> run ../doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html

> user u > b012NoStorage:= 1 > noRedundancyWarning:= false > [an #alteration, agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, precondition: (a #permit, beneficiary: spamOnly@phmartin.info, object: [any #alteration, modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html]), instrument: an Emacs_text_editor, sub_process of: (an #augmentation, agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, material: several #example), purpose: (an #improvement, agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html), time: 21/01/2001, duration: 2 hrs] [u#graph1_on_alteration [an #alteration, pm#agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, pm#precondition: (a #permit, pm#beneficiary: spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#object: [any #alteration, pm#modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html]), pm#instrument: the pm#Emacs_text_editor, pm#sub_process of: (an #augmentation, pm#agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, pm#material: several #example), pm#purpose: (an #improvement, pm#agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#modified_object: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html), pm#time: 21/1/2001 , pm#duration: 2 #hour] ](19/10/2024) > ["This file illustrates how to represent various kinds of objects", part of: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, descr: [http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, descr_container of: (some pm#description, result of: (an exemplification, object: some pm#knowledge_representation))]] [u#graph1_on_http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html ["This file illustrates how to represent various kinds of objects", pm#part of: http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, pm#descr: [http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, pm#descr_container of: (a pm#description, pm#result of: (a #typification, pm#object: a pm#knowledge_representation))]] ](19/10/2024) > [spamOnly@phmartin.info, #height: 1.78 m, body_weight: 75 kg] [u#graph9_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info [spamOnly@phmartin.info, #height: 1.78 #meter, #body_weight: 75 #kilogram] ](19/10/2024) > [most leopards, able to be agent of: (some #running, attribute: (a velocity >= (the velocity, attribute of: (some #running, able to agent: any rabbit))))] [u#graph1_on_leopard [most #leopard, able to be pm#agent of: (a #running, pm#attribute: (a #speed, >= (a #speed, pm#attribute of: (a #running, able to pm#agent: any #rabbit))))] ](19/10/2024) > [http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, object of: (a #creation, time: (a #date, pm#before: 21/01/2001 23:59:59))] [u#graph2_on_http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html [http://www.webkb.org/doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, pm#object of: (a #creation, pm#time: (a #date, pm#before: 21/1/2001 23:59:59))] ](19/10/2024) > [most electronic_computers, on: a #table, in: a room]

In ../doc/webkb2OntologicalExamples.html, at (or a bit before) line 165.

Warning: there are 2 categories with name "room" specializing the type pm#spatial_object__spatialobject (= nsm#place):

#room  an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view"
  supertype:  #area,
  subtype:  #anechoic_chamber  #anteroom  #back_room  #ballroom  #barroom  #bathroom  #bedroom  #belfry  #billiard_room  #boardroom  #cardroom  #prison_cell  #cubicle  #chamber.room  #checkroom  #classroom  #clean_room  #coatroom  #closet  #clubroom  #compartment  #conference_room  #control_room  #courtroom  #cubby  #cutting_room  #darkroom  #den  #dining_room  #door.room  #dressing_room  #durbar  #engine_room  #trading_floor  #furnace_room  #gallery.room  #art_gallery  #greenroom  #guardroom  #hall  #hospital_room  #kitchen  #lawcourt  #library  #living_room  #locker_room  #lounge  #manor_hall  #poolroom  #presence_chamber  #rathole.room  #reading_room  #reception_room  #recreation_room  #rotunda  #scullery  #sewing_room  #shipping_room  #shower_room  #showroom  #sickbay  #sickroom  #smoking_room  #squadroom.room  #squadroom  #steam_room  #storeroom  #study.room  #sun_parlor  #surgery  #television_room  #test_room  #lavatory  #torture_chamber  #sacristy  #workroom,
  part:  #ceiling  #floor  #room_light  #wall,
  part of:  #edifice;

#rooms__room__suite  apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel)
  supertype:  #apartment;
The 1stcategory has been selected! However, you need to use the adequate category for your graph to be saved in the knowledge base.

[u#graph1_on_electronic_computer [most #electronic_computer, pm#on: a #table, pm#exterior: a #room] ](19/10/2024) > [a #travel, agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, from_place: #France, to_place: #Australia, via_place: {#London, #Singapore}, time: 24/07/2000] [u#graph1_on_travel [a #travel, pm#agent: spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#from_place: #France, pm#to_place: #Australia, pm#via_place: {#London,#Singapore}, pm#time: 24/7/2000 ] ](19/10/2024)

The knowledge base has not been modified