#apparatus.equipment__apparatu__setup  equipment designed to serve a specific function
  supertype:  equipment  an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
  subtype:  aerator  an apparatus for exposing something to the air (as sewage)
  subtype:  burner  an apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse); "a diesel engine is an oil burner"
     subtype:  blowtorch__torch__blowlamp  a burner that produces a hot flame
        subtype:  oxyacetylene_torch  a blowtorch that burns oxyacetylene
     subtype:  gas_bracket  a pipe with one or more burners projecting from a wall
     subtype:  gas_burner__gasburner__gas_jet__gasjet  burner such that combustible gas issues from a nozzle to form a steady flame
        subtype:  bunsen_burner__bunsen__etna  a gas burner used in laboratories; has an air valve to regulate the mixture of gas and air
        subtype:  gas_ring__gasring  gas burner consisting of a circular metal pipe with several small holes through which gas can escape to be burned
        subtype:  pilot_burner__pilotburner__pilot_light__pilot  small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
  subtype:  cascade_liquefier__cascadeliquefier  an apparatus used to liquefy air or oxygen etc.
  subtype:  centrifuge__extractor__separator  an apparatus that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension
     subtype:  hematocrit__haematocrit  a measuring instrument to determine (usually by centrifugation) the relative amounts of corpuscles and plasma in the blood
     subtype:  ultracentrifuge  a high speed centrifuge used to determine the relative molecular masses of large molecules in high polymers and proteins
  subtype:  chemical_reactor  an apparatus for holding substances that are undergoing a chemical reaction
     subtype:  catalytic_cracker__catalyticcracker__cat_cracker__catcracker  a chemical reactor for converting oils with high boiling points into fuels with lower boiling points in the presence of a catalyst
  subtype:  Wilson_cloud_chamber__cloud_chamber  apparatus that detects high-energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor; each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track
  subtype:  condenser.apparatus  an apparatus that converts vapor into liquid
     subtype:  Liebig_condenser  a condenser: during distillation the vapor passes through a tube that is cooled by water
     subtype:  reflux_condenser  condenser such that vapor over a boiling liquid is condensed and flows back into the vessel to prevent its contents from boiling dry
  subtype:  duplicator__copier  apparatus that makes copies of typed, written or drawn material
     subtype:  fax__facsimilemachine__facsimile  duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio
     subtype:  hectograph__heliotype  duplicator consisting of a gelatin plate from which ink can be taken to make a copy
     subtype:  lithograph_machine__lithograph  duplicator that prints by lithography; a flat surface (of stone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in the desired pattern
     subtype:  mimeograph_machine__mimeograph__mimeo__roneo__roneograph  a rotary duplicator that uses a stencil through which ink is pressed (trade mark Roneo)
     subtype:  photocopier  a copier that uses photographic methods of making copies
     subtype:  Photostat_machine__Photostat  (trademark) a duplicating machine that makes quick positive or negative copies directly on the surface of prepared paper
     subtype:  Xerox_machine__Xerox__xerox__xerographic_copier__xerographiccopier  duplicator that copies graphic matter by the action of light on an electrically charged photoconductive insulating surface in which the latent image is developed with a resinous powder
  subtype:  electrograph.apparatus  an apparatus for the electrical transmission of pictures
  subtype:  generator.apparatus  an apparatus that produces a vapor or gas
  subtype:  heat_pump  apparatus that extracts heat from a liquid that is at a higher temperature than its surroundings; can be used to transfer heat from a reservoir outside in order to heat a building
  subtype:  heliograph  an apparatus for sending telegraphic messages by using a mirror to turn the sun's rays off and on
  subtype:  incubator__brooder  apparatus consisting of a box designed to maintain a constant temperature by the use of a thermostat; used for chicks or premature infants
  subtype:  instillator  medical apparatus that puts a liquid into a cavity drop by drop
  subtype:  Kipp's_apparatus  a laboratory apparatus for producing a gas (usually hydrogen sulfide) by the action of a liquid on a solid without heating
  subtype:  lighting.apparatus  apparatus for supplying artificial light effects for the stage or a film
  subtype:  nuclear_reactor__reactor  (physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements
     subtype:  atomic_pile__atomic_reactor__pile__chain_reactor__chainreactor  a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy
     subtype:  breeder_reactor__breederreactor  a nuclear reactor that produces more fissile material than it burns
     subtype:  fast_reactor  nuclear reactor in which nuclear fissions are caused by fast neutrons because little or no moderator is used
     subtype:  gas-cooled_reactor  a nuclear reactor using gas as a coolant
     subtype:  liquid_metal_reactor  a nuclear reactor using liquid metal as a coolant
     subtype:  thermal_reactor__thermalreactor  a nuclear reactor in which nuclear fissions are caused by neutrons that are slowed down by a moderator
     subtype:  thermonuclear_reactor__thermonuclearreactor__fusion_reactor  a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fusion to generate energy
     subtype:  water-cooled_reactor  nuclear reactor using water as a coolant
        subtype:  boiling_water_reactor__boilingwaterreactor__bwr  a nuclear reactor that uses water as a coolant and moderator; the water boils in the reactor core and the steam produced can drive a steam turbine
        subtype:  pressurized_water_reactor__pressurizedwaterreactor__PWR  a nuclear reactor that uses water as a coolant and moderator; the steam produced can drive a steam turbine
  subtype:  optical_bench__opticalbench  apparatus for observation and measurement of optical phenomena
  subtype:  pendulum  an apparatus consisting of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity
     subtype:  Foucault_pendulum  pendulum with a long wire; can swing in any direction; the change in the swing plane demonstrates the earth's rotation
     subtype:  metronome  clicking pendulum indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music
     subtype:  physical_pendulum__compound_pendulum  pendulum consisting of an actual object allowed to rotate freely around a horizontal axis
        subtype:  ballistic_pendulum__ballisticpendulum  a physical pendulum consisting of a large mass suspended from a rod; its displacement is used to measure the velocity of a projectile
        subtype:  clock_pendulum__clockpendulum  a physical pendulum used to regulate a clockwork mechanism
     subtype:  simple_pendulum  a hypothetical pendulum suspended by a weightless frictionless thread of constant length
  subtype:  purifier  an apparatus for removing impurities
     subtype:  scrubber  a purifier that removes impurities from a gas
  subtype:  reformer  an apparatus that reforms the molecular structure of hydrocarbons to produce richer fuel; "a catalytic reformer"
  subtype:  semaphore  an apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms
  subtype:  sequenator__sequencer  (biochemistry) an apparatus that can determine the sequence of monomers in a polymer
  subtype:  soda_fountain  an apparatus for dispensing soda water
  subtype:  still.apparatus  an apparatus used for the distillation of liquids; consists of a vessel in which a substance is vaporized by heat and a condenser where the vapor is condensed
     subtype:  Coffey_still  a still consisting of an apparatus for the fractional distillation of ethanol from fermentation on an industrial scale
  subtype:  submersible  an apparatus intended for use under water
     subtype:  bathyscaphe__bathyscaph__bathyscape  navigable deep diving vessel for underwater exploration
     subtype:  bathysphere  spherical deep diving apparatus (lowered by a cable) for underwater exploration
     subtype:  diving_bell  diving apparatus for underwater work; has an open bottom and is supplied with compressed air
     subtype:  minisub__minisubmarine  submersible vessel for one or two persons; for naval operations or underwater exploration
  subtype:  telegraph__telegraphy  apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code)
  subtype:  titrator  an apparatus for performing a titration
  subtype:  X-ray_machine  an apparatus that provides a source of X rays
     subtype:  fluoroscope__roentgenoscope  an X-ray machine that combines an X-ray source and a fluorescent screen to enable direct observation
     subtype:  tomograph  X-ray machine in which a computer builds a detailed image of a particular plane through an object from multiple X-ray measurements
        subtype:  CAT_scanner__computerized_axial_tomography_scanner  a tomograph that constructs a 3-D model of an object by combining parallel planes
        subtype:  positron_emission_tomography_scanner__PET_scanner  a tomograph that produces cross-sectional X-rays of metabolic processes in the body

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