#number  a concept of quantity derived from zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"
  supertype:  definite_quantity  a specific measure of amount
  subtype:  coordinate__co-ordinate  a number that identifies a position relative to an axis
     subtype:  cartesian_coordinate__cartesiancoordinate  one of the coordinates in a system of coordinates that locates a point on a plane or in space by its distance from two lines or three planes respectively; the two lines or the intersections of the three planes are the coordinate axes
        subtype:  dimension.cartesian_coordinate  one of three cartesian coordinates that determine a position in space
        subtype:  abscissa  the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis
        subtype:  ordinate  the value of a coordinate on the vertical axis
     subtype:  polar_coordinate__polarcoordinate  either of two values that locate a point on a plane by its distance from a fixed pole and its angle from a fixed line passing through the pole
  subtype:  pagination__folio__page_number__paging  the system of numbering pages
  subtype:  decimal  a number in the decimal system
  subtype:  constant  a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context; "the velocity of light is a constant"
     subtype:  Avogadro's_number__Avogadro_number  the number of molecules in a mole of a substance (approximately 602,250,000,000,000,000,000,000)
     subtype:  Boltzmann's_constant  constant used in the calculation of the ideal gas constant
     subtype:  coefficient  a constant number that serves as a measure of some property or characteristic
        subtype:  absorption_coefficient__coefficient_of_absorption__absorptance  a measure of the rate of decrease in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (as light) as it passes through a given substance; the fraction of incident radiant energy absorbed per unit mass or thickness of an absorber: "absorptance equals 1 minus transmittance"
        subtype:  drag_coefficient__coefficient_of_drag  the ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and the surface area of the body
        subtype:  coefficient_of_friction  the ratio of the weight of an object being moved along a surface and the force that maintains contact between the object and the surface
        subtype:  coefficient_of_mutual_induction__mutual_inductance  a measure of the induction between two circuits; the ratio of the electromotive force in a circuit to the corresponding change of current in a neighboring circuit; usually measured in henries
        subtype:  coefficient_of_self_induction__self-inductance  the ratio of the electromotive force produced in a circuit by self-induction to the rate of change of current producing it, expressed in henries
        subtype:  modulus__modulu  (physics) a coefficient that expresses how much of a specified property is possessed by a specified substance
           subtype:  coefficient_of_elasticity__modulus_of_elasticity__elastic_modulus__elasticmodulu  (physics) the ratio of the applied stress to the change in shape of an elastic body
              subtype:  bulk_modulus  the ratio of the change in pressure acting on a volume to the fractional change in volume
              subtype:  modulus_of_rigidity  the coefficient of elasticity for a shearing force
              subtype:  Young's_modulus__young'smodulu  a coefficient of elasticity applicable to the stretching of a wire
        subtype:  coefficient_of_expansion__expansivity  the fractional change in length or area or volume per unit change in temperature at a given constant pressure
        subtype:  coefficient_of_reflection__reflection_factor__reflectance__reflectivity  the fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a surface
        subtype:  transmittance__transmission  the fraction of radiant energy that passes through a substance
        subtype:  coefficient_of_viscosity__absolute_viscosity__dynamic_viscosity__dynamicviscosity  a measure of the resistance to flow of a fluid under an applied force
        subtype:  weighting__weight  (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance
     subtype:  cosmological_constant  an arbitrary constant in the equations of general relativity theory
     subtype:  equilibrium_constant__equilibriumconstant  (chemistry) the ratio of concentrations when chemical equilibrium is reached in a reversible reaction (when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction)
        subtype:  dissociation_constant  the equilibrium constant for a reversible dissociation
     subtype:  universal_gas_constant__universalgasconstant__gas_constant__gasconstant__r  (physics) the universal constant in the gas equation: pressure times volume = R times temperature; equal to 8.3143 joules per kelvin per mole
     subtype:  universal_gravitational_constant__universalgravitationalconstant__gravitational_constant__gravitationalconstant__constant_of_gravitation__G  (physics) the universal constant relating force to mass and distance in Newton's law of gravitation
     subtype:  Hubble's_constant__Hubble_constant  (cosmology) the ratio of the speed of recession of a galaxy (due to the expansion of the universe) to its distance from the observer; the reciprocal of the Hubble constant is the age of the universe
     subtype:  ionic_charge__ioniccharge  the charge on an ion is equal to a constant charge e multiplied by an integer from 1 to 15
     subtype:  factor_of_proportionality__constant_of_proportionality  the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y; usually written y = kx, where k is the factor of proportionality
        subtype:  Planck's_constant__h  the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to its frequency; approximately 6.626 x 10\-34 joule-second
     subtype:  speed_of_light__light_speed__lightspeed__c  the speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second
  subtype:  oxidation_number__oxidationnumber__oxidation_state__oxidationstate  the degree of oxidation of an atom or ion or molecule; for simple atoms or ions the oxidation number is equal to the ionic charge; "the oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 and of oxygen is -2"
  subtype:  count  the total number counted: "a blood count"
     subtype:  complement.count  a complete number or quantity: "a full complement"
     subtype:  blood_count.count__bloodcount  the number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample
     subtype:  body_count  a count of troops killed in an operation or time period: "the daily body count increased as the war went on"
     subtype:  head_count__headcount  number of people in a particular group
     subtype:  pollen_count  the number of pollen grains (usually ragweed) in a standard volume of air over a twenty-four hour period and a specified time and place
     subtype:  sperm_count.count__spermcount  the number of sperm in an ejaculate; "the sperm count is used as an indicator of male fertility"
  subtype:  factor.number  any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together
     subtype:  deflator  a statistical factor designed to remove the effect of inflation; inflation adjusted variables are in constant dollars
     subtype:  conversion_factor  factor by which a quantity that is expressed in one set of units must be multiplied in order to convert it into another set of units
     subtype:  factor_of_proportionality__constant_of_proportionality  the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y; usually written y = kx, where k is the factor of proportionality
  subtype:  Fibonacci_number  a number in the Fibonacci sequence
  subtype:  prime_quantity__primequantity__prime  a number that has no factor but itself and 1
     subtype:  prime_number__primenumber  an integer that has no integral factors but itself and 1
  subtype:  score.number  a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest; "the score was 7 to 0"
     subtype:  bowling_score__bowlingscore  the score in a bowling match
     subtype:  football_score  the score in a football game
     subtype:  baseball_score  the score of a baseball game
     subtype:  basketball_score  the score in a basketball game
     subtype:  birdie  (in golf) a score of one stroke under par on a golf hole
     subtype:  bogey  (in golf) a score of one stroke over par on a golf hole
     subtype:  double-bogey  (in golf) a score of two strokes over par for a hole
     subtype:  duck's_egg__duck  (in cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman
     subtype:  eagle.score  (in golf) a score of two strokes under par on a golf hole
     subtype:  game.score  the score needed to win a game; "he is serving for the game"
     subtype:  love.score  a score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love"
     subtype:  match.score  the score needed to win a match
     subtype:  par  (in golf) the standard number of strokes set for each hole on a golf course, or for the entire course; "a par-5 hole"; "par for this course is 72"
  subtype:  record.number  the number of wins versus losses and ties a team has had; "at 9-0 they have the best record in their league"
  subtype:  compound_number  a quantity expressed in two different units; "one hour and ten minutes"
  subtype:  ordinal_number__ordinalnumber__ordinal  the number designating place in an ordered sequence
     subtype:  number_1__first__number_one  the first element in a countable series; "the first of the month"
  subtype:  cardinal_number__cardinalnumber__cardinal  the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
     subtype:  absolute_frequency__frequency  the number of observations in a given statistical category
     subtype:  googol  a cardinal number represented as 1 followed by 100 zeros (ten raised to the power of a hundred)
     subtype:  googolplex  a cardinal number represented as 1 followed by a googol of zeros (ten raised to the power of a googol)
  subtype:  radix__base  (in a digital numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place; "10 is the radix of the decimal system"
  subtype:  floating-point_number  a number represented in floating-point notation
  subtype:  fixed-point_number__fixedpointnumber  a number represented in fixed-point notation
  subtype:  atomic_number  the order of an element in Mendeleyev's table of the elements; equal to the number of protons in the nucleus or electrons in the neutral state of an atom of an element
     subtype:  magic_number__magicnumber  the atomic number of an extra stable strongly bound atomic nucleus: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 or 126
  subtype:  baryon_number  a number equal to the difference between the number of baryons and the number of antibaryons in any subatomic structure; it is conserved in all types of particle interactions
  subtype:  quota  a prescribed number; "all the salesmen met their quota for the month"
  subtype:  lineage__linage  the number of lines in a piece of printed material
  subtype:  natural_number__naturalnumber  the number 1 and any other number obtained by adding 1 to it repeatedly
  subtype:  integer__whole_number__wholenumber  any of the natural numbers (positive or negative) or zero
     subtype:  characteristic.integer  the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2
     subtype:  divisor.integer__factor  one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer; "what are the 4 factors of 6?"
        subtype:  prime_factor__primefactor  the prime factors of a quantity are all of the prime quantities that will exactly divide the given quantity
        subtype:  equivalent-binary-digit_factor  the average number of binary digits needed to express one radix digit in a non-binary numeration system; on the average a number that can be expressed in N decimal digits takes 3.3N binary digits
        subtype:  common_divisor__common_factor__common_measure  an integer that divides two (or more) other integers evenly
           subtype:  greatest_common_divisor__greatest_common_factor__highest_common_factor  the largest integer that divides without remainder into a set of integers
     subtype:  common_multiple  an integer that is a multiple of two or more other integers
     subtype:  modulus.integer__modulu  an integer that can be divided without remainder into the difference between two other integers; "2 is a modulus of 5 and 9"
     subtype:  digit__figure  one of the elements that collectively form a system of numbers; "0 and 1 are digits"
        subtype:  binary_digit  either 0 or 1 in binary notation
        subtype:  octal_digit__octaldigit  a digit from 0 to 7 in octal notation
        subtype:  decimal_digit__decimaldigit  a digit from 0 to 9 in decimal notation
        subtype:  significant_digit__significantdigit__significant_figure__significantfigure  any digit of a number that is known with certainty; any digit of a number beginning with the leftmost non-zero digit and ending with the rightmost non-zero digit (or a zero considered to be the exact value); "he calculated the answer to four significant figures"
        subtype:  zero__0__nought__cipher__cypher  a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number
        subtype:  1__one__i__ace__unity  the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one"
           subtype:  monas__mona__monad  a singular metaphysical entity from which material properties are said to derive
           subtype:  singleton.1__singleton  a single object (as distinguished from a pair)
        subtype:  two__2__II__deuce  the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number
           subtype:  craps__crap__snake_eyes  when two dice are thrown and both come up showing one spot the results is called `craps' or `snake eyes'
           subtype:  doubleton__couple__pair__twosome__twain__brace__span__yoke__couplet__distich__duo__duet__dyad__duad  two items of the same kind
        subtype:  three__3__III__trio__threesome__tierce__leash__troika__triad__trine__trinity__ternary__ternion__triplet__tercet__terzetto__trey__deuce-ace__deuceace  the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
        subtype:  four__4__IV__tetrad__quatern__quaternion__quaternary__quaternity__quartet__quadruplet__foursome__Little_Joe  the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one
        subtype:  five__5__V__cinque__quint__quintet__fivesome__quintuplet__pentad__fin__phoebe__Little_Phoebe  the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one
        subtype:  six__VI__sixer__sise__Captain_Hicks__half_a_dozen__sextet__sestet__sextuplet__hexad  the cardinal number that is the sum of five and one
        subtype:  seven__7__VII__sevener__septet  the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one
        subtype:  eight__8__viii__eighter__eighterfromdecatur__octad__ogdoad__octonary__octet  the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one
        subtype:  nine__9__IX__niner__Nina_from_Carolina__ennead  the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one
     subtype:  large_integer__largeinteger  an integer equal to or greater than ten
        subtype:  ten__X__tenner__decade  the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system
        subtype:  eleven__11__XI  the cardinal number that is the sum of ten and one
        subtype:  twelve__12__XII__dozen  the cardinal number that is the sum of eleven and one
           subtype:  boxcars__boxcar  (usually plural) when two dice are thrown and both come up showing six spots the result is called `boxcars'
        subtype:  teens.large_integer__teen  all the numbers that end in -teen
        subtype:  thirteen__13__XIII__baker's_dozen__baker'sdozen__long_dozen  the cardinal number that is the sum of twelve and one
        subtype:  fourteen__14__XIV  the cardinal number that is the sum of thirteen and one
        subtype:  fifteen__15__XV  the cardinal number that is the sum of fourteen and one
        subtype:  sixteen__16__XVI  the cardinal number that is the sum of fifteen and one
        subtype:  seventeen__17__XVII  the cardinal number that is the sum of sixteen and one
        subtype:  eighteen__18__XVIII  the cardinal number that is the sum of seventeen and one
        subtype:  nineteen__19__XIX  the cardinal number that is the sum of eighteen and one
        subtype:  twenty__20__XX  the cardinal number that is the sum of nineteen and one
        subtype:  21__twenty-one__XXI  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty and one
        subtype:  twenty-two__22__XXII  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-one and one
        subtype:  twenty-three__23__XXIII  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-two and one
        subtype:  twenty-four__24__XXIV__two_dozen__twodozen  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-three and one
        subtype:  twenty-five__25__XXV  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-four and one
        subtype:  twenty-six__26__XXVI  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-five and one
        subtype:  twenty-seven__27__XXVII  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-six and one
        subtype:  twenty-eight__28__XXVIII  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-seven and one
        subtype:  twenty-nine__29__XXIX  the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-eight and one
        subtype:  thirty__30__XXX  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three
        subtype:  forty__40__XL  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and four
        subtype:  fifty__50__L  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five
        subtype:  sixty__60__LX  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and six
        subtype:  seventy__LXX  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and seven
        subtype:  eighty__80__LXXX__fourscore  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and eight
        subtype:  ninety__90__XC  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine
        subtype:  hundred__100__C__century__one_C__centred  ten 10s
        subtype:  gross__gros  twelve dozen
        subtype:  long_hundred__great_hundred__greathundred__120  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and twelve
        subtype:  five_hundred__500__D  the cardinal number that is the product of one hundred and five
        subtype:  one_thousand__onethousand__thousand__1000__M__K__chiliad__G__grand__thou__yard  the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100
        subtype:  great_gross__greatgros__1728  a cardinal number equal to one dozen gross
        subtype:  ten_thousand__tenthousand__10000__myriad  the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one thousand
        subtype:  hundred_thousand__hundredthousand__100000__lakh  the cardinal number that is the fifth power of ten
        subtype:  million__1000000__onethousandthousand__meg  the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros
        subtype:  crore  (in Indian English) the number that is represented as a one followed by 7 zeros
        subtype:  one_thousand_million__billion__1000000000  (in the United States) the number that is represented as a one followed by 9 zeros
           subtype:  milliard  (British) a billion; "in England they call one thousand million a milliard"
        subtype:  billion__one_million_million__onemillionmillion__1000000000000  (in Britain) the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros
        subtype:  one_million_million__onemillionmillion__trillion__1000000000000  (in the United States and France) the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros; "in England they call a trillion a billion"
        subtype:  trillion__one_million_million_million__onemillionmillionmillion  (in Britain and Germany) the number that is represented as a one followed by 18 zeros; "in England they call a quintillion a trillion"
        subtype:  quadrillion  (in the United States and France) the number that is represented as a one followed by 15 zeros
        subtype:  quadrillion.large_integer  (in Britain and Germany) the number that is represented as a one followed by 24 zeros; "in England they call a septillion a quadrillion"
        subtype:  quintillion  (in the United States and France) the number that is represented as a one followed by 18 zeros
        subtype:  aleph-null__alephnull__aleph-nought__alephnought__aleph-zero__alephzero  the smallest infinite integer
     subtype:  double_digit  a two-digit integer; from 10 to 99
     subtype:  population.integer  the number of inhabitants in a given place (country or city etc.); "people come and go, but the population of this town has remained approximately constant for the past decade"
  subtype:  addend  a number that is added to another number (the augend)
  subtype:  augend  a number to which another number (the addend) is added
  subtype:  minuend  the number from which the subtrahend is subtracted
  subtype:  subtrahend  the number to be subtracted from the minuend
  subtype:  complex_number__complexnumber__complex_quantity__complexquantity__imaginary_number__imaginarynumber  a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1
     subtype:  real_number__real  any rational or irrational number
        subtype:  scalar_product__inner_product__innerproduct__dot_product__dotproduct  a real number (a scalar) that is the product of two vectors
        subtype:  rational_number  an integer or a fraction
           subtype:  fraction  the quotient of two rational numbers
              subtype:  mantissa__fixed-point_part__fixedpointpart  the positive fractional part of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the mantissa is .808
              subtype:  common_fraction__simple_fraction  the quotient of two integers
                 subtype:  half__one-half__onehalf  one of two equal parts of a divisible whole; "half a loaf" or "half an hour" or "a century and one half"
                    subtype:  fifty_percent__fiftypercent  a half expressed as a percentage
                    subtype:  mediety__moiety  one of two (approximately) equal parts
                 subtype:  one-third__onethird__third__tierce  one of three equal parts of a divisible whole; "it contains approximately a third of the minimum daily requirement"
                 subtype:  two-thirds  two of three equal parts of a divisible whole
                 subtype:  one-fourth__onefourth__fourth__quarter__fourth_part__twenty-five_percent__quartern  one of four equal parts; "a quarter of a pound"
                 subtype:  three-fourths__threefourth  three of four equal parts; "three-fourths of a pound"
                 subtype:  one-fifth__onefifth__fifth__fifth_part__fifthpart__twenty_percent  a fifth part
                 subtype:  one-sixth__onesixth__sixth  a sixth part
                 subtype:  one-seventh__oneseventh__seventh  a seventh part
                 subtype:  one-eighth__oneeighth__eighth  an eighth part
                 subtype:  one-ninth__oneninth__ninth  a ninth part
                 subtype:  one-tenth__onetenth__tenth__tenthpart__ten_percent__tenpercent  a tenth part; one part in ten
                 subtype:  one-hundredth__onehundredth__hundredth__onepercent  one part in a hundred
                 subtype:  one-thousandth__onethousandth__thousandth  one part in a thousand
                 subtype:  one-millionth__onemillionth__millionth  one part in a million
                 subtype:  one-billionth__onebillionth__billionth  one part in a billion
                 subtype:  one-trillionth__onetrillionth__trillionth  one part in a trillion
                 subtype:  one-quadrillionth__onequadrillionth__quadrillionth  one part in a quadrillion
                 subtype:  one-quintillionth__quintillionth  one part in a quintillion
              subtype:  improper_fraction  a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator
              subtype:  proper_fraction__properfraction  a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator
                 subtype:  decimal_fraction__decimalfraction__decimal  a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10
                    subtype:  circulating_decimal__circulatingdecimal__recurring_decimal__recurringdecimal__repeating_decimal__repeatingdecimal  a decimal with a sequence of digits that repeats itself indefinitely
              subtype:  complex_fraction__complexfraction__compoundfraction  a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator
              subtype:  continued_fraction__continuedfraction  a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction and so on
        subtype:  irrational_number  a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number
           subtype:  transcendental_number  an irrational number that is not algebraic
           subtype:  algebraic_number__algebraicnumber  root of an algebraic equation with rational coefficients
           subtype:  3.14159265358979323846...__pi  the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle
           subtype:  e__2.718282...  the base of the natural system of logarithms
     subtype:  pure_imaginary_number  an imaginary number of the form a+bi where a is 0
        subtype:  imaginary_part_of_a_complex_number__imaginary_part__imaginarypart  the part of a complex number that has the square root of -1 as a factor
  subtype:  second_power__square  the product of two equal terms; "nine is the second power of three"; "gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance"
  subtype:  third_power__thirdpower__cube  the product of three equal terms
  subtype:  biquadrate__biquadratic__quartic__fourth_power  an algebraic equation of the fourth degree
  subtype:  root.number  a number that when multiplied by itself some number of times equals a given number
     subtype:  square_root  a number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number
     subtype:  cube_root  a number that when multiplied three times equals a given number
  subtype:  dividend.number  a number to be divided by another number
     subtype:  numerator  the dividend of a fraction
  subtype:  divisor  the number by which a dividend is divided
     subtype:  denominator  the divisor of a fraction
        subtype:  common_denominator.denominator__commondenominator  an integer that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions
     subtype:  aliquot_part__aliquotpart__aliquot  an integer that is an exact divisor of some quantity; "4 is an aliquot part of 12"
     subtype:  aliquant_part__aliquant  an integer that is not an exact divisor of some quantity; "5 is an aliquant part of 12"
  subtype:  multiplier_factor__multiplier  the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied
     subtype:  scale_factor__scalefactor  a number used as a multiplier in scaling
        subtype:  time-scale_factor  (in simulation) the ratio of the simulation time to the time of the real process
  subtype:  multiplicand  the number that is multiplied by the multiplier

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