear trained voices sing it"
                                      subtype:  yodeller  a singer who changes register rapidly (popular is Swiss folk songs)
                                      instance:  Pearl_Mae_Bailey__Bailey__Pearl_Bailey  Maurice_Chevalier__Chevalier  Marlene_Dietrich__Dietrich__Maria_Magdalene_von_Losch  Bob_Dylan__Dylan  Ella_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald  Judy_Garland__Garland  Julio_Iglesias__Iglesias  Mahalia_Jackson__Jackson  Michael_Joe_Jackson__Jackson__Michael_Jackson  Al_Jolson__Jolson__Asa_Yoelson  Janis_Joplin__Joplin  Riley_B_King__King__B._B._King  Sir_Harry_MacLennan_Lauder__Lauder__Harry_Lauder  Madonna_Louise_Ciccone__Madonna  Robert_Nesta_Marley__Marley__Bob_Marley  Dean_Martin__Dino_Paul_Crocetti__Martin  Ethel_Merman__Merman  Roy_Orbison__Orbison  Edith_Piaf__Piaf__Edith_Giovanna_Gassion__Little_Sparrow  Paul_Bustill_Robeson__Robeson__robeson__paulrobeson  Paul_Simon__Simon  Bessie_Smith__Smith  Kathryn_Elizabeth_Smith__Smith__Kate_Smith  Barbra_Joan_Streisand__Streisand__Barbra_Streisand  Sarah_Vaughan__Vaughan  Ethel_Waters__Waters  Tammy_Wynette__Wynette__Tammy_Wynetter_Pugh
                                   subtype:  sitar_player__sitarplayer  a musician who plays the sitar
                                      instance:  Ravi_Shankar__Shankar
                                   subtype:  soloist  a musician who performs a solo
                                      subtype:  recitalist  a musician who gives recitals
                                   subtype:  trombonist__trombone_player  a musician who plays the trombone
                                   subtype:  cornetist__trumpeter  a musician who plays the trumpet or cornet
                                      subtype:  bugler  someone who plays a bugle
                                      instance:  Louis_Armstrong__Armstrong__Satchmo  John_Birks_Gillespie__Gillespie__Dizzy_Gillespie
                                   subtype:  violinist__fiddler  a musician who plays the violin
                                      instance:  Georges_Enesco__Enesco__George_Enescu  Stephane_Grappelli__Grappelli  Fritz_Kreisler__Kreisler  Sir_Yehudi_Menuhin__Menuhin__Yehudi_Menuhin  Niccolo_Paganini__Paganini  Isaac_Stern__Stern  Antonio_Lucio_Vivaldi__Vivaldi__Antonio_Vivaldi  Efrem_Zimbalist__Zimbalist  Pinchas_Zukerman__Zukerman
                                subtype:  puppeteer  one who operates puppets or marionettes
                                   instance:  Jim_Henson__Henson
                                subtype:  Savoyard.performer__savoyard  a person who performs in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan
                                subtype:  snake_charmer  a performer who uses movements and music to control snakes
                                subtype:  straight_man  a performer who acts as stooge to a comedian
                                subtype:  stripper__striptease_artist__striptease__stripteaser__exotic_dancer__ecdysiast__peeler  a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music
                                   instance:  Gypsy_Rose_Lee__Lee__Rose_Louise_Hovick
                                subtype:  vaudevillian  a performer who works in vaudeville
                                   instance:  George_Burns__Burns__Nathan_Birnbaum  Sophie_Tucker__Tucker
                                subtype:  ventriloquist  a performer who projects the voice into a wooden dummy
                             subtype:  pleaser  a pleasing entertainer; "he is quite the crowd pleaser"
                          subtype:  expert  a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
                             subtype:  adept__ace__maven__virtuoso__genius__hotshot__star__whiz__whizz__wizard__wiz  someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
                                subtype:  track_star__trackstar  a star runner
                             subtype:  agronomist  an expert in soil management and field-crop production
                             subtype:  all-rounder__allrounder__all_arounder__allarounder  a versatile person who is expert at many things; "she's the best all-rounder they've seen in years"
                             subtype:  analyst  someone who is skilled at analyzing data
                                subtype:  intelligence_analyst  a government analyst of information about an enemy or potential enemy
                                subtype:  assayer  an analyst who assays (performs chemical tests on) metals
                                subtype:  systems_analyst__systemsanalyst  a person skilled at systems analysis
                             subtype:  analyst.expert  an expert who studies financial data (on credit or securities or sales or financial patterns etc.) and recommends appropriate business actions
                                subtype:  credit_analyst  an analyst who studies the financial statements and financial history of applicants for credit in order to evaluate their creditworthiness
                                subtype:  financial_analyst__financialanalyst__securities_analyst  an analyst who studies the financial performance of corporations
                                subtype:  industry_analyst  an analyst of conditions affecting a particular industry
                                   subtype:  oil-industry_analyst  an analyst of the oil industry
                                subtype:  market_analyst  an analyst of conditions affecting a market (especially the stock market)
                             subtype:  anatomist  an expert in anatomy
                                subtype:  comparative_anatomist__comparativeanatomist  anatomist who compares the anatomy of different animals
                                   instance:  Sir_Richard_Owen__Owen
                                subtype:  histologist  anatomist who specializes in the microscopic study of animal tissues
                                   instance:  Camillo_Golgi__Golgi  Marcello_Malpighi__Malpighi  Santiago_Ramon_y_Cajal__Ramon_y_Cajal  Theodor_Schwann__Schwann
                                instance:  Bartolommeo_Eustachio__Eustachio  Herbert_McLean_Evans__Evans  Galen  Georg_Meissner__Meissner  Johannes_Peter_Muller__Muller  Andreas_Vesalius__Vesalius  Kaspar_Friedrich_Wolff__Wolff
                             subtype:  antiquary__antiquarian  an expert or collector of antiquities
                             subtype:  arbiter__supreme_authority__supremeauthority  someone with the power to settle matters at will; "she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion"
                             subtype:  archer__bowman  a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrow
                                subtype:  longbowman  a medieval English archer who used a longbow
                                instance:  William_Tell__Tell
                             subtype:  authority.expert  an expert whose views are taken as definitive; "he is an authority on corporate law"
                                subtype:  adviser__advisor__consultant  an expert who gives advice
                                   subtype:  amicus_curiae__friend_of_the_court  an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest
                                   subtype:  backroom_boy__brain_truster__braintruster  an expert adviser involved in making important decisions but usually lacking official status
                                   subtype:  beauty_consultant  someone who gives you advice about your personal appearance
                                   subtype:  counselor__counsellor  some who gives advice about problems
                                      subtype:  Dutch_uncle  a counselor who admonishes frankly and sternly
                                      instance:  Nestor
                                   subtype:  county_agent__agricultural_agent__extension_agent__extensionagent  an advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economics
                                   subtype:  fashion_consultant__fashionconsultant__fashionmonger  someone who advises you about fashionable clothing
                                   subtype:  investment_adviser__investment_advisor  someone who advises others how to invest their money
                                   subtype:  management_consultant  adviser to business about efficient management practices
                                   subtype:  media_consultant__mediaconsultant__medai_guru__medaiguru  someone who advises about the use of communication media
                                   subtype:  security_consultant  an adviser about alarm systems to prevent burglaries
                                   subtype:  tipster__tout  one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)
                                subtype:  Church_Father__Father  an early writer accepted as an authority on the teachings and practices of the Christian church
                                subtype:  connoisseur__cognoscenti  an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts
                                   subtype:  esthete__aesthete  one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature
                                   subtype:  oenophile__oenophilist__wine_lover  a connoisseur of fine wines; a grape nut
                                subtype:  evaluator__judge  an authority who is able to estimate worth or quality
                                   subtype:  valuator__appraiser  one who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things
                                      subtype:  valuer  (Brit) someone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions
                                   subtype:  critic.evaluator  anyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of something
                                      subtype:  appraiser__authenticator  one who determines authenticity (as of works of art) or who guarantees validity
                                      subtype:  drama_critic__dramacritic__theater_critic__theatercritic  a critic of theatrical performances
                                         instance:  Alexander_Woollcott__Woollcott
                                      subtype:  grader  a judge who assigns grades to something
                                         subtype:  wool_sorter__wool_stapler  a person who sorts wool into different grades
                                      subtype:  music_critic__musiccritic  a critic of musical performances
                                         instance:  Joseph_Deems_Taylor__Taylor__Deems_Taylor
                                      subtype:  panelist__panellist  a member of a panel
                                         subtype:  juror__juryman__jurywoman  someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury
                                            subtype:  foreperson  the presiding member of the jury and the one who speaks on their behalf
                                               subtype:  foreman  a man who is foreperson of a jury
                                               subtype:  forelady__forewoman  a woman who is foreperson of a jury
                                            subtype:  petit_juror__petitjuror__petty_juror__pettyjuror  a member of a petit jury
                                      subtype:  reviewer__referee__reader  someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
                                         subtype:  scanner.reviewer  someone who scans verse to determine the number and prosodic value of the syllables
                                      subtype:  taster__tastetester__sampler  someone who samples food or drink for its quality
                                         subtype:  wine_taster  a taster who evaluates the quality of wines
                                subtype:  liturgist  an authority on liturgies
                                subtype:  master.authority__professional  an authority qualified to teach apprentices
                                   subtype:  past_master.master__pastmaster  someone who was formerly a master
                             subtype:  black_belt.expert__blackbelt  a person who attained the rank of expert in the martial arts (judo or karate)
                             subtype:  calculator__reckoner__figurer__computer  an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)
                                subtype:  number_cruncher.calculator__numbercruncher  someone able to perform complex and lengthy calculations
                                subtype:  statistician__actuary  someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data (especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums)
                                   subtype:  surveyor.statistician  someone who conducts a statistical survey
                             subtype:  computer_expert__computer_guru  an authority on computers and computing
                                subtype:  UNIX_guru  an expert on the UNIX operating system
                             subtype:  cosmetologist  an expert in the use of cosmetics
                             subtype:  efficiency_expert__efficiency_engineer  an expert in increasing the efficient use of machines and personnel
                             subtype:  genealogist  an expert in genealogy
                             subtype:  geographer  an expert on geography
                                subtype:  cartographer__map_maker__mapmaker  a person who makes maps
                                   instance:  Sebastian_Cabot__Cabot
                                instance:  Gerardus_Mercator__Mercator__Gerhard_Kremer
                             subtype:  horticulturist  an expert in the science of cultivating plants (fruit or flowers or vegetables or ornamental plants)
                                subtype:  nurseryman__gardener  someone who takes care of a garden
                                   subtype:  transplanter  a gardener who moves plants to new locations
                                instance:  Luther_Burbank__Burbank
                             subtype:  investigator  someone who investigates
                                subtype:  claims_adjuster__adjuster__adjustor__claims_adjustor__claim_agent__claimagent  one who investigates insurance claims or claims for damages and recommends an effective settlement
                                subtype:  coroner__medical_examiner__medicalexaminer  a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes
                                subtype:  detective  an investigator engaged or employed in obtaining information not easily available to the public
                                   subtype:  private_detective__privatedetective__PI__private_eye__privateeye__private_investigator__privateinvestigator__operative__shamus__sherlock  someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information
                                      subtype:  hotel_detective__hoteldetective__house_detective__housedetective__house_dick__housedick  a private detective employed by a hotel or retail store
                                      subtype:  inquiry_agent__inquiryagent  (British) a private detective
                                      subtype:  store_detective__storedetective  a private detective employed by a merchant to stop pilferage
                                   subtype:  sleuth__sleuthhound  a detective who follows a trail
                                subtype:  examiner__inspector  an investigator who observes carefully; "the examiner searched for clues"
                                   subtype:  bank_examiner  an official appointed to audit the accounts of banks in a given jurisdiction
                                   subtype:  checker  one who checks the correctness of something
                                   subtype:  scrutinizer__scrutiniser  a careful examiner; someone who inspects with great care
                                   subtype:  scrutineer  (British) someone who examines votes at an election
                                subtype:  ombudsman  a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government
                                instance:  Samuel_Wiesenthal__Wiesenthal
                             subtype:  jurist__legal_expert__legalexpert  a legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations
                                subtype:  Mufti  a jurist who interprets Muslim law
                                instance:  Jeremy_Bentham__Bentham  Oliver_Wendell_Holmes_Jr.__Holmes  Charles_Evans_Hughes__Hughes  John_Jay__Jay  John_Marshall__Marshall  William_Hubbs_Rehnquist__Rehnquist__William_Rehnquist  Harlan_Fiske_Stone__Stone  Frederick_Moore_Vinson__Vinson  Earl_Warren__Warren
                             subtype:  lapidary__lapidarist  an expert on precious stones and the art of cutting and engraving them
                             subtype:  logician__logistician  a person skilled at symbolic logic
                                subtype:  dialectician  a logician skilled in dialectic
                                subtype:  syllogist__syllogizer__syllogiser  logician skilled in syllogistic reasoning
                                instance:  William_Stanley_Jevons__Jevons  Charles_Franklin_Peirce__Peirce__Charles_Peirce  Willard_Van_Orman_Quine__Quine  Bertrand_Arthur_William_Russell__Russell__russell__Bertrand_Russell__Earl_Russell  John_Venn__Venn
                             subtype:  mnemonist  an expert in the use of mnemonics; someone able to perform unusual feats of memory
                             subtype:  mythologist  an expert on mythology
                                instance:  Joseph_Campbell__Campbell
                             subtype:  observer__commentator  an expert who observes and comments on something
                                subtype:  annotator  a commentator who writes notes to a text
                             subtype:  out-and-outer__outandouter  (slang) someone who is excellent at something
                             subtype:  parliamentarian  an expert in parliamentary rules and procedures
                                instance:  Henry_Martin_Robert__Robert
                             subtype:  past_master  someone who has long and thorough experience in a given activity
                             subtype:  prosthetist  an expert in prosthetics
                             subtype:  scout__pathfinder__guide  someone who can find paths through unexplored territory
                                subtype:  hunting_guide__huntingguide  guide to people hunting in unfamiliar territory
                             subtype:  shark.expert  a person who is unusually skilled in certain ways; "a card shark"
                             subtype:  shot.expert__shooter  a person who shoots (as regards their ability); "he is a crack shot"; "a poor shooter"
                                subtype:  marksman__sharpshooter__crack_shot__crackshot  someone skilled in shooting
                                   subtype:  franc-tireur__franctireur  a sharpshooter (in the French army)
                                   subtype:  rifleman  someone skilled in the use of a rifle
                                   subtype:  sniper  a marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place
                                subtype:  gunman__gun  a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability)
                                subtype:  trapshooter  a person who engages in shooting at clay pigeons that are hurled into the air by a trap
                             subtype:  specialist__specializer  an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
                                subtype:  enologist__oenologist__fermentologist  a specialist in wine making
                                subtype:  attache  a specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission
                                   subtype:  cultural_attache  an attache who is a specialist in cultural matters
                                   subtype:  military_attache  an attache who is a specialist in military matters
                                subtype:  canonist  a specialist in canon law
                                subtype:  criminologist  a specialist in criminology
                                   instance:  Alphonse_Bertillon__Bertillon
                                subtype:  dietician__dietitian__nutritionist  a specialist in the study of nutrition
                                subtype:  educationist__educationalist  a specialist in the theory of education
                                subtype:  fingerprint_expert__fingerprintexpert__fingerprint_specialist__fingerprintspecialist__fingerprint_man__fingerprintman  a specialist in identifying fingerprints
                                subtype:  graphologist__handwriting_expert__handwritingexpert  a specialist in inferring character from handwriting
                                subtype:  interior_designer__designer__interior_decorator__house_decorator__housedecorator__room_decorator__decorator  a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings
                                   instance:  Charles_Eames__Eames
                                subtype:  meteorologist  a specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions
                                   subtype:  weatherman__weather_forecaster__weatherforecaster  predicts the weather
                                subtype:  optometrist__oculist  a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses
                                subtype:  orientalist  a specialist in oriental subjects
                                subtype:  tree_surgeon__arborist  a specialist in treating damaged trees
                             subtype:  talent  a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity
                             subtype:  technician.expert  someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique
                             subtype:  therapist__healer  a person skilled in a particular type of therapy
                                subtype:  naprapath  a therapist who practices naprapathy
                                subtype:  alleviator  a therapist who makes suffering more endurable
                                subtype:  chiropractor  a therapist who practices chiropractic
                                subtype:  electrotherapist  someone who specializes in the treatment of disease by electricity
                                subtype:  herbalist__herbdoctor  a therapist who heals by the use of herbs
                                subtype:  naturopath  a therapist who practices naturopathy
                                subtype:  osteopath__osteopathist  a therapist who manipulates the skeleton and muscles
                                subtype:  physical_therapist__physiotherapist  therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder
                                   subtype:  massager  someone who rubs or kneads parts of the body to stimulate circulation and promote relaxation
                                      subtype:  masseur  a male massager
                                      subtype:  masseuse  a female massager
                                subtype:  psychotherapist__clinical_psychologist  a therapist who deals with mental and emotional disorders
                                subtype:  speech_therapist  a therapist who treats speech defects and disorders
                             subtype:  old-timer__oldtimer__veteran__old_hand__oldhand__warhorse__old_stager__oldstager__stager  an experienced person; someone who has given long service
                          subtype:  face.person  (synecdoche) a part of a person that is used to refer to a person; "he looked out at a roomful of faces"; "when he returned to work he met many new faces"
                          subtype:  good_person  a person who is good to other people
                             subtype:  benefactor__helper  a person who helps people or institutions
                                subtype:  benefactress  a woman benefactor
                                subtype:  bondsman__bondswoman  someone who signs a bond as surety for someone else
                                subtype:  donor.benefactor__giver__presenter  person who makes a gift of property
                                   subtype:  abnegator  one who gives up or relinquishes or renounces something
                                   subtype:  almsgiver  a person who gives alms
                                   subtype:  Indian_giver  one who ask you to return the present he has given you
                                   subtype:  philanthropist__altruist  someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being
                                      instance:  Andrew_Carnegie__Carnegie  Peter_Cooper__Cooper  Ezra_Cornell__Cornell  Solomon_Guggenheim__Guggenheim  John_Harvard__Harvard  Milton_Snavely_Hershey__Hershey  Hopkins__Johns_Hopkins  Andrew_William_Mellon__Mellon__Andrew_Mellon__Andrew_W._Mellon  Alfred_Bernhard_Nobel__Nobel__Alfred_Nobel  First_Viscount_Nuffield__Nuffield__William_Richard_Morris  John_Davison_Rockefeller__Rockefeller__John_D._Rockefeller  Cornelius_Vanderbilt__Vanderbilt__Commodore_VAnderbilt  Elihu_Yale__Yale
                                   subtype:  subscriber__contributor  someone who contributes (or promises to contribute) a sum of money
                                   subtype:  subsidizer__subsidiser  someone who assists or supports by giving a subsidy
                                   subtype:  tipper  a person who leaves a tip; "a generous tipper"
                                subtype:  donor  (medicine) someone who gives blood or tissue or an organ to be used in another person (the host)
                                   subtype:  blood_donor  someone who gives blood to be used for transfusions
                                      subtype:  universal_donor  a person whose type O Rh-negative blood may be safely transfused into persons with other blood types
                                   subtype:  organ_donor__organdonor  someone from whom an organ is taken for transplantation
                                subtype:  good_Samaritan__Samaritan  a person who voluntarily offers help or sympathy in times of trouble
                                subtype:  humanitarian__do-gooder__improver  someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms
                                subtype:  liberator  someone who releases people from captivity or bondage
                                   subtype:  emancipator__manumitter  someone who frees others from bondage; "Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator"
                                subtype:  obliger__accommodator  someone who performs a service or does a favor
                                subtype:  offerer__offeror  someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection
                                subtype:  patron__sponsor__supporter  someone who supports or champions something
                                   subtype:  backer__angel  invests in a theatrical production
                                   subtype:  godfather  someone having a relation analogous to that of a male sponsor to his godchild
                                   subtype:  godparent  a person who sponsors someone (the godchild) at baptism
                                      subtype:  godfather.godparent  any man who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism
                                      subtype:  godmother  any woman who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism
                                   subtype:  guarantor__surety__warrantor__warranter  one who provides a warrant or guarantee to another
                                   subtype:  patroness__patrones  a woman who is a patron
                                subtype:  provider  someone who provides the means for subsistence
                                subtype:  savior__saviour__rescuer__deliverer  a person who rescues you from harm or danger
                                   subtype:  messiah__christ  any expected deliverer
                                subtype:  sparer  someone who refrains from injuring or destroying
                                subtype:  uncle.benefactor  a source of help and advice and encouragement; "he played uncle to lonely students"
                             subtype:  brick.good_person  a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy
                             subtype:  giver  someone who devotes themselves completely; "there are no greater givers than those who give themselves"
                             subtype:  plaster_saint__plastersaint  a person (considered to be) without human failings; "he's no plaster saint"
                             subtype:  holy_man__saint__holy_person__angel  person of exceptional holiness
                                subtype:  Buddha  one who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment
                                subtype:  fakir__fakeer__faqir__faquir  a Muslim or Hindu mendicant monk who is regarded as a holy man
                                   subtype:  dervish  an ascetic Muslim monk; a member of an order noted for devotional exercises involving bodily movements
                                      subtype:  whirling_dervish__whirler  a dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling
                             subtype:  square_shooter__straight_shooter__straight_arrow  a frank and honest person
                             subtype:  sweetheart  any well-liked individual; "he's a sweetheart"
                          subtype:  individualist  a person who pursues independent thought or action
                             subtype:  dropout.individualist  someone who withdraws from a social group or environment
                             subtype:  loner__lone_wolf__lone_hand  a person who avoids the company or assistance of others
                                subtype:  hermit__recluse__solitudinarian__troglodyte  one who lives in solitude
                                   instance:  John_the_Baptist
                             subtype:  mugwump__independent  a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)
                             subtype:  night_owl__nightowl__nighthawk__nightbird  a person who likes to be active late at night
                             subtype:  nudist__naturist  a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion
                             subtype:  withdrawer.individualist  an individualist who withdraws from social interaction
                          subtype:  inhabitant__dweller__denizen  a person who inhabits a particular place
                             subtype:  Australian__Aussie  a native or inhabitant of Australia
                                subtype:  Australian_Aborigine__Aborigine__Abo__Aboriginal__native_Australian  a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived
                                subtype:  Australian_researcher
                                   instance:  nataliya@dstc.edu.au  p.eklund@gu.edu.au  peter.deer@dsto.defence.gov.au  r.cole@gu.edu.au  t.tilley@gu.edu.au  daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au
                             subtype:  Austronesian  a native or inhabitant of Austronesia
                                subtype:  Nauruan  a native or inhabitant of Nauru
                                subtype:  Polynesian  a native or inhabitant of Polynesia
                                   subtype:  Fijian.Polynesian__fijian  a native or inhabitant of Fiji
                                   subtype:  Samoan  a native or inhabitant of the Samoan Islands
                                   subtype:  Tahitian.Polynesian__tahitian  a native or inhabitant of Tahiti
                                   subtype:  Tongan  a native or inhabitant of Tonga
                             subtype:  New_Zealander  a native or inhabitant of New Zealand
                             subtype:  American  a native or inhabitant of the United States
                                subtype:  African-American__Afro-American  an American whose ancestors were born in Africa
                                subtype:  Creole  a person descended from French ancestors in southern United States especially Louisiana
                                subtype:  Anglo-American  an American who was born in England or whose ancestors were English
                                subtype:  Alabaman__Alabamian  a resident of Alabama
                                subtype:  Alaskan  a resident of Alaska
                                subtype:  Arizonan__Arizonian  a resident of Arizona
                                subtype:  Arkansan__Arkansawyer  a resident of Arkansas
                                subtype:  Bay_Stater  a resident of Massachusetts
                                subtype:  Californian  a resident of California
                                subtype:  Carolinian  a resident of the Carolinas
                                subtype:  Coloradan  a resident of Colorado
                                subtype:  Connecticuter  a resident of Connecticut
                                subtype:  Delawarean__Delawarian  a resident of Delaware
                                subtype:  Floridian  a resident of Florida
                                subtype:  Franco-American  an American who was born in France or whose ancestors were French
                                subtype:  German_American  an American who was born in Germany or whose ancestors were German
                                subtype:  Georgian  a resident of the American state of Georgia
                                subtype:  Hawaiian.American__hawaiian  a resident of Hawaii
                                subtype:  Idahoan  a resident of Idaho
                                subtype:  Illinoisan  a resident of Illinois
                                subtype:  Indianan__Hoosier  a resident of Indiana
                                subtype:  Iowan  a resident of Iowa
                                subtype:  Kansan  a resident of Kansas
                                subtype:  Kentuckian  a resident of Kentucky
                                subtype:  Louisianan__Louisianian  a resident of Louisiana
                                subtype:  Mainer__Down_Easter  a resident of Maine
                                subtype:  Michigander__Wolverine  a resident of Michigan
                                subtype:  Minnesotan  a resident of Minnesota
                                subtype:  Mississippian  a resident of Mississippi
                                subtype:  Missourian  a resident of Missouri
                                subtype:  Montanan  a resident of Montana
                                subtype:  Nebraskan__Cornhusker  a resident of Nebraska
                                subtype:  Nevadan  a resident of Nevada
                                subtype:  New_Hampshirite  a resident of New Hampshire
                                subtype:  New_Yorker  a resident of New York
                                   subtype:  East-sider  a resident of the east side of Manhattan in New York City
                                   subtype:  West-sider  a resident of the west side of Manhattan in New York City
                                subtype:  North_Carolinian  a resident of North Carolina
                                subtype:  North_Dakotan  a resident of North Dakota
                                subtype:  Ohioan__Buckeye  a resident of Ohio
                                subtype:  Oregonian  a resident of Oregon
                                subtype:  Pennsylvanian  a resident of Pennsylvania
                                subtype:  Rhode_Islander  a resident of Rhode Island
                                subtype:  South_Carolinian  a resident of South Carolina
                                subtype:  South_Dakotan  a resident of South Dakota
                                subtype:  Tennessean  a resident of Tennessee
                                subtype:  Texan  a resident of Texas
                                subtype:  Utahan  a resident of Utah
                                subtype:  Vermonter  a resident of Vermont
                                subtype:  Virginian  a resident of Virginia
                                subtype:  Washingtonian  a resident of the state of Washington
                                subtype:  Washingtonian.American__washingtonian  a resident of the city of Washington
                                subtype:  West_Virginian  a resident of West Virginia
                                subtype:  Wisconsinite  a resident of Wisconsin
                                subtype:  Wyomingite  a resident of Wyoming
                                subtype:  Puerto_Rican  a resident of Puerto Rico
                                subtype:  Yankee-Doodle__Yankee__Yank  an American
                                subtype:  New_Englander__Yankee__Yank  an American who lives in New England
                                subtype:  Yankee__Yank__Northerner  an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War)
                                   subtype:  Federal_soldier__Federal__Union_soldier  a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War
                                subtype:  Southerner  an American who lives in the South
                                   subtype:  Confederate  a supporter of the Confederate States of America
                                      subtype:  Confederate_soldier  a soldier in the Army of the Confederacy during the American Civil War
                                         subtype:  bushwhacker  a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War
                                         subtype:  Rebel__Reb__Johnny_Reb__Johnny__grayback  (informal) `johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `grayback' derived from their gray Confederate uniforms
                                subtype:  Spanish_American__Hispanic_American__Hispanic__Latino  an American whose first language was Spanish
                                subtype:  Tory  an American who favored the British side during the American Revolution
                             subtype:  Alsatian  a native or inhabitant of Alsace
                             subtype:  borderer  an inhabitant of a border area (especially the border between Scotland and England)
                             subtype:  cottager__cottage_dweller  someone who lives in a cottage
                             subtype:  easterner  an inhabitant of an eastern area; especially of the U.S.
                             subtype:  islander__island-dweller  an inhabitant of an island
                             subtype:  landlubber__landsman__landman  a person who lives and works on land
                             subtype:  liver.inhabitant  someone who lives in a place; "a liver in cities"
                             subtype:  Northerner  an inhabitant of the North
                             subtype:  Occidental  a native inhabitant of the Occident
                             subtype:  Philistine  a non-Semitic inhabitant of ancient Philistia
                             subtype:  plainsman  an inhabitant of a plains region (especially the Great Plains of North America)
                             subtype:  resident__occupant__occupier  someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there
                                subtype:  Latin_American__Spanish_American  a resident of Latin America
                                   subtype:  spic__spik__spick  ethnic slur; offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent
                                   subtype:  criollo.Latin_American  a Spanish American of pure European stock (usually Spanish); "Mexico is a country of mestizos, criollos, and indigenes"
                                subtype:  coaster.resident  a resident of a coastal area
                                subtype:  colonial  a resident of a colony
                                subtype:  dalesman  a person who lives in the dales of Northern England
                                subtype:  Galilean__Galilaean  a resident of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ)
                                subtype:  inmate  one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital)
                                subtype:  metropolitan  a person who lives in a metropolis
                                subtype:  outlier.resident  a person who lives away from his place of work
                                subtype:  owner-occupier__owneroccupier  a occupant who owns the home that he/she lives in
                                subtype:  sojourner  a temporary resident
                                subtype:  stater  a resident of a particular state or group of states; "Keystone stater"; "farm staters"
                                subtype:  suburbanite  a resident of a suburb
                                subtype:  tenant.resident  any occupant who dwells in a place
                                subtype:  towner__townsman  a resident of a town or city
                                   subtype:  townee  (Brit; informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller
                                   subtype:  townie__towny  resident of a college town not affiliated with the college
                             subtype:  tellurian__earthling__earthman  an inhabitant of the earth
                             subtype:  Trinidadian  inhabitant or native of Trinidad
                             subtype:  villager  one who has lived in a village most of their life
                             subtype:  westerner  an inhabitant of a western area; especially of the U.S.
                          subtype:  native__indigen__indigene  a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person
                             subtype:  Levantine  (formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant
                             subtype:  Mauritian  a native or inhabitant of Mauritius
                             subtype:  Filipino  a native or inhabitant of the Philippines
                                subtype:  Tagalog.Filipino__tagalog  a member of a people native to the Philippines chiefly inhabiting central Luzon around and including Manila
                                subtype:  Visayan__Bisayan  a member of the most numerous indigenous people of the Philippines
                                   subtype:  Cebuan  inhabitant of the island of Cebu; a member of the Visayan people of the Philippines
                             subtype:  Russian  a native or inhabitant of Russia
                                subtype:  Tatar.Russian__tatar  a member of the Turkic-speaking people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains (the name has been attributed to many other groups)
                                subtype:  Votyak__Udmurt  a member of the Finno-Ugric-speaking people living in eastern European Russia
                                subtype:  Komi  a member of a Finnish people living in the northwestern Urals in Russia
                                subtype:  Cheremiss__Cheremis__Mari  a member of a rural Finnish people living in eastern Russia
                                subtype:  Inger__Ingrian__Ingerman  a member of western Finnish people formerly living in the Baltic province where Saint Petersburg was built
                                subtype:  Carelian__Karelian  a member of the Finnish people living in Karelia in northwestern European Russia
                                subtype:  Ostyak__Khanty  a member of the nomadic Ugrian people living in northwestern Siberia (east of the Ural mountains)
                                subtype:  Mordvin__Mordva__Mordvinian  a member of the agricultural people living in the central Volga provinces of European Russia
                                subtype:  Nganasan.Russian__nganasan  a member of the Samoyedic people living on the Taimyr peninsula in Siberia
                                subtype:  Ostyak-Samoyed__Selkup  one of the people of mixed Ostyak and Samoyed origin in Siberia
                                subtype:  Samoyed  a Samoyedic-speaking person in northwestern Siberia
                                subtype:  Vepse__Veps__Vepsian  a member of a Finnish people of Russia
                                subtype:  Vogul__Mansi  a member of a nomadic people of the northern Ural mountains
                                subtype:  Yeniseian  a member of one of the groups living in the Yenisei river valley in western Siberia
                                subtype:  Great_Russian  a member of the chief East Slavonic people of Soviet Russia
                                subtype:  Muscovite  a resident of Moscow
                                subtype:  Georgian.Russian__georgian  a native or inhabitant of Asian Georgia
                                subtype:  Siberian  a native or inhabitant of Siberia
                             subtype:  Seychellois  a native or inhabitant of Seychelles
                             subtype:  American.native__american  a native or inhabitant of America
                                subtype:  Creole.American__creole  a person of European descent born in the West Indies or Spanish America
                                subtype:  North_American  a native or inhabitant of North America
                                   subtype:  Bermudan__Bermudian  a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
                                   subtype:  Canadian  a native or inhabitant of Canada
                                      subtype:  French_Canadian  a Canadian descended from early French settlers and whose native language is French
                                         subtype:  Acadian  an early French settler in the Maritimes
                                            subtype:  Cajun  a Louisianian descended from Acadian immigrants from Nova Scotia (`Cajun' comes from `Acadian')
                                         subtype:  Canuck  US slang for Canadians in general and French Canadians in particular
                                   subtype:  Central_American  a native or inhabitant of Central America
                                      subtype:  Costa_Rican  a native or inhabitant of Costa Rica
                                      subtype:  Guatemalan  a native or inhabitant of Guatemala
                                      subtype:  Honduran  a native or inhabitant of Honduras
                                      subtype:  Mexican  a native of inhabitant of Mexico
                                         subtype:  greaser__wetback__taco  ethnic slur; offensive terms for a person of Mexican descent
                                         subtype:  Mexican-American__Mexicano  a Mexican (or person of Mexican descent) living in the United States
                                      subtype:  Nicaraguan  a native or inhabitant of Nicaragua
                                      subtype:  Panamanian  a native or inhabitant of Panama
                                subtype:  South_American  a native or inhabitant of South America
                                   subtype:  Argentinian  a native or inhabitant of Argentina
                                   subtype:  Bolivian  a native or inhabitant of Bolivia
                                   subtype:  Brazilian  a native or inhabitant of Brazil
                                      subtype:  Carioca  a native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro
                                   subtype:  Chilean  a native or inhabitant of Chile
                                   subtype:  Colombian  a native or inhabitant of Colombia
                                   subtype:  Ecuadorian__Ecuadoran  a native or inhabitant of Ecuador
                                   subtype:  Salvadoran__Salvadorian__Salvadorean  a native or inhabitant of El Salvador
                                   subtype:  Guyanese  a native or inhabitant of Guyana
                                   subtype:  Paraguayan  a native or inhabitant of Paraguay
                                   subtype:  Peruvian  a native or inhabitant of Peru
                                   subtype:  Uruguayan  a native or inhabitant of Uruguay
                                   subtype:  Venezuelan  a native or inhabitant of Venezuela
                                subtype:  West_Indian  a native or inhabitant of the West Indies
                                   subtype:  Anguillan  a native or inhabitant of the island of Anguilla in the West Indies
                                   subtype:  Antiguan  a native or inhabitant of Antigua
                                   subtype:  Bahamian  a native or inhabitant of the Bahamas
                                   subtype:  Barbadian  a native or inhabitant of Barbados
                                   subtype:  Cuban  a native or inhabitant of Cuba
                                   subtype:  Haitian  a native or inhabitant of Haiti
                                   subtype:  Jamaican  a native or inhabitant of Jamaica
                                   subtype:  Montserratian  a native or inhabitant of Montserrat
                                   subtype:  Grenadian  a native or inhabitant of Grenada
                                   subtype:  Tobagonian  a native or inhabitant of the island of Tobago in the West Indies
                          subtype:  innocent__inexperienced_person__inexperiencedperson  a person who lacks knowledge of evil
                             subtype:  boy_scout.innocent__boyscout  a man who is considered naive
                             subtype:  dear__lamb  a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)
                             subtype:  virgin  a person who has never had sex
                          subtype:  intellectual__intellect  a person who uses the mind creatively
                             subtype:  anomalist  someone who has a special interest in exceptional cases
                             subtype:  exponent  someone who expounds and interprets or explains
                             subtype:  alchemist  one who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the philosopher's stone
                             subtype:  aphorist  someone who formulates aphorisms or who repeats aphorisms
                             subtype:  bel_esprit__belesprit  a witty or clever person with a fine mind
                             subtype:  bibliophile__booklover__book_lover  someone who loves (and usually collects) books
                             subtype:  brainworker  someone whose profession involves using his head to solve problems
                             subtype:  classifier  a person who creates classifications
                             subtype:  decoder.intellectual__decipherer  the kind of intellectual who converts messages from a code to plain text
                                subtype:  cryptanalyst__cryptographer__cryptologist  decoder skilled in the analysis of codes and cryptograms
                             subtype:  egghead  an intellectual (who is bald?)
                             subtype:  mastermind__genius__brain  someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality
                                subtype:  infant_prodigy__prodigy__wonder_child  an unusually talented or intelligent child
                                   subtype:  boy_wonder__boywonder__child_prodigy__childprodigy  an extremely talented young man
                             subtype:  highbrow  a person of intellectual or erudite tastes
                             subtype:  introvert  (psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts
                             subtype:  mentor__wise_man  a wise and trusted guide and advisor
                                subtype:  sage.mentor  a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom
                                   subtype:  mahatma  (Hinduism) term of respect for a Brahmin sage
                                   instance:  Balthazar__Balthasar  Caspar__Gaspar  Melchior
                             subtype:  creative_thinker__mind__thinker  an intellectual being; "the great minds of the 17th century"
                             subtype:  optimist  a person disposed to take a favorable view of things
                                subtype:  millenarian__millenarist  a person who believes in the coming of the millennium (a time of great peace and prosperity)
                             subtype:  organizer__arranger  a person who organizes
                                subtype:  coordinator  someone whose task is to see that work goes harmoniously
                                subtype:  systematizer__orderer__systemizer__systematist  an organizer who puts things in order; "Aristotle was a great orderer of ideas"
                             subtype:  pedant__bookworm__scholastic  a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit
                                subtype:  purist  someone who insists on great precision and correctness (especially in the use of words)
                             subtype:  philosopher  a specialist in philosophy
                                subtype:  nativist  a philosopher who subscribes to nativism
                                subtype:  eclectic__eclecticist  someone who selects according to the eclectic method
                                subtype:  empiricist  a philosopher who subscribes to empiricism
                                subtype:  epistemologist  a specialist in epistemology
                                subtype:  esthetician__aesthetician  a philosopher who specializes in the nature of beauty
                                subtype:  ethicist__ethician  a philosopher who specializes in ethics
                                subtype:  existentialist  a philosopher who emphasizes freedom of choice and personal responsibility but who regards human existence in a hostile universe as unexplainable
                                   instance:  Simone_de_Beauvoir__Beauvoir  Jean_Paul_Sartre__Sartre
                                subtype:  gymnosophist  member of a Hindu sect practicing gymnosophy (especially nudism)
                                subtype:  libertarian  someone who believes the doctrine of free will
                                subtype:  mechanist  a philosopher who subscribes to the doctrine of mechanism
                                subtype:  moralist  a philosopher who specializes in morals and moral problems
                                   subtype:  egalitarian__equalitarian  a person who believes in the equality of all people
                                   subtype:  elitist  someone who believes in rule by an elite group
                                      subtype:  mandarin.elitist  a member of an elite intellectual or cultural group
                                   subtype:  utilitarian  someone who believes that the value of a thing depends on its utility
                                subtype:  necessitarian  someone who does not believe the doctrine of free will
                                   subtype:  Calvinist  an adherent of the theological doctrines of John Calvin
                                      subtype:  Huguenot  a French Calvinist of the 16th or 17th centuries
                                   subtype:  fatalist__determinist__predestinationist  anyone who submits to the belief that they are powerless to change their destiny
                                subtype:  pluralist.philosopher  a philosopher who believes that no single explanation can account for all the phenomena of nature
                                subtype:  realist  a philosopher who believes that universals are real and exist independently of anyone thinking of them
                                   subtype:  pragmatist  a person who takes a practical approach to problems
                                subtype:  Stoic  a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno; "a Stoic achieves happiness by submission to destiny"
                                subtype:  transcendentalist  advocate of Transcendentalism
                                subtype:  yogi  one who practices yoga and has achieved a high level of spiritual insight
                                instance:  Pierre_Abelard__Abelard__Peter_Abelard  Aristotle  Francis_Bacon__Bacon__Baron_Verulam__1st_Baron_Verulam__Viscount_St._Albans  Jeremy_Bentham__Bentham  Henri_Louis_Bergson__Bergson__Henri_Bergson  Bishop_Berkeley__Berkeley__George_Berkeley  Anicius_Manlius_Severinus_Boethius__Boethius  Giordano_Bruno__Bruno  Martin_Buber__Buber  Ernst_Cassirer__Cassirer  Cleanthes  Isidore_Auguste_Marie_Francois_Comte__Comte__Auguste_Comte  Confucius__Kung_futzu  Democritus  Jacques_Derrida__Derrida__derrida  Rene_Descartes__Descartes  John_Dewey__Dewey  Denis_Diderot__Diderot  Diogenes  Empedocles  Epicurus  Ernst_Heinrich_Haeckel__Haeckel  David_Hartley__Hartley__hartley  Georg_Wilhelm_Friedrich_Hegel__Hegel  Martin_Heidegger__Heidegger  Heraclitus  Johann_Friedrich_Herbart__Herbart  Johann_Gottfried_von_Herder__Herder  Thomas_Hobbes__Hobbes  David_Hume__Hume  Edmund_Husserl__Husserl  Hypatia  William_James__James  Immanuel_Kant__Kant  Soren_Aabye_Kierkegaard__Kierkegaard__Soren_Kierkegaard  Lao-tzu__Lao-tse__Lao-zi  Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibniz__Leibniz__leibniz__Leibnitz__Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibnitz  John_Locke__Locke  Titus_Lucretius_Carus__Lucretius  Raymond_Lully__Lully__Ramon_Lully  Ernst_Mach__Mach  Niccolo_Machiavelli__Machiavelli  Moses_Maimonides__Maimonides__Rabbi_Moses_Ben_Maimon  Nicolas_de_Malebranche__Malebranche  Herbert_Marcuse__Marcuse  Karl_Marx__Marx  George_Herbert_Mead__Mead  John_Stuart_Mill__Mill__John_Mill  James_Mill__Mill  Baron_de_la_Brede_et_de_Montesquieu__Montesquieu__Charles_Louis_de_Secondat  George_Edward_Moore__Moore__G._E._Moore  Friedrich_Wilhelm_Nietzsche__Nietzsche  William_of_Occam__Occam__Ockham__William_of_Ockham  Jose_Ortega_y_Gasset__Ortega_y_Gasset  Blaise_Pascal__Pascal  Charles_Franklin_Peirce__Peirce__Charles_Peirce  Ralph_Barton_Perry__Perry  Plato  Pythagoras  Thomas_Reid__Reid  Jean-Jacques_Rousseau__Rousseau  Bertrand_Arthur_William_Russell__Russell__russell__Bertrand_Russell__Earl_Russell  Arthur_Schopenhauer__Schopenhauer  Albert_Schweitzer__Schweitzer  Lucius_Annaeus_Seneca__Seneca  Socrates  Herbert_Spencer__Spencer  Oswald_Spengler__Spengler  Benedict_de_Spinoza__Spinoza__de_Spinoza__Baruch_de_Spinoza  Dugald_Stewart__Stewart  Pierre_Teilhard_de_Chardin__Teilhard_de_Chardin  Thales_of_Miletus__Thales  Theophrastus  Simone_Weil__Weil  Alfred_North_Whitehead__Whitehead  Ludwig_Josef_Johan_Wittgenstein__Wittgenstein__Ludwig_Wittgenstein  Xenophanes  Zeno_of_Citium__Zeno  Zeno_of_Elea__Zeno
                             subtype:  philosophizer  someone who considers situations from a philosophical point of view
                             subtype:  reasoner__ratiocinator  someone who reasons logically
                                subtype:  analogist  someone who looks for analogies or who reasons by analogy
                                subtype:  casuist__sophist  someone whose reasoning is subtle and often specious
                             subtype:  scholarly_person__scholarlyperson__scholar__student  a learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines
                                subtype:  schoolman__academician  a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation
                                subtype:  alumnus__alumnu__alumna__alum__graduate__grad  a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
                                   subtype:  old_boy.alumnus__oldboy  a male ex-pupil of a school
                                subtype:  Arabist  a scholar who specializes in Arab languages and culture
                                subtype:  bibliographer  someone trained in compiling bibliographies
                                subtype:  Dr.__doctor  a person who holds Ph.D. degree from an academic institution; "she is a doctor of philosophy in physics"
                                subtype:  goliard  a wandering scholar in medieval Europe; famed for intemperance and riotous behavior and the composition of satirical and ribald Latin songs
                                subtype:  historian__historiographer  a person who is an authority on history and who studies it and writes about it
                                   subtype:  annalist  a historian who writes annals
                                   subtype:  art_historian__arthistorian  a historian of art
                                      instance:  Erwin_Panofsky__Panofsky  Giorgio_Vasari__Vasari  Aby_Moritz_Warburg__Warburg__Aby_Warburg  Johann_Joachim_Winckelmann__Winckelmann__Johann_Winckelmann
                                   subtype:  chronicler  someone who writes chronicles
                                      instance:  Geoffrey_of_Monmouth
                                   instance:  the_Venerable_Bede__Bede__Saint_Bede__St_Bede__Baeda__Saint_Baeda__St_Baeda__Beda__Saint_Beda__St_Beda  Thomas_Carlyle__Carlyle  William_James_Durant__Durant__Will_Durant  John_Hope_Franklin__Franklin  Samuel_Rawson_Gardiner__Gardiner  Edward_Gibbon__Gibbon  Herodotus  Flavius_Josephus__Josephus__Joseph_ben_Matthias  John_Knox__Knox  Livy__Titus_Livius  Thomas_Babington_Macaulay__Macaulay__First_Baron_Macaulay  Alfred_Thayer_Mahan__Mahan  Frederic_William_Maitland__Maitland  John_Bach_McMaster__McMaster  Theodor_Mommsen__Mommsen  Barthold_George_Niebuhr__Niebuhr  Cyril_Northcote_Parkinson__Parkinson__C._Northcote_Parkinson  James_Harvey_Robinson__Robinson  Saxo_Grammaticus  Arthur_Meier_Schlesinger__Schlesinger__Arthur_Schlesinger  Arthur_Meier_Schlesinger_Jr.__Schlesinger__Arthur_Schlesinger__Arthur_Schlesinger_Jr.  William_Stubbs__Stubbs  Thucydides  Arnold_Joseph_Toynbee__Toynbee__Arnold_Toynbee  Sir_George_Otto_Trevelyan__Trevelyan__George_Otto_Trevelyan  George_Macaulay_Trevelyan__Trevelyan  Barbara_Wertheim_Tuchman__Tuchman__Barbara_Tuchman  Frederick_Jackson_Turner__Turner  Sir_Paul_Gavrilovich_Vinogradoff__Vinogradoff  Horatio_Walpole__Walpole__Horace_Walpole__Fourth_Earl_of_Orford  Eliezer_Wiesel__Wiesel__Elie_Wiesel  Comer_Vann_Woodward__Woodward__C._Vann_Woodward  Xenophon
                                subtype:  humanist  a classical scholar or student of the liberal arts
                                   subtype:  classical_scholar__classicalscholar__classicist  a student of ancient Greek and Latin
                                      subtype:  Latinist  a specialist in the Latin language
                                      instance:  Benjamin_Jowett__Jowett  Gilbert_Murray__Murray__George_Gilbert_Aime_Murphy  Friedrich_August_Wolf__Wolf
                                   subtype:  man_of_letters  a man devoted to literary or scholarly activities
                                   subtype:  philologist__philologue  a humanist specializing in classical scholarship
                                      instance:  Baron_Karl_Wilhelm_von_Humboldt__Humboldt__Baron_Wilhelm_von_Humboldt  Friedrich_Max_Muller__Muller__Max_Muller  Sir_James_Augustus_Henry_Murray__Murray__James_Murray__James_Augustus_Murray__James_Augustus_Henry_Murray__Sir_James_Murray__Sir_James_Augustus_Murray  Rasmus_Christian_Rask__Rask  Walter_William_Skeat__Skeat  John_Ronald_Reuel_Tolkien__Tolkien__J._R._R._Tolkien  Karl_Adolph_Verner__Verner
                                subtype:  learned_person__learnedperson__initiate__pundit__savant  someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
                                   subtype:  polymath  a person of great and varied learning
                                subtype:  licentiate  holds a license (degree) from a (European) university
                                subtype:  master.scholarly_person  someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
                                subtype:  musicologist  a student of musicology
                                subtype:  reader  a person who enjoys reading
                                   subtype:  bookworm  someone who spends a great deal of time reading
                                subtype:  Renaissance_man  a scholar during the Renaissance who (because knowledge was limited) could know almost everything about many topics
                                subtype:  generalist__Renaissance_man  a modern scholar who is in a position to acquire more than superficial knowledge about many different interests; "a statistician has to be something of a generalist"
                                subtype:  salutatorian__salutatory_speaker  the graduating student with the second highest academic rank; delivers the opening address at graduation exercises
                                subtype:  medieval_Schoolman__Schoolman  a scholar in one of the universities of the Middle Ages; versed in scholasticism
                                subtype:  Sinologist  a student of Chinese history and language and culture
                                subtype:  valedictorian__valedictory_speaker__valedictoryspeaker  the student with the best grades who delivers the valedictory at graduation
                                instance:  The_Admirable_Crichton__Crichton__James_Crichton  Desiderius_Erasmus__Erasmus__Gerhard_Gerhards__Geert_Geerts  Lorenzo_de_Medici__Lorenzo_the_Magnificent  Edmund_Malone__Malone__Edmond_Malone  Marcus_Terentius_Varro__Varro
                             subtype:  scientist__man_of_science  a person with advanced knowledge of one of more sciences
                                subtype:  cosmographer__cosmographist  a scientist knowledgeable about cosmography
                                subtype:  bibliotist  someone who engages in bibliotics
                                subtype:  biologist__life_scientist  a scientist who studies living organisms
                                   subtype:  bacteriologist  a biologist who studies bacteria
                                      instance:  Sir_David_Bruce__Bruce__David_Bruce  Paul_Ehrlich__Ehrlich  Sir_Alexander_Fleming__Fleming__Alexander_Fleming  Robert_Koch__Koch  Elie_Metchnikoff__Metchnikoff__Metchnikov__Elie_Metchnikov__Ilya_Ilich_Metchnikov  Hideyo_Noguchi__Noguchi  Hans_Conrad_Julius_Reiter__Reiter  Agust_von_Wassermann__Wassermann  Hans_Zinsser__Zinsser
                                   subtype:  botanist__phytologist__plant_scientist__plantscientist  a biologist specializing in the study of plants
                                      subtype:  mycologist  a botanist who specializes in the study of fungi
                                      subtype:  propagator  someone who propagates plants (as under glass)
                                      instance:  Sir_Joseph_Banks__Banks  Robert_Brown__Brown  George_Washington_Carver__Carver  Ferdinand_Julius_Cohn__Cohn  William_Curtis__Curtis  Asa_Gray__Gray  Antoine_Laurent_de_Jussieu__Jussieu__jussieu  Carolus_Linnaeus__Linnaeus__Carl_von_Linne__Karl_Linne  Gregor_Johann_Mendel__Mendel__Gregor_Mendel  John_Tradescant__Tradescant
                                   subtype:  ecologist  a biologist who studies the relation between organisms and their environment
                                   subtype:  geneticist  a biologist who specializes in genetics
                                      instance:  John_Burdon_Sanderson_Haldane__Haldane__J._B._S._Haldane  Trofim_Denisovich_Lysenko__Lysenko  Hermann_Joseph_Muller__Muller  James_Dewey_Watson__Watson__James_Watson  August_Friedrich_Leopold_Weismann__Weismann
                                   subtype:  microbiologist  a specialist in microbiology
                                      subtype:  virologist  a specialist in virology
                                         instance:  Jonas_Edward_Salk__Salk__Jonas_Salk
                                      instance:  Albert_Bruce_Sabin__Sabin__Albert_Sabin
                                   subtype:  molecular_biologist__molecularbiologist  a biologist who studies the structure and activity of macromolecules essential to life
                                      instance:  Leo_Szilard__Szilard  Tonegawa_Susumu
                                   subtype:  naturalist__natural_scientist__naturalscientist  a biologist knowledgeable about natural history (especially botany and zoology)
                                      instance:  Jean_Louis_Rodolphe_Agassiz__Agassiz__Louis_Agassiz  Roy_Chapman_Andrews__Andrews  Georges_Leopold_Chretien_Frederic_Dagobert_Cuvier__Cuvier__Georges_Cuvier__Baron_Georges_Cuvier  Charles_Robert_Darwin__Darwin__Charles_Darwin  Konrad_von_Gesner__Gesner  William_Henry_Hudson__Hudson__W._H._Hudson  Baron_Friedrich_Heinrich_Alexander_von_Humboldt__Humboldt__Baron_Alexander_von_Humboldt  Jean_Baptiste_de_Lamarck__Lamarck__Chevalier_de_Lamarck  John_Muir__Muir  Lorenz_Oken__Oken__Okenfuss__Lorenz_Okenfuss  Georg_Wilhelm_Steller__Steller  Jan_Swammerdam__Swammerdam  Alfred_Russel_Wallace__Wallace
                                   subtype:  neurobiologist  a specialist in neurobiology
                                      subtype:  neuroscientist  a neurobiologist who specializes in the study of the brain
                                         subtype:  neurolinguist  someone trained in neuroscience and linguistics who studies brain processes during language production and reception
                                         instance:  David_Hubel__Hubel
                                   subtype:  physiologist  a biologist specializing in physiology
                                      instance:  Edgar_Douglas_Adrian__Adrian__Baron_Adrian  Sir_Frederick_Grant_Banting__Banting__F._G._Banting  Claude_Bernard__Bernard  Charles_Herbert_Best__Best__C._H._Best  Sir_John_Carew_Eccles__Eccles__John_Eccles  Willem_Einthoven__Einthoven  Luigi_Galvani__Galvani  John_Scott_Haldane__Haldane__John_Haldane  Baron_Hermann_Ludwig_Ferdinand_von_Helmholtz__Helmholtz__Hermann_von_Helmholtz__Hermann_Ludwig_Ferdinand_von_Helmholtz  Walter_Rudolf_Hess__Hess__Walter_Hess  Sir_Alan_Lloyd_Hodgkin__Hodgkin__Alan_Hodgkin  Andrew_Fielding_Huxley__Huxley__Andrew_Huxley  Jacques_Loeb__Loeb  John_James_Rickard_Macleod__Macleod__John_Macleod  Johannes_Peter_Muller__Muller  Ivan_Petrovich_Pavlov__Pavlov__Ivan_Pavlov  Johannes_Evangelista_Purkinje__Purkinje__Jan_Evangelista_Purkinje  Theodor_Schwann__Schwann  Sir_Charles_Scott_Sherrington__Sherrington  Lazzaro_Spallanzani__Spallanzani  Ernst_Heinrich_Weber__Weber__E._H._Weber
                                   subtype:  sociobiologist  a biologist who studies the biological determinants of social behavior
                                   subtype:  taxonomist__taxonomer__systematist  a biologist who specializes in the classification of organisms into groups on the basis of their structure and origin and behavior
                                      subtype:  lumper  a taxonomist who classifies organisms into large groups on the basis of major characteristics
                                      subtype:  splitter.taxonomist__divider  a taxonomist who classifies organisms into many groups on the basis of relatively minor characteristics
                                   subtype:  vivisectionist  cuts open live animals for research
                                   subtype:  zoologist__animal_scientist  a specialist in the branch of biology dealing with animals
                                      subtype:  entomologist__bugologist__bug-hunter__bughunter  a zoologist who studies insects
                                         subtype:  lepidopterist__butterfly_collector__butterflycollector  an entomologist who specializes in the collection and study of butterflies and moths
                                         instance:  Edward_Osborne_Wilson__Wilson__E._O._Wilson
                                      subtype:  ethologist  a zoologist who studies the behavior of animals in their natural habitats
                                      subtype:  herpetologist  a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians
                                      subtype:  ichthyologist  a zoologist who studies fishes
                                      subtype:  ornithologist__bird_watcher  a zoologist who studies birds
                                         instance:  John_James_Audubon__Audubon  Alexander_Wilson__Wilson
                                      subtype:  protozoologist  a zoologist who studies protozoans
                                      instance:  Karl_von_Frisch__Frisch  Jane_Goodall__Goodall__goodall  Alfred_Charles_Kinsey__Kinsey  Konrad_Zacharias_Lorenz__Lorenz__Konrad_Lorenz  Nikolaas_Tinbergen__Tinbergen
                                   instance:  George_Wells_Beadle__Beadle__George_Beadle  Alexis_Carrel__Carrel  Rachel_Louise_Carson__Carson__Rachel_Carson  Max_Delbruck__Delbruck  Ernst_Heinrich_Haeckel__Haeckel  Thomas_Henry_Huxley__Huxley__Thomas_Huxley  Sir_John_Cowdery_Kendrew__Kendrew  Thomas_Hunt_Morgan__Morgan  Louis_Pasteur__Pasteur
                                subtype:  chemist  a scientist who specializes in chemistry
                                   subtype:  biochemist  someone with special training in biochemistry
                                      subtype:  enzymologist  a person who is trained in or engaged in enzymology
                                      instance:  Sir_Ernst_Boris_Chain__Chain__Ernst_Boris_Chain  Francis_Henry_Compton_Crick__Crick__Francis_Crick  Casimir_Funk__Funk  Sir_Walter_Norman_Haworth__Haworth  George_Herbert_Hitchings__Hitchings  Sir_Frederick_Gowland_Hopkins__Hopkins  Francois_Jacob__Jacob  Edward_Calvin_Kendall__Kendall__Edward_Kendall  Sir_Hans_Adolf_Krebs__Krebs__Hans_Adolf_Krebs  Fritz_Albert_Lipmann__Lipmann  Otto_Fritz_Meyerhof__Meyerhof__Otto_Meyerhof  Jacques_Lucien_Monod__Monod__Jacques_Monod  John_Howard_Northrop__Northrop  Severo_Ochoa__Ochoa  Albert_von_Szent-Gyorgyi__Szent-Gyorgyi__Albert_Szent-Gyorgyi  Edward_Lawrie_Tatum__Tatum  Otto_Heinrich_Warburg__Warburg  Maurice_Hugh_Frederick_Wilkins__Wilkins__Maurice_Wilkins
                                   subtype:  nuclear_chemist__nuclearchemist__radiochemist  a chemist who specializes in nuclear chemistry
                                   instance:  Svante_August_Arrhenius__Arrhenius  Jons_Jakob_Berzelius__Berzelius  Joseph_Black__Black  Robert_Boyle__Boyle  Eduard_Buchner__Buchner  Robert_Wilhelm_Bunsen__Bunsen__Robert_Bunsen  Melvin_Calvin__Calvin  Wallace_Hume_Carothers__Carothers__Wallace_Carothers  George_Washington_Carver__Carver  Henry_Cavendish__Cavendish  Sir_William_Crookes__Crookes__William_Crookes  Madame_Curie__Curie__Marie_Curie__Marya_Sklodowska  John_Dalton__Dalton  Sir_Humphrey_Davy__Davy__Humphrey_Davy  Sir_James_Dewar__Dewar  Manfred_Eigen__Eigen  Michael_Faraday__Faraday  Emil_Hermann_Fischer__Fischer  Hans_Fischer__Fischer  Paul_John_Flory__Flory  Joseph_Louis_Gay-Lussac__Gay-Lussac  Josiah_Willard_Gibbs__Gibbs  Fritz_Haber__Haber  Otto_Hahn__Hahn  Charles_Martin_Hall__Hall  Odd_Hassel__Hassel  William_Henry__Henry  George_Charles_Hevesy_de_Hevesy__Hevesy  Joroslav_Heyrovsky__Heyrovsky  Dorothy_Crowfoot_Hodgkin__Hodgkin__Dorothy_Hodgkin  Roald_Hoffmann__Hoffmann  August_Wilhelm_von_Hoffmann__Hoffmann  Friedrich_August_Kekule_von_Stradonitz__Kekule__Friedrich_August_Kekule  Martin_Heinrich_Klaproth__Klaproth  Richard_Kuhn__Kuhn  Irving_Langmuir__Langmuir  Antoine_Laurent_Lavoisier__Lavoisier__Antoine_Lavoisier  Henry_le_Chatelier__le_Chatelier  Willard_Frank_Libby__Libby  Lipscomb__William_Nunn_Lipscom_Jr.  Dmitri_Ivanovich_Mendeleyev__Mendeleyev__Mendeleev__Dmitri_Mendeleyev__Dmitri_Mendeleev__Dmitri_Ivanovich_Mendeleev  Edward_Williams_Morley__Morley__E._W._Morley__Edward_Morley  Mosander__Carl_Gustaf_Mossander  Paul_Hermann_Muller__Muller  Giulio_Natta__Natta  Walther_Hermann_Nernst__Nernst  Alfred_Bernhard_Nobel__Nobel__Alfred_Nobel  Ronald_George_Wreyford_Norrish__Norrish  Lars_Onsager__Onsager  Wilhelm_Ostwald__Ostwald  Louis_Pasteur__Pasteur  Linus_Carl_Pauling__Pauling__Linus_Pauling  Joseph_Priestley__Priestley  Sir_Robert_Robinson__Robinson__Robert_Robinson  Daniel_Rutherford__Rutherford  Karl_Wilhelm_Scheele__Scheele__Karl_Scheele  Christian_Friedrich_Schonbein__Schonbein__Christian_Schonbein  Gelnn_Theodore_Seaborg__Seaborg__Glenn_T._Seaborg  Frederick_Soddy__Soddy  Ernest_Solvay__Solvay  Soren_Peter_Lauritz_Sorensen__Sorensen  Sir_Alexander_Robertus_Todd__Todd  Harold_Clayton_Urey__Urey__Harold_Urey  Sir_Geoffrey_Wilkinson__Wilkinson  Adolf_Windaus__Windaus  William_Hyde_Wollaston__Wollaston  Robert_Burns_Woodward__Woodward  Karl_Waldemar_Ziegler__Ziegler  Richard_Adolph_Zsigmondy__Zsigmondy
                                subtype:  cognitive_scientist__cognitivescientist  a student of cognitive processes
                                subtype:  computer_scientist  a scientist who specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computers
                                   subtype:  computational_linguist__computationallinguist  someone trained in computer science and linguistics who uses computers for natural language processing
                                   instance:  William_Henry_Gates__Gates__Bill_Gates
                                subtype:  geologist__geophysicist  a specialist in geology
                                   subtype:  petroleum_geologist__petroleumgeologist__oil_geologist__oilgeologist  a specialist in petroleum geology
                                   instance:  Arthur_Holmes__Holmes  James_Hutton__Hutton  Gideon_Algernon_Mantell__Mantell  Henry_Rowe_Schoolcraft__Schoolcraft  Alfred_Lothar_Wegener__Wegener  John_Tuzo_Wilson__Wilson
                                subtype:  linguist__linguistic_scientist  a specialist in linguistics
                                   subtype:  computational_linguist__computationallinguist  someone trained in computer science and linguistics who uses computers for natural language processing
                                   subtype:  grammarian__syntactician  a linguist who specializes in the study of grammar and syntax
                                      instance:  Aristarchus.grammarian__aristarchu  Aelius_Donatus__Donatus  Panini
                                   subtype:  Hebraist  linguist specializing in the Hebrew language
                                   subtype:  lexicographer__lexicologist  a compiler or writer of a dictionary; a student of the lexical component of language
                                      subtype:  etymologist  a lexicographer who specializes in etymology
                                      subtype:  neologist  a lexicographer of new words and expressions
                                      subtype:  synonymist  a student of synonyms
                                      instance:  Nathaniel_Bailey__Bailey__Nathan_Bailey  Sir_William_Alexander_Craigie__Craigie__William_A._Craigie  John_Florio__Florio  Henry_Watson_Fowler__Fowler  Samuel_Johnson__Johnson__Dr._Johnson  Pierre_Athanase_Larousse__Larousse__Pierre_Larousse  Maximilien_Paul_Emile_Littre__Littre  Sir_James_Augustus_Henry_Murray__Murray__James_Murray__James_Augustus_Murray__James_Augustus_Henry_Murray__Sir_James_Murray__Sir_James_Augustus_Murray  Noah_Webster__Webster  Joseph_Emerson_Worcester__Worcester
                                   subtype:  neurolinguist  someone trained in neuroscience and linguistics who studies brain processes during language production and reception
                                   subtype:  phonetician  a specialist in phonetics
                                      subtype:  transcriber.phonetician  someone who represents the sounds of speech in phonetic notation
                                      instance:  Daniel_Jones__Jones  Henry_Sweet__Sweet
                                   subtype:  phonologist  a specialist in phonology
                                   subtype:  psycholinguist  a person (usually a psychologist but sometimes a linguist) who studies the psychological basis of human language
                                   subtype:  semanticist__semiotician  a specialist in the study of linguistic meaning
                                      instance:  Alfred_Habdank_Skarbek_Korzybski__Korzybski__Alfred_Korzybski  Charles_Kay_Ogden__Ogden__C._K._Ogden  Ivor_Armstrong_Richards__Richards__I._A._Richards
                                   subtype:  sociolinguist  a linguist who studies the social and cultural factors that influence linguistic communication
                                   instance:  Leonard_Bloomfield__Bloomfield  A._Noam_Chomsky__Chomsky__Noam_Chomsky  John_Rupert_Firth__Firth__J._R._Firth  Jakob_Ludwig_Karl_Grimm__Grimm  Roman_Osipovich_Jakobson__Jakobson__Roman_Jakobson  Jens_Otto_Harry_Jespersen__Jespersen__Otto_Jespersen  Edward_Sapir__Sapir
                                subtype:  mathematician  a person skilled in mathematics
                                   subtype:  algebraist  a mathematician whose specialty is algebra
                                   subtype:  arithmetician  someone who specializes in arithmetic
                                   subtype:  geometer__geometrician  a mathematician specializing in geometry
                                      instance:  Euclid
                                   subtype:  number_theorist  a mathematician specializing in number theory
                                   subtype:  probability_theorist__probabilitytheorist  a mathematician who specializes in probability theory
                                   subtype:  mathematical_statistician__statistician  a mathematician who specializes in statistics
                                   subtype:  trigonometrician  a mathematician specializing in trigonometry
                                   instance:  Niels_Henrik_Abel__Abel__Niels_Abel  Archimedes  Jacques_Bernoulli__Bernoulli__Jakob_Bernoulli__James_Bernoulli  Johann_Bernoulli__Bernoulli__Jean_Bernoulli__John_Bernoulli  Friedrich_Wilhelm_Bessel__Bessel  George_Boole__Boole  Nathaniel_Bowditch__Bowditch  Rene_Descartes__Descartes  Diophantus  Eratosthenes  Leonhard_Euler__Euler  Pierre_de_Fermat__Fermat  Baron_Jean_Baptiste_Joseph_Fourier__Fourier__Jean_Baptiste_Joseph_Fourier  Evariste_Galois__Galois  Karl_Friedrich_Gauss__Gauss__Karl_Gauss  Sir_William_Rowan_Hamilton__Hamilton__William_Rowan_Hamilton  Hero_of_Alexandria__Hero__Heron  David_Hilbert__Hilbert  Hipparchus  Karl_Gustav_Jacob_Jacobi__Jacobi  Felix_Klein__Klein  Leopold_Kronecker__Kronecker  Pierre_Simon_de_Laplace__Laplace__Marquis_de_Laplace  Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibniz__Leibniz__leibniz__Leibnitz__Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibnitz  Nikolai_Ivanovich_Lobachevsky__Lobachevsky  Benoit_Mandelbrot__Mandelbrot  Andrei_Markov__Markov__Markoff__Andre_Markoff  Hermann_Minkowski__Minkowski  August_Ferdinand_Mobius__Mobius__August_F._Mobius  Johann_Muller__Muller__Regiomontanus  John_Napier__Napier  Sir_Isaac_Newton__Newton__Isaac_Newton  Emmy_Noether__Noether  Omar_Khayyam  Blaise_Pascal__Pascal  Benjamin_Peirce__Peirce  Pythagoras  Georg_Friedrich_Bernhard_Riemann__Riemann  Alan_Mathison_Turing__Turing__Alan_Turing  Oswald_Veblen__Veblen  Paul_Vernier__Vernier  John_von_Neumann__von_Neumann__Neumann  Andre_Weil__Weil  Alfred_North_Whitehead__Whitehead  Norbert_Wiener__Wiener
                                subtype:  medical_scientist__medicalscientist  a scientist who studies disease processes
                                   subtype:  epidemiologist  a medical scientist who studies the transmission and control of epidemic diseases
                                   subtype:  immunologist__serologist  a medical scientist who specializes in immunology
                                      instance:  Sir_Peter_Brian_Medawar__Medawar__medawar__Peter_Medawar
                                   subtype:  toxicologist  one who studies the nature and effects of poisons and their treatment
                                      instance:  Alice_Hamilton__Hamilton
                                subtype:  microscopist  a scientist who specializes in research with the use of microscopes
                                   instance:  Anton_van_Leuwenhoek__Leuwenhoek__Leeuwenhoek__Anton_van_Leeuwenhoek  Jan_Swammerdam__Swammerdam
                                subtype:  mineralogist  a scientist trained in mineralogy
                                subtype:  oceanographer  a scientist who studies physical and biological aspects of the seas
                                   instance:  Vagn_Walfrid_Ekman__Ekman
                                subtype:  paleontologist__palaeontologist__fossilist  a specialist in paleontology
                                   instance:  Stephen_Jay_Gould__Gould  Louis_Seymour_Bazett_Leakey__Leakey__Louis_Leakey  Mary_Douglas_Leakey__Leakey__Mary_Leakey  Richard_Erskine_Leakey__Leakey__Richard_Leakey  Sir_Richard_Owen__Owen  Pierre_Teilhard_de_Chardin__Teilhard_de_Chardin
                                subtype:  physicist  a scientist trained in physics
                                   subtype:  acoustician  a physicist who specializes in acoustics
                                   subtype:  astronomer__uranologist__stargazer  a physicist who studies astronomy
                                      subtype:  astrophysicist  an astronomer who studies the physical properties of celestial bodies
                                      subtype:  cosmologist  an astronomer who studies the evolution and space-time relations of the universe
                                         instance:  Georges_Henri_Lemaitre__Lemaitre__Edouard_Lemaitre
                                      instance:  Aristarchus_of_Samos  Friedrich_Wilhelm_Bessel__Bessel  Nathaniel_Bowditch__Bowditch  Anders_Celsius__Celsius  Nicolaus_Copernicus__Copernicus__Mikolaj_Kopernik  Sir_Arthur_Stanley_Eddington__Eddington  Eratosthenes  Galileo_Galilei__Galileo  George_Ellery_Hale__Hale  Asaph_Hall__Hall  Edmond_Halley__Halley__Edmund_Halley  Sir_Frederick_William_Herschel__Herschel__William_Herschel__Sir_William_Herschel  Sir_John_Frederick_William_Herschel__Herschel__John_Herschel__Sir_John_Herschel  Hipparchus  Edwin_Powell_Hubble__Hubble__Edwin_Hubble  Sir_William_Huggins__Huggins  Hypatia  Johannes_Kepler__Kepler__Johan_Kepler  Samuel_Pierpoint_Langley__Langley  Pierre_Simon_de_Laplace__Laplace__Marquis_de_Laplace  Sir_Alfred_Charles_Bernard_Lovell__Lovell__Sir_Bernard_Lovell  Percival_Lowell__Lowell  Maria_Mitchell__Mitchell  Johann_Muller__Muller__Regiomontanus  Simon_Newcomb__Newcomb  Omar_Khayyam  Jan_Hendrix_Oort__Oort  Benjamin_Peirce__Peirce  Ptolemy__Claudius_Ptolemaeus  David_Rittenhouse__Rittenhouse  Giovanni_Virginio_Schiaparelli__Schiaparelli  Harlow_Shapley__Shapley  Willem_de_Sitter__Sitter  Thales_of_Miletus__Thales  Clyde_William_Tombaugh__Tombaugh
                                   subtype:  biophysicist  a physicist who applies the methods of physics to biology
                                   subtype:  nuclear_physicist__nuclearphysicist  a physicist who specializes in nuclear physics
                                      instance:  Carl_David_Anderson__Anderson__Carl_Anderson  Hans_Albrecht_Bethe__Bethe__Hans_Bethe  Niels_Henrik_David_Bohr__Bohr__Niels_Bohr  Max_Born__Born  Satyendra_Nath_Bose__Bose__Satyendra_N._Bose  Louis_Victor_de_Broglie__Broglie__de_Broglie  Sir_John_Douglas_Cockcroft__Cockcroft__Sir_John_Cockcroft  Arthur_Holly_Compton__Compton__Arthur_Compton  Paul_Adrien_Maurice_Dirac__Dirac  Enrico_Fermi__Fermi  Richard_Phillips_Feynman__Feynman__feynman__Richard_Feynman  Otto_Robert_Frisch__Frisch__Otto_Frisch  Murray_Gell-Mann__Gell-Mann  Donald_Arthur_Glaser__Glaser__Donald_Glaser  Werner_Karl_Heisenberg__Heisenberg  Gustav_Ludwig_Hertz__Hertz__Gustav_Hertz  Gerhard_Herzberg__Herzberg  Ernest_Orlando_Lawrence__Lawrence__E._O._Lawrence  Tsung_Dao_Lee__Lee  Marie_Goeppert_Mayer__Mayer  Lise_Meitner__Meitner  Rudolf_Ludwig_Mossbauer__Mossbauer  Karl_Alex_Muller__Muller  Robert_Oppenheimer__Oppenheimer  Wolfgang_Pauli__Pauli  Andrei_Dimitrievich_Sakharov__Sakharov__Andrei_Sakharov  Erwin_Schrodinger__Schrodinger  Leo_Szilard__Szilard  Igor_Yevgeneevich_Tamm__Tamm__Igor_Tamm  Edward_Teller__Teller  Ernest_Thomas_Sinton_Walton__Walton__E._T._S._Walton__Ernest_Walton  Eugene_Paul_Wigner__Wigner__Eugene_Wigner  Charles_Thomson_Rees_Wilson__Wilson  Hideki_Yukawa__Yukawa
                                   instance:  Philip_Warren_Anderson__Anderson__Philip_Anderson__Phil_Anderson  Sir_Edward_Victor_Appleton__Appleton__Edward_Appleton  Archimedes  Svante_August_Arrhenius__Arrhenius  Amedeo_Avogadro__Avogadro  John_Bardeen__Bardeen__bardeen  Antoine_Henri_Becquerel__Becquerel__Henri_Becquerel  Daniel_Bernoulli__Bernoulli  Ludwig_Boltzmann__Boltzmann  Nicolas_Leonard_Sadi_Carnot__Carnot__Sadi_Carnot  Henry_Cavendish__Cavendish  Jacques_Alexandre_Cesar_Charles__Charles__Jacques_Charles  Charles_Augustin_de_Coulomb__Coulomb  Sir_William_Crookes__Crookes__William_Crookes  Pierre_Curie__Curie  John_Dalton__Dalton  Sir_James_Dewar__Dewar  Christian_Johann_Doppler__Doppler  Albert_Einstein__Einstein  Leo_Esaki__Esaki  Gabriel_Daniel_Fahrenheit__Fahrenheit  Michael_Faraday__Faraday  Gustav_Theodor_Fechner__Fechner__fechner  Jean_Bernard_Leon_Foucault__Foucault  Baron_Jean_Baptiste_Joseph_Fourier__Fourier__Jean_Baptiste_Joseph_Fourier  James_Franck__Franck  Augustin_Jean_Fresnel__Fresnel  Emil_Klaus_Julius_Fuchs__Fuchs__Klaus_Fuchs  Dennis_Gabor__Gabor  George_Gamow__Gamow  Joseph_Louis_Gay-Lussac__Gay-Lussac  Hans_Geiger__Geiger  William_Gilbert__Gilbert  Robert_Hutchings_Goddard__Goddard  Stephen_William_Hawking__Hawking__Stephen_Hawking  Oliver_Heaviside__Heaviside  Baron_Hermann_Ludwig_Ferdinand_von_Helmholtz__Helmholtz__Hermann_von_Helmholtz__Hermann_Ludwig_Ferdinand_von_Helmholtz  Joseph_Henry__Henry  Heinrich_Rudolph_Hertz__Hertz__Heinrich_Hertz  Victor_Franz_Hess__Hess__Victor_Hess  Christiaan_Huygens__Huygens__Christian_Huygens  Jean-Frederic_Joliot-Curie__Joliot__Jean-Frederic_Joliot__Joliot-Curie  Irene_Joliot-Curie__Joliot-Curie  James_Prescott_Joule__Joule  Alfred_Kastler__Kastler  First_Baron_Kelvin__Kelvin__William_Thompson  Gustav_Robert_Kirchhoff__Kirchhoff__G._R._Kirchhoff  Lev_Davidovich_Landau__Landau  Philipp_Lenard__Lenard  Gabriel_Lippmann__Lippmann  Sir_Oliver_Joseph_Lodge__Lodge__Sir_Oliver_Lodge  Hendrik_Antoon_Lorentz__Lorentz  Ernst_Mach__Mach  James_Clerk_Maxwell__Maxwell__J._C._Maxwell  Fritz_W._Meissner__Meissner  Albert_Abraham_Michelson__Michelson__A._A._Michelson__Albert_Michelson  Robert_Andrews_Millikan__Millikan  Louis_Eugene_Felix_Neel__Neel  Walther_Hermann_Nernst__Nernst  Sir_Isaac_Newton__Newton__Isaac_Newton  Hans_Christian_Oersted__Oersted  Georg_Simon_Ohm__Ohm  Max_Karl_Ernst_Ludwig_Planck__Planck__Max_Planck  Third_Baron_Rayleigh__Rayleigh__Lord_Rayleigh__John_William_Strutt  Rene_Antoine_Ferchault_de_Reaumur__Reaumur  Wilhelm_Konrad_Roentgen__Roentgen__Rontgin__Wilhelm_Konrad_Rontgen  First_Baron_Rutherford_of_Nelson__Rutherford__Ernest_Rutherford__First_Baron_Rutherford  William_Bradford_Shockley__Shockley__William_Shockley  Benjamin_Thompson__Thompson__Count_Rumford  Sir_Joseph_John_Thomson__Thomson__Joseph_John_Thomson  Sir_George_Paget_Thomson__Thomson__George_Paget_Thomson  Evangelista_Torricelli__Torricelli  John_Tyndall__Tyndall  James_Alfred_Van_Allen__Van_Allen  John_Hasbrouck_Van_Vleck__Van_Vleck__John_Van_Vleck  Conte_Alessandro_Giuseppe_Antonio_Anastasio_Volta__Volta__Count_Alessandro_Volta__Conte_Alessandro_Volta  Wilhelm_Eduard_Weber__Weber  Steven_Weinberg__Weinberg  Sir_Charles_Wheatstone__Wheatstone  Robert_Woodrow_Wilson__Wilson  William_Hyde_Wollaston__Wollaston  Yang_Chen_Ning__Chen_N._Yang  Thomas_Young__Young  Pieter_Zeeman__Zeeman  Vladimir_Kosma_Zworykin__Zworykin
                                subtype:  principal_investigator__principalinvestigator__PI  the scientist in charge of an experiment or research project
                                subtype:  psychologist  a scientist trained in psychology
                                   subtype:  behaviorist  a psychologist who subscribes to behaviorism
                                   subtype:  hypnotist__hypnotizer__hypnotiser__mesmerist  a person who induces hypnosis
                                   subtype:  parapsychologist  someone who studies the evidence for such psychological phenomena as psychokinesis and telepathy and clairvoyance
                                      instance:  Joseph_Banks_Rhine__Rhine__J._B._Rhine
                                   subtype:  psycholinguist  a person (usually a psychologist but sometimes a linguist) who studies the psychological basis of human language
                                   subtype:  psychophysicist  a psychologist trained in psychophysics
                                   instance:  Alfred_Binet__Binet  Cyril_Lodowic_Burt__Burt__Cyril_Burt  Kenneth_Bancroft_Clark__Clark__Kenneth_Clark  Arnold_Lucius_Gesell__Gesell__Arnold_Gesell  Granville_Stanley_Hall__Hall__G._Stanley_Hall  William_James__James  Carl_Gustav_Jung__Jung__Carl_Jung  Timothy_Francis_Leary__Leary__Tim_Leary__Timothy_Leary  Charles_Kay_Ogden__Ogden__C._K._Ogden  Jean_Piaget__Piaget  Carl_Rogers__Rogers  Herbert_Aleddxander_Simon__Simon__Herb_Simon__Herbert_A._Simon  Burrhus_Frederic_Skinner__Skinner__B_F_Skinner  Edward_Lee_Thorndike__Thorndike  John_Broadus_Watson__Watson  Robert_Mearns_Yerkes__Yerkes__Robert_M._Yerkes
                                subtype:  radiologic_technologist  a scientist trained in radiological technology
                                subtype:  researcher__research_worker__investigator  a scientist who devotes himself to doing research
                                   subtype:  experimenter  a research worker who conducts experiments
                                   subtype:  boffin  (British slang) a scientist or technician engaged in military research
                                   subtype:  fieldworker  a researcher who works in the field
                                   subtype:  Australian_researcher
                                   subtype:  researcher_in_IS
                                subtype:  seismologist  a scientist who studies earthquakes
                                subtype:  social_scientist  someone expert in the study of human society and its personal relationships
                                   subtype:  anthropologist  a social scientist who specializes in anthropology
                                      subtype:  archeologist__archaeologist  an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their culture
                                         subtype:  Egyptologist  an archeologist who specializes in Egyptology
                                            instance:  Howard_Carter__Carter  Jean_Francois_Champollion__Champollion  Thomas_Young__Young
                                         subtype:  pothunter.archeologist  a nonprofessional archeologist
                                         instance:  Sir_Arthur_John_Evans__Evans__Arthur_Evans  Heinrich_Schliemann__Schliemann  Homer_Armstrong_Thompson__Thompson__Homer_Thompson__Homer_A._Thompson  Sir_Robert_Eric_Mortimer_Wheeler__Wheeler__Sir_Mortimer_Wheeler  Johann_Joachim_Winckelmann__Winckelmann__Johann_Winckelmann  Sir_Charles_Leonard_Woolley__Woolley__Sir_Leonard_Woolley
                                      subtype:  ethnographer  an anthropologist who does ethnography
                                      subtype:  ethnologist  an anthropologist who studies ethnology
                                         instance:  Kund_Johan_Victor_Rasmussen__Rasmussen  Henry_Rowe_Schoolcraft__Schoolcraft
                                      subtype:  social_anthropologist  an anthropologist who studies such cultural phenomena as kinship systems
                                         subtype:  ritualist  a social anthropologist who is expert on rites and ceremonies
                                      instance:  Ruth_Benedict__Benedict__Ruth_Fulton  Daniel_Garrison_Brinton__Brinton  Pierre-Paul_Broca__Broca  Sir_James_George_Frazer__Frazer__James_George_Frazer  Heyerdahl__Thor_Hyerdahl  Alfred_Louis_Kroeber__Kroeber__Alfred_Kroeber  Louis_Seymour_Bazett_Leakey__Leakey__Louis_Leakey  Mary_Douglas_Leakey__Leakey__Mary_Leakey  Richard_Erskine_Leakey__Leakey__Richard_Leakey  Claude_Levi-Strauss__Levi-Strauss  Bronislaw_Kasper_Malinowski__bronislawkaspermalinowski__Malinowski__Bronislaw_Malinowski  Margaret_Mead__Mead  Ashley_Montagu__Montagu  Lewis_Henry_Morgan__Morgan  Edward_Sapir__Sapir
                                   subtype:  economist__economic_expert  an expert in the science of economics
                                      subtype:  econometrician  an economist who uses statistical and mathematical methods
                                      subtype:  monetarist  an advocate of the theory that economic fluctuations are caused by increases or decreases in the supply of money
                                         subtype:  bimetallist  an advocate of bimetallism
                                      instance:  William_Henry_Beveridge__Beveridge__First_Baron_Beveridge  Milton_Friedman__Friedman  Ragnar_Anton_Kittil_Frisch__Frisch__Ragnar_Frisch  John_Kenneth_Galbraith__Galbraith__John_Galbraith  Friedrich_August_von_Hayek__Hayek  William_Stanley_Jevons__Jevons  John_Maynard_Keynes__Keynes  Tjalling_Charles_Koopmans__Koopmans__Tjalling_Koopmans  Simon_Kuznets__Kuznets  Arthur_Laffer__Laffer  Stephen_Butler_Leacock__Leacock__Stephen_Leacock  Wassily_Leontief__Leontief  Thomas_Robert_Malthus__Malthus__Thomas_Malthus  Karl_Marx__Marx  James_Edward_Meade__Meade  John_Stuart_Mill__Mill__John_Mill  Jean_Monnet__Monnet  Karl_Gunnar_Myrdal__Myrdal__Gunnar_Myrdal  Vilfredo_Pareto__Pareto  David_Ricardo__Ricardo  Joseph_Alois_Schumpeter__Schumpeter__Joseph_Schumpeter  Herbert_Aleddxander_Simon__Simon__Herb_Simon__Herbert_A._Simon  Adam_Smith__Smith  Richard_Henry_Tawney__Tawney  Jan_Tinbergen__Tinbergen  Anne_Robert_Jacques_Turgot__Turgot  Thorstein_Bunde_Veblen__Veblen__Thorstein_Veblen  Barbara_Ward__Ward__Baroness_Jackson_of_Lodsworth  Sidney_James_Webb__Webb__Sidney_Webb__First_Baron_Passfield  Helen_Laura_Sumner_Woodbury__Woodbury
                                   subtype:  penologist  a person who studies the theory and practice of prison management
                                   subtype:  political_scientist__politicalscientist  a social scientist specializing in the study of government
                                   subtype:  sociologist  a social scientist who studies the institutions and development of human society
                                      subtype:  demographer__demographist__population_scientist  a scientist who studies the growth and density of populations and their vital statistics
                                      subtype:  psephologist  a sociologist who studies election trends
                                      instance:  Emile_Durkheim__Durkheim  Francois_Marie_Charles_Fourier__Fourier__Charles_Fourier  Robert_King_Merton__Merton__Robert_Merton  Vilfredo_Pareto__Pareto  Parsons__Talcott_Prsons  Herbert_Spencer__Spencer  William_Graham_Sumner__Sumner  Sidney_James_Webb__Webb__Sidney_Webb__First_Baron_Passfield  Max_Weber__Weber
                                instance:  Roger_Bacon__Bacon  Benjamin_Franklin__Franklin  Sir_Francis_Galton__Galton__Francis_Galton  Robert_Hooke__Hooke
                             subtype:  skeptic__sceptic__doubter  someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
                                subtype:  doubting_Thomas  someone who demands physical evidence in order to be convinced (especially when this demand is out of place)
                                subtype:  pessimist  a person who expects the worst
                                   subtype:  defeatist__negativist  someone who is resigned to defeat
                             subtype:  specifier  someone who draws up specifications giving details (as for obtaining a patent)
                             subtype:  speculator  someone who makes conjectures without knowing the facts
                             subtype:  subjectivist  a person who subscribes to subjectivism
                             subtype:  synthesist__synthesizer  an intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic methods
                             subtype:  theologian__theologist__theologizer__theologiser  someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology
                                subtype:  Doctor_of_the_Church__Doctor  a leading theologian in the history of the Roman Catholic Church; "the Doctors of the Church greatly influenced Christian thought down to the late Middle Ages"
                                subtype:  eschatologist  a theologian who specializes in eschatology
                                subtype:  preterist  a theologian who believes that the prophecies of the Apocalypse have already been fulfilled
                                instance:  Pierre_Abelard__Abelard__Peter_Abelard  Saint_Thomas_Aquinas__Aquinas__Thomas_Aquinas__Saint_Thomas__St_Thomas__St_Thomas_Aquinas  Jacobus_Arminius__Arminius__Jacob_Harmensen  Athanasius_the_Great__Athanasius__Saint_Athanasius__St_Athanasius  St_Augustine__Augustine__Saint_Augustine  the_Venerable_Bede__Bede__Saint_Bede__St_Bede__Baeda__Saint_Baeda__St_Baeda__Beda__Saint_Beda__St_Beda  Roberto_Francesco_Romolo_Bellarmine__Bellarmine__Bellarmino__Cardinal_Bellarmine  Rudolf_Karl_Bultmann__Bultmann__Rudolf_Bultmann  John_Calvin__Calvin__Jean_Cauvin__Jean_Caulvin__Jean_Chauvin  John_Duns_Scotus__Duns_Scotus  Johannes_Eckhart__Eckhart__Meister_Eckhart  Jonathan_Edwards__Edwards  Richard_Hooker__Hooker  Mark_Hopkins__Hopkins  Saint_Ignatius_of_Loyola__Ignatius_of_Loyola__St_Ignatius_of_Loyola__Loyola  Cornelis_Jansen__Jansen__Cornelius_Jansenius  John_Knox__Knox  Martin_Luther__Luther  Philipp_Melanchthon__Melanchthon__Philipp_Schwarzerd  John_Henry_Newman__Newman__Cardinal_Newman  Reinhold_Niebuhr__Niebuhr  Edward_Bouverie_Pusey__Pusey__Edward_Pusey  Faustus_Socinus__Socinus__Fausto_Paolo_Sozzini  Emanuel_Swedenborg__Swedenborg__Svedberg__Emanuel_Svedberg  Tertullian__Quintus_Septimius_Florens_Tertullianus  Paul_Johannes_Tillich__Tillich__Paul_Tillich  Isaac_Watts__Watts  John_Wycliffe__Wycliffe__Wickliffe__John_Wickliffe__Wyclif__John_Wyclif__Wiclif__John_Wiclif  Count_Nikolaus_Ludwig_von_Zinzendorf__Zinzendorf  Huldreich_Zwingli__Zwingli__zwingli__Ulrich_Zwingli
                             subtype:  theorist__theoretician__theorizer__theoriser  someone who theorizes (especially in science or art)
                             subtype:  thinker  someone who exercises the mind (usually in an effort to reach a decision)
                                subtype:  divergent_thinker__divergentthinker  a thinker who moves away from the problem as stated and often has novel ideas and solutions
                                subtype:  excogitator  a thinker who considers carefully and thoroughly
                                subtype:  muser__muller__ponderer__ruminator  a reflective thinker characterized by quiet contemplation
                                subtype:  problem_solver__problemsolver__solver__convergent_thinker  a thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution
                             subtype:  visionary__illusionist__seer  a person with unusual powers of foresight
                                subtype:  anticipator__anticipant  one who anticipates
                                subtype:  fantast__futurist  someone who predicts the future
                                subtype:  forecaster__predictor__prognosticator__soothsayer  someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)
                                   subtype:  astrologer__astrologist  someone who predicts the future by the positions of the planets and sun and moon
                                      instance:  Nostradamus__Michel_de_Notredame
                                   subtype:  fortuneteller__fortune_teller__fortuneteller  a person who foretells your personal future
                                      subtype:  palmist__palmister__chiromancer  fortuneteller who predicts your future by the lines on your palms
                                      subtype:  sibyl.fortuneteller  a woman who tells fortunes
                                subtype:  idealist__dreamer  someone guided more by ideals than by practical considerations
                                   subtype:  Don_Quixote.idealist__donquixote  any impractical idealist (after Cervantes' hero)
                                   subtype:  romantic  a soulful or amorous idealist
                             subtype:  wonderer  someone who is curious about something
                          subtype:  juvenile_person__juvenile  a youthful person
                          subtype:  lover  a person who loves or is loved
                          subtype:  leader  a person who rules or guides or inspires others
                          subtype:  money_handler__moneyhandler__money_dealer__moneydealer  a person who receives or invests or pays out money
                          subtype:  national__subject  a person who owes allegiance to that nation; "a monarch has a duty to his subjects"
                          subtype:  nonreligious_person  a person who does not manifest devotion to a deity
                          subtype:  nonworker  a person who does nothing
                          subtype:  peer__equal__match__compeer  a person who is of equal standing with another in a group
                          subtype:  perceiver__observer__beholder  a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
                          subtype:  precursor__forerunner  a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
                          subtype:  primitive_person__primitiveperson__primitive  a person who belongs to early stage of civilization
                          subtype:  religionist__religious_person__religiousperson  a person who manifests devotion to a deity
                          subtype:  sensualist  a person who enjoys sensuality
                          subtype:  traveler__traveller  a person who changes location
                          subtype:  unfortunate_person__unfortunateperson__unfortunate  a person who suffers misfortune
                          subtype:  unwelcome_person__unwelcomeperson__persona_non_grata  a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome
                          subtype:  unskilled_person__unskilledperson  a person who lacks technical training
                          subtype:  worker  a person who works at a specific job; "he is a good worker"
                          subtype:  African  a native or inhabitant of Africa
                          subtype:  person_of_color__person_of_colour  (formal) any non-European non-White person
                          subtype:  White__white_person__whiteperson__Caucasian  a member of the Caucasoid race
                          subtype:  Slav  any member of the people of Eastern Europe or Russian Asia who speak a Slavonic language
                          subtype:  Gentile  a person who is not a member of one's own religion; used in this sense by Mormons and Hindus
                          subtype:  Jew__Hebrew__Israelite  a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties
                          subtype:  European  a person of European nationality
                          subtype:  abstinent__abstainer__nondrinker  a person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages
                          subtype:  achiever__winner__success__succes  a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success"
                          subtype:  acquaintance__friend  a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family"
                          subtype:  acquirer  a person who acquires something (usually permanently)
                          subtype:  actor__doer__worker  a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker"
                          subtype:  adjudicator  a person who adjudicates
                          subtype:  admirer  a person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves
                          subtype:  adversary__antagonist__opponent__opposer  someone who offers opposition
                          subtype:  advisee  someone who receives advice
                          subtype:  advocator__advocate__proponent__exponent  a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
                          subtype:  affiant  a person who makes an affidavit
                          subtype:  amateur  someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime
                          subtype:  apprehender  a person who seizes or arrests (especially a person who seizes or arrests in the name of justice)
                          subtype:  appreciator  a person who is fully aware of something and understand it; "he is not an appreciator of our dilemma"
                          subtype:  arrogator  a person who through conceit makes pretentious claims to rights or advantages that he or she is not entitled to or to qualities that he or she does not possess
                          subtype:  authority  (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others; "the authorities have issued a curfew"
                          subtype:  autodidact  a person who is self-taught
                          subtype:  baby_boomer__boomer  a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s; "they expanded the schools for a generation of baby boomers"
                          subtype:  baby_buster__buster  a person born in the generation following the baby boom when the birth rate fell dramatically
                          subtype:  baldhead__baldpate__baldy  a person whose head is bald
                          subtype:  balker__baulker  a person who refuses to comply
                          subtype:  bullfighter  someone who fights bulls
                          subtype:  bather  a person who takes a bath
                          subtype:  bedfellow  a person with whom you share a bed
                          subtype:  best.person  the person who is most outstanding or excellent; "he could beat the best of them"
                          subtype:  biter  someone who bites
                          subtype:  blond__blonde  a person with fair skin and hair
                          subtype:  bodybuilder__musclebuilder  someone who does special exercises to develop the musculature
                          subtype:  bomber.person  a person who plants bombs
                          subtype:  brunet__brunette  a person with dark (brown) hair
                          subtype:  buster  a person (or thing) that breaks up or overpowers something; "dam buster"; "sanction buster"; crime buster"
                          subtype:  candidate__prospect  someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc.)
                          subtype:  case.person  a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
                          subtype:  celebrator__celebrant__celebrater  a person who is celebrating
                          subtype:  charmer  a person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness)
                          subtype:  child.person__baby  an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!"
                          subtype:  clumsy_person  a person with poor motor coordination
                          subtype:  aggregator__collector  a person who collects things
                          subtype:  combatant__battler__belligerent__fighter  someone who fights (or is fighting)
                          subtype:  complexifier  someone makes things complex
                          subtype:  compulsive  a person with a compulsive disposition; someone who feels compelled to do certain things
                          subtype:  copycat__imitator__emulator__ape__aper  someone who copies the words or behavior of another
                          subtype:  crawler__creeper  a person who crawls or creeps along the ground
                          subtype:  wight__creature  a human being; `wight' is an archaic term
                          subtype:  social_dancer__dancer  a person who participates in a social gathering arranged for dancing (as a ball)
                          subtype:  dead_person__dead_soul__deceased_person__deceased__decedent__departed  someone who is no longer alive; "I wonder what the dead person would have done"
                          subtype:  debaser__degrader  a person who lowers the quality or character or value (as by adding cheaper metal to coins)
                          subtype:  defecator__voider__shitter  a person who defecates
                          subtype:  delayer  a person who delays; to put off until later or cause to be late
                          subtype:  deliverer  a person who gives up or transfers money or goods
                          subtype:  demander  a person who makes demands
                          subtype:  dichromat  a person with any of the various forms of dichromacy
                          subtype:  differentiator__discriminator  a person who differentiates
                          subtype:  disentangler__unraveler__unraveller  a person who removes tangles; someone who takes something out of a tangled state
                          subtype:  dissenter__dissident__protester__objector__contestant  a person who dissents from some established policy
                          subtype:  divider  a person who separates something into parts or groups
                          subtype:  look-alike__double__image  someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor); "he could be Gingrich's double"; "she's the very image of her mother"
                          subtype:  dresser.person  a person who dresses in a particular way; "she's an elegant dresser"; "he's a meticulous dresser"
                          subtype:  driveller__dribbler__slobberer__drooler  a person who dribbles; "that baby is a dribbler; he needs a bib"
                          subtype:  drug_user__substance_abuser__substanceabuser__user  a person who takes drugs
                          subtype:  ectomorph  a person with a thin non-muscular body
                          subtype:  effecter__effector  one who brings about a result or event; one who accomplishes a purpose
                          subtype:  Elizabethan  a person who lived during the reign of Elizabeth I; "William Shakespeare was an Elizabethan"
                          subtype:  emotional_person__emotionalperson  a person subject to strong states of emotion
                          subtype:  endomorph  a heavy person with a soft and rounded body
                          subtype:  enjoyer  a person who delights in having or using or experiencing something
                          subtype:  explorer__adventurer  someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose)
                          subtype:  faddist  a person who subscribes to a variety of fads
                          subtype:  faller  a person who falls; "one of them was safe but they were unable to save the faller"; "a faller among thieves"
                          subtype:  fastener  a person who fastens or makes fast; "he found the door fastened and wondered who the fastener was"
                          subtype:  fiduciary  a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary; "it is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain"
                          subtype:  first-rater__firstrater  one who is first-rate
                          subtype:  follower  an ordinary person who accepts the leadership of another
                          subtype:  free_spirit__free_agent__freewheeler  someone acting freely or even irresponsibly
                          subtype:  friend  a person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university"
                          subtype:  fugitive__runaway  someone who flees from an uncongenial situation; "fugitives from the seatshops"
                          subtype:  gainer  a person who gains (gains an advantage or gains profits); "she was clearly the gainer in that exchange"
                          subtype:  weight_gainer__gainer  a person who gains weight
                          subtype:  gambler  a person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events
                          subtype:  gatherer  a person who gathers; "they were a society of hunters and gatherers"
                          subtype:  good_guy  any person who is on your side
                          subtype:  bad_guy__badguy  any person who is not on your side
                          subtype:  granter  a person who grants or gives something
                          subtype:  greeter__saluter__welcomer  a person who greets; "the newcomers were met by smiling greeters"
                          subtype:  grinner  a person who grins
                          subtype:  groaner  a person who groans
                          subtype:  grunter  a person who grunts
                          subtype:  guesser  a person who guesses
                          subtype:  handicapped_person__handicappedperson  a person who has some handicap that interferes with normal functions
                          subtype:  hater  a person who hates
                          subtype:  heterosexual_person__heterosexual__straight_person__straight  a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex
                          subtype:  homosexual__homo__gay  someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex
                          subtype:  homunculus  a tiny fully formed individual that (according to the discredited theory of preformation) is supposed to be present in the sperm cell
                          subtype:  hope.person  someone (or something) on which expectations are centered; "he was their best hope for a victory"
                          subtype:  hoper  a person who hopes; "only an avid hoper could expect the team to win now"
                          subtype:  huddler  a person who crouches; "low huddlers against the wind"
                          subtype:  hugger  a person who hugs
                          subtype:  idler__loafer__do-nothing__layabout__bum  person who does no work
                          subtype:  immune  a person who is immune to a particular infection
                          subtype:  interpreter  someone who uses art to represent something; "his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature"; "she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles"
                          subtype:  jewel__gem  a person who is a brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry
                          subtype:  slayer__killer  someone who causes the death of a person or animal
                          subtype:  relative__relation  a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey"
                          subtype:  kneeler.person  a person in a kneeling position
                          subtype:  knocker  a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance); "open the door and see who the knocker is"
                          subtype:  knower__apprehender  a person who knows or apprehends
                          subtype:  large_person__largeperson  a person of greater than average size
                          subtype:  laugher  a person who is laughing or who laughs easily
                          subtype:  learner__assimilator  someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs
                          subtype:  left-hander__lefty__southpaw  a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right; "their pitcher was a southpaw"
                          subtype:  life.person  a living person; "his heroism saved a life"
                          subtype:  lightning_rod__lightningrod  someone who is a frequent target of negative reactions and serves to distract attention from another
                          subtype:  polyglot__linguist  a person who speaks more than one language
                          subtype:  literate_person__literate  a person who can read and write
                          subtype:  liver.person  a person who has a special life style; "a high liver"
                          subtype:  longer__thirster__yearner  a person with a strong desire for something; "a longer for money"; "a thirster after blood"; "a yearner for knowledge"
                          subtype:  loose_cannon__loosecannon  a person who is expected to perform a particular task but who is out of control and dangerous
                          subtype:  machine.person  an efficient person; "the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine"
                          subtype:  mailer.person  a person who mails something
                          subtype:  malcontent  a person who is discontented or disgusted
                          subtype:  human_being__humanbeing__man  the generic use of the word to refer to any human being; "it was every man for himself"
                          subtype:  manipulator  a person who handles things manually
                          subtype:  man_jack__manjack  a single individual; "every man jack"
                          subtype:  masturbator  a person who practices masturbation
                          subtype:  measurer  a person who makes measurements
                          subtype:  nonmember  a person who is not a member
                          subtype:  mesomorph  a person with a well-developed muscular body
                          subtype:  mestizo  a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)
                          subtype:  middlebrow  (informal) someone who is neither a highbrow nor a lowbrow
                          subtype:  miracle_man__miracleman__miracle_worker__miracleworker  a person who claims or is alleged to perform miracles
                          subtype:  misogamist  a person who hates marriage
                          subtype:  mixed-blood__mixedblood  a person whose ancestors belonged to two or more races
                          subtype:  modern  a contemporary person
                          subtype:  mutilator__maimer__mangler  a person who mutilates or destroys or disfigures or cripples
                          subtype:  namer  a person who gives a name or names; "the owner is usually the namer of a boat"
                          subtype:  namesake  a person with the same name as another
                          subtype:  neglecter  a person who is neglectful and gives little attention or respect to people or responsibilities; "he tried vainly to impress his neglecters"
                          subtype:  neighbor__neighbour  a person who lives (or is located) near another
                          subtype:  neutral  one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute
                          subtype:  nondescript  a person is not easily classified and not very interesting
                          subtype:  nonparticipant  a person who does not participate
                          subtype:  nonsmoker  a person who does not smoke tobacco
                          subtype:  nude_person__nude  a naked person
                          subtype:  nurser  a person who treats something carefully; "a great nurser of pennies"
                          subtype:  occultist  some who practices the occult arts
                          subtype:  old_maid.person__oldmaid  a person who is primly fastidious
                          subtype:  outcaste  a person belonging to no caste
                          subtype:  outdoorsman  a person who spends time outdoors (e.g., hunting or fishing)
                          subtype:  owner__possessor  a person who owns something; "they are searching for the owner of the car"; "who is the owner of that friendly smile?"
                          subtype:  pamperer__spoiler  someone who pampers or spoils by excessive indulgence
                          subtype:  forgiver__pardoner__excuser  a person who pardons or forgives or excuses a fault or offense
                          subtype:  partner  a person who is a member of a partnership
                          subtype:  party.person  a person involved in legal proceedings; "the party of the first part"
                          subtype:  passer.person  a person who passes as a member of a different ethnic or racial group
                          subtype:  personage  another word for person; a person not meriting identification; "a strange personage appeared at the door"
                          subtype:  personification.person  one who personifies an abstract quality
                          subtype:  perspirer__sweater  a person who perspires
                          subtype:  philosopher.person  a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity
                          subtype:  chooser__picker__selector  a person who chooses or selects out
                          subtype:  urinator__pisser  a person who urinates
                          subtype:  planner__contriver__deviser  a person who makes plans
                          subtype:  powderer  someone who applies or scatters powder
                          subtype:  preserver  someone who keeps safe from harm or danger
                          subtype:  propositus  the person immediately affected by or concerned with an action
                          subtype:  pursuer  a person who pursues some plan or goal; "a pursuer of truth"
                          subtype:  pussycat  a person who is regarded as easygoing and agreeable
                          subtype:  quarter.person  an unspecified person; "he dropped a word in the right quarter"
                          subtype:  quitter  a person who gives up too easily
                          subtype:  rectifier.person  a person who corrects or sets right; "a rectifier of prejudices"
                          subtype:  redhead__carrottop  someone who has red hair
                          subtype:  registrant  a person who is formally entered (along with others) in a register (and who obtains certain rights thereby)
                          subtype:  reliever__allayer  a person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies; "a reliever of anxiety"; "an allayer of fears"
                          subtype:  repeater.person  a person who repeats; "the audience consisted largely of repeaters who had seen the movie many times"
                          subtype:  rescuer__recoverer__saver  someone who saves something from danger or violence
                          subtype:  rester  a person who rests
                          subtype:  restrainer.person__controller  a person who directs and restrains
                          subtype:  rich_person__wealthy_person__wealthyperson__have  a person who possesses great material wealth
                          subtype:  right-hander__righthander  a person who uses the right hand more skillfully than the left
                          subtype:  riser.person  a person who rises (especially from bed); "he's usually a late riser"
                          subtype:  roundhead  a brachycephalic person
                          subtype:  swayer__ruler  a person who rules or commands; "swayer of the universe"
                          subtype:  rusher  a person who rushes; someone in a hurry; someone who acts precipitously
                          subtype:  scratcher.person  a person who scratches to relieve an itch
                          subtype:  second-rater__mediocrity  a person of second-rate ability or value: "a team of aging second-raters"; "shone among the mediocrities who surrounded him"
                          subtype:  cloud_seeder__cloudseeder__seeder  a person who seeds clouds
                          subtype:  quester__seeker__searcher  someone making a search or inquiry; "they are seekers after truth"
                          subtype:  sentimentalist__romanticist  someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality
                          subtype:  sex_object__sexobject  any person regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification
                          subtype:  shaker.person__mover  a person who wields power and influence; "movers and shakers in the business world"; "a shaker of traditional beliefs"; "a mover of mountains"
                          subtype:  signatory__signer  someone who signs and is bound by a document
                          subtype:  significant_other__significantother  a person with whom you have shared a long-term sexual relationship
                          subtype:  simpleton__simple  a person lacking intelligence or common sense
                          subtype:  six-footer__sixfooter  a person who is at least six feet tall
                          subtype:  slave  a person who is owned by someone
                          subtype:  sleepyhead  a sleepy person
                          subtype:  sloucher  a person who slouches; someone with a drooping carriage
                          subtype:  small_person__smallperson  a person of below average size
                          subtype:  smasher  a person who smashes something
                          subtype:  smiler  a person who smiles
                          subtype:  sneezer  a person who sneezes
                          subtype:  sniffer  a person who sniffs
                          subtype:  snuffler  a person who breathes noisily (as through a nose blocked by mucus)
                          subtype:  socializer  a person who takes part in social activities
                          subtype:  sort.person  a person of a particular character or nature; "what sort of person is he?"; "he's a good sort"
                          subtype:  sounding_board  a person whose reactions to something serve as an indication of its acceptability; "I would use newspapermen as a sounding board for such policies"
                          subtype:  sphinx.person  an inscrutable person who keeps his thoughts and intentions secret
                          subtype:  expectorator__spitter  a person who spits (ejects saliva from the mouth)
                          subtype:  sprawler  a person who sprawls; "he is such a sprawler he needs a bed to himself"
                          subtype:  spurner  a person who rejects (someone or something) with contempt; "she was known as a spurner of all suitors"; "he was no spurner of rules"
                          subtype:  squinter__squint-eye  a person with strabismus
                          subtype:  stifler__smotherer  a person who stifles or smothers or suppresses; "he is a real conversation stifler"; "I see from all the yawn smotherers that it is time to stop"
                          subtype:  stigmatic__stigmatist  a person whose body is marked by religious stigmata (such as marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ)
                          subtype:  stooper  a person who carries himself or herself with the head and shoulders habitually bent forward
                          subtype:  struggler  a person who struggles with difficulties or with great effort
                          subtype:  guinea_pig__subject__case  a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation; "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"; "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"
                          subtype:  surrenderer  a person who yields or surrenders
                          subtype:  survivor.person  one who outlives another; "he left his farm to his survivors"
                          subtype:  suspect  someone who is under suspicion
                          subtype:  tempter  a person who tempts others; "Satan is the great tempter of mankind"
                          subtype:  termer  a person who serves a specified term; "there are not many fourth termers in the Senate"
                          subtype:  terror__scourge__threat  a person who inspires fear or dread; "he was the terror of the neighborhood"
                          subtype:  testator__testate  a person who makes a will
                          subtype:  thin_person__skin_and_bones  a person who is unusually thin
                          subtype:  third-rater__thirdrater  one who is third-rate or distinctly inferior
                          subtype:  thrower  someone who projects something through the air (especially by a rapid motion of the arm)
                          subtype:  tiger  a fierce or audacious person; "he's a tiger on the tennis court"; "it aroused the tiger in me"
                          subtype:  toucher  a person who causes or allows a part of the body to come in contact with someone or something
                          subtype:  transfer.person__transferee  someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU"
                          subtype:  transsexual  a person whose sexual identification is entirely with the opposite sex
                          subtype:  transvestite__cross-dresser__crossdresser  someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex
                          subtype:  attempter__trier__essayer  one who tries
                          subtype:  unfastener__undoer__opener__untier  a person who unfastens or unwraps or opens; "children are talented undoers of their shoelaces"
                          subtype:  user  a person who makes use of a thing; someone who uses or employs something
                          subtype:  vanisher  a person who disappears
                          subtype:  dupe__victim  a person who is tricked or swindled
                          subtype:  Victorian  a person who lived during the reign of Victoria
                          subtype:  waiter  a person who waits or awaits
                          subtype:  waker  a person who awakes; "an early waker"
                          subtype:  wanter__needer  a person who wants or needs something; "an owner of many things and needer of none"
                          subtype:  ward  a person who is under the protection or in the custody of another
                          subtype:  warrior  someone engaged in or experienced in warfare
                          subtype:  watcher  a person who keeps a devotional vigil by a sick bed or by a dead body
                          subtype:  weakling__doormat__wus  a person who is physically weak and ineffectual
                          subtype:  squirmer__wiggler__wriggler  one who can't stay still (especially a child): "the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips"
                          subtype:  winker  a person who winks
                          subtype:  withholder.person  a person who refrains from granting; "a withholder of payments"
                          subtype:  witness  (law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law
                          subtype:  yawner  a person who yawns
                          subtype:  male_or_female_person
                          subtype:  in_relationship_person
                          subtype:  Person
                       subtype:  Homo_erectus  extinct species of primitive hominid with upright stature but small brain; " Homo erectus was formerly called Pithecanthropus erectus"
                       subtype:  Homo_soloensis  extinct primitive hominid of late Pleistocene; Java; formerly Javanthropus
                       subtype:  Homo_habilis  extinct species of upright east African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics
                       subtype:  Homo_sapiens  the only surviving hominid; species to which modern man belongs; bipedal primate having language and ability to make and use complex tools; brain 1400 cc
                       subtype:  Neandertal_man__Neanderthal_man__Neandertal__Neanderthal__Homo_sapiens_neanderthalensis  extinct robust human of Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia
                       subtype:  Rhodesian_man__Homo_rhodesiensis  a primitive hominid resembling Neanderthal man but living in Africa
                    subtype:  Pithecanthropus_erectus__Pithecanthropus__genus_Pithecanthropus  former genus of primitive apelike men now Homo erectus
                    subtype:  genus_Sinanthropus__Sinanthropus  genus to which Peking man was formerly assigned
                    subtype:  genus_Javanthropus__Javanthropus  former genus of primitive man; now Homo soloensis: comprises Solo man
                    subtype:  australopithecine  any of several extinct humanlike small-brained bipedal primates of the genus Australopithecus; from 1 to 4 million years ago
                    subtype:  Sivapithecus  fossil primates found in India
                    subtype:  dryopithecine  considered a possible ancestor to both anthropoid apes and humans
                 subtype:  monkey  any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians)
                 subtype:  prosimian  primitive primates having large ears and eyes and characterized by nocturnal habits
                 subtype:  lemur  large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails
                 subtype:  tarsier  nocturnal arboreal primate of Indonesia and the Philippines having huge eyes and digits ending in pads to facilitate climbing; the only primate that spurns all plant material as food living entirely on insects and small vertebrates
              subtype:  tree_shrew  insectivorous arboreal mammal of southeast Asia that resembles a squirrel with large eyes and long sharp snout
              subtype:  flying_lemur__flying_cat__colugo  arboreal nocturnal mammal of southeast Asia and the Philippines resembling a lemur and having a fold of skin on each side from neck to tail that is used for long gliding leaps
              subtype:  proboscidean__proboscidian  massive herbivorous mammals having tusks and a long trunk
              subtype:  plantigrade_mammal__plantigrademammal  an animal that walks with the entire sole of the foot touching the ground as e.g. bears and human beings
              subtype:  digitigrade_mammal__digitigrademammal  an animal that walks so that only the toes touch the ground as e.g. dogs and cats and horses
           subtype:  fossorial_mammal__fossorialmammal  a burrowing mammal having limbs adapted for digging
        subtype:  tetrapod  a vertebrate animal having four feet or legs or leglike appendages
  subtype:  invertebrate  any animal lacking a backbone or notochord; the term is not used as a scientific classification
  subtype:  metazoan  any animal of the subkingdom Metazoa; all animals except protozoans and sponges
  subtype:  omnivore  an animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances
  subtype:  predator__predatory_animal__predatoryanimal  any animal that lives by preying on other animals
  subtype:  prey__quarry  animal hunted or caught for food
  subtype:  biped  an animal with two feet
  subtype:  larva  the immature free-living form of most invertebrates and amphibians and fish which at hatching from the egg is fundamentally unlike its parent and must metamorphose
  subtype:  racer.animal  an animal that races
  subtype:  fictional_animal__fictionalanimal  animals that exist only in fiction (usually in children's stories)
  subtype:  captive  an animal that is confined
  subtype:  mate  the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner); "he loved the mare and all her mates"; "camels hate leaving their mates"

1 schema is about animal
     [any animal (^$(no inheritance)$^),
          weight: 0.001 to 5000 kilogram,
          height: 0.001 to 5 meter,
          width: 0.001 to 5 meter,
          physical_part: a body_part,
          experiencer of: a birth,
          may have for owner: a person_or_organization (^$(explore 1)$^),
          may be object of: a commercial_transaction (^$(explore 1)$^),
          may be experiencer of: a situation,
          may be recipient of: a situation,
          may be doer/object/result/place of (^$(explore)$^): a situation]

1 statement is about a direct instance of animal: graph3_on_person

33 statements are about indirect instances of animal: graph1_on_person, graph2_on_person, graph3_on_person, graph4_on_person, graph1_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph2_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph3_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph4_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, phmIsOwnerOfSomeRedCar, graph6_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph7_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph1_on_f.modave@gu.edu.au, graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au, graph8_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph8_on_article, graph1_on_collection, graph1_on_situation, graph1_on_human_motion, graph1_on_flight, graph1_on_conference, graph1_on_file, graph1_on_written_material, graph1_on_publication, graph1_on_report, graph35_on_article, graph1_on_research_staff, graph1_on_ontology, graph2_on_Corolla_AE93_CSI_manual_hatchback, graph2_on_John_Briggs_Alfa_Romeo, graph1_on_Person, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=2667, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=4384, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=5241 click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

Search too large. MMore than 2000 categories have been printed (5798 exactly). The exploration depth has been automatically reduced during the process

Another search (with same display options)?