#tide the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the moon supertype: periodic_event__recurrent_event__recurrentevent an event that recurs at intervals part: tidal_flow riptide undertide subtype: high_tide__high_water__highwater the tide when the water is highest subtype: direct_tide the occurrence of high tide on one side of the earth coinciding with high tide on the opposite side subtype: neap_tide__neap a less than average tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon subtype: springtide a greater than average tide occurring during the new and full moons subtype: low_tide__lowtide__low_water__lowwater the lowest (farthest) ebb of the tide subtype: ebbtide the tide while water is flowing out subtype: rising_tide__flood_tide__floodtide the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide) subtype: slack_water__slack_tide__slacktide the occurrence of relatively still water at the turn of the (low) tide
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