#powerlessness__powerlessnes__impotency the quality of lacking strength or power; being weak and feeble exclusion: #powerfulness supertype: #quality an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare subtype: #impuissance__helplessness__weakness powerlessness revealed by an inability to act; "in spite of their weakness the group remains highly active" subtype: #unpersuasiveness inability to persuade subtype: #uninterestingness__uninterestingnes inability to capture or hold one's interest subtype: #dullness.uninterestingness__dullnes__dulness__dulnes the quality of lacking interestingness subtype: #boringness__dreariness extreme dullness subtype: #tediousness__tediousnes__tiresomeness dullness owing to length or slowness subtype: #vapidity__jejunity__jejuneness__tameness__vapidness__vapidnes the quality of being vapid and unsophisticated subtype: #ineffectiveness__ineffectualness__ineffectuality lacking the power to be effective subtype: #inefficacy__inefficaciousness__inefficaciousnes a lack of efficacy
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