> run ../doc/webkb2SyntacticExamples.html

> b012NoStorage:= 1 > areNamesAllowed:= true > user u > u#software_company (^a company that creates or sell software^) < #company

u#software_company  a company that creates or sell software
  supertype:  #company;
> u#Netscape_Pty_Ltd__Netscape (^the Netscape company^) ^ u#software_company

Individual u#Netscape_Pty_Ltd__Netscape  the Netscape company
  instance of:  u#software_company;
> u#Netscape_4.7 (^version 4.7 of the Netscape browser^) < #Netscape , : u#Netscape_4.7.1 u#Netscape_4.7.2

u#Netscape_4.7  version 4.7 of the Netscape browser
  supertype:  #Netscape,
  instance:  u#Netscape_4.7.1  u#Netscape_4.7.2;
> u#next_version ( #software , #software ) (^connects a software version to the next^) < pm#inferior_to

Relation u#next_version (#software,#software)  connects a software version to the next
  supertype:  pm#inferior_to;
> del u#Netscape_4.7 : u#Netscape_4.7.1

u#Netscape_4.7  version 4.7 of the Netscape browser
  supertype:  #Netscape,
  instance:  u#Netscape_4.7.2;

In ../doc/webkb2SyntacticExamples.html, at (or a bit before) Line 216. "u#Netscape_4.7.1" has no more link, it is removed.

u#Netscape_4.7  version 4.7 of the Netscape browser
  supertype:  #Netscape,
  instance:  u#Netscape_4.7.2;
> del u#Netscape_4.7.2

Deletion of:

Individual u#Netscape_4.7.2
  instance of:  u#Netscape_4.7;

Individual u#Netscape_4.7.2
  instance of:  u#Netscape_4.7;
> mod ( #Netscape > u#Netscape_4.7 ) ( #Netscape > u#Netscape_4.8 )

u#Netscape_4.7  version 4.7 of the Netscape browser
  instance:  u#Netscape_4.7.2;

#Netscape  a commercial browser
  supertype:  #web_browser,
  subtype:  u#Netscape_4.8 (u);

  supertype:  #Netscape;

Individual u#Netscape_4.7.2
  instance of:  u#Netscape_4.7;
> ? #Netscape

#Netscape  a commercial browser
  subtype:  u#Netscape_4.8 (u)
  supertype:  #web_browser__webbrowser__browser  a program used to view HTML documents
     supertype:  #application_program__applicationprogram__application__applications_programme  a program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task; "he has tried several different word processing applications"
        supertype:  #computer_program__program__programme__computer_programme  (computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code"
           supertype:  #software__software_system__software_package__package  (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory; "the market for software is expected to expand"
              supertype:  #computer_code__code  (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions
                 supertype:  pm#causal_entity__agent  something (animal or software agent) able to act
                    supertype:  pm#entity_playing_some_role  e.g., an agent, an owner
                       supertype:  pm#entity  something that can be "involved" in a situation
                          supertype:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
                       supertype:  pm#thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation  usable as relation type
                          supertype:  pm#thing_playing_some_role  category to classify things according to roles/viewpoints; classification under this category is application-dependant
                             supertype:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
                    supertype:  #causal_agent__cause__causal_agency  any entity that causes events to happen
                       supertype:  pm#thing_playing_some_role  category to classify things according to roles/viewpoints; classification under this category is application-dependant
                    supertype:  cyc#temporal_thing  The collection of all things that have temporal extent or location, i.e. things about which one might sensibly ask When? . cyc#TemporalThing thus contains many kinds of things, including events, physical objects, agreements, and abstract pieces of time. Note that cyc#TimePoint is a specialization of cyc#TemporalThing, since time points have temporal location, although they arguably lack temporal extent. Abstract things that are timeless -- such as mathematical sets, attributes, and numbers -- are of course _not_ instances of cyc#TemporalThing.
                       supertype:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
                 supertype:  pm#process_or_process_description
                    supertype:  pm#processing_thing
                       supertype:  pm#thing_playing_some_role  category to classify things according to roles/viewpoints; classification under this category is application-dependant
                 supertype:  #coding_system  a system of signals used to represent letters or numbers in transmitting messages
                    supertype:  #writing.symbols  letters or symbols written or imprinted on a surface to represent the sounds or words of a language; "he turned the paper over so the writing wouldn't show"; "the doctor's writing was illegible"
                       supertype:  #written_communication__writtencommunication__written_language__writtenlanguage  communication by means of written symbols
                          supertype:  #communication  something that is communicated between people or groups
                             supertype:  pm#description_content/medium/container__descriptioncontent/medium/container
                                supertype:  pm#non_spatial_object_that_is_not_an_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
                                   supertype:  pm#non_spatial_object__nonspatialobject  abstraction or description content/medium/container (a description medium that has some spatial feature is both instance of sumo#object and pm#non_spatial_object
                                      supertype:  pm#entity  something that can be "involved" in a situation
                                      supertype:  cyc#intangible  The collection of things that are not physical -- are not made of, or encoded in, matter. Every cyc#Collection is a cyc#intangible (even if its instances are tangible), and so are some cyc#individuals.  Caution: do not confuse `tangibility' with `perceivability' -- humans can perceive light even though it's intangible--at least in a sense.
                                         supertype:  cyc#partially_intangible__partiallyintangible  The collection of things that either are wholly intangible (see cyc#Intangible) or have at least one intangible (i.e. immaterial) part (see cyc#intangibleParts). This includes intangible individuals, such as instances of cyc#Number-General  or cyc#Agreement, as well as non-individuals (all of which are intangible), i.e. instances of cyc#SetOrCollection.  It also includes things that have both tangible and intangible components (see cyc#CompositeTangibleAndIntangibleObject),  such as a printed copy of a newspaper (as its information content is intangible) or a person (as her mental states are intangible).
                                            supertype:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
                             supertype:  #social_relation  a relation between living organisms (especially between people)
                                supertype:  #relation  an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
                                   supertype:  pm#thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation  usable as relation type
              supertype:  #project__projection  a planned undertaking
                 supertype:  #plan__program__programme  a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"
                    supertype:  #idea.cognitive_content__thought  the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"
                       supertype:  #cognitive_content__cognitivecontent__content__mental_object  the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
                          supertype:  pm#description_content__descriptioncontent__information  e.g., a narration, an hypothesis
                             supertype:  pm#description  description (content/medium) of an entity or a situation
                                supertype:  pm#description_content/medium/container__descriptioncontent/medium/container
                             supertype:  sumo#abstract__entity_without_spatial_feature  e.g., knowledge, motivation, measure; properties or qualities as distinguished from any particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium; instances of sumo#abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular place or time without some physical encoding or embodiment
                                supertype:  pm#non_spatial_object__nonspatialobject  abstraction or description content/medium/container (a description medium that has some spatial feature is both instance of sumo#object and pm#non_spatial_object
                             supertype:  pm#individual__particular___supertype_of_1st_order_types  all individuals (for concepts or relations) are implicitely or explicitely instance of that type
                                supertype:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
                          supertype:  #cognition__knowledge__noesis  the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
                             supertype:  #psychological_feature__psychologicalfeature  a feature of the mental life of a living organism
                                supertype:  pm#psychological_entity__psychologicalentity  feature/product of mental activity, e.g., feeling
                                   supertype:  pm#non_spatial_object_playing_some_role
                                      supertype:  pm#non_spatial_object__nonspatialobject  abstraction or description content/medium/container (a description medium that has some spatial feature is both instance of sumo#object and pm#non_spatial_object
                                   supertype:  sumo#abstract__entity_without_spatial_feature  e.g., knowledge, motivation, measure; properties or qualities as distinguished from any particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium; instances of sumo#abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular place or time without some physical encoding or embodiment
                                supertype:  pm#thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation  usable as relation type

Another search (with same display options)?

Individual u#Netscape_4.7.2
  instance of:  u#Netscape_4.7;
> #woman : u#Mary

#woman__adult_female__adultfemale  an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted"
  supertype:  #female_person,
  subtype:  #Black_woman  #white_woman  #yellow_woman  #amazon.woman  #maenad  #baggage  #B-girl  #bluestocking  #bridesmaid  #broad  #female_gossiper  #Cinderella.woman  #coquette  #madam  #debutante  #divorcee  #exwife  #dominatrix  #donna  #temptress  #eyeful.woman  #geisha_girl  #missy  #girl  #lady_friend  #girlfriend  #gold_digger  #gravida  #heroine.woman  #inamorata  #jezebel  #jilt  #lady  #maenad.woman  #head_nurse  #mestiza  #kept_woman  #nanny  #nullipara  #nymph.woman  #nymphet  #old_woman  #prostitute  #shiksa  #knockout  #sylph.woman  #unmarried_woman  #vestal  #widow_woman  #wife  #Ms.  #wonder_woman,
  instance:  #Eve  u#Mary (u),
  exclusion:  #adult_man  #man.lover,
  part:  #woman's_body;
> #adult_man : u#Joe

#adult_man__adultman__adult_male__adultmale__man  an adult male person (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus"
  supertype:  #male_person,
  subtype:  #Black_man  #white_man  #yellow_man  #babu  #bachelor  #bey.adult_male  #boy  #boyfriend  #exboyfriend  #bruiser  #dandy  #Don  #ejaculator.adult_male  #Esquire  #eunuch  #father_figure  #father-figure  #fellow  #galoot  #geezer  #gentleman  #grass_widower  #guy  #Herr  #housefather  #hunk  #ex-husband  #inamorato  #ironside  #junior.adult_male  #adonis  #middle-aged_man  #mister  #Monsieur  #old_boy.adult_male  #greybeard  #Peter_Pan.adult_male  #posseman  #Senhor  #Senor  #shaver  #signor  #signore  #sir  #stiff  #he-man  #Tarzan  #widower  #womanizer  #wonder_boy,
  instance:  #Adam  #Cain  #Abel  #Seth  u#Joe (u),
  exclusion:  #woman,
  part:  #man's_body;
> #cat : u#Tom

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);
> [u#Mary, agent of: (a liking, object: u#Mary, object: (the #cat, name: "Tommy"))] [u#graph1_on_Mary [u#Mary, pm#agent of: (a #liking, pm#object: u#Mary, pm#object: (a #cat, pm#name: "Tommy"))] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary
> [a #cat *c != u#Tom, on: a #mat] [u#graph1_on_cat [a #cat *u#cat_c, != u#Tom, pm#on: a #mat] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [a #person *p, creator of: the pm#WWW_home_page http://www.w3.org/~lassila] [u#graph5_on_person [a #person *u#person_p, pm#creator of: the pm#WWW_home_page http://www.w3.org/~lassila] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [*p, name: "Ora Lassila"] [u#graph1_on_*person_p [*u#person_p, pm#name: "Ora Lassila"] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [u#MaryHasNoCar ![u#Mary, owner of: a #car]] [u#MaryHasNoCar ![u#Mary, pm#owner of: a #car] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [u#Joe, believer of: [*s [u#Mary, agent of: (a liking, object: u#Joe)], time: 1999], believer of: [![*s], before_time: 1999] ] [u#graph1_on_Joe [u#Joe, pm#believer of: [a pm#situation *u#situation_s [u#Mary, pm#agent of: (a #liking, pm#object: u#Joe)], pm#time: 1999 ], pm#believer of: [a pm#situation ![*u#situation_s], pm#before_time: 1999 ]] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [together *these_persons {u#Mary,u#Joe,an #adult_man}, author of: a #resolution] [u#graph3_on_Mary [the group of *u#these_persons {u#Mary,u#Joe,an #adult_man}, pm#author of: a #resolution] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [*these_persons (^each of them^), author of: a #resolution] [u#graph1_on_*these_persons [*u#these_persons (^each of them^), pm#author of: a #resolution] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [u#Joe, agent of: (some #running, time: 14 to 15 min)] [u#graph2_on_Joe [u#Joe, pm#agent of: (a #running, pm#time: 14 to 15 #minute)] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [u#Joe, agent of: (some #running, time: from 14:00 to 15:00)] [u#graph3_on_Joe [u#Joe, pm#agent of: (a #running, pm#time: 14:00 to 54000)] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [every (#person, can be agent of: a #writing), can be agent of: a #reading] [u#graph6_on_person [any (#person, able to be pm#agent of: a #writing), able to be pm#agent of: a #reading] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

1 statement is about a direct instance of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> [at least 2 % of #person, agent of: (a liking, object: most of #cat)] [u#graph7_on_person [at least 2 % of #person, pm#agent of: (a #liking, pm#object: most #cat)] ](19/10/2024)

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

2 statements are about direct instances of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary, u#graph7_on_person

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> delGraph u#MaryHasNoCar

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

2 statements are about direct instances of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary, u#graph7_on_person

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> spec [a #person, agent of: (a liking, object: a #person)] [u#graph1_on_Mary [u#Mary, pm#agent of: (a #liking, pm#object: u#Mary, pm#object: (a #cat, pm#name: "Tommy"))] ](19/10/2024); [u#graph1_on_Joe [u#Joe, pm#believer of: [a pm#situation *u#situation_s [u#Mary, pm#agent of: (a #liking, pm#object: u#Joe)], pm#time: 1999 ], pm#believer of: [a pm#situation ![*u#situation_s], pm#before_time: 1999 ]] ](19/10/2024); //Search time: 0.039 s, printing time: 0.001 s (according to the Unix function gettimeofday())

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

2 statements are about direct instances of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary, u#graph7_on_person

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

> ? [a #resolution] [u#graph3_on_Mary [the group of *u#these_persons {u#Mary,u#Joe,an #adult_man}, pm#author of: a #resolution] ](19/10/2024); [u#graph1_on_*these_persons [*u#these_persons (^each of them^), pm#author of: a #resolution] ](19/10/2024); //Search time: 0.00011 s, printing time: 0.0005 s (according to the Unix function gettimeofday())

#cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
  supertype:  #feline,
  subtype:  #domestic_cat  #wildcat,
  instance:  u#Tom (u);

2 statements are about direct instances of #cat: u#graph1_on_Mary, u#graph7_on_person

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #cat (u#*cat_c): u#graph1_on_cat click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

The knowledge base has not been modified (query done by the anonymous user "u")