Relation pm#what_relation (*)
  supertype:  pm#wh-/how_relation  this type permits to categorize relations according to the usual who/what/why/where/when/how questions ; this is a traditional but very subjective and ineffective way of categorizing relations 
  subtype:  pm#object/result (pm#situation,?)
     subtype:  pm#instrument (pm#situation,pm#entity)
        subtype:  sumo#instrument (sumo#process,sumo#object)  the 2nd argument is used in bringing about the first and is not changed by it, e.g., the key is an instrument in 'the key opened the door'; instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair
     subtype:  pm#object__patient___theme__theme (pm#situation,?)
        subtype:  pm#input (pm#process,?)
           subtype:  pm#material (pm#process,?)
           subtype:  pm#parameter (pm#process,?)
        subtype:  pm#input_output__inputoutput (pm#process,?)
           subtype:  pm#modified_object (pm#process,?)
              subtype:  pm#muted_object__mutedobject (pm#process,?)
           subtype:  pm#deleted_object__deletedobject (pm#process,?)
        subtype:  sumo#patient (sumo#process,?)  the 2nd argument may be moved, said, experienced, etc; the direct objects in 'The cat swallowed the canary' and 'Billy likes the beer' would be examples of patients; the patient of a process may or may not undergo structural change as a result of the process
           subtype:  sumo#instrument (sumo#process,sumo#object)  the 2nd argument is used in bringing about the first and is not changed by it, e.g., the key is an instrument in 'the key opened the door'; instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair
           subtype:  sumo#resource (sumo#process,sumo#object)  the object is present at the beginning of the process, is used by it, and as a consequence is changed by it; for example, soap is a resource in 'the gun was carved out of soap'; resource differs from instrument in that its internal or physical properties are altered in some way by the process
           subtype:  sumo#result (sumo#process,?)  the 2nd argument is the product of the process, e.g., house is a result in 'Eric built a house'
     subtype:  pm#result (pm#situation,?)
        subtype:  pm#output (pm#process,?)
        subtype:  sumo#result (sumo#process,?)  the 2nd argument is the product of the process, e.g., house is a result in 'Eric built a house'
  subtype:  pm#process_attribute__processattribute (pm#process,pm#process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
     subtype:  pm#manner (pm#process,pm#process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
  subtype:  pm#mereological_relation (?,*)
     subtype:  pm#part_or_parts (?,?)
        subtype:  pm#part (?,?)
           subtype:  pm#sub_situation__subsituation (pm#situation,pm#situation)
              subtype:  pm#sub_process__subproces (pm#process,pm#process)
              subtype:  dl#temporal_part__P.T (dl#perdurant,dl#perdurant)
              subtype:  dl#spatial_part__spatialpart__P.S (dl#perdurant,dl#perdurant)
           subtype:  pm#spatial_part__spatialpart (pm#spatial_object,pm#spatial_object)
              subtype:  pm#physical_part (pm#physical_entity,pm#physical_entity)
           subtype:  pm#sub_collection__subcollection (pm#collection,pm#collection)  a partial order relation
              subtype:  pm#ending_collection (pm#collection,pm#collection)
                 subtype:  pm#final_segment__finalsegment (pm#collection,pm#collection)  the second collection is a final segment of the 1st
              subtype:  kif#sublist__final_segment_of__finalsegmentof (sumo#list,sumo#list)  USE pm#final_segment INSTEAD OF THIS RELATION TYPE; "sublist" is a misleading name; "final_segment_of" is better
           subtype:  pm#main_part (?,?)
           subtype:  pm#first_part__firstpart (?,?)
              subtype:  kif#first (sumo#list -> ?)
                 subtype:  rdf#first (rdf#list -> ?)
           subtype:  pm#last_part (?,?)
              subtype:  kif#last (sumo#list -> ?)
           subtype:  pm#part_in_Dolce_Lite (dl#entity,dl#entity)
              subtype:  dl#part (dl#entity,dl#entity)  the subpart may or may not be different from the whole
                 subtype:  dl#component (dl#entity,dl#entity)
                 subtype:  dl#atomic_part (dl#entity,dl#atom)  an undivisible part
                    subtype:  dl#temporary_atomic_part__AtP (dl#entity,dl#atom)
              subtype:  dl#proper_part (dl#entity,dl#entity)  the subpart is different from the whole
              subtype:  dl#temporary_proper_part (dl#endurant,dl#endurant)
              subtype:  dl#temporary_part__temporarypart (dl#endurant,dl#endurant)
                 subtype:  dl#temporary_component__temporarycomponent (dl#endurant,dl#endurant)
              subtype:  dl#constant_part (dl#entity,dl#entity)
              subtype:  dl#sibling_part__siblingpart (dl#entity,dl#entity)
           subtype:  pm#in_proceedings (#conference,#publication)
        subtype:  pm#parts__part (?,pm#collection)  such a type (using a collection as destination) should NOT be used: pm#part or a subtype of it should be used instead
     subtype:  pm#part_of (?,?)  this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB (its inverse may be used); this type is only provided for knowledge sharing purposes
        subtype:  sumo#part__part_of (sumo#object,sumo#object)  this type should have been name sumo#part_of to respect the common reading conventions of parameters; all other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one; it means that the 1st argument is part of the 2nd; note that, since part is a reflexive_relation, every object is a part of itself
           subtype:  sumo#proper_part__proper_part_of (sumo#object,sumo#object)  the 1st argument is part of the 2nd but is not it; this is a transitive_relation and asymmetric_relation (hence an irreflexive_relation)
           subtype:  sumo#piece__piece_of__pieceof (sumo#substance,sumo#substance)  a specialized common sense notion of part for arbitrary parts of substances; quasi-synonyms are: chunk, hunk, bit, etc; compare component, another subrelation of part
           subtype:  sumo#component__component_of__componentof (sumo#corpuscular_object,sumo#corpuscular_object)  a specialized common sense notion of part for heterogeneous parts of complexes; the 1st argument is a component of the 2nd argument; examples: the doors and walls of a house, the states or provinces of a country, or the limbs and organs of an animal; compare with sumo#piece, another specialization of sumo#part
           subtype:  sumo#member (sumo#self_connected_object,sumo#collection)  a specialized common sense notion of part for uniform parts of collections; for example, each sheep in a flock of sheep would have the relationship of member to the flock
        subtype:  pm#part_in_Dolce_Full (dolce#world,dolce#particular,dolce#particular+)
           subtype:  dolce#part__P (dolce#world,dolce#particular,dolce#particular,dolce#particular)
           subtype:  dolce#atomic_part__AtP (dolce#world,dolce#particular,dolce#particular)
           subtype:  dolce#temporary_atomic_part__AtP (dolce#world,dolce#particular,dolce#particular,dolce#particular)
           subtype:  dolce#proper_part__PP (dolce#world,dolce#particular,dolce#particular)  a subpart (different from the whole)
           subtype:  dolce#temporary_proper_part__PP (dolce#world,dolce#particular,dolce#particular,dolce#particular)
           subtype:  dolce#temporary_part__temporarypart__P (dolce#world,dolce#particular,dolce#particular,dolce#particular)
     subtype:  pm#overlap_with__overlapwith (?,?)
        subtype:  dl#overlap__O (dl#abstract_or_perdurant,dl#abstract_or_perdurant)
  subtype:  pm#method (pm#process,pm#description)
  subtype:  pm#relation_from_collection (pm#collection,*)
     subtype:  pm#member (pm#collection,*)
        subtype:  pm#domain_object (pm#domain,?)
           subtype:  pm#core_domain_object__central_object_of_domain (pm#domain,?)
        subtype:  pm#reverse_of_KIF_member (kif#set,?)  this type only exists to make the connection to kif#member (which should have been named kif#member_of to respect the common reading conventions of parameters)
        subtype:  pm#item (sumo#list,?)
           subtype:  rdf#item (rdf#list,?)  for item(L,I) read: I is an item in L; either first(L,I) or item(R,I) where rest(L,R)
        subtype:  rdf#li (pm#collection,*)
        subtype:  kif#first (sumo#list -> ?)
        subtype:  kif#last (sumo#list -> ?)
        subtype:  kif#butlast (sumo#list -> ?)
        subtype:  kif#nth (sumo#list,sumo#positive_integer -> ?)
     subtype:  kif#nthrest (sumo#list,sumo#nonnegative_integer -> sumo#list)
     subtype:  pm#relation_from_collection_to_number (pm#collection -> sumo#number)
        subtype:  pm#size__number_of_elements (pm#collection -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)
           subtype:  kif#length (sumo#list -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)
        subtype:  pm#minimal_size__minimalsize (pm#collection -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)
        subtype:  pm#maximal_size__maximalsize (pm#collection -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)
        subtype:  pm#percentage (pm#collection -> sumo#number)
        subtype:  pm#average (pm#number_container -> sumo#number)  to specify an average on the values
     subtype:  sumo#list_order_fn (sumo#list,sumo#positive_integer -> ?)  returns the item that is in the given position (2nd argument) in the list, e.g., (sumo#list_order_fn (sumo#list_fn Monday Tuesday Wednesday) 2) would return the value tuesday
     subtype:  sumo#list_length_fn (sumo#list -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)  returns the number of items in the list, e.g., (sumo#list_length_fn (sumo#list_fn Monday Tuesday Wednesday)) would return the value 3
     subtype:  pm#relation_from_an_ontology (pm#ontology,*)
        subtype:  pm#relation_to_another_ontology (pm#ontology,pm#ontology)
           subtype:  owl#backward_compatible_with (pm#ontology,pm#ontology)
           subtype:  owl#incompatible_with (pm#ontology,pm#ontology)
           subtype:  owl#prior_version__priorversion (pm#ontology,pm#ontology)
     subtype:  pm#relation_between_collections (pm#collection,pm#collection+)
        subtype:  pm#sub_collection__subcollection (pm#collection,pm#collection)  a partial order relation
        subtype:  pm#sub_collection_of (pm#collection,pm#collection)  DO NOT use this type; it only exists because the SUMO does not respect common reading conventions of parameters
           subtype:  sumo#sub_collection__subcollection__sub_collection_of (sumo#collection,sumo#collection)  the 1st collection is a proper part of the 2nd
           subtype:  sumo#sub_list__sublist__sub_list_of (sumo#list,sumo#list)  the 1st argument is a sublist of the 2nd, i.e. every element of the 1st is an element of the 2nd and the elements that are common to both lists have the same order in both lists
              subtype:  sumo#initial_list__initiallist (sumo#list,sumo#list)  the 1st argument (?L1) is a sublist of the 2nd (?L2), and (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?NUMBER) returns the same value as (sumo#list_order_fn ?L2 ?N) for all of the values of ?N over which (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?N) is defined
           subtype:  pm#final_segment_of__finalsegmentof (pm#collection,pm#collection)  USE pm#final_segment INSTEAD
              subtype:  kif#sublist__final_segment_of__finalsegmentof (sumo#list,sumo#list)  USE pm#final_segment INSTEAD OF THIS RELATION TYPE; "sublist" is a misleading name; "final_segment_of" is better
        subtype:  pm#overlapping_collection__overlappingcollection (pm#collection,pm#collection)
        subtype:  pm#not_overlapping_collection__notoverlappingcollection (pm#collection,pm#collection)
           subtype:  pm#collection_complement (pm#collection,pm#collection)
        subtype:  kif#rest (sumo#list -> sumo#list)
           subtype:  rdf#rest (rdf#list -> rdf#list)
        subtype:  kif#append (sumo#list,sumo#list -> sumo#list)
        subtype:  sumo#list_concatenate_fn (sumo#list,sumo#list -> sumo#list)  returns the concatenation of two lists
        subtype:  kif#revappend (sumo#list,sumo#list -> sumo#list)
        subtype:  kif#reverse (sumo#list -> sumo#list)
        subtype:  pm#relation_from_type_to_collection (pm#type,pm#collection)
           subtype:  pm#partition (pm#type,pm#collection)
           subtype:  pm#instances__instance (pm#type -> pm#collection)
           subtype:  pm#subtypes (pm#type -> pm#collection)
           subtype:  pm#relation_from_class_to_collection (rdfs#class,pm#collection)
              subtype:  owl#union_of__unionof (rdfs#class,rdf#list)  for unionOf(X,L) read: X is the union of the classes in the list L; i.e. if something is in any of the classes in L, it is in X, and vice versa
                 subtype:  daml#disjoint_union_of (rdfs#class,rdf#list)  for disjointUnionOf(X,L) read: X is the disjoint union of the classes in the list L: (a) for any c1 and c2 in L, disjointWith(c1,c2), and (b) i.e. if something is in any of the classes in L, it is in X, and vice versa
              subtype:  owl#intersection_of (rdfs#class,rdf#list)  for intersectionOf(X,Y) read: X is the intersection of the classes in the list Y; i.e. if something is in all the classes in Y, then it's in X, and vice versa
              subtype:  owl#one_of__oneof (rdfs#class,rdf#list)  for oneOf(C,L) read everything in C is one of the things in L
              subtype:  owl#distinct_members (owl#all_different,rdf#list)
              subtype:  pm#relation_to_another_class (rdfs#class,rdfs#class+)
                 subtype:  rdfs#sub_class_of__subclassof__super_class__superclas (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
                 subtype:  owl#equivalent_class (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  in WebKB, use the link '='
                 subtype:  pm#exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
                    subtype:  pm#complement_class (rdfs#class -> rdfs#class)  if something is not in one of the classes, then it is in the other, and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '/'
                 subtype:  daml#restricted_by (rdfs#class,owl#restriction)
                 subtype:  sumo#disjoint_decomposition (sumo#class,sumo#class+)  a disjoint_decomposition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint subclasses of C
                    subtype:  sumo#partition (sumo#class,sumo#class+)  a partition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint classes (a subclass partition) covering C; each instance of C is instance of exactly one of the subclasses in the partition
                 subtype:  sumo#exhaustive_decomposition (sumo#class,sumo#class+)  an exhaustive_decomposition of a class C is a set of subclasses of C such that every instance of C is an instance of one of the subclasses in the set; note:  this does not necessarily mean that the elements of the set are disjoint (see sumo#partition - a partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition)
                    subtype:  sumo#partition (sumo#class,sumo#class+)  a partition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint classes (a subclass partition) covering C; each instance of C is instance of exactly one of the subclasses in the partition
        subtype:  pm#relation_to_another_set_or_class (pm#set_or_class,pm#set_or_class+)  this category is needed to group SUMO relations between classes which cannot be subtype of pm#relation_from_type because their signatures curiously also involve sets
           subtype:  pm#disjoint (pm#set_or_class,pm#set_or_class)  like sumo#disjoint but from a a pm#set_or_class to another
              subtype:  sumo#disjoint (sumo#set_or_class,sumo#set_or_class)  classes are exclusive/disjoint only if they share no instance (and hence no subtype), i.e. just in case the result of applying sumo#intersection_fn to them is empty
              subtype:  pm#exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
           subtype:  pm#subclass_of_or_equal (pm#set_or_class,pm#set_or_class)
              subtype:  sumo#subclass__subclass_of (sumo#set_or_class,sumo#set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every instance of the 1st argument is also an instance of the 2nd argument; a class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses
                 subtype:  sumo#immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of (sumo#set_or_class,sumo#set_or_class)  the 1st argument is a subclass of the 2nd argument and there is no other subclass of the 2nd argument such that the 1st is also a subclass of the 2nd; in WebKB, use the link '<'
              subtype:  rdfs#sub_class_of__subclassof__super_class__superclas (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
           subtype:  sumo#power_set_fn__powersetfn (sumo#set_or_class -> sumo#set_or_class)  maps the argument to the set_or_class of all its subclasses
           subtype:  pm#relation_to_another_class (rdfs#class,rdfs#class+)
        subtype:  pm#relation_to_another_ontology (pm#ontology,pm#ontology)
     subtype:  pm#relation_from_type (pm#type,*)  type of relations from a concept/relation type, i.e. in RDFS terminology, from a class or a property
        subtype:  pm#specializing_type (pm#type,?)
           subtype:  pm#instance (pm#type,?)  the ':' link in the FT notation
           subtype:  pm#subtype__subtype_or_equal (pm#type,pm#type)  subtype links should actually be strict subtype links or not much checking can be done
              subtype:  pm#strict_subtype (pm#type,pm#type)  the '>' link in the FT notation
                 subtype:  dl#properly_subsumes_leaf__PSBL (pm#type,pm#type)  the 2nd type is a leaf type properly subsumed by the 1st type
              subtype:  dl#subsumes_leaf__SBL (pm#type,pm#type)  the 2nd type is a leaf type subsumed by the 1st type
                 subtype:  dl#properly_subsumes_leaf__PSBL (pm#type,pm#type)  the 2nd type is a leaf type properly subsumed by the 1st type
        subtype:  pm#supertype (pm#type,pm#type)  in the FT notation, the '<' link is only used to connect to a "strict" supertype
           subtype:  rdfs#sub_class_of__subclassof__super_class__superclas (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
           subtype:  sumo#subrelation (pm#relation_type,pm#relation_type)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every tuple of the 1st argument (r1) is also a tuple of the 2nd argument (r2), i.e. if r1 holds for some arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n, then the r2 holds for the same arguments; a consequence of this is that a relation and its subrelations must have the same valence
              subtype:  rdfs#sub_property_of (pm#binary_relation_type,pm#binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
        subtype:  pm#same_type_as (pm#type,pm#type)
           subtype:  owl#equivalent_class (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  in WebKB, use the link '='
           subtype:  owl#equivalent_property (pm#binary_relation_type,pm#binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '='
        subtype:  pm#exclusive_type__exclusivetype (pm#type,pm#type)  in WebKB, use the '!' link
           subtype:  pm#exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
           subtype:  pm#closed_exclusion (pm#type -> pm#type)  the '/' link in the FT notation:  the two linked types either are respectively identical to pm#thing and pm#nothing (they are "complement types") or they subtype a same type and form a complete subtype partition
              subtype:  pm#complement_type (pm#type -> pm#type)  a supertype of owl#complement_of which can only connect RDFS/OWL classes
                 subtype:  pm#complement_class (rdfs#class -> rdfs#class)  if something is not in one of the classes, then it is in the other, and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '/'
        subtype:  pm#relation_from_relation_type (pm#relation_type,*)
           subtype:  pm#relation_from_binary_relation_type (pm#binary_relation_type,*)
              subtype:  pm#relation_to_another_binary_relation_type (pm#binary_relation_type,pm#binary_relation_type)
                 subtype:  owl#equivalent_property (pm#binary_relation_type,pm#binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '='
                 subtype:  rdfs#sub_property_of (pm#binary_relation_type,pm#binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
                 subtype:  pm#inverse__reverse (pm#binary_relation_type -> pm#binary_relation_type)  for inverseOf(R,S) read: R is the inverse of S; i.e. if R(x,y) then S(y,x) and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '-'
              subtype:  rdfs#domain (pm#binary_relation_type,rdfs#class)
              subtype:  rdfs#range (pm#binary_relation_type,rdfs#class)
           subtype:  sumo#domain (pm#relation_type,sumo#positive_integer,sumo#set_or_class)  the formula (sumo#domain ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) means that the ?INT'th element of each tuple in the relation ?REL must be an instance of ?CLASS
           subtype:  sumo#domain_subclass (pm#relation_type,sumo#positive_integer,sumo#set_or_class)  the formula (sumo#domainSubclass ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) means that the ?INT'th element of each tuple in the relation ?REL must be a subclass of ?CLASS
           subtype:  sumo#range (pm#function_type,sumo#set_or_class)  gives the range of a function, i.e. all of the values assigned by the function are instances of sumo#class
           subtype:  sumo#range_subclass (pm#function_type,sumo#set_or_class)  all of the values assigned by the function in the 1st argument are subclasses of the 2nd argment
           subtype:  sumo#valence (pm#relation_type,sumo#positive_integer)  specifies the number of arguments that a relation can take; if a relation does not have a fixed number of arguments, it does not have a valence and it is an instance of variable_arity_relation, e.g., sumo#holds is a variable_arity_relation
           subtype:  sumo#disjoint_relation (pm#relation_type+)  (sumo#disjointRelation @ROW) means that any two relations in @ROW have no tuples in common; as a consequence, the intersection of all of the relations in @ROW is the null set
           subtype:  sumo#holds__hold (pm#relation_type,*)  (holds P N1 ... NK) is true when the tuple of objects denoted by N1,..., NK is an element of the relation P
           subtype:  sumo#assignment_fn (pm#function_type,*)  if F is a function with a value for the objects denoted by N1,..., NK, then (sumo#assignmentFn F N1 ... NK) is the value of applying F to the objects denoted by N1,..., NK; otherwise, the value is undefined
           subtype:  sumo#distributes__distribute (pm#binary_function_type,pm#binary_function_type)  a binary_function ?F1 is distributive over another binary_function ?F2 just in case (?F1 ?INST1 (?F2 ?INST2 ?INST3)) is equal to (?F2 (?F1 ?INST1 ?INST2) (?F1 ?INST1 ?INST3)), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
        subtype:  pm#relation_from_class (rdfs#class,*)
           subtype:  pm#relation_from_class_to_collection (rdfs#class,pm#collection)
           subtype:  sumo#abstraction_fn__abstractionfn (sumo#class -> sumo#Attribute)  a unary_function that maps a class into an attribute that specifies the condition(s) for membership in the class
           subtype:  pm#relation_from_sumo_process_class (pm#sumo_process_class,*)
              subtype:  sumo#causes_subclass (pm#sumo_process_class,pm#sumo_process_class)  the 1st argument brings about the 2nd, e.g., (causes_subclass killing death)
              subtype:  sumo#capability (pm#sumo_process_class,pm#case_relation_type,sumo#object)  the object  has the ability to play the role (case relation) in the given kinds of processes
              subtype:  sumo#has_skill__hasskill (pm#sumo_process_class,dl#agentive_physical_object)  similar to the capability predicate with the additional restriction that the ability be practised or demonstrated to some measurable degree
           subtype:  pm#relation_from_attribute_type (pm#attribute_class,*)
              subtype:  sumo#contrary_attribute (pm#attribute_class,pm#attribute_class+)  set of attributes such that something can not simultaneously have more than one of these attributes, e.g., in KIF, (sumo#contrary_aAttribute sumo#pliable sumo#rigid) means that nothing can be both pliable and rigid
              subtype:  sumo#exhaustive_attribute (pm#attribute_class,pm#attribute_class+)  this predicate relates a class to several types of attributes, and it means that the elements of this set exhaust the instances of the class; for example, in KIF, (sumo#exhaustiveAttribute sumo#physicalState sumo#solid sumo#fluid sumo#liquid sumo#gas) means that there are only three instances of the class sumo#physicalState, viz. sumo#solid, sumo#fluid, sumo#liquid, and sumo#gas
           subtype:  pm#relation_from_restriction (owl#restriction,*)
              subtype:  owl#on_property (owl#restriction,pm#binary_relation_type)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), read: ?restrClass is a restricted with respect to property ?rel
              subtype:  owl#all_values_from (owl#restriction,rdfs#class)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and toClass(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if for all j, ?rel(i,j) implies type(j,C)
              subtype:  owl#has_value__hasvalue (owl#restriction,?)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and hasValue(?restrClass,V), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if ?rel(i,V), i.e. if and only if any ?rel from ?i has for destination an instance of C; toValue is an obsolete name
              subtype:  owl#some_values_from (owl#restriction,rdfs#class)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and some_values_from(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if for some j, ?rel(i,j) and type(j,C), i.e. if and only if i has at least one ?rel which has for destination an instance of C
              subtype:  daml#has_class_q__hasclassq (owl#restriction,rdfs#class)  property for specifying class restriction with cardinalityQ constraints
              subtype:  owl#cardinality (owl#restriction -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and cardinality(?restrClass,n), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are exactly n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
              subtype:  daml#cardinality_q__cardinalityq (owl#restriction -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), cardinalityQ(?restrClass,n) and hasClassQ(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are exactly n distinct j with ?rel(i,j) and type(j,C)
              subtype:  owl#min_cardinality__mincardinality (owl#restriction -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and minCardinality(?restrClass,n), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at least n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
              subtype:  daml#min_cardinality_q__mincardinalityq (owl#restriction -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), minCardinalityQ(?restrClass,n) and hasClassQ(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at least n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
              subtype:  owl#max_cardinality__maxcardinality (owl#restriction -> sumo#nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and maxCardinality(?restrClass,n), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at most n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
              subtype:  daml#max_cardinality_q__maxcardinalityq (owl#restriction,sumo#nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), maxCardinalityQ(?restrClass,n) and hasClassQ(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at most n distinct j with ?rel(i,j) and type(j,C)
           subtype:  pm#wnObject (rdfs#class,?)
           subtype:  pm#wnNounType (rdfs#class,?)
        subtype:  pm#relation_from_type_to_collection (pm#type,pm#collection)
        subtype:  sumo#material__material_type_of (pm#substance_class,sumo#corpuscular_object)  all other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one; it means that the 2nd argument is structurally made up in part of the 1st argument; this relation encompasses the concepts of 'composed of', 'made of', and 'formed of'; for example, plastic is a material of my computer monitor; since part is a reflexive_relation, every object is a part of itself
  subtype:  pm#relation_to_collection (*,pm#collection)
     subtype:  pm#member_of (*,pm#collection)  this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB (its inverse may be used); this type is only provided for knowledge sharing purposes
        subtype:  kif#member (?,kif#set)  this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB: if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, the parameters would be swapped or the type would be named member_of
     subtype:  kif#list_of (* -> pm#collection)
     subtype:  kif#set_of__setof (* -> pm#collection)
     subtype:  pm#parts__part (?,pm#collection)  such a type (using a collection as destination) should NOT be used: pm#part or a subtype of it should be used instead
     subtype:  kif#item (?,sumo#list)  USE pm#item INSTEAD OF THIS RELATION TYPE: if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, the parameters would be swapped or the type would be named item_of
     subtype:  sumo#in_list (?,sumo#list)  true if the 1st argument is in the list; analog of element and instance for lists
     subtype:  sumo#list_fn (* -> sumo#list)  a function that takes any number of arguments and returns the list containing those arguments in exactly the same order
     subtype:  pm#function_returning_a_collection_from_2_elements (?,? -> pm#collection)
        subtype:  kif#cons (?,sumo#list -> sumo#list)
        subtype:  kif#adjoin (?,sumo#list -> sumo#list)
        subtype:  kif#remove (?,sumo#list -> sumo#list)
     subtype:  pm#relation_between_collections (pm#collection,pm#collection+)
     subtype:  pm#relation_to_set_or_class (*,pm#set_or_class)
        subtype:  sumo#closed_on (pm#function_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_function is closed on a set_or_class if it is defined for all instances of the set_or_class and its value is always an instance of the set_or_class
        subtype:  sumo#reflexive_on__reflexiveon (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is reflexive on a set_or_class only if every instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
        subtype:  sumo#irreflexive_on__irreflexiveon (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is irreflexive on a set_or_class only if no instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
        subtype:  sumo#partial_ordering_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is a partial ordering on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class, and it is both an antisymmetric_relation, and a transitive_relation
        subtype:  sumo#total_ordering_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation ?REL is a total ordering on a set_or_class only if it is a partial ordering for which either (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) or (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) for every ?INST1 and ?INST2 in the set_or_class
        subtype:  sumo#trichotomizing_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)
        subtype:  sumo#equivalence_relation_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is an equivalence_relation_on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class and it is both a transitive_relation and a symmetric_relation
        subtype:  pm#relation_to_class (*,rdfs#class)
           subtype:  pm#kind__type___class___instance_of__instanceof (?,rdfs#class)  the '^' link in the FT notation
           subtype:  sumo#extension_fn__extensionfn (sumo#Attribute -> sumo#class)  a unary_function that maps an attribute into the class whose condition for membership is the attribute
        subtype:  pm#relation_to_another_set_or_class (pm#set_or_class,pm#set_or_class+)  this category is needed to group SUMO relations between classes which cannot be subtype of pm#relation_from_type because their signatures curiously also involve sets
     subtype:  pm#relation_to_type (*,pm#type)
        subtype:  pm#relation_to_class (*,rdfs#class)
     subtype:  pm#relation_to_string (*,pm#string)
        subtype:  dl#extrinsic_relation__extrinsicrelation (?,rdfs#Literal)  support for relations ranging on concrete data types
           subtype:  dl#name (dl#entity,rdfs#Literal)  a relation between an instance of a concept and the name (instance of a concrete data type) of that concept; the name has to be a lexically meaningful name
           subtype:  dl#identifier (dl#entity -> rdfs#Literal)  a relation between an individual of a concept and the identifier of that concept; the identifier is a concrete data type, usually non_meaningful from the lexical viewpoint; useful to map many database relationships
  subtype:  pm#contextualizing_relation__contextualizingrelation (pm#description,*)
     subtype:  pm#contextualizing_logical_relation__contextualizinglogicalrelation (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#or (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#xor__either (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#implication__then___therefore__therefore (pm#description,pm#description)
           subtype:  pm#equivalence__equivalentTo___iff__iff (pm#description,pm#description)
           subtype:  sumo#entails__entail (sumo#formula,sumo#formula)  the second argument is logically entailed from the first by means of the proof theory of SUO-KIF
     subtype:  pm#modality (pm#description,pm#modality_measure)
     subtype:  pm#believer (pm#description,pm#causal_entity)
     subtype:  pm#overriding_specialization (pm#description,pm#description)
     subtype:  pm#corrective_statement (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#corrective_specialization (pm#description,pm#description)
           subtype:  pm#corrective_existential_specialization (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#corrective_generalization (pm#description,pm#description)
           subtype:  pm#corrective_existential_generalization (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#corrective_restriction__corrective_precision (pm#description,pm#description)
           subtype:  pm#corrective_existential_specialization (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#corrective_extension (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#corrective_reformulation (pm#description,pm#description)
        subtype:  pm#correction (pm#description,pm#description)

259 categories printed

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