#mammal  any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair; young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk
  supertype:  vertebrate__craniate  animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium
  part:  pelage  hair.filum
  member of:  class_Mammalia
  subtype:  female_mammal  animals that nourish their young with milk
  subtype:  tusker  any mammal with prominent tusks (especially an elephant or wild boar)
  subtype:  prototherian  primitive oviparous mammals found only in Australia Tasmania and New Guinea
     subtype:  monotreme__egglayingmammal  the most primitive mammals comprising the only extant members of the subclass Prototheria
        subtype:  echidna__spiny_anteater__spinyanteater__anteater  burrowing spine-covered monotreme of Australia having a long snout and claws for hunting ants and termites
        subtype:  spiny_anteater__spinyanteater__echidna__anteater  New Guinea echidnas
        subtype:  duck-billed_platypus__platypus__duckbill__duckbilled_platypus__Ornithorhynchus_anatinus  small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet; only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae
  subtype:  metatherian  primitive pouched mammals found mainly in Australia and the Americas
     subtype:  marsupial__pouched_mammal__pouchedmammal  mammals of which the females have a pouch (the marsupium) containing the teats where the young are fed and carried
        subtype:  opossum__possum  nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America
           subtype:  common_opossum__Didelphis_virginiana__Didelphis_marsupialis  omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
           subtype:  crab-eating_opossum  South American opossum
        subtype:  opossum_rat__opossumrat  terrestrial marsupials of southern South America that resemble shrews
        subtype:  bandicoot  any of various agile rat-like terrestrial marsupials of Australia and adjacent islands; insectivorous and herbivorous
           subtype:  rabbit-eared_bandicoot__rabbit_bandicoot__bilby__Macrotis_lagotis  bandicoot with leathery ears like a rabbit
        subtype:  kangaroo  any of several herbivorous leaping marsupials of Australia and New Guinea having large powerful hind legs and a long thick tail
           subtype:  giant_kangaroo__giantkangaroo__great_gray_kangaroo__Macropus_giganteus  very large grayish-brown Australian kangaroo formerly abundant in open wooded areas
           subtype:  wallaby__brush_kangaroo__brushkangaroo  any of various small or medium-sized kangaroos often brightly colored
              subtype:  common_wallaby__Macropus_agiles  height 30 inches
              subtype:  hare_wallaby__kangaroo_hare  small Australian wallaby that resembles a hare and has persistent teeth
              subtype:  nail-tailed_wallaby__nail-tailed_kangaroo  small wallabies with a horny nail on the tip of the tail
              subtype:  rock_wallaby__rock_kangaroo  slender long-legged Australian wallabies living in caves and rocky areas
              subtype:  pademelon__paddymelon  small reddish-brown wallabies of scrubby areas of Australia and New Guinea
              subtype:  tree_wallaby__tree_kangaroo  arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Australia having hind and forelegs of similar length
           subtype:  musk_kangaroo__Hypsiprymnodon_moschatus  small kangaroo of northeastern Australia
           subtype:  rat_kangaroo__ratkangaroo__kangaroo_rat  any of several rabbit-sized rat-like Australian kangaroos
              subtype:  potoroo  Australian rat kangaroos
              subtype:  bettong  short-nosed rat kangaroo
              subtype:  jerboa_kangaroo__kangaroo_jerboa  brush-tailed rat kangaroo
        subtype:  phalanger__opossum__possum  small furry Australian arboreal marsupials having long usually prehensile tails
           subtype:  cuscus  woolly-haired monkey-like arboreal marsupial of New Guinea and North Australia
           subtype:  brush-tailed_phalanger__Trichosurus_vulpecula  bushy-tailed phalanger
           subtype:  flying_phalanger__flying_opossum__flying_squirrel  nocturnal phalangers that move with gliding leaps using parachute-like folds of skin along the sides of the body
              subtype:  flying_mouse  tiny flying phalanger
           subtype:  koala_bear__koalabear__koala__kangaroo_bear__native_bear__Phascolarctos_cinereus  sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with gray furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
        subtype:  wombat  burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupials about the size of a badger
        subtype:  dasyurid_marsupial__dasyurid  small carnivorous nocturnal marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
           subtype:  dasyure  any of several more or less arboreal marsupials somewhat resembling martens
              subtype:  eastern_dasyure__Dasyurus_quoll  a variety of dasyure
              subtype:  native_cat__Dasyurus_viverrinus  carnivorous arboreal catlike marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
           subtype:  thylacine__Tasmanian_wolf__Tasmanian_tiger__Thylacinus_cynocephalus  rare doglike carnivorous marsupial of Tasmania having stripes on its back; probably extinct
           subtype:  Tasmanian_devil__ursine_dasyure__Sarcophilus_hariisi  small ferocious carnivorous marsupial having a mostly black coat and long tail
           subtype:  pouched_mouse__pouchedmouse__marsupial_mouse__marsupialmouse__marsupial_rat__marsupialrat  any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats
           subtype:  numbat__banded_anteater__anteater__Myrmecobius_fasciatus  small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites; nearly extinct
        subtype:  pouched_mole__pouchedmole__marsupialmole__Notoryctus_typhlops  small burrowing Australian marsupial that resembles a mole
  subtype:  placental_mammal__placentalmammal__placental__eutherian__eutherian_mammal__eutherianmammal  mammals having a placenta; all mammals except monotremes and marsupials
     subtype:  livestock__stock__farm_animal  not used technically; any animals kept for use or profit
     subtype:  bull.placental_mammal  mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
     subtype:  cow  mature female of mammals of which the male is called `bull'
     subtype:  yearling  an animal in its second year
     subtype:  buck  mature male of various mammals (especially deer or antelope)
        subtype:  stag  adult male deer
           subtype:  royal_stag__royalstag__royal  stag with antlers of 12 or more branches
     subtype:  doe  mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck'
     subtype:  insectivore  small insect-eating mainly nocturnal terrestrial or fossorial mammals
        subtype:  mole  small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet
           subtype:  starnose_mole__star-nosed_mole__Condylura_cristata  amphibious mole of eastern North America having pink fleshy tentacles around the nose
           subtype:  brewer's_mole__hair-tailed_mole__Parascalops_breweri  mole of eastern North America
           subtype:  golden_mole  mole of southern Africa having iridescent guard hairs mixed with the underfur
           subtype:  shrew_mole__shrewmole  slender mole having a long snout and tail
              subtype:  Asiatic_shrew_mole__Uropsilus_soricipes  shrew mole of eastern Asia
              subtype:  American_shrew_mole__Neurotrichus_gibbsii  grayish-black shrew mole of the United States and Canada
        subtype:  shrewmouse__shrew  small mouselike mammal with a long snout; related to moles
           subtype:  common_shrew__Sorex_araneus  common American shrew
           subtype:  masked_shrew__Sorex_cinereus  commonest shrew of moist habitats in North America
           subtype:  short-tailed_shrew__Blarina_brevicauda  North American shrew with tail less than half its body length
           subtype:  water_shrew__watershrew  any of several small semiaquatic shrews usually living near swift-flowing streams
              subtype:  American_water_shrew__Sorex_palustris  water shrew of North America
              subtype:  European_water_shrew__Neomys_fodiens  widely distributed Old World water shrew
              subtype:  Mediterranean_water_shrew__Neomys_anomalus  a type of water shrew
           subtype:  least_shrew__leastshrew__Cryptotis_parva  small brown shrew of grassy regions of eastern United States
        subtype:  hedgehog__Erinaceus_europaeus__Erinaceus_europeaeus  small nocturnal Old World mammal covered with both hair and protective spines
        subtype:  tenrec__tendrac  small often spiny insectivorous mammal of Madagascar; resembles a hedgehog
           subtype:  tailless_tenrec__Tenrec_ecaudatus  prolific animal that feeds chiefly on earthworms
        subtype:  otter_shrew__ottershrew__potamogale__Potamogale_velox  amphibious African insectivorous mammal that resembles an otter
     subtype:  aquatic_mammal__aquaticmammal  whales and dolphins; manatees and dugongs; walruses; seals
        subtype:  cetacean_mammal__cetacean__blower  large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs, including: whales; dolphins; porpoises; narwhals
           subtype:  whale  any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head
              subtype:  baleen_whale__whalebone_whale__whalebonewhale  whale with plates of whalebone along the upper jaw for filtering plankton from the water
                 subtype:  right_whale__rightwhale  large arctic whalebone whale; allegedly the `right' whale to hunt because of its valuable whalebone and oil
                 subtype:  bowhead_whale__bowheadwhale__bowhead__Greenland_whale__Balaena_mysticetus  large-mouthed arctic whale
                 subtype:  rorqual__razorback  any of several baleen whales of of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin
                    subtype:  finback_whale__finbackwhale__finback__finwhale__common_rorqual__Balaenoptera_physalus  large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat; of Atlantic and Pacific
                    subtype:  sei_whale__seiwhale__Balaenoptera_borealis  similar to but smaller than the finback whale
                    subtype:  lesser_rorqual__piked_whale__pikedwhale__minke_whale__minkewhale__Balaenoptera_acutorostrata  small finback of coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific
                 subtype:  blue_whale__sulfur_bottom__Balaenoptera_musculus  largest mammal ever known; bluish-gray migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
                 subtype:  humpback_whale__humpback__Megaptera_novaeangliae  large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives
                 subtype:  gray_whale__devilfish__Eschrichtius_gibbosus__Eschrichtius_robustus  medium-sized grayish-black whale of the north Pacific
              subtype:  toothed_whale__toothedwhale  any of several whales having simple conical teeth and feeding on fish etc.
                 subtype:  sperm_whale__spermwhale__cachalot__black_whale__blackwhale__Physeter_catodon  large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil; also a source of ambergris
                 subtype:  pygmy_sperm_whale__pygmyspermwhale__Kogia_breviceps  small sperm whale of warm waters of both coasts of North America
                 subtype:  dwarf_sperm_whale__dwarfspermwhale__kogiasimu  very small (to 8 feet) sperm whale of central coasts of Atlantic and Pacific
                 subtype:  beaked_whale  any of several whales inhabiting all oceans and having beaklike jaws with vestigial teeth in the upper jaw
                    subtype:  bottle-nosed_whale__bottlenose_whale__bottlenose__Hyperoodon_ampullatus  North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead
                 subtype:  dolphin  any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout; larger than porpoises
                    subtype:  common_dolphin__Delphinus_delphis  black-and-white dolphin that leaps high out of the water; one of the dolphins displayed at the Marinelands of California and Florida
                    subtype:  bottlenose_dolphin__bottle-nosed_dolphin__bottlenose  any of several dolphins with rounded forehead and well-developed beak; chiefly of North Atlantic and Mediterranean
                       subtype:  Atlantic_bottlenose_dolphin__Tursiops_truncatus  the most common dolphin of North Atlantic and Mediterranean; often kept captive and trained to perform
                       subtype:  Pacific_bottlenose_dolphin__Tursiops_gilli  a bottlenose dolphin found in the Pacific Ocean
                    subtype:  porpoise  any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth
                       subtype:  harbor_porpoise__herring_hog__Phocaena_phocaena  the common porpoise of the North Atlantic and Pacific
                    subtype:  grampus__grampu__Grampus_griseus  slaty-gray blunt-nosed dolphin common in northern seas
                    subtype:  killer_whale__killer__orca__grampus__grampu__sea_wolf__seawolf__Orcinus_orca  predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin; common in cold seas
                    subtype:  pilot_whale__pilotwhale__black_whale__blackwhale__common_blackfish__blackfish__Globicephala_melaena  small dark-colored whaled of United States Atlantic coast; the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
                    subtype:  river_dolphin__riverdolphin  any of several long-snouted usually freshwater dolphins of South America and southern Asia
                    subtype:  white_whale__whitewhale__beluga__Delphinapterus_leucas  small northern whale that is white when adult
              subtype:  narwhal__narwal__narwhale__Monodon_monoceros  small arctic whale the male having a long spiral ivory tusk
              subtype:  spouter  a spouting whale
        subtype:  sea_cow__seacow__sirenian_mammal__sirenian  any of two families of large herbivorous aquatic mammals with paddle-shaped tails and flipper-like forelimbs and no hind limbs
           subtype:  manatee__trichechusmanatu  sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded
           subtype:  dugong__Dugong_dugon  sirenian tusked mammal found from eastern Africa to Australia; the flat tail is bilobate
           subtype:  Steller's_sea_cow__Hydrodamalis_gigas  extinct large sirenian mammal formerly found near Asiatic coast of the Bering Sea
        subtype:  pinniped_mammal__pinniped__pinnatiped  aquatic carnivorous mammal having a streamlined body specialized for swimming with limbs modified as flippers
           subtype:  seal.pinniped_mammal  any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions
              subtype:  crabeater_seal__crabeaterseal__crab-eating_seal  silvery gray Antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans
              subtype:  eared_seal__earedseal  pinniped mammal having external ear flaps and hind limbs used for locomotion on land; valued for its soft underfur
                 subtype:  fur_seal__furseal  eared seal of the S hemisphere; the thick soft underfur is the source of sealskin
                    subtype:  guadalupe_fur_seal__guadalupefurseal__Arctocephalus_philippi  of Pacific coast of California and southward
                 subtype:  fur_seal.eared_seal__furseal  fur seal of the north Pacific
                    subtype:  Alaska_fur_seal__Callorhinus_ursinus  of Pacific coast from Alaska southward to California
                 subtype:  sea_lion__sealion  any of several large eared seals of the north Pacific related to fur seals but lacking their valuable coat
                    subtype:  South_American_sea_lion__Otaria_Byronia  of the southern coast of South America
                    subtype:  California_sea_lion__Zalophus_californianus__Zalophus_californicus  often trained as a show animal
                    subtype:  Australian_sea_lion__Zalophus_lobatus  a variety of sea lion found in Australia
                    subtype:  Steller_sea_lion__Steller's_sea_lion__Eumetopias_jubatus  largest sea lion; of the north Pacific
              subtype:  earless_seal__earlessseal__true_seal__hair_seal  any of several seals lacking external ear flaps and having a stiff hairlike coat with hind limbs reduced to swimming flippers
                 subtype:  harbor_seal__common_seal__Phoca_vitulina  small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere
                 subtype:  harp_seal__Pagophilus_groenlandicus  common arctic seal; the young are all white
                 subtype:  elephant_seal__sea_elephant__seaelephant  either of two large North Atlantic earless seals having snouts like trunks
                 subtype:  bearded_seal__beardedseal__squareflipper_square_flipper__Erignathus_barbatus  medium-sized grayish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle; of Arctic Ocean
                 subtype:  hooded_seal__bladdernose__Cystophora_cristata  medium-sized blackish-gray seal with large inflatable sac on the head; of Arctic and north Atlantic waters
           subtype:  walrus__seahorse__sea_horse__seahorse  either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber
              subtype:  Atlantic_walrus__Odobenus_rosmarus  of North Atlantic and Arctic waters
              subtype:  Pacific_walrus__Odobenus_divergens  of the Bering Sea and north Pacific
     subtype:  carnivore  terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal; terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb
        subtype:  fissiped_mammal__fissiped  terrestrial carnivores; having toes separated to the base: dogs; cats; bears; badgers; raccoons
        subtype:  canine__canid  any of various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles
           subtype:  bitch  female of any member of the dog family
              subtype:  brood_bitch__broodbitch  a bitch used for breeding
           subtype:  dog__domesticdog__Canis_familiaris  a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night"
              subtype:  pooch__doggie__doggy__barker__bow-wow__bowwow  informal terms for dogs
              subtype:  mongrel__cur  an inferior dog or one of mixed breed
                 subtype:  pariah_dog__pye-dog__pyedog__pie-dog__piedog  ownerless half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India
              subtype:  lapdog  a dog small and tame enough to be held in the lap
              subtype:  toy_dog__toy  any of several breeds of very small dogs kept purely as pets
                 subtype:  Chihuahua  old breed of tiny short-coated dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization
                 subtype:  Japanese_spaniel  breed of toy dogs originating in Japan having a silky black-and-white or red-and-white coat
                 subtype:  Maltese_dog__Maltese  breed of toy dogs having a long straight silky white coat
                 subtype:  Pekinese__Pekingese__Peke  a Chinese breed of small short-legged dogs with a long silky coat and broad flat muzzle
                 subtype:  Shih-Tzu  a Chinese breed of small dog similar to a Pekingese
                 subtype:  toy_spaniel__toyspaniel  a very small spaniel
                    subtype:  English_toy_spaniel  British breed having a long silky coat and rounded head with a short upturned muzzle
                       subtype:  Blenheim_spaniel  red-and-white variety of English toy spaniel
                    subtype:  King_Charles_spaniel  a toy English spaniel with a black-and-tan coat; named after Charles II who popularized it
                    subtype:  papillon  small slender toy spaniel with erect ears and a black-spotted brown to white coat
                 subtype:  toy_terrier__toyterrier  a small active dog
              subtype:  hunting_dog__huntingdog  a dog used in hunting game
                 subtype:  Rhodesian_ridgeback  a powerful short-haired African hunting dog having a crest of reversed hair along the spine
                 subtype:  hound_dog__hounddog__hound  any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears
                    subtype:  Afghan_hound  tall graceful breed of hound with a long silky coat; native to the Near East
                    subtype:  basset_hound__basset  smooth-haired breed of hound with short legs and long ears
                    subtype:  beagle  a small short-legged smooth-coated breed of hound
                    subtype:  bloodhound__sleuthhound  a breed of large powerful hound of European origin having very acute smell and used in tracking
                    subtype:  bluetick  a very fast American hound; white mottled with bluish gray
                    subtype:  boarhound  large hound used in hunting wild boars
                    subtype:  coonhound  any of several breeds of hound developed for hunting raccoons
                       subtype:  coondog  any dog trained to hunt raccoons
                       subtype:  black-and-tan_coonhound__blackandtancoonhound  American breed of large powerful hound dogs used for hunting raccoons and other game
                    subtype:  foxhound  medium-sized glossy-coated hounds developed for hunting foxes
                       subtype:  American_foxhound  an American breed of foxhounds used for hunting both in packs and individually
                       subtype:  Walker_hound__Walker_foxhound__walkerfoxhound  an American breed of foxhound
                       subtype:  English_foxhound  an English breed slightly larger than the American foxhounds originally used to hunt in packs
                    subtype:  harrier.hound_dog  a hound that resembles a foxhound but is smaller; used to hunt rabbits
                    subtype:  Plott_hound  a brindle-coated American hound used in hunting bears and wild boars
                    subtype:  redbone  a speedy red or red-and-tan American hound
                    subtype:  wolfhound  the largest breed of dogs; formerly used to hunt wolves
                       subtype:  borzoi__Russian_wolfhound  tall fast-moving dog breed
                       subtype:  Irish_wolfhound  large breed of hound with a rough thick coat
                    subtype:  greyhound  a tall slender dog of an ancient breed noted for swiftness and keen sight; used as a racing dog
                       subtype:  Italian_greyhound  a toy dog developed from the greyhound
                       subtype:  whippet  small slender dog of greyhound type developed in England
                    subtype:  Ibizan_hound__Ibizan_Podenco  breed of slender agile medium-sized hound found chiefly in the Balearic Islands; said to have been bred originally by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt
                    subtype:  Norwegian_elkhound__elkhound  breed of compact medium-sized dog with a heavy gray coat developed in Norway for hunting elk
                    subtype:  otterhound__otter_hound__otterhound  hardy British hound having long pendulous ears and a thick coarse shaggy coat with an oily undercoat; bred for hunting otters
                    subtype:  Saluki__gazelle_hound  old breed of tall swift keen-eyed hunting dogs resembling greyhounds; from Egypt and southwestern Asia
                    subtype:  Scottish_deerhound__deerhound  very large and tall rough-coated dog bred for hunting deer; known as the royal dog of Scotland
                    subtype:  staghound  a large heavy hound formerly used in hunting stags and other large game; similar to but larger than a foxhound
                    subtype:  Weimaraner  large breed of hound having a smooth grayish coat; originated in Germany
                 subtype:  dachshund__dachsie__badgerdog  small long-bodied short-legged German breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears; suited for following game into burrows
                    subtype:  sausage_dog__sausagedog__sausage_hound__sausagehound  informal term
                 subtype:  terrier  any of several usually small short-bodied breeds originally trained to hunt animals living underground
                    subtype:  bullterrier__bull_terrier  short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers
                       subtype:  Staffordshire_bullterrier  English breed of strong stocky dog having a broad skull and smooth coat
                       subtype:  American_Staffordshire_terrier__Staffordshire_terrier__American_pit_bull_terrier__pit_bull_terrier  American breed of muscular terriers with a short close-lying stiff coat
                    subtype:  Bedlington_terrier  a light terrier groomed to resemble a lamb
                    subtype:  Border_terrier  small rough-coated terrier of British origin
                    subtype:  Kerry_blue_terrier  an Irish breed of medium-sized terriers with a silky blue-gray coat
                    subtype:  Irish_terrier  medium-sized breed with a wiry brown coat; developed in Ireland
                    subtype:  Norfolk_terrier  English breed of small terrier with a straight wiry red-and-black-and-tan or grizzled coat and dropped ears
                    subtype:  Norwich_terrier  English breed of small short-legged terrier with a straight wiry red or gray or black-and-tan coat and erect ears
                    subtype:  Yorkshire_terrier  very small breed having a long glossy coat of bluish-gray and tan
                    subtype:  rat_terrier__ratterrier__ratter  any of several breeds of terrier developed to catch rats
                       subtype:  Manchester_terrier__black-and-tan_terrier__blackandtanterrier  breed of short-haired black-and-tan terrier developed in Manchester England
                          subtype:  toy_Manchester_terrier__toy_Manchester  breed of small Manchester terrier
                    subtype:  fox_terrier__foxterrier  small lively black-and-white terriers formerly used to dig out foxes
                       subtype:  smooth-haired_fox_terrier  a fox terrier with smooth hair
                       subtype:  wire-haired_fox_terrier  a fox terrier with wiry hair
                    subtype:  wirehair__wirehaired_terrier__wire-haired_terrier  a terrier with wiry hair
                       subtype:  Lakeland_terrier  breed of wire-haired terrier originally from the English Lake District used for hunting
                       subtype:  Welsh_terrier  wire-haired terrier resembling airedales but smaller; developed in Wales for hunting
                          subtype:  Sealyham_terrier__Sealyham  a Welsh terrier first bred in Sealyham (Wales)
                    subtype:  Airedale_terrier__Airedale  breed of large wiry-coated terrier bred in Yorkshire
                    subtype:  cairn_terrier__cairnterrier__cairn  small rough-haired breed of terrier from Scotland
                    subtype:  Australian_terrier  small grayish wire-haired breed of terrier from Australia similar to the cairn
                    subtype:  Dandie_Dinmont_terrier__Dandie_Dinmont  a breed of small terrier with long wiry coat and drooping ears
                    subtype:  Boston_bull__Boston_terrier  small pug-faced American terrier breed having a smooth brindle or black coat with white markings
                    subtype:  schnauzer  old German breed of sturdy black or grayish wire-haired terriers having a blunt muzzle ranging in size from fairly small to very large; used as ratters and guard dogs or police dogs
                       subtype:  miniature_schnauzer__miniatureschnauzer  a small schnauzer
                       subtype:  giant_schnauzer__giantschnauzer  a large schnauzer
                       subtype:  standard_schnauzer  a medium-sized schnauzer
                    subtype:  Scotch_terrier__Scottish_terrier__Scottie__scottie  old Scottish breed of small long-haired usually black terrier with erect tail and ears
                    subtype:  Tibetan_terrier__chrysanthemum_dog__chrysanthemumdog  breed of medium-sized terriers bred in Tibet resembling Old English sheepdogs with fluffy curled tails
                    subtype:  silky_terrier__silkyterrier__Sydney_silky  Australian breed of toy dogs having a silky blue coat
                    subtype:  Skye_terrier  Scottish breed of terrier with shaggy hair and long low body with short legs
                       subtype:  Clydesdale_terrier  selectively bred small Skye terrier with erect ears and a long silky coat
                    subtype:  soft-coated_wheaten_terrier  Irish breed of medium-sized terrier with an abundant coat any shade of wheat and very hairy head and muzzle
                    subtype:  West_Highland_white_terrier  small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland
                    subtype:  Lhasa_apso__Lhasa  a breed of terrier having a long heavy coat raised in Tibet as watchdogs
                 subtype:  sporting_dog__gun_dog__gundog  a dog trained to work with sportsmen when they hunt with guns
                    subtype:  bird_dog  a gun dog trained to locate or retrieve birds
                    subtype:  water_dog__waterdog  a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl
                    subtype:  retriever  a dog with heavy water-resistant coat that can be trained to retrieve game
                       subtype:  flat-coated_retriever  an English breed having a shiny black or liver-colored coat; retrieves game from land or water
                       subtype:  curly-coated_retriever  an English breed having a tightly curled black or liver-colored coat; retrieves game from land or water
                       subtype:  golden_retriever  an English breed having a long silky golden coat
                       subtype:  Labrador_retriever  breed originally from Labrador having a short black or golden-brown coat
                       subtype:  Chesapeake_Bay_retriever  American breed having a short thick oily coat ranging from brown to light tan
                    subtype:  Spanish_pointer__pointer  a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches; scents out and points game
                       subtype:  German_short-haired_pointer  liver or liver-and-white hunting dog developed in Germany; 3/4 pointer and 1/4 bloodhound
                       subtype:  vizla__Hungarian_pointer  Hungarian hunting dog resembling the Weimaraner but having a rich deep red coat
                    subtype:  setter  a long-haired dog formerly trained to crouch on finding game but now to point
                       subtype:  English_setter  an English breed having a plumed tail and a soft silky coat that is chiefly white
                       subtype:  Irish_setter__red_setter__redsetter  an Irish breed with a chestnut-brown or mahogany-red coat
                       subtype:  Gordon_setter  a Scottish breed with a black-and-tan coat
                    subtype:  spaniel  any of several breeds of small to medium-sized gun dogs with a long silky coat and long frilled ears
                       subtype:  Brittany_spaniel  tall active short-tailed French breed of bird dog having a usually smooth orange- or liver-and-white coat
                       subtype:  clumber_spaniel__clumberspaniel__clumber  a thickset spaniel with longish silky hair
                       subtype:  field_spaniel__fieldspaniel  large usually black hunting and retrieving spaniel with a dense flat or slightly wavy coat; cross between cocker and Sussex spaniel
                       subtype:  springer_spaniel__springer  a large spaniel with wavy silky coat usually black or liver and white
                          subtype:  English_springer_spaniel__English_springer  a breed having typically a black-and-white coat
                          subtype:  Welsh_springer_spaniel  a red-and-white breed slightly smaller than the English springer spaniel
                       subtype:  English_cocker_spaniel__cocker_spaniel__cocker  a small breed with a wavy silky hair originally developed in England
                       subtype:  Sussex_spaniel  an English breed with short legs and a golden liver-colored coat
                       subtype:  water_spaniel__waterspaniel  any dog of two large curly-coated breeds (the Irish and the American) used for hunting waterfowl
                          subtype:  American_water_spaniel  breed of medium-sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liver-colored curly coat
                          subtype:  Irish_water_spaniel  breed of large spaniels developed in Ireland having a heavy coat of liver-colored curls and a topknot of long curls and a nearly hairless tail
                    subtype:  wire-haired_pointing_griffon__griffon  breed of medium-sized long-headed dogs with downy undercoat and harsh wiry outer coat; originated in Holland but largely developed in France
              subtype:  working_dog__workingdog  any of several breeds of usually large powerful dogs bred to work as draft animals and guard and guide dogs
                 subtype:  watchdog__guard_dog__guarddog  a dog trained to guard property
                    subtype:  kuvasz  long-established Hungarian breed of tall light-footed but sturdy white dog; used also as a hunting dog
                    subtype:  attack_dog  a watchdog trained to attack on command
                    subtype:  housedog  a dog trained to guard a house
                    subtype:  schipperke  breed of small stocky black dogs originally used as watchdogs on boats in the Netherlands and Belgium
                    subtype:  pinscher  any of three breeds of dogs whose ears and tail are usually cropped
                       subtype:  Doberman_pinscher__Doberman  medium large breed of dog of German origin with a glossy black and tan coat; used as a watchdog
                       subtype:  miniature_pinscher__miniaturepinscher  small German version of a Doberman pinscher
                       subtype:  affenpinscher__monkey_pinscher__monkey_dog  European breed of small dog resembling a terrier with dark wiry hair and a tufted muzzle
                 subtype:  shepherd_dog__sheepdog__sheep_dog__sheepdog  any of various usually long-haired breeds of dog reared to herd and guard sheep
                    subtype:  Belgian_sheepdog__Belgian_shepherd  hardy working dog developed in Belgium for herding sheep
                       subtype:  groenendael  black-coated sheepdog with a heavily plumed tail
                       subtype:  malinois  fawn-colored short-haired sheepdog
                    subtype:  briard  old French breed of large strong usually black dogs having a long tail and long wavy and slightly stiff coat
                    subtype:  kelpie  an Australian sheepdog with pointed ears
                    subtype:  komondor  Hungarian breed of large powerful shaggy-coated white dog; used also as guard dog
                    subtype:  Old_English_sheepdog__bobtail  large sheepdog with a profuse shaggy blue-gray-and-white coat and short tail; believed to trace back to Roman occupation of Britain
                    subtype:  Shetland_sheepdog__Shetland_sheep_dog__Shetland  small sheepdog developed in the Shetland Islands and resembling a collie
                    subtype:  collie  a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland
                    subtype:  Border_collie  developed in the area between Scotland and England usually having a black coat with white on the head and tip of tail used for herding both sheep and cattle
                    subtype:  Bouvier_des_Flandres__Bouviers_des_Flandres  rough-coated breed used originally in Belgium for herding and guarding cattle
                    subtype:  Rottweiler  German breed of large vigorous short-haired cattle dogs
                    subtype:  German_shepherd_dog__German_shepherd__German_police_dog__alsatian  breed of large shepherd dogs used in police work and as a guide for the blind
                 subtype:  police_dog  any dog trained to assist police especially in tracking
                 subtype:  Bernese_mountain_dog  large powerful long-haired black-coated Swiss dog with deep tan or russet markings on legs and white blaze and feet and chest marking; formerly used for draft
                 subtype:  boxer  a breed of stocky medium-sized short-haired dog with a brindled coat and square-jawed muzzle developed in Germany
                 subtype:  mastiff  an old breed of powerful deep-chested smooth-coated dog used chiefly as a watchdog and guard dog
                    subtype:  Tibetan_mastiff  very large powerful rough-coated dog native to central Asia
                 subtype:  bull_mastiff  large powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff
                 subtype:  English_bulldog__bulldog  a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting
                    subtype:  French_bulldog  small stocky version of the bulldog having a sleek coat and square head
                 subtype:  Great_Dane  very large powerful smooth-coated breed of dog
                 subtype:  guide_dog__guidedog__seeing-eye_dog  a dog trained to guide the blind
                 subtype:  hearing_dog__hearingdog  dog trained to assist the deaf by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds
                 subtype:  Saint_Bernard__St_Bernard  a Swiss alpine breed of large powerful thick-coated dog used as a rescue dog
                 subtype:  sled_dog__sledge_dog  a dog trained to draw a sled usually in a team
                    subtype:  Alaskan_malamute__malamute__malemute  breed of sled dog developed in Alaska
                    subtype:  Siberian_husky  breed of sled dog developed in northeastern Siberia; they resemble the larger Alaskan malamutes
                 subtype:  Eskimo_dog__husky  breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog
              subtype:  dalmatian__coach_dog__coachdog__carriage_dog  a large breed having a smooth white coat with black or brown spots; originated in Dalmatia
                 subtype:  liver-spotted_dalmatian__liverspotteddalmatian  a brown-spotted dalmatian
              subtype:  basenji  small smooth-haired breed of African origin having a tightly curled tail and the inability to bark
              subtype:  pug-dog__pugdog__pug  small compact smooth-coated breed of Asiatic origin having a tightly curled tail and broad flat wrinkled muzzle
              subtype:  Leonberg  a large dog (usually with a golden coat) produced by crossing a St Bernard and a Newfoundland
              subtype:  Newfoundland  breed of very large heavy usually black dogs developed in Newfoundland; highly intelligent and vigorous swimmers
              subtype:  Great_Pyrenees  bred of large heavy-coated white dogs resembling the Newfoundland
              subtype:  spitz  any of various stocky heavy-coated breeds of dogs native to northern regions having pointed muzzles and erect ears with a curled furry tail
                 subtype:  Samoyede__Samoyed  Siberian breed of white or cream dog of the spitz family
                 subtype:  Pomeranian  breed of very small compact long-haired dogs of the spitz type
                 subtype:  chow_chow__chow  breed of thick-coated medium-sized dogs with fluffy curled tails and distinctive blue-black tongues; believed to have originated in north China
                 subtype:  keeshond  a spitz-type dog having a shaggy grayish coat and tightly curled tail originating in Holland
              subtype:  Brussels_griffon__griffon__Belgian_griffon  breed of various very small compact wiry-coated dogs of Belgian origin having a short bearded muzzle
                 subtype:  Brabancon_griffon  a variety of Brussels griffon having a short smooth coat
              subtype:  Welsh_corgi__corgi  either of two Welsh breeds of long-bodied short-legged dogs with erect ears and a fox-like head
                 subtype:  Pembroke_Welsh_corgi__Pembroke  the smaller and straight-legged variety of corgi having pointed ears and a short tail
                 subtype:  Cardigan_Welsh_corgi__Cardigan  slightly bow-legged variety of corgi having rounded ears and a long tail
              subtype:  poodle_dog__poodle  an intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-colored coat that is usually clipped; an old breed sometimes trained as sporting dogs or as performing dogs
                 subtype:  toy_poodle__toypoodle  the smallest poodle
                 subtype:  miniature_poodle__miniaturepoodle  a small poodle
                 subtype:  standard_poodle  a medium-sized poodle
                 subtype:  large_poodle__largepoodle  the largest poodle
              subtype:  Mexican_hairless  any of an old breed of small nearly hairless dogs of Mexico
              subtype:  smart_dog__smartdog
                 instance:  Mindy
           subtype:  wolf  any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs
              subtype:  timber_wolf__gray_wolf__Canis_lupus  brindled gray wolf of forested northern regions of North America
              subtype:  white_wolf__whitewolf__Arctic_wolf__Canis_lupus_tundrarum  wolf of arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail
              subtype:  red_wolf__redwolf__manedwolf__Canis_rufus__Canis_niger  reddish-gray wolf of southwestern North America
              subtype:  coyote__prairie_wolf__prairiewolf__brush_wolf__brushwolf__Canis_latrans  small wolf native to western North America
                 subtype:  coydog  offspring of a coyote and a dog
           subtype:  jackal__Canis_aureus  Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair
           subtype:  wild_dog  any of various undomesticated mammals of the family Canidae that are thought to resemble domestic dogs as distinguished from jackals or wolves
              subtype:  Canis_dingo__dingo__warrigal__warragal  wolflike yellowish-brown wild dog of Australia
              subtype:  dhole__Cuon_alpinus  fierce wild dog of the forests of central and southeast Asia that hunts in packs
              subtype:  crab-eating_dog__crab-eating_fox__Dusicyon_cancrivorus  wild dog of northern South America
              subtype:  raccoon_dog__raccoondog__Nyctereutes_procyonides  small wild dog of eastern Asia having facial markings like those of a raccoon
              subtype:  African_hunting_dog__hyena_dog__hyenadog__Cape_hunting_dog__Lycaon_pictus  a powerful doglike mammal of South and East Africa that hunts in large packs; now rare in settled area
           subtype:  hyena__hyaena  doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on carrion
              subtype:  striped_hyena__stripedhyena__Hyaena_hyaena  of northern Africa and Arabia and India
              subtype:  brown_hyena__brownhyena__strand_wolf__Hyaena_brunnea  of southern Africa
              subtype:  spotted_hyena__spottedhyena__laughing_hyena__Crocuta_crocuta  African hyena noted for its distinctive howl
              subtype:  aardwolf__Proteles_cristata  striped hyena of southeast Africa that feeds chiefly on insects
           subtype:  fox  alert carnivorous mammal with pointed muzzle and ears and a bushy tail; most are predators that do not hunt in packs
              subtype:  Reynard  a conventional name for a fox used in tales following usage in the old epic "Reynard the Fox"
              subtype:  Vulpes_vulpes__red_fox  the common Old World fox; having reddish-brown fur; commonly considered a single circumpolar species
                 subtype:  black_fox__blackfox  red fox in the color phase when its pelt is mostly black
                 subtype:  silver_fox  red fox in the color phase when its pelt is tipped with white
              subtype:  Vulpes_fulva__red_fox  New World fox; often considered the same species las the Old World fox
              subtype:  prairie_fox__prairiefox__kit_fox__kitfox__Vulpes_velox  small gray fox of the plains of western North America
              subtype:  kit_fox__kitfox__Vulpes_macrotis  small gray fox of southwestern United States; may be a subspecies of Vulpes velox
              subtype:  arctic_fox__white_fox__whitefox__Alopex_lagopus  thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions; brownish in summer and white in winter
                 subtype:  blue_fox  a variety of arctic fox having a pale gray winter coat
              subtype:  gray_fox__grey_fox__Urocyon_cinereoargenteus  dark gray American fox; from Central America through southern United States
        subtype:  feline__felid  any of various lithe-bodied round-headed fissiped mammals many with retractile claws
           subtype:  cat__true_cat  feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats
              subtype:  domestic_cat__cat__house_cat__housecat__Felis_domesticus__Felis_catus  any domesticated member of the genus Felis
                 subtype:  kitty-cat__kittycat__kitty__puss__pussy__pussycat  informal terms
                 subtype:  mouser  a cat proficient at mousing
                 subtype:  alley_cat__alleycat__stray  homeless cat
                 subtype:  tom  male cat
                    subtype:  gib  a castrated tomcat
                 subtype:  tabby__queen  female cat
                 subtype:  tabby_cat__tabbycat__tabby  a cat with a gray or tawny coat mottled with black
                 subtype:  tiger_cat__tigercat  a cat having a striped coat
                 subtype:  tortoiseshell-cat__tortoiseshellcat__tortoiseshell__calico_cat  a cat having black and cream and yellowish markings
                 subtype:  Persian_cat  a long-haired breed of cat
                 subtype:  Angora_cat__Angora  a long-haired breed similar to the Persian cat
                 subtype:  Siamese_cat__Siamese  a slender short-haired blue-eyed breed of cat having a pale coat with dark ears paws face and tail tip
                    subtype:  blue_point_Siamese  Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points
                 subtype:  Burmese_cat  a short-haired breed with body similar to the Siamese cat but having a solid dark brown or gray coat
                 subtype:  Egyptian_cat  a domestic cat of Egypt
                 subtype:  Maltese_cat  a short-haired bluish-gray cat breed
                 subtype:  Abyssinian_cat__Abyssinian  a small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish undercoat
                 subtype:  Manx_cat  a short-haired tailless breed of cat believed to originate on the Isle of Man
              subtype:  wildcat  any small or medium-sized cat resembling the domestic cat and living in the wild
                 subtype:  sand_cat  a desert-dwelling wildcat
                 subtype:  European_wildcat__catamountain__Felis_silvestris  bushy-tailed European wildcat resembling the domestic tabby and regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat
                 subtype:  cougar__puma__catamount__mountain_lion__painter__panther__Felis_concolor  large American feline resembling a lion
                 subtype:  ocelot__panther_cat__panthercat__Felis_pardalis  nocturnal wildcat of Central and South America having a dark-spotted buff-brown coat
                 subtype:  jaguarundi_cat__jaguarundi__jaguarondi__eyra__Felis_yagouaroundi  long-bodied long-tailed tropical American wildcat
                 subtype:  kaffir_cat__caffer_cat__Felis_ocreata  widely distributed wildcat of Africa and Asia Minor
                 subtype:  jungle_cat__Felis_chaus  small Asiatic wildcat
                 subtype:  Felis_serval__serval  slender long-legged African wildcat having large untufted ears and tawny black-spotted coat
                 subtype:  leopard_cat__leopardcat__Felis_bengalensis  small spotted wildcat of southern Asia and Malaysia
                 subtype:  Felis_tigrina__tiger_cat__tigercat  medium-sized wildcat of Central and South America having a dark-striped coat
                 subtype:  margay_cat__margay__Felis_wiedi  small spotted wildcat found from Texas to Brazil
                 subtype:  Felis_manul__manul__Pallas's_cat  small wildcat of the mountains of Siberia Tibet and Mongolia
                 subtype:  lynx__catamount  short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted ears; valued for their fur
                    subtype:  common_lynx__Lynx_lynx  of northern Eurasia
                    subtype:  Canada_lynx__Lynx_canadensis__lynxcanadensi  of northern North America
                    subtype:  bobcat__bay_lynx__baylynx__Lynx_rufus  small lynx of North America
                    subtype:  spotted_lynx__spottedlynx__Lynx_pardina  of southern Europe
                    subtype:  Lynx_caracal__caracal__desert_lynx  of deserts of northern Africa and southern Asia
           subtype:  big_cat__bigcat__cat  any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild
              subtype:  leopard__Panthera_pardus  large feline of African and Asian forests usually having a tawny coat with black spots
                 subtype:  leopardess  female leopard
                 subtype:  panther  a leopard in the black color phase
              subtype:  snow_leopard__ounce__pantherauncia  large feline of upland central Asia having long thick whitish fur
              subtype:  jaguar__panther__Panthera_onca__Felis_onca  a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard; in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis
              subtype:  lion__king_of_beasts__Panthera_leo  large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male
                 subtype:  lioness__liones  a female lion
                 subtype:  lionet  a small or young lion
              subtype:  Panthera_tigris__tiger  large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered
                 subtype:  Bengal_tiger  southern short-haired tiger
                 subtype:  tigress  a female tiger
              subtype:  liger  offspring of a male lion and a female tiger
              subtype:  tiglon__tigon  offspring of a male tiger and a female lion
              subtype:  cheetah__chetah__Acinonyx_jubatus  long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws; the swiftest mammal; can be trained to run down game
              subtype:  saber-toothed_tiger__sabertoothedtiger__sabertooth  any of many extinct cats of the Old and New Worlds having long swordlike upper canine teeth; from the Oligocene through the Pleistocene
                 subtype:  Smiledon_californicus  North American sabertooth; culmination of sabertooth development
                 subtype:  false_saber-toothed_tiger__falsesabertoothedtiger  North American cat of the Miocene and Pliocene; much earlier and less specialized than members of the genus Smiledon
        subtype:  bear  massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
           subtype:  brown_bear__brownbear__bruin__Ursus_arctos  large ferocious bear of Eurasia
              subtype:  Syrian_bear__Ursus_arctos_syriacus  yellowish-gray Syrian brown bear
              subtype:  grizzly_bear__grizzlybear__grizzly__silvertip__Ursus_horribilis__Ursus_arctos_horribilis__ursusarctoshorribili  powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America
              subtype:  Alaskan_brown_bear__Kodiak_bear__Kodiak__Ursus_middendorffi__Ursus_arctos_middendorffi  brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia
           subtype:  bruin  a conventional name for a bear used in tales following usage in the old epic "Reynard the Fox"
           subtype:  American_black_bear__black_bear__blackbear__Ursus_americanus__Euarctos_americanus  brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
              subtype:  cinnamon_bear  reddish-brown color phase of the American black bear
           subtype:  Asiatic_black_bear__black_bear__blackbear__Ursus_thibetanus__Selenarctos_thibetanus  black bear of central and eastern Asia
           subtype:  ice_bear__icebear__polar_bear__polarbear__Ursus_Maritimus__Thalarctos_maritimus  white bear of arctic regions
           subtype:  sloth_bear__slothbear__Melursus_ursinus__Ursus_ursinus  common coarse-haired long-snouted bear of south-central Asia
        subtype:  viverrine_mammal__viverrinemammal__viverrine  small catlike predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World
           subtype:  civet__civet_cat__civetcat  catlike mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes
              subtype:  large_civet__largecivet__Viverra_zibetha  common civet of India and southeast Asia
              subtype:  small_civet__smallcivet__Viverricula_indica__Viverricula_malaccensis  common small civet of southeast Asia
              subtype:  binturong__bearcat__Arctictis_bintourong  arboreal civet of Asia having a long prehensile tail and shaggy black hair
              subtype:  genus_Cryptoprocta__Cryptoprocta  large primitive catlike carnivores inhabiting forests of Madagascar
              subtype:  fanaloka__Fossa_fossa  civet of Madagascar
              subtype:  banded_palm_civet__Hemigalus_hardwickii  E Indian civet
              subtype:  palm_cat__palm_civet  spotted or striped arboreal civet of southeast Asia and East Indies
           subtype:  fossa_cat__fossacat__fossa__Cryptoprocta_ferox  largest carnivore of Madagascar; intermediate in some respects between cats and civets
           subtype:  genet__Genetta_genetta  agile Old World viverrine having a spotted coat and long ringed tail
           subtype:  mongoose  agile grizzled Old World viverrine; preys on snakes and rodents
              subtype:  Indian_mongoose__Herpestes_nyula  keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret; often domesticated
              subtype:  Herpestes_ichneumon__ichneumon  North African mongoose; in ancient times thought to devour crocodile eggs
           subtype:  meerkat__mierkat  South African mongoose-like viverrine having a face like a lemur and only four toes
              subtype:  slender-tailed_meerkat__Suricata_suricatta  a meerkat with a thin and elongated tail
              subtype:  suricate__Suricata_tetradactyla  burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa; often kept as a pet
        subtype:  musteline_mammal__mustelinemammal__musteline  fissiped fur-bearing carnivorous mammals
           subtype:  weasel  small carnivorous mammal with short legs and elongated body and neck
              subtype:  ermine__shorttail_weasel__shorttailweasel__Mustela_erminea  mustelid of northern hemisphere in its white winter coat
                 subtype:  stoat  the ermine in its brown summer coat with black-tipped tail
              subtype:  New_World_least_weasel__Mustela_rixosa  of Canada and northeastern United States
              subtype:  Old_World_least_weasel__Mustela_nivalis  of Europe
              subtype:  longtail_weasel__long-tailed_weasel__Mustela_frenata  the common American weasel distinguished by large size and black-tipped tail
              subtype:  muishond  southern African weasel
                 subtype:  snake_muishond__snakemuishond__Poecilogale_albinucha  small slender burrowing muishond with white top of the head
                 subtype:  striped_muishond__stripedmuishond__Ictonyx_striata__ictonyxstriata  ferret-sized muishond often tamed
                 subtype:  zoril__Ictonyx_frenata  north African muishond
           subtype:  mink  slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur
              subtype:  American_mink__Mustela_vison  usually rich dark brown
           subtype:  fitch__polecat__foulmart__foumart__Mustela_putorius  dark brown mustelid of woodlands of Eurasia that gives off an unpleasant odor when threatened
              subtype:  ferret  domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits
           subtype:  black-footed_ferret__ferret__Mustela_nigripes  ferret of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct
           subtype:  otter  freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur
              subtype:  river_otter__riverotter__Lutra_canadensis  sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America
              subtype:  Eurasian_otter__Lutra_lutra  otter found in Europe and Asia
           subtype:  sea_otter__seaotter__Enhydra_lutris  large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thick dark brown fur
           subtype:  polecat__skunk__wood_pussy  American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae
              subtype:  striped_skunk__stripedskunk__Mephitis_mephitis  most common and widespread North American skunk
              subtype:  hooded_skunk__Mephitis_macroura  of Mexico and southernmost parts of southwestern United States
              subtype:  hog-nosed_skunk__hognosedskunk__hognosed_skunk__badger_skunk__rooter_skunk__Conepatus_leuconotus  large naked-muzzled skunk with white back and tail; of southwestern North America and Mexico
              subtype:  little_spotted_skunk__spotted_skunk__spottedskunk__Spilogale_putorius  small skunk with a marbled black and white coat; of United States and Mexico
           subtype:  badger  sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
              subtype:  American_badger__Taxidea_taxus  a variety of badger native to America
              subtype:  Eurasian_badger__Meles_meles  a variety of badger native to Europe and Asia
              subtype:  ferret_badger  small ferret-like badger of southeast Asia
              subtype:  hog_badger__hogbadger__hog-nosed_badger__hognosedbadger__sand_badger__Arctonyx_collaris  SE Asian badger with a snout like a pig
           subtype:  ratel__honey_badger__honeybadger__Mellivora_capensis  nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia
           subtype:  carcajou__wolverine__skunk_bear__skunkbear__Gulo_luscus  stocky shaggy-coated North American carnivorous mammal
           subtype:  Gulo_gulo__glutton  wolverine of northern Eurasia
           subtype:  grison__Grison_vittatus__Galictis_vittatus  carnivore of Central and South America resembling a weasel with a grayish-white back and dark underparts
           subtype:  marten_cat__marten  agile slender-bodied arboreal mustelids somewhat larger than weasels
              subtype:  pine_marten__Martes_martes  dark brown marten of northern Eurasian coniferous forests
              subtype:  Martes_zibellina__sable  marten of North Asian forests having luxuriant dark brown fur
              subtype:  American_marten__American_sable__Martes_americana  valued for its fur
              subtype:  stone_marten__stonemarten__beech_marten__beechmarten__Martes_foina  Eurasian marten having a brown coat with pale breast and throat
              subtype:  fisher_cat__fisher__pekan__black_cat__blackcat__Martes_pennanti  large dark brown North American arboreal carnivorous mammal
              subtype:  yellow-throated_marten__Charronia_flavigula  large yellow and black marten of S China and Burma
           subtype:  tayra__taira__Eira_barbara  long-tailed arboreal mustelid of Central and South America
        subtype:  procyonid  plantigrade carnivorous mammals
           subtype:  raccoon__racoon  omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North and Central America
              subtype:  common_raccoon__common_racoon__coon__ringtail__Procyon_lotor  North American raccoon
              subtype:  crab-eating_raccoon__Procyon_cancrivorus  South American raccoon
           subtype:  bassarisk__cacomistle__cacomixle__coon_cat__raccoon_fox__raccoonfox__ringtail__ring-tailed_cat__civet_cat__civetcat__miner's_cat__Bassariscus_astutus  raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings
           subtype:  kinkajou__honey_bear__honeybear__potto__Potos_flavus__Potos_caudivolvulus  arboreal fruit-eating mammal of tropical America with a long prehensile tail
           subtype:  coati-mondi__coatimondi__coati__coati-mundi__coatimundi__coon_cat__Nasua_narica  omnivorous mammal of Central and South America
           subtype:  lesser_panda__red_panda__redpanda__panda__bear_cat__cat_bear__catbear__ailurusfulgen  reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore; in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas
           subtype:  giant_panda__giantpanda__panda__panda_bear__pandabear__coon_bear__Ailuropoda_melanoleuca  large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae
     subtype:  Fissipedia  in some classifications considered a suborder of Carnivora
     subtype:  aardvark__ant_bear__antbear__Orycteropus_afer  nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata
     subtype:  chiropteran  nocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form membranous wings and anatomical adaptations for echolocation by which they navigate
        subtype:  fruit_bat__fruitbat__megabat  large Old World bat of warm and tropical regions that feeds on fruit
           subtype:  flying_fox  large bat with a head that resembles the head of a fox
           subtype:  Pteropus_capestratus  a variety of fruit bat
           subtype:  Pteropus_hypomelanus  a variety of fruit bat
           subtype:  harpy_bat__harpybat__harpy__tube-nosed_bat__tube-nosed_fruit_bat  any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes
           subtype:  Cynopterus_sphinx  a variety of fruit eating bat
        subtype:  carnivorous_bat__carnivorousbat__microbat  typically having large ears and feeding primarily on insects; worldwide in distribution
           subtype:  mouse-eared_bat__mouseearedbat  a carnivorous bat with ears like a mouse
           subtype:  leafnose_bat__leaf-nosed_bat  bat having a leaflike flap at the end of the nose; especially of the families Phyllostomatidae and Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae
              subtype:  macrotus__Macrotus_californicus  large-eared grayish bat of southern California and northwestern Mexico
              subtype:  spearnose_bat__spearnosebat  New World bat with a pointed nose leaf; found from southern United States to Paraguay
              subtype:  Phyllostomus_hastatus  a variety of leaf-nosed bat
              subtype:  hognose_bat__hognosebat__Choeronycteris_mexicana  small-eared Mexican bat with a long slender nose
              subtype:  horseshoe_bat__horseshoebat  bat having a horseshoe-shaped leaf on the nose
              subtype:  horseshoe_bat.leafnose_bat__horseshoebat  any of numerous bats of northwest Africa or Philippines or Australia having a horseshoe-shaped leaf on the nose
              subtype:  orange_bat__orange_horseshoe_bat__Rhinonicteris_aurantius  a common bat of northwestern Australia having orange or yellow fur
              subtype:  false_vampire_bat__falsevampirebat__false_vampire__falsevampire  any New or Old World carnivorous bat erroneously thought to suck blood but in fact feeding on insects
                 subtype:  big-eared_bat__Megaderma_lyra  large carnivorous Old World bat with very large ears
           subtype:  vespertilian_bat__vespertilionid  a variety of carnivorous bat
              subtype:  frosted_bat__frostedbat__Vespertilio_murinus  common Eurasian bat with white-tipped hairs in its coat
              subtype:  red_bat__redbat__Lasiurus_borealis  North American brick or rusty red bat with hairs tipped with white
              subtype:  little_brown_bat__little_brown_myotis__Myotis_leucifugus  the small common North American bat; widely distributed
              subtype:  cave_myotis__Myotis_velifer  small bat of southwest United States that lives in caves etc.
              subtype:  big_brown_bat__bigbrownbat__Eptesicus_fuscus  rather large North American brown bat; widely distributed
              subtype:  serotine__European_brown_bat__Eptesicus_serotinus  common European brown bat
              subtype:  pallid_bat__cave_bat__Antrozous_pallidus  drab yellowish big-eared cave-dwelling bat
              subtype:  pipistrelle__pipistrel__Pipistrellus_pipistrellus  small European brown bat
              subtype:  eastern_pipistrel__easternpipistrel__Pipistrellus_subflavus  one of the smallest bats of eastern North America
              subtype:  western_pipistrel__westernpipistrel__SPipistrellus_hesperus  of western North America
              subtype:  jackass_bat__jackassbat__spotted_bat__spottedbat__Euderma_maculata  large spotted bat of southwestern United States having enormous ears
              subtype:  long-eared_bat  any of various Old or New World bats having very long ears
                 subtype:  western_big-eared_bat__westernbigearedbat__Plecotus_townsendi  bat of western North America having extremely large ears
           subtype:  brown_bat__brownbat  any of numerous medium to small insectivorous bats found worldwide in caves and trees and buildings
           subtype:  freetail__freetailed_bat  small swift bat with leathery ears and a long tail; common in warm regions
              subtype:  guano_bat__guanobat__Mexican_freetail_bat__Tadarida_brasiliensis  the common freetail bat of southern United States having short velvety fur; migrates south for winter
              subtype:  pocketed_bat__pocketed_freetail_bat__Tadirida_femorosacca  small brown bat of California and northern Mexico
           subtype:  mastiff_bat__mastiffbat  a soft-furred chocolate-brown bat with folded ears and small wings; often runs along the ground
           subtype:  true_vampire_bat__vampire_bat__vampirebat  any of various tropical American bats of the family Desmodontidae that bite mammals and birds to feed on their blood
              subtype:  Desmodus_rotundus  mouse-sized bat of tropical Central and South America having sharp incisor and canine teeth; feeds on the blood of birds and mammals
              subtype:  hairy-legged_vampire_bat__Diphylla_ecaudata  similar in size and habits to Desmodus rotundus; of tropical America including southern California and Texas
     subtype:  lagomorph__gnawing_mammal__gnawingmammal  relative large gnawing animals; distinguished from rodents by having two pairs of upper incisors specialized for gnawing
        subtype:  Duplicidentata  in former classifications considered a suborder of Rodentia coextensive with the order Lagomorpha: gnawing animals
        subtype:  leporid_mammal__leporidmammal__leporid  rabbits and hares
           subtype:  rabbit__coney__cony  any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food
              subtype:  lapin  castrated male rabbit
              subtype:  bunny_rabbit__bunnyrabbit__bunny  (usually informal) especially a young rabbit
              subtype:  European_rabbit__Old_World_rabbit__Oryctolagus_cuniculus  common grayish-brown burrowing animal native to S Europe and North Africa but introduced elsewhere; widely domesticated and developed in various colors and for various needs; young born naked and helpless
              subtype:  wood_rabbit__cottontail__cottontail_rabbit  common small rabbit of North America having grayish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside; a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
                 subtype:  eastern_cottontail__easterncottontail__Sylvilagus_floridanus  widely distributed in United States except northwest and far west regions
                 subtype:  swamp_rabbit__swamprabbit__swamp_hare__swamphare__Sylvilagus_aquaticus  of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands
                 subtype:  marsh_hare__marshhare__swamprabbit__sylvilaguspalustri  of marshy coastal areas from North Carolina to Florida
              subtype:  Belgian_hare__leporide  red breed of domestic rabbits; hybrid between Old World rabbit and hare
              subtype:  Angora_rabbit__Angora  domestic breed with long white silky hair
           subtype:  hare  swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyes
              subtype:  leveret  a young hare especially one in its first year
              subtype:  European_hare__Lepus_europaeus  large hare introduced in North America; does not turn white in winter
              subtype:  jackrabbit  large hare of western North America
                 subtype:  white-tailed_jackrabbit__whitetail_jackrabbit__whitetailjackrabbit__Lepus_townsendi  largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States; brownish-gray in summer and pale gray in winter; tail nearly always all white
                 subtype:  blacktail_jackrabbit__blacktailjackrabbit__Lepus_californicus  the common jackrabbit of grasslands and open areas of western United States; has large black-tipped ears and black streak on the tail
              subtype:  polar_hare__polarhare__Arctic_hare__Lepus_arcticus  large hare of Arctic America almost completely white in winter
              subtype:  snowshoe_hare__snowshoe_rabbit__varying_hare__varyinghare__Lepus_americanus  large large-footed North American hare; white in winter
        subtype:  pika__mouse_hare__mousehare__rock_rabbit__coney__cony  small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America
           subtype:  little_chief_hare__Ochotona_princeps  North American pika
           subtype:  collared_pika__Ochotona_collaris  similar to little chief hare and may be same species
     subtype:  rodent__gnawer__gnawing_animal__gnawinganimal  relatively small gnawing animals having a single pair of constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing
        subtype:  mouse  any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails
           subtype:  house_mouse__housemouse__Mus_musculus  brownish-gray Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide
           subtype:  harvest_mouse__harvestmouse__Micromyx_minutus  small reddish-brown Eurasian mouse inhabiting e.g. cornfields
           subtype:  field_mouse__fieldmouse  any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
              subtype:  European_wood_mouse__Apodemus_sylvaticus  nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
           subtype:  wood_mouse  any of various New World woodland mice
              subtype:  white-footed_mouse__vesper_mouse__Peromyscus_leucopus  American woodland mouse with white feet and underparts
              subtype:  deer_mouse__Peromyscus_maniculatus  brownish New World mouse; most widely distributed member of the genus
              subtype:  cactus_mouse__Peromyscus_eremicus  burrowing mouse of desert areas of southwestern United States
              subtype:  cotton_mouse__Peromyscus_gossypinus  large dark mouse of southeastern United States
              subtype:  pygmy_mouse__pygmymouse__Baiomys_taylori  very small dark grayish brown mouse resembling a house mouse; of Texas and Mexico
        subtype:  rat  any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
           subtype:  pocket_rat  any of various rodents with cheek pouches
              subtype:  pocket_mouse  any of various small nocturnal burrowing desert rodents with cheek pouches and long hind legs and tail
                 subtype:  silky_pocket_mouse__Perognathus_flavus  small pale yellowish soft-furred rodent of southwestern United States and Mexico
                 subtype:  plains_pocket_mouse__Perognathus_flavescens  small rodent of open areas of United States plains states
                 subtype:  hispid_pocket_mouse__Perognathus_hispidus  large stiff-haired rodent of shortgrass prairies of United States
                 subtype:  Mexican_pocket_mouse__Liomys_irroratus  large pocket mouse of Mexico
              subtype:  kangaroo_rat__desert_rat__Dipodomys_phillipsii  any of various leaping rodents of desert regions of North America and Mexico; largest members of the family Heteromyidae
                 subtype:  Ord_kangaroo_rat__Dipodomys_ordi  most widely distributed kangaroo rat: plains and mountain areas of central and western United States
              subtype:  dwarf_pocket_rat__kangaroo_mouse  small silky-haired pouched rodent; similar to but smaller than kangaroo rats
              subtype:  pocket_gopher__gopher__pouched_rat__pouchedrat  burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae having large external cheek pouches; of Central America and southwestern North America
                 subtype:  plains_pocket_gopher__Geomys_bursarius  gopher of chiefly grasslands of central North America
                 subtype:  southeastern_pocket_gopher__Geomys_pinetis  gopher of Alabama Georgia and Florida
                 subtype:  valley_pocket_gopher__Thomomys_bottae  of valleys and mountain meadows of western United States
                 subtype:  northern_pocket_gopher__Thomomys_talpoides  grayish to brown gopher of western and central United States
           subtype:  brown_rat__brownrat__Norway_rat__Rattus_norvegicus  common domestic rat; serious pest worldwide
              subtype:  wharf_rat__wharfrat  brown rat that infests wharves
              subtype:  sewer_rat__sewerrat  brown rat commonly found in sewers
           subtype:  black_rat__blackrat__roof_rat__Rattus_rattus  common household pest originally from Asia that has spread worldwide
           subtype:  bandicoot_rat__bandicootrat__mole_rat  burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon
           subtype:  jerboa_rat  large Australian rat with hind legs adapted for leaping
              subtype:  kangaroo_mouse  leaping rodent of Australian desert areas
           subtype:  rice_rat__Oryzomys_palustris  hardy agile rat of grassy marshes of Mexico and the southeastern United States
        subtype:  murine  a rodent that is a member of the family Muridae
        subtype:  water_rat__waterrat  any of various amphibious rats
           subtype:  beaver_rat  amphibious rat of Australia and New Guinea
        subtype:  New_World_mouse  a variety of rodent
           subtype:  American_harvest_mouse__harvest_mouse__harvestmouse  any of several small grayish New World mice inhabiting e.g. grain fields
        subtype:  muskrat__Ondatra_zibethica  beaver-like aquatic rodent of North America with dark glossy brown fur
        subtype:  round-tailed_muskrat__Florida_water_rat__Neofiber_alleni  of Florida wetlands
        subtype:  cotton_rat__Sigmodon_hispidus  destructive long-haired burrowing rat of southern North America and Central America
        subtype:  wood_rat  any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur gray above and white below with well-furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
           subtype:  vole__field_mouse__fieldmouse  any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae especially of genus Microtus having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows
              subtype:  grasshopper_mouse__grasshoppermouse  insectivorous mouse of western North America
              subtype:  pine_vole__pine_mouse__Pitymys_pinetorum  short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States
              subtype:  meadow_vole__meadow_mouse__Microtus_pennsylvaticus  widely distributed in grasslands of northern United States and Canada
              subtype:  Richardson_vole__water_vole__watervole__Microtus_richardsoni  of western North America
              subtype:  prairie_vole__prairievole__Microtus_ochrogaster  typical vole of the extended prairie region of central United States and southern Canada
              subtype:  water_vole__watervole__water_rat__waterrat__Arvicola_amphibius  common large Eurasian vole
              subtype:  red-backed_mouse__redback_vole__redbackvole  any of several voles of mountainous regions of Eurasia and America
              subtype:  phenacomys  any of several vole-like terrestrial or arboreal rodents of cold forested regions of Canada and western United States
           subtype:  packrat__traderat__bushytail_woodrat__bushytailwoodrat__Neotoma_cinerea  any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects
              subtype:  dusky-footed_woodrat__Neotoma_fuscipes  host to Lyme disease tick (Ixodes pacificus) in northern California
           subtype:  eastern_woodrat__easternwoodrat__Neotoma_floridana  large grayish-brown woodrat of the southeastern United States
        subtype:  hamster  short-tailed Old World burrowing rodent with large cheek pouches
           subtype:  Eurasian_hamster__Cricetus_cricetus  a variety of hamster common to Europe and Asia
           subtype:  golden_hamster__Syrian_hamster__Mesocricetus_auratus  small light-colored hamster often kept as a pet
        subtype:  gerbil__gerbille  small Old World burrowing desert rodent with long soft pale fur and hind legs adapted for leaping
           subtype:  jird  North African gerbils
           subtype:  tamarisk_gerbil__Meriones_unguiculatus  popular as a pet
           subtype:  Meriones_longifrons__sand_rat  southern European gerbil
        subtype:  lemming  any of various short-tailed furry-footed rodents of circumpolar distribution
           subtype:  European_lemming__Lemmus_lemmus  notable for mass migrations even into the sea where many drown
           subtype:  brown_lemming__brownlemming__Lemmus_trimucronatus  of northwestern Canada and Alaska
           subtype:  gray_lemming__red-backed_lemming  Old World lemming
           subtype:  pied_lemming  North American lemming having a white winter coat and some claws much enlarged
              subtype:  Hudson_bay_collared_lemming__Dicrostonyx_hudsonius  of northern Canada
           subtype:  southern_bog_lemming__Synaptomys_cooperi  of low bogs and meadows of northeastern and central United States and southern Canada
           subtype:  northern_bog_lemming__Synaptomys_borealis  of wet alpine and subalpine meadows of Canada and Alaska
        subtype:  porcupine__hedgehog  relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur
           subtype:  Old_World_porcupine  terrestrial porcupine
              subtype:  brush-tailed_porcupine__brush-tail_porcupine  porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail
              subtype:  long-tailed_porcupine__Trichys_lipura  porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail
           subtype:  New_World_porcupine  arboreal porcupine
              subtype:  Canada_porcupine__Erethizon_dorsatum  porcupine of northeastern North America with barbed spines concealed in the coarse fur; often gnaws buildings for salt and grease
        subtype:  jumping_mouse__jumpingmouse  any of several primitive mouselike rodents with long hind legs and no cheek pouches; of woodlands of Eurasia and North America
           subtype:  meadow_jumping_mouse__Zapus_hudsonius  widely distributed in northeastern and central United States and Canada
        subtype:  jerboa  mouselike jumping rodent
           subtype:  typical_jerboa__typicaljerboa  small nocturnal jumping rodent with long hind legs; of arid parts of North Africa and Asia
           subtype:  Jaculus_jaculus  a variety of jerboa
        subtype:  dormouse  small furry-tailed squirrel-like Old World rodent that becomes torpid in cold weather
           subtype:  loir__Glis_glis  large European dormouse
           subtype:  hazel_mouse__hazelmouse__Muscardinus_avellanarius  a variety of dormouse
           subtype:  lerot  dormouse of southern Europe and northern Africa
        subtype:  squirrel  a kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tail
           subtype:  tree_squirrel  any typical arboreal squirrel
              subtype:  eastern_gray_squirrel__cat_squirrel__catsquirrel__Sciurus_carolinensis  common medium-large squirrel of eastern North America; now introduced into England
              subtype:  western_gray_squirrel__Sciurus_griseus  large gray squirrel of far western areas of United States
              subtype:  eastern_fox_squirrel__easternfoxsquirrel__fox_squirrel__foxsquirrel__Sciurus_niger  exceptionally large arboreal squirrel of eastern United States
              subtype:  black_squirrel__blacksquirrel  fox squirrel or gray squirrel in the black color phase
              subtype:  red_squirrel__redsquirrel__cat_squirrel__catsquirrel__Sciurus_vulgaris  common reddish-brown squirrel of Europe and parts of Asia
              subtype:  American_red_squirrel__spruce_squirrel__red_squirrel__redsquirrel__Sciurus_hudsonicus__Tamiasciurus_hudsonicus  of northern United States and Canada
              subtype:  chickeree__Douglas_squirrel__Tamiasciurus_douglasi  far western United States counterpart of the red squirrel
           subtype:  ground_squirrel__gopher__spermophile  any of various terrestrial burrowing rodents of Old and New Worlds; often destroy crops
              subtype:  whitetail_antelope_squirrel__antelope_squirrel__antelope_chipmunk__Citellus_leucurus  small ground squirrel of western United States
              subtype:  mantled_ground_squirrel__Citellus_lateralis  common black-striped reddish-brown ground squirrel of western North America; resembles a large chipmunk
              subtype:  suslik__souslik__Citellus_citellus  rather large central Eurasian ground squirrel
              subtype:  flickertail__Richardson_ground_squirrel__Citellus_richardsoni  of sagebrush and grassland areas of western United States and Canada
              subtype:  rock_squirrel__Citellus_variegatus  large gray ground squirrel of rocky areas of the southwestern United States
              subtype:  Arctic_ground_squirrel__parka_squirrel__parkasquirrel__Citellus_parryi  large ground squirrel of the North American far north
           subtype:  eastern_chipmunk__easternchipmunk__hackee__striped_squirrel__stripedsquirrel__ground_squirrel__Tamias_striatus  small striped semiterrestrial eastern American squirrel with cheek pouches
           subtype:  chipmunk  chipmunk of western America and Asia
           subtype:  baronduki__baranduki__barunduki__burunduki__eutamiusasiaticu__Eutamius_sibiricus  terrestrial Siberian squirrel
           subtype:  American_flying_squirrel  New World flying squirrels
              subtype:  southern_flying_squirrel__Glaucomys_volans  small large-eyed nocturnal flying squirrel of eastern United States
              subtype:  northern_flying_squirrel__Glaucomys_sabrinus  large flying squirrel; chiefly of Canada
           subtype:  Asiatic_flying_squirrel  nocturnal rodent of Asia having furry folds of skin between forelegs and hind legs enabling it to move by gliding leaps
              subtype:  taguan__flying_marmot__flying_cat__Petaurista_petaurista  East Indian flying squirrel
        subtype:  prairie_dog__prairiedog__prairie_marmot__prairiemarmot  any of several rodents of North American prairies living in large complex burrows having a barking cry
           subtype:  blacktail_prairie_dog__blacktailprairiedog__Cynomys_ludovicianus  tail is black tipped
           subtype:  whitetail_prairie_dog__whitetailprairiedog__Cynomys_gunnisoni  tail is white tipped
        subtype:  marmot  stocky coarse-furred burrowing rodent with a short bushy tail found throughout the northern hemisphere; hibernates in winter
           subtype:  groundhog__woodchuck__Marmota_monax  reddish brown North American marmot
           subtype:  hoary_marmot__hoarymarmot__whistler__whistling_marmot__whistlingmarmot__Marmota_caligata  large North American mountain marmot
           subtype:  yellowbelly_marmot__yellowbellymarmot__rockchuck__marmotaflaviventri  heavy-bodied yellowish-brown marmot of rocky areas of western North America
        subtype:  beaver  large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges
           subtype:  Old_World_beaver__Castor_fiber  a European variety of beaver
           subtype:  New_World_beaver__Castor_canadensis  a variety of beaver found in almost all areas of North America except Florida
        subtype:  mountain_beaver__sewellel__Aplodontia_rufa  bulky nocturnal burrowing rodent of uplands of the Pacific coast of North America; the most primitive living rodent
        subtype:  cavy  short-tailed rough-haired South American rodent
           subtype:  Cavia_cobaya__guinea_pig  stout-bodied nearly tailless domesticated cavy; often kept as a pet and widely used in research
           subtype:  aperea__wild_cavy__Cavia_porcellus  South American cavy; possibly ancestral to the domestic guinea pig
        subtype:  mara__Dolichotis_patagonum  hare-like rodent of the pampas of Argentina
        subtype:  capybara__capibara__Hydrochoerus_hydrochaeris  pig-sized tailless South American amphibious rodent with partly webbed feet; largest living rodent
        subtype:  agouti__Dasyprocta_aguti  agile long-legged rabbit-sized rodent of Central and South America and West Indies; valued as food
        subtype:  Cuniculus_paca__paca  large burrowing rodent of South and Central America; highly esteemed as food
        subtype:  mountain_paca  rodent of mountains of western South America
        subtype:  Myocastor_coypus__coypu__nutria  aquatic South American rodent resembling a small beaver; bred for its fur
        subtype:  Chinchilla_laniger__chinchilla  small rodent with soft pearly gray fur; native to the Andes but bred in captivity for fur
        subtype:  mountain_chinchilla__mountain_viscacha  a rodent native to the mountains of Chile and Peru and now bred in captivity
        subtype:  viscacha__chinchillon__Lagostomus_maximus  gregarious burrowing rodent larger than the chinchillas
        subtype:  abrocome__chinchilla_rat__rat_chinchilla__ratchinchilla  ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes
        subtype:  mole_rat  furry short-limbed tailless rodent resembling a true mole in habits and appearance; of eastern Europe and Middle East
        subtype:  mole_rat.rodent__molerat  African rodent resembling a mole in habits and appearance
        subtype:  sand_rat  small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas
     subtype:  Ungulata  in former classifications a major division of Mammalia comprising all hoofed mammals; now divided into the orders Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates) and Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
     subtype:  ungulate__hoofed_mammal  any of a number of hoofed mammals superficially similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically
        subtype:  dinocerate  an extinct ungulate
           subtype:  dinoceras__dinocera__uintathere  a variety of dinocerate
        subtype:  odd-toed_ungulate__perissodactyl__perissodactyl_mammal__perissodactylmammal  placental mammals having hooves with an odd number of toes on each foot
           subtype:  equine__equid  hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck
              subtype:  horse__Equus_caballus  solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
                 subtype:  roan  horse having a roan coat
                 subtype:  stablemate__stable_companion  a horse stabled with another or one of several horses owned by the same person
                 subtype:  gee-gee__geegee  a word for horse used by children or in adult slang
                 subtype:  eohippus__dawn_horse  earliest horse; extinct primitive dog-sized 4-toed Eocene animal
                 subtype:  mesohippus  North American 3-toed Oligocene animal; probably not directly ancestral to modern horses
                 subtype:  protohippus  Pliocene horse approaching donkeys in size
                 subtype:  female_horse__mare  female equine animal
                    subtype:  broodmare__stud_mare  a female horse used for breeding
                 subtype:  saddle_horse__riding_horse__mount  a lightweight horse kept for riding only
                    subtype:  remount  a fresh horse especially (formerly) to replace one killed or injured in battle
                    subtype:  palfrey  (archaic) especially a light saddle horse for a woman
                    subtype:  warhorse  horse used in war
                       subtype:  cavalry_horse__cavalryhorse  horse trained for battle
                       subtype:  charger  formerly a strong horse ridden into battle
                       subtype:  steed  (literary) spirited horse for state or war
                    subtype:  prancer  a mettlesome or fiery horse
                    subtype:  hack  a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc.
                    subtype:  cow_pony__cowpony  a light saddle horse trained for herding cattle
                    subtype:  quarter_horse__quarterhorse  a small powerful horse originally bred for sprinting in quarter-mile races in Virginia
                    subtype:  Morgan  an American breed of small compact saddle horses
                    subtype:  Tennessee_walker__Tennessee_walking_horse__Walking_horse__Plantation_walking_horse  a horse marked by stamina and trained to move at a fast running walk
                    subtype:  American_saddle_horse  a high-stepping horse originating in Kentucky
                    subtype:  Appaloosa  a hardy breed developed in western North America and characteristically having a spotted rump
                    subtype:  Arabian__Arab  a spirited graceful and intelligent riding horse native to Arabia
                    subtype:  buckskin_horse__buckskin  horse of a light yellowish dun color with dark mane and tail
                    subtype:  crowbait  an emaciated horse likely soon to become carrion and so attractive to crows
                    subtype:  dun  horse of a dull brownish gray color
                    subtype:  gray_horse  horse of a light grey or whitish color
                 subtype:  pony  a range horse of the western United States
                    subtype:  mustang  small hardy range horse of the western plains descended from horses brought by the Spanish
                       subtype:  bronco__bronc__broncho  an unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang
                          subtype:  bucking_bronco__buckingbronco  a vicious or unbreakable bronco
                    subtype:  cayuse__Indian_pony  a small native range horse
                 subtype:  polo_pony  a small agile horse specially bred and trained for playing polo
                 subtype:  wild_horse  undomesticated or feral domestic horse
                    subtype:  tarpan__Equus_caballus_gomelini  European wild horse extinct since the early 20th century
                    subtype:  warrigal__warragal  Australian wild horse
                    subtype:  Przewalski's_horse__Przevalski's_horse__Equus_caballus_przewalskii__Equus_caballus_przevalskii  wild horse of central Asia that resembles an ass; now endangered
                 subtype:  hack.horse  a horse kept for hire
                 subtype:  jade__hack__nag__plug  an old or over-worked horse
                 subtype:  pony.horse  any of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulder
                    subtype:  Shetland_pony  breed of very small pony with long shaggy mane and tail
                    subtype:  Welsh_pony  breed of small ponies originally from Wales
                    subtype:  Exmoor  stocky breed of pony with a fawn-colored nose
                 subtype:  racehorse__bangtail__race_horse  a horse bred for racing
                    subtype:  pony.racehorse  an informal term for a racehorse; "he liked to bet on the ponies"
                    subtype:  yearling.racehorse  a racehorse considered one year old until the second Jan. 1 following its birth
                    subtype:  dark_horse  a racehorse about which little is known
                    subtype:  mudder  a racehorse that runs well on a muddy racetrack
                    subtype:  nonstarter  a horse that fails to run in a race for which it has been entered
                    subtype:  pacemaker__pacer__pacesetter  a horse used to set the pace in racing
                    subtype:  trotting_horse__trotter  a horse trained to trot especially one trained for harness racing
                       subtype:  pole_horse  the horse having a starting position next to the inside rail in a harness race
                 subtype:  steeplechaser  a horse trained to run in steeplechases
                 subtype:  stalking-horse  a horse behind which a hunter hides while stalking game
                 subtype:  harness_horse__harnesshorse  horse used for pulling vehicles
                    subtype:  cob.harness_horse  stocky short-legged harness horse
                    subtype:  hackney  a compact breed of harness horse
                 subtype:  workhorse  a horse used for plowing and hauling and other heavy labor
                    subtype:  plow_horse__plough_horse  a horse used to pull a plow
                    subtype:  draft_horse__draught_horse__draughthorse__dray_horse  horse adapted for drawing heavy loads
                       subtype:  carthorse__cart_horse__drayhorse  draft horse kept for pulling carts
                       subtype:  Clydesdale  heavy feathered-legged breed of draft horse originally from Scotland
                       subtype:  shire_horse__shirehorse__shire  British breed of large heavy draft horse
                       subtype:  poler__pole_horse  a draft horse harnessed alongside the shaft or pole of a vehicle
                       subtype:  wheel_horse__wheelhorse__wheeler  a draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle
                       subtype:  coach_horse__coachhorse  strong draft horse for drawing coaches
                    subtype:  packhorse  a workhorse used as a pack animal
                    subtype:  farm_horse__dobbin  a quiet plodding workhorse
                 subtype:  post_horse__poster  a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers
                 subtype:  pacer  a horse trained to a special gait in which both feet on one side leave the ground together
                 subtype:  high_stepper__stepper  a horse trained to lift its feet high off the ground while walking or trotting
                 subtype:  chestnut  a dark golden-brown or reddish-brown horse
                 subtype:  liver_chestnut__liverchestnut  a solid dark brown horse
                 subtype:  bay.horse  a horse of a moderate reddish-brown color
                 subtype:  sorrel  a horse of a brownish orange to light brown color
                 subtype:  palomino  a horse of light tan or golden color with cream or white mane and tail
                 subtype:  pinto  a spotted or calico horse or pony
              subtype:  ass__as  hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse
                 subtype:  domestic_ass__donkey__Equus_asinus  domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass; patient but stubborn
                    subtype:  burro  small donkey used as a pack animal
                    subtype:  moke  British informal
                 subtype:  jackass__jackas  male donkey
                 subtype:  jennet__jenny__jenny_ass__jennyas  female donkey
                 subtype:  wild_ass  any of several plain-colored equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa
                    subtype:  African_wild_ass__Equus_asinus  a wild ass of Africa
                    subtype:  Equus_kiang__kiang  wild ass of Tibet and Mongolia
                    subtype:  Equus_hemionus__onager  Asiatic wild ass
                       subtype:  chigetai__dziggetai__Equus_hemionus_hemionus__equushemionushemionu  Mongolian wild ass
              subtype:  mule  sterile offspring of a male donkey and a female horse
              subtype:  hinny  sterile offspring of a male horse and a female donkey or ass
              subtype:  zebra  any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines
                 subtype:  common_zebra__Burchell's_zebra__Equus_Burchelli  of the plains of central and eastern Africa
                 subtype:  mountain_zebra__Equus_zebra_zebra  narrow-striped nearly extinct zebra of southern Africa
                 subtype:  grevy's_zebra__grevy'szebra__Equus_grevyi  zebra with less continuous stripes
              subtype:  Equus_quagga__quagga  mammal of South Africa that resembled a zebra; extinct since late 19th century
           subtype:  rhinoceros__rhino  massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout
              subtype:  Indian_rhinoceros__Rhinoceros_unicornis  having one horn
              subtype:  woolly_rhinoceros__Rhinoceros_antiquitatis  extinct thick-haired species of arctic regions
              subtype:  white_rhinoceros__Ceratotherium_simum__Diceros_simus  large light-gray African rhinoceros having two horns; endangered; sometimes placed in genus Diceros
              subtype:  black_rhinoceros__Diceros_bicornis  African rhino; in danger of extinction
           subtype:  tapir  large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout
              subtype:  New_World_tapir__Tapirus_terrestris  a tapir found in South and Central America
              subtype:  Malayan_tapir__Indian_tapir__Tapirus_indicus  a tapir found in Malaya and Sumatra
        subtype:  even-toed_ungulate__artiodactyl__artiodactyl_mammal__artiodactylmammal  placental mammal having hooves with an even number of functional toes on each foot
           subtype:  swine  stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals
              subtype:  pig__squealer__grunter__Sus_scrofa  domestic swine
                 subtype:  porker  a pig fattened to provide meat
              subtype:  boar  an uncastrated male hog
              subtype:  sow  an adult female hog
              subtype:  razorback_hog__razorbackhog__razorback__razorbacked_hog__razorbackedhog  thin-bodied mongrel hog of southeastern United States that is a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds
              subtype:  wild_boar__boar__Sus_scrofa  Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come; introduced in United States
              subtype:  babirusa__babiroussa__babirussa__Babyrousa_Babyrussa  Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth
              subtype:  warthog  African wild swine with warty protuberances on the face and large protruding tusks
           subtype:  peccary__musk_hog  nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North and South America
              subtype:  collared_peccary__javelina__Tayassu_angulatus__Tayassu_tajacu__Peccari_angulatus  dark gray peccary with an indistinct white collar; of semi desert areas of Mexico and southwestern United States
              subtype:  white-lipped_peccary__Tayassu_pecari  blackish peccary with whitish cheeks; larger than the collared peccary
              subtype:  Chiacoan_peccary  a recently discovered large wild pig of Paraguay
           subtype:  hippopotamus__hippo__river_horse__riverhorse__Hippopotamus_amphibius  massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa
           subtype:  ruminant  any of various cud-chewing hoofed mammals having a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments
              subtype:  pollard  a usually horned animal that as either shed its horns or had them removed
              subtype:  bovid  hollow-horned ruminants
                 subtype:  bovine  any of various members of the genus Bos
                    subtype:  wild_ox__ox  any of various wild bovines especially of the genera Bos or closely related Bibos
                       subtype:  aurochs__auroch__urus__Bos_primigenius  large recently extinct long-horned European wild ox; considered one of the ancestors of domestic cattle
                       subtype:  Bos_grunniens__yak  large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated
                       subtype:  Bos_banteng__banteng__banting  wild ox of the Malay Archipelago
                       subtype:  Asian_wild_ox  genus of Asiatic wild oxen
                          subtype:  gaur__Bibos_gaurus  wild ox of mountainous areas of eastern India
                          subtype:  gayal__mithan__Bibos_frontalis  ox of southeast Asia sometimes considered a domesticated breed of the gaur
                    subtype:  cattle__cows__kine__oxen__Bos_taurus  domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age: "so many head of cattle"; "wait till the cows come home"; "seven thin and ill-favored kine"- Bible; "a team of oxen"
                       subtype:  ox  an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos; especially Bos taurus
                       subtype:  stirk  yearling heifer or bullock
                       subtype:  steer__bullock  castrated bull
                       subtype:  bull.cattle  uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
                          subtype:  bullock  young bull
                       subtype:  moo-cow__moocow__cow  female of domestic cattle: "`moo-cow'" is a child's term"
                          subtype:  springing_cow__springingcow__springer  a cow about to give birth
                          subtype:  heifer  young cow
                       subtype:  beef_cattle__beef  cattle that are reared for their meat
                          subtype:  Texas_longhorn__longhorn  long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States
                          subtype:  Santa_Gertrudis  Brahman and shorthorn crossbreed of red cattle; hardy in hot regions
                          subtype:  Aberdeen_Angus__Angus__black_Angus  black hornless breed from Scotland
                          subtype:  Charolais  large white or cream-colored breed from France
                          subtype:  shorthorn__Durham  English breed of short-horned cattle
                          subtype:  Galloway  breed of hardy black chiefly beef cattle native to Scotland
                          subtype:  Hereford__whiteface  hardy English breed of dairy cattle raised extensively in United States
                          subtype:  cattalo  hardy breed of cattle resulting from crossing domestic cattle with the American buffalo; yields leaner beef than conventional breeds
                       subtype:  Welsh_Black__Welsh  Welsh breed of dual-purpose cattle
                       subtype:  red_poll__redpoll  hornless short-haired breed of beef and dairy cattle
                       subtype:  Africander  tall large-horned humped south African cattle for meat or draft
                       subtype:  dairy_cattle__dairycattle__dairy_cow__dairycow__milch_cow__milchcow__milk_cow__milcher__milker  cattle that are reared for their milk
                          subtype:  Ayrshire  hardy breed from Ayr Scotland
                          subtype:  Brown_Swiss  large hardy brown breed from Switzerland
                          subtype:  Jersey  breed from the island of Jersey
                          subtype:  milking_shorthorn__milkingshorthorn  breed evolved from shorthorn beef cattle
                          subtype:  Holstein-Friesian__Friesian__Holstein  a breed of dairy cattle from northern Holland
                          subtype:  Guernsey  breed of dairy cattle from the island of Guernsey
                       subtype:  Devon  red dual-purpose cattle of English origin
                    subtype:  Bos_indicus__Brahman__Brahma__Brahmin  any of several breeds of Indian cattle; especially a large American heat and tick resistant grayish humped breed evolved in the Gulf States by interbreeding Indian cattle and now used chiefly for crossbreeding
                       subtype:  zebu  domesticated ox having a humped back and long horns and a large dewlap; used chiefly as a draft animal in India and east Asia
                 subtype:  Old_World_buffalo__buffalo  any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo
                    subtype:  water_buffalo__waterbuffalo__water_ox__waterox__Asiatic_buffalo__Bubalus_bubalis  Asiatic buffalo often domesticated for use as a draft animal
                       subtype:  Indian_buffalo  upland buffalo of eastern Asia where true water buffaloes do not thrive; used for draft and milk
                       subtype:  carabao  water buffalo of the Philippines
                    subtype:  anoa__dwarf_buffalo__dwarfbuffalo__Anoa_depressicornis  small buffalo of the Celebes having small straight horns
                    subtype:  tamarau__tamarao__Bubalus_mindorensis__Anoa_mindorensis  small buffalo of Mindoro in the Philippines
                    subtype:  Cape_buffalo__Synercus_caffer  large often savage buffalo of southern Africa having upward-curving horns; mostly in game reserves
                 subtype:  bison  any of several large shaggy-maned humped bovids having large heads and short horns
                    subtype:  American_bison__American_buffalo__buffalo__bisonbison  large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains
                    subtype:  wisent__aurochs__auroch__Bison_bonasus  European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison
                 subtype:  musk_ox__musk_sheep__Ovibos_moschatus  large shaggy-coated bovid mammal of Canada and Greenland; intermediate in size and anatomy between an ox and a sheep
                 subtype:  sheep  woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat
                    subtype:  ewe  female sheep
                    subtype:  tup__ram  uncastrated adult male sheep: "a British term is `tup'"
                    subtype:  wether  male sheep especially a castrated one
                       subtype:  bellwether  sheep that leads the herd often wearing a bell
                    subtype:  black_sheep__blacksheep  sheep with a black coat
                    subtype:  domestic_sheep__Ovis_aries  any of various breeds raised for wool or edible meat or skin
                       subtype:  Cotswold  sheep with long wool originating in the Cotswolds
                       subtype:  Hampshire_down__Hampshire  British breed of hornless dark-faced mutton sheep
                       subtype:  Lincoln  long-wooled mutton sheep originally from Lincolnshire
                       subtype:  Exmoor.domestic_sheep__exmoor  horned sheep of Devon; valued for mutton
                       subtype:  Cheviot  hardy hornless sheep of the Cheviot hills noted for its wool
                       subtype:  caracul__karakul  hardy coarse-haired sheep of central Asia; lambs are valued for their soft curly black fur
                       subtype:  longwool  a domestic long-wool sheep
                       subtype:  merino_sheep__merino  white sheep originating in Spain and producing a heavy fleece of exceptional quality
                       subtype:  Rambouillet  hardy sheep developed from the Merino producing both good mutton and fine wool
                 subtype:  wild_sheep  undomesticated sheep
                    subtype:  argali__argal__Ovis_ammon  wild sheep of semidesert regions in central Asia
                    subtype:  Marco_Polo_sheep__Marco_Polo's_sheep__Ovis_poli  Asiatic wild sheep with exceptionally large horns; sometimes considered a variety of the argali (or Ovis ammon)
                    subtype:  urial__Ovis_vignei  bearded reddish sheep of southern Asia
                    subtype:  Dall_sheep__Dall's_sheep__white_sheep__whitesheep__Ovis_montana_dalli  large white wild sheep of northwestern Canada and Alaska
                    subtype:  mountain_sheep  any wild sheep inhabiting mountainous regions
                       subtype:  Rocky_Mountain_bighorn__bighorn__bighorn_sheep__bighornsheep__cimarron__Rocky_Mountain_sheep__Ovis_canadensis  wild sheep of mountainous regions of western North America having massive curled horns
                       subtype:  mouflon__moufflon__Ovis_musimon  wild short-fleeced mountain sheep of Corsica and Sardinia
                    subtype:  aoudad__arui__audad__Barbary_sheep__maned_sheep__manedsheep__Ammotragus_lervia  wild sheep of northern Africa
                 subtype:  caprine_animal__caprineanimal__goat  any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
                    subtype:  kid  young goat
                    subtype:  billy_goat__billygoat__billy__he-goat  male goat
                    subtype:  nanny-goat__nannygoat__nanny__she-goat__shegoat  female goat
                    subtype:  domestic_goat__Capra_hircus  any of various breeds raised for milk or meat or wool
                       subtype:  Cashmere_goat__Kashmir_goat  Himalayan goat having a silky undercoat highly prized as cashmere wool
                       subtype:  Angora_goat__Angora  raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair
                    subtype:  wild_goat  undomesticated goat
                       subtype:  bezoar_goat__pasang__Capra_aegagrus  wild goat of Iran and adjacent regions
                       subtype:  markhor__Capra_falconeri  large Himalayan goat with large spiraled horns
                       subtype:  Capra_ibex__ibex  wild goat of mountain areas of Eurasia and North Africa having large recurved horns
                 subtype:  goat_antelope  bovid related to goats but having antelope-like features: mountain goats; gorals; serows; chamois; gnu goats
                    subtype:  mountain_goat__Rocky_Mountain_goat__Oreamnos_americanus  sure-footed mammal of mountainous northwestern North America
                    subtype:  Naemorhedus_goral__goral  small goat antelope with small conical horns; of South Asian mountains
                    subtype:  serow  short-horned dark-coated goat antelope of mountain areas of south and southeast Asia
                    subtype:  chamois__Rupicapra_rupicapra  hoofed mammal of mountains of Eurasia having upright horns with backward-hooked tips
                    subtype:  takin__gnu_goat__gnugoat__budorcastaxicolor  large heavily built goat antelope of eastern Himalayan area
                 subtype:  antelope  graceful Old World ruminant with long legs and horns directed upward and backward; includes gazelles; springboks; impalas; addax; gerenuks; blackbucks; dik-diks
                    subtype:  blackbuck__black_buck__blackbuck__Antilope_cervicapra  common Indian antelope with a dark back and spiral horns
                    subtype:  gerenuk__Litocranius_walleri  slender east African antelope with slim neck and backward-curving horns
                    subtype:  addax__Addax_nasomaculatus  large antelope with lightly spiraled horns of desert regions of North Africa
                    subtype:  gnu__wildebeest  large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail
                    subtype:  dik-dik__dikdik  any of several small antelopes of eastern Africa of the genus Madoqua; the size of a large rabbit
                    subtype:  hartebeest  large African antelope with lyre-shaped horns that curve backward
                    subtype:  sassaby__topi__Damaliscus_lunatus  large South African antelope; considered the swiftest hoofed mammal
                    subtype:  impala__Aepyceros_melampus  African antelope with ridged curved horns; moves with enormous leaps
                    subtype:  gazelle  small swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia having lustrous eyes
                       subtype:  Thomson's_gazelle__Gazella_thomsoni  E African Gazelle; smallest gazelle
                       subtype:  Gazella_subgutturosa  a kind of gazelle
                       subtype:  springbok__springbuck__Antidorcas_marsupialis__Antidorcas_euchore  South African gazelle noted for springing lightly into the air
                    subtype:  bongo__Tragelaphus_eurycerus__Boocercus_eurycerus  large forest antelope of central Africa having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spiral horns
                    subtype:  kudu__koodoo__koudou  either of two spiral-horned antelopes of the African bush
                       subtype:  greater_kudu__greaterkudu__tragelaphusstrepsicero  a variety of kudu
                       subtype:  lesser_kudu__Tragelaphus_imberbis  a smaller variety of kudu
                    subtype:  harnessed_antelope__harnessedantelope  any of several antelopes of the genus Tragelaphus having striped markings resembling a harness
                       subtype:  nyala__Tragelaphus_angasi  spiral-horned South African antelope with a fringe of white hairs along back and neck
                       subtype:  bushbuck__guib__Tragelaphus_scriptus  antelope with white markings like a harness and twisted horns
                    subtype:  mountain_nyala__Tragelaphus_buxtoni  shaggy antelope of mountains of Ethiopia
                    subtype:  nilgai__nylghai__blue_bull__Boselaphus_tragocamelus  large Indian antelope; male is blue-grey with white markings; female is brownish with no horns
                    subtype:  sable_antelope__sableantelope__Hippotragus_niger  large black east African antelope with sharp back-curving horns
                    subtype:  saiga__Saiga_tatarica  goat-like antelope of central Eurasia having a stubby nose like a proboscis
                    subtype:  steenbok__steinbok__Raphicerus_campestris  small plains antelope of southeastern Africa
                    subtype:  eland  either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragus having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes
                       subtype:  common_eland__Taurotragus_oryx  dark fawn-colored eland of South and East Africa
                       subtype:  giant_eland__gianteland__Taurotragus_derbianus  large dark striped eland of western equatorial Africa
                    subtype:  waterbuck  any of several large African antelopes of the genus Kobus having curved ridged horns and frequenting e.g. swamps and rivers
                       subtype:  Kobus_kob__kob  an orange-brown antelope of southeast Africa
                       subtype:  lechwe__Kobus_leche  tawny-colored African antelope inhabiting wet grassy plains; a threatened species
                    subtype:  puku__Adenota_vardoni  an African antelope closely related to the waterbuck
                    subtype:  oryx__pasang  large African antelope with long straight nearly upright horns
                       subtype:  gemsbok__gemsbuck__Oryx_gazella  large South African oryx with a broad black band along its flanks
                 subtype:  forest_goat__spindle_horn__spindlehorn__Pseudoryx_nghetinhensis  cow-like creature with the glossy coat of a horse and the agility of a goat and the long horns of an antelope; characterized as a cow that lives the life of a goat
              subtype:  pronghorn_antelope__pronghornantelope__pronghorn__prongbuck__American_antelope__Antilocapra_americana  fleet antelope-like ruminant of western North American plains with small branched horns
              subtype:  deer__cervid  distinguished from Bovidae by the male's having solid deciduous antlers
                 subtype:  pricket  male deer in his second year
                 subtype:  fawn  young deer
                 subtype:  red_deer__reddeer__cervuselaphu  common deer of temperate Europe and Asia
                    subtype:  hart__stag  male red deer
                    subtype:  hind  female red deer
                    subtype:  brocket  male red deer in its second year
                 subtype:  sambar__sambur__Cervus_unicolor  South Asian deer with three-tined antlers
                 subtype:  wapiti__American_elk__Cervus_canadensis  large North American deer with large much-branched antlers
                 subtype:  Japanese_deer__sika__Cervus_nipon__Cervus_sika  small deer of Japan with slightly forked antlers
                 subtype:  Virginia_deer__white_tail__whitetail__white-tailed_deer__whitetail_deer__whitetaildeer__Odocoileus_Virginianus  common North American deer; tail has a white underside
                 subtype:  mule_deer__burro_deer__burrodeer__Odocoileus_hemionus  long-eared deer of western North America with two-pronged antlers
                    subtype:  black-tailed_deer__blacktail_deer__blacktaildeer__blacktail__odocoileushemionuscolumbianu  mule deer of western Rocky Mountains
                 subtype:  European_elk__elk__Alces_alces  large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male; called elk in Europe and moose in North America
                 subtype:  fallow_deer__Dama_dama  small Eurasian deer
                 subtype:  roe_deer__roedeer__Capreolus_capreolus  small graceful deer of Eurasian woodlands having small forked antlers
                    subtype:  roebuck  male roe deer
                 subtype:  Greenland_caribou__caribou__reindeer__Rangifer_tarandus  arctic deer with large antlers in both sexes; called reindeer in Eurasia and caribou in North America
                    subtype:  woodland_caribou__Rangifer_caribou  any of several large caribou living in coniferous forests of southern Canada; in some classifications included in the species Rangifer tarandus
                    subtype:  barren_ground_caribou__Rangifer_arcticus  of tundra of northern Canada; in some classifications included in the species Rangifer tarandus
                 subtype:  brocket.deer  small South American deer with unbranched antlers
                 subtype:  muntjac__barking_deer__barkingdeer  small Asian deer with small antlers and a cry like a bark
                 subtype:  musk_deer__Moschus_moschiferus  small heavy-limbed upland deer of central Asia; male secretes valued musk
                 subtype:  pere_david's_deer__elaphure__Elaphurus_davidianus  large Chinese deer surviving only in domesticated herds
              subtype:  chevrotain__mouse_deer__mousedeer  very small hornless deer-like ruminant of tropical Asia and west Africa
                 subtype:  Tragulus_kanchil__kanchil  small chevrotain of southeastern Asia
                 subtype:  napu__Tragulus_Javanicus  chevrotain somewhat larger than the kanchil; found in India and Malaya
                 subtype:  water_chevrotain__waterchevrotain__water_deer__waterdeer__Hyemoschus_aquaticus  largest chevrotain; of marshy areas of west Africa
              subtype:  giraffe__camelopard__Giraffa_camelopardalis  tallest living quadruped; having a spotted coat and small horns and very long neck and legs; of savannahs of tropical Africa
                 subtype:  okapi__Okapia_johnstoni  similar to the giraffe but smaller with much shorter neck and stripe on the legs
           subtype:  camel  cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions
              subtype:  Arabian_camel__dromedary__Camelus_dromedarius  one-humped camel of the hot deserts of North Africa and southwestern Asia
              subtype:  Bactrian_camel__Camelus_bactrianus  two-humped camel of the cold deserts of central Asia
           subtype:  llama  wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump
              subtype:  domestic_llama__Lama_peruana  used in the Andes as a beast of burden and source of wool; considered a domesticated variety of the guanaco
              subtype:  guanaco__Lama_guanicoe  wild llama
              subtype:  Lama_pacos__alpaca  domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco
           subtype:  Vicugna_vicugna__vicuna  small wild cud-chewing Andean animal similar to the guanaco but smaller; valued for its fleecy undercoat
     subtype:  Unguiculata  in former classifications a major division of Mammalia comprising mammals with nails or claws; distinguished from hoofed mammals and cetaceans
     subtype:  unguiculate_mammal__unguiculatemammal__unguiculate  a mammal having nails or claws
     subtype:  hyrax__coney__cony__dassie__das__da  any of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toes
        subtype:  rock_hyrax__rock_rabbit__Procavia_capensis  hyrax that lives in rocky areas
     subtype:  pachyderm  any of various nonruminant hoofed mammals having very thick skin: elephant; rhinoceros; hippopotamus
     subtype:  edentate  primitive terrestrial mammal with few if any teeth; of tropical Central and South America
        subtype:  armadillo  burrowing chiefly nocturnal mammal with body covered with strong horny plates
           subtype:  peba__nine-banded_armadillo__Texas_armadillo__Dasypus_novemcinctus  having nine hinged bands of bony plates; ranges from Texas to Paraguay
           subtype:  apar__three-banded_armadillo__Tolypeutes_tricinctus  South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates
           subtype:  tatouay__cabassous__cabassou__Cabassous_unicinctus  naked-tailed armadillo of tropical South America
           subtype:  peludo__poyou__Euphractus_sexcinctus  Argentine armadillo with six movable bands and hairy underparts
           subtype:  giant_armadillo__giantarmadillo__tatou__tatu__Priodontes_giganteus  about three feet long exclusive of tail
           subtype:  pichiciago__pichiciego__fairy_armadillo__fairyarmadillo__chlamyphore__Chlamyphorus_truncatus  very small Argentine armadillo with pale silky hair and pink plates on head and neck
           subtype:  greater_pichiciego__greaterpichiciego__Burmeisteria_retusa  of southern South America
        subtype:  tree_sloth__sloth  any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits
           subtype:  three-toed_sloth__ai__Bradypus_tridactylus  a sloth that has three long claws on each forefoot
           subtype:  Choloepus_didactylus__two-toed_sloth__unau  relatively small fast-moving sloth
           subtype:  two-toed_sloth__unau__Choloepus_hoffmanni  relatively small fast-moving sloth
        subtype:  megatherian_mammal__megatherianmammal__megatherian__megatheriid  a large extinct ground sloth
           subtype:  ground_sloth__megathere  gigantic extinct terrestrial sloth-like mammal of the Pliocene and Pleistocene in America
        subtype:  mylodontid  a variety of extinct edentate
           subtype:  mapinguari  supposed human-sized sloth-like creature reported sighted by Indians in the Amazon rain forest
        subtype:  mylodon  large (bear-sized) extinct edentate mammal of the Pleistocene in South America
        subtype:  New_World_anteater__anteater  any of several tropical American mammals of the family Myrmecophagidae which lack teeth and feed on ants and termites
           subtype:  ant_bear__antbear__giantanteater__great_anteater__greatanteater__tamanoir__Myrmecophaga_jubata  large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws; of South America
           subtype:  silky_anteater__silkyanteater__two-toed_anteater__Cyclopes_didactylus  squirrel-sized South American toothless anteater with long silky golden fur
           subtype:  tamandua__tamandu__lesser_anteater__Tamandua_tetradactyla  small toothless anteater with prehensile tale and four-clawed forelimbs; of tropical South and Central America
     subtype:  pangolin__scaly_anteater__scalyanteater__anteater  toothless mammal of southern Africa and Asia having a body covered with horny scales and a long snout for feeding on ants and termites
     subtype:  primate  any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet
        subtype:  simian  an ape or monkey
        subtype:  ape  any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all
           subtype:  anthropoid_ape  any tailless ape of the families Pongidae and Hylobatidae
              subtype:  great_ape__greatape__pongid  any of the large anthropoid apes of the family Pongidae
                 subtype:  orangutan__orang__orangutang__Pongo_pygmaeus  large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits
                 subtype:  Gorilla_gorilla__gorilla  largest anthropoid ape; terrestrial and vegetarian; of forests of central west Africa
                    subtype:  western_lowland_gorilla__westernlowlandgorilla__Gorilla_gorilla_gorilla  a kind of gorilla
                    subtype:  eastern_lowland_gorilla__easternlowlandgorilla__Gorilla_gorilla_grauri  a kind of gorilla
                    subtype:  mountain_gorilla__Gorilla_gorilla_beringei  gorilla of Kivu highlands
                    subtype:  silverback  an adult male gorilla with gray hairs across the back
                 subtype:  chimpanzee__chimp__Pan_troglodytes  intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests
                    subtype:  western_chimpanzee__westernchimpanzee__Pan_troglodytes_verus  masked or pale-faced chimpanzees of western Africa; distantly related to the eastern and central chimpanzees; possibly a distinct species
                    subtype:  eastern_chimpanzee__easternchimpanzee__Pan_troglodytes_schweinfurthii  long-haired chimpanzees of east-central Africa; closely related to the central chimpanzees
                    subtype:  central_chimpanzee__centralchimpanzee__pantroglodytestroglodyte  black-faced chimpanzees of central Africa; closely related to eastern chimpanzees
                    subtype:  pygmy_chimpanzee__pygmychimpanzee__bonobo__Pan_paniscus  small chimpanzee of swamp forests in Zaire; a threatened species
              subtype:  lesser_ape  gibbons and siamangs
                 subtype:  gibbon__Hylobates_lar  smallest and most perfectly anthropoid arboreal ape having long arms and no tail; of southern Asia and East Indies
                 subtype:  siamang__Hylobates_syndactylus__Symphalangus_syndactylus  large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web
        subtype:  anthropoid  any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids
        subtype:  hominoid  a primate of the superfamily Hominoidea
           subtype:  proconsul  an anthropoid ape of the genus Proconsul
           subtype:  Aegyptopithecus  extinct primate of about 38 million years ago; fossils found in Egypt
           subtype:  Algeripithecus_minutus  tiny (150 to 300 grams) extinct primate of 46 to 50 million years ago; fossils found in Algeria; considered by some authorities the leading candidate for the first anthropoid
        subtype:  hominid  a primate of the family Hominidae
           subtype:  human__man__homo__human_being__humanbeing  any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae
              subtype:  person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
                 subtype:  self  a person considered as a unique individual; "one's own self"
                    subtype:  number_one  (informal) a reference to yourself or myself etc.; "take care of number one" means to put your own interests first
                 subtype:  grownup__adult  a fully developed person from maturity onward
                    subtype:  caregiver  a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult
                    subtype:  catch.grownup__match  a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect
                    subtype:  centrist__middle_of_the_roader__moderate__moderationist  a person who takes a position in the political center
                    subtype:  eccentric__character__type__case  a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case"
                    subtype:  conservative__conservativist  a person who has conservative ideas or opinions
                       subtype:  rugged_individualist__capitalist  an advocate of capitalism
                       subtype:  conformist  someone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters)
                       subtype:  hardliner  someone who is uncompromising
                       subtype:  minimalist.conservative  a conservative who advocates only minor reforms in government or politics
                       subtype:  reactionary__ultraconservative__extreme_right-winger__extremerightwinger  an extreme conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism
                          subtype:  Bourbon  a reactionary politician in the United States (usually from the South)
                          subtype:  Blimp__Colonel_Blimp  (British) any elderly pompous reactionary ultranationalistic person (after the cartoon character created by Sir David Low)
                       subtype:  rightist__right-winger__rightwinger  a member of a right wing political party
                          subtype:  fascist  an adherent of fascism or other right-wing authoritarian views
                             subtype:  Blackshirt  a member of the Italian fascist party before World War II
                             subtype:  Nazi  a German member of Adolf Hitler's political party
                                subtype:  Brownshirt  a member of the German Nazi SA which wore brown uniforms
                                subtype:  storm_trooper__stormtrooper  a member of the Nazi S.A.
                                instance:  Karl_Adolf_Eichmann__Eichmann__Adolf_Eichmann  Paul_Joseph_Goebbels__Goebbels__Joseph_Goebbels  Hermann_Wilhelm_Goring__Goring__Goering__Hermann_Goring__Hermann_Goering__Hermann_Wilhaelm_Goering  Walther_Richard_Rudolf_Hess__Hess__Rudolf_Hess  Heinrich_Himmler__Himmler  Adolf_Hitler__Hitler__Der_Fuhrer
                          subtype:  monarchist__royalist  an advocate of the principles of monarchy
                             subtype:  Cavalier  a royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War
                             subtype:  Orleanist  a supporter of the Orleans branch of the French Bourbons that was descended from a younger brother of Louis XIV
                          subtype:  Tory.rightist__tory  a supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of reform; a political conservative
                       subtype:  square_toes__square  (informal) a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
                       subtype:  traditionalist__diehard  one who adheres to traditional views
                          subtype:  Rip_van_Winkle.traditionalist__ripvanwinkle  a person oblivious to social changes
                    subtype:  elder.grownup__senior  a person who is older than you are
                       subtype:  doyen__dean  a man who is the senior member of a group; "he is the dean of foreign correspondents"
                       subtype:  doyenne  a woman who is the senior member of a group
                    subtype:  ex-spouse  a person who was formerly a spouse
                    subtype:  host  a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
                       subtype:  hostess.host  a woman host
                    subtype:  important_person__importantperson__influential_person__influentialperson__personage  a person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events
                       subtype:  big_shot__bigshot__big_wheel__bigwheel__head_honcho  (informal) an important influential person
                       subtype:  famous_person__celebrity  a widely known person; "he was a baseball celebrity"
                          subtype:  immortal  a person (such as an author) of enduring fame; "Shakespeare is one of the immortals"
                          subtype:  social_lion__lion  a celebrity who is lionized (much sought after)
                          subtype:  luminary__leading_light__leadinglight__guiding_light__guidinglight__notable__notability  a celebrity who is an inspiration to others; "he was host to a large gathering of luminaries"
                          subtype:  personality.famous_person  a person of considerable prominence; "she is a Hollywood personality"
                       subtype:  colossus__behemoth__giant__heavyweight__titan  a person of exceptional importance and reputation
                       subtype:  elder_statesman.important_person__elderstatesman  any influential person whose advice is highly respected
                       subtype:  Excellency  a title used to address dignitaries (such as ambassadors or governors); usually preceded by Your or His or Her: "Your Excellency"
                       subtype:  fixer__influence_peddler__influencepeddler  someone who intervenes with authorities for a person in trouble (usually using underhand or illegal methods for a fee)
                       subtype:  heavy_hitter__heavyhitter  an influential person who works hard to promote the causes they are interested in
                       subtype:  high-muck-a-muck__pooh-bah  an arrogant or conceited person of importance
                       subtype:  kingpin__top_banana__topbanana__bigwig  the most important person in a group or undertaking
                       subtype:  magnificio  a person of distinguished rank or appearance
                       subtype:  public_figure__name__figure  a well-known or notable person; "they studied all the great names in the history of France"; "she is an important figure in modern music"
                       subtype:  policy_maker  someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc.; "policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason"
                       subtype:  power_broker__powerbroker  a person who is important by virtue of the people or votes they control; "a power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it"
                       subtype:  sacred_cow  a person unreasonably held to be immune to criticism
                       subtype:  sirdar  an important person in India
                       subtype:  socialite  a socially prominent person
                       subtype:  sun.important_person  a person considered as a source of warmth or energy or glory etc
                       subtype:  VIP__very_important_person__high-up__dignitary__panjandrum__high_muckamuck  an important or influential (and often overbearing) person
                       subtype:  worthy  word is often used humorously
                    subtype:  Jack_of_all_trades  a person able to do a variety of different jobs acceptably well
                    subtype:  progressive__liberal  a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
                       subtype:  latitudinarian  a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct)
                       subtype:  neoliberal  a liberal who subscribes to neoliberalism
                       subtype:  pluralist  someone who believes that distinct ethnic or cultural or religious groups can exist together in society
                       subtype:  Whig  urged social reform in 19th century England
                    subtype:  liberal  a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets
                    subtype:  militarist__warmonger  a person who advocates war or warlike policies
                       subtype:  war_hawk__warhawk__hawk  an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations
                    subtype:  oldster__old_person__oldperson__senior_citizen  an elderly person
                       subtype:  antediluvian  a very old (or old fashioned) person
                       subtype:  centenarian  someone who is at least 100 years old
                       subtype:  curmudgeon  a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas
                       subtype:  dodderer  one who dodders from old age and weakness
                       subtype:  dodo__fogy__fogey__fossil  (informal) someone whose style is out of fashion
                       subtype:  dotard  an oldster in his dotage; someone whose age has impaired his intellect
                       subtype:  has-been__hasbeen__back-number  someone who is no longer popular
                       subtype:  nonagenarian  someone whose age is in the nineties
                       subtype:  octogenarian  someone whose age is in the eighties
                       subtype:  old_boy__oldboy  a vivacious elderly man
                       subtype:  greybeard__old_man__graybeard__Methuselah  a man who is very old
                          subtype:  old_codger__oldcodger__codger  used affectionately to refer to an eccentric but amusing old man
                          subtype:  patriarch.greybeard  a man who is older and higher in rank than yourself
                          subtype:  mossback__old-timer__oldtimer__gaffer__old_geezer__oldgeezer__antique  an elderly man
                       subtype:  old_woman__oldwoman  a woman who is old
                          subtype:  beldam__beldame  a woman of advanced age
                          subtype:  granny__matriarch  an old woman
                          subtype:  hag__beldame__crone  an ugly evil-looking old woman
                          subtype:  mother.old_woman  a term of address for an elderly woman
                       subtype:  septuagenarian  someone whose age is in the seventies
                       subtype:  sexagenarian  someone whose age is in the sixties
                    subtype:  pacifist__pacificist__disarmer  someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes
                       subtype:  peacenik__dove  someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations
                    subtype:  patrician  a person of refined upbringing and manners
                    subtype:  pledger  someone who makes or gives a pledge
                    subtype:  professional_person__professional  a person engaged in one of the learned professions
                       subtype:  careerist  a professional who follows a career
                          subtype:  career_girl  a woman who follows a professional career
                          subtype:  career_man  a man who follows a professional career
                       subtype:  craftsman  a professional whose work is consistently of high quality; "as an actor he was a consummate craftsman"
                       subtype:  critic  a person who is professionally engaged in the analysis and interpretation of works of art
                          subtype:  art_critic__artcritic  a critic of paintings
                             instance:  Roger_Eliot_Fry__Fry__Roger_Fry  John_Ruskin__Ruskin
                          subtype:  literary_critic  a critic of literature
                             instance:  Matthew_Arnold__Arnold  Van_Wyck_Brooks__Brooks  John_Anthony_Ciardi__Ciardi__John_Ciardi  Jacques_Derrida__Derrida__derrida  Herman_Northrop_Frye__Frye__Northrop_Frye  William_Hazlitt__Hazlitt  Henry_Louis_Mencken__Mencken__H._L._Mencken  Ivor_Armstrong_Richards__Richards__I._A._Richards  Sir_Stephen_Harold_Spender__Spender__Stephen_Spender  Lionel_Trilling__Trilling  Carl_Clinton_Van_Doren__Van_Doren__Carl_Van_Doren  Edmund_Wilson__Wilson
                          subtype:  newspaper_critic__newspapercritic  a critic who writes a column for the newspapers
                          instance:  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  John_Orley_Allen_Tate__Tate__Allen_Tate
                       subtype:  educator__pedagogue  someone who educates
                          subtype:  academic__academician__faculty_member__facultymember  an educator who works at a college or university
                             subtype:  professor  someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university
                                subtype:  assistant_professor__assistantprofessor  a teacher or lower rank than an associate professor
                                subtype:  associate_professor__associateprofessor  a teacher lower in rank than a full professor but higher than an assistant professor
                                subtype:  full_professor  a professor of the highest rank
                                subtype:  Regius_professor  holder of a British professorship created by a royal patron
                                subtype:  visiting_professor  a professor visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time
                          subtype:  lector__lecturer__reader  a public lecturer at certain universities
                          subtype:  school_principal__principal__head_teacher__head  the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"
                             subtype:  chancellor  (British) the honorary or titular head of a university
                             subtype:  headmaster__schoolmaster__master  presiding officer of a school
                                subtype:  housemaster  teacher in charge of a school boardinghouse
                             subtype:  headmistress  a woman headmaster
                          subtype:  schoolmaster  any person (or institution) who acts as an educator
                          subtype:  instructor__teacher  a person whose occupation is teaching
                             subtype:  art_teacher__artteacher  someone who teaches art
                             subtype:  private_instructor__privateinstructor__coach__tutor  a person who gives private instruction (as in singing or acting)
                                subtype:  crammer.private_instructor  a teacher who is paid to cram students for examinations
                             subtype:  demonstrator  a teacher or teacher's assistant who demonstrates the principles that are being taught
                             subtype:  English_teacher__englishteacher__English_professor  someone who teaches English
                             subtype:  French_teacher  someone who teaches French
                             subtype:  governess__governes  a woman entrusted with the care and supervision of a child (especially in a private home)
                             subtype:  instructress  a woman instructor
                             subtype:  math_teacher__mathematics_teacher__mathematicsteacher  someone who teaches mathematics
                                subtype:  geometry_teacher  someone who teaches geometry
                             subtype:  missionary  someone who attempts to convert others to a particular doctrine or program
                                instance:  David_Livingstone__Livingstone  Marcus_Whitman__Whitman  Saint_Francis_Xavier__Xavier
                             subtype:  music_teacher__musicteacher  someone who teaches music
                                subtype:  piano_teacher__pianoteacher  someone who teaches students to play the piano
                             subtype:  preceptor__don  (British) teacher at a university of college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)
                             subtype:  reading_teacher__readingteacher  someone who teaches students to read
                             subtype:  riding_master  someone who teaches horsemanship
                             subtype:  schoolteacher__school_teacher  a teacher in a school below the college level
                                subtype:  games-master__gamesmaster__games-mistress  the teacher in charge of games at a school
                                subtype:  schoolmarm__schoolmistress__mistress  a woman schoolteacher
                                instance:  John_Thomas_Scopes__Scopes__John_Scopes
                             subtype:  science_teacher__scienceteacher  someone who teaches science
                             subtype:  section_man__sectionman  someone who teaches a section of a large college course
                             subtype:  catechist  one who instructs catechumens in preparation for baptism
                             subtype:  teaching_fellow  a graduate student with teaching responsibilities
                          instance:  Mary_McLeod_Bethune__Bethune  Louis_Braille__Braille  Dale_Carnegie__Carnegie  John_Amos_Comenius__Comenius__Jan_Amos_Komensky  John_Dewey__Dewey  Friedrich_Wilhelm_August_Froebel__Froebel__Friedrich_Froebel  Thomas_Hopkins_Gallaudet__Gallaudet  Mark_Hopkins__Hopkins  Robert_Maynard_Hutchins__Hutchins  Lucy_Craft_Laney__Laney  Abbott_Lawrence_Lowell__Lowell  Horace_Mann__Mann  William_Holmes_McGuffey__McGuffey  Montessori__Maria_Montesorri  James_Naismith__Naismith  Carl_Orff__Orff  Elizabeth_Palmer_Peabody__Peabody__peabody__elizabethpeabody  Sir_Isaac_Pitman__Pitman  Anne_Mansfield_Sullivan__Sullivan__Anne_Sullivan  Booker_Taliaferro_Washington__Washington__Booker_T._Washington  Andrew_Dickson_White__White__Andrew_D._White  Emma_Hart_Willard__Willard  John_Witherspoon__Witherspoon
                       subtype:  health_professional__health_care_provider__caregiver  a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
                          subtype:  bonesetter  someone (not necessarily a licensed physician) who sets broken bones
                          subtype:  electrologist  someone skilled in the use of electricity to remove moles or warts or hair roots
                          subtype:  medical_assistant__medicalassistant  a person trained to assist medical professionals
                          subtype:  medical_practitioner__medicalpractitioner__medical_man__medicalman  someone who practices medicine
                             subtype:  dentist__tooth_doctor__toothdoctor__dental_practitioner  a person qualified to practice dentistry
                                subtype:  dental_surgeon  a dentist qualified to perform surgical procedures
                                subtype:  endodontist  a dentist specializing in diseases of the dental pulp and nerve
                                subtype:  exodontist  a dentist specializing in the extraction of teeth
                                subtype:  orthodontist  a dentist specializing in the prevention or correction of irregularities of the teeth
                                subtype:  pedodontist  a dentist who specializes in the care of children's teeth
                                subtype:  periodontist  a dentist specializing in diseases of the gums and other structure surrounding the teeth
                                subtype:  prosthodontist  a dentist who is expert in prosthodontics
                             subtype:  doc__physician__MD__Dr.__medico  a licensed medical practitioner; "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor"
                                subtype:  abortionist  a person (who should be a doctor) who terminates pregnancies
                                subtype:  allergist  a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies
                                subtype:  angiologist  a physician who specializes in angiology
                                subtype:  medical_extern__medicalextern__extern  a nonresident doctor or medical student; connected with a hospital but not living there
                                subtype:  gastroenterologist  a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
                                subtype:  general_practitioner__generalpractitioner__GP  a physician who is not a specialist but treats all illnesses
                                   subtype:  country_doctor__countrydoctor  a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital; "do country doctors still make house calls?"
                                   subtype:  family_doctor  a general practitioner who treats all the family members
                                subtype:  house_physician__housephysician__resident__resident_physician  a physician (especially an intern) who lives in a hospital and cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the medical staff of the hospital
                                subtype:  medical_intern__medicalintern__intern__interne__houseman  an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term)
                                subtype:  quack  an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice
                                subtype:  medical_specialist__medicalspecialist__specialist  practices one branch of medicine
                                   subtype:  anesthesiologist__anesthetist__anaesthetist  a specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated
                                   subtype:  baby_doctor__pediatrician__pediatrist__paediatrician  a specialist in the care of babies
                                      instance:  Harold_Hirschsprung__Hirschsprung  Benjamin_Spock__Spock
                                   subtype:  cardiologist__heart_specialist__heartspecialist__heart_surgeon__heartsurgeon  a specialist in cardiology; a specialist in the structure and function and disorders of the heart
                                   subtype:  chiropodist__foot_doctor__podiatrist  a specialist in care for the feet
                                   subtype:  dermatologist__skin_doctor  a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin
                                   subtype:  diagnostician__pathologist  a doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis
                                      subtype:  etiologist__aetiologist  a specialist in the etiology of diseases
                                      instance:  Sir_Howard_Walter_Florey__Florey__Howard_Florey  Karl_Landsteiner__Landsteiner  Sir_James_Paget__Paget  Francis_Peyton_Rous__Rous__Peyton_Rous  Rudolf_Karl_Virchow__Virchow__Rudolf_Virchow
                                   subtype:  diplomate  medical specialist whose competence has been certified by a diploma granted by an appropriate professional group
                                   subtype:  ear_doctor__eardoctor__ear_specialist__earspecialist__otologist  a physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases
                                      instance:  Prosper_Meniere__Meniere
                                   subtype:  endocrinologist  physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the endocrine system
                                      instance:  Henry_Hubert_Turner__Turner
                                   subtype:  ENT_man__ear-nose-and-throat_doctor__otolaryngologist__otorhinolaryngologist__rhinolaryngologist  a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat
                                   subtype:  gerontologist__geriatrician  a specialist in gerontology
                                   subtype:  gynecologist__gynaecologist__woman's_doctor__woman'sdoctor  a specialist in gynecology
                                   subtype:  hematologist__haematologist  a doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs
                                   subtype:  internist  a specialist in internal medicine
                                   subtype:  neurologist__brain_doctor__braindoctor  a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
                                      instance:  Jean_Martin_Charcot__Charcot__charcot  Harvery_Williams_Cushing__Cushing__Harvey_Cushing  Sigmund_Freud__Freud  Baron_Richard_von_Krafft-Ebing__Krafft-Ebing__Richard_von_Krafft-Ebing  Georges_Gilles_de_la_Tourette__Tourette__Gilles_de_la_Tourette  Karl_Wernicke__Wernicke
                                   subtype:  obstetrician__accoucheur  a physician specializing in obstetrics
                                      subtype:  perinatologist  an obstetrician specializing in perinatology
                                   subtype:  oncologist  a specialist in oncology
                                   subtype:  ophthalmologist__eye_doctor__eyedoctor__oculist  a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye
                                      instance:  Hermann_Snellen__Snellen
                                   subtype:  orthopedist__orthopaedist  a specialist in correcting deformities of the skeletal system (especially in children)
                                   subtype:  orthoptist  a specialist in orthoptics
                                   subtype:  proctologist  a doctor specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus
                                   subtype:  psychiatrist__head-shrinker__shrink  a physician who specializes in psychiatry
                                      subtype:  alienist  a psychiatrist and specialist in the legal aspects of mental illness
                                      subtype:  psychoanalyst__analyst  a licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis
                                         instance:  Sigmund_Freud__Freud  Melanie_Klein__Klein
                                      instance:  Karl_Theodor_Jaspers__Jaspers__Karl_Jaspers  Charles_Frederick_Menninger__Menninger__Charles_Menninger  Karl_Augustus_Menninger__Menninger__Karl_Menninger  William_Claire_Menninger__Menninger__William_Menninger  Harry_Stack_Sullivan__Sullivan
                                   subtype:  radiographer  a person who makes radiographs
                                   subtype:  radiologist  a medical specialist who uses radioactive substances and X-rays in the treatment of disease
                                   subtype:  rheumatologist  a physician specializing in rheumatic diseases
                                   subtype:  urologist  a specialist in urology
                                subtype:  operating_surgeon__operatingsurgeon__surgeon__sawbones  a physician who specializes in surgery
                                   subtype:  amputator  a surgeon who remove part or all of a limb
                                   subtype:  cosmetic_surgeon__plastic_surgeon__plasticsurgeon  a surgeon who beautifies the body (especially the face)
                                   subtype:  neurosurgeon__brain_surgeon__brainsurgeon  someone who does surgery on the nervous system (especially the brain)
                                   instance:  Alexis_Carrel__Carrel  Michael_Ellis_De_Bakey__De_Bakey  William_Crawford_Gorgas__Gorgas  Joseph_Lister__Lister__Baron_Lister  James_Parkinson__Parkinson  Walter_Reed__Reed
                                subtype:  veterinarian__veterinary__veterinary_surgeon__vet  a doctor who practices veterinary medicine
                                   subtype:  horse_doctor__horsedoctor  a veterinarian who treats horses
                                instance:  Robert_Barany__Barany  Sir_David_Bruce__Bruce__David_Bruce  Burrill_Bernard_Crohn__Crohn  John_L._H._Down__Down  Christiaan_Eijkman__Eijkman  Etienne-Louis_Arthur_Fallot__etiennelouisarthurfallot__Fallot  William_Gilbert__Gilbert  William_Harvey__Harvey  Thomas_Hodgkin__Hodgkin  Aletta_Jacobs__Jacobs  Edward_Jenner__Jenner  Harry_F._Klinefelter__Klinefelter__Harry_Fitch_Kleinfelter  Clemence_Sophia_Harned_Lozier__Lozier  Sir_Patrick_Manson__Manson  Friedrich_Anton_Mesmer__Mesmer__Franz_Anton_Mesmer  Philippus_Aureolus_Paracelsus__Paracelsus__Theophrastus_Philippus_Aureolus_Bombastus_von_Hohenheim  Peter_Mark_Roget__Roget  Sir_Ronald_Ross__Ross  Benjamin_Rush__Rush  Albert_Schweitzer__Schweitzer  Anna_Howard_Shaw__Shaw  Sir_James_Young_Simpson__Simpson  Thomas_Sydenham__Sydenham__The_English_Hippocrates  Erik_Adolf_von_Willebrand__Willebrand__von_Willebrand__E._A._von_Willebrand
                             subtype:  inoculator__vaccinator  a medical practitioner who inoculates people against diseases
                             subtype:  medical_officer__medicalofficer__medic  a medical practitioner in the armed forces
                                subtype:  flight_surgeon  a medical officer specializing in aviation medicine
                                subtype:  surgeon_general  the senior medical officer in an army or navy
                             instance:  Hippocrates
                          subtype:  nurse  one skilled in caring for the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
                             subtype:  graduate_nurse__trained_nurse__trainednurse  someone who has completed the course of study (including hospital practice) at a nurses training school
                             subtype:  licensed_practical_nurse__LPN__practical_nurse__practicalnurse  a nurse who has enough training to be licensed by a state to provide routine care for the sick
                             subtype:  head_nurse__matron  a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institution
                             subtype:  midwife__accoucheuse  a woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies
                             subtype:  probationer__student_nurse__studentnurse  a nurse in training who is undergoing a trial period
                             subtype:  registered_nurse__RN  a graduate nurse who has passed examinations for registration
                                subtype:  nurse-midwife__nursemidwife  a registered nurse who has received special training as a midwife
                                subtype:  nurse_practitioner__nursepractitioner__NP__nurse_clinician__nurseclinician  a registered nurse who has received special training and can perform many of the duties of a physician
                             subtype:  scrub_nurse__scrubnurse  a nurse who helps a surgeon prepare for surgery
                             subtype:  visiting_nurse  a nurse who is paid to visit the sick in their homes
                             instance:  Edith_Louisa_Cavell__Cavell__Edith_Cavell  Florence_Nightingale__Nightingale__the_Lady_with_the_Lamp  Margaret_Higgins_Sanger__Sanger__Margaret_Sanger
                          subtype:  pharmacist__druggist__chemist__pill_pusher__pill_roller  a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
                             subtype:  pharmacologist__pharmaceutical_chemist  someone trained in the science of drugs (their composition and uses and effects)
                                instance:  Otto_Loewi__Loewi
                       subtype:  lawyer__attorney  a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice
                          subtype:  advocate__counsel__counselor__counsellor__counselor-at-law__pleader  a lawyer who pleads cases in court
                          subtype:  ambulance_chaser__ambulancechaser  a lawyer who incites accident victims to sue
                          subtype:  barrister  a British lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law
                             subtype:  Counsel_to_the_Crown  a barrister selected to serve as counsel to the British ruler
                                subtype:  King's_Counsel  Counsel to the Crown when the British monarch is a king
                                subtype:  Queen's_Counsel  Counsel to the Crown when the British monarch is a queen
                             subtype:  serjeant-at-law__serjeant__sergeant-at-law__sergeant  an English barrister of the highest rank
                          subtype:  conveyancer  a lawyer who specializes in the business of conveying properties
                          subtype:  defense_attorney__defenseattorney__defenselawyer  the lawyer representing the defendant
                          subtype:  divorce_lawyer__divorcelawyer  a lawyer specializing in actions for divorce or annulment
                          subtype:  prosecutor__prosecuting_officer__prosecutingofficer__prosecuting_attorney__prosecutingattorney  a lawyer who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state
                             subtype:  district_attorney__DA  an official prosecutor for a judicial district
                             subtype:  state's_attorney__state'sattorney__state_attorney__stateattorney  a prosecuting attorney for a state
                          subtype:  public_defender  a lawyer who represents indigent defendants at public expense
                          subtype:  solicitor  a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents
                             subtype:  law_agent__lawagent  a solicitor holding a certificate from the Law Society of Scotland
                          subtype:  trial_attorney__trialattorney__trial_lawyer__triallawyer  a lawyer who specializes in defending clients before a court of law
                          instance:  William_Jennings_Bryan__Bryan__the_Great_Commoner__The_Boy_Orator_of_the_Platte  Clarence_Seward_Darrow__Darrow__Clarence_Darrow  Arthur_Garfield_Hays__Hays  William_Harrison_Hays__Hays__Will_Hays  John_Edgar_Hoover__Hoover__J._Edgar_Hoover  Francis_Scott_Key__Key  President_Lincoln__Lincoln__Abraham_Lincoln
                       subtype:  librarian__bibliothec  a professional person trained in library science and engaged in library services
                          subtype:  cataloger__cataloguer  a librarian who classifies publication according to a categorial system
                       subtype:  practitioner__practician  someone who practices a learned profession
                          subtype:  clinician  a practitioner (of medicine or psychology) who does clinical work instead of laboratory experiments
                          subtype:  homeopath__homoeopath  a practitioner of homeopathy
                       subtype:  publisher  a person engaged in publishing periodicals or books or music
                          instance:  Karl_Baedeker__Baedeker  Henry_Oscar_Houghton__Houghton  Henry_Robinson_Luce__Luce__Henry_Luce  Keith_Rupert_Murdoch__Murdoch__Rupert_Murdoch  Adolph_Simon_Ochs__Ochs
                       subtype:  yuppie  a young upwardly mobile professional person; someone under 40 who prospered during the 1980s
                    subtype:  sobersides  a serious and sedate individual
                    subtype:  sophisticate__man_of_the_world  a worldly-wise person
                       subtype:  city_slicker__city_boy  a city dweller with sophisticated manners
                       subtype:  cosmopolitan__cosmopolite  a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries
                          subtype:  globetrotter__world_traveler__worldtraveler  someone who travels widely and often
                    subtype:  stay-at-home__homebody  a person who seldom goes anywhere; one not given to wandering or travel
                    subtype:  stoic__unemotional_person__unemotionalperson  someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
                    subtype:  thoroughbred  a well-bred person
                 subtype:  adventurer__venturer  a person who enjoys taking risks
                    subtype:  argonaut  someone engaged in a dangerous but potentially rewarding adventure
                    subtype:  adventuress  a woman adventurer
                    subtype:  cowboy  someone who is reckless or irresponsible (especially in driving vehicles)
                    subtype:  daredevil__madcap__hothead__swashbuckler__lunatic__harum-scarum__harumscarum  a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
                       subtype:  tearaway  (British) a reckless and impetuous person
                    subtype:  risk_taker__gambler  someone who risks loss or injury in the hope of gain or excitement
                    subtype:  hotspur  a rash or impetuous person
                    subtype:  mercenary__soldieroffortune  a person hired to fight for another country than their own
                    subtype:  mountaineer__mountain_climber  someone who climbs mountains
                       subtype:  alpinist  a mountain climber who specializes in difficult climbs
                       instance:  Sir_Edmund_Percival_Hillary__Hillary__Edmund_Hillary__Sir_Edmund_Hillary  Tenzing_Norgay
                    subtype:  parachutist__parachuter  a person who jumps from aircraft using a parachute
                    subtype:  plunger__speculator  someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains
                       subtype:  hedger.plunger  someone who counterbalances one transaction (as a bet) against another in order to protect against loss
                       subtype:  operator.plunger  a speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets
                       subtype:  scalper  someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost; "he got theater tickets through a scalper"
                          subtype:  ticket_tout__tout  (British) someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
                       subtype:  venture_capitalist__venturecapitalist  a speculator who makes money available for innovative projects (especially in high technology)
                    instance:  Giovanni_Jacopo_Casanova_de_Seingalt__Casanova__Giovanni_Jacopo_Casanova__Casanova_de_Seingalt
                 subtype:  unusual_person__unusualperson__anomaly  a person who is unusual
                    subtype:  anachronism.unusual_person  a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age
                    subtype:  aberrant  one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group
                    subtype:  albino  a person with albinism: white hair and pink eyes and milky skin
                    subtype:  automaton__zombi__zombie  someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way; "only an automaton wouldn't have noticed"
                    subtype:  eccentric_person__eccentricperson__oddball  a person with an unusual or odd personality
                       subtype:  crackpot__crank__nut__nutcase__fruitcake__screwball  a whimsically eccentric person
                    subtype:  goliath__giant__behemoth__monster__colossus  someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
                    subtype:  Jekyll_and_Hyde__jekyllandhyde  someone with two personalities - one good and one evil
                    subtype:  kook__odd_fellow__oddfellow__odd_fish__oddfish__queer_bird__queerbird__queer_duck__queerduck__odd_man_out__oddmanout  someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group
                    subtype:  misfit  someone unable to adapt to their circumstances
                       subtype:  anthropoid.misfit__ape  person who resembles a non-human primate
                       subtype:  dork__jerk  a dull stupid fatuous person
                       subtype:  addle-head__addlehead__loon__birdbrain  a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought
                    subtype:  rare_bird__rara_avis  a rare or unique person
                    subtype:  transsexual.unusual_person  a person who has undergone a sex change operation
                    subtype:  ugly_duckling  an ugly or unpromising child who grows into a beautiful or worthy person
                 subtype:  applicant__applier  a person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission
                    subtype:  aspirant__aspirer__wannabe  an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant"; "two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was full of Madonna wannabes"
                    subtype:  bidder  someone who makes an offer
                    subtype:  claimant  someone who claims a benefit or right or title; "claimants of unemployment compensation"; "he was a claimant to the throne"
                       subtype:  Pretender  a claimant to the throne or to the office of ruler (usually without just title)
                    subtype:  job_candidate__jobcandidate  an applicant who is being considered for a job
                    subtype:  material.applicant  a person judged suitable for admission or employment; "he was university material"; "she was vice-presidential material"
                    subtype:  petitioner__suppliant__supplicant  one praying humbly for something: "a suppliant for her favors"
                       subtype:  besieger.petitioner  an energetic petitioner
                       subtype:  postulant  one submitting a request or application especially one seeking admission into a religious order
                       subtype:  solicitor.petitioner  a petitioner who seeks contributions or trade
                    subtype:  possible.applicant  an applicant who might be suitable
                    subtype:  probable  an applicant likely to be chosen
                    subtype:  submitter  someone who submits something (as an application for a job or a manuscript for publication etc.) for the judgment of others; "he was a prolific submitter of proposals"
                 subtype:  appointee.person__appointment  a person who is appointed to a job or position
                 subtype:  bad_person__badperson  a person who does harm to others
                    subtype:  wrongdoer__offender  a person who transgresses moral or civil law
                       subtype:  abuser__maltreater  someone who abuses
                       subtype:  attacker__aggressor__assailant__assaulter  someone who attacks
                          subtype:  ambusher  an attacker who waits in a concealed position to launch a surprise attack
                          subtype:  avenger__retaliator  someone who takes vengeance
                          subtype:  beast__wolf__savage__brute__wildcat  a cruelly rapacious person
                          subtype:  bully__tough__hooligan__ruffian__roughneck__rowdy__yob__yobo__yobbo  a cruel and brutal fellow
                             subtype:  bullyboy  a swaggering tough; usually one acting as an agent of a political faction
                             subtype:  muscleman  a bully employed by a gangster
                             subtype:  skinhead  a young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations
                             subtype:  tough_guy__toughguy__plug-ugly  someone who bullies weaker people
                                subtype:  Ted__Teddy_boy  (Brit) a tough youth of 1950's and 1960's wearing Edwardian style clothes
                          subtype:  harasser__harrier  a persistent attacker; "the harassers were not members of the regular army"
                          subtype:  marauder__predator__vulture  someone who attacks in search of booty
                          subtype:  night_rider__nightrider__nightrider  member of a secret mounted band in United States south after the Civil War; committed acts of intimidation and revenge
                          subtype:  raper__rapist  someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse
                          subtype:  shedder__spiller  an attacker who sheds or spills blood; "a great hunter and spiller of blood"
                          subtype:  stabber  someone who stabs another person
                          subtype:  stoner__lapidator  an attacker who pelts the victim with stones (especially with intent to kill)
                       subtype:  convict  a person convicted of a criminal offence
                          subtype:  first_offender__firstoffender  someone convicted for the first time
                       subtype:  criminal__felon__crook__outlaw__malefactor  someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
                          subtype:  accessory__accessary  someone who helps another person commit a crime
                             subtype:  abettor__abetter  one who helps or encourages or incites another
                             subtype:  accessory_after_the_fact__accessoryafterthefact  a person who gives assistance or comfort to someone known to be a felon or known to be sought in connection with the commission of a felony
                             subtype:  accessory_before_the_fact  a person who procures or advises or commands the commission of a felony but who is not present at its perpetration
                             subtype:  accessory_during_the_fact  a person who witnesses a crime but does not try to prevent it
                             subtype:  confederate__collaborator__henchman__partner_in_crime  someone who assists in a plot
                          subtype:  arsonist__incendiary__firebug  a criminal who illegally sets fire to property
                             subtype:  barnburner  someone who burns down a barn
                          subtype:  blackmailer__extortioner__extortionist  a criminal who extorts money from someone by threatening to expose embarrassing information about them
                          subtype:  bootlegger__moonshiner  someone who makes or sells illegal liquor
                          subtype:  briber__suborner  someone who pays (or otherwise incites) you to commit a wrongful act
                          subtype:  conspirator__plotter  a member of a conspiracy
                             instance:  Guy_Fawkes__Fawkes  Titus_Oates__Oates
                          subtype:  desperado__desperate_criminal__desperatecriminal  a bold outlaw (especially on the American frontier)
                          subtype:  fugitive_from_justice__fugitive  someone who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice
                             subtype:  absconder  someone who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution
                             subtype:  escapee  someone who escapes
                          subtype:  gangster__mobster  a criminal who is a member of gang
                             subtype:  apache  a Parisian gangster
                             subtype:  yardie  member of an international gang of Jamaican criminals who sell drugs and violence; "A much publicized raid on a yardie stronghold had first been simulated at Riot City"
                             instance:  Alphonse_Capone__Capone__Al_Capone__Scarface
                          subtype:  highbinder  a corrupt politician
                          subtype:  highjacker__hijacker  someone who uses force to take over a vehicle (especially an airplane) in order to reach an alternative destination
                          subtype:  hoodlum__hood__goon__punk__thug__tough__toughie__strong-armer  an aggressive and violent young criminal
                          subtype:  kidnapper__abductor__snatcher  someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
                             subtype:  crimper  someone who tricks or coerces men into service as sailors or soldiers
                             subtype:  shanghaier__seizer  a kidnapper who drugs men and takes them for compulsory service aboard a ship
                          subtype:  gangster's_moll__moll__gun_moll__gunmoll  the girl friend of a gangster
                          subtype:  murderer__liquidator__manslayer  a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being)
                             subtype:  assassin__assassinator__bravo  a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a treacherous surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed; "his assassins were hunted down like animals"; "assassinators of kings and emperors"
                                instance:  John_Wilkes_Booth__Booth  Lee_Harvey_Oswald__Oswald
                             subtype:  butcher  a brutal indiscriminate murderer
                             subtype:  cutthroat  someone who murders by cutting the victim's throat
                             subtype:  fratricide.murderer  a person who murders their brother or sister
                             subtype:  gunslinger__gunman__hired_gun__hiredgun__gun__triggerman__hit_man__hitman__torpedo__shooter  a professional killer who uses a gun
                             subtype:  hatchet_man__hatchetman__iceman  a professional killer
                             subtype:  infanticide.murderer  a person who murders an infant
                             subtype:  murderess__murderes  a woman murderer
                             subtype:  parricide.murderer  someone who kills his or her parent
                                subtype:  matricide.parricide  a person who murders their mother
                                subtype:  patricide.parricide  a person who murders their father
                             subtype:  ripper  a murderer who slashes the victims with a knife; "Jack the ripper was probably a madman"
                             subtype:  serial_killer__serial_murderer  someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short interval
                             instance:  Jack_the_Ripper
                          subtype:  parolee__probationer  someone released on probation or on parole
                          subtype:  drug_peddler__pusher__peddler__drug_dealer__drug_trafficker  an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
                          subtype:  racketeer  some who commits crimes for profit (especially one who obtains money by fraud or extortion)
                             subtype:  bagman  a racketeer assigned to collect or distribute payoff money
                          subtype:  raper__rapist  someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse
                          subtype:  recidivist__repeater__habitual_criminal  someone who is repeatedly arrested for criminal behavior (especially for the same criminal behavior)
                          subtype:  scofflaw  one who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses
                          subtype:  smuggler__runner__contrabandist__mooncurser  someone who imports or exports without paying duties
                             subtype:  gunrunner__arms-runner  a smuggler of guns
                             subtype:  rumrunner  someone who illegally smuggles liquor across a border
                          subtype:  thief__stealer  a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it
                             subtype:  bandit__brigand  an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band
                             subtype:  shoplifter__booster__lifter  a thief who steals goods that are on display in a store
                             subtype:  burglar  a thief who enters a building with intent to steal
                                subtype:  housebreaker__cat_burglar  a burglar who unlawfully breaks into and enters another person's house
                             subtype:  dacoit__dakoit  (in India and Burma) a member of an armed gang of robbers
                             subtype:  embezzler__peculator__defalcator  someone who violates a trust by taking (money) for their own use
                             subtype:  body_snatcher__graverobber__ghoul  someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection
                             subtype:  graverobber  someone who steals valuables from graves or crypts
                             subtype:  holdup_man__stickup_man__stickupman  an armed thief
                                subtype:  highwayman__highjacker__hijacker__road_agent  a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
                                   subtype:  footpad__padder  a highwayman who robs on foot
                                   instance:  Dick_Turpin__Turpin
                             subtype:  larcenist__larcener  a person who commits larceny
                             subtype:  pickpocket__cutpurse__dip  a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places
                             subtype:  plagiarist__plagiarizer__literarypirate__pirate  someone who uses another person's words or ideas is they were his own
                             subtype:  plunderer__pillager__looter__spoiler__raider__freebooter  someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war)
                                subtype:  pirate__buccaneer__sea_robber__searobber__sea_rover__searover  someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation
                                   subtype:  Barbary_pirate__corsair  a pirate along the Barbary coast
                                      instance:  Khayr_ad-Din__Barbarossa
                                   subtype:  sea_king__seaking  a Viking pirate chief
                                   instance:  Jean_Laffite__Laffite__Lafitte__Jean_Lafitte  Sir_Henry_Morgan__Morgan__Henry_Morgan  Bartholomew_Roberts__Roberts  Edward_Teach__Teach__Thatch__Edward_Thatch__Blackbeard
                             subtype:  robber  a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence
                                subtype:  bank_robber  a robber of banks
                                subtype:  mugger  a robber who takes property by threatening or performing violence on the person who is robbed (usually on the street)
                             subtype:  rustler__cattle_thief  someone who steals livestock (especially cattle)
                             subtype:  safebreaker__safecracker__cracksman  a thief who breaks open safes to steal valuable contents
                             subtype:  snatcher  a thief who grabs and runs; "a purse snatcher"
                             subtype:  sneak_thief__pilferer__snitcher  a thief who steals without using violence
                                subtype:  wharf_rat.sneak_thief__wharfrat  someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses
                          subtype:  traitor__treasonist  someone who betrays his country by committing treason
                             subtype:  collaborator__collaborationist__quisling  someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force
                             subtype:  fifth_columnist__fifthcolumnist__saboteur  a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader
                             subtype:  traitress__traitres  female traitor
                             instance:  Benedict_Arnold__Arnold
                          subtype:  violator__lawbreaker  someone who violates the law
                          instance:  William_H._Bonney__Bonney__Billie_the_Kid  Jesse_James__James  Robert_MacGregor__MacGregor__Rob_Roy
                       subtype:  deceiver__cheat__cheater__trickster__beguiler__slicker  someone who leads you to believe something that is not true
                          subtype:  bluffer  a person who tries to bluff other people
                          subtype:  swindler__chiseller__chiseler__gouger__scammer__sharpie  a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud
                             subtype:  cardsharp__cardsharper  a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games
                             subtype:  clip_artist  a swindler who fleeces the victim
                             subtype:  confidence_man__con_man__conman__con_artist__conartist  a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim
                             subtype:  welcher__welsher  someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager
                          subtype:  steerer__decoy  a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)
                             subtype:  roper.steerer  a decoy who lures customers into a gambling establishment (especially one with a fixed game)
                             subtype:  shill  a decoy who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to stimulate the participation of others
                          subtype:  dodger__fox__slyboot  a shifty deceptive person
                          subtype:  double-crosser__double-dealer__two-timer__twotimer__betrayer__traitor  a person who says one thing and does another
                             subtype:  Judas  someone who betrays under the guise of friendship
                          subtype:  falsifier  someone who falsifies
                          subtype:  finagler__wangler  a deceiver who uses crafty misleading methods
                          subtype:  counterfeiter__forger  someone who makes copies illegally
                             subtype:  coiner.counterfeiter  (British) a maker of counterfeit coins
                             subtype:  paperhanger  (informal) someone who passes bad checks or counterfeit paper money
                          subtype:  fortune_hunter__fortunehunter  a person who seeks wealth through marriage
                          subtype:  front_man__frontman__front__figurehead__nominal_head__nominalhead__straw_man__strawman  a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
                          subtype:  hypocrite__dissembler__phony__phoney__pretender  a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold
                             subtype:  smoothie__smoothy__sweettalker  someone with an assured and ingratiating manner
                             subtype:  Tartuffe__Tartufe  a hypocrite who pretends to religious piety (after the protagonist in a play by Moliere)
                             subtype:  whited_sepulcher__whited_sepulchre  a person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuous
                          subtype:  impersonator__imitator  someone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of another
                             subtype:  mimic__mimicker  someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress)
                          subtype:  imposter__impostor__pretender__fake__faker__fraud__sham__shammer__pseudo__pseud__role_player  a person who makes deceitful pretenses
                             subtype:  namedropper  someone who pretends that famous people are his/her friends
                             subtype:  ringer.imposter  a contestant entered in a competition under false pretenses
                          subtype:  liar__prevaricator  a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly
                             subtype:  perjurer__false_witness__falsewitnes  a person who deliberately gives false testimony
                             subtype:  storyteller__fibber__fabricator  someone who tells lies
                             instance:  Ananias
                          subtype:  misleader  someone who leads astray (often deliberately)
                          subtype:  mountebank__charlatan  a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
                             subtype:  phrenologist__craniologist  someone who claims to read your character from the shape of your skull
                             subtype:  quack  an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice
                          subtype:  obscurantist  a person who is deliberately vague
                          subtype:  sandbagger  someone who deceives you about his true nature or intent in order to take advantage of you
                          subtype:  two-timer__twotimer  someone who deceives a lover or spouse by carrying on a sexual relationship with somebody else
                          subtype:  utterer  someone who circulates forged banknotes or counterfeit coins
                       subtype:  juvenile_delinquent__delinquent  a young offender
                       subtype:  defector__deserter  a person who abandons their duty (as on a military post)
                          subtype:  deviationist  an ideological defector from the party line (especially from orthodox communism)
                          subtype:  draft_dodger__draftdodger__draft_evader__draftevader  someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve
                          subtype:  renegade__turncoat  someone who rebels and becomes and outlaw
                       subtype:  transgressor  someone who transgresses; someone who violates a law or command; "the way of transgressors is hard"
                       subtype:  malfeasant  one guilty of malfeasance
                       subtype:  nonattender__no-show__truant  someone who shirks duty
                       subtype:  perpetrator__culprit  someone who perpetrates wrongdoing
                       subtype:  pimp__procurer__panderer__pander__pandar__fancy_man__fancyman__ponce  someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce)
                          subtype:  procuress__procures  a woman pimp
                          subtype:  whoremaster__whoremonger  a pimp who procures whores
                       subtype:  backslider__recidivist__reversionist  someone who lapses into previous undesirable patterns of behavior
                       subtype:  reprobate__miscreant  a person without moral scruples
                          subtype:  pervert__deviant__deviate__degenerate  a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
                             subtype:  fetishist  one who engages in fetishism (especially of a sexual nature)
                             subtype:  masochist  someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment
                                subtype:  flagellant.masochist  a person who is whipped or whips himself for sexual gratification
                             subtype:  molester  someone who subjects others to unwanted or improper sexual activities
                             subtype:  nymphomaniac__nympho  a woman with abnormal sexual desires
                             subtype:  pederast__paederast__childmolester  a man who has sex (usually sodomy) with a boy as the passive partner
                             subtype:  pedophile__paedophile  an adult who is sexually attracted to children
                             subtype:  sadist  someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others
                             subtype:  sadomasochist  someone who enjoys both sadism and masochism
                             subtype:  satyr__lecher  man with strong sexual desires
                             subtype:  sodomite__sodomist__sod  someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)
                          subtype:  scapegrace__black_sheep__blacksheep  a reckless and unprincipled reprobate
                          subtype:  wretch  performs some wicked deed
                       subtype:  shark.wrongdoer  a person who is ruthless and greedy and dishonest
                       subtype:  shyster__pettifogger  a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods
                       subtype:  sinner__evildoer  a person who sins (without repenting)
                          subtype:  magdalen  a reformed prostitute
                          instance:  St_Mary_Magdalene__Mary_Magdalene__Mary_Magdalen__St_Mary_Magdalen
                       subtype:  usurper__supplanter  one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another
                          subtype:  claim_jumper__claimjumper  one who illegally occupies property to which another has a legal claim
                       subtype:  war_criminal__warcriminal  an offender who violates international law during times of war
                    subtype:  decadent  a person who has fallen into a decadent state (morally or artistically)
                    subtype:  destroyer__ruiner__undoer__waster__uprooter  a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to; "a destroyer of the environment"; "jealousy was his undoer"; "uprooters of gravestones"
                       subtype:  annihilator  a total destroyer
                       subtype:  iconoclast__image_breaker__imagebreaker  someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions
                       subtype:  saboteur__wrecker  someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks
                       subtype:  vandal  someone who willfully destroys or defaces property
                    subtype:  libertine__debauchee__rounder  a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained
                       subtype:  adulterer__fornicator  someone who commits adultery
                          subtype:  adulteress__fornicatress__hussy__jade__loose_woman__slut__strumpet  a woman adulterer
                          subtype:  wencher  someone who patronizes prostitutes
                       subtype:  gigolo  a man who has sex with and is supported by a woman
                          subtype:  lounge_lizard__lizard  a man who idles about in the lounges of hotels and bars in search of women who would support him
                       subtype:  profligate__rake__rip__blood__roue  a dissolute man in fashionable society
                       subtype:  ladies'_man__seducer__ladykiller  a man who takes advantage of women
                          subtype:  undoer  a seducer who ruins a woman; "she awoke in the arms of her cruel undoer"
                       subtype:  swinger.libertine__tramp  a person who engages freely in promiscuous sex
                       subtype:  debaucher__violator__ravisher  someone who assaults others sexually
                       subtype:  womanizer__womaniser__philanderer  a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
                          subtype:  Casanova  any man noted for his amorous adventures
                          subtype:  Don_Juan  a successful womanizer (after the legendary profligate Spanish nobleman)
                          subtype:  Lothario  a successful womanizer (after a fictional seducer)
                          subtype:  woman_chaser__womanchaser__wolf__skirt_chaser__skirtchaser__masher  a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women
                    subtype:  panderer  a person who serves or caters to the vulgar passions or plans of others (especially in order to make money)
                    subtype:  polluter__defiler  a person or organization that causes pollution of the environment
                    subtype:  scalawag__scallywag  white Southerner supporting Reconstruction policies after the Civil War usually for self-interest
                    subtype:  seducer  a bad person who entices others into error or wrong-doing
                    subtype:  shocker.bad_person  a shockingly bad person
                    subtype:  snake_in_the_grass__snake  a deceitful or treacherous person
                    subtype:  trampler  someone who injures by trampling
                    subtype:  varmint__vermin  an irritating or obnoxious person
                    subtype:  victimizer__victimiser  a person who victimizes others; "I thought we were partners, not victim and victimizer"
                       subtype:  slaver__slave_dealer__slavedealer__slave_trader__slavetrader  a person engaged in slave trade
                          subtype:  white_slaver__whiteslaver  a person who forces women to become prostitutes
                 subtype:  capitalist  a person who invests capital in a business (especially a large business)
                    subtype:  businessperson__bourgeois__bourgeoi  engages in industrial commercial enterprise
                       subtype:  accountant__comptroller__controller  someone who maintains and audits business accounts
                          subtype:  auditor  someone who audits accounts
                          subtype:  bookkeeper  someone who records the transactions of a business
                          subtype:  certified_public_accountant__CPA  an accountant certified by the state
                          subtype:  chartered_accountant__charteredaccountant  a British accountant who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
                          subtype:  cost_accountant  a specialist in the systematic recording and analysis of the costs incident to production
                       subtype:  account_executive__accountexecutive__account_representative__accountrepresentative__registered_representative__customer's_broker__customer's_man  someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
                       subtype:  broker__agent__factor  a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission
                          subtype:  auctioneer  an agent who conducts an auction
                          subtype:  insurance_broker__insurancebroker__insurance_agent__insuranceagent__general_agent__generalagent  an agent who sells insurance
                          subtype:  investment_banker__underwriter  a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities
                             subtype:  killer_bee  an investment banker who devises strategies to make a target company less attractive for takeover
                          subtype:  realtor__real_estate_broker__real_estate_agent__estate_agent__land_agent__house_agent__houseagent  a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land; "in England they call a realtor a land agent"
                          subtype:  ship_broker  an agent for the ship owner; obtains cargo and may arrange for its loading or discharge
                          subtype:  stockbroker  an agent in the buying and selling of stocks and bonds
                          subtype:  syndic  one appointed to represent a city or university or corporation in business transactions
                          subtype:  travel_agent  someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers
                       subtype:  businessman__man_of_affairs  a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)
                          subtype:  arbitrageur__arbitrager__arb  someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one market for immediate resale in another in the hope of profiting from the price differential)
                          subtype:  baron__big_businessman__bigbusinessman__business_leader__king__magnate__mogul__power__top_executive__topexecutive__tycoon  a very wealthy or powerful businessman: "an oil baron"
                             subtype:  oil_tycoon__oiltycoon  a powerful person in the oil business
                          subtype:  businesswoman  a female businessman
                             subtype:  brothel_keeper__brothelkeeper__madam  a woman who runs a house of prostitution
                          subtype:  industrialist  someone who manages or has significant financial interest in an industrial enterprise
                             instance:  Andrew_Carnegie__Carnegie  Peter_Cooper__Cooper  Glenn_Hammond_Curtiss__Curtiss__Glenn_Curtiss  Gottlieb_Daimler__Daimler  John_Deere__Deere  George_Eastman__Eastman  Henry_Ford__Ford  Edsel_Bryant_Ford__Ford  Henry_Ford_II__Ford  Henry_Clay_Frick__Frick  Gillette__King_Camp_Gilette  Meyer_Guggenheim__Guggenheim  Henry_John_Heinz__Heinz  William_Henry_Hoover__Hoover__William_Hoover  Howard_Robard_Hughes__Hughes__Howard_Hughes  Friedrich_Krupp__Krupp  Edwin_Herbert_Land__Land__Din_Land  First_Viscount_Nuffield__Nuffield__William_Richard_Morris  Wilhelm_von_Opel__Opel  Elisha_Graves_Otis__Otis  Robert_Owen__Owen  Sri_Frederick_Handley_Page__Page  John_Davison_Rockefeller__Rockefeller__John_D._Rockefeller  Igor_Ivanovich_Sikorsky__Sikorsky__Igor_Sikorsky  Ernest_Solvay__Solvay
                          subtype:  oilman.businessman  a person who owns or operates oil wells
                             subtype:  wildcatter  an oilman who drills exploratory wells in territory not known to be an oil field
                          subtype:  operator.businessman  someone who owns or operates a business; "who is the operator of this franchise?"
                             subtype:  supermarketer  an operator of a supermarket
                          subtype:  proprietor__owner  someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business; "he is the owner of a chain of restaurants"
                             subtype:  bookseller  the proprietor of a bookstore
                             subtype:  lessor__lease_giver__leasegiver  someone who grants a lease
                             subtype:  letter.proprietor  owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) for hire
                             subtype:  patronne__patron  (Italian) the proprietor of an inn
                                subtype:  innkeeper__host  the owner or manager of an inn
                                   subtype:  hostess  a woman innkeeper
                                   subtype:  padrone.innkeeper  an owner or proprietor of an inn in Italy
                                   subtype:  victualer__victualler  an innkeeper (especially British)
                             subtype:  proprietress  a woman proprietor
                             subtype:  newspaper_publisher__newspaperpublisher__publisher  the proprietor of a newspaper
                                subtype:  press_lord__presslord  a powerful newspaper proprietor
                                instance:  1st_Baron_Beaverbrook__Beaverbrook__William_Maxwell_Aitken  Alfred_Charles_William_Harmsworth__Harmsworth__Viscount_Northcliffe  Benjamin_Harris__Harris  William_Randolph_Hearst__Hearst  Joseph_Pulitzer__Pulitzer  James_Edmund_Scripps__Scripps  Edward_Wyllis_Scripps__Scripps
                             subtype:  renter  an owner who receives payment for the use of their property by another
                             subtype:  restaurateur__restauranter  the proprietor of a restaurant
                             subtype:  saloon_keeper  the proprietor of a saloon
                          subtype:  small_businessman__smallbusinessman  a businessman who runs a business employing less than 100 people
                             subtype:  concessionaire__concessioner  someone who holds or operates a concession
                          subtype:  syndicator  a businessman who forms a syndicate
                          subtype:  transactor  someone who conducts or carries on business or negotiations
                          instance:  Ezra_Cornell__Cornell  Edward_Henry_Harriman__Harriman__E._H._Harriman  James_Jerome_Hill__Hill__J._J._Hill  Collis_Potter_Huntington__Huntington  First_Baron_Marks_of_Broughton__Marks__Simon_Marks  David_Sarnoff__Sarnoff  Leland_Stanford__Stanford  George_Stephenson__Stephenson  Henry_Villard__Villard  John_Wanamaker__Wanamaker  Asron_Montgomery_Ward__Ward__Montgomery_Ward  Frank_Winfield_Woolworth__Woolworth  Rudolf_Wurlitzer__Wurlitzer
                       subtype:  entrepreneur__enterpriser  someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it
                          instance:  William_Henry_Gates__Gates__Bill_Gates  Sir_Clive_Marles_Sinclair__Sinclair__Clive_Sinclair
                       subtype:  exporter  a businessperson who transports goods abroad (for sale)
                       subtype:  importer  someone whose business involves importing goods from outside (especially from a foreign country)
                       subtype:  merchant__merchandiser  a businessperson engaged in retail trade
                          subtype:  baker  someone who bakes commercially
                          subtype:  bookdealer__book_seller  a dealer in books; a merchant who sells books
                          subtype:  meatman__butcher  a retailer of meat
                             subtype:  pork_butcher  (British) a vendor of pork and products made from pork
                          subtype:  clothier__haberdasher  a merchant who sells men's clothing
                          subtype:  fishmonger__fishwife  someone who sells fish
                          subtype:  grain_merchant__grainmerchant  a merchant who deals in food grains
                          subtype:  grocer  a retail merchant who sells foodstuffs (and some household supplies)
                             subtype:  greengrocer  (British) a grocer who sells fresh fruits and vegetables
                          subtype:  ironmonger__hardwareman  someone who sells hardware; "in England they call a hardwareman an ironmonger"
                          subtype:  jeweler__jeweller  someone in the business of selling jewelry
                          subtype:  milliner  a merchant who designs and sells hats
                          subtype:  poultryman__poulterer  a dealer in poultry and poultry products
                          subtype:  retailer__retail_merchant  a merchant who sells goods at retail
                             subtype:  chandler.retailer  a retail dealer in provisions and supplies
                                subtype:  ship's_chandler  a dealer in sails and ropes and other supplies for sailing ships
                             subtype:  licensee__licencee  someone to who a license is granted
                          subtype:  rug_merchant__rugmerchant  a merchant who sells rugs
                          subtype:  salt_merchant__salter  someone who makes or deals in salt
                          subtype:  schlockmeister__shlockmeister  (slang) a merchant who deals in shoddy or inferior merchandise
                          subtype:  seller__marketer__vender__vendor__trafficker  someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money
                             subtype:  ticket_agent__booking_clerk  someone who sells tickets (e.g., theater seats or travel accommodations)
                             subtype:  cosmetician  someone who sells or applies cosmetics
                             subtype:  flower_girl.seller__flowergirl  a woman who sells flowers in the street
                             subtype:  fruiterer  (British) a person who sells fruit
                             subtype:  cheap-jack__cheapjack__huckster  a seller of shoddy goods
                                subtype:  costermonger__barrow-man__barrow-boy  a hawker of fruit and vegetables from a barrow
                             subtype:  pedlar__peddler__packman__hawker__pitchman  someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)
                                subtype:  chapman  archaic term for an itinerant peddler
                                subtype:  muffin_man  (British) formerly an itinerant peddler of muffins
                                subtype:  sandboy  (British) a peddler of sand at a seashore resort; used now only to express great happiness in the expression "happy as a sandboy"
                             subtype:  selling_agent__sellingagent  someone who sells goods (on commission) for others
                             subtype:  trafficker__dealer  a seller of illicit goods; "a trafficker in stolen cars"
                                subtype:  drug_peddler__pusher__peddler__drug_dealer__drug_trafficker  an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
                             subtype:  underseller  a seller that sells at a lower price than others do; "he went all over town looking for undersellers"
                          subtype:  shopkeeper__tradesman__storekeeper__market_keeper  a merchant who owns or manages a shop
                             subtype:  dry_cleaner__drycleaner__cleaner  the operator of dry-cleaning establishment
                             subtype:  florist  someone who grows and deals in flowers; "the florist made up an attractive bouquet"
                             subtype:  hosier  a tradesman who sells hosiery (and (in England) knitwear)
                             subtype:  newsagent__newsdealer__newsvendor__newsstand_operator__newsstandoperator  someone who sells newspapers
                             subtype:  tobacconist  a retail dealer in tobacco and tobacco-related articles
                          subtype:  stationer__stationeryseller  a merchant who sells writing materials and office supplies
                          subtype:  trader__bargainer__dealer__monger  someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold
                             subtype:  art_dealer__artdealer  a dealer in works of art requiring esthetic evaluation
                                subtype:  print_seller__printseller  someone who sells etchings and engravings etc.
                             subtype:  barterer  a trader who exchanges goods and not money
                             subtype:  bibliopole__bibliopolist  a dealer in secondhand books (especially rare or curious books)
                             subtype:  cutler  a dealer in cutlery
                             subtype:  draper  a dealer in fabrics and sewing materials (and sometimes in clothing and drygoods)
                                subtype:  linendraper  (British) a retail dealer in yard goods
                             subtype:  fence  (informal) a dealer in stolen property
                             subtype:  horse_trader__horsetrader  a hard bargainer
                             subtype:  mercer  (British) a dealer in textiles (especially silks)
                             subtype:  seedsman__seedman  a dealer in seeds
                             subtype:  slopseller  (British) a dealer in cheap ready-made clothing
                             subtype:  stamp_dealer__stampdealer  a dealer in stamps (whose customers are stamp collectors)
                             subtype:  stock_trader__stocktrader  someone who buys and sells stock shares
                                subtype:  profit_taker  someone who sells stock shares at a profit
                                subtype:  stockjobber  (British) one who deals only with brokers or other jobbers
                          subtype:  merchant-venturer__venturer  a merchant who undertakes a trading venture (especially a venture that sends goods overseas)
                          subtype:  vintner__wine_merchant  someone who sells wine
                          instance:  Charles_Henry_Harrod__Harrod  Charles_Digby_Harrod__Harrod
                       subtype:  shipper.businessperson  someone who ships goods
                          subtype:  consigner__consignor  the person who delivers over or commits merchandise
                       subtype:  supplier__provider  someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity
                          subtype:  black_marketeer__blackmarketeer  someone who engages illegally in trade in scarce or controlled commodities
                          subtype:  caterer  someone who provides food and service (as for a party)
                          subtype:  connection.supplier  a supplier (especially of narcotics)
                          subtype:  dispenser.supplier  a person who dispenses
                          subtype:  distributor__distributer  someone who markets merchandise
                             subtype:  jobber__middleman__wholesaler  someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers
                                subtype:  meat_packer__packer  a wholesaler in the meat-packing business
                                   instance:  Gustavus_Franklin_Swift__Swift
                             subtype:  ship_chandler  a dealer in equipment and supplies for ships
                             subtype:  wool_stapler  a dealer in wool
                          subtype:  purveyor  someone who supplies provisions (especially food)
                          subtype:  recruiter.supplier  someone who supplies members or employees
                             subtype:  headhunter  (informal) a recruiter of personnel (especially for corporations)
                             subtype:  talent_scout__scout  someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports)
                          subtype:  stockist  one (as a retailer or distributor) that stocks goods
                          subtype:  sutler__victualer__victualler__provisioner  a supplier of victuals or supplies to an army
                    subtype:  financier__moneyman  a person skilled in large scale financial transactions
                       subtype:  banker  someone who owns or is an executive in a bank
                          subtype:  cashier__teller__bank_clerk  an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money
                          instance:  Rothschild
                       subtype:  city_man  a financier who works in one of the banks in the City of London
                       subtype:  principal.financier__dealer  the major party to a financial transaction; buys and sells for his own account
                          subtype:  broker-dealer  a financial specialist who trades for his own account and so acts both as a broker and principal
                       instance:  James_Buchanan_Brady__Brady__Diamond_Jim_Brady__Diamond_Jim  Jay_Cooke__Cooke  Cosimo_de_Medici__Cosimo_the_Elder  Stephen_Girard__Girard  Jay_Gould__Gould  Sir_Thomas_Gresham__Gresham  William_Averell_Harriman__Harriman__Averell_Harriman  Hopkins__Johns_Hopkins  Andrew_William_Mellon__Mellon__Andrew_Mellon__Andrew_W._Mellon  John_Pierpont_Morgan__Morgan__J._P._Morgan  Robert_Morris__Morris  Cecil_John_Rhodes__Rhodes__Cecil_Rhodes__Cecil_J._Rhodes  Haym_Salomon__Salomon  Cornelius_Vanderbilt__Vanderbilt__Commodore_VAnderbilt
                    subtype:  holder.capitalist__bearer  the person who is in possession of a check or note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him or to whoever holds it; "the bond was marked `payable to bearer'"
                       subtype:  ticket_holder  holder of a ticket (for admission or for passage)
                       subtype:  accumulator__collector__gatherer  a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes)
                          subtype:  conductor.accumulator  the person who collects fares on a public conveyance
                             subtype:  conductress__conductres  a woman conductor
                          subtype:  gleaner  someone who gathers something in small pieces (e.g. information) slowly and carefully
                          subtype:  rent_collector  a person who goes from house to house collecting rents for the owner
                          instance:  Isabella_Stewart_Gardner__Gardner
                       subtype:  tenant  a holder of buildings or lands by any kind of title (as ownership or lease)
                          subtype:  cotenant  one of two or more tenants holding title to the same property
                          subtype:  life_tenant  a tenant whose legal right to retain possession of buildings or lands lasts as long as they (or some other person) lives
                          subtype:  tenant_farmer  a farmer who works land owned by someone else
                    subtype:  investor  someone who commits capital in order to gain financial returns
                       subtype:  contrarian  an investor who deliberately decides to go against the prevailing wisdom of other investors
                       subtype:  bear.investor  an investor with a pessimistic market outlook
                       subtype:  bondholder  a holder of bonds issued by a government or corporation
                       subtype:  bull.investor  an investor with an optimistic market outlook
                       subtype:  caller.investor  an investor who buys a call option
                       subtype:  depositor  a person who has deposited money in a bank or similar institution
                          subtype:  withdrawer  a depositor who withdraws funds previously deposited
                       subtype:  lender__loaner  someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters
                          subtype:  creditor  a lender to whom money is owed
                             subtype:  mortgagee__mortgageholder  the person who accepts a mortgage; "the bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home"
                          subtype:  pawnbroker  a person who lends money at interest in exchange for personal property that is deposited as security
                          subtype:  usurer__loan_shark__moneylender__shylock  someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest
                       subtype:  rentier  someone whose income is from property rents or bond interest and other investments
                       subtype:  stockholder__shareholder__shareowner  someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation
                          subtype:  stockholder_of_record  the stockholder whose name is registered on the books of the corporation as owning the shares at a particular time
                    subtype:  materialist  someone with great regard for worldly possessions
                    subtype:  moneymaker  someone who is successful in accumulating wealth
                       subtype:  moneygrubber  someone whose main interest in life is moneymaking
                    subtype:  profiteer  someone who makes excessive profit (especially on goods in short supply)
                    instance:  John_Jacob_Astor__Astor
                 subtype:  captor__capturer  a person who captures and holds people or animals
                    subtype:  kidnapper__abductor__snatcher  someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
                    subtype:  surpriser  a captor who uses surprise to capture the victim
                 subtype:  changer__modifier  a person who changes something; "an inveterate changer of the menu"
                    subtype:  adulterator  a changer who lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance
                    subtype:  normalizer__normaliser  a person who normalizes
                    subtype:  standardizer__standardiser  a person who sets a standard for things to conform to
                 subtype:  commoner__common_man__common_person  a person who holds no title
                    subtype:  bourgeois__bourgeoi__burgher  a member of the middle class
                       subtype:  petit_bourgeois__petitbourgeoi  a member of the lower middle class
                    subtype:  nobody__cipher__cypher__nonentity  a person of no influence
                       subtype:  pip-squeak__pipsqueak__squirt__small_fry__smallfry  someone who is small and insignificant
                       subtype:  whippersnapper__jackanapes__lightweight  someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous
                    subtype:  everyman  the ordinary person
                    subtype:  Joe_Blow__John_Doe__Joe_Bloggs__man_in_the_street  a hypothetical average man
                    subtype:  layman__layperson  someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person
                       subtype:  lay_reader__layreader  a layman authorized to read sermons
                    subtype:  plebeian__pleb  one of the common people
                       subtype:  philistine__lowbrow  a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
                    subtype:  proletarian__prole__worker  a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); "workers of the world--unite!"
                    subtype:  rustic  an unsophisticated country person
                       subtype:  coon  a an eccentric or undignified rustic; "I'll be a gone coon when the battle starts"
                       subtype:  countryman.rustic  a man who lives in the country and has country ways
                       subtype:  countrywoman.rustic  a woman who lives in the country and has country ways
                       subtype:  hillbilly__bushwhacker  a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person
                       subtype:  provincial__peasant  a country person
                          subtype:  cottar__cotter  a peasant farmer in the Scottish highlands
                          subtype:  muzhik__moujik__mujik__muzjik  a Russian peasant (especially prior to 1917)
                       subtype:  redneck__cracker  a poor white person in the southern US
                       subtype:  woodsman__woodman  someone who lives in the woods
                       subtype:  yokel__rube__hick__yahoo__hayseed__chawbacon  not very intelligent or interested in culture
                 subtype:  communicator  a person who communicates with others
                    subtype:  alarmist  a person who alarms others needlessly
                       subtype:  scaremonger  a person who spreads frightening rumors and stirs up trouble
                    subtype:  allegorizer__allegoriser  someone who communicates in allegories
                    subtype:  announcer.communicator  someone who proclaims a message publicly
                       subtype:  caller.announcer  someone who proclaims or summons in a loud voice; "the callers were mothers summoning their children home for dinner"
                       subtype:  caller-out__caller  a person who announces the changes of steps during a dance; "you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing"
                       subtype:  muezzin__muazzin__mu'adhdhin  the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day
                       subtype:  town_crier__crier  (formerly) an official who made public announcements
                    subtype:  articulator.communicator  someone who pronounces words
                       subtype:  speaker__talker__utterer__verbalizer__verbaliser  someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous); "the speaker at commencement"; "an utterer of useful maxims"
                          subtype:  alliterator  a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration
                          subtype:  caller-up__caller__phoner__telephoner  the person initiating a telephone call; "there were so many callers that he finally disconnected the telephone"
                          subtype:  chatterer__babbler__prater__chatterbox__spouter  an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
                          subtype:  conversationalist__schmoozer  someone skilled at conversation
                             subtype:  deipnosophist  someone skilled at across-the-table chit chat
                             subtype:  conversational_partner__interlocutor  a person who takes part in a conversation
                          subtype:  drawler  someone who speaks with a drawl
                          subtype:  jabberer__driveller  someone whose talk is trivial drivel
                          subtype:  ejaculator  a speaker who utters a sudden exclamation
                          subtype:  growler.speaker  a speaker whose voice sounds like a growl
                          subtype:  inquirer__enquirer__questioner__querier__asker  someone who asks a question
                             subtype:  cross-examiner__crossexaminer__cross-questioner__crossquestioner  someone who questions a witness carefully (especially about testimony given earlier)
                             subtype:  quizzer__examiner__tester  someone who administers a test to determine your qualifications
                             subtype:  inquisitor__interrogator  a questioner who is excessively harsh
                             subtype:  interviewer  a person who conducts an interview
                             subtype:  pollster__poll_taker__headcounter  someone who conducts surveys of public opinion; "a pollster conducts public opinion polls"; "a headcounter counts heads"
                          subtype:  lecturer  someone who lectures professionally
                             instance:  Helen_Adams_Keller__Keller__Helen_Keller
                          subtype:  lisper  a speaker who lisps
                          subtype:  mentioner  a speaker who refers to something briefly or incidentally
                          subtype:  mutterer__mumbler  a person who speaks indistinctly
                          subtype:  narrator__storyteller__teller  someone who tells a story
                             subtype:  anecdotist__raconteur  a person skilled in telling anecdotes
                                instance:  Karl_Friedrich_Hieronymus_von_Munchhausen__Munchhausen__Munchausen__Baron_Munchausen
                             subtype:  fabulist  a person who tells or invents fables
                                instance:  Aesop
                             subtype:  griot  a storyteller in West Africa; perpetuates the oral traditions of a family or village
                          subtype:  orator__speechmaker__rhetorician__public_speaker__speechifier  a person who delivers a speech or oration
                             subtype:  eulogist__panegyrist  an orator who delivers eulogies or panegyrics
                             subtype:  demagogue__demagog__rabble-rouser  an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience
                             subtype:  elocutionist  a public speaker trained in voice production and gesture and delivery
                             subtype:  haranguer  a public speaker who delivers a loud or forceful or angry speech
                             subtype:  spellbinder  an orator who can hold his listeners spellbound
                             subtype:  tub-thumper__tubthumper  a noisy and vigorous or ranting public speaker
                             instance:  Edmund_Burke__Burke  Marcus_Tullius_Cicero__Cicero__Tully  Demosthenes  Patrick_Henry__Henry  Isocrates
                          subtype:  prattler  someone who speaks in a childish way
                          subtype:  ranter__raver  someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud manner
                          subtype:  reciter  someone who recites from memory
                          subtype:  stammerer__stutterer  someone who speaks with involuntary pauses and repetitions
                          subtype:  talking_head__talkinghead  a talker on television who talks directly into the cameras and whose upper body is all that is shown on the screen
                          subtype:  vociferator  a loud and vehement speaker (usually in protest)
                          subtype:  voicer  a speaker who voices an opinion
                          subtype:  wailer  a mourner who utters long loud high-pitched cries
                          subtype:  whisperer  one who speaks in a whisper
                          subtype:  witnesser__witness__informant  someone who sees an event and reports what happened
                             subtype:  attester__attestant  someone who affirms or vouches for the correctness or truth or genuineness of something
                             subtype:  testifier__deponent  a person who testifies or gives a deposition
                       subtype:  subvocalizer__subvocaliser  someone who articulates speech without uttering sounds
                    subtype:  asserter__declarer__affirmer__asseverator__avower  someone who claims to speak the truth; "a bold asserter"; "a declarer of his intentions"; "affirmers of traditional doctrine"; "an asseverator of strong convictions"; "an avower of his own great intelligence"
                       subtype:  postulator  someone who assumes or takes something for granted as the basis of an argument
                    subtype:  avower  someone who admits or acknowledges openly and boldly
                    subtype:  broadcaster  someone who broadcasts on radio or television
                       subtype:  announcer  reads news, commercials on radio or television
                          subtype:  radio_announcer  an announcer whose voice is broadcast on radio
                          subtype:  sports_announcer__sportscaster__sports_commentator  an announcer who reads sports news or describes sporting events
                          subtype:  newscaster  someone who broadcasts the news
                          subtype:  tv_announcer__television_announcer  an announcer on television
                       subtype:  broadcast_journalist__broadcastjournalist  a journalist who broadcasts on radio or television
                          instance:  Edward_Roscoe_Murrow__Murrow__Edward_R._Murrow  Lowell_Jackson_Thomas__Thomas__Lowell_Thomas
                       subtype:  disk_jockey__disc_jockey__dj  a person who announces and plays popular recorded music
                       subtype:  telecaster  a television broadcaster
                    subtype:  conferee  a member of a conference
                    subtype:  confessor.communicator  someone who confesses (discloses information damaging to themselves)
                    subtype:  letter_writer__correspondent  someone who communicates by means of letters
                       subtype:  pen_pal__penpal__pen-friend__penfriend  a person you come to know by by frequent friendly correspondence
                    subtype:  extrovert__extravert  (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings
                    subtype:  gossiper__gossip__rumormonger__rumourmonger__newsmonger  a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others
                       subtype:  female_gossiper__cat  a spiteful woman gossip; "what a cat she is!"
                       subtype:  scandalmonger  a person who spreads malicious gossip
                       subtype:  tattletale__tattler__taleteller__talebearer__telltale__blabbermouth  someone who gossips indiscreetly
                       subtype:  yenta  a woman gossip
                    subtype:  hisser  someone who communicates disapproval by hissing
                    subtype:  informant__source  a person who supplies information
                       subtype:  informer__betrayer__rat__squealer__blabber  one who reveals confidential information in return for money
                          subtype:  fink__snitch__snitcher__stoolpigeon__stoolie__sneaker__canary  someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
                          subtype:  copper's_nark__nark  (British) an informer or spy working for the police
                          subtype:  supergrass  (British) a police informer who implicates many people
                       subtype:  leaker  a surreptitious informant; "the president wanted to know who the leakers were"
                    subtype:  laudator__lauder__extoller  someone who communicates high praise
                       subtype:  applauder__clapper  someone who applauds
                    subtype:  negotiator__negotiant__treater  someone who negotiates (confers with others in order to reach a settlement)
                       subtype:  mediator__go-between__intermediator__intermediary  a negotiator who acts as a link between parties
                          subtype:  mediatrix  a woman who is a mediator
                          subtype:  appeaser__conciliator__make-peace__pacifier__peacemaker__reconciler  someone who tries to bring peace
                          subtype:  arbitrator__arbiter  someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue
                             subtype:  third_party.arbitrator__thirdparty  someone other than the principals who are involved in a transaction
                          subtype:  diplomat  a person who deals tactfully with others
                          subtype:  harmonizer  a mediator who brings one thing into harmonious agreement with another
                          subtype:  interpreter.mediator__translator  someone who mediates between speakers of different languages
                             subtype:  dragoman  an interpreter and guide in the Near East
                             subtype:  symbolizer__symbolist__symboliser  someone skilled in the interpretation of symbols
                             instance:  Edward_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald  Benjamin_Jowett__Jowett  William_Tyndale__Tyndale__Tindale__William_Tindale__Tindal__William_Tindal  Bishop_Ulfilas__Ulfilas__Ulfila__Bishop_Ulfila__Wulfila__Bishop_Wulfila
                          subtype:  matchmaker__matcher__marriage_broker  someone who arranges (or tries to arrange) marriages for others
                          subtype:  moderator  someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid violence
                             subtype:  modifier  a moderator who makes less extreme or uncompromising
                          subtype:  second_hand  an intermediate person; used in the phrase "at second hand"; "he could learn at second hand from books"
                       subtype:  bargainer  negotiator of the terms of a transaction; "he is a hard bargainer"
                          subtype:  haggler  an intense bargainer
                       subtype:  compromiser  a negotiator willing to compromise; "Henry Clay was known as the Great Compromiser"
                       subtype:  holdout.negotiator  a negotiator who hopes to gain concessions by refusing to come to terms; "their star pitcher was a holdout for six weeks"
                       subtype:  negotiatress__negotiatrix  a woman negotiator
                       subtype:  representative  a person who represents others
                          subtype:  agent.representative  a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations
                             subtype:  business_agent  an agent who handles business affairs for another; especially one who deals with employers
                                subtype:  actor's_agent__actor'sagent__theatrical_agent  a business agent for an actor
                             subtype:  literary_agent  an agent who represents an author is dealings with publishers
                             subtype:  bailee  the agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered
                             subtype:  booker__booking_agent__bookingagent  someone who engages a person or company for performances
                                subtype:  showman__promoter__impresario  a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments
                                   subtype:  exhibitor__exhibitioner__shower  someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see
                                   subtype:  organ-grinder__organgrinder  a street musician who plays a hand organ or hurdy-gurdy
                                   subtype:  pornographer__porn_merchant  someone who presents shows or sells writing or pictures that are sexually explicit in violation of the community mores
                                   instance:  Phineas_Taylor_Barnum__Barnum__P._T._Barnum  William_Frederick_Cody__Cody__William_F._Cody__Buffalo_Bill__Buffalo_Bill_Cody  Sergei_Pavlovich_Diaghilev__Diaghilev__Sergei_Diaghilev  Richard_D'Oyly_Carte__D'Oyly_Carte  Solomon_Hurok__Hurok__Sol_Hurok  Charles_Ringling__Ringling
                             subtype:  surrogate  a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others
                                subtype:  vicegerent  someone appointed by a ruler as an administrative deputy
                             subtype:  employment_agent  someone who runs an employment agency
                             subtype:  freight_agent__freightagent  an employee of a freight carrier who directs the receipt and delivery of goods
                             subtype:  government_agent  a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government
                                subtype:  G-man__FBI_agent__government_man  a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
                                subtype:  revenuer  a government agent responsible for collecting revenue (especially one responsible for stopping bootlegging)
                                subtype:  T-man  a special law-enforcement agent of the United States Treasury
                             subtype:  handler  an agent who handles something or someone; "the senator's campaign handlers"
                             subtype:  mill_agent  the responsible official at a mill that is under absentee ownership
                             subtype:  next_friend  a person who acts on behalf of an infant or disabled person (in law)
                             subtype:  parliamentary_agent__parliamentaryagent  a person (in Britain) who is employed to look after the affairs of businesses that are affected by legislation of the British Parliament
                             subtype:  proxy.agent__placeholder__procurator  a person authorized to act for another
                             subtype:  purchasing_agent  an agent who purchases goods or services for another
                             subtype:  secret_agent__intelligence_officer__intelligence_agent__operative  a person secretly employed in espionage for a government
                                subtype:  agent_provocateur__agentprovocateur  a secret agent who incites suspected persons to commit illegal acts
                                subtype:  undercover_agent__spy  a secret agent hired by a state to obtain (military) information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors
                                   subtype:  counterspy__mole  a spy who works against enemy espionage
                                   subtype:  double_agent  a spy who works for two mutually antagonistic countries
                                   subtype:  espionage_agent  someone employed to spy on another country or business competitor
                                   subtype:  foreign_agent__foreignagent  a spy for a foreign country
                                   subtype:  infiltrator.undercover_agent  someone who takes up a position surreptitiously for the purpose of espionage
                                   subtype:  sleeper.undercover_agent  a spy planted in advance for future use but not presently active
                                   instance:  Mata_Hari__Margarete_Gertrud_Zelle
                             subtype:  shipping_agent  the agent of a shipowner
                             subtype:  shopper.agent  a commercial agent who shops at the competitor's store in order to compare their prices and merchandise with those of the store that employs her
                             subtype:  special_agent__specialagent  someone whose authority is limited to the special undertaking they have been instructed to perform
                             subtype:  talent_agent  an agent who represents performers
                             subtype:  universal_agent__universalagent__general_agent__generalagent  someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal
                          subtype:  alderman  a member of a municipal legislative body (as a city council); "aldermen usually represent city wards"
                          subtype:  assemblyman  someone who is a member of a legislative assembly
                          subtype:  assemblywoman  a woman assemblyman
                          subtype:  middleman__contact  a person who is in a position to give you special assistance; "he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor"
                          subtype:  delegate  a person appointed or elected to represent others
                             subtype:  apostolic_delegate__apostolicdelegate  (Roman Catholic) a representative of the Holy See in a country that has no formal diplomatic relations with it
                          subtype:  emissary__envoy  someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else
                             subtype:  legate__official_emissary  a member of a legation
                          subtype:  head_of_state__chief_of_state  the chief public representative of a country who may also be the head of government
                             subtype:  prime_minister__primeminister__chancellor__premier  the person who is head of state (in several countries)
                             subtype:  Prime_Minister__PM__premier  the person who holds the position of head of state in England
                             subtype:  president.head_of_state  the chief executive of a republic
                                subtype:  ex-president  a former president
                                instance:  Vigdis_Finnbogadottir__Finnbogadottir
                             subtype:  President_of_the_United_States__President__Chief_Executive  the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government; "the President likes to jog every morning"
                                instance:  President_John_Adams__Adams__John_Adams__President_Adams  President_John_Quincy_Adams__Adams__John_Quincy_Adams__President_Adams  Chester_Alan_Arthur__Arthur__Chester_A._Arthur__President_Arthur  President_Buchanan__Buchanan__James_Buchanan  George_Herbert_Walker_Bush__Bush__George_Bush__President_Bush  George_Walker_Bush__Bush__George_Bush__George_W._Bush__Dubyuh__President_Bush  James_Earl_Carter_Jr.__Carter__Jimmy_Carter__James_Earl_Carter__President_Carter  Stephen_Grover_Cleveland__Cleveland__Grover_Cleveland__President_Cleveland  William_Jefferson_Clinton__Clinton__Bill_Clinton__President_Clinton  President_Coolidge__Coolidge__Calvin_Coolidge  Dwight_David_Eisenhower__Eisenhower__Dwight_Eisenhower__Dwight_D._Eisenhower__Ike__President_Eisenhower  President_Fillmore__Fillmore__Millard_Fillmore  Gerald_Rudolph_Ford__Ford__Gerald_Ford__Gerald_R._Ford__President_Ford  James_Abraham_Garfield__Garfield__James_Garfield__James_A._Garfield__President_Garfield  Ulysses_Simpson_Grant__Grant__Ulysses_Grant__Ulysses_S._Grant__Hiram_Ulysses_Grant__President_Grant  Warren_Gamaliel_Harding__Harding__Warren_Harding__President_Harding  President_William_Henry_Harrison__Harrison__William_Henry_Harrison__President_Harrison  President_Benjamin_Harrison__presidentbenjaminharrison__Harrison__Benjamin_Harrison__President_Harrison  Rutherford_Birchard_Hayes__Hayes__Rutherford_B._Hayes__President_Hayes  Herbert_Clark_Hoover__Hoover__Herbert_Hoover__President_Hoover  Andrew_Jackson__Jackson__Old_Hickory  President_Jefferson__Jefferson__Thomas_Jefferson  President_Andrew_Johnson__Johnson__Andrew_Johnson__President_Johnson  President_Lyndon_Johnson__Johnson__Lyndon_Johnson__Lyndon_Baines_Johnson__LBJ__President_Johnson  John_Fitzgerald_Kennedy__Kennedy__Jack_Kennedy__JFK__President_Kennedy  President_Lincoln__Lincoln__Abraham_Lincoln  President_Madison__Madison__James_Madison  President_McKinley__McKinley__William_McKinley  President_Monroe__Monroe__James_Monroe  Richard_Milhous_Nixon__Nixon__Richard_Nixon__Richard_M._Nixon__President_Nixon  President_Pierce__Pierce__Franklin_Pierce  James_Knox_Polk__Polk__James_Polk__James_K._Polk__President_Polk  Ronald_Wilson_Reagan__Reagan__Ronald_Reagan__President_Reagam  President_Theodore_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Theodore_Roosevelt__President_Roosevelt  President_Franklin_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Franklin_Roosevelt__Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt__President_Roosevelt__FDR  William_Howard_Taft__Taft__President_Taft  President_Taylor__Taylor__Zachary_Taylor  President_Truman__Truman__Harry_Truman__Harry_S_Truman  President_Tyler__Tyler__John_Tyler  President_Van_Buren__Van_Buren__Martin_Van_Buren  President_Washington__Washington__George_Washington  Thomas_Woodrow_Wilson__Wilson__Woodrow_Wilson__President_Wilson
                             subtype:  sovereign__crowned_head__crownedhead__monarch  a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
                                subtype:  tsar__czar__tzar  a male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917)
                                   instance:  Boris_Fyodorovich_Godunov__Godunov__godunov__Boris_Godunov  Ivan_IV__Ivan_Iv_Vasilievich__Ivan_the_Terrible  Nicholas_I  Nicholas_II  Peter_I__Peter_the_Great
                                subtype:  Emperor  the male ruler of an empire
                                   subtype:  Empress  a woman Emperor or the wife of an Emperor
                                      instance:  Catherine_I  Catherine_II__Catherine__Catherine_the_Great
                                   subtype:  Holy_Roman_Emperor  sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire
                                      instance:  Charlemagne__Charles_I__Charles_the_Great  Charles_I__Charles_II__Charles_the_Bald  Ferdinand_I  Ferdinand_II  Ferdinand_III  Emperor_Francis_II__Francis_II  Frederick_Barbarossa__Frederick_I__Barbarossa  Frederick_II  Otto_I__Otho_I__Otto_the_Great
                                   subtype:  Kaiser  the Holy Roman Emperors or the Emperors of Austria or Germany until 1918
                                      instance:  Wilhelm_II__Kaiser_Wilhelm
                                   subtype:  mikado__tenno  (archaic) the emperor of Japan; when regarded as a religious leader the emperor is called tenno
                                   subtype:  Roman_Emperor__Emperor_of_Rome  sovereign of the Roman Empire
                                      instance:  Marcus_Aurelius_Antoninus__Antoninus__Aurelius__Marcus_Aurelius__Marcus_Annius_Verus  Antonius_Pius  Augustus__Gaius_Octavianus__Gaius_Julius_Caesar_Octavianus__Octavian  Caligula__Gaius__Gaius_Caesar  Tiberius_Claudius_Drusus_Nero_Germanicus__Claudius__Claudius_I  Constantine_the_Great__Constantine__Constantine_I  Decius  Domitian__Titus_Flavius_Domitianus  Hadrian__Publius_Aelius_Hadrianus__Adrian  Nero_Claudius_Caesar_Drusus_Germanicus__Nero__Lucius_Domitius_Ahenobarbus  Marcus_Cocceius_Nerva__Nerva  Tiberius_Claudius_Nero_Caesar_Augustus__Tiberius  Titus_Flavius_Vespasianus__Titus  Trajan__Marcus_Ulpius_Traianus  Vespasian__Titus_Flavius_Sabinus_Vespasianus
                                   instance:  Francis_Joseph_I__Francis_Joseph__Franz_Joseph__Franz_Josef_I  Genghis_Khan__Jinghis_Khan__Jenghiz_Khan  Haile_Selassie__Ras_Tafari_Makonnen__Ras_Tafari  Michinomiya_Hirohito__Hirohito  Justinian_the_Great__Justinian__Justinian_I  Kublai_Khan__Kubla_Khan__Kublai_Kaan  Meiji_Tenno__Mutsuhito  Montezuma_II  Napoleon_Bonaparte__Napoleon__Napoleon_I__Bonaparte__the_Little_Corporal  Napoleon_III__Charles_Louis_Napoleon_Bonaparte  Shah_Jahan
                                subtype:  male_monarch__king  a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
                                   subtype:  Messiah  the awaited King of the Jews; the promised and expected deliverer of the Jewish people
                                   subtype:  King_of_England  the sovereign ruler of England
                                      instance:  Canute_the_Great__Canute__Cnut__Knut  Charles_Stuart__Charles_I  Charles_II  Edgar  Edward_I  Edward_II  Edward_III  Edward_IV  Edward_V  Edward_VI  Edward_VII__Albert_Edward  Edward_VIII__Duke_of_Windsor  Saint_Edward_the_Confessor__Edward_the_Confessor__St_Edward_the_Confessor  Saint_Edward_the_Martyr__Edward_the_Martyr__St_Edward_the_Martyr  Edwy__Eadwig  George_I  George_II  George_III  George_IV  George_V  George_VI  King_Harold_I__Harold_I__Harold_Harefoot__Harefoot  King_Harold_II__Harold_II  Henry_I__Henry_Beauclerc  Henry_II  Henry_III  Henry_IV__Bolingbroke__Henry_Bolingbroke  Henry_V  Henry_VI  Henry_VII__Henry_Tudor  Henry_VIII  James_I  James_II  John_Lackland__John  Richard_I__Richard_Coeur_de_Lion__Richard_the_Lion-Heart__Richard_the_Lion-Hearted  Richard_II  Richard_III  William_I__William_the_Conqueror  William_II__William_Rufus  William_III__William_of_Orange  William_IV__The_Sailor_King
                                   subtype:  King_of_France  the sovereign ruler of France
                                      instance:  Hugh_Capet__Capet  Charles_I__Charles_II__Charles_the_Bald  Charles_VII  Charles_IX  Henry_II.King_of_France__henryii  Louis_I__Louis_the_Pious  Louis_II__Louis_le_Begue__Louis_the_Stammerer  Louis_III  Louis_IV__Louis_d'Outremer  Louis_V__Louis_le_Faineant  Louis_VI__Louis_the_Far__Louis_the_Wideawake__Louis_the_Bruiser  Louis_VII  Louis_VIII  Louis_IX__Saint_Louis__St_Louis  Louis_X__Louis_le_Hutin__Louis_the_Quarreller  Louis_XI  Louis_XII  Louis_XIII  Louis_XIV__Sun_King__Louis_the_Great  Louis_XV  Louis_XVI
                                   subtype:  Rameses__Ramesses__Ramses  any of 12 kings of ancient Egypt between 1315 and 1090 BC
                                      instance:  Rameses_II__Ramesses_II__Ramses_II__Rameses_the_Great__Ramesses_the_Great__Ramses_the_Great
                                   instance:  Ahab  Akhenaton__Akhenaten__Ikhanaton__Amenhotep_IV  Alaric  Alfred_the_Great__Alfred__AElfred  Artaxerxes_I  Artaxerxes_II  Ashurbanipal__Assurbanipal__Asurbanipal  Athelstan  Attila__Scourge_of_God__Scourge_of_the_Gods  Robert_the_Bruce__Bruce__Robert_I  Carl_XVI_Gustav__carlxvigustav  Clovis_I__Clovis  Croesus.male_monarch__croesu  Cyrus_II__Cyrus_the_Elder__Cyrus_the_Great  Darius_I__Darius_the_Great  Darius_III  David  Edmund_I  Edmund_II__Edmund_Ironside  Edward_the_Elder  Edwin  Egbert  Ethelbert  Ethelred_I__Ethelred  Ethelred_the_Unready__Ethelred__Ethelred_II  Fahd_ibn_Abdel_Aziz_al-Saud__Fahd  Faisal_ibn_Abdel_Aziz_al-Saud__Faisal  Farouk_I__Faruk_I  Ferdinand_the_Great__Ferdinand_I  Ferdinand_V__Ferdinand_the_Catholic  Frederick_I  Frederick_the_Great__Frederick_II  Frederick_William_I  Frederick_William_II  Frederick_William_III  Frederick_William_Iv  Genseric__Gaiseric  Gilgamesh  Gordius  Gustavus_I__Gustavus  Gustavus_Adolphus__Gustavus__Gustavus_II  Gustavus_V  Hammurabi__Hammurapi  Herod_the_Great__Herod  Hezekiah__Ezekias  ibn_Talal_Hussein__Hussein__Husain__Husayn__King_Hussein  Jeroboam_I__Jeroboam  Juan_Carlos_Victor_Maria_de_Borbon_y_Borbon__Juan_Carlos  Kamehameha_I__Kamehameha_the_Great  Leonidas  Macbeth  Mithridates_the_Great__Mithridates__Mithridates_VI  Nebuchadnezzar_II__Nebuchadnezzar__Nebuchadrezzar__Nebuchadrezzar_II  Olaf_II__Olav_II__Saint_Olaf__Saint_Olav__St_Olaf__St_Olav  Otto_I__Otho_I__Otto_the_Great  Philip_II  Philip_II.male_monarch__philipii  Pyrrhus  Saul  Sennacherib  Solomon  Tarquin_the_Proud__Tarquin__Tarquinius__Tarquinius_Superbus__Lucius_Tarquinius_Superbus  Victor_Emanuel_II  Victor_Emanuel_III  Xerxes_I__Xerxes_the_Great
                                subtype:  shah  title for the former hereditary monarch of Iran
                                   instance:  Mohammed_Reza_Pahlavi__Pahlavi__Pahlevi__Mohammed_Reza_Pahlevi
                                subtype:  Hanoverian  any of the British sovereigns belonging to the House of Hanover
                                   instance:  George_I  George_II  George_III  George_IV  Queen_Victoria__Victoria
                          subtype:  personal_representative__personalrepresentative  a person who manages the affairs of another
                             subtype:  legal_representative__legalrepresentative  a personal representative with legal standing (as by power of attorney or the executor of a will)
                          subtype:  resident_commissioner  the representative of Puerto Rico in the United States House of Representatives
                          subtype:  union_representative__unionrepresentative  a representative for a labor union
                             subtype:  labor_organizer__labororganizer__organizer  someone who enlists workers to join a union
                                instance:  Eugene_Victor_Debs__Debs__Eugene_V._Debs
                             subtype:  shop_steward__steward  a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management
                             subtype:  walking_delegate__walkingdelegate  a union representative who visits workers at their jobs to see whether agreements are observed
                       subtype:  settler.negotiator  a negotiator who settles disputes
                    subtype:  persuader__inducer  someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on
                       subtype:  lobbyist  someone who tries to persuade legislators to vote for bills that the lobbyists favor
                       subtype:  wheedler__coaxer  someone who tries to persuade by blandishment and coaxing
                    subtype:  popularizer__populariser__vulgarizer__vulgariser  someone who makes attractive to the general public
                    subtype:  presenter  someone who presents a message of some sort (as a petition or an address or a check or a memorial etc.)
                    subtype:  promisee  a person to whom a promise is made
                    subtype:  promiser__promisor  a person who makes a promise
                       subtype:  vower  someone who makes a solemn promise to do something or behave in a certain way; "young vowers of eternal love"; "there are many vowers of chastity but few who observe it"
                    subtype:  propagandist  a person who disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government
                       subtype:  sloganeer  someone who coins and uses slogans to promote a cause
                       instance:  Paul_Joseph_Goebbels__Goebbels__Joseph_Goebbels
                    subtype:  disseminator__propagator  someone who spreads the news
                    subtype:  publicist__publicizer  someone who publicizes
                       subtype:  advertiser__advertizer__adman  someone whose business is advertising
                          subtype:  huckster  a person who writes radio or tv advertisements
                          subtype:  promoter__booster__plugger  someone who is an active supporter and advocate
                             subtype:  barker  someone who stands in front of a show (as at a carnival) and gives a loud colorful sales talk to potential customers
                          subtype:  tout__touter  someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way
                       subtype:  press_agent__publicity_man__publicityman__public_relations_man__PR_man  someone employed to arrange publicity (for a firm or a public figure)
                       subtype:  sensationalist__ballyhoo_artist  someone who uses exaggerated or lurid material in order to gain public attention
                    subtype:  quoter  a communicator (speaker or writer) who uses quotations
                    subtype:  rambler  a person whose speech or writing is not well organized
                    subtype:  reporter__newsman__newsperson  a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories
                       subtype:  newswoman  a female newsperson
                       subtype:  television_reporter__television_newscaster__TV_reporter__TV_newsman  someone who reports news stories via television
                          subtype:  anchorman__anchor__anchorperson  a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute
                    subtype:  responder__respondent__answerer  someone who responds
                       subtype:  equivocator__hedger  a respondent who avoids giving a clear direct answer
                       subtype:  interviewee  a person who is interviewed
                          subtype:  don't-know__don'tknow  (colloquial) a person who responds "I don't know" in public opinion poll
                       subtype:  testee__examinee  someone who is tested (as by an intelligence test or an academic examination)
                          subtype:  passer  a student who passes and examination
                    subtype:  roarer__bawler__bellower__screamer__screecher__shouter__yeller  someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice
                       subtype:  crier  a shouter who advertises the goods they sell
                    subtype:  sender__transmitter  someone who transmits a message; "return to sender"
                    subtype:  signaler__signaller  someone who communicates by signals
                       subtype:  signalman  a railroad employee in charge of signals and point in a railroad yard
                       subtype:  toller__bell_ringer__bellringer__ringer  a person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation)
                       subtype:  whistler  makes a loud high sound
                    subtype:  signer  someone who can use sign language to communicate
                    subtype:  swearer  someone who takes a solemn oath
                    subtype:  sympathizer  commiserates with someone who has had misfortune
                       subtype:  Job's_comforter  someone whose comfort is actually discouraging
                    subtype:  mental_telepathist__telepathist__thoughtreader__mind_reader  someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly
                    subtype:  waffler  someone who speaks or writes in a vague and evasive manner
                    subtype:  warner  someone who gives a warning to others
                    subtype:  waver.communicator  someone who communicates by waving
                    subtype:  wirer  someone who sends a telegram
                    subtype:  professional_writer__writer__author  writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
                       subtype:  abstractor__abstracter  one who makes abstracts or summarizes information
                       subtype:  alliterator  a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration
                       subtype:  authoress__authores  a woman author
                       subtype:  biographer  someone who writes an account of another person's life
                          subtype:  autobiographer  someone who writes their own biography
                          instance:  Plutarch  Giles_Lytton_Strachey__Strachey__Lytton_Strachey
                       subtype:  coauthor__joint_author__jointauthor  a writer who collaborates with others in writing something
                       subtype:  commentator  a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day
                       subtype:  contributor  a writer whose work is published in a newspaper or magazine or as part of a book
                       subtype:  drafter  a writer of a draft
                       subtype:  dramatist__playwright  someone who writes plays
                          instance:  Aeschylus  Edward_Albee__Albee__Edward_Franklin_Albeen  Maxwell_Anderson__Anderson  Jean_Anouilh__Anouilh  Aristophanes  Sir_James_Matthew_Barrie__Barrie__James_Barrie__J._M._Barrie__James_Matthew_Barrie  Samuel_Beckett__Beckett  Bertolt_Brecht__Brecht  Pedro_Calderon_de_la_Barca__Calderon__Calderon_de_la_Barca  Miguel_de_Cervantes_Saavedra__Cervantes__Miguel_de_Cervantes__Cervantes_Saavedra  Anton_Pavlovich_Chekhov__Chekhov__Chekov__Anton_Chekhov__Anton_Chekov__Anton_Pavlovich_Chekov  Pierre_Corneille__Corneille  Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward  Russel_Crouse__Crouse  John_Dryden__Dryden  Euripides  Christopher_Fry__Fry  Frederico_Garcia_Lorca__Garcia_Lorca__Lorca  Hippolyte_Jean_Giraudoux__Giraudoux__Jean_Giraudoux  Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe  Carlo_Goldoni__Goldoni  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  Moss_Hart__Hart  Vaclav_Havel__Havel  Christian_Friedrich_Hebbel__Hebbel__Friedrich_Hebbel  Lillian_Hellman__Hellman  Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo  Henrik_Ibsen__Ibsen  William_Inge__Inge  Eugene_Ionesco__Ionesco__ionesco  Benjamin_Jonson__Jonson__Ben_Jonson  George_Simon_Kaufman__Kaufman__George_S._Kaufman  Bernd_Heinrich_Wilhelm_von_Kleist__Kleist__Heinrich_von_Kleist  Gotthold_Ephraim_Lessing__Lessing  Howard_Lindsay__Lindsay  Clare_Booth_Luce__Luce  Count_Maurice_Maeterlinck__Maeterlinck  David_Mamet__Mamet  Christopher_Marlowe__Marlowe  John_Marstan__Marstan  Menander  Thomas_Middleton__Middleton  Arthur_Miller__Miller  Moliere__Jean-Baptiste_Poquelin  Ferenc_Molnar__Molnar  Sean_O'Casey__O'Casey__o'casey  Clifford_Odets__Odets  Eugene_Gladstone_O'Neill__O'Neill__Eugene_O'Neill  John_James_Osborne__Osborne__John_Osborne  Titus_Maccius_Plautus__Plautus  Sir_Terence_Mervyn_Rattigan__Rattigan__Terence_Rattigan  Elmer_Leopold_Rice__Rice__Elmer_Rice__Elmer_Reizenstein  Esme_Stuart_Lennox_Robinson__Robinson__Lennox_Robinson  Augustin_Eugene_Scribe__Scribe  Lucius_Annaeus_Seneca__Seneca  William_Shakespeare__Shakespeare__Shakspere__William_Shakspere__the_bard__thebard  George_Bernard_Shaw__Shaw__G._B._Shaw  Richard_Brinsley_Sheridan__Sheridan  Robert_Emmet_Sherwood__Sherwood  Marvin_Neil_Simon__Simon__Neil_Simon  Sophocles  Sir_Tom_Stoppard__Stoppard__Tom_Stoppard__Thomas_Straussler  Johan_August_Strindberg__Strindberg__August_Strindberg  Edmund_John_Millington_Synge__Synge__J._M._Synge__John_Millington_Synge  Terence__Publius_Terentius_Afer  Tirso_de_Molina__Gabriel_Tellez  Peter_Alexander_Ustinov__Ustinov__Sir_Peter_Ustinov  Lope_de_Vega__Vega  Thornton_Niven_Wilder__Wilder__Thornton_Wilder  Thomas_Lanier_Williams__Williams__Tennessee_Williams  William_Wycherley__Wycherley  William_Butler_Yeats__Yeats__W._B._Yeats
                       subtype:  encyclopedist__compiler  a person who compiles (or writes for) encyclopedias
                       subtype:  essayist__litterateur  a writer of literary works
                          instance:  Charles_Lamb__Lamb__Elia
                       subtype:  folk_writer  a writer of folktales
                          subtype:  folk_poet  a folk writer who composes in verse
                       subtype:  framer  someone who writes a new law or plan; "the framers of the Constitution"
                       subtype:  gagster__gagman__gagwriter  someone who writes comic material for public performers
                       subtype:  ghostwriter__ghost  a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else
                       subtype:  Gothic_romancer__gothicromancer  a writer of Gothic romances
                       subtype:  literary_hack__hack__hack_writer  a mediocre and disdained writer
                       subtype:  journalist  a writer for newspapers and magazines
                          subtype:  broadcast_journalist__broadcastjournalist  a journalist who broadcasts on radio or television
                          subtype:  columnist  a journalist who writes editorials
                             subtype:  gossip_columnist  a journalist who writes a column of gossip about celebrities
                             subtype:  newspaper_columnist__newspapercolumnist  a columnist who writes for newspapers
                             subtype:  newspaper_critic__newspapercritic  a critic who writes a column for the newspapers
                          subtype:  correspondent__newspaperman__newspaperwoman__newswriter__pressman  a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
                          subtype:  scribe__scribbler  informal terms for journalists
                          subtype:  sob_sister__sobsister  a journalist who specializes in sentimental stories
                          subtype:  sports_writer  a journalist who writes about sports
                          instance:  Alfred_Alistair_Cooke__Cooke__Alistair_Cooke  Elizabeth_Merriwether_Gilmer__Gilmer__Dorothy_Dix  Horace_Greeley__Greeley__greeley  Edgar_Albert_Guest__Guest__Edgar_Guest  Walter_Lippmann__Lippmann  Henry_Louis_Mencken__Mencken__H._L._Mencken  John_Reed__Reed  Elizabeth_Cochrane_Seaman__Seaman__Elizabeth_Seaman__Nellie_Bly  William_Lawrence_Shirer__Shirer  Sir_Henry_Morton_Stanley__Stanley__Henry_M._Stanley__John_Rowlands  Joseph_Lincoln_Steffens__Steffens__Lincoln_Steffens  Isidor_Feinstein_Stone__Stone__I._F._Stone  Theodore_Harold_White__White__T._H._White  Alexander_Woollcott__Woollcott
                       subtype:  librettist  author of words to be set to music in an opera or operetta
                          instance:  William_Schwenk_Gilbert__Gilbert__William_Gilbert__Sir_William_Gilbert
                       subtype:  lyricist  a person who writes the words for songs
                          instance:  Ira_Gershwin__Gershwin  Oscar_Hammerstein_II__Hammerstein__Oscar_Hammerstein  Lorenz_Milton_Hart__Hart__Lorenz_Hart  Alan_Jay_Lerner__Lerner  Timothy_Miles_Bindon_Rice__Rice__Sir_Tim_Rice
                       subtype:  novelist  someone who writes novels
                          instance:  James_Agee__Agee  Louisa_May_Alcott__Alcott  Honore_de_Balzac__Balzac__Honore_Balzac  William_Cuthbert_Faulkner__Faulkner__William_Faulkner__Falkner__William_Falkner  Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe  Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo  Harry_Sinclair_Lewis__Lewis__Sinclair_Lewis  George_Meredith__Meredith  Marcel_Proust__Proust  Emile_Zola__Zola
                       subtype:  pamphleteer  a writer of pamphlets (usually taking a partisan stand on public issues)
                          instance:  Thomas_Paine__Paine__Tom_Paine
                       subtype:  paragrapher  a writer of paragraphs (as for publication on the editorial page of a newspaper)
                       subtype:  poet  a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)
                          subtype:  bard.poet  a lyric poet
                          subtype:  elegist  the author of a mournful poem lamenting the dead
                          subtype:  poetess__poetes  a woman poet
                             instance:  Edna_Saint_Vincent_Millay__Millay__Edna_Millay  Sappho
                          subtype:  Poet_Laureate  the poet officially appointed to the Royal Household in Great Britain; "the Poet Laureate is expected to provide poems for great national occasions"
                          subtype:  sonneteer  a poet who writes sonnets
                          instance:  Alcaeus  Guillaume_Apollinaire__Apollinaire__Wilhelm_Apollinaris_de_Kostrowitzki  Matthew_Arnold__Arnold  Jean_Arp__Arp__Hans_Arp  Wystan_Hugh_Auden__Auden__W._H._Auden  Charles_Pierre_Baudelaire__Baudelaire__Charles_Baudelaire  William_Blake__Blake  Giovanni_Boccaccio__Boccaccio  Bertolt_Brecht__Brecht  Rupert_Brooke__Brooke  Elizabeth_Barrett_Browning__Browning  Robert_Browning__Browning  Robert_Burns__Burns  Sixth_Baron_Byron_of_Rochdale__Byron__Lord_Byron__George_Gordon_Byron  Pedro_Calderon_de_la_Barca__Calderon__Calderon_de_la_Barca  Giosue_Carducci__Carducci  Thomas_Carew__Carew  Gaius_Valerius_Catullus__Catullus  Geoffrey_Chaucer__Chaucer  John_Anthony_Ciardi__Ciardi__John_Ciardi  Samuel_Taylor_Coleridge__Coleridge  Pierre_Corneille__Corneille  Harold_Hart_Crane__Crane__Hart_Crane  Cynewulf__Cynwulf  Dante_Alighieri__Dante  Walter_John_de_la_Mare__de_la_Mare__Walter_de_la_Mare  Emily_Dickinson__Dickinson  John_Donne__Donne  John_Dryden__Dryden  Thomas_Stearns_Eliot__Eliot__T._S._Eliot  Edward_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald  Robert_Lee_Frost__Frost__Robert_Frost  Frederico_Garcia_Lorca__Garcia_Lorca__Lorca  William_Schwenk_Gilbert__Gilbert__William_Gilbert__Sir_William_Gilbert  Allen_Ginsberg__Ginsberg  Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe  Thomas_Gray__Gray  Robert_Herrick__Herrick  Hesiod  Hugo_von_Hoffmannsthal__Hoffmannsthal  James_Hogg__Hogg  Homer  Gerard_Manley_Hopkins__Hopkins  Horace  Alfred_Edward_Housman__Housman__A._E._Housman  Edward_James_Hughes__Hughes__Ted_Hughes  Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo  Henrik_Ibsen__Ibsen  Randall_Jarrell__Jarrell  John_Robinson_Jeffers__Jeffers__Robinson_Jeffers  Juan_Ramon_Jimenez__Jimenez  Benjamin_Jonson__Jonson__Ben_Jonson  Erik_Axel_Karlfeldt__Karlfeldt  John_Keats__Keats  Francis_Scott_Key__Key  Friedrich_Gottlieb_Klopstock__Klopstock  Nicholas_Vachel_Lindsay__Lindsay__Vachel_Lindsay  Henry_Wadsworth_Longfellow__Longfellow  Richard_Lovelace__Lovelace  Amy_Lowell__Lowell  Robert_Traill_Spence_Lowell_Jr.__Lowell__Robert_Lowell  Titus_Lucretius_Carus__Lucretius  Archibald_MacLeish__MacLeish  Stephane_Mallarme__Mallarme  Osip_Emilevich_Mandelstam__Mandelstam__Osip_Mandelstam__Mandelshtam  Giambattista_Marini__Marini__Marino__Giambattista_Marino  Christopher_Marlowe__Marlowe  Jose_Julian_Marti__Marti  Martial  Andrew_Marvell__Marvell__marvell  John_Edward_Masefield__Masefield__John_Masefield  Edgar_Lee_Masters__Masters  Vladimir_Vladimirovich_Mayakovski__Mayakovski  George_Meredith__Meredith  John_Milton__Milton  Marianne_Craig_Moore__Moore__Marianne_Moore  Thomas_Moore__Moore  William_Morris__Morris  Louis_Charles_Alfred_de_Musset__Musset__Alfred_de_Musset  Alfred_Noyes__Noyes  Omar_Khayyam  Ovid__Publius_Ovidius_Naso  Francis_Turner_Palgrave__Palgrave  Petrarch__Petrarca__Francesco_Petrarca  Pindar  Ezra_Loomis_Pound__Pound__Ezra_Pound  Aleksandr_Sergeyevich_Pushkin__Pushkin__Alexander_Pushkin  James_Whitcomb_Riley__Riley  Rainer_Maria_Rilke__Rilke  Jean_Nicholas_Arthur_Rimbaud__Rimbaud__Arthur_Rimbaud  Edwin_Arlington_Robinson__Robinson  Alan_Seeger__Seeger  Anne_Sexton__Sexton  William_Shakespeare__Shakespeare__Shakspere__William_Shakspere__the_bard__thebard  Percy_Bysshe_Shelley__Shelley  Taras_Grigoryevich_Shevchenko__Shevchenko  Sir_Philip_Sidney__Sidney  Dame_Edith_Louisa_Sitwell__Sitwell__Dame_Edith_Sitwell  Robert_Southey__Southey  Sir_Stephen_Harold_Spender__Spender__Stephen_Spender  Edmund_Spenser__Spenser  Wallace_Stevens__Stevens  Sir_John_Suckling__Suckling  Algernon_Charles_Swinburne__Swinburne  Arthur_Symons__Symons  Torquato_Tasso__Tasso  John_Orley_Allen_Tate__Tate__Allen_Tate  Sara_Teasdale__Teasdale  First_Baron_Tennyson__Tennyson__Alfred_Tennyson__Alfred_Lord_Tennyson  Thespis  Dylan_Marlais_Thomas__Thomas__Dylan_Thomas  John_Trumbull__Trumbull  Tristan_Tzara__Tzara__Samuel_Rosenstock  Johann_Ludwig_Uhland__Uhland  Paul_Verlaine__Verlaine  Francois_Villon__Villon  Virgil__Vergil__Publius_Vergilius_Maro  Andrei_Voznesenski__Voznesenski  Robert_Penn_Warren__Warren  Isaac_Watts__Watts  Phillis_Wheatley__Wheatley  Walt_Whitman__Whitman  John_Greenleaf_Whittier__Whittier  William_Carlos_Williams__Williams  William_Wordsworth__Wordsworth  Sir_Thomas_Wyatt__Wyatt__Wyat__Sir_Thomas_Wyat  Elinor_Morton_Hoyt_Wylie__Wylie  William_Butler_Yeats__Yeats__W._B._Yeats  Yevgeni_Aleksandrovich_Yevtushenko__Yevtushenko__Yevgeni_Yevtushenko  Edward_Young__Young
                       subtype:  rhymer__rhymester__versifier__poetizer  a writer who composes rhymes; a maker of poor verses (usually used as terms of contempt for minor or inferior poets)
                       subtype:  scenarist  a writer of screenplays
                       subtype:  scriptwriter  someone who writes scripts for plays or movies or broadcast dramas
                          subtype:  screenwriter__film_writer  someone who writes screenplays
                             instance:  George_Lucas__Lucas  Dalton_Trumbo__Trumbo
                       subtype:  space_writer__spacewriter  a writer paid by the area of the copy
                       subtype:  speechwriter  a writer who composes speeches for others to deliver
                       subtype:  tragedian  a writer (especially a playwright) who writes tragedies
                          instance:  Jean_Baptiste_Racine__Racine__Jean_Racine
                       subtype:  wordmonger  a writer who uses language carelessly or pretentiously with little regard for meaning
                       subtype:  word-painter  a writer of vivid or graphic descriptive power
                       subtype:  wordsmith  a fluent and prolific writer
                       instance:  Horatio_Alger__Alger  Hans_Christian_Andersen__Andersen  Sherwood_Anderson__Anderson  Louis_Aragon__Aragon  Sholem_Asch__Asch__Shalom_Asch__Sholom_Asch  Jane_Austen__Austen  Imamu_Amiri_Baraka__Baraka__LeRoi_Jones  Samuel_Beckett__Beckett  Sir_Henry_Maxmilian_Beerbohm__Beerbohm__Max_Beerbohm  Ambrose_Gwinett_Bierce__Bierce__Ambrose_Bierce  Jorge_Luis_Borges__Borges__Jorge_Borges  James_Boswell__Boswell  Ray_Douglas_Bradbury__Bradbury__Ray_Bradbury  Charlotte_Bronte__Bronte  Emily_Jane_Bronte__Bronte__Emily_Bronte__Currer_Bell  Anne_Bronte__Bronte  Charles_Farrar_Browne__Browne__Artemus_Ward  Pearl_Sydenstricker_Buck__Buck__Pearl_Buck  John_Bunyan__Bunyan  Frances_Eliza_Hodgson_Burnett__Burnett__burnett__franceshodgsonburnett  Edgar_Rice_Burroughs__Burroughs  William_Burroughs__Burroughs__William_Seward_Burroughs  James_Branch_Cabell__Cabell  Erskine_Preston_Caldwell__Caldwell__Erskine_Caldwell  Albert_Camus__Camus  Lewis_Carroll__Carroll__Dodgson__Reverend_Dodgson__Charles_Dodgson__Charles_Lutwidge_Dodgson  Willa_Sibert_Cather__Cather__Willa_Cather  Miguel_de_Cervantes_Saavedra__Cervantes__Miguel_de_Cervantes__Cervantes_Saavedra  Raymond_Thornton_Chandler__Chandler__Raymond_Chandler  Francois_Rene_Chateaubriand__Chateaubriand__Vicomte_de_Chateaubriand  Gilbert_Keith_Chesterton__Chesterton__G._K._Chesterton  Dame_Agatha_Mary_Clarissa_Christie__Christie__Agatha_Christie  Sir_Winston_Leonard_Spenser_Churchill__Churchill__Winston_Churchill__Winston_S._Churchill  Samuel_Langhorne_Clemens__Clemens__Mark_Twain  Jean_Cocteau__Cocteau  Sidonie_Gabrielle_Claudine_Colette__Colette  William_Wilkie_Collins__Collins__Wilkie_Collins  Sir_Arthur_Conan_Doyle__Conan_Doyle__A._Conan_Doyle__Arthur_Conan_Doyle  Joseph_Conrad__Conrad__Teodor_Josef_Konrad_Korzeniowski  James_Fenimore_Cooper__Cooper  Stephen_Crane__Crane  Edward_Estlin_Cummings__Cummings__e._e._cummings  Clarence_Shepard_Day_Jr.__Day__Clarence_Day  Daniel_Defoe__Defoe  Thomas_De_Quincey__De_Quincey  Charles_John_Huffam_Dickens__Dickens__Charles_Dickens  John_Dos_Passos__Dos_Passos  Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoyevsky__Dostoyevsky__Dostoevski__Dostoevsky__Feodor_Dostoyevsky__Fyodor_Dostoyevsky__Feodor_Dostoevski__Fyodor_Dostoevski__Feodor_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoyevsky__Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevski__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevski__Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevsky  Theodore_Herman_Albert_Dreiser__Dreiser__Theodore_Dreiser  Alexandre_Dumas__Dumas  Dame_Daphne_du_Maurier__du_Maurier  Lawrence_George_Durrell__Durrell__Lawrence_Durrell  Ilya_Grigorievich_Ehrenberg__Ehrenberg__Ilya_Ehrenberg  George_Eliot__Eliot__Mary_Ann_Evans  Ralph_Waldo_Emerson__Emerson  James_Thomas_Farrell__Farrell  Edna_Ferber__Ferber  Henry_Fielding__Fielding  Francis_Scott_Key_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald__F._Scott_Fitzgerald  Gustave_Flaubert__Flaubert  Ian_Lancaster_Fleming__Fleming__Ian_Fleming  Ford_Hermann_Hueffer__Ford__Ford_Madox_Ford  Cecil_Scott_Forester__Forester__C._S._Forester  Anatole_France__France__Jacques_Anatole_Francois_Thibault  Benjamin_Franklin__Franklin  Carlos_Fuentes__Fuentes  Emile_Gaboriau__Gaboriau  John_Galsworthy__Galsworthy  Erle_Stanley_Gardner__Gardner  Elizabeth_Cleghorn_Stevenson_Gaskell__Gaskell__Elizabeth_Gaskell  Theodor_Seuss_Geisel__Geisel__Dr._Seuss  Jean_Genet__Genet  Kahlil_Gibran__Gibran  Karl_Gjellerup__Gjellerup  Nikolai_Vasilievich_Gogol__Gogol  Sir_William_Gerald_Golding__Golding__William_Golding  Oliver_Goldsmith__Goldsmith  Edmond_Louis_Antoine_Huot_de_Goncourt__Goncourt__Edmond_de_Goncourt  Jules_Alfred_Huot_de_Goncourt__Goncourt__Jules_de_Goncourt  Nadine_Gordimer__Gordimer  Maksim_Gorky__Gorky__Gorki__Maxim_Gorki__Aleksey_Maksimovich_Peshkov__Aleksey_Maximovich_Peshkov  Kenneth_Grahame__Grahame  Gunter_Wilhelm_Grass__Grass__Gunter_Grass  Robert_Ranke_Graves__Graves__Robert_Graves  Henry_Graham_Greene__Greene__Graham_Greene  Zane_Grey__Grey  Jakob_Ludwig_Karl_Grimm__Grimm  Wilhelm_Karl_Grimm__Grimm  Hagard__Rider_Haggard__Sir_Henry_Rider_Haggard  Elizabeth_Sanderson_Haldane__elizabethsandersonhaldane__Haldane__Elizabeth_Haldane  Edward_Everett_Hale__Hale  Alex_Haley__Haley  Marguerite_Radclyffe_Hall__Hall__Radclyffe_Hall  Samuel_Dashiell_Hammett__Hammett__Dashiell_Hammett  Knut_Hamsun__Hamsun__Knut_Pedersen  Thomas_Hardy__Hardy  James_Thomas_Harris__Harris__Frank_Harris  Bret_Harte__Harte  Nathaniel_Hawthorne__Hawthorne  Ben_Hecht__Hecht  Robert_Anson_Heinlein__Heinlein  Joseph_Heller__Heller  Ernest_Hemingway__Hemingway  Hermann_Hesse__Hesse  Paul_Johann_Ludwig_von_Heyse__Heyse__Paul_Heyse  DuBois_Heyward__Heyward__Edwin_DuBois_Hayward  Thomas_Wentworth_Storrow_Higginson__Higginson__Thomas_Higginson  Ernst_Theodor_Amadeus_Hoffmann__Hoffmann__E._T._A._Hoffmann__Ernst_Theodor_Wilhelm_Hoffmann  Oliver_Wendell_Holmes__Holmes  William_Dean_Howells__Howells  Edmond_Hoyle__Hoyle  James_Langston_Hughes__Hughes__Langston_Hughes  James_Henry_Leigh_Hunt__Hunt__Leigh_Hunt  Aldous_Leonard_Huxley__Huxley__Aldous_Huxley  John_Irving__Irving  Washington_Irving__Irving  Christopher_William_Bradshaw_Isherwood__Isherwood__Christopher_Isherwood  Helen_Maria_Fiske_Hunt_Jackson__Jackson__Helen_Hunt_Jackson  Jane_Jacobs__Jacobs  William_Wymark_Jacobs__Jacobs__W._W._Jacobs  Henry_James__James  Johannes_Vilhelm_Jensen__Jensen  Samuel_Johnson__Johnson__Dr._Johnson  James_Augustine_Aloysius_Joyce__Joyce__James_Joyce  Franz_Kafka__Kafka  Helen_Adams_Keller__Keller__Helen_Keller  Jean-Louis_Lebris_de_Kerouac__Kerouac__Jack_Kerouac  Ken_Elton_Kesey__Kesey__Ken_Kesey  Joseph_Rudyard_Kipling__Kipling__Rudyard_Kipling  Arthur_Koestler__Koestler  Jean_de_La_Fontaine__La_Fontaine  Ringgold_Wilmer_Lardner__Lardner__Ring_Lardner  Francois_de_La_Rochefoucauld__La_Rochefoucauld  David_Herbert_Lawrence__Lawrence__D._H._Lawrence  Thomas_Edward_Lawrence__Lawrence__T._E._Lawrence__Lawrence_of_Arabia  John_le_Carre__le_Carre__David_John_Moore_Cornwell  Elmore_John_Leonard__Leonard__Elmore_Leonard__Dutch_Leonard  Mikhail_Yurievich_Lermontov__Lermontov  Clive_Staples_Lewis__Lewis__C._S._Lewis  Jack_London__London__John_Griffith_Chaney  Clarence_Malcolm_Lowry__Lowry__Malcolm_Lowry  John_Lyly__Lyly  Edward_George_Earle_Bulwer-Lytton__Lytton__First_Baron_Lytton__Bulwer-Lytton  Norman_Mailer__Mailer  Bernard_Malamud__Malamud  Sir_Thomas_Malory__Malory__Thomas_Malory  Andre_Malraux__Malraux  Thomas_Mann__Mann  Kathleen_Mansfield_Beauchamp__Mansfield__Katherine_Mansfield  John_Philip_Marquand__Marquand__John_Marquand  Ngaio_Marsh__Marsh  Alfred_Edward_Woodley_Mason__Mason__A._E._W._Mason  William_Somerset_Maugham__Maugham__Somerset_Maugham__W._Somerset_Maugham  Henri_Rene_Albert_Guy_de_Maupassant__Maupassant__Guy_de_Maupassant  Andre_Maurois__Maurois__Emile_Herzog  Carson_Smith_McCullers__McCullers__Carson_McCullers  Herbert_Marshall_McLuhan__McLuhan__Marshall_McLuhan  Herman_Melville__Melville  Thomas_Merton__Merton  Henry_Valentine_Miller__Miller__Henry_Miller  Alan_Alexander_Milne__Milne__A._A._Milne  Margaret_Munnerlyn_Mitchell__Mitchell__Margaret_Mitchell  Nancy_Freeman_Mitford__Mitford__Nancy_Mitford  Jessica_Lucy_Mitford__Mitford__Jessica_Mitford  Michel_Eyquem_Montaigne__Montaigne__Michel_Montaigne  Lucy_Maud_Montgomery__Montgomery__L._M._Montgomery  Sir_Thomas_More__More__Thomas_More  Toni_Morrison__Morrison  Hector_Hugh_Munro__Munro__H._H._Munro__Saki  Dame_Jean_Iris_Murdoch__Murdoch__Iris_Murdoch  Louis_Charles_Alfred_de_Musset__Musset__Alfred_de_Musset  Vladimir_vladimirovich_Nabokov__Nabokov__Vladimir_Nabokov  Ogden_Nash__Nash  Sir_Harold_George_Nicolson__Nicolson__Harold_Nicolson  Benjamin_Franklin_Norris_Jr.__Norris__Frank_Norris  Joyce_Carol_Oates__Oates  Edna_O'Brien__O'Brien__o'brien  Mary_Flannery_O'Connor__O'Connor__Flannery_O'Connor  Liam_O'Flaherty__O'Flaherty  John_Henry_O'Hara__O'Hara  Philip_Michael_Ondaatje__Ondaatje__Michael_Ondaatje  Baroness_Emmusca_Orczy__Orczy  George_Orwell__Orwell__Eric_Arthur_Blair  Thomas_Nelson_Page__Page  Dorothy_Rothschild_Parker__Parker__Dorothy_Parker  Boris_Leonidovich_Pasternak__Pasternak__Boris_Pasternak  Alan_Stewart_Paton__Paton__Alan_Paton  William_Sydney_Porter__Porter__O._Henry  Ezra_Loomis_Pound__Pound__Ezra_Pound  Ayn_Rand__Rand  Kenneth_Roberts__Roberts  Anna_Eleanor_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Eleanor_Roosevelt  Jean-Jacques_Rousseau__Rousseau  Alfred_Damon_Runyon__Runyon__Damon_Runyon  Ahmed_Salman_Rushdie__Rushdie__Salman_Rushdie  Comte_Donatien_Alphonse_Francois_de_Sade__Sade__de_Sade__Marquis_de_Sade  Jerome_David_Salinger__Salinger__J._D._Salinger  George_Sand__Sand__Amandine_Aurore_Lucie_Dupin__Baroness_Dudevant  Carl_Sandburg__Sandburg  William_Saroyan__Saroyan  Jean_Paul_Sartre__Sartre  Dorothy_Leigh_Sayers__Sayers__Dorothy_Sayers__Dorothy_L._Sayers  Johann_Christoph_Friedrich_von_Schiller__Schiller  Sir_Walter_Scott__Scott__Walter_Scott  Robert_William_Service__Service  George_Bernard_Shaw__Shaw__G._B._Shaw  Mary_Godwin_Wollstonecraft_Shelley__Shelley__Mary_Shelley__Mary_Wollstonecraft_Shelley  Nevil_Shute_Norway__Shute__Nevil_Shute  Georges_Joseph_Christian_Simenon__Simenon__Georges_Simenon  Upton_Beall_Sinclair__Sinclair__Upton_Sinclair  Isaac_Bashevis_Singer__Singer  Tobias_George_Smollett__Smollett__Tobias_Smollett  Baron_Snow_of_Leicester__Snow__C._P._Snow__Charles_Percy_Snow  Alexander_Isayevich_Solzhenitsyn__Solzhenitsyn  Susan_Sontag__Sontag  Muriel_Sarah_Spark__Spark__Muriel_Spark__Dame_Muriel_Spark  Frank_Morrison_Spillane__Spillane__Mickey_Spillane  Madame_de_Stael__Stael__Baronne_Anne_Louise_Germaine_Necker_de_Steal-Holstein  Sir_Richrd_Steele__Steele  Gertrude_Stein__Stein  John_Ernst_Steinbeck__Steinbeck__John_Steinbeck  Stendhal__Marie_Henri_Beyle  Sir_Leslie_Stephen__Stephen  Laurence_Sterne__Sterne  Robert_Louis_Balfour_Stevenson__Stevenson__Robert_Louis_Stevenson  Francis_Richard_Stockton__Stockton__Frank_Stockton  Abraham_Stoker__Stoker__Bram_Stoker  Harriet_Elizabeth_Beecher_Stowe__Stowe__Harriet_Beecher_Stowe  William_Styron__Styron  Eugene_Sue__Sue  John_Addington_Symonds__Symonds  William_Makepeace_Thackeray__Thackeray  Henry_David_Thoreau__Thoreau  Alexis_Charles_Henri_Maurice_de_Tocqueville__Tocqueville  Alice_B._Toklas__Toklas  John_Ronald_Reuel_Tolkien__Tolkien__J._R._R._Tolkien  Count_Lev_Nikolayevitch_Tolstoy__Tolstoy__Leo_Tolstoy  Anthony_Trollope__Trollope  Ivan_Sergeevich_Turgenev__Turgenev  Louis_Untermeyer__Untermeyer  John_Hoyer_Updike__Updike__John_Updike  Carl_Clinton_Van_Doren__Van_Doren__Carl_Van_Doren  Mario_Vargas_Llosa__Vargas_Llosa  Jules_Verne__Verne  Eugene_Luther_Vidal__Vidal__Gore_Vidal  Voltaire__Arouet__Francois-Marie_Arouet  Kurt_Vonnegut__Vonnegut  John_Barrington_Wain__Wain__John_Wain  Alice_Malsenior_Walker__Walker__Alice_Walker  Richard_Horatio_Edgar_Wallace__Wallace__Edgar_Wallace  Horatio_Walpole__Walpole__Horace_Walpole__Fourth_Earl_of_Orford  Izaak_Walton__Walton  Mary_Augusta_Arnold_Ward__Ward__Mrs._Humphrey_Ward  Robert_Penn_Warren__Warren  Evelyn_Arthur_Saint_John_Waugh__Waugh__Evelyn_Waugh  Martha_Beatrice_Potter_Webb__Webb__Beatrice_Webb  Herbert_George_Wells__Wells__H._G._Wells  Eudora_Welty__Welty  Franz_Werfel__Werfel  Dame_Rebecca_West__West__Rebecca_West__Cicily_Isabel_Fairfield  Elwyn_Brooks_White__White__E._B._White  Patrick_Victor_Martindale_White__White__Patrick_White  Eliezer_Wiesel__Wiesel__Elie_Wiesel  Oscar_Fingal_O'Flahertie_Wills_Wilde__Wilde__Oscar_Wilde  Thornton_Niven_Wilder__Wilder__Thornton_Wilder  Angus_Frank_Johnstone_Wilson__Wilson__Sir_Angus_Wilson  Owen_Wister__Wister  Pelham_Grenville_Wodehouse__Wodehouse__P._G._Wodehouse  Thomas_Clayton_Wolfe__Wolfe__Thomas_Wolfe  Thomas_Kennerly_Wolfe_Jr.__Wolfe__Tom_Wolfe__Thomas_Wolfe  Mary_Wollstonecraft_Godwin__Wollstonecraft__Mary_Wollstonecraft  Ellen_Price_Wood__Wood__Mrs._Henry_Wood  Adeline_Virginia_Stephen_Woolf__Woolf__Virginia_Woolf  Herman_Wouk__Wouk  Richard_Wright__Wright  Willard_Huntington_Wright__Wright__S._S._Van_Dine  Israel_Zangwill__Zangwill  Stefan_Zweig__Zweig
                 subtype:  contestant  a person who participates in competitions
                    subtype:  athlete__jock  a person trained to compete in sports
                       subtype:  acrobat  an athlete who performs acts requiring skill and agility and coordination
                          subtype:  aerialist  an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze)
                             subtype:  ropewalker__ropedancer  an acrobat who performs on a rope stretched at some height above the ground
                          subtype:  balancer  an acrobat who balances himself in difficult positions
                          subtype:  circus_acrobat  a acrobat who performs acrobatic feats in a circus
                          subtype:  contortionist  an acrobat able to twist into unusual positions
                       subtype:  amateur.athlete  does not play for pay
                          subtype:  outdoor_man__outdoorman__sporting_man  someone who enjoys outdoor activities
                       subtype:  ball_hawk  an team athlete who is skilled at stealing or catching the ball
                       subtype:  ballplayer__baseball_player  an athlete who plays baseball
                          subtype:  base_runner__runner  a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base)
                          subtype:  slugger__batter__hitter__batsman  a ballplayer who is batting
                             subtype:  bunter  a batter who bunts
                             subtype:  designated_hitter  a ballplayer who is designated to bat in place of the pitcher
                             subtype:  pinch_hitter__pinchhitter  (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter
                             subtype:  switch-hitter  a baseball player who can bat either right or left handed
                             subtype:  whiffer  a batter who strikes out by swinging at and missing the third strike
                          subtype:  fielder  a member of the baseball team that is in the field instead of at bat
                             subtype:  infielder  (baseball or softball) a person who plays a position in the infield
                                subtype:  catcher  (baseball or softball) the person who plays the position of catcher
                                subtype:  first_baseman__firstbaseman__first_sacker__firstsacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays first base
                                subtype:  second_baseman__second_sacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays second base
                                subtype:  shortstop  (baseball) the person who plays the shortstop position
                                subtype:  third_baseman__thirdbaseman__third_sacker__thirdsacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays third base
                             subtype:  outfielder  (baseball or softball) a person who plays in the outfield
                                subtype:  right_fielder__rightfielder  the person who plays right field
                                subtype:  center_fielder  the person who plays center field
                                subtype:  left_fielder  the person who plays left field
                          subtype:  little_leaguer  a player between 8 and 12 years of age who is a member of a little-league team
                          subtype:  major_leaguer__majorleaguer__big_leaguer__bigleaguer  a member of a major-league baseball team
                          subtype:  minor_leaguer__minorleaguer  a player on a minor-league baseball team
                          subtype:  hurler__pitcher__twirler  (baseball or softball) the person who does the pitching; "our pitcher has a sore arm"
                             subtype:  left-handed_pitcher__left-hander__lefty__southpaw  a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand
                             subtype:  right-handed_pitcher__right-hander__righthander  (baseball) a pitcher who throws with the left hand
                             subtype:  relief_pitcher__reliever__fireman  a pitcher who does not start the game
                             subtype:  screwballer  (baseball) a pitcher who throws screwballs
                             subtype:  starting_pitcher  the pitcher who starts in a baseball game
                          subtype:  utility_man.ballplayer__utilityman  a baseball player valued for the ability to play at several positions
                          instance:  Henry_Louis_Aaron__Aaron__Hank_Aaron  Lawrence_Peter_Berra__Berra__Yogi__Yogi_Berra  Joseph_Paul_DiMaggio__DiMaggio__Joe_DiMaggio  Henry_Louis_Gehrig__Gehrig__Lou_Gehrig  Mickey_Charles_Mantle__Mantle__Mickey_Mantle  Willie_Howard_Mays_Jr.__Mays__Willie_Mays__the_Say_Hey_Kid  John_Joseph_McGraw__McGraw__John_McGraw  Stanley_Frank_Musial__Musial__Stan_Musial__stanmusial__Stan_the_Man  Leroy_Robert_Paige__Paige__Satchel_Paige  Jack_Roosevelt_Robinson__Robinson__Jackie_Robinson  George_Herman_Ruth__Ruth__Babe_Ruth__Sultan_of_Swat  Theodore_Samuel_Williams__Williams__Ted_Williams  Carl_Yastrzemski__Yastrzemski  Danton_True_Young__Young__Cy_Young
                       subtype:  basketball_player__basketeer__cager  an athlete who plays basketball
                          subtype:  center.basketball_player  (basketball) the person who plays center
                          subtype:  dribbler  a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it
                          subtype:  dunker  a basketball player who is able to make dunk shots
                          subtype:  forward.basketball_player  the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team
                             instance:  Julius_Winfield_Erving__Erving__Julius_Erving__Dr._J
                          subtype:  guard.basketball_player  the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team
                       subtype:  bounder__leaper__jumper  an athlete who bounds or leaps (as in basketball)
                       subtype:  climber  someone who climbs as a sport
                          subtype:  escalader  someone who gains access by the use of ladders
                          subtype:  mountaineer__mountain_climber  someone who climbs mountains
                          subtype:  rock_climber__cragsman  a climber of vertical rock faces
                       subtype:  cricketer  an athlete who plays cricket
                          subtype:  bowler.cricketer  delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket
                          subtype:  fieldsman__fielder  a member of the cricket team that is fielding rather than batting
                             subtype:  outfielder.fieldsman  a fielder in cricket who is stationed in the outfield
                          subtype:  wicket-keeper  stands behind the wicket to catch balls
                          instance:  John_Berry_Hobbs__Hobbs__Sir_Jack_Hobbs  Sir_Leonard_Hutton__Hutton
                       subtype:  football_player__footballer  an athlete who plays American football
                          subtype:  back.football_player  (football) a person who plays in the backfield
                             subtype:  flankerback__flanker  a back stationed wide of the scrimmage line; used as a pass receiver
                             subtype:  signal_caller__quarterback__field_general__fieldgeneral  (football) the person who plays quarterback
                             subtype:  running_back__runningback  (football) a back on the offensive team (a fullback or halfback) who tries to advance the ball by carrying it on plays from the line of scrimmage
                                subtype:  fullback.running_back  (football) the running back who plays the fullback position on the offensive team
                                subtype:  halfback.running_back  (football) the running back who plays the offensive halfback position
                             subtype:  tailback.back  (football) the person who plays tailback
                             subtype:  wingback.back  (football) the person who plays wingback
                          subtype:  ball_carrier  (football) the football player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play
                             subtype:  forward_passer__forwardpasser__passer  (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by throwing a forward pass
                             subtype:  rusher.ball_carrier  (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by running with the ball
                          subtype:  blocker  a football player whose responsibility is to block players attempting to stop an offensive play
                          subtype:  football_hero  a football player who has achieved a reputation for success
                          subtype:  kicker  a player who kicks the football
                             subtype:  dropkicker  a football kicker who drops the ball and kicks it just as it reaches the ground
                             subtype:  place-kicker__placekicker  (football) a kicker who makes a place kick for a goal
                             subtype:  punter  (football) a person who kicks the football by dropping it from the hands and contacting it with the foot before it hits the ground
                          subtype:  line_backer__linebacker  a defensive football player who takes a position close behind the linemen
                          subtype:  lineman.football_player  one of the players on the line of scrimmage
                             subtype:  football_snapper__center__snapper  (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff"
                             subtype:  football_end-line-man__end  (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
                                subtype:  split_end__splitend  (football) an offensive end who lines up at a distance from the other linemen
                                subtype:  tight_end__tightend  (football) an offensive end who lines up close to the tackle
                             subtype:  football_guard__guard  the person who plays that position on a football team; "the left guard was injured on the play"
                             subtype:  tackle.lineman  the person who plays that position on a football team; "the right tackle is a straight A student"
                          subtype:  pass_receiver__receiver__pass_catcher  a football player who catches (or is supposed to catch) a forward pass
                          subtype:  tackler  a football player who tackles the ball carrier
                       subtype:  gymnast  an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics
                          subtype:  tumbler.gymnast  a gymnast who performs rolls and somersaults and twists etc.
                             subtype:  turner.tumbler  a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein
                          instance:  Olga_Korbut__Korbut
                       subtype:  ice-hockey_player__hockey_player  an athlete who plays hockey
                          subtype:  center.ice-hockey_player  (ice hockey) the person who plays center
                          subtype:  goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper  the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal
                          instance:  Wayne_Gretzky__Gretzky  Robert_Orr__Orr__Bobby_Orr
                       subtype:  hooker  (rugby) the player in the middle of the front row of the scrum who tries to hook the ball
                       subtype:  hurdler  an athlete who runs the hurdles
                       subtype:  jumper.athlete  an athlete who competes at jumping
                          subtype:  hopper.jumper  someone who hops; "at hopscotch, the best hoppers are the children"
                          instance:  Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis
                       subtype:  lacrosse_player  an athlete who plays lacrosse
                       subtype:  letterman  an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport
                       subtype:  Olympian__olympian  an athlete who participates in the Olympic games
                       subtype:  pentathlete  an athlete who competes in a pentathlon
                       subtype:  professional__pro  an athlete who plays for pay
                          subtype:  free_agent  (sports) a professional athlete who is free to sign a contract to play for any team
                          subtype:  semiprofessional__semipro  an athlete who plays for pay on a part-time basis
                       subtype:  runner.athlete  a trained athlete who competes in foot races
                          subtype:  marathoner__marathon_runner__road_runner__long-distance_runner  someone who participates in long-distance races (especially in marathons)
                          subtype:  miler  a runner in a one-mile race
                             subtype:  four-minute_man  someone who has run the mile is less that 4 minutes
                                instance:  Sir_Roger_Gilbert_Bannister__Bannister__Roger_Bannister  John_Walker__Walker
                          subtype:  sprinter  someone who runs a short distance at top speed
                             instance:  Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis
                       subtype:  sharpshooter.athlete  an athlete noted for accurate aim
                       subtype:  shot_putter  an athlete who competes in the shot put
                       subtype:  skater  someone who skates
                          subtype:  ice-skater__iceskater  someone who engages in ice skating
                          subtype:  roller-skater  someone who engages in roller skating
                          subtype:  skateboarder  someone who skates on a skateboard
                       subtype:  skier  someone who skis
                          subtype:  langlauffer  a cross-country skier
                          subtype:  ski_jumper__skijumper  a skier who leaps through the air (especially on a ski jump)
                       subtype:  skydiver__parachute_jumper__parachutejumper  a person who jumps from a plane and performs various gymnastic maneuvers before pulling the parachute cord
                       subtype:  sledder  someone who rides a sled
                          subtype:  luger__slider  someone who races the luge
                          subtype:  tobogganist  someone who rides a toboggan
                       subtype:  soccer_player  an athlete who plays soccer
                          subtype:  goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper  the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal
                       subtype:  sportsman__sport__sportswoman  someone who engages in sports
                       subtype:  striker.athlete  (soccer) a forward on a soccer team
                       subtype:  substitute__reserve  an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out
                          subtype:  bench_warmer__benchwarmer  (sports) a substitute who seldom plays
                          subtype:  pinch_hitter__pinchhitter  (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter
                       subtype:  swimmer  a trained athlete who participates in swimming meets; "he was an Olympic swimmer"
                          subtype:  backstroker  someone who swims the backstroke
                          subtype:  breaststroker  someone who swims the breaststroke
                          subtype:  diver__plunger  someone who dives (into water)
                          instance:  Gertrude_Caroline_Ederle__Ederle__Gertrude_Ederle
                       subtype:  swinger  someone who swings sports implements
                       subtype:  tennis_player  an athlete who plays tennis
                          subtype:  tennis_pro__professional_tennis_player  someone who earns a living playing or teaching tennis
                          instance:  Arthur_Robert_Ashe__Ashe__Arthur_Ashe  John_Donald_Budge__Budge__Don_Budge  Maureen_Catherine_Connolly__Connolly__Little_Mo_Connolly  James_Scott_Connors__Connors__Jimmy_Conors  Margaret_Court__Court  Dwight_Filley_Davis__Davis__Dwight_Davis  Christine_Marie_Evert__Evert__Chris_Evert__Chrissie_Evert  Althea_Gibson__Gibson  Stephanie_Graf__Graf__Steffi_Graf  Billie_Jean_Moffitt_King__King__Billie_Jean_King  Rodney_George_Laver__Laver__Rod_Laver  Ivan_Lendl__Lendl  Helen_Wills_Moody__Moody__Helen_Wills__Helen_Newington_Wills  Martina_Navratilova__Navratilova  Monica_Seles__Seles  William_Tatem_Tilden_Jr.__Tilden__Big_Bill_Tilden  Virginia_Wade__Wade
                       subtype:  pole_vaulter__vaulter__pole_jumper  an athlete who jumps over a high crossbar with the aid of a long pole
                       subtype:  weightlifter__lifter  an athlete who lifts barbells
                       subtype:  winger  (soccer; hockey; rugby; football) player in wing position
                       instance:  Robert_Bruce_Mathias__Mathias__mathia__Bob_Mathias  James_Cleveland_Owens__Owens__Jesse_Owens  James_Francis_Thorpe__Thorpe__Jim_Thorpe  Mildred_Ella_Didrikson_Zaharias__Zaharias__Babe_Zaharias__Didrikson__Babe_Didrikson__Mildred_Ella_Didrikson
                    subtype:  defaulter  a contestant who forfeits a match
                    subtype:  entrant.contestant  one who enters a competition
                    subtype:  long_shot.contestant__longshot  a contestant that is unlikely to win
                    subtype:  also-ran__loser  a contestant who loses the contest
                    subtype:  opponent__opposition__opposite  a contestant that you are matched against
                    subtype:  player__participant  a person who participates in or is skilled at some game
                       subtype:  ballplayer__baseball_player  an athlete who plays baseball
                       subtype:  billiard_player  someone who plays billiards
                       subtype:  bowler  rolls balls down an alley at pins
                       subtype:  card_player  someone who plays (or knows how to play) card games
                          subtype:  bridge_player__hand  a card player in a game of bridge; "we need a 4th hand for bridge"
                             subtype:  bidder.bridge_player  someone who makes a bid at cards
                                subtype:  preemptor__pre-emptor__preemptor  a bidder in bridge who makes a preemptive bid
                             subtype:  bridge_partner  one of a pair of bridge players who are on the same side of the game
                                subtype:  raiser  a bridge partner who increases the partner's bid
                             subtype:  declarer__contractor  the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
                          subtype:  cardsharp__cardsharper  a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games
                          subtype:  dealer.card_player  the person who distributes the playing cards in a card game
                          subtype:  eldest_hand__eldesthand__elder_hand__elderhand  the card player on the dealer's left
                          subtype:  shuffler.card_player  the card player who shuffles the cards
                          instance:  Ely_Culbertson__Culbertson
                       subtype:  chess_player__chessplayer  someone who plays the game of chess
                          subtype:  chess_master__chessmaster  a chess player of great skill
                             instance:  Robert_James_Fischer__Fischer__Bobby_Fischer  Anatoli_Yevgenevich_Karpov__Karpov__Anatoli_Karpov  Gary_Kasparov__Kasparov__Gary_Weinstein  Viktor_Lvovich_Korchnoi__Korchnoi__Viktor_Korchnoi  Boris_Vasilevich_Spassky__Spassky__Boris_Spassky
                          subtype:  patzer  a poor chess player
                       subtype:  dart_player  someone who plays the game of darts
                       subtype:  football_player__footballer  an athlete who plays American football
                       subtype:  golfer__golf_player__linksman  someone who plays the game of golf
                          subtype:  driver.golfer  a golfer who hits the golf ball with a driver
                          subtype:  golf_pro__professional_golfer  someone who earns a living by playing or teaching golf
                          subtype:  hacker  someone who plays golf poorly
                          subtype:  hooker.golfer  a golfer whose shots typically curve left (for right-handed golfers)
                          subtype:  medal_winner__medalwinner__medalist__medallist  (golf) the winner at medal play of a golf tournament
                          subtype:  putter  a golfer who is putting
                          subtype:  slicer.golfer  a golfer whose shots typically curve right (for right-handed golfers)
                          instance:  William_Benjamin_Hogan__Hogan__Ben_Hogan  Robert_Tyre_Jones__Jones__Bobby_Jones  Jack_William_Nicklaus__Nicklaus__Jack_Nicklaus  Gregory_John_Norman__Norman__Greg_Norman  Arnold_Daniel_Palmer__Palmer__Arnold_Palmer  Gene_Sarazen__Sarazen  Lee_Buck_Trevino__Trevino__Lee_Trevino__Supermex
                       subtype:  grandmaster  a player of exceptional or world class skill in chess or bridge
                          subtype:  International_Grandmaster  a chess player who has been awarded the highest title by the International Chess Federation
                       subtype:  ice-hockey_player__hockey_player  an athlete who plays hockey
                       subtype:  lacrosse_player  an athlete who plays lacrosse
                       subtype:  most_valuable_player__MVP  the player judged to be the most important to the sport
                       subtype:  pool_player  someone who shoots pool
                       subtype:  scorer.player  a player who makes a score in a game or contest
                       subtype:  seeded_player__seed  one of the outstanding players in a tournament
                       subtype:  server.player  (court games) the player who serves to start a point
                       subtype:  shooter  (sports) a player who drives or kicks a ball at the goal (or a basketball player who shoots at the basket)
                       subtype:  soccer_player  an athlete who plays soccer
                       subtype:  stringer.player  a member of a squad on a team; "a first stringer"; "a second stringer"
                       subtype:  tennis_player  an athlete who plays tennis
                       subtype:  volleyball_player  someone who plays the game of volleyball
                    subtype:  pothunter.contestant  someone who participates in contests in order to collect trophies
                    subtype:  qualifier  a contestant who meets certain requirements and so qualifies to take part in the next stage of competition; "the tournament was won by a late qualifier"
                    subtype:  rival__challenger__competitor__competition__contender  the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing"
                       subtype:  champ__champion__title-holder__titleholder  someone who has won first place in a competition
                          subtype:  record-breaker__record-holder  someone who breaks a record
                       subtype:  comer  someone with a promising future
                       subtype:  finalist  a contestant who reaches the final stages of a competition
                       subtype:  foe__enemy  a personal enemy; "they had been political foes for years"
                          subtype:  mortal_enemy  an enemy who wants to kill you
                       subtype:  front-runner__frontrunner__favorite__favourite  a competitor thought likely to win
                       subtype:  world-beater__worldbeater__king  a competitor who holds a preeminent position
                       subtype:  runner-up__second_best  the competitor who finishes second
                       subtype:  semifinalist  one of four competitors remaining in a tournament by elimination
                       subtype:  street_fighter  a contestant who is very aggressive and willing to use underhand methods
                       subtype:  tier.rival  any one of two or more competitors who tie one another
                       subtype:  tilter.rival  someone who engages in a tilt or joust
                    subtype:  starter  a contestant who is in the game at the beginning
                       subtype:  starting_pitcher  the pitcher who starts in a baseball game
                    subtype:  winner.contestant__victor  the contestant who wins the contest
                       subtype:  medalist__medallist  someone who has won a medal
                       subtype:  upsetter  an unexpected winner; someone who defeats the favorite competitor
                       subtype:  walloper  a winner by a wide margin
                    subtype:  withdrawer.contestant  a contestant who withdraws from competition
                 subtype:  coward  a person who shows fear or timidity
                    subtype:  cur  a cowardly and despicable person
                       subtype:  caitiff  (archaic) a cowardly and despicable person
                    subtype:  dastard  a malicious coward
                    subtype:  poltroon__craven__recreant  an abject coward
                    subtype:  quaker__trembler  one who quakes and trembles with (or as with) fear
                    subtype:  shy_person__shyperson__shrinking_violet__shrinkingviolet  someone who shrinks from familiarity with others
                       subtype:  wallflower.shy_person  remains on sidelines at social event
                    subtype:  sissy__pantywaist__pansy__milksop__Milquetoast  a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive
                    subtype:  waverer__vacillator__hesitator__hesitater  one who hesitates (out of fear)
                 subtype:  creator  a person who grows or makes or invents things
                    subtype:  architect__designer  someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings)
                       subtype:  landscape_architect__landscapearchitect__landscape_gardener__landscapegardener  someone who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively
                          instance:  Andrew_Jackson_Downing__Downing  Andre_Le_Notre__Le_Notre  Frederick_Law_Olmsted__Olmsted__olmsted  Calvert_Vaux__Vaux
                       instance:  Marcel_Lajos_Breuer__Breuer  John_Merven_Carrere__Carrere  Philibert_Delorme__Delorme__de_l'Orme__Philibert_de_l'Orme  Richard_Buckminster_Fuller__Fuller__Buckminster_Fuller__R._Buckminster_Fuller  Antonio_Gaudi__Gaudi  Cass_Gilbert__Gilbert  Walter_Gropius__Gropius  Thomas_Hastings__thomashasting__Hastings  Victor_Horta__Horta  Richard_Morris_Hunt__Hunt  Inigo_Jones__Jones  Benjamin_Henry_Latrobe__Latrobe  Le_Corbusier__Charles_Edouard_Jeanneret  Pierre_Charles_L'Enfant__L'Enfant  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  Maya_Lin__Lin  Sir_Edwin_Lutyens__Lutyens__Sir_Edwin_Landseer_Luytens  Francois_Mansart__Mansart__mansart  Charles_Follen_McKim__McKim  Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo  Ludwig_Mies_Van_Der_Rohe__Mies_Van_Der_Rohe  Pier_Luigi_Nervi__Nervi  Andrea_Palladio__Palladio  Ieoh_Ming_Pei__Pei__I._M._Pei  Albert_Speer__Speer  Edward_Durell_Stone__Stone  Louis_Henry_Sullivan__Sullivan__Louis_Sullivan__Louis_Henri_Sullivan  Kenzo_Tange__Tange  William_Thornton__Thornton  Richard_Upjohn__Upjohn  Henri_Clemens_van_de_Velde__van_de_Velde__Henri_van_de_Velde  Robert_Charles_Venturi__Venturi__Robert_Venturi  Stanford_White__White  Sir_Christopher_Wren__Wren  Frank_Lloyd_Wright__Wright  James_Wyatt__Wyatt
                    subtype:  artist__creative_person  a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination
                       subtype:  illustrator  an artist who makes illustrations (for books or magazines or advertisements etc.)
                          subtype:  commercial_artist  an illustrator who is supported by advertising
                          instance:  Hablot_Knight_Browne__Browne__Phiz  Norman_Rockwell__Rockwell
                       subtype:  classic.artist  an artist who has created classic works
                       subtype:  classicist  an artistic person who adheres to classicism
                       subtype:  constructivist  an artist of the school of constructivism
                       subtype:  decorator__ornamentalist  someone who decorates
                       subtype:  draftsman__drawer  an artist skilled at drawing
                          subtype:  cartoonist  a person who draws cartoons
                             instance:  Jules_Feifer__Feifer  Reuben_Lucius_Goldberg__Goldberg__Rube_Goldberg  Sir_David_Alexander_Cecil_Low__Low__David_Low  William_Henry_Mauldin__Mauldin__Bill_Mauldin  Thomas_Nast__Nast  Charles_Munroe_Schulz__Schulz__Charles_Schulz  Saul_Steinberg__Steinberg  Sir_John_Tenniel__Tenniel  James_Grover_Thurber__Thurber__James_Thurber
                          subtype:  pavement_artist  someone who draws on the pavement with colored chalks (hoping that passers-by will give them money)
                          subtype:  sketcher.draftsman  someone who draws sketches
                       subtype:  etcher  someone who etches
                       subtype:  expressionist  an artist who is an adherent of expressionism
                       subtype:  maestro__master  an artist of consummate skill; "a master of the violin"; "one of the old masters"
                          subtype:  old_master__oldmaster  a great European painter prior to 19th century
                             instance:  Sandro_Botticelli__Botticelli__Alessandro_di_Mariano_dei_Filipepi  Pieter_Brueghel_the_Elder__Brueghel__Breughel__Bruegel__Pieter_Brueghel__Pieter_Breughel__Pieter_Bruegel__Breughel_the_Elder  Michelangelo_Merisi_da_Caravaggio__Caravaggio  Giovanni_Cimabue__Cimabue  Antonio_Allegri_da_Correggio__Correggio  Albrecht_Durer__Durer  El_Greco__Greco__Domenikos_Theotocopoulos  Jan_van_Eyck__Eyck__van_Eyck  Giotto_di_Bondone__Giotto  William_Hogarth__Hogarth  Holbein_the_Elder__Holbein__Hans_Holbein  Holbein_the_Younger__Holbein__Hans_Holbein  Georges_de_La_Tour__La_Tour  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  Fra_Filippo_Lippi__Lippi  Filippino_Lippi__Lippi  Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo  Nicolas_Poussin__Poussin  Raffaello_Santi__Raphael__Raffaello_Sanzio  Rembrandt_Harmensz_van_Rijn__Rembrandt__Rembrandt_van_Rijn__Rembrandt_van_Ryn  Pierre_Auguste_Renoir__Renoir  Sir_Peter_Paul_Rubens__Rubens__Peter_Paul_Rubens  Tintoretto__Jacopo_Robusti  Titian__Tiziano_Vecellio  Sir_Anthony_Vandyke__Vandyke__Van_Dyck  Diego_Rodriguez_de_Silva_y_Velazquez__Velazquez  Jan_Vermeer__Vermeer__Jan_van_der_Meer  Paolo_Veronese__Veronese__Paola_Caliari  Jean_Antoine_Watteau__Watteau__watteau
                       subtype:  minimalist  a practitioner or advocate of artistic minimalism
                       subtype:  modernist  an artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles
                       subtype:  musician  artist who composes or conducts music as a profession
                          subtype:  arranger__adapter__transcriber  a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance
                             subtype:  orchestrator  an arranger who writes for orchestras
                          subtype:  choirmaster__precentor__cantor  the musical director of a choir
                          subtype:  composer  composes music as a profession
                             subtype:  contrapuntist  a composer who specializes in counterpoint
                             subtype:  psalmist  a composer of sacred songs; "David is called The Psalmist because he is believed to be the author of the Book of Psalms
                             subtype:  songwriter__songster__ballad_maker  a composer of words or music for popular songs
                                instance:  Irving_Berlin__Berlin__Israel_Baline  Hoagland_Howard_Carmichael__Carmichael__Hoagy_Carmichael  George_Michael_Cohan__Cohan__George_M._Cohan  Antoine_Domino__Domino__Fats_Domino  Bob_Dylan__Dylan  Stephen_Collins_Foster__Foster__Stephen_Foster  Woodrow_Wilson_Guthrie__Guthrie__Woody_Guthrie  Buddy_Holly__Holly__Charles_Hardin_Holley  John_Lennon__Lennon  Sir_James_Paul_McCartney__McCartney__Paul_McCartney  Paul_Simon__Simon
                             instance:  Johann_Sebastian_Bach__Bach  Ludwig_van_Beethoven__Beethoven__van_Beethoven  Louis-Hector_Berlioz__Berlioz__Hector_Berlioz  Leonard_Bernstein__Bernstein  Marc_Blitzstein__Blitzstein  Johannes_Brahms__Brahms  Maria_Luigi_Carlo_Zenobio_Cherubini__Cherubini__Luigi_Cherubini  Frederic_Francois_Chopin__Chopin  Aaron_Copland__Copland  Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward  Karl_Czerny__Czerny  Claude_Achille_Debussy__Debussy__Claude_Debussey  Frederick_Delius__Delius  Gaetano_Donizetti__Donizetti  Antonin_Dvorak__Dvorak  Sir_Edward_Elgar__Elgar  Georges_Enesco__Enesco__George_Enescu  George_Gershwin__Gershwin  Mikhail_Ivanovich_Glinka__Glinka  Christoph_Willibald_von_Gluck__Gluck  Charles_Francois_Gounod__Gounod  George_Percy_Aldridge_Grainger__Grainger__Percy_Grainger  Edvard_hagerup_Grieg__Grieg__Edvard_Grieg  Jacques_Francois_Fromental_Elie_Halevy__Halevy__Fromental_Halevy  George_Frederick_Handel__Handel__Georg_Friedrich_Handel  William_Christopher_Handy__Handy__W._C._Handy  Franz_Joseph_Haydn__Haydn__Joseph_Haydn  Paul_Hindemith__Hindemith  Arthur_Honegger__Honegger  Engelbert_Humperdinck__Humperdinck  Charles_Edward_Ives__Ives  Scott_Joplin__Joplin  Jerome_David_Kern__Kern__Jerome_Kern  Aram_Ilich_Khachaturian__Khachaturian__Aram_Khachaturian  Leonard_Constant_Lambert__Lambert__Constant_Lambert  Franz_Lehar__Lehar  Franz_Liszt__Liszt  Baron_Lloyd_Webber_of_Sydmonton__Lloyd_Webber__Andrew_Lloyd_Webber  Frederick_Loewe__Loewe  Jean_Baptiste_Lully__Lully  Gustav_Mahler__Mahler  Jules_Emile_Frederic_Massenet__Massenet  Jakob_Ludwig_Felix_Mendelssohn-Bartholdy__Mendelssohn__Felix_Mendelssohn  Gian_Carlo_Menotti__Menotti  Giacomo_Meyerbeer__Meyerbeer__Jakob_Liebmann_Beer  Darius_Milhaud__Milhaud  Claudio_Monteverdi__Monteverdi  Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart__Mozart  Modest_Petrovich_Mussorgsky__Mussorgsky__Moussorgsky__Modest_Mussorgsky__Modest_Moussorgsky__Modest_Petrovich_Moussorgsky  Carl_August_Nielson__Nielson  Jacques_Offenbach__Offenbach  Roy_Orbison__Orbison  Giovanni_Pierluigi_da_Palestrina__Palestrina  Cole_Albert_Porter__Porter__Cole_Porter  Sergei_Sergeyevich_Prokofiev__Prokofiev  Giacomo_Puccini__Puccini  Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninoff__Sergei_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninov__Sergei_Rachmaninov__Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninov  Ottorino_Respighi__Respighi  Nikolai_Andreyevich_Rimsky-Korsakov__Rimsky-Korsakov__Rimski-Korsakov__Nikolai_Andreyevich_Rimski-Korsakov  Richard_Rodgers__Rodgers  Sigmund_Romberg__Romberg  Giloacchino_Antonio_Rossini__Rossini  Anton_Grigorevich_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Anton_Gregor_Rubinstein  Erik_Alfred_Leslie_Satie__Satie__Erik_Satie  Artur_Schnabel__Schnabel  Arnold_Schonberg__Schonberg__Schoenberg__Arnold_Schoenberg  Franz_Peter_Schubert__Schubert__Franz_Schubert  Robert_Alexander_Schumann__Schumann__Robert_Schumann  Alexander_Nikolayevich_Scriabin__Scriabin  Andres_Segovia__Segovia__segovia  Roger_Huntington_Sessions__Sessions__Roger_Sessions  Dmitri_Dmitrievich_Shostakovich__Shostakovich__Dmitri_Shostakovich  Johan_Julius_Christian_Sibelius__Sibelius__Jean_Sibelius  Stephen_Sondheim__Sondheim  John_Philip_Sousa__Sousa__The_March_King  Strauss_the_Elder__Strauss__Johann_Strauss  Strauss_the_Younger__Strauss__Johann_Strauss  Richard_Strauss__Strauss  Igor_Fyodorovich_Stravinsky__Stravinsky__Igor_Stravinsky  Arthur_Seymour_Sullivan__Sullivan__Arthur_Sullivan__Sir_Arthur_Sullivan  Joseph_Deems_Taylor__Taylor__Deems_Taylor  Peter_Ilich_Tchaikovsky__Tchaikovsky__Peter_Tchaikovsky__Pyotr_Tchaikovsky__Pyotr_Ilich_Tchaikovsky  Georg_Philipp_Telemann__Telemann  Edgard_Varese__Varese  Ralph_Vaughan_Williams__Vaughan_Williams  Guiseppe_Fortunino_Francesco_Verdi__Verdi__Giuseppe_Verdi  Antonio_Lucio_Vivaldi__Vivaldi__Antonio_Vivaldi  Wilhelm_Richard_Wagner__Wagner__Richard_Wagner  Sir_William_Turner_Walton__Walton__Sir_William_Walton  Baron_Karl_Maria_Friedrich_Ernst_von_Weber__Weber  Kurt_Weill__Weill  Hugo_Wolf__Wolf
                          subtype:  music_director__musicdirector__conductor__director  the person who leads a musical group
                             subtype:  bandleader  the leader of a dance band
                                instance:  Benjamin_David_Goodman__Goodman__goodman__Benny_Goodman__the_King_of_Swing  Woodrow_Charles_Herman__Herman__Woody_Herman  Alton_Glenn_Miller__Miller__Glenn_Miller
                             subtype:  bandmaster  the conductor of a band
                                instance:  John_Philip_Sousa__Sousa__The_March_King
                             subtype:  drum_major  the leader of a marching band or drum corps
                             subtype:  drum_majorette  a female drum major
                             instance:  Leonard_Bernstein__Bernstein  Arthur_Fiedler__Fiedler  Sergei_Aleksandrovich_Koussevitzky__Koussevitzky__Serge_Koussevitzky  Leonard_Constant_Lambert__Lambert__Constant_Lambert  Eugene_Ormandy__Ormandy  Seiji_Ozawa__Ozawa  Leopold_Antoni_Stanislaw_Stokowski__Stokowski__Leopold_Stokowski  George_Szell__Szell  Arturo_Toscanini__Toscanini  Bruno_Walter__Walter  Sir_Henry_Joseph_Wood__Wood__Sir_Henry_Wood
                          subtype:  virtuoso  a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry
                          instance:  Victor_Herbert__Herbert  Yoko_Ono__Ono  Carl_Orff__Orff
                       subtype:  painter  an artist who paints
                          subtype:  abstractionist__abstract_artist  a painter of abstract pictures
                             instance:  Josef_Albers__Albers  Piet_Mondrian__Mondrian
                          subtype:  colorist  a painter able to achieve special effects with color
                          subtype:  cubist  an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism
                          subtype:  dauber  an unskilled painter
                          subtype:  distortionist  a painter who introduces distortions
                          subtype:  Fauve__fauvist  a member of a group of French painters who followed Fauvism
                          subtype:  impressionist  a painter who follows the theories of impressionism
                          subtype:  landscapist  someone who paints landscapes
                          subtype:  miniaturist  someone who paints tiny pictures in great detail
                          subtype:  oil_painter  a painter who uses oil paints
                          subtype:  old_master__oldmaster  a great European painter prior to 19th century
                          subtype:  pointilist  a painter who uses the technique of pointilism
                          subtype:  portraitist__portrait_painter__portrayer  a painter or drawer of portraits
                          subtype:  Postimpressionist  an artist of the Postimpressionist school who revolted against impressionism
                          subtype:  realist.painter  a painter who represents the world realistically and not in an idealized or romantic style
                          subtype:  scenic_artist__scene_painter__scenepainter  an artist specializing in scenic subjects
                          subtype:  watercolorist__watercolourist  paints with watercolors
                          instance:  Vanessa_Bell__Bell__Vanessa_Stephen  Thomas_Hart_Benton__Benton  Georges_Braque__Braque  Paul_Cezanne__Cezanne  Marc_Chagall__Chagall__chagall  Giorgio_de_Chirico__Chirico  John_Constable__Constable  John_Singleton_Copley__Copley__John_Copley  Jean_Baptiste_Camille_Corot__Corot  Gustave_Courbet__Courbet  Salvidor_Dali__Dali  Honore_Daumier__Daumier  Jacques_Louis_David__David  Willem_de_Kooning__de_Kooning  Ferdinand_Victor_Eugene_Delacroix__Delacroix__Eugene_Delacroix  Adnre_Derain__Derain  Raoul_Dufy__Dufy  Max_Ernst__Ernst  Jean_Honore_Fragonard__Fragonard  Roger_Eliot_Fry__Fry__Roger_Fry  Thomas_Gainsborough__Gainsborough  Paul_Gauguin__Gauguin  Alberto_Giacometti__Giacometti  Francisco_Jose_de_Goya_y_Lucientes__Goya__Francisco_Goya__Francisco_de_Goya__Francisco_Jose_de_Goya  Duncan_James_Corrow_Grant__Grant__Duncan_Grant  Jaun_Gris__Gris  Frederick_Childe_Hassam__Hassam__Childe_Hassam  Katsushika_Hokusai__Hokusai__hokusai  Winslow_Homer__Homer  Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ingres__Ingres  Wassily_Kandinsky__Kandinsky  Ernst_Ludwig_Kirchner__Kirchner  Paul_Klee__Klee  Gustav_Klimt__Klimt  Franz_Joseph_Kline__Kline  Lee_Krasner__leekrasner__Krasner  Sir_Thomas_Lawrence__Lawrence  Fernand_Leger__Leger  Roy_Lichtenstein__Lichtenstein  Laurence_Stephen_Lowry__Lowry__L._S._Lowry  Rene_Magritte__Magritte  Kazimir_Severinovich_Malevich__Malevich__Kazimir_Malevich  Edouard_Manet__Manet  Andrea_Mantegna__Mantegna  Reginald_Marsh__Marsh  Henri_Emile_Benoit_Matisse__Matisse__Henri_Matisse  Jean_Francois_Millet__Millet  Joan_Miro__Miro  Modigliani__Amedeo_Modigliano  Claude_Monet__Monet  Samuel_Finley_Breese_Morse__Morse__Samuel_Morse__Samuel_F._B._Morse  Anne_Mary_Robertson_Moses__Moses__Grandma_Moses  Robert_Motherwell__Motherwell  Edvard_Munch__Munch  Bartolome_Esteban_Murillo__Murillo  O'Keeffe__Georgia_Okeeffe  Jose_Clemente_Orozco__Orozco__Jose_Orozco  Maxfield_Frederick_Parrish__Parrish__Maxfield_Parrish  Pablo_Picasso__Picasso  Jackson_Pollock__Pollock  Sir_Joshua_Reynolds__Reynolds  Mark_Rothko__Rothko  Le_Douanier_Rousseau__Rousseau__Henri_Rousseau  John_Singer_Sargent__johnsingersargent__Sargent__sargent  Georges_Pierre_Seurat__Seurat__Georges_Seurat  Benjamin_Shahn__Shahn__Ben_Shahn  David_Alfaro_Siqueiros__Siqueiros__David_Siqueiros  Chaim_Soutine__Soutine  Frank_Philip_Stella__Stella__Frank_Stella  Gilbert_Charles_Stuart__Stuart__Gilbert_Stuart  Thomas_Sully__Sully  Yves_Tanguy__Tanguy  Giovanni_Battista_Tiepolo__Tiepolo  Mark_Tobey__Tobey  Henri_Toulouse-Lautrec__Toulouse-Lautrec  Trumbull__John_Trumbull  Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner__Turner  Maurice_Utrillo__Utrillo  Vincent_van_Gogh__van_Gogh__Gogh  Viktor_Vasarely__Vasarely  Giorgio_Vasari__Vasari  Marie_Louise_Elisabeth_Vigee-Lebrun__Vigee-Lebrun__Elisabeth_Vigee-Lebrun  Maurice_de_Vlaminck__Vlaminck  Jean_Edouard_Vuillard__Vuillard__Edouard_Vuillard  Andy_Warhol__Warhol  Weber__Max_Weber  Benjamin_West__West  James_Abbott_McNeill_Whistler__Whistler  Grant_Wood__Wood  Andrew_Wyeth__Wyeth
                       subtype:  photographer  someone who takes photographs professionally
                          subtype:  cameraman__camera_operator__cinematographer  a photographer who operates a movie camera
                          subtype:  press_photographer__pressphotographer  a photographer who works for a newspaper
                          instance:  Mathew_B._Brady__Brady  Alfred_Eisenstaedt__Eisenstaedt  Dorothea_Lange__Lange  Edward_Jean_Steichen__Steichen  Alfred_Stieglitz__Stieglitz  William_Henry_Fox_Talbot__Talbot__Fox_Talbot  Edward_Weston__Weston
                       subtype:  Pre-Raphaelite  a painter or writer dedicated to restoring early Renaissance ideals
                          instance:  William_Holman_Hunt__Hunt__Holman_Hunt  Sir_John_Everett_Millais__Millais__millai  Dante_Gabriel_Rossetti__Rossetti
                       subtype:  printmaker__graphic_artist__graphicartist  an artist who designs and makes prints
                          subtype:  engraver.printmaker  a printmaker who prints from an engraved printing plate
                          subtype:  lithographer  a printmaker who uses lithography
                             instance:  Nathaniel_Currier__Currier  Honore_Daumier__Daumier  James_Merritt_Ives__Ives__James_Ives
                       subtype:  romanticist__romantic  an artist of the romantic period or someone influenced by romanticism
                       subtype:  sculptor__sculpturer__carver__statue_maker  an artist who creates sculptures
                          subtype:  sculptress  a woman sculptor
                          instance:  Constantin_Brancusi__Brancusi  Alexander_Calder__Calder  Benvenuto_Cellini__Cellini  Thomas_Crawford__Crawford  Donatello__Donato_di_Betto_Bardi  Sir_Jacob_Epstein__Epstein__Jacob_Epstein  Daniel_Chester_French__French  Alberto_Giacometti__Giacometti  Dame_Barbara_Hepworth__Hepworth__Barbara_Hepworth  Malvina_Hoffman__Hoffman  Gaston_Lachaise__Lachaise  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  Maya_Lin__Lin  Jacques_Lipchitz__Lipchitz  Lysippus  Aristide_Maillol__Maillol  Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo  Modigliani__Amedeo_Modigliano  Henry_Spencer_Moore__Moore__Henry_Moore  Louise_Nevelson__Nevelson  Isamu_Noguchi__Noguchi  Pablo_Picasso__Picasso  Francois_Auguste_Rene_Rodin__Rodin__Auguste_Rodin  George_Segal__Segal  David_Roland_Smith__Smith__David_Smith  Lorado_Taft__Taft
                       subtype:  stylist  an artist who is a master of a particular style
                       subtype:  surrealist  an artist who is a member of the movement called surrealism
                       subtype:  symbolist  a member of an artistic movement that expressed ideas indirectly via symbols
                       instance:  Jean_Arp__Arp__Hans_Arp  John_James_Audubon__Audubon  Marcel_Duchamp__Duchamp  Jasper_Johns__Johns  Edward_Lear__Lear  Louis_Comfort_Tiffany__Tiffany
                    subtype:  builder__developer__constructor  someone who contracts for and supervises the construction of a building
                       subtype:  boatbuilder  a person who builds boats
                       subtype:  contractor  someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things
                          subtype:  defense_contractor__defensecontractor  a contractor concerned with the development and manufacture of systems of defense
                          subtype:  hauler__haulier  a haulage contractor
                             subtype:  garbage_carter__garbagecarter__carter__garbage_hauler__garbagehauler  a hauler of garbage; "there is a web site where licensed carters and would-be customers can make connections"
                          subtype:  ship-breaker  a contractor who buys old ships and breaks them up for scrap
                          subtype:  subcontractor  someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor
                       subtype:  homebuilder__housebuilder  someone who builds houses as a business
                       subtype:  jerry-builder__jerrybuilder  someone who builds cheap buildings out of poor materials on speculation for a quick profit
                       subtype:  road_builder  someone whose business is to build roads
                       subtype:  shipbuilder.builder  a person who builds ships as a business
                    subtype:  choreographer  someone who creates new dances
                       instance:  Alvin_Ailey__Ailey  Alicia_Alonso__Alonso  Sir_Frederick_Ashton__Ashton  George_Balanchine__Balanchine  Mikhail_Baryshnikov__Baryshnikov  Merce_Cunningham__Cunningham  Agnes_George_De_Mille__De_Mille__Agnes_De_Mille  Martha_Graham__Graham  Lev_Ivanov__Ivanov  Judith_Jamison__Jamison  Robert_Joffrey__Joffrey  Rudolph_Laban__Laban  Leonide_Fedorovitch_Massine__leonidefedorovitchmassine__Massine__Leonid_Fyodorovich_Myasin  Jerome_Robbins__Robbins__robbin  Ted_Shawn__Shawn  Ruth_St._Denis__St._Denis__Saint_Denis__Ruth_Saint_Denis  Twyla_Tharp__Tharp  Antony_Tudor__Tudor
                    subtype:  couturier__fashion_designer__fashiondesigner__clothesdesigner  someone who designs clothing
                       subtype:  costumier__costumer__costume_designer__costumedesigner  someone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade)
                       instance:  Christian_Dior__Dior  Calvin_Richard_Klein__Klein__Calvin_Klein  Elsa_Schiaparelli__Schiaparelli  Gianni_Versace__Versace  Charles_Frederick_Worth__charlesfrederickworth__Worth
                    subtype:  crafter  a creator of great skill in the manual arts; "the jewelry was made by internationally famous craftsmen"
                    subtype:  fantasist  a creator of fantasies
                    subtype:  farmer__husbandman__granger__sodbuster  a person who operates a farm
                       subtype:  contadino  an Italian farmer
                       subtype:  agriculturist__cultivator__grower__raiser  someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil
                          subtype:  fruit_grower__fruitgrower  someone who grows fruit commercially
                       subtype:  beekeeper__apiarist__apiculturist  a farmer who keeps bees for their honey
                       subtype:  dairy_farmer__dairyfarmer__dairyman  the owner or manager of a dairy
                       subtype:  forester__tree_farmer__arboriculturist  someone trained in forestry
                          subtype:  lumberman__lumberjack__timberman__feller__faller  a person that works at lumbering and fells trees
                             subtype:  logger  a lumberman who cuts logs into lengths after the trees have been felled
                                subtype:  scorer  a logger who marks trees to be felled
                             instance:  Paul_Bunyan__Bunyan
                       subtype:  plantation_owner__planter  the owner or manager of a plantation
                       subtype:  rancher  a person who owns or operates a ranch
                          subtype:  grazier  a rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market
                       subtype:  smallholder  (British) a person owning or renting a smallholding
                       subtype:  small_farmer__smallfarmer  a farmer on a small farm
                          subtype:  crofter  an owner or tenant of a small farm in Great Britain
                       subtype:  sower  someone who sows
                       subtype:  stockman__stock_raiser__stockraiser__stock_farmer__stockfarmer  farmer who breed or raises livestock
                          subtype:  stock_breeder__stockbreeder__breeder  a person who breeds animals
                          subtype:  cow_man__cowman__cattleman__beef_man  a man who raises (or tends) cattle
                          subtype:  sheepman  a man who raises (or tends) sheep
                       subtype:  tenant_farmer  a farmer who works land owned by someone else
                       subtype:  tiller.farmer  someone who tills land (prepares the soil for the planting of crops)
                    subtype:  inventor__discoverer__artificer  someone who is the first to think of or make something
                       subtype:  patentee  the inventor to whom a patent is issued
                       instance:  Alexander_Graham_Bell__Bell__Alexander_Bell  Sir_Henry_Bessemer__Bessemer  John_Moses_Browning__Browning__John_M._Browning  William_Seward_Burroughs__Burroughs  Edmund_Cartwright__Cartwright  Louis_Jacques_Mande_Daguerre__Daguerre  Lee_De_Forest__De_Forest__The_Father_of_Radio  George_Eastman__Eastman  Thomas_Alva_Edison__Edison__Thomas_Edison  Robert_Fulton__Fulton  Richard_Jordan_Gatling__Gatling  Gillette__King_Camp_Gilette  Peter_Carl_Goldmark__Goldmark__Peter_Goldmark  Charles_Goodyear__Goodyear  James_Hargreaves__Hargreaves  Hero_of_Alexandria__Hero__Heron  Herman_Hollerith__Hollerith  Elias_Howe__Howe  Joseph_Marie_Jacquard__Jacquard__Joseph_M._Jacquard  Edwin_Herbert_Land__Land__Din_Land  Samuel_Pierpoint_Langley__Langley  Peter_Paul_Mauser__Mauser__von_Mauser__P._P._von_Mauser  Sir_Hiram_Stevens_Maxim__Maxim  Cyrus_Hall_McCormick__McCormick__Cyrus_McCormick  Ottmar_Mergenthaler__Mergenthaler  Samuel_Finley_Breese_Morse__Morse__Samuel_Morse__Samuel_F._B._Morse  Eadweard_Muybridge__Muybridge__Edward_James_Muggeridge  Elisha_Graves_Otis__Otis  Isaac_Merrit_Singer__Singer__Isaac_M._Singer  Elmer_Ambrose_Sperry__Sperry  Francis_Edgar_Stanley__Stanley  Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz__Steinmetz  William_Henry_Fox_Talbot__Talbot__Fox_Talbot  Nikola_Tesla__Tesla  James_Watt__Watt  George_Westinghouse__Westinghouse  Sir_Charles_Wheatstone__Wheatstone  Eli_Whitney__Whitney  Orville_Wright__Wright  Wilbur_Wright__Wright  Count_Ferdinand_von_Zeppelin__Zeppelin
                    subtype:  shaper__maker  a person who makes things
                       subtype:  basketweaver__basketmaker  someone skilled in weaving baskets
                       subtype:  belt_maker  a maker of belts
                       subtype:  bookmaker  a maker of books; someone who edits or publishes or binds books
                       subtype:  beer_maker__brewer  someone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water
                       subtype:  chandler  a maker (and seller) of candles and soap and oils and paints
                          subtype:  candlemaker  a person who makes or sells candles
                          subtype:  wax-chandler__waxchandler  one who deals in wax candles
                       subtype:  shoemaker__cobbler  a person who makes or repairs shoes
                          subtype:  bootmaker__boot_maker  a maker of boots
                       subtype:  confectioner__candymaker  someone who makes candies and other sweets
                          instance:  Milton_Snavely_Hershey__Hershey
                       subtype:  author__generator__source  someone who originates or causes or initiates something; "he was the generator of several complaints"
                          subtype:  coiner  someone who is a source of new words or new expressions
                       subtype:  glassmaker  some who makes glass
                       subtype:  hatmaker__hatter__milliner__modiste  someone who makes and sells hats
                       subtype:  ironworker  a person who makes articles of iron
                          subtype:  puddler  a worker who turns pig iron into wrought iron by puddling
                       subtype:  jewelry_maker__jewelrymaker__jeweler__jeweller  someone who makes jewelry
                          subtype:  goldsmith__goldworker  an artisan who makes jewelry and other objects out of gold
                             instance:  Peter_Carl_Faberge__Faberge
                          subtype:  silversmith__silverworker  someone who makes or repairs articles of silver
                             instance:  Paul_Revere__Revere
                       subtype:  maltster__maltman  a maker of malt
                       subtype:  manufacturer__producer  someone who manufactures something
                          subtype:  arms_manufacturer  someone who manufactures arms and munitions
                             instance:  Alfred_Krupp__Krupp  Peter_Paul_Mauser__Mauser__von_Mauser__P._P._von_Mauser
                          subtype:  brewer  the owner or manager of a brewery
                          subtype:  distiller  someone who distills alcoholic liquors
                          subtype:  food_manufacturer  a person who manufactures food products
                             instance:  W._K._Kellogg__Kellogg__Will_Keith_Kellog
                          subtype:  sericulturist  a producer of raw silk
                          instance:  Cyrus_Hall_McCormick__McCormick__Cyrus_McCormick  John_Mercer__Mercer  Isaac_Merrit_Singer__Singer__Isaac_M._Singer  Eli_Whitney__Whitney
                       subtype:  needleworker  someone who does work (as sewing or embroidery) with a needle
                          subtype:  edger.needleworker  a person who puts finishing edges on a garment
                          subtype:  embroiderer  someone who ornaments with needlework
                             subtype:  embroideress  a woman embroiderer
                          subtype:  garmentmaker__garmentworker__garment_worker__garmentworker  a person who makes garments
                             subtype:  cloakmaker__furrier  someone whose occupation is making or repairing fur garments
                             subtype:  dressmaker__modiste__needlewoman__seamstress__sempstress  someone who makes or mends dresses
                                instance:  Betsy_Griscom_Ross__Ross__Betsy_Ross
                             subtype:  outfitter  someone who provides outfits
                             subtype:  stitcher  a garmentmaker who performs the finishing steps
                             subtype:  tailor__seamster__sartor  a person whose occupation is making and altering garments
                                subtype:  fitter  someone who fits a garment to a particular person
                          subtype:  knitter  someone who makes garments (or fabrics) by intertwining yarn or thread
                          subtype:  sewer  someone who sews; "a sewer of fine gowns"
                             subtype:  baster.sewer__tacker  a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches
                             subtype:  sewing-machine_operator  someone who sews by operating a sewing machine
                             subtype:  tucker.sewer  a sewer who tucks
                       subtype:  patternmaker  someone who makes patterns (as for sewing or carpentry or metalworking)
                       subtype:  perfumer  a person who makes (and sells) perfumes
                       subtype:  piano_maker__pianomaker  a person who makes pianos
                          instance:  Heinrich_Engelhard_Steinway__Steinway__Henry_Steinway__Henry_Engelhard_Steinway
                       subtype:  saddler  a maker and repairer and seller of equipment for horses
                       subtype:  sailmaker  a maker of sails
                       subtype:  shirtmaker  a maker of shirts
                       subtype:  thread_maker__spinner__spinster  someone who spins (who twists fibers into threads)
                       subtype:  steelmaker__steelworker__steelman  a worker engaged in making steel
                       subtype:  tentmaker  someone who makes or repairs tents
                       subtype:  toolmaker  someone skilled in making or repairing tools
                       subtype:  winemaker__vintner__wine_maker  someone who makes wine
                       subtype:  violin_maker  someone who makes violins
                          instance:  Nicolo_Amati__Amati__Nicola_Amati  Andrea_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius  Guiseppe_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius  Antonio_Stradivari__Stradivari__Stradivarius__Antonius_Stradivarius
                       subtype:  watchmaker__horologist__horologer  someone who makes or repairs watches
                       subtype:  wigmaker  someone who makes and sells wigs
                    subtype:  modeler__modeller  a person who creates models
                       instance:  Madame_Tussaud__Tussaud__tussaud__Marie_Tussaud__Marie_Grosholtz
                    subtype:  originator__conceiver__mastermind  someone who creates new things
                       subtype:  beginner__founder__founding_father__father  a person who founds or establishes some institution; "George Washington is the father of his country"
                          subtype:  cofounder  one of a group of founders
                          subtype:  colonizer  someone who helps to found a colony
                             instance:  Sir_Walter_Raleigh__Raleigh__Walter_Raleigh__Ralegh__Walter_Ralegh__Sir_Walter_Ralegh  Cecil_John_Rhodes__Rhodes__Cecil_Rhodes__Cecil_J._Rhodes
                          subtype:  foundress__foundres  a woman founder
                       subtype:  innovator__pioneer  someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art
                       subtype:  proposer__mover  (parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion
                          subtype:  nominator  someone who proposes a candidate for appointment or election
                       subtype:  suggester__proposer  someone who advances a suggestion or proposal; "the suggester of this absurd strategy was a fool"
                    subtype:  producer  someone who finds financing for and supervises the making and presentation of a show (play or film or program or similar work)
                       subtype:  film_maker__film_producer__movie_maker__moviemaker  a producer of motion pictures
                          subtype:  auteur  a filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works
                          subtype:  New_Waver  a film maker who follows New Wave ideas
                          instance:  Allen_Stewart_Konigsberg__Allen__Woody_Allen  Bernardo_Bertolucci__Bertolucci  Frank_Capra__Capra  Sir_Charles_Spencer_Chaplin__Chaplin__Charlie_Chaplin  Jean_Cocteau__Cocteau  Francis_Ford_Coppola__Coppola  Cecil_Blount_De_Mille__De_Mille__Cecil_B._De_Mille  Vittorio_De_Sica__De_Sica  Walter_Elias_Disney__Disney__Walt_Disney  Sergei_Mikhailovich_Eisenstein__Eisenstein__Sergei_Eisenstein  John_Ford__Ford  Jean_Luc_Godard__Godard  Samuel_Goldwyn__Goldwyn__Sam_Goldwyn  David_Lewelyn_Wark_Griffith__Griffith__D._W._Griffith  Howard_Robard_Hughes__Hughes__Howard_Hughes  John_Huston__Huston  Norman_Jewison__Jewison  Krzysztof_Kieslowski__Kieslowski  Sir_Alexander_Korda__Korda__Sandor_Kellner  Stanley_Kubrick__Kubrick  Akira_Kurosawa__Kurosawa  Shelton_Jackson_Lee__Lee__Spike_Lee  Ernst_Lubitsch__Lubitsch  George_Lucas__Lucas  Louis_Burt_Mayer__Mayer__Louis_B._Mayer  Sydney_Pollack__Pollack  Charles_Robert_Redford__Redford__Robert_Redford  Martin_Scorsese__Scorsese  David_Oliver_Selznick__Selznick__David_O._Selznick  Mack_Sennett__Sennett  Spielburg__Steven_Spielberg  George_Stevens__Stevens  Oliver_Stone__Stone  Quentin_Jerome_Tarantino__Tarantino__Quentin_Tarantino  Andrei_Arsenevich_Tarkovsky__Tarkovsky__Andrei_Tarkovsky  Jacques_Tati__Tati__Jacques_Tatischeff  Francois_Truffaut__Truffaut  Don_Luchino_Visconti_Conte_di_Modrone__Visconti__Luchino_Visconti  Josef_von_Sternberg__von_Sternberg  Andrzej_Wajda__Wajda  Charles_Dudley_Warner__Warner  George_Orson_Welles__Welles__Orson_Welles  Samuel_Wilder__Wilder__Billy_Wilder  William_Wyler__Wyler  Darryl_Francis_Zanuck__Zanuck__Darryl_Zanuck  Fred_Zinnemann__Zinnemann
                       subtype:  theatrical_producer  someone who produces theatrical performances
                          instance:  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  Sir_Herbert_Beerbohm_Tree__Tree  Florenz_Ziegfeld__Ziegfeld__Flo_Ziegfeld
                 subtype:  disputant  a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy
                    subtype:  accuser  someone who imputes guilt or blame
                    subtype:  debater__arguer  someone who engages in debate
                       subtype:  devil's_advocate__devil'sadvocate  someone who takes the worse side just for the sake of argument
                       subtype:  disprover__rebutter__refuter  a debater who refutes or disproves by offering contrary evidence or argument
                       subtype:  wrangler  someone who argues noisily or angrily
                    subtype:  denier  one who denies
                    subtype:  logomach__logomachist  someone given to disputes over words
                    subtype:  obstructionist__obstructor__obstructer__resister__thwarter  someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take
                       subtype:  naysayer  someone with an aggressively negative attitude
                       subtype:  stonewaller  one who stonewalls or refuses to answer or cooperate
                    subtype:  quarreler__quarreller  a disputant who quarrels
                    subtype:  quibbler__caviller__caviler__pettifogger  a disputant who quibbles; someone who raises annoying petty objections
                    subtype:  radical  a person who has radical ideas or opinions
                       subtype:  anarchist__nihilist__syndicalist  an advocate of anarchism
                          instance:  Mikhail_Aleksandrovich_Bakunin__Bakunin__Mikhail_Bakunin  Emma_Goldman__Goldman  Pyotr_Alexeyevich_Kropotkin__Kropotkin__Prince_Peter_Kropotkin  Nicola_Sacco__Sacco  Benjamin_Ricketson_Tucker__Tucker  Bartolomeo_Vanzetti__Vanzetti
                       subtype:  Bolshevik__Marxist__pinko__red__bolshie  emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries
                       subtype:  extremist  a person who holds extreme views
                       subtype:  leveler__leveller  a radical who advocates the abolition of political or economic or social inequalities
                       subtype:  revolutionist__revolutionary__subversive__subverter  a radical supporter of political or social revolution
                          subtype:  counterrevolutionist__counterrevolutionary  a revolutionary whose aim is to reverse the changes introduced by an earlier revolution
                          subtype:  dynamiter__dynamitist  a person who uses dynamite in a revolutionary cause
                          subtype:  Girondist  a member of the moderate republican party during the French Revolution; the Girondists were overthrown by their more radical rivals the Jacobins
                          subtype:  insurgent__insurrectionist__freedom_fighter__freedomfighter__rebel  a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)
                             subtype:  mutineer  open rebellion and refusal to obey authorities (especially by seamen or soldiers)
                             instance:  Nat_Turner__Turner  Denmark_Vesey__Vesey  Sir_William_Wallace__Wallace
                          instance:  Marie_Anne_Charlotte_Corday_d'Armont__Corday__Charlotte_Corday  Georges_Jacques_Danton__Danton  Ernesto_Guevara_de_la_Serna__Guevara__Che_Guevara  Mao_Tsetung__Mao__Mao_Zedong  Jean_Paul_Marat__Marat  Jose_Julian_Marti__Marti  Karl_Marx__Marx  Comte_de_Mirabeau__Mirabeau__Honore-Gabriel_Victor_Riqueti  Maxmillien_Marie_Isidore_de_Robespierre__Robespierre  Leon_Trotsky__Trotsky__Lev_Davidovich_Bronstein  Francisco_Villa__Villa__Pancho_Villa__Doroteo_Arango  Emiliano_Zapata__Zapata  Zhou_En-lai__Chou_En-lai
                       subtype:  terrorist  a radical who employs terror as a political weapon
                          instance:  Jacobin
                       subtype:  Trotskyite__Trotskyist__Trot  radicals who support Trotsky's theory that socialism must be established throughout the world by continuing revolution
                       subtype:  Young_Turk  a radical who agitates for reform
                    subtype:  reformist__reformer__crusader__meliorist  a disputant who advocates reform
                       subtype:  abolitionist__emancipationist  a reformer who favors abolishing slavery
                          instance:  Henry_Ward_Beecher__Beecher  John_Brown__Brown  Frederick_Douglass__Douglass  William_Lloyd_Garrison__Garrison  Harriet_Elizabeth_Beecher_Stowe__Stowe__Harriet_Beecher_Stowe  Arthur_Tappan__Tappan  Sojourner_Truth__Truth  Harriet_Tubman__Tubman  Theodore_Dwight_Weld__Weld
                       subtype:  birth-control_campaigner__birthcontrolcampaigner__birth-control_reformer__birthcontrolreformer  a social reformer who advocates birth control and family planning
                          instance:  Marie_Charlotte_Carmichael_Stopes__Stopes__Marie_Stopes
                       subtype:  Chartist  a 19th century English reformer who advocated better social and economic conditions for working people
                       subtype:  civil_rights_leader__civil_rights_worker  a leader of the political movement dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority groups
                          instance:  Julian_Bond__Bond  William_Edward_Burghardt_Du_Bois__Du_Bois__W._E._B._Du_Bois  Medgar_Wiley_Evers__Evers__Medgar_Evers  James_Leonard_Farmer__Farmer  Jesse_Louis_Jackson__Jackson__Jesse_Jackson  Martin_Luther_King_Jr.__King__Martin_Luther_King  Malcolm_X__Malcolm_Little  James_Howard_Meredith__Meredith__James_Meredith  Rosa_Parks__Parks  Paul_Bustill_Robeson__Robeson__robeson__paulrobeson  Roy_Wilkins__Wilkins  Whitney_Moore_Young_Jr.__Young__Whitney_Young
                       subtype:  protester__demonstrator  someone who participates in a public display of group feeling
                          subtype:  picket.protester  a protester posted by a labor organization outside a place of work
                       subtype:  dry__prohibitionist  a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages
                          instance:  Carry_Amelia_Moore_Nation__Nation__Carry_Nation  Frances_Elizabeth_Caroline_Willard__Willard
                       subtype:  environmentalist__conservationist  someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution
                          subtype:  Green  an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party
                          instance:  Rachel_Louise_Carson__Carson__Rachel_Carson  Barbara_Ward__Ward__Baroness_Jackson_of_Lodsworth
                       subtype:  feminist__women's_rightist__women'srightist__women's_liberationist__women'sliberationist__libber  a supporter of feminism
                          subtype:  suffragette  a woman advocate of women's right to vote (especially a militant advocate in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th century)
                          instance:  Simone_de_Beauvoir__Beauvoir  Betty_Naomi_Friedan__Friedan__Betty_Friedan  Charlotte_Anna_Perkins_Gilman__Gilman  Lucretia_Coffin_Mott__Mott  Alice_Paul__Paul  Elizabeth_Cady_Stanton__Stanton  Gloria_Steinem__Steinem  Lucy_Stone__Stone  Sojourner_Truth__Truth  Mary_Wollstonecraft_Godwin__Wollstonecraft__Mary_Wollstonecraft  Frances_Wright__Wright__Fanny_Wright
                       subtype:  hippie__hippy__hipster__flowerchild  someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle
                       subtype:  insurgent__insurrectionist__freedom_fighter__freedomfighter__rebel  a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)
                       subtype:  militant__activist  a militant reformer
                          subtype:  Black_Muslim  activist member of a largely Black American group called The Nation of Islam
                             instance:  Elijah_Muhammad__Muhammad
                          subtype:  Black_Panther  a member of the Black Panthers political party
                          instance:  Malcolm_X__Malcolm_Little
                       subtype:  non-resistant__nonresistant__passive_resister__passiveresister  a reformer who believes in passive resistance
                       subtype:  Utopian  an idealistic (but usually impractical) social reformer; "a Utopian believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man"
                       instance:  Anthony_Comstock__Comstock  John_Huss__Huss__Hus__Jan_Hus  Robert_Owen__Owen  Girolamo_Savonarola__Savonarola  Francis_Everett_Townsend__Townsend  John_Wilkes__Wilkes
                 subtype:  engineer__applied_scientist__appliedscientist__technologist  a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
                    subtype:  aeronautical_engineer  an engineer concerned with the design and construction of aircraft
                       instance:  Reginald_Joseph_Mitchell__Mitchell__R._J._Mitchell
                    subtype:  aerospace_engineer__aerospaceengineer  an engineer of aircraft and space vehicles
                    subtype:  army_engineer__military_engineer  a member of the military who is trained in engineering and construction work
                       subtype:  sapper  a military engineer who does sapping (digging trenches or undermining fortifications)
                       subtype:  sapper.army_engineer  a military engineer who lays or detects and disarms mines
                    subtype:  automotive_engineer  an engineer concerned with the design and construction of automobiles
                    subtype:  civil_engineer__civilengineer  an engineer trained to design and construct and maintain public works (roads or bridges or harbors etc.)
                       subtype:  highway_engineer__highwayengineer  a civil engineer who specializes in the design and construction of roads and highways
                       instance:  David_Barnard_Steinman__Steinman
                    subtype:  electrical_engineer  a person trained in practical applications of the theory of electricity
                       instance:  Vannevar_Bush__Bush  Lee_De_Forest__De_Forest__The_Father_of_Radio  Ray_M._Dolby__Dolby  Oliver_Heaviside__Heaviside  Arthur_Edwin_Kennelly__Kennelly__A._E._Kennelly  Guglielmo_Marconi__Marconi  Ernst_Werner_von_Siemens__Siemens  Sir_Clive_Marles_Sinclair__Sinclair__Clive_Sinclair  Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz__Steinmetz  Nikola_Tesla__Tesla  Elihu_Thomson__Thomson
                    subtype:  marine_engineer__naval_engineer__navalengineer  an officer responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's engines
                    subtype:  mechanical_engineer  a person trained to design and construct machines
                       subtype:  tribologist  a specialist in tribology
                    subtype:  metallurgist__metallurgical_engineer__metallurgicalengineer  an engineer trained in the extraction and refining and alloying and fabrication of metals
                       instance:  Sir_Henry_Bessemer__Bessemer
                    subtype:  mining_engineer  an engineer concerned with the construction and operation of mines
                    subtype:  computer_programmer__programmer__coder__softwareengineer  a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs
                       subtype:  hacker.computer_programmer  a programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers
                    subtype:  rocket_engineer__rocket_scientist  an engineer who builds and tests rockets
                       instance:  Wernher_Magnus_Maximilian_von_Braun__Braun__von_Braun__Wernher_von_Braun
                    subtype:  surveyor  an engineer who determines the boundaries and elevations of land or structures
                       subtype:  lineman.surveyor  the surveyor who marks positions with a range pole
                       subtype:  locator__locater  a person who fixes the boundaries of land claims
                    instance:  Gottlieb_Daimler__Daimler  Rudolf_Christian_Karl_Diesel__Diesel__Rudolf_Diesel  Bryan_Donkin__Donkin  Alexandre_Gustave_Eiffel__Eiffel  George_Washington_Goethals__Goethals  Hugo_Junkers__Junkers  Charles_Franklin_Kettering__Kettering__Charles_Kettering  Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci  John_Augustus_Roebling__Roebling__John_Roebling  Claude_Elwood_Shannon__Shannon__shannon__Claude_Shannon__Claude_E._Shannon  Sir_Charles_William_Siemens__Siemens__Karl_Wilhelm_Siemens  Elmer_Ambrose_Sperry__Sperry  Richard_Trevithick__Trevithick  Thomas_Augustus_Watson__Watson  James_Watt__Watt
                 subtype:  entertainer  a person who tries to please or amuse
                    subtype:  bombshell.entertainer  an entertainer who has a sensational effect; "she was a blonde bombshell"
                    subtype:  busker  a person who entertains people for money in public places (as by singing or dancing)
                    subtype:  drawing_card__drawingcard__draw__attraction__attractor  an entertainer who attracts large audiences; "he was the biggest drawing card they had"
                    subtype:  humorist__humourist  someone who acts speaks or writes in an amusing way
                       subtype:  parodist__lampooner  mimics literary or musical style for comic effect
                          subtype:  caricaturist  someone who parodies in an exaggerated manner
                             instance:  Sir_Henry_Maxmilian_Beerbohm__Beerbohm__Max_Beerbohm
                       subtype:  punster  someone overly fond of making puns
                       subtype:  satirist__ironist  a humorist who uses ridicule and irony and sarcasm
                          instance:  Juvenal__Decimus_Junius_Juvenalis  Francois_Rabelais__Rabelais  Jonathan_Swift__Swift__Dean_Swift
                       subtype:  wag__wit__card  (informal) a witty amusing person who makes jokes
                       instance:  Robert_Charles_Benchley__Benchley__Robert_Benchley  Samuel_Langhorne_Clemens__Clemens__Mark_Twain  Ringgold_Wilmer_Lardner__Lardner__Ring_Lardner  Stephen_Butler_Leacock__Leacock__Stephen_Leacock  Edward_Lear__Lear  Donald_Robert_Perry_Marquis__Marquis__Don_Marquis__donmarqui  William_Penn_Adair_Rogers__Rogers__Will_Rogers  Henry_Wheeler_Shaw__Shaw__Josh_Billings  James_Grover_Thurber__Thurber__James_Thurber
                    subtype:  master_of_ceremonies__emcee__host  a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)
                       subtype:  compere  British term for someone who introduces television acts or cabarets etc
                       subtype:  Lord_of_Misrule  a person appointed master of revels at a Christmas celebration
                       subtype:  question_master__quizmaster  (British) the host or chairman of a radio or tv quiz show or panel game
                       subtype:  ringmaster  the person in charge of performances in a circus ring
                       subtype:  toastmaster  the person who proposes toasts and introduces speakers at a banquet
                          subtype:  toast_mistress  a woman toastmaster
                       instance:  Edward_Vincent_Sullivan__Sullivan__Ed_Sullivan
                    subtype:  performer__performing_artist  an entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience
                       subtype:  histrion__actor__player__thespian__role_player  a theatrical performer
                          subtype:  actress__actres  a female actor
                             subtype:  leading_lady__leadinglady  actress who plays the leading female role
                             subtype:  starlet  a young (film) actress who is publicized as a future star
                             subtype:  tragedienne  an actress who specializes in tragic roles
                             instance:  Tallulah_Bankhead__Bankhead  Georgiana_Emma_Barrymore__Barrymore__Georgiana_Barrymore  Ethel_Barrymore__Barrymore  Ingrid_Bergman__Bergman  Sarah_Bernhardt__Bernhardt__Henriette_Rosine_Bernard  Shirley_Temple_Black__Black__Shirley_Temple  Katherine_Cornell__Cornell  Joan_Crawford__Crawford  Bette_Davis__Davis  Marlene_Dietrich__Dietrich__Maria_Magdalene_von_Losch  Eleonora_Duse__Duse  Jane_Fonda__Fonda  Lynn_Fontanne__Fontanne  Greta_Garbo__Garbo__Greta_Louisa_Gustafsson  Judy_Garland__Garland  Lillian_Gish__Gish  Jean_Harlow__Harlow__Harlean_Carpenter  Helen_Hayes__Hayes  Katharine_Houghton_Hepburn__Hepburn__hepburn__Katharine_Hepburn  Glenda_Jackson__Jackson  Grace_Patricia_Kelly__Kelly__Grace_Kelly__Princess_Grace_of_Monaco  Lillie_Langtry__Langtry__the_Jersey_Lillie__Emilie_Charlotte_le_Breton  Gertrude_Lawrence__Lawrence  Eva_Le_Gallienne__Le_Gallienne  Vivien_Leigh__Leigh  Beatrice_Lillie__Lillie__Lady_Peel  Sophia_Loren__Loren__Sofia_Scicolone  Mary_Martin__Martin  Anna_Amalia_Mercouri__Mercouri__Melina_Mercouri  Marilyn_Monroe__Monroe__Norma_Jean_Baker  Alla_Nazimova__Nazimova  Mary_Pickford__Pickford__Gladys_Smith  Ginger_Rogers__Rogers__Virginia_McMath  Moira_Shearer__Shearer  Sarah_Kemble_Siddons__Siddons__Sarah_Siddons  Cornelia_Otis_Skinner__Skinner  Meryl_Streep__Streep  Barbra_Joan_Streisand__Streisand__Barbra_Streisand  Gloria_Swanson__Swanson__Gloria_May_Josephine_Svensson  Elizabeth_Taylor__Taylor  Dame_Alice_Ellen_Terry__Terry__Dame_Ellen_Terry  Dame_Sybil_Thorndike__Thorndike  Ethel_Waters__Waters  Mae_West__West  Natalie_Wood__Wood  Loretta_Young__Young
                          subtype:  barnstormer__playactor__trouper  an actor who travels around the country presenting plays
                          subtype:  character_actor__characteractor  an actor who specializes in playing supporting roles
                          subtype:  comedian  an actor in a comedy
                             subtype:  comedienne.comedian  a female actor in a comedy
                                instance:  Eleanor_Gwynn__Gwynn__Gywn__Gynne__Nell_Gwynn__Nell_Gywn__Nell_Gwynne__Eleanor_Gwyn__Eleanor_Gwynne
                          subtype:  ham_actor__hamactor__ham  an unskilled actor who overacts
                          subtype:  heavy.histrion  an actor who plays villainous roles
                          subtype:  ingenue.histrion  an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl
                          subtype:  leading_man__leadingman  actor who plays the leading male role
                          subtype:  mime__mimer__mummer__pantomimer__pantomimist  an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression
                             instance:  Marcel_Marceau__Marceau
                          subtype:  plant.histrion  an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience
                          subtype:  scene-stealer__scenestealer  an actor who draws more attention than other actors in the same scene; "babies are natural scene-stealers"
                          subtype:  star.histrion__principal__lead  an actor who plays a principal role
                             subtype:  co-star  one of two actors who are given equal status as stars in a play or film
                             subtype:  film_star__movie_star__moviestar  a star who plays leading roles in the cinema
                             subtype:  matinee_idol__matineeidol__idol  someone who is adored blindly and excessively
                                subtype:  heartthrob  an object of infatuation
                             subtype:  television_star__TV_star  a star in a television show
                          subtype:  supernumerary__spear_carrier__spearcarrier__extra  a minor actor in crowd scenes
                          subtype:  tragedian.histrion  one who specializes in tragic roles
                          subtype:  understudy__standby  an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
                          subtype:  upstager  a selfish actor who upstages the other actors
                          subtype:  walk-on  plays a small part in a dramatic production
                          instance:  Allen_Stewart_Konigsberg__Allen__Woody_Allen  Fred_Astaire__Astaire  Maurice_Barrymore__Barrymore__Herbert_Blythe  Lionel_Barrymore__Barrymore  John_Barrymore__Barrymore  Humphrey_DeForest_Bogart__Bogart__Humphrey_Bogart  John_Wilkes_Booth__Booth  Richard_Burbage__Burbage__burbage  Richard_Burton__Burton  Jimmy_Cagney__Cagney__James_Cagney  Maurice_Chevalier__Chevalier  Frank_Cooper__Cooper__Gary_Cooper  Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward  Harry_Lillis_Crosby__Crosby__Bing_Crosby  James_Byron_Dean__Dean__James_Dean  Robert_De_Niro__De_Niro  Gerard_Depardieu__Depardieu  John_Drew__Drew  Douglas_Elton_Fairbanks__Fairbanks__Douglas_Fairbanks__Julius_Ullman  Douglas_Fairbanks_Jr.__Fairbanks  Henry_Fonda__Fonda  William_Clark_Gable__Gable__gable__Clark_Gable  David_Garrick__Garrick__garrick  Mel_Columcille_Gerard_Gibson__Gibson__Mel_Gibson  Arthur_John_Gielgud__Gielgud__Sir_John_Gielgud  Cary_Grant__Grant  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker  Sir_Alec_Guinness__Guinness__Alec_Guinness  Thomas_J._Hanks__Hanks__Tom_Hanks  Reginald_Carey_Harrison__Harrison__Rex_Harrison__Sir_Rex_Harrison  John_Heming__Heming__Hemminge__John_Hemminge  Dustin_Hoffman__Hoffman  Sir_Anthony_Philip_Hopkins__Hopkins__Anthony_Hopkins__Sir_Anthony_Hopkins  Leslie_Howard_Stainer__Howard__Leslie_Howard  Al_Jolson__Jolson__Asa_Yoelson  Boris_Karloff__Karloff__William_Henry_Pratt  Edmund_Kean__Kean  Joseph_Francis_Keaton__Keaton__Buster_Keaton  Eugene_Curran_Kelly__Kelly__Gene_Kelly  Charles_Laughton__Laughton  Lee_Yuen_Kam__Lee__Bruce_Lee  Jack_Lemmon__Lemmon__John_Uhler  Harold_Clayton_Lloyd__Lloyd__Harold_Lloyd  Peter_Lorre__Lorre__Laszlo_Lowestein  Bela_Lugosi__Lugosi__Bela_Ferenc_Blasko  Alfred_Lunt__Lunt  E._G._Marshall__Marshall  Steve_Martin__Martin  James_Neville_Mason__Mason__James_Mason  Robert_Mitchum__Mitchum  Dudley_Stuart_John_Moore__Moore__Dudley_Moore  Paul_Newman__Newman  Sir_Laurence_Kerr_Olivier__Olivier__Laurence_Olivier__Baron_Olivier_of_Birghton  Peter_Seamus_O'Toole__O'Toole__Peter_O'Toole  Sidney_Poitier__Poitier  Charles_Robert_Redford__Redford__Robert_Redford  Sir_Ralph_David_Richardson__Richardson__Ralph_Richardson  Edward_Goldenberg_Robinson__Robinson__Edward_G._Robinson  George_C._Scott__Scott  Peter_Sellers__Sellers  Francis_Albert_Sinatra__Sinatra__Frank_Sinatra  Otis_Skinner__Skinner  Konstantin_Sergeevich_Stanislavsky__Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Sergevich_Alekseev  James_Maitland_Stewart__Stewart__Jimmy_Stewart  Erich_von_Stroheim__Stroheim  Spencer_Tracy__Tracy  Sir_Herbert_Beerbohm_Tree__Tree  Peter_Alexander_Ustinov__Ustinov__Sir_Peter_Ustinov  John_Wayne__Wayne__Duke_Wayne  George_Orson_Welles__Welles__Orson_Welles
                       subtype:  artiste  a public performer (a dancer or singer)
                       subtype:  baton_twirler__batontwirler__twirler  someone who twirls a baton
                          subtype:  drum_majorette.baton_twirler__drummajorette  a female baton twirler who accompanies a marching band
                       subtype:  comic__comedian  a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comic acts
                          subtype:  merry_andrew__merryandrew__clown__buffoon  a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior
                             subtype:  harlequin  a clown or buffoon (after the Harlequin character in the commedia dell'arte)
                             subtype:  jester__fool  a professional clown employed to to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages
                             subtype:  whiteface  a clown whose face is covered with white make-up
                             subtype:  zany  a buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for ludicrous effect
                             instance:  Emmett_Kelly__Kelly__Weary_Willie
                          subtype:  comedienne  a female comedian
                          subtype:  gagman__standup_comedian__standupcomedian  a comedian who uses gags
                          subtype:  jokester__joker  a person who enjoys telling or playing jokes
                          subtype:  top_banana__topbanana  the leading comedian in a burlesque show
                          instance:  George_Burns__Burns__Nathan_Birnbaum  Sir_Charles_Spencer_Chaplin__Chaplin__Charlie_Chaplin  Jimmy_Durante__Durante  W._C._Fields__Fields__William_Claude_Dukenfield  Oliver_Hardy__Hardy  Benny_Hill__Hill__Alfred_Hawthorne  Leslie_Townes_Hope__Hope__Bob_Hope  Joseph_Francis_Keaton__Keaton__Buster_Keaton  Sir_Harry_MacLennan_Lauder__Lauder__Harry_Lauder  Arthur_Stanley_Jefferson_Laurel__Laurel__Stan_Laurel  Steve_Martin__Martin  Julius_Marx__Groucho__groucho__marx  Leonard_Marx__Chico__Marx  Arthur_Marx__Harpo__Marx  Herbert_Marx__Zeppo__Marx  Dudley_Stuart_John_Moore__Moore__Dudley_Moore
                       subtype:  rodeo_rider__rodeorider__cowboy  a performer who gives exhibitions of riding and roping and bulldogging
                       subtype:  professional_dancer__dancer  a performer who dances
                          subtype:  ballet_dancer  a dancer who is a member of a ballet company
                             subtype:  ballerina__danseuse  a female ballet dancer
                                subtype:  prima_ballerina__primaballerina  a leading female ballet dancer
                             subtype:  danseur_noble__danseurnoble__danseur  a male ballet dancer who is the partner of a ballerina
                          subtype:  ballet_master  a man who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company
                          subtype:  baller_mistress  a woman who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company
                          subtype:  belly_dancer__bellydancer__exotic_dancer  a woman who performs a solo Oriental dance using exaggerated abdominal movements
                          subtype:  chorus_girl__showgirl__chorine  a woman who dances in a chorus line
                          subtype:  hoofer__stepper  a professional dancer
                          subtype:  nautch_girl  a professional dancing girl in India
                          subtype:  tap_dancer__tapdancer  a dancer who who sounds out rhythms by using metal taps on the toes and heels of the shoes
                          subtype:  taxi_dancer  a woman employed to dance with patrons who pay a fee for each dance
                          instance:  Alicia_Alonso__Alonso  Fred_Astaire__Astaire  George_Balanchine__Balanchine  Mikhail_Baryshnikov__Baryshnikov  Merce_Cunningham__Cunningham  Agnes_George_De_Mille__De_Mille__Agnes_De_Mille  Isadora_Duncan__Duncan  Dame_Margot_Fonteyn__Fonteyn  Martha_Graham__Graham  Judith_Jamison__Jamison  Tamara_Karsavina__Karsavina  Eugene_Curran_Kelly__Kelly__Gene_Kelly  Dame_Alicia_Markova__Markova__Lilian_Alicia_Marks  Leonide_Fedorovitch_Massine__leonidefedorovitchmassine__Massine__Leonid_Fyodorovich_Myasin  Arthur_Mitchell__Mitchell  Lola_Montez__Montez__Marie_Dolores_Eliza_Rosanna_Gilbert  Vaslav_Nijinsky__Nijinsky__Waslaw_Nijinsky  Rudolf_Nureyev__Nureyev  Anna_Pavlova__Pavlova  Ginger_Rogers__Rogers__Virginia_McMath  Salome  Ted_Shawn__Shawn  Moira_Shearer__Shearer  Ruth_St._Denis__St._Denis__Saint_Denis__Ruth_Saint_Denis  Maria_Tallchief__Tallchief  Twyla_Tharp__Tharp  Antony_Tudor__Tudor  Galina_Sergeevna_Ulanova__Ulanova__Galina_Ulanova  Gaetan_Vestris__Vestris
                       subtype:  executant  a performer (usually of musical works)
                       subtype:  fire-swallower__fire-eater  a performer who pretends to swallow fire
                       subtype:  fire_walker  someone who walks barefoot on burning coals
                       subtype:  headliner__star  a performer who receives prominent billing
                       subtype:  juggler  a performer who juggles objects and performs tricks of manual dexterity
                       subtype:  magician__prestidigitator__conjurer__conjuror__illusionist  someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience
                          subtype:  escapologist__escape_expert  someone who is expert in the art of escaping
                          subtype:  mind_reader__telepathist__thoughtreader  a magician who seems to discern the thoughts of another person (usually by clever signals from an accomplice)
                       subtype:  minstrel  a performer in a minstrel show
                          subtype:  corner_man__end_man__endman  a man at one end of line of performers in a minstrel show; carries on humorous dialogue with the interlocutor
                          subtype:  interlocutor__middleman  the performer in the middle of a minstrel line who engages the others in talk
                       subtype:  monologist  an entertainer who performs along
                       subtype:  instrumentalist__musician__player  someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession)
                          subtype:  accompanist__accompanyist  a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano)
                          subtype:  bandsman  a player in a band (especially a military band)
                          subtype:  bassoonist  a musician who plays the bassoon
                          subtype:  bell_ringer__bellringer  someone who plays musical handbells
                          subtype:  carillonneur  a musician who plays a carillon
                          subtype:  cellist  some who plays a violoncello
                             instance:  Pablo_Casals__Casals
                          subtype:  clarinetist__clarinettist  a musician who plays the clarinet
                             instance:  Benjamin_David_Goodman__Goodman__goodman__Benny_Goodman__the_King_of_Swing
                          subtype:  flutist__flute_player__fluteplayer  someone who plays the flute
                          subtype:  guitarist__guitar_player  a musician who plays the guitar
                             instance:  James_Marshall_Hendrix__Hendrix__Jimi_Hendrix  Riley_B_King__King__B._B._King  Andres_Segovia__Segovia__segovia
                          subtype:  harpist__harper  someone who plays the harp
                          subtype:  harpsichordist  someone who plays the harpsichord
                             instance:  Wanda_Landowska__Landowska
                          subtype:  jazz_musician__jazzman  a musician who plays or composes jazz music
                             subtype:  syncopator  a musician who plays syncopated jazz music (usually in a dance band); "they called themselves the Dixie Syncopators"
                             instance:  Louis_Armstrong__Armstrong__Satchmo  Miles_Dewey_Davis_Jr.__Davis__Miles_Davis  Edward_Kennedy_Ellington__Ellington__Duke_Ellington  Lionel_Hampton__Hampton__hampton  Woodrow_Charles_Herman__Herman__Woody_Herman  Thelonious_Sphere_Monk__Monk__Thelonious_Monk  Ferdinand_Joseph_La_Menthe_Morton__Morton__Jelly_Roll_Morton  King_Oliver__Oliver__Joseph_Oliveer  Arthur_Tatum__Tatum__Art_Tatum  Thomas_Wright_Waller__Waller__Fats_Waller
                          subtype:  koto_player  a (Japanese) musician who plays the koto
                          subtype:  lutist__lutanist__lutenist  a musician who plays the lute
                          subtype:  oboist  a musician who plays the oboe
                          subtype:  organist  a person who plays an organ
                             instance:  Johann_Sebastian_Bach__Bach  Albert_Schweitzer__Schweitzer
                          subtype:  percussionist  a musician who plays percussion instruments
                             subtype:  drummer  someone who plays a drum
                                subtype:  tympanist__timpanist  a person who plays the kettledrums
                                instance:  Ringo_Starr__Starr__Richard_Starkey
                             subtype:  xylophonist  someone who plays a xylophone
                          subtype:  pianist__piano_player__pianoplayer  a person who plays the piano
                             instance:  Frederic_Francois_Chopin__Chopin  Karl_Czerny__Czerny  Dame_Myra_Hess__Hess  Vladimir_Horowitz__Horowitz  Jerry_Lee_Lewis__Lewis  Franz_Liszt__Liszt  Ignace_Jan_Paderewski__Paderewski  Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninoff__Sergei_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninov__Sergei_Rachmaninov__Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninov  Anton_Grigorevich_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Anton_Gregor_Rubinstein  Arthur_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Artur_Rubinstein  Artur_Schnabel__Schnabel  Rudolf_Serkin__Serkin
                          subtype:  piper__bagpiper  someone who plays the bagpipe
                             subtype:  pipe_major  the chief piper in a band of bagpipes
                          subtype:  recorder_player  someone who plays the recorder
                          subtype:  rhythm_and_blues_musician  a performer (and sometimes composer) of rhythm and blues music
                             instance:  Antoine_Domino__Domino__Fats_Domino
                          subtype:  rock_'n'_roll_musician__rocker  a performer (or composer) of rock music
                             subtype:  rock_star  a famous singer of rock music
                                instance:  Charles_Edward_Berry__Berry__Chuck_Berry  William_John_Clifton_Haley_Jr.__Haley__Bill_Haley  George_Harrison__Harrison  Buddy_Holly__Holly__Charles_Hardin_Holley  Michael_Philip_Jagger__Jagger__Mick_Jagger  John_Lennon__Lennon  Jerry_Lee_Lewis__Lewis  Sir_James_Paul_McCartney__McCartney__Paul_McCartney  James_Douglas_Morrison__Morrison__Jim_Morrison  Elvis_Aron_Presley__Presley__Elvis_Presley  Ringo_Starr__Starr__Richard_Starkey
                          subtype:  saxophonist  a musician who plays the saxophone
                             instance:  Coleman_Hawkins__colemanhawkin__Hawkins  Charles_Christopher_Parker__Parker__Charlie_Parker__Yardbird_Parker__Bird_Parker  Lester_Willis_Young__Young__Pres_Young
                          subtype:  singer__vocalist__vocalizer__vocaliser  a person who sings
                             subtype:  alto.singer  a singer whose voice lies in the alto clef
                                subtype:  countertenor  a male singer with a voice above that of a tenor
                             subtype:  baritone__barytone  a male singer
                             subtype:  basso__bass  an adult male singer with the lowest voice
                             subtype:  canary  (informal) a female singer
                             subtype:  caroler__caroller  a singer of carols
                             subtype:  castrato  a male singer who was castrated before puberty and retains a soprano or alto voice
                             subtype:  chorister  a singer in a choir
                                subtype:  choirboy  a boy who sings in a choir
                             subtype:  contralto  a woman singer having a contralto voice
                                instance:  Marian_Anderson__Anderson  Ernestine_Schumann-Heink__Schumann-Heink
                             subtype:  crooner__balladeer  a singer of popular ballads
                                instance:  Harry_Lillis_Crosby__Crosby__Bing_Crosby  Francis_Albert_Sinatra__Sinatra__Frank_Sinatra
                             subtype:  folk_singer__jongleur__minstrel__poet-singer__troubadour  a singer of folk songs
                                instance:  Woodrow_Wilson_Guthrie__Guthrie__Woody_Guthrie  Peter_Seeger__Seeger__Pete_Seeger
                             subtype:  hummer  a singer who produces a tune without opening the lips or forming words
                             subtype:  lieder_singer  a singer of lieder
                             subtype:  madrigalist  a singer of madrigals
                             subtype:  opera_star__operastar__operatic_star  singer of lead role in an opera
                                subtype:  diva__prima_donna  a distinguished female operatic singer; a female operatic star
                             subtype:  rock_star  a famous singer of rock music
                             subtype:  songster  a person who sings
                                subtype:  songstress  a woman songster (especially of popular songs)
                             subtype:  soprano  a female singer
                                subtype:  coloratura_soprano__coloratura  a lyric soprano who specializes in coloratura vocal music
                                   instance:  Maria_Meneghini_Callas__Callas__Maria_Callas  Dame_Nellie_Melba__Melba__Helen_Porter_Mitchell
                                subtype:  mezzo__mezzo-soprano  a soprano with a voice between soprano and contralto
                                instance:  Eileen_Farrell__Farrell  Jenny_Lind__Lind__Swedish_Nightingale  Marta_Brigit_Nilsson__Nilsson__Brigit_Nilsson  Jessye_Norman__Norman  Mary_Leontyne_Price__Price__Leontyne_Price  Beverly_Sills__Sills  Dame_Joan_Sutherland__Sutherland__Joan_Sutherland  Renata_Tebaldi__Tebaldi  Dame_Kiri_Janette_Te_Kanawa__Te_Kanawa__Dame_Kiri_Te_Kanawa  Helen_Traubel__Traubel
                             subtype:  tenor  an adult male with a tenor voice
                                instance:  Enrico_Caruso__Caruso  Placido_Domingo__Domingo__domingo  John_McCormick__McCormick  Lauritz_Lebrecht_Hommel_Melchior__Melchior__Lauritz_Melchior  Luciano_Pavarotti__Pavarotti
                             subtype:  thrush.singer  (informal) a woman who sings popular songs
                             subtype:  torch_singer__torchsinger  a singer (usually a woman) who specializes in singing torch songs
                             subtype:  voice.singer  (metonymy) a singer; "he wanted to hear trained voices sing it"
                             subtype:  yodeller  a singer who changes register rapidly (popular is Swiss folk songs)
                             instance:  Pearl_Mae_Bailey__Bailey__Pearl_Bailey  Maurice_Chevalier__Chevalier  Marlene_Dietrich__Dietrich__Maria_Magdalene_von_Losch  Bob_Dylan__Dylan  Ella_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald  Judy_Garland__Garland  Julio_Iglesias__Iglesias  Mahalia_Jackson__Jackson  Michael_Joe_Jackson__Jackson__Michael_Jackson  Al_Jolson__Jolson__Asa_Yoelson  Janis_Joplin__Joplin  Riley_B_King__King__B._B._King  Sir_Harry_MacLennan_Lauder__Lauder__Harry_Lauder  Madonna_Louise_Ciccone__Madonna  Robert_Nesta_Marley__Marley__Bob_Marley  Dean_Martin__Dino_Paul_Crocetti__Martin  Ethel_Merman__Merman  Roy_Orbison__Orbison  Edith_Piaf__Piaf__Edith_Giovanna_Gassion__Little_Sparrow  Paul_Bustill_Robeson__Robeson__robeson__paulrobeson  Paul_Simon__Simon  Bessie_Smith__Smith  Kathryn_Elizabeth_Smith__Smith__Kate_Smith  Barbra_Joan_Streisand__Streisand__Barbra_Streisand  Sarah_Vaughan__Vaughan  Ethel_Waters__Waters  Tammy_Wynette__Wynette__Tammy_Wynetter_Pugh
                          subtype:  sitar_player__sitarplayer  a musician who plays the sitar
                             instance:  Ravi_Shankar__Shankar
                          subtype:  soloist  a musician who performs a solo
                             subtype:  recitalist  a musician who gives recitals
                          subtype:  trombonist__trombone_player  a musician who plays the trombone
                          subtype:  cornetist__trumpeter  a musician who plays the trumpet or cornet
                             subtype:  bugler  someone who plays a bugle
                             instance:  Louis_Armstrong__Armstrong__Satchmo  John_Birks_Gillespie__Gillespie__Dizzy_Gillespie
                          subtype:  violinist__fiddler  a musician who plays the violin
                             instance:  Georges_Enesco__Enesco__George_Enescu  Stephane_Grappelli__Grappelli  Fritz_Kreisler__Kreisler  Sir_Yehudi_Menuhin__Menuhin__Yehudi_Menuhin  Niccolo_Paganini__Paganini  Isaac_Stern__Stern  Antonio_Lucio_Vivaldi__Vivaldi__Antonio_Vivaldi  Efrem_Zimbalist__Zimbalist  Pinchas_Zukerman__Zukerman
                       subtype:  puppeteer  one who operates puppets or marionettes
                          instance:  Jim_Henson__Henson
                       subtype:  Savoyard.performer__savoyard  a person who performs in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan
                       subtype:  snake_charmer  a performer who uses movements and music to control snakes
                       subtype:  straight_man  a performer who acts as stooge to a comedian
                       subtype:  stripper__striptease_artist__striptease__stripteaser__exotic_dancer__ecdysiast__peeler  a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music
                          instance:  Gypsy_Rose_Lee__Lee__Rose_Louise_Hovick
                       subtype:  vaudevillian  a performer who works in vaudeville
                          instance:  George_Burns__Burns__Nathan_Birnbaum  Sophie_Tucker__Tucker
                       subtype:  ventriloquist  a performer who projects the voice into a wooden dummy
                    subtype:  pleaser  a pleasing entertainer; "he is quite the crowd pleaser"
                 subtype:  expert  a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
                    subtype:  adept__ace__maven__virtuoso__genius__hotshot__star__whiz__whizz__wizard__wiz  someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
                       subtype:  track_star__trackstar  a star runner
                    subtype:  agronomist  an expert in soil management and field-crop production
                    subtype:  all-rounder__allrounder__all_arounder__allarounder  a versatile person who is expert at many things; "she's the best all-rounder they've seen in years"
                    subtype:  analyst  someone who is skilled at analyzing data
                       subtype:  intelligence_analyst  a government analyst of information about an enemy or potential enemy
                       subtype:  assayer  an analyst who assays (performs chemical tests on) metals
                       subtype:  systems_analyst__systemsanalyst  a person skilled at systems analysis
                    subtype:  analyst.expert  an expert who studies financial data (on credit or securities or sales or financial patterns etc.) and recommends appropriate business actions
                       subtype:  credit_analyst  an analyst who studies the financial statements and financial history of applicants for credit in order to evaluate their creditworthiness
                       subtype:  financial_analyst__financialanalyst__securities_analyst  an analyst who studies the financial performance of corporations
                       subtype:  industry_analyst  an analyst of conditions affecting a particular industry
                          subtype:  oil-industry_analyst  an analyst of the oil industry
                       subtype:  market_analyst  an analyst of conditions affecting a market (especially the stock market)
                    subtype:  anatomist  an expert in anatomy
                       subtype:  comparative_anatomist__comparativeanatomist  anatomist who compares the anatomy of different animals
                          instance:  Sir_Richard_Owen__Owen
                       subtype:  histologist  anatomist who specializes in the microscopic study of animal tissues
                          instance:  Camillo_Golgi__Golgi  Marcello_Malpighi__Malpighi  Santiago_Ramon_y_Cajal__Ramon_y_Cajal  Theodor_Schwann__Schwann
                       instance:  Bartolommeo_Eustachio__Eustachio  Herbert_McLean_Evans__Evans  Galen  Georg_Meissner__Meissner  Johannes_Peter_Muller__Muller  Andreas_Vesalius__Vesalius  Kaspar_Friedrich_Wolff__Wolff
                    subtype:  antiquary__antiquarian  an expert or collector of antiquities
                    subtype:  arbiter__supreme_authority__supremeauthority  someone with the power to settle matters at will; "she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion"
                    subtype:  archer__bowman  a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrow
                       subtype:  longbowman  a medieval English archer who used a longbow
                       instance:  William_Tell__Tell
                    subtype:  authority.expert  an expert whose views are taken as definitive; "he is an authority on corporate law"
                       subtype:  adviser__advisor__consultant  an expert who gives advice
                          subtype:  amicus_curiae__friend_of_the_court  an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest
                          subtype:  backroom_boy__brain_truster__braintruster  an expert adviser involved in making important decisions but usually lacking official status
                          subtype:  beauty_consultant  someone who gives you advice about your personal appearance
                          subtype:  counselor__counsellor  some who gives advice about problems
                             subtype:  Dutch_uncle  a counselor who admonishes frankly and sternly
                             instance:  Nestor
                          subtype:  county_agent__agricultural_agent__extension_agent__extensionagent  an advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economics
                          subtype:  fashion_consultant__fashionconsultant__fashionmonger  someone who advises you about fashionable clothing
                          subtype:  investment_adviser__investment_advisor  someone who advises others how to invest their money
                          subtype:  management_consultant  adviser to business about efficient management practices
                          subtype:  media_consultant__mediaconsultant__medai_guru__medaiguru  someone who advises about the use of communication media
                          subtype:  security_consultant  an adviser about alarm systems to prevent burglaries
                          subtype:  tipster__tout  one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)
                       subtype:  Church_Father__Father  an early writer accepted as an authority on the teachings and practices of the Christian church
                       subtype:  connoisseur__cognoscenti  an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts
                          subtype:  esthete__aesthete  one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature
                          subtype:  oenophile__oenophilist__wine_lover  a connoisseur of fine wines; a grape nut
                       subtype:  evaluator__judge  an authority who is able to estimate worth or quality
                          subtype:  valuator__appraiser  one who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things
                             subtype:  valuer  (Brit) someone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions
                          subtype:  critic.evaluator  anyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of something
                             subtype:  appraiser__authenticator  one who determines authenticity (as of works of art) or who guarantees validity
                             subtype:  drama_critic__dramacritic__theater_critic__theatercritic  a critic of theatrical performances
                                instance:  Alexander_Woollcott__Woollcott
                             subtype:  grader  a judge who assigns grades to something
                                subtype:  wool_sorter__wool_stapler  a person who sorts wool into different grades
                             subtype:  music_critic__musiccritic  a critic of musical performances
                                instance:  Joseph_Deems_Taylor__Taylor__Deems_Taylor
                             subtype:  panelist__panellist  a member of a panel
                                subtype:  juror__juryman__jurywoman  someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury
                                   subtype:  foreperson  the presiding member of the jury and the one who speaks on their behalf
                                      subtype:  foreman  a man who is foreperson of a jury
                                      subtype:  forelady__forewoman  a woman who is foreperson of a jury
                                   subtype:  petit_juror__petitjuror__petty_juror__pettyjuror  a member of a petit jury
                             subtype:  reviewer__referee__reader  someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
                                subtype:  scanner.reviewer  someone who scans verse to determine the number and prosodic value of the syllables
                             subtype:  taster__tastetester__sampler  someone who samples food or drink for its quality
                                subtype:  wine_taster  a taster who evaluates the quality of wines
                       subtype:  liturgist  an authority on liturgies
                       subtype:  master.authority__professional  an authority qualified to teach apprentices
                          subtype:  past_master.master__pastmaster  someone who was formerly a master
                    subtype:  black_belt.expert__blackbelt  a person who attained the rank of expert in the martial arts (judo or karate)
                    subtype:  calculator__reckoner__figurer__computer  an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)
                       subtype:  number_cruncher.calculator__numbercruncher  someone able to perform complex and lengthy calculations
                       subtype:  statistician__actuary  someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data (especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums)
                          subtype:  surveyor.statistician  someone who conducts a statistical survey
                    subtype:  computer_expert__computer_guru  an authority on computers and computing
                       subtype:  UNIX_guru  an expert on the UNIX operating system
                    subtype:  cosmetologist  an expert in the use of cosmetics
                    subtype:  efficiency_expert__efficiency_engineer  an expert in increasing the efficient use of machines and personnel
                    subtype:  genealogist  an expert in genealogy
                    subtype:  geographer  an expert on geography
                       subtype:  cartographer__map_maker__mapmaker  a person who makes maps
                          instance:  Sebastian_Cabot__Cabot
                       instance:  Gerardus_Mercator__Mercator__Gerhard_Kremer
                    subtype:  horticulturist  an expert in the science of cultivating plants (fruit or flowers or vegetables or ornamental plants)
                       subtype:  nurseryman__gardener  someone who takes care of a garden
                          subtype:  transplanter  a gardener who moves plants to new locations
                       instance:  Luther_Burbank__Burbank
                    subtype:  investigator  someone who investigates
                       subtype:  claims_adjuster__adjuster__adjustor__claims_adjustor__claim_agent__claimagent  one who investigates insurance claims or claims for damages and recommends an effective settlement
                       subtype:  coroner__medical_examiner__medicalexaminer  a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes
                       subtype:  detective  an investigator engaged or employed in obtaining information not easily available to the public
                          subtype:  private_detective__privatedetective__PI__private_eye__privateeye__private_investigator__privateinvestigator__operative__shamus__sherlock  someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information
                             subtype:  hotel_detective__hoteldetective__house_detective__housedetective__house_dick__housedick  a private detective employed by a hotel or retail store
                             subtype:  inquiry_agent__inquiryagent  (British) a private detective
                             subtype:  store_detective__storedetective  a private detective employed by a merchant to stop pilferage
                          subtype:  sleuth__sleuthhound  a detective who follows a trail
                       subtype:  examiner__inspector  an investigator who observes carefully; "the examiner searched for clues"
                          subtype:  bank_examiner  an official appointed to audit the accounts of banks in a given jurisdiction
                          subtype:  checker  one who checks the correctness of something
                          subtype:  scrutinizer__scrutiniser  a careful examiner; someone who inspects with great care
                          subtype:  scrutineer  (British) someone who examines votes at an election
                       subtype:  ombudsman  a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government
                       instance:  Samuel_Wiesenthal__Wiesenthal
                    subtype:  jurist__legal_expert__legalexpert  a legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations
                       subtype:  Mufti  a jurist who interprets Muslim law
                       instance:  Jeremy_Bentham__Bentham  Oliver_Wendell_Holmes_Jr.__Holmes  Charles_Evans_Hughes__Hughes  John_Jay__Jay  John_Marshall__Marshall  William_Hubbs_Rehnquist__Rehnquist__William_Rehnquist  Harlan_Fiske_Stone__Stone  Frederick_Moore_Vinson__Vinson  Earl_Warren__Warren
                    subtype:  lapidary__lapidarist  an expert on precious stones and the art of cutting and engraving them
                    subtype:  logician__logistician  a person skilled at symbolic logic
                       subtype:  dialectician  a logician skilled in dialectic
                       subtype:  syllogist__syllogizer__syllogiser  logician skilled in syllogistic reasoning
                       instance:  William_Stanley_Jevons__Jevons  Charles_Franklin_Peirce__Peirce__Charles_Peirce  Willard_Van_Orman_Quine__Quine  Bertrand_Arthur_William_Russell__Russell__russell__Bertrand_Russell__Earl_Russell  John_Venn__Venn
                    subtype:  mnemonist  an expert in the use of mnemonics; someone able to perform unusual feats of memory
                    subtype:  mythologist  an expert on mythology
                       instance:  Joseph_Campbell__Campbell
                    subtype:  observer__commentator  an expert who observes and comments on something
                       subtype:  annotator  a commentator who writes notes to a text
                    subtype:  out-and-outer__outandouter  (slang) someone who is excellent at something
                    subtype:  parliamentarian  an expert in parliamentary rules and procedures
                       instance:  Henry_Martin_Robert__Robert
                    subtype:  past_master  someone who has long and thorough experience in a given activity
                    subtype:  prosthetist  an expert in prosthetics
                    subtype:  scout__pathfinder__guide  someone who can find paths through unexplored territory
                       subtype:  hunting_guide__huntingguide  guide to people hunting in unfamiliar territory
                    subtype:  shark.expert  a person who is unusually skilled in certain ways; "a card shark"
                    subtype:  shot.expert__shooter  a person who shoots (as regards their ability); "he is a crack shot"; "a poor shooter"
                       subtype:  marksman__sharpshooter__crack_shot__crackshot  someone skilled in shooting
                          subtype:  franc-tireur__franctireur  a sharpshooter (in the French army)
                          subtype:  rifleman  someone skilled in the use of a rifle
                          subtype:  sniper  a marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place
                       subtype:  gunman__gun  a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability)
                       subtype:  trapshooter  a person who engages in shooting at clay pigeons that are hurled into the air by a trap
                    subtype:  specialist__specializer  an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
                       subtype:  enologist__oenologist__fermentologist  a specialist in wine making
                       subtype:  attache  a specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission
                          subtype:  cultural_attache  an attache who is a specialist in cultural matters
                          subtype:  military_attache  an attache who is a specialist in military matters
                       subtype:  canonist  a specialist in canon law
                       subtype:  criminologist  a specialist in criminology
                          instance:  Alphonse_Bertillon__Bertillon
                       subtype:  dietician__dietitian__nutritionist  a specialist in the study of nutrition
                       subtype:  educationist__educationalist  a specialist in the theory of education
                       subtype:  fingerprint_expert__fingerprintexpert__fingerprint_specialist__fingerprintspecialist__fingerprint_man__fingerprintman  a specialist in identifying fingerprints
                       subtype:  graphologist__handwriting_expert__handwritingexpert  a specialist in inferring character from handwriting
                       subtype:  interior_designer__designer__interior_decorator__house_decorator__housedecorator__room_decorator__decorator  a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings
                          instance:  Charles_Eames__Eames
                       subtype:  meteorologist  a specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions
                          subtype:  weatherman__weather_forecaster__weatherforecaster  predicts the weather
                       subtype:  optometrist__oculist  a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses
                       subtype:  orientalist  a specialist in oriental subjects
                       subtype:  tree_surgeon__arborist  a specialist in treating damaged trees
                    subtype:  talent  a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity
                    subtype:  technician.expert  someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique
                    subtype:  therapist__healer  a person skilled in a particular type of therapy
                       subtype:  naprapath  a therapist who practices naprapathy
                       subtype:  alleviator  a therapist who makes suffering more endurable
                       subtype:  chiropractor  a therapist who practices chiropractic
                       subtype:  electrotherapist  someone who specializes in the treatment of disease by electricity
                       subtype:  herbalist__herbdoctor  a therapist who heals by the use of herbs
                       subtype:  naturopath  a therapist who practices naturopathy
                       subtype:  osteopath__osteopathist  a therapist who manipulates the skeleton and muscles
                       subtype:  physical_therapist__physiotherapist  therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder
                          subtype:  massager  someone who rubs or kneads parts of the body to stimulate circulation and promote relaxation
                             subtype:  masseur  a male massager
                             subtype:  masseuse  a female massager
                       subtype:  psychotherapist__clinical_psychologist  a therapist who deals with mental and emotional disorders
                       subtype:  speech_therapist  a therapist who treats speech defects and disorders
                    subtype:  old-timer__oldtimer__veteran__old_hand__oldhand__warhorse__old_stager__oldstager__stager  an experienced person; someone who has given long service
                 subtype:  face.person  (synecdoche) a part of a person that is used to refer to a person; "he looked out at a roomful of faces"; "when he returned to work he met many new faces"
                 subtype:  good_person  a person who is good to other people
                    subtype:  benefactor__helper  a person who helps people or institutions
                       subtype:  benefactress  a woman benefactor
                       subtype:  bondsman__bondswoman  someone who signs a bond as surety for someone else
                       subtype:  donor.benefactor__giver__presenter  person who makes a gift of property
                          subtype:  abnegator  one who gives up or relinquishes or renounces something
                          subtype:  almsgiver  a person who gives alms
                          subtype:  Indian_giver  one who ask you to return the present he has given you
                          subtype:  philanthropist__altruist  someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being
                             instance:  Andrew_Carnegie__Carnegie  Peter_Cooper__Cooper  Ezra_Cornell__Cornell  Solomon_Guggenheim__Guggenheim  John_Harvard__Harvard  Milton_Snavely_Hershey__Hershey  Hopkins__Johns_Hopkins  Andrew_William_Mellon__Mellon__Andrew_Mellon__Andrew_W._Mellon  Alfred_Bernhard_Nobel__Nobel__Alfred_Nobel  First_Viscount_Nuffield__Nuffield__William_Richard_Morris  John_Davison_Rockefeller__Rockefeller__John_D._Rockefeller  Cornelius_Vanderbilt__Vanderbilt__Commodore_VAnderbilt  Elihu_Yale__Yale
                          subtype:  subscriber__contributor  someone who contributes (or promises to contribute) a sum of money
                          subtype:  subsidizer__subsidiser  someone who assists or supports by giving a subsidy
                          subtype:  tipper  a person who leaves a tip; "a generous tipper"
                       subtype:  donor  (medicine) someone who gives blood or tissue or an organ to be used in another person (the host)
                          subtype:  blood_donor  someone who gives blood to be used for transfusions
                             subtype:  universal_donor  a person whose type O Rh-negative blood may be safely transfused into persons with other blood types
                          subtype:  organ_donor__organdonor  someone from whom an organ is taken for transplantation
                       subtype:  good_Samaritan__Samaritan  a person who voluntarily offers help or sympathy in times of trouble
                       subtype:  humanitarian__do-gooder__improver  someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms
                       subtype:  liberator  someone who releases people from captivity or bondage
                          subtype:  emancipator__manumitter  someone who frees others from bondage; "Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator"
                       subtype:  obliger__accommodator  someone who performs a service or does a favor
                       subtype:  offerer__offeror  someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection
                       subtype:  patron__sponsor__supporter  someone who supports or champions something
                          subtype:  backer__angel  invests in a theatrical production
                          subtype:  godfather  someone having a relation analogous to that of a male sponsor to his godchild
                          subtype:  godparent  a person who sponsors someone (the godchild) at baptism
                             subtype:  godfather.godparent  any man who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism
                             subtype:  godmother  any woman who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism
                          subtype:  guarantor__surety__warrantor__warranter  one who provides a warrant or guarantee to another
                          subtype:  patroness__patrones  a woman who is a patron
                       subtype:  provider  someone who provides the means for subsistence
                       subtype:  savior__saviour__rescuer__deliverer  a person who rescues you from harm or danger
                          subtype:  messiah__christ  any expected deliverer
                       subtype:  sparer  someone who refrains from injuring or destroying
                       subtype:  uncle.benefactor  a source of help and advice and encouragement; "he played uncle to lonely students"
                    subtype:  brick.good_person  a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy
                    subtype:  giver  someone who devotes themselves completely; "there are no greater givers than those who give themselves"
                    subtype:  plaster_saint__plastersaint  a person (considered to be) without human failings; "he's no plaster saint"
                    subtype:  holy_man__saint__holy_person__angel  person of exceptional holiness
                       subtype:  Buddha  one who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment
                       subtype:  fakir__fakeer__faqir__faquir  a Muslim or Hindu mendicant monk who is regarded as a holy man
                          subtype:  dervish  an ascetic Muslim monk; a member of an order noted for devotional exercises involving bodily movements
                             subtype:  whirling_dervish__whirler  a dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling
                    subtype:  square_shooter__straight_shooter__straight_arrow  a frank and honest person
                    subtype:  sweetheart  any well-liked individual; "he's a sweetheart"
                 subtype:  individualist  a person who pursues independent thought or action
                    subtype:  dropout.individualist  someone who withdraws from a social group or environment
                    subtype:  loner__lone_wolf__lone_hand  a person who avoids the company or assistance of others
                       subtype:  hermit__recluse__solitudinarian__troglodyte  one who lives in solitude
                          instance:  John_the_Baptist
                    subtype:  mugwump__independent  a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)
                    subtype:  night_owl__nightowl__nighthawk__nightbird  a person who likes to be active late at night
                    subtype:  nudist__naturist  a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion
                    subtype:  withdrawer.individualist  an individualist who withdraws from social interaction
                 subtype:  inhabitant__dweller__denizen  a person who inhabits a particular place
                    subtype:  Australian__Aussie  a native or inhabitant of Australia
                       subtype:  Australian_Aborigine__Aborigine__Abo__Aboriginal__native_Australian  a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived
                       subtype:  Australian_researcher
                          instance:  nataliya@dstc.edu.au  p.eklund@gu.edu.au  peter.deer@dsto.defence.gov.au  r.cole@gu.edu.au  t.tilley@gu.edu.au  daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au
                    subtype:  Austronesian  a native or inhabitant of Austronesia
                       subtype:  Nauruan  a native or inhabitant of Nauru
                       subtype:  Polynesian  a native or inhabitant of Polynesia
                          subtype:  Fijian.Polynesian__fijian  a native or inhabitant of Fiji
                          subtype:  Samoan  a native or inhabitant of the Samoan Islands
                          subtype:  Tahitian.Polynesian__tahitian  a native or inhabitant of Tahiti
                          subtype:  Tongan  a native or inhabitant of Tonga
                    subtype:  New_Zealander  a native or inhabitant of New Zealand
                    subtype:  American  a native or inhabitant of the United States
                       subtype:  African-American__Afro-American  an American whose ancestors were born in Africa
                       subtype:  Creole  a person descended from French ancestors in southern United States especially Louisiana
                       subtype:  Anglo-American  an American who was born in England or whose ancestors were English
                       subtype:  Alabaman__Alabamian  a resident of Alabama
                       subtype:  Alaskan  a resident of Alaska
                       subtype:  Arizonan__Arizonian  a resident of Arizona
                       subtype:  Arkansan__Arkansawyer  a resident of Arkansas
                       subtype:  Bay_Stater  a resident of Massachusetts
                       subtype:  Californian  a resident of California
                       subtype:  Carolinian  a resident of the Carolinas
                       subtype:  Coloradan  a resident of Colorado
                       subtype:  Connecticuter  a resident of Connecticut
                       subtype:  Delawarean__Delawarian  a resident of Delaware
                       subtype:  Floridian  a resident of Florida
                       subtype:  Franco-American  an American who was born in France or whose ancestors were French
                       subtype:  German_American  an American who was born in Germany or whose ancestors were German
                       subtype:  Georgian  a resident of the American state of Georgia
                       subtype:  Hawaiian.American__hawaiian  a resident of Hawaii
                       subtype:  Idahoan  a resident of Idaho
                       subtype:  Illinoisan  a resident of Illinois
                       subtype:  Indianan__Hoosier  a resident of Indiana
                       subtype:  Iowan  a resident of Iowa
                       subtype:  Kansan  a resident of Kansas
                       subtype:  Kentuckian  a resident of Kentucky
                       subtype:  Louisianan__Louisianian  a resident of Louisiana
                       subtype:  Mainer__Down_Easter  a resident of Maine
                       subtype:  Michigander__Wolverine  a resident of Michigan
                       subtype:  Minnesotan  a resident of Minnesota
                       subtype:  Mississippian  a resident of Mississippi
                       subtype:  Missourian  a resident of Missouri
                       subtype:  Montanan  a resident of Montana
                       subtype:  Nebraskan__Cornhusker  a resident of Nebraska
                       subtype:  Nevadan  a resident of Nevada
                       subtype:  New_Hampshirite  a resident of New Hampshire
                       subtype:  New_Yorker  a resident of New York
                          subtype:  East-sider  a resident of the east side of Manhattan in New York City
                          subtype:  West-sider  a resident of the west side of Manhattan in New York City
                       subtype:  North_Carolinian  a resident of North Carolina
                       subtype:  North_Dakotan  a resident of North Dakota
                       subtype:  Ohioan__Buckeye  a resident of Ohio
                       subtype:  Oregonian  a resident of Oregon
                       subtype:  Pennsylvanian  a resident of Pennsylvania
                       subtype:  Rhode_Islander  a resident of Rhode Island
                       subtype:  South_Carolinian  a resident of South Carolina
                       subtype:  South_Dakotan  a resident of South Dakota
                       subtype:  Tennessean  a resident of Tennessee
                       subtype:  Texan  a resident of Texas
                       subtype:  Utahan  a resident of Utah
                       subtype:  Vermonter  a resident of Vermont
                       subtype:  Virginian  a resident of Virginia
                       subtype:  Washingtonian  a resident of the state of Washington
                       subtype:  Washingtonian.American__washingtonian  a resident of the city of Washington
                       subtype:  West_Virginian  a resident of West Virginia
                       subtype:  Wisconsinite  a resident of Wisconsin
                       subtype:  Wyomingite  a resident of Wyoming
                       subtype:  Puerto_Rican  a resident of Puerto Rico
                       subtype:  Yankee-Doodle__Yankee__Yank  an American
                       subtype:  New_Englander__Yankee__Yank  an American who lives in New England
                       subtype:  Yankee__Yank__Northerner  an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War)
                          subtype:  Federal_soldier__Federal__Union_soldier  a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War
                       subtype:  Southerner  an American who lives in the South
                          subtype:  Confederate  a supporter of the Confederate States of America
                             subtype:  Confederate_soldier  a soldier in the Army of the Confederacy during the American Civil War
                                subtype:  bushwhacker  a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War
                                subtype:  Rebel__Reb__Johnny_Reb__Johnny__grayback  (informal) `johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `grayback' derived from their gray Confederate uniforms
                       subtype:  Spanish_American__Hispanic_American__Hispanic__Latino  an American whose first language was Spanish
                       subtype:  Tory  an American who favored the British side during the American Revolution
                    subtype:  Alsatian  a native or inhabitant of Alsace
                    subtype:  borderer  an inhabitant of a border area (especially the border between Scotland and England)
                    subtype:  cottager__cottage_dweller  someone who lives in a cottage
                    subtype:  easterner  an inhabitant of an eastern area; especially of the U.S.
                    subtype:  islander__island-dweller  an inhabitant of an island
                    subtype:  landlubber__landsman__landman  a person who lives and works on land
                    subtype:  liver.inhabitant  someone who lives in a place; "a liver in cities"
                    subtype:  Northerner  an inhabitant of the North
                    subtype:  Occidental  a native inhabitant of the Occident
                    subtype:  Philistine  a non-Semitic inhabitant of ancient Philistia
                    subtype:  plainsman  an inhabitant of a plains region (especially the Great Plains of North America)
                    subtype:  resident__occupant__occupier  someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there
                       subtype:  Latin_American__Spanish_American  a resident of Latin America
                          subtype:  spic__spik__spick  ethnic slur; offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent
                          subtype:  criollo.Latin_American  a Spanish American of pure European stock (usually Spanish); "Mexico is a country of mestizos, criollos, and indigenes"
                       subtype:  coaster.resident  a resident of a coastal area
                       subtype:  colonial  a resident of a colony
                       subtype:  dalesman  a person who lives in the dales of Northern England
                       subtype:  Galilean__Galilaean  a resident of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ)
                       subtype:  inmate  one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital)
                       subtype:  metropolitan  a person who lives in a metropolis
                       subtype:  outlier.resident  a person who lives away from his place of work
                       subtype:  owner-occupier__owneroccupier  a occupant who owns the home that he/she lives in
                       subtype:  sojourner  a temporary resident
                       subtype:  stater  a resident of a particular state or group of states; "Keystone stater"; "farm staters"
                       subtype:  suburbanite  a resident of a suburb
                       subtype:  tenant.resident  any occupant who dwells in a place
                       subtype:  towner__townsman  a resident of a town or city
                          subtype:  townee  (Brit; informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller
                          subtype:  townie__towny  resident of a college town not affiliated with the college
                    subtype:  tellurian__earthling__earthman  an inhabitant of the earth
                    subtype:  Trinidadian  inhabitant or native of Trinidad
                    subtype:  villager  one who has lived in a village most of their life
                    subtype:  westerner  an inhabitant of a western area; especially of the U.S.
                 subtype:  native__indigen__indigene  a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person
                    subtype:  Levantine  (formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant
                    subtype:  Mauritian  a native or inhabitant of Mauritius
                    subtype:  Filipino  a native or inhabitant of the Philippines
                       subtype:  Tagalog.Filipino__tagalog  a member of a people native to the Philippines chiefly inhabiting central Luzon around and including Manila
                       subtype:  Visayan__Bisayan  a member of the most numerous indigenous people of the Philippines
                          subtype:  Cebuan  inhabitant of the island of Cebu; a member of the Visayan people of the Philippines
                    subtype:  Russian  a native or inhabitant of Russia
                       subtype:  Tatar.Russian__tatar  a member of the Turkic-speaking people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains (the name has been attributed to many other groups)
                       subtype:  Votyak__Udmurt  a member of the Finno-Ugric-speaking people living in eastern European Russia
                       subtype:  Komi  a member of a Finnish people living in the northwestern Urals in Russia
                       subtype:  Cheremiss__Cheremis__Mari  a member of a rural Finnish people living in eastern Russia
                       subtype:  Inger__Ingrian__Ingerman  a member of western Finnish people formerly living in the Baltic province where Saint Petersburg was built
                       subtype:  Carelian__Karelian  a member of the Finnish people living in Karelia in northwestern European Russia
                       subtype:  Ostyak__Khanty  a member of the nomadic Ugrian people living in northwestern Siberia (east of the Ural mountains)
                       subtype:  Mordvin__Mordva__Mordvinian  a member of the agricultural people living in the central Volga provinces of European Russia
                       subtype:  Nganasan.Russian__nganasan  a member of the Samoyedic people living on the Taimyr peninsula in Siberia
                       subtype:  Ostyak-Samoyed__Selkup  one of the people of mixed Ostyak and Samoyed origin in Siberia
                       subtype:  Samoyed  a Samoyedic-speaking person in northwestern Siberia
                       subtype:  Vepse__Veps__Vepsian  a member of a Finnish people of Russia
                       subtype:  Vogul__Mansi  a member of a nomadic people of the northern Ural mountains
                       subtype:  Yeniseian  a member of one of the groups living in the Yenisei river valley in western Siberia
                       subtype:  Great_Russian  a member of the chief East Slavonic people of Soviet Russia
                       subtype:  Muscovite  a resident of Moscow
                       subtype:  Georgian.Russian__georgian  a native or inhabitant of Asian Georgia
                       subtype:  Siberian  a native or inhabitant of Siberia
                    subtype:  Seychellois  a native or inhabitant of Seychelles
                    subtype:  American.native__american  a native or inhabitant of America
                       subtype:  Creole.American__creole  a person of European descent born in the West Indies or Spanish America
                       subtype:  North_American  a native or inhabitant of North America
                          subtype:  Bermudan__Bermudian  a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
                          subtype:  Canadian  a native or inhabitant of Canada
                             subtype:  French_Canadian  a Canadian descended from early French settlers and whose native language is French
                                subtype:  Acadian  an early French settler in the Maritimes
                                   subtype:  Cajun  a Louisianian descended from Acadian immigrants from Nova Scotia (`Cajun' comes from `Acadian')
                                subtype:  Canuck  US slang for Canadians in general and French Canadians in particular
                          subtype:  Central_American  a native or inhabitant of Central America
                             subtype:  Costa_Rican  a native or inhabitant of Costa Rica
                             subtype:  Guatemalan  a native or inhabitant of Guatemala
                             subtype:  Honduran  a native or inhabitant of Honduras
                             subtype:  Mexican  a native of inhabitant of Mexico
                                subtype:  greaser__wetback__taco  ethnic slur; offensive terms for a person of Mexican descent
                                subtype:  Mexican-American__Mexicano  a Mexican (or person of Mexican descent) living in the United States
                             subtype:  Nicaraguan  a native or inhabitant of Nicaragua
                             subtype:  Panamanian  a native or inhabitant of Panama
                       subtype:  South_American  a native or inhabitant of South America
                          subtype:  Argentinian  a native or inhabitant of Argentina
                          subtype:  Bolivian  a native or inhabitant of Bolivia
                          subtype:  Brazilian  a native or inhabitant of Brazil
                             subtype:  Carioca  a native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro
                          subtype:  Chilean  a native or inhabitant of Chile
                          subtype:  Colombian  a native or inhabitant of Colombia
                          subtype:  Ecuadorian__Ecuadoran  a native or inhabitant of Ecuador
                          subtype:  Salvadoran__Salvadorian__Salvadorean  a native or inhabitant of El Salvador
                          subtype:  Guyanese  a native or inhabitant of Guyana
                          subtype:  Paraguayan  a native or inhabitant of Paraguay
                          subtype:  Peruvian  a native or inhabitant of Peru
                          subtype:  Uruguayan  a native or inhabitant of Uruguay
                          subtype:  Venezuelan  a native or inhabitant of Venezuela
                       subtype:  West_Indian  a native or inhabitant of the West Indies
                          subtype:  Anguillan  a native or inhabitant of the island of Anguilla in the West Indies
                          subtype:  Antiguan  a native or inhabitant of Antigua
                          subtype:  Bahamian  a native or inhabitant of the Bahamas
                          subtype:  Barbadian  a native or inhabitant of Barbados
                          subtype:  Cuban  a native or inhabitant of Cuba
                          subtype:  Haitian  a native or inhabitant of Haiti
                          subtype:  Jamaican  a native or inhabitant of Jamaica
                          subtype:  Montserratian  a native or inhabitant of Montserrat
                          subtype:  Grenadian  a native or inhabitant of Grenada
                          subtype:  Tobagonian  a native or inhabitant of the island of Tobago in the West Indies
                 subtype:  innocent__inexperienced_person__inexperiencedperson  a person who lacks knowledge of evil
                 subtype:  intellectual__intellect  a person who uses the mind creatively
                 subtype:  juvenile_person__juvenile  a youthful person
                 subtype:  lover  a person who loves or is loved
                 subtype:  leader  a person who rules or guides or inspires others
                 subtype:  money_handler__moneyhandler__money_dealer__moneydealer  a person who receives or invests or pays out money
                 subtype:  national__subject  a person who owes allegiance to that nation; "a monarch has a duty to his subjects"
                 subtype:  nonreligious_person  a person who does not manifest devotion to a deity
                 subtype:  nonworker  a person who does nothing
                 subtype:  peer__equal__match__compeer  a person who is of equal standing with another in a group
                 subtype:  perceiver__observer__beholder  a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
                 subtype:  precursor__forerunner  a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
                 subtype:  primitive_person__primitiveperson__primitive  a person who belongs to early stage of civilization
                 subtype:  religionist__religious_person__religiousperson  a person who manifests devotion to a deity
                 subtype:  sensualist  a person who enjoys sensuality
                 subtype:  traveler__traveller  a person who changes location
                 subtype:  unfortunate_person__unfortunateperson__unfortunate  a person who suffers misfortune
                 subtype:  unwelcome_person__unwelcomeperson__persona_non_grata  a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome
                 subtype:  unskilled_person__unskilledperson  a person who lacks technical training
                 subtype:  worker  a person who works at a specific job; "he is a good worker"
                 subtype:  African  a native or inhabitant of Africa
                 subtype:  person_of_color__person_of_colour  (formal) any non-European non-White person
                 subtype:  White__white_person__whiteperson__Caucasian  a member of the Caucasoid race
                 subtype:  Slav  any member of the people of Eastern Europe or Russian Asia who speak a Slavonic language
                 subtype:  Gentile  a person who is not a member of one's own religion; used in this sense by Mormons and Hindus
                 subtype:  Jew__Hebrew__Israelite  a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties
                 subtype:  European  a person of European nationality
                 subtype:  abstinent__abstainer__nondrinker  a person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages
                 subtype:  achiever__winner__success__succes  a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success"
                 subtype:  acquaintance__friend  a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family"
                 subtype:  acquirer  a person who acquires something (usually permanently)
                 subtype:  actor__doer__worker  a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker"
                 subtype:  adjudicator  a person who adjudicates
                 subtype:  admirer  a person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves
                 subtype:  adversary__antagonist__opponent__opposer  someone who offers opposition
                 subtype:  advisee  someone who receives advice
                 subtype:  advocator__advocate__proponent__exponent  a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
                 subtype:  affiant  a person who makes an affidavit
                 subtype:  amateur  someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime
                 subtype:  apprehender  a person who seizes or arrests (especially a person who seizes or arrests in the name of justice)
                 subtype:  appreciator  a person who is fully aware of something and understand it; "he is not an appreciator of our dilemma"
                 subtype:  arrogator  a person who through conceit makes pretentious claims to rights or advantages that he or she is not entitled to or to qualities that he or she does not possess
                 subtype:  authority  (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others; "the authorities have issued a curfew"
                 subtype:  autodidact  a person who is self-taught
                 subtype:  baby_boomer__boomer  a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s; "they expanded the schools for a generation of baby boomers"
                 subtype:  baby_buster__buster  a person born in the generation following the baby boom when the birth rate fell dramatically
                 subtype:  baldhead__baldpate__baldy  a person whose head is bald
                 subtype:  balker__baulker  a person who refuses to comply
                 subtype:  bullfighter  someone who fights bulls
                 subtype:  bather  a person who takes a bath
                 subtype:  bedfellow  a person with whom you share a bed
                 subtype:  best.person  the person who is most outstanding or excellent; "he could beat the best of them"
                 subtype:  biter  someone who bites
                 subtype:  blond__blonde  a person with fair skin and hair
                 subtype:  bodybuilder__musclebuilder  someone who does special exercises to develop the musculature
                 subtype:  bomber.person  a person who plants bombs
                 subtype:  brunet__brunette  a person with dark (brown) hair
                 subtype:  buster  a person (or thing) that breaks up or overpowers something; "dam buster"; "sanction buster"; crime buster"
                 subtype:  candidate__prospect  someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc.)
                 subtype:  case.person  a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
                 subtype:  celebrator__celebrant__celebrater  a person who is celebrating
                 subtype:  charmer  a person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness)
                 subtype:  child.person__baby  an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!"
                 subtype:  clumsy_person  a person with poor motor coordination
                 subtype:  aggregator__collector  a person who collects things
                 subtype:  combatant__battler__belligerent__fighter  someone who fights (or is fighting)
                 subtype:  complexifier  someone makes things complex
                 subtype:  compulsive  a person with a compulsive disposition; someone who feels compelled to do certain things
                 subtype:  copycat__imitator__emulator__ape__aper  someone who copies the words or behavior of another
                 subtype:  crawler__creeper  a person who crawls or creeps along the ground
                 subtype:  wight__creature  a human being; `wight' is an archaic term
                 subtype:  social_dancer__dancer  a person who participates in a social gathering arranged for dancing (as a ball)
                 subtype:  dead_person__dead_soul__deceased_person__deceased__decedent__departed  someone who is no longer alive; "I wonder what the dead person would have done"
                 subtype:  debaser__degrader  a person who lowers the quality or character or value (as by adding cheaper metal to coins)
                 subtype:  defecator__voider__shitter  a person who defecates
                 subtype:  delayer  a person who delays; to put off until later or cause to be late
                 subtype:  deliverer  a person who gives up or transfers money or goods
                 subtype:  demander  a person who makes demands
                 subtype:  dichromat  a person with any of the various forms of dichromacy
                 subtype:  differentiator__discriminator  a person who differentiates
                 subtype:  disentangler__unraveler__unraveller  a person who removes tangles; someone who takes something out of a tangled state
                 subtype:  dissenter__dissident__protester__objector__contestant  a person who dissents from some established policy
                 subtype:  divider  a person who separates something into parts or groups
                 subtype:  look-alike__double__image  someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor); "he could be Gingrich's double"; "she's the very image of her mother"
                 subtype:  dresser.person  a person who dresses in a particular way; "she's an elegant dresser"; "he's a meticulous dresser"
                 subtype:  driveller__dribbler__slobberer__drooler  a person who dribbles; "that baby is a dribbler; he needs a bib"
                 subtype:  drug_user__substance_abuser__substanceabuser__user  a person who takes drugs
                 subtype:  ectomorph  a person with a thin non-muscular body
                 subtype:  effecter__effector  one who brings about a result or event; one who accomplishes a purpose
                 subtype:  Elizabethan  a person who lived during the reign of Elizabeth I; "William Shakespeare was an Elizabethan"
                 subtype:  emotional_person__emotionalperson  a person subject to strong states of emotion
                 subtype:  endomorph  a heavy person with a soft and rounded body
                 subtype:  enjoyer  a person who delights in having or using or experiencing something
                 subtype:  explorer__adventurer  someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose)
                 subtype:  faddist  a person who subscribes to a variety of fads
                 subtype:  faller  a person who falls; "one of them was safe but they were unable to save the faller"; "a faller among thieves"
                 subtype:  fastener  a person who fastens or makes fast; "he found the door fastened and wondered who the fastener was"
                 subtype:  fiduciary  a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary; "it is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain"
                 subtype:  first-rater__firstrater  one who is first-rate
                 subtype:  follower  an ordinary person who accepts the leadership of another
                 subtype:  free_spirit__free_agent__freewheeler  someone acting freely or even irresponsibly
                 subtype:  friend  a person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university"
                 subtype:  fugitive__runaway  someone who flees from an uncongenial situation; "fugitives from the seatshops"
                 subtype:  gainer  a person who gains (gains an advantage or gains profits); "she was clearly the gainer in that exchange"
                 subtype:  weight_gainer__gainer  a person who gains weight
                 subtype:  gambler  a person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events
                 subtype:  gatherer  a person who gathers; "they were a society of hunters and gatherers"
                 subtype:  good_guy  any person who is on your side
                 subtype:  bad_guy__badguy  any person who is not on your side
                 subtype:  granter  a person who grants or gives something
                 subtype:  greeter__saluter__welcomer  a person who greets; "the newcomers were met by smiling greeters"
                 subtype:  grinner  a person who grins
                 subtype:  groaner  a person who groans
                 subtype:  grunter  a person who grunts
                 subtype:  guesser  a person who guesses
                 subtype:  handicapped_person__handicappedperson  a person who has some handicap that interferes with normal functions
                 subtype:  hater  a person who hates
                 subtype:  heterosexual_person__heterosexual__straight_person__straight  a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex
                 subtype:  homosexual__homo__gay  someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex
                 subtype:  homunculus  a tiny fully formed individual that (according to the discredited theory of preformation) is supposed to be present in the sperm cell
                 subtype:  hope.person  someone (or something) on which expectations are centered; "he was their best hope for a victory"
                 subtype:  hoper  a person who hopes; "only an avid hoper could expect the team to win now"
                 subtype:  huddler  a person who crouches; "low huddlers against the wind"
                 subtype:  hugger  a person who hugs
                 subtype:  idler__loafer__do-nothing__layabout__bum  person who does no work
                 subtype:  immune  a person who is immune to a particular infection
                 subtype:  interpreter  someone who uses art to represent something; "his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature"; "she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles"
                 subtype:  jewel__gem  a person who is a brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry
                 subtype:  slayer__killer  someone who causes the death of a person or animal
                 subtype:  relative__relation  a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey"
                 subtype:  kneeler.person  a person in a kneeling position
                 subtype:  knocker  a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance); "open the door and see who the knocker is"
                 subtype:  knower__apprehender  a person who knows or apprehends
                 subtype:  large_person__largeperson  a person of greater than average size
                 subtype:  laugher  a person who is laughing or who laughs easily
                 subtype:  learner__assimilator  someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs
                 subtype:  left-hander__lefty__southpaw  a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right; "their pitcher was a southpaw"
                 subtype:  life.person  a living person; "his heroism saved a life"
                 subtype:  lightning_rod__lightningrod  someone who is a frequent target of negative reactions and serves to distract attention from another
                 subtype:  polyglot__linguist  a person who speaks more than one language
                 subtype:  literate_person__literate  a person who can read and write
                 subtype:  liver.person  a person who has a special life style; "a high liver"
                 subtype:  longer__thirster__yearner  a person with a strong desire for something; "a longer for money"; "a thirster after blood"; "a yearner for knowledge"
                 subtype:  loose_cannon__loosecannon  a person who is expected to perform a particular task but who is out of control and dangerous
                 subtype:  machine.person  an efficient person; "the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine"
                 subtype:  mailer.person  a person who mails something
                 subtype:  malcontent  a person who is discontented or disgusted
                 subtype:  human_being__humanbeing__man  the generic use of the word to refer to any human being; "it was every man for himself"
                 subtype:  manipulator  a person who handles things manually
                 subtype:  man_jack__manjack  a single individual; "every man jack"
                 subtype:  masturbator  a person who practices masturbation
                 subtype:  measurer  a person who makes measurements
                 subtype:  nonmember  a person who is not a member
                 subtype:  mesomorph  a person with a well-developed muscular body
                 subtype:  mestizo  a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)
                 subtype:  middlebrow  (informal) someone who is neither a highbrow nor a lowbrow
                 subtype:  miracle_man__miracleman__miracle_worker__miracleworker  a person who claims or is alleged to perform miracles
                 subtype:  misogamist  a person who hates marriage
                 subtype:  mixed-blood__mixedblood  a person whose ancestors belonged to two or more races
                 subtype:  modern  a contemporary person
                 subtype:  mutilator__maimer__mangler  a person who mutilates or destroys or disfigures or cripples
                 subtype:  namer  a person who gives a name or names; "the owner is usually the namer of a boat"
                 subtype:  namesake  a person with the same name as another
                 subtype:  neglecter  a person who is neglectful and gives little attention or respect to people or responsibilities; "he tried vainly to impress his neglecters"
                 subtype:  neighbor__neighbour  a person who lives (or is located) near another
                 subtype:  neutral  one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute
                 subtype:  nondescript  a person is not easily classified and not very interesting
                 subtype:  nonparticipant  a person who does not participate
                 subtype:  nonsmoker  a person who does not smoke tobacco
                 subtype:  nude_person__nude  a naked person
                 subtype:  nurser  a person who treats something carefully; "a great nurser of pennies"
                 subtype:  occultist  some who practices the occult arts
                 subtype:  old_maid.person__oldmaid  a person who is primly fastidious
                 subtype:  outcaste  a person belonging to no caste
                 subtype:  outdoorsman  a person who spends time outdoors (e.g., hunting or fishing)
                 subtype:  owner__possessor  a person who owns something; "they are searching for the owner of the car"; "who is the owner of that friendly smile?"
                 subtype:  pamperer__spoiler  someone who pampers or spoils by excessive indulgence
                 subtype:  forgiver__pardoner__excuser  a person who pardons or forgives or excuses a fault or offense
                 subtype:  partner  a person who is a member of a partnership
                 subtype:  party.person  a person involved in legal proceedings; "the party of the first part"
                 subtype:  passer.person  a person who passes as a member of a different ethnic or racial group
                 subtype:  personage  another word for person; a person not meriting identification; "a strange personage appeared at the door"
                 subtype:  personification.person  one who personifies an abstract quality
                 subtype:  perspirer__sweater  a person who perspires
                 subtype:  philosopher.person  a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity
                 subtype:  chooser__picker__selector  a person who chooses or selects out
                 subtype:  urinator__pisser  a person who urinates
                 subtype:  planner__contriver__deviser  a person who makes plans
                 subtype:  powderer  someone who applies or scatters powder
                 subtype:  preserver  someone who keeps safe from harm or danger
                 subtype:  propositus  the person immediately affected by or concerned with an action
                 subtype:  pursuer  a person who pursues some plan or goal; "a pursuer of truth"
                 subtype:  pussycat  a person who is regarded as easygoing and agreeable
                 subtype:  quarter.person  an unspecified person; "he dropped a word in the right quarter"
                 subtype:  quitter  a person who gives up too easily
                 subtype:  rectifier.person  a person who corrects or sets right; "a rectifier of prejudices"
                 subtype:  redhead__carrottop  someone who has red hair
                 subtype:  registrant  a person who is formally entered (along with others) in a register (and who obtains certain rights thereby)
                 subtype:  reliever__allayer  a person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies; "a reliever of anxiety"; "an allayer of fears"
                 subtype:  repeater.person  a person who repeats; "the audience consisted largely of repeaters who had seen the movie many times"
                 subtype:  rescuer__recoverer__saver  someone who saves something from danger or violence
                 subtype:  rester  a person who rests
                 subtype:  restrainer.person__controller  a person who directs and restrains
                 subtype:  rich_person__wealthy_person__wealthyperson__have  a person who possesses great material wealth
                 subtype:  right-hander__righthander  a person who uses the right hand more skillfully than the left
                 subtype:  riser.person  a person who rises (especially from bed); "he's usually a late riser"
                 subtype:  roundhead  a brachycephalic person
                 subtype:  swayer__ruler  a person who rules or commands; "swayer of the universe"
                 subtype:  rusher  a person who rushes; someone in a hurry; someone who acts precipitously
                 subtype:  scratcher.person  a person who scratches to relieve an itch
                 subtype:  second-rater__mediocrity  a person of second-rate ability or value: "a team of aging second-raters"; "shone among the mediocrities who surrounded him"
                 subtype:  cloud_seeder__cloudseeder__seeder  a person who seeds clouds
                 subtype:  quester__seeker__searcher  someone making a search or inquiry; "they are seekers after truth"
                 subtype:  sentimentalist__romanticist  someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality
                 subtype:  sex_object__sexobject  any person regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification
                 subtype:  shaker.person__mover  a person who wields power and influence; "movers and shakers in the business world"; "a shaker of traditional beliefs"; "a mover of mountains"
                 subtype:  signatory__signer  someone who signs and is bound by a document
                 subtype:  significant_other__significantother  a person with whom you have shared a long-term sexual relationship
                 subtype:  simpleton__simple  a person lacking intelligence or common sense
                 subtype:  six-footer__sixfooter  a person who is at least six feet tall
                 subtype:  slave  a person who is owned by someone
                 subtype:  sleepyhead  a sleepy person
                 subtype:  sloucher  a person who slouches; someone with a drooping carriage
                 subtype:  small_person__smallperson  a person of below average size
                 subtype:  smasher  a person who smashes something
                 subtype:  smiler  a person who smiles
                 subtype:  sneezer  a person who sneezes
                 subtype:  sniffer  a person who sniffs
                 subtype:  snuffler  a person who breathes noisily (as through a nose blocked by mucus)
                 subtype:  socializer  a person who takes part in social activities
                 subtype:  sort.person  a person of a particular character or nature; "what sort of person is he?"; "he's a good sort"
                 subtype:  sounding_board  a person whose reactions to something serve as an indication of its acceptability; "I would use newspapermen as a sounding board for such policies"
                 subtype:  sphinx.person  an inscrutable person who keeps his thoughts and intentions secret
                 subtype:  expectorator__spitter  a person who spits (ejects saliva from the mouth)
                 subtype:  sprawler  a person who sprawls; "he is such a sprawler he needs a bed to himself"
                 subtype:  spurner  a person who rejects (someone or something) with contempt; "she was known as a spurner of all suitors"; "he was no spurner of rules"
                 subtype:  squinter__squint-eye  a person with strabismus
                 subtype:  stifler__smotherer  a person who stifles or smothers or suppresses; "he is a real conversation stifler"; "I see from all the yawn smotherers that it is time to stop"
                 subtype:  stigmatic__stigmatist  a person whose body is marked by religious stigmata (such as marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ)
                 subtype:  stooper  a person who carries himself or herself with the head and shoulders habitually bent forward
                 subtype:  struggler  a person who struggles with difficulties or with great effort
                 subtype:  guinea_pig__subject__case  a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation; "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"; "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"
                 subtype:  surrenderer  a person who yields or surrenders
                 subtype:  survivor.person  one who outlives another; "he left his farm to his survivors"
                 subtype:  suspect  someone who is under suspicion
                 subtype:  tempter  a person who tempts others; "Satan is the great tempter of mankind"
                 subtype:  termer  a person who serves a specified term; "there are not many fourth termers in the Senate"
                 subtype:  terror__scourge__threat  a person who inspires fear or dread; "he was the terror of the neighborhood"
                 subtype:  testator__testate  a person who makes a will
                 subtype:  thin_person__skin_and_bones  a person who is unusually thin
                 subtype:  third-rater__thirdrater  one who is third-rate or distinctly inferior
                 subtype:  thrower  someone who projects something through the air (especially by a rapid motion of the arm)
                 subtype:  tiger  a fierce or audacious person; "he's a tiger on the tennis court"; "it aroused the tiger in me"
                 subtype:  toucher  a person who causes or allows a part of the body to come in contact with someone or something
                 subtype:  transfer.person__transferee  someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU"
                 subtype:  transsexual  a person whose sexual identification is entirely with the opposite sex
                 subtype:  transvestite__cross-dresser__crossdresser  someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex
                 subtype:  attempter__trier__essayer  one who tries
                 subtype:  unfastener__undoer__opener__untier  a person who unfastens or unwraps or opens; "children are talented undoers of their shoelaces"
                 subtype:  user  a person who makes use of a thing; someone who uses or employs something
                 subtype:  vanisher  a person who disappears
                 subtype:  dupe__victim  a person who is tricked or swindled
                 subtype:  Victorian  a person who lived during the reign of Victoria
                 subtype:  waiter  a person who waits or awaits
                 subtype:  waker  a person who awakes; "an early waker"
                 subtype:  wanter__needer  a person who wants or needs something; "an owner of many things and needer of none"
                 subtype:  ward  a person who is under the protection or in the custody of another
                 subtype:  warrior  someone engaged in or experienced in warfare
                 subtype:  watcher  a person who keeps a devotional vigil by a sick bed or by a dead body
                 subtype:  weakling__doormat__wus  a person who is physically weak and ineffectual
                 subtype:  squirmer__wiggler__wriggler  one who can't stay still (especially a child): "the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips"
                 subtype:  winker  a person who winks
                 subtype:  withholder.person  a person who refrains from granting; "a withholder of payments"
                 subtype:  witness  (law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law
                 subtype:  yawner  a person who yawns
                 subtype:  male_or_female_person
                 subtype:  in_relationship_person
                 subtype:  Person
              subtype:  Homo_erectus  extinct species of primitive hominid with upright stature but small brain; " Homo erectus was formerly called Pithecanthropus erectus"
              subtype:  Homo_soloensis  extinct primitive hominid of late Pleistocene; Java; formerly Javanthropus
              subtype:  Homo_habilis  extinct species of upright east African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics
              subtype:  Homo_sapiens  the only surviving hominid; species to which modern man belongs; bipedal primate having language and ability to make and use complex tools; brain 1400 cc
              subtype:  Neandertal_man__Neanderthal_man__Neandertal__Neanderthal__Homo_sapiens_neanderthalensis  extinct robust human of Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia
              subtype:  Rhodesian_man__Homo_rhodesiensis  a primitive hominid resembling Neanderthal man but living in Africa
           subtype:  Pithecanthropus_erectus__Pithecanthropus__genus_Pithecanthropus  former genus of primitive apelike men now Homo erectus
           subtype:  genus_Sinanthropus__Sinanthropus  genus to which Peking man was formerly assigned
           subtype:  genus_Javanthropus__Javanthropus  former genus of primitive man; now Homo soloensis: comprises Solo man
           subtype:  australopithecine  any of several extinct humanlike small-brained bipedal primates of the genus Australopithecus; from 1 to 4 million years ago
           subtype:  Sivapithecus  fossil primates found in India
           subtype:  dryopithecine  considered a possible ancestor to both anthropoid apes and humans
        subtype:  monkey  any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians)
        subtype:  prosimian  primitive primates having large ears and eyes and characterized by nocturnal habits
        subtype:  lemur  large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails
        subtype:  tarsier  nocturnal arboreal primate of Indonesia and the Philippines having huge eyes and digits ending in pads to facilitate climbing; the only primate that spurns all plant material as food living entirely on insects and small vertebrates
     subtype:  tree_shrew  insectivorous arboreal mammal of southeast Asia that resembles a squirrel with large eyes and long sharp snout
     subtype:  flying_lemur__flying_cat__colugo  arboreal nocturnal mammal of southeast Asia and the Philippines resembling a lemur and having a fold of skin on each side from neck to tail that is used for long gliding leaps
     subtype:  proboscidean__proboscidian  massive herbivorous mammals having tusks and a long trunk
     subtype:  plantigrade_mammal__plantigrademammal  an animal that walks with the entire sole of the foot touching the ground as e.g. bears and human beings
     subtype:  digitigrade_mammal__digitigrademammal  an animal that walks so that only the toes touch the ground as e.g. dogs and cats and horses
  subtype:  fossorial_mammal__fossorialmammal  a burrowing mammal having limbs adapted for digging

33 statements are about indirect instances of mammal: graph1_on_person, graph2_on_person, graph3_on_person, graph4_on_person, graph1_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph2_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph3_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph4_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, phmIsOwnerOfSomeRedCar, graph6_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph7_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph1_on_f.modave@gu.edu.au, graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au, graph8_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph8_on_article, graph1_on_collection, graph1_on_situation, graph1_on_human_motion, graph1_on_flight, graph1_on_conference, graph1_on_file, graph1_on_written_material, graph1_on_publication, graph1_on_report, graph35_on_article, graph1_on_research_staff, graph1_on_ontology, graph2_on_Corolla_AE93_CSI_manual_hatchback, graph2_on_John_Briggs_Alfa_Romeo, graph1_on_Person, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=2667, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=4384, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=5241 click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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