#scientific_theory a theory that explains scientific observations; "scientific theories must be falsifiable" supertype: #theory a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena; "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and theory" part of: #scientific_discipline subtype: #big-bang_theory__big_bang_theory (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small mass of matter at extremely high density and temperature subtype: #nebular_hypothesis the theory that the solar system evolved from a hot gaseous nebula subtype: #planetesimal_hypothesis the theory that the solar system was formed by the gravitational accumulation of planetesimals subtype: #Newton's_theory_of_gravitation__theory_of_gravitation__theory_of_gravity__gravitational_theory__gravitationaltheory (physics) the theory that any two particles of matter attract one another with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them subtype: #organicism theory that the total organization of an organism rather than the functioning of individual organs is the determinant of life processes subtype: #atomic_theory a theory in which matter consists of atoms subtype: #atomic_theory.scientific_theory__atomictheory a theory of the structure of the atom subtype: #Bohr_theory (physics) a theory of atomic structure that combined Rutherford's model with the quantum theory; electrons orbiting a nucleus can only be in certain stationary energy states and light is emitted when electrons jump from one energy state to another subtype: #Rutherford_atom first modern concept of atomic structure; all of the positive charge and most of the mass of the atom are contained in a compact nucleus; a number of electrons (equal to the atomic number) occupy the rest of the volume of the atom and neutralize the positive charge subtype: #cell_theory (biology) the theory that cells form the fundamental structural and functional units of all living organisms subtype: #wave_theory_of_light__wave_theory__undulatory_theory the theory that light is transmitted as waves subtype: #corpuscular_theory_of_light__corpuscular_theory__corpusculartheory the theory that light is transmitted as a stream of particles subtype: #kinetic_theory_of_gases__kinetictheoryofgase__kinetic_theory__kinetictheory a theory that gases consist of small particles in random movement subtype: #kinetic_theory_of_heat a theory that the temperature of a body increases when kinetic energy increases subtype: #Einstein's_theory_of_relativity__relativity__theory_of_relativity__relativity_theory (physics) the theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts subtype: #general_relativity_theory__general_relativity__generalrelativity__general_theory_of_relativity__Einstein's_general_theory_of_relativity a generalization of special relativity to include gravity (based on the principle of equivalence) subtype: #special_relativity_theory__special_relativity__specialrelativity__special_theory_of_relativity__Einstein's_special_theory_of_relativity a physical theory of relativity based on the assumption that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant and the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant in all inertial systems subtype: #supersymmetry a theory that tries to link the four fundamental forces; "according to supersymmetry each force emerged separately during the big bang" subtype: #quantum_theory__quantumtheory a physical theory that certain properties occur only in discrete amounts (quanta) subtype: #uncertainty_principle__uncertaintyprinciple__indeterminacy_principle__indeterminacyprinciple the theory that it is impossible to measure both energy and time (or position and momentum) completely accurately at the same time subtype: #germ_theory the theory that all contagious diseases are caused by microorganisms subtype: #information_theory__informationtheory a statistical theory dealing with the limits and efficiency of information processing subtype: #Arrhenius_theory_of_dissociation__theory_of_dissociation__theory_of_electrolytic_dissociation (chemistry) theory that describes aqueous solutions in terms of acids (which dissociate to give hydrogen ions) and bases (which dissociate to give hydroxyl ions); the product of an acid and a base is a salt and water subtype: #theory_of_evolution__theory_of_organic_evolution (biology) a scientific theory of the origin of species of plants and animals subtype: #Darwinism a theory of organic evolution claiming that new species arise and are perpetuated by natural selection subtype: #Neo-Darwinism a modern Darwinian theory that explains new species in terms of genetic mutations subtype: #Lamarckism a theory of organic evolution claiming that acquired characteristics are transmitted to offspring subtype: #Neo-Lamarckism a modern Lamarckian theory emphasizing the importance of environmental factors in genetic changes and retaining the notion of the inheritance of acquired characters subtype: #Ostwald's_theory_of_indicators__theory_of_indicators (chemistry) the theory that all indicators are either weak acids or weak bases in which the color of the ionized form is different from the color before dissociation subtype: #theory_of_inheritance a theory of how characteristics of one generation are derived from earlier generations subtype: #Mendelism__Mendelianism the theory of inheritance based on Mendel's laws subtype: #game_theory__theory_of_games a theory of competition stated in terms of gains and losses among opposing players
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