#journalist  a writer for newspapers and magazines
  supertype:  #professional_writer__writer__author  writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
  instance:  #Alfred_Alistair_Cooke  #Elizabeth_Merriwether_Gilmer  #Horace_Greeley  #Edgar_Albert_Guest  #Walter_Lippmann  #Henry_Louis_Mencken  #John_Reed  #Elizabeth_Cochrane_Seaman  #William_Lawrence_Shirer  #Sir_Henry_Morton_Stanley  #Joseph_Lincoln_Steffens  #Isidor_Feinstein_Stone  #Theodore_Harold_White  #Alexander_Woollcott
  subtype:  #broadcast_journalist__broadcastjournalist  a journalist who broadcasts on radio or television
     instance:  #Edward_Roscoe_Murrow__Murrow__Edward_R._Murrow  #Lowell_Jackson_Thomas__Thomas__Lowell_Thomas
  subtype:  #columnist  a journalist who writes editorials
     subtype:  #gossip_columnist  a journalist who writes a column of gossip about celebrities
     subtype:  #newspaper_columnist__newspapercolumnist  a columnist who writes for newspapers
     subtype:  #newspaper_critic__newspapercritic  a critic who writes a column for the newspapers
  subtype:  #correspondent__newspaperman__newspaperwoman__newswriter__pressman  a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
  subtype:  #scribe__scribbler  informal terms for journalists
  subtype:  #sob_sister__sobsister  a journalist who specializes in sentimental stories
  subtype:  #sports_writer  a journalist who writes about sports

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