#frontal_bone__frontalbone__os_frontale__forehead the large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: the forehead and the upper part of the orbits supertype: #membrane_bone any bone that develops within membranous tissue without previous cartilage formation; e.g. the clavicle and bones of the skull part: #glabella #metopion #ophryon #frontal_eminence part of: #cranium__braincase__brainpan the part of the skull that encloses the brain part of: #skull the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates part of: #head__caput the upper or front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains; "he stuck his head out the window" part of: #animal__animate_being__animatebeing__beast__brute__creature__fauna a living organism characterized by voluntary movement part of: #axial_skeleton__axialskeleton the part of the skeleton that includes the skull and spinal column and sternum and ribs part of: #endoskeleton the internal skeleton; bony and cartilaginous structure (especially of vertebrates)
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