#order_Lepidoptera__Lepidoptera  moths and butterflies
  supertype:  #animal_order  the order of animals
  member of:  #class_Insecta
  member:  #lepidopterous_insect__lepidopterousinsect__lepidopteron__lepidopteran  insect that in the adult state has four wings more or less covered with tiny scales
  member:  #family_Nymphalidae__Nymphalidae  large beautifully colored butterflies
     member:  #nymphalid_butterfly__nymphalid__brush-footed_butterfly__four-footed_butterfly  medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast
     member:  #genus_Nymphalis__Nymphalis  type genus of the Nymphalidae: mourning cloak butterflies
        member:  #mourning_cloak_butterfly__mourning_cloak__Camberwell_beauty__Nymphalis_antiopa  of temperate regions; having dark purple wings with yellow borders
        member:  #tortoiseshell_butterfly__tortoiseshell  brilliantly colored; larvae feed on nettles
     member:  #genus_Vanessa__Vanessa  painted beauty and red admiral
        member:  #painted_beauty__paintedbeauty__Vanessa_virginiensis  American butterfly having dark brown wings with white and golden orange spots
        member:  #red_admiral__redadmiral__Vanessa_atalanta  of temperate Europe and Asia; having black wings with red and white markings
     member:  #genus_Limenitis__Limenitis  mainly dark northern butterflies with white wing bars
        member:  #white_admiral__whiteadmiral__Limenitis_camilla  Eurasian butterfly with brown wings and white markings
        member:  #banded_purple__white_admiral__whiteadmiral__Limenitis_arthemis  North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
        member:  #red-spotted_purple__redspottedpurple__Limenitis_astyanax  similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces
        member:  #Limenitis_archippus__viceroy  showy American butterfly resembling the monarch but smaller
     member:  #genus_Polygonia__Polygonia  comma butterflies
        member:  #comma_butterfly__commabutterfly__comma__Polygonia_comma  anglewing butterfly with a comma-shaped mark on the underside of each hind wing
     member:  #genus_Spyeria__Spyeria  fritillaries
        member:  #silverspot  butterfly with silver spots on the underside of the hind wings
     member:  #genus_Argynnis__Argynnis  fritillaries
     member:  #genus_Apatura__Apatura  large Old World butterflies
        member:  #emperor_butterfly__emperorbutterfly__emperor  large richly colored butterfly
     member:  #genus_Inachis__Inachis  a genus of Nymphalidae
        member:  #peacock_butterfly__peacockbutterfly__peacock__Inachis_io  European butterfly having reddish-brown wings each marked with a purple eyespot
  member:  #family_Danaidae__Danaidae  small family of usually tropical butterflies: monarch butterflies
     member:  #danaid_butterfly__danaid  large tropical butterfly with degenerate forelegs and an unpleasant taste
     member:  #genus_Danaus__Danaus  type genus of the Danaidae: monarch butterflies
        member:  #monarch_butterfly__monarchbutterfly__monarch__milkweed_butterfly__Danaus_plexippus  large migratory American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweed
  member:  #family_Pieridae__Pieridae  cabbage butterflies; sulphur butterflies
     member:  #pierid_butterfly__pierid  any of numerous pale-colored butterflies having three pairs of well-developed legs
     member:  #cabbage_butterfly__cabbagebutterfly  white butterfly whose larvae (cabbageworms) feed on cabbage
     member:  #genus_Pieris__Pieris  type genus of the Pieridae
        member:  #small_white__Pieris_rapae  small widely distributed form
        member:  #large_white__Pieris_brassicae  Old World form
        member:  #cabbageworm__pierisrapae  toxic green larva of a cabbage butterfly
     member:  #sulphur_butterfly__sulphurbutterfly__sulfur_butterfly  any of numerous yellow or orange butterflies
  member:  #family_Lycaenidae__Lycaenidae  family of small usually brilliantly colored butterflies; males have short forelegs
     member:  #lycaenid_butterfly__lycaenid  any of various butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
     member:  #genus_Lycaena__Lycaena  type genus of the Lycaenidae; small slender butterflies with upper surface of wings usually metallic blue or green or copper
        member:  #blue_butterfly__blue  any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
        member:  #copper  any of various small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae having copper colored wings
        member:  #American_copper__Lycaena_hypophlaeas  common copper butterfly of central and eastern North America
     member:  #genus_Strymon__Strymon  large and widely distributed genus of hairstreak butterflies
        member:  #hairstreak_butterfly__hairstreak  small butterflies having striped markings under the wings
        member:  #Strymon_melinus  larvae are pests of various economic plants
  member:  #family_Tortricidae__Tortricidae  leaf rollers and codling moths
     member:  #tortricid_moth__tortricidmoth__tortricid  any of numerous small moths having lightly fringed wings; larvae are leafrollers or live in fruits and galls
     member:  #genus_Tortrix  type genus of the Tortricidae
        member:  #tea_tortrix__teatortrix__tortrix__Homona_coffearia  small Indian moth infesting e.g. tea and coffee plants
        member:  #orange_tortrix__tortrix__Argyrotaenia_citrana  California moth whose larvae live in especially oranges
     member:  #genus_Homona__Homona  tea tortrix
     member:  #genus_Argyrotaenia__Argyrotaenia  orange tortrix
     member:  #genus_Carpocapsa__Carpocapsa  codling moths
        member:  #codling_moth__codlingmoth__Carpocapsa_pomonella  small moth whose larvae live in apples and English walnuts
  member:  #family_Lymantriidae__Lymantriidae  tussock moths
     member:  #lymantriid__tussock_moth__tussockmoth  dull-colored moth whose larvae have tufts of hair on the body and feed on the leaves of many deciduous trees
     member:  #tussock_caterpillar__tussockcaterpillar  larva of a tussock moth
     member:  #genus_Lymantria__Lymantria  type genus of the Lymantriidae; a pest (Lymantria means `destroyer')
        member:  #gypsy_moth__gypsymoth__gipsy_moth__gipsymoth__Lymantria_dispar  European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees
     member:  #genus_Euproctis__Euproctis  a genus of Lymantriidae
        member:  #browntail__brown-tail_moth__Euproctis_phaeorrhoea  small brown and white European moth introduced into eastern United States; pest of various shade and fruit trees
        member:  #gold-tail_moth__Euproctis_chrysorrhoea  white furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft
  member:  #family_Geometridae__Geometridae  measuring worms
     member:  #geometrid_moth__geometridmoth__geometrid  slender-bodied broad-winged moth whose larvae are called measuring worms
     member:  #genus_Paleacrita__Paleacrita  geometrid moths
        member:  #Paleacrita_vernata  moth whose larvae are spring cankerworms
        member:  #spring_cankerworm  variably colored looper; larva of Paleacrita vernata
     member:  #genus_Alsophila__Alsophila  geometrid moths
        member:  #Alsophila_pometaria  North American moth with gray-winged males and wingless females; larvae are fall cankerworms
        member:  #fall_cankerworm  green or brown white-striped looper; larva of Alsophila pometaria
     member:  #cankerworm  green caterpillar of a geometrid moth; pest of various fruit and shade trees
  member:  #family_Pyralidae__Pyralidae__Pyralididae__family_Pyralididae  bee moths; corn borers; flour moths
     member:  #pyralid_moth__pyralidmoth__pyralid  usually tropical slender-bodied long-legged moth whose larvae are crop pests
     member:  #genus_Pyralis__Pyralis  type genus of the Pyralidae
     member:  #genus_Galleria__Galleria  a genus of Pyralidae
        member:  #bee_moth__beemoth__wax_moth__waxmoth__Galleria_mellonella  moth whose larvae live in and feed on bee honeycombs
     member:  #genus_Pyrausta__Pyrausta  moths whose larvae are corn borers
        member:  #European_corn_borer__corn_borer__corn_borer_moth__Pyrausta_nubilalis  native to Europe; in America the larvae bore into the stem and crown of corn and other plants
     member:  #genus_Anagasta__Anagasta  moth whose larvae are flour moths
        member:  #Mediterranean_flour_moth__Anagasta_kuehniella  small moth whose larvae damage stored grain and flour
     member:  #genus_Ephestia__Ephestia  small moths whose larvae spin silken tunnels and feed on stored food products
        member:  #tobacco_moth__tobaccomoth__cacao_moth__cacaomoth__Ephestia_elutella  small moth whose larvae feed on tobacco and other dried plant products
     member:  #genus_Cadra__Cadra  a genus of Pyralidae
        member:  #almond_moth__fig_moth__figmoth__Cadra_cautella  moth whose larvae feed on and mat together with webbing various stored foods
        member:  #raisin_moth__Cadra_figulilella  moth whose larvae attack dried fruits and cereal products
     member:  #corn_borer__Pyrausta_nubilalis  larva of the European corn borer moth; a serious pest of maize
  member:  #superfamily_Tineoidea__Tineoidea  clothes moths; carpet moths; leaf miners
     member:  #tineoid_moth__tineoidmoth  small dull-colored moth with chewing mouthparts
     member:  #family_Tineidae__Tineidae  clothes moths
        member:  #tineid_moth__tineid  small yellowish moths whose larvae feed on wool or fur
        member:  #genus_Tinea__Tinea  type genus of the Tineidae: clothes moths
           member:  #casemaking_clothes_moth__Tinea_pellionella  the larvae live in tubes of its food material fastened with silk that it spins
        member:  #genus_Tineola__Tineola  webbing clothes moths
           member:  #webbing_clothes_moth__webbingclothesmoth__webbing_moth__webbingmoth__Tineola_bisselliella  moth that forms a web in which it lives
        member:  #genus_Trichophaga__Trichophaga  carpet moths
           member:  #carpet_moth__tapestry_moth__Trichophaga_tapetzella  larvae feed on carpets and other woolens
     member:  #family_Gracilariidae__Gracilariidae__Gracillariidae  leaf miners
  member:  #family_Gelechiidae__Gelechiidae  important economic pests
     member:  #gelechiid_moth__gelechiidmoth__gelechiid  small slender-winged moths whose larvae are agricultural pests
     member:  #genus_Gelechia__Gelechia  type genus of the Gelechiidae: pink bollworms
        member:  #Gelechia_gossypiella  small brown moth whose larvae bore into flowers and bolls of cotton
     member:  #genus_Sitotroga__Sitotroga  grain moths
        member:  #angoumois_moth__angoumoismoth__angoumois_grain_moth__angoumoisgrainmoth__Sitotroga_cerealella  small moth whose larvae feed on kernels of stored grains
     member:  #genus_Phthorimaea__Phthorimaea  potato moths
        member:  #potato_tuberworm__Phthorimaea_operculella  larva of potato moth; mines in leaves and stems of e.g. potatoes and tobacco
     member:  #pink_bollworm__Gelechia_gossypiella  larvae of a gelechiid moth introduced from Asia; feeds on the seeds of cotton bolls
  member:  #family_Noctuidae__Noctuidae  cutworms; armyworms
     member:  #noctuid_moth__noctuidmoth__noctuid__owlet_moth__owletmoth  usually dull-colored medium-sized nocturnal moth; the usually smooth-bodied larvae are destructive agricultural pests
     member:  #cutworm  North American moth whose larvae feed on young plant stems cutting them off at the ground
     member:  #genus_Noctua__Noctua  type genus of the Noctuidae: moths whose larvae are cutworms
     member:  #genus_Catacala__Catacala  moths whose larvae are cutworms: underwings
        member:  #underwing  moth having dull forewings and brightly colored hind wings
     member:  #genus_Cerapteryx__Cerapteryx  antler moths
        member:  #antler_moth__Cerapteryx_graminis  European moth with white antler-like markings on the forewings; the larvae damage pastures and grasslands
     member:  #genus_Heliothis__Heliothis  a genus of Noctuidae
        member:  #heliothis_moth__heliothismoth__Heliothis_zia  medium-sized moth whose larvae are corn earworms
     member:  #genus_Chorizagrotis__Chorizagrotis  moths whose larvae are army cutworms
        member:  #army_cutworm__Chorizagrotis_auxiliaris  moth whose larvae destroy grains and forage plants
        member:  #Chorizagrotis_auxiliaris__army_cutworm  noctuid moth larvae that travel in large groups and destroy grains and alfalfa in the Plains states
     member:  #genus_Pseudaletia__Pseudaletia  moths whose larvae are armyworms
        member:  #Pseudaletia_unipuncta__armyworm  moth whose destructive larvae travel in multitudes
        member:  #army_worm__Pseudaletia_unipuncta  noctuid moth larvae that travel in multitudes destroying especially grass and grain
     member:  #genus_Spodoptera__Spodoptera  moths whose larvae are armyworms
        member:  #Spodoptera_exigua  moth whose larvae are beet armyworms
        member:  #beet_armyworm__Spodoptera_exigua  moth larva that eats foliage of beets and vegetables
        member:  #Spodoptera_frugiperda  moth whose larvae are fall armyworms
     member:  #corn_earworm__cotton_bollworm__tomato_fruitworm__tobacco_budworm__tobaccobudworm__vetchworm__heliothiszia  larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops
  member:  #family_Sphingidae__Sphingidae  hawkmoths
     member:  #hawkmoth__hawk_moth__sphingid__sphinx_moth__hummingbird_moth__hummingbirdmoth  any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed
     member:  #genus_Manduca__Manduca  moths whose larvae are tobacco hornworms or tomato hornworms
        member:  #Manduca_sexta  moth whose larvae are tobacco hornworms
        member:  #tobacco_hornworm__tobaccohornworm__tomato_worm__Manduca_sexta  large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tobacco and related plants; similar to tomato hornworm
        member:  #Manduca_quinquemaculata  moth whose larvae are tomato hornworms
     member:  #genus_Acherontia__Acherontia  death's-head moth
        member:  #death's-head_moth__Acherontia_atropos  European hawkmoth with markings on the back resembling a human skull
  member:  #family_Bombycidae__Bombycidae  Chinese silkworm moth
     member:  #bombycid_moth__bombycid__silkworm_moth  moderate-sized Asiatic moth whose larvae feed on mulberry leaves and produce silk
     member:  #genus_Bombyx__Bombyx  type genus of the Bombycidae: Chinese silkworm moth
        member:  #domestic_silkworm_moth__Bombyx_mori  stocky creamy-white Asiatic moth found almost entirely under human care; the source of most of the silk of commerce
        member:  #silkworm  hairless white caterpillar of the Chinese silkworm moth; source of most commercial silk
  member:  #family_Saturniidae__Saturniidae  important and widely distributed family of moths including some of the largest insects known
     member:  #saturniid_moth__saturniidmoth__saturniid  large brightly colored and usually tropical moth; larvae spin silken cocoons
     member:  #genus_Saturnia__Saturnia  type genus of the Saturniidae: emperor moth
        member:  #emperor_moth__emperormoth__emperor__Saturnia_pavonia  large moth of temperate forests of Eurasia having heavily scaled transparent wings
     member:  #genus_Eacles__Eacles  imperial moths
        member:  #imperial_moth__Eacles_imperialis  large American moth having yellow wings with purplish or brownish markings; larvae feed on e.g. maple and pine trees
     member:  #giant_silkworm__giantsilkworm__silkworm__wild_wilkworm  larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon
     member:  #genus_Actias__Actias  luna moths
        member:  #luna_moth__Luna_moth__Actias_luna  large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each fore wing
     member:  #genus_Hyalophora__Hyalophora  American silkworm moth
     member:  #genus_Samia__Samia  silkworm moths
        member:  #cynthia_moth__cynthiamoth__Samia_cynthia__Samia_walkeri  large Asiatic moth introduced into the United States; larvae feed on the ailanthus
        member:  #ailanthus_silkworm__ailanthussilkworm__Samia_cynthia  large green silkworm of the cynthia moth
     member:  #genus_Automeris__Automeris  io moth
        member:  #io_moth__Automeris_io  large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing; the larvae have stinging spines
     member:  #genus_Antheraea__Antheraea  large moths whose larvae produce silk of high quality
        member:  #polyphemus_moth__Antheraea_polyphemus  very large yellowish-brown American silkworm moth with large eyespots on hind wings; larvae feed on fruit and shade trees
        member:  #pernyi_moth__Antheraea_pernyi  a Chinese moth that produces a brownish silk
        member:  #tussah__tusseh__tussur__tussore__tusser__Antheraea_mylitta  oriental moth that produces brownish silk
     member:  #genus_Atticus__Atticus  atlas moth
        member:  #atlas_moth__atlasmoth__Atticus_atlas  giant saturniid moth widespread in Asia; sometimes cultured for silk
  member:  #family_Arctiidae__Arctiidae  tiger moths
     member:  #arctiid_moth__arctiidmoth__arctiid  stout-bodied broad-winged moth with conspicuously striped or spotted wings; larvae are hairy caterpillars
     member:  #genus_Callimorpha__Callimorpha  cinnabar moths
        member:  #cinnabar_moth__cinnabar__Callimorpha_jacobeae  large red-and-black European moth; larvae feed on leaves of ragwort; introduced into United States to control ragwort
     member:  #woolly_bear_moth  larva of moth of the family Arctiidae
  member:  #family_Lasiocampidae__Lasiocampidae  tent caterpillars; eggars; lappet moths
     member:  #lasiocampid_moth__lasiocampidmoth__lasiocampid  medium-sized stout-bodied neutral-colored moths comb-like antennae
     member:  #genus_Lasiocampa__Lasiocampa  type genus of the Lasiocampidae: eggars
        member:  #eggar__egger  moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adults; larvae feed on tree foliage and spin egg-shaped cocoons
     member:  #genus_Malacosoma__Malacosoma  tent caterpillars
        member:  #Malacosoma_americana__tent-caterpillar_moth  moth whose larvae are tent caterpillars
        member:  #tent_caterpillar  the larvae of moths that build communal silken webs in orchard and shade trees
        member:  #tent-caterpillar_moth__Malacosoma_disstria  moth whose gregarious larvae spin carpets
     member:  #lappet_caterpillar  larva of a lappet moth
     member:  #webworm  several gregarious moth larvae that spin webs over foliage on which they feed
     member:  #genus_Hyphantria__Hyphantria  fall webworms
        member:  #Hyphantria_cunea  moth whose larvae are fall webworms
        member:  #fall_webworm__Hyphantria_cunea  a variety of webworm
     member:  #genus_Loxostege__Loxostege  garden webworms
        member:  #Loxostege_similalis  moth whose larvae are garden webworms
        member:  #garden_webworm__Loxostege_similalis  a variety of webworm
  member:  #caterpillar  a wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth

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