#rabbit__coney__cony any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food supertype: #leporid_mammal__leporidmammal__leporid rabbits and hares part: #scut member of: #warren subtype: #lapin castrated male rabbit subtype: #bunny_rabbit__bunnyrabbit__bunny (usually informal) especially a young rabbit subtype: #European_rabbit__Old_World_rabbit__Oryctolagus_cuniculus common grayish-brown burrowing animal native to S Europe and North Africa but introduced elsewhere; widely domesticated and developed in various colors and for various needs; young born naked and helpless subtype: #wood_rabbit__cottontail__cottontail_rabbit common small rabbit of North America having grayish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside; a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks) subtype: #eastern_cottontail__easterncottontail__Sylvilagus_floridanus widely distributed in United States except northwest and far west regions subtype: #swamp_rabbit__swamprabbit__swamp_hare__swamphare__Sylvilagus_aquaticus of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands subtype: #marsh_hare__marshhare__swamprabbit__sylvilaguspalustri of marshy coastal areas from North Carolina to Florida subtype: #Belgian_hare__leporide red breed of domestic rabbits; hybrid between Old World rabbit and hare subtype: #Angora_rabbit__Angora domestic breed with long white silky hair
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